Пример #1
        public void Control_Move()
            //   XXXX Setting to allow drop, set to true.
            this.AllowDrop = true;

            RealControl.MouseDown += (ss, ee) => {
                if (ee.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left)
                    MouseDownLocation = Control.MousePosition;

            RealControl.MouseMove += (ss, ee) => {
                if (ee.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left)
                    Point temporary = Control.MousePosition;
                    Point res       = new Point(MouseDownLocation.X - temporary.X, MouseDownLocation.Y - temporary.Y);
                    this.Location = new Point(this.Location.X - res.X, this.Location.Y - res.Y);

                    MouseDownLocation = temporary;
                ControlProp cpLocation = lstPropertyList.Find(cpProp => (cpProp.Name == "Location"));
                cpLocation.Value             = this.Location + new Size(5, 5);
                cpLocation.HasValueSpecified = true;
                if (frmMain.PropForm != null)
                    frmMain.PropForm.UpdatePropValue("Location", new Point(this.Location.X + 5, this.Location.Y + 5));
Пример #2
        // Constructor.
        public Layout(Type RealControlType, string Name, Point InitLocation, Form1 frmMn)
            frmMain = frmMn;
            // Create and set up the real control.
            RealControl          = Activator.CreateInstance(RealControlType) as Control;
            RealControl.Name     = Name;
            RealControl.Text     = Name;
            RealControl.Location = new Point(5, 5);

            // We are initially selected.
            this.Selected = true;
            this.Name     = Name + "Layout";
            this.Location = new Point(InitLocation.X - 5, InitLocation.Y - 5);
            this.Size     = new Size(RealControl.Width + 10, RealControl.Height + 10);
            // Add real control to our list of subcontrols.
            // Associate the "OnLeave" method with the "Leave" event.
            this.Leave += new EventHandler(this.OnLeave);
            // Associate the "OnFocus" method with the "Click" event.
            this.Enter += new EventHandler(this.OnFocus);
            // Automatically redraw whenever we are resized.
            this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true);
            this.ResizeRedraw = true;
            this.Resize      += new EventHandler(this.OnResize);
            // Set up our basic properties.
            lstPropertyList = new List <ControlProp>();
            PropertyInfo[] propInfos = RealControlType.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);

            foreach (var propInfo in propInfos)
                if (propInfo.CanWrite)
                    ControlProp cpNewProperty = new ControlProp(propInfo.Name, propInfo.GetValue(RealControl), propInfo.PropertyType);
            ControlProp cpLocation = lstPropertyList.Find(cpProp => (cpProp.Name == "Location"));

            cpLocation.Value             = this.Location + new Size(5, 5);
            cpLocation.HasValueSpecified = true;
            ControlProp cpSize = lstPropertyList.Find(cpProp => (cpProp.Name == "Size"));

            cpSize.HasValueSpecified = true;
            lstPropertyList.Sort((cpFirst, cpSecond) => (cpFirst.Name.CompareTo(cpSecond.Name)));
            if (frmMain.PropForm == null)
                frmMain.PropForm = new PropertyForm(lstPropertyList, this, frmMain);
                frmMain.PropForm.vReload(lstPropertyList, this);
Пример #3
        protected void OnResize(object sender, EventArgs e)
            RealControl.Width  = this.Width - 10;
            RealControl.Height = this.Height - 10;

            if (frmMain.PropForm != null)
                frmMain.PropForm.UpdatePropValue("Size", new Size(RealControl.Width, RealControl.Height));
                frmMain.PropForm.UpdatePropValue("Height", RealControl.Height);
                frmMain.PropForm.UpdatePropValue("Width", RealControl.Width);
                PropagateChange("Size", new Size(RealControl.Width, RealControl.Height));
                PropagateChange("Height", RealControl.Height);
                PropagateChange("Width", RealControl.Width);
            ControlProp cpSize = lstPropertyList.Find(prdSize);

            cpSize.HasValueSpecified = true;
Пример #4
        public void PropagateChange(string strName, object objNewValue)
            ControlProp cpChanged = lstPropertyList.Find(cpProp => (cpProp.Name == strName));

