Пример #1
 void AttachColumn(int column)
     for (int y = 0; y < controls.GetLength(0); y++)
         Attach(controls[y, column], column, y);
Пример #2
        public void Move(Control child, int x, int y)
            var current = views[y, x];

            if (current != null)
                var currentView = current.GetContainerView();
                if (currentView != null)
            for (int yy = 0; yy < views.GetLength(0); yy++)
                for (int xx = 0; xx < views.GetLength(1); xx++)
                    if (object.ReferenceEquals(views[yy, xx], child))
                        views[yy, xx] = null;

            views[y, x] = child;
            if (Widget.Loaded)
Пример #3
        private Table BuildLayout()
            Table table = new Table();

            for (int i = 0; i < cells.GetLength(0); i++)
                TableRow row = new TableRow();

                for (int j = 0; j < cells.GetLength(1); j++)
                    TableCell cell = new TableCell();
                    Control   c    = cells[i, j];

                    if (c != null)



Пример #4
 swf.Padding GetPadding(int x, int y)
     return(new swf.Padding(
                x == 0 ? 0 : spacing.Width / 2,
                y == 0 ? 0 : spacing.Height / 2,
                x == views.GetLength(0) - 1 ? 0 : (spacing.Width + 1) / 2,
                y == views.GetLength(1) - 1 ? 0 : (spacing.Height + 1) / 2));
Пример #5
 //удаление контролов ячеек с формы
 private void RemoveControl()
     for (int i = 0; i < board.GetLength(0); i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < board.GetLength(1); j++)
             Controls.Remove(board[i, j]);
     btnFace.Image = null;
Пример #6
 void FillEmptyCells()
     for (int x = 1; x < views.GetLength(0); x++)
         if (Control.GetControlFromPosition(x, 0) == null && views[x, 0] == null)
             Control.Controls.Add(CreateEmptyCell(x, 0), x, 0);
     for (int y = 0; y < views.GetLength(1); y++)
         if (Control.GetControlFromPosition(0, y) == null && views[0, y] == null)
             Control.Controls.Add(CreateEmptyCell(0, y), 0, y);
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate the widths of the columns and the heights of the rows.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">The parent control.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">The layout settings.</param>
        /// <param name="grid">The matrix with the controls in their corresponding positions.</param>
        /// <param name="columnWidths">The list of widths for the columns.</param>
        /// <param name="rowHeights">The list of heights for the rows.</param>
        private static void CalculateCellSizes(Control parent, TableLayoutSettings settings, Control[,] grid, out int[] columnWidths, out int[] rowHeights)
            int columns = grid.GetLength(0);
            int rows    = grid.GetLength(1);

            var rect = new Rectangle(Point.Empty, parent.DisplayRectangle.Size);

            // Column widths
            Func <int, int> findWidestControl = index => FindBiggestControl(rows, i => grid[index, i], s => s.Width, margin => margin.Horizontal);

            columnWidths = GetDimensionSize(columns, settings.ColumnStyles, rect.Width, findWidestControl);

            // Row heights
            Func <int, int> findTallestControl = index => FindBiggestControl(columns, i => grid[i, index], s => s.Height, margin => margin.Vertical);

            rowHeights = GetDimensionSize(rows, settings.RowStyles, rect.Height, findTallestControl);
Пример #8
 public void Remove(Control child)
     swf.Control childControl = child.GetContainerControl();
     if (childControl.Parent == Control)
         childControl.Parent = null;
         for (int y = 0; y < views.GetLength(0); y++)
             for (int x = 0; x < views.GetLength(1); x++)
                 if (object.ReferenceEquals(views[y, x], child))
                     views[y, x] = null;
Пример #9
 public void Remove(Control child)
     SWF.Control childControl = child.GetContainerControl();
     if (childControl.Parent != null)
     for (int y = 0; y < views.GetLength(0); y++)
         for (int x = 0; x < views.GetLength(1); x++)
             if (views[y, x] == child)
                 views[y, x] = null;
Пример #10
 void SetScale(bool force = false)
     if (Control == null || (!Widget.Loaded && !force))
     for (int y = 0; y < controls.GetLength(1); y++)
         for (int x = 0; x < controls.GetLength(0); x++)
             var handler = controls[x, y].GetWpfFrameworkElement();
             if (handler != null)
                 SetScale(handler, x, y);
Пример #11
 void FillEmptyCells()
     for (int x = 1; x < views.GetLength(0); x++)
         var ctl = Control.GetControlFromPosition(x, 0);
         if (ctl == null)
             Control.Controls.Add(CreateEmptyCell(x, 0), x, 0);
     for (int y = 0; y < views.GetLength(1); y++)
         var ctl = Control.GetControlFromPosition(0, y);
         if (ctl == null)
             Control.Controls.Add(CreateEmptyCell(0, y), 0, y);
        /// <summary>
        /// Resets the controls specific to each hand which might not otherwise be reset
        /// </summary>
        public void resetAllTableElements()
            potValue.Text = "";


            for (int i = 0; i < playerControls.GetLength(0); i++)
                clearCard((PictureBox)playerControls[i, 2]);
                clearCard((PictureBox)playerControls[i, 3]);
                //clearCard((PictureBox)playerControls[i, 4]);
                playerControls[i, 0].Text = "";
                playerControls[i, 1].Text = "";
                playerControls[i, 4].Text = "";
                sitInOutPlayer((byte)i, true);
Пример #13
        public override Size GetPreferredSize(Size availableSize)
            var baseSize = base.GetPreferredSize(availableSize);

            if (views == null)
            var   heights       = new float[views.GetLength(0)];
            var   widths        = new float[views.GetLength(1)];
            float totalxpadding = Padding.Horizontal + Spacing.Width * (widths.Length - 1);
            float totalypadding = Padding.Vertical + Spacing.Height * (heights.Length - 1);
            var   requiredx     = totalxpadding;
            var   requiredy     = totalypadding;

            for (int y = 0; y < heights.Length; y++)
                heights[y] = 0;
            for (int x = 0; x < widths.Length; x++)
                widths[x] = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < heights.Length; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < widths.Length; x++)
                    var view = views[y, x];
                    if (view != null && view.Visible)
                        var size = view.GetPreferredSize(availableSize);
                        if (size.Width > widths[x])
                            requiredx += size.Width - widths[x];
                            widths[x]  = size.Width;
                        if (size.Height > heights[y])
                            requiredy += size.Height - heights[y];
                            heights[y] = size.Height;
            return(Size.Max(baseSize, new Size((int)requiredx, (int)requiredy)));
Пример #14
        private void OutputControlGrid(Control[,] grid, TableLayoutPanel panel)
            Console.WriteLine("     Size: {0}x{1}", grid.GetLength(0), grid.GetLength(1));

            Console.Write("        ");

            foreach (int i in panel.column_widths)
                Console.Write(" {0}px  ", i.ToString().PadLeft(3));


            for (int y = 0; y < grid.GetLength(1); y++)
                Console.Write(" {0}px |", panel.row_heights[y].ToString().PadLeft(3));

                for (int x = 0; x < grid.GetLength(0); x++)
                    if (grid[x, y] == null)
                        Console.Write("  ---  |");
                    else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(grid[x, y].Name))
                        Console.Write("  ???  |");
                        Console.Write(" {0} |", grid[x, y].Name.PadRight(5).Substring(0, 5));