            cpChanged.Value = objNewValue;
            if (strName == "Size")
                TypeConverter tc        = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Size));
                Size          szNewSize = (Size)tc.ConvertFromString(objNewValue.ToString());
                this.RealControl.Size = szNewSize;
                Size = szNewSize + new Size(10, 10);
            else if (strName == "Width")
                TypeConverter tcW       = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(int));
                int           iNewWidth = (int)tcW.ConvertFromString(objNewValue.ToString());
                this.RealControl.Width = iNewWidth;
                this.Width             = iNewWidth + 10;
            else if (strName == "Height")
                TypeConverter tcH        = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(int));
                int           iNewHeight = (int)tcH.ConvertFromString(objNewValue.ToString());
                this.RealControl.Height = iNewHeight;
                this.Height             = iNewHeight + 10;
            else if (strName == "Location")
                TypeConverter tcL           = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Point));
                Point         ptNewLocation = (Point)tcL.ConvertFromString(objNewValue.ToString());
                this.Location = ptNewLocation + new Size(-5, -5);
            else if (strName == "BackColor" || strName == "ForeColor")
                if (objNewValue.ToString() == "Color[ControlDark]")
                    this.RealControl.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlDark;
                else if (objNewValue.ToString() == "Color[Control]")
                    this.RealControl.BackColor = SystemColors.Control;
                else if (objNewValue.ToString() == "Color[ControlLight]")
                    this.RealControl.BackColor = SystemColors.ControlLight;
                else if (objNewValue.ToString() == "Color[Highlight]")
                    this.RealControl.BackColor = SystemColors.Highlight;
            else if (strName == "AccessibleRole")
            else if (strName == "AllowDrop")
            else if (strName == "Anchor")
            else if (strName == "AutoEllipsis")
            else if (strName == "AutoScrollOffset")
            else if (strName == "AutoSize")
            else if (strName == "AutoSizeMode")
            else if (strName == "BackgroundImage")
            else if (strName == "BackgroundImageLayout")
            else if (strName == "Capture")
            else if (strName == "CausesValidation")
            else if (strName == "ClientSize")
            else if (strName == "DialogResult")
            else if (strName == "Dock")
                if (objNewValue.ToString() == "None")
                    Dock = DockStyle.None;
                else if (objNewValue.ToString() == "Top")
                    Dock = DockStyle.Top;
                else if (objNewValue.ToString() == "Left")
                    Dock = DockStyle.Left;
                else if (objNewValue.ToString() == "Fill")
                    Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
                else if (objNewValue.ToString() == "Right")
                    Dock = DockStyle.Right;
                else if (objNewValue.ToString() == "Bottom")
                    Dock = DockStyle.Bottom;
            else if (strName == "Enabled")
            else if (strName == "FlatStyle")
            else if (strName == "ImageAlign")
            else if (strName == "IsAccessible")
            else if (strName == "ImageIndex")
            else if (strName == "ImeMode")
            else if (strName == "Left")
            else if (strName == "Margin")
            else if (strName == "MaximumSize")
            else if (strName == "MinimumSize")
            else if (strName == "Padding")
            else if (strName == "TabIndex")
            else if (strName == "TabStop")
            else if (strName == "TextAlign")
                if (objNewValue.ToString() == "Left" || objNewValue.ToString() == "Right" || objNewValue.ToString() == "Right")
            else if (strName == "TextImageRelation")
            else if (strName == "Top")
            else if (strName == "UseVisualStyleBackColor")
            else if (strName == "UseCompatibleTextRendering")
            else if (strName == "UseMnemonic")
            else if (strName == "UseWaitCursor")
            else if (strName == "Visible")
            else if (strName == "ReadOnly")
            else if (strName == "Multiline")
                Type         tType      = this.RealControl.GetType();
                PropertyInfo piPropInfo = tType.GetProperty(strName);
                piPropInfo.SetValue(this.RealControl, objNewValue);