Пример #15
		internal override Size GetPreferredSizeCore (Size proposedSize)
			// If the tablelayoutowner is autosize, we have to make sure it is big enough
			// to hold every non-autosize control
			actual_positions = (LayoutEngine as TableLayout).CalculateControlPositions (this, Math.Max (ColumnCount, 1), Math.Max (RowCount, 1));
			// Use actual row/column counts, not user set ones
			int actual_cols = actual_positions.GetLength (0);
			int actual_rows = actual_positions.GetLength (1);
			// Figure out how wide the owner needs to be
			int[] column_widths = new int[actual_cols];
			float total_column_percentage = 0f;
			// Figure out how tall each column wants to be
			for (int i = 0; i < actual_cols; i++) {
				if (i < ColumnStyles.Count && ColumnStyles[i].SizeType == SizeType.Percent)
					total_column_percentage += ColumnStyles[i].Width;
				int biggest = 0;

				for (int j = 0; j < actual_rows; j++) {
					Control c = actual_positions[i, j];

					if (c != null) {
						if (!c.AutoSize)
							biggest = Math.Max (biggest, c.ExplicitBounds.Width + c.Margin.Horizontal + Padding.Horizontal);
							biggest = Math.Max (biggest, c.PreferredSize.Width + c.Margin.Horizontal + Padding.Horizontal);

				column_widths[i] = biggest;

			// Because percentage based rows divy up the remaining space,
			// we have to make the owner big enough so that all the rows
			// get bigger, even if we only need one to be bigger.
			int non_percent_total_width = 0;
			int percent_total_width = 0;

			for (int i = 0; i < actual_cols; i++) {
				if (i < ColumnStyles.Count && ColumnStyles[i].SizeType == SizeType.Percent)
					percent_total_width = Math.Max (percent_total_width, (int)(column_widths[i] / ((ColumnStyles[i].Width) / total_column_percentage)));
					non_percent_total_width += column_widths[i];

			// Figure out how tall the owner needs to be
			int[] row_heights = new int[actual_rows];
			float total_row_percentage = 0f;
			// Figure out how tall each row wants to be
			for (int j = 0; j < actual_rows; j++) {
				if (j < RowStyles.Count && RowStyles[j].SizeType == SizeType.Percent)
					total_row_percentage += RowStyles[j].Height;
				int biggest = 0;
				for (int i = 0; i < actual_cols; i++) {
					Control c = actual_positions[i, j];

					if (c != null) {
						if (!c.AutoSize)
							biggest = Math.Max (biggest, c.ExplicitBounds.Height + c.Margin.Vertical + Padding.Vertical);
							biggest = Math.Max (biggest, c.PreferredSize.Height + c.Margin.Vertical + Padding.Vertical);

				row_heights[j] = biggest;
			// Because percentage based rows divy up the remaining space,
			// we have to make the owner big enough so that all the rows
			// get bigger, even if we only need one to be bigger.
			int non_percent_total_height = 0;
			int percent_total_height = 0;

			for (int j = 0; j < actual_rows; j++) {
				if (j < RowStyles.Count && RowStyles[j].SizeType == SizeType.Percent)
					percent_total_height = Math.Max (percent_total_height, (int)(row_heights[j] / ((RowStyles[j].Height) / total_row_percentage)));
					non_percent_total_height += row_heights[j];

			int border_width = GetCellBorderWidth (CellBorderStyle);
			return new Size (non_percent_total_width + percent_total_width + (border_width * (actual_cols + 1)), non_percent_total_height + percent_total_height + (border_width * (actual_rows + 1)));
Пример #16
		internal override Size GetPreferredSizeCore (Size proposedSize)
			// If the tablelayoutowner is autosize, we have to make sure it is big enough
			// to hold every non-autosize control
			actual_positions = (LayoutEngine as TableLayout).CalculateControlPositions (this, Math.Max (ColumnCount, 1), Math.Max (RowCount, 1));
			// Use actual row/column counts, not user set ones
			int actual_cols = actual_positions.GetLength (0);
			int actual_rows = actual_positions.GetLength (1);
			// Find the largest column-span/row-span values.  A table entry that spans more than one
			// column (row) should not be treated as though it's width (height) all belongs to the
			// first column (row), but should be spread out across all the columns (rows) that are
			// spanned.  So we need to keep track of the widths (heights) of spans as well as
			// individual columns (rows).
			int max_colspan = 1, max_rowspan = 1;
			foreach (Control c in Controls)
				max_colspan = Math.Max(max_colspan, GetColumnSpan(c));
				max_rowspan = Math.Max(max_rowspan, GetRowSpan(c));

			// Figure out how wide the owner needs to be
			int[] column_widths = new int[actual_cols];
			// Keep track of widths for spans as well as columns. column_span_widths[i,j] stores
			// the maximum width for items column i than have a span of j+1 (ie, covers columns
			// i through i+j).
			int[,] column_span_widths = new int[actual_cols, max_colspan];
			int[] biggest = new int[max_colspan];
			float total_column_percentage = 0f;
			// Figure out how wide each column wants to be
			for (int i = 0; i < actual_cols; i++) {
				if (i < ColumnStyles.Count && ColumnStyles[i].SizeType == SizeType.Percent)
					total_column_percentage += ColumnStyles[i].Width;
				int absolute_width = -1;
				if (i < ColumnStyles.Count && ColumnStyles[i].SizeType == SizeType.Absolute)
					absolute_width = (int)ColumnStyles[i].Width;	// use the absolute width if it's absolute!

				for (int s = 0; s < max_colspan; ++s)
					biggest[s] = 0;

				for (int j = 0; j < actual_rows; j++) {
					Control c = actual_positions[i, j];

					if (c != null) {
						int colspan = GetColumnSpan (c);
						if (colspan == 0)
						if (colspan == 1 && absolute_width > -1)
							biggest[0] = absolute_width;	// use the absolute width if the column has absolute width assigned!
						else if (!c.AutoSize)
							biggest[colspan-1] = Math.Max (biggest[colspan-1], c.ExplicitBounds.Width + c.Margin.Horizontal + Padding.Horizontal);
							biggest[colspan-1] = Math.Max (biggest[colspan-1], c.PreferredSize.Width + c.Margin.Horizontal + Padding.Horizontal);
					else if (absolute_width > -1) {
						biggest[0] = absolute_width;

				for (int s = 0; s < max_colspan; ++s)
					column_span_widths[i,s] = biggest[s];

			for (int i = 0; i < actual_cols; ++i) {
				for (int s = 1; s < max_colspan; ++s) {
					if (column_span_widths[i,s] > 0)
						AdjustWidthsForSpans (column_span_widths, i, s);
				column_widths[i] = column_span_widths[i,0];

			// Because percentage based rows divy up the remaining space,
			// we have to make the owner big enough so that all the rows
			// get bigger, even if we only need one to be bigger.
			int non_percent_total_width = 0;
			int percent_total_width = 0;

			for (int i = 0; i < actual_cols; i++) {
				if (i < ColumnStyles.Count && ColumnStyles[i].SizeType == SizeType.Percent)
					percent_total_width = Math.Max (percent_total_width, (int)(column_widths[i] / ((ColumnStyles[i].Width) / total_column_percentage)));
					non_percent_total_width += column_widths[i];

			int border_width = GetCellBorderWidth (CellBorderStyle);
			int needed_width = non_percent_total_width + percent_total_width + (border_width * (actual_cols + 1));

			// Figure out how tall the owner needs to be
			int[] row_heights = new int[actual_rows];
			int[,] row_span_heights = new int[actual_rows, max_rowspan];
			biggest = new int[max_rowspan];
			float total_row_percentage = 0f;
			// Figure out how tall each row wants to be
			for (int j = 0; j < actual_rows; j++) {
				if (j < RowStyles.Count && RowStyles[j].SizeType == SizeType.Percent)
					total_row_percentage += RowStyles[j].Height;
				int absolute_height = -1;
				if (j < RowStyles.Count && RowStyles[j].SizeType == SizeType.Absolute)
					absolute_height = (int)RowStyles[j].Height;	// use the absolute height if it's absolute!
				for (int s = 0; s < max_rowspan; ++s)
					biggest[s] = 0;
				for (int i = 0; i < actual_cols; i++) {
					Control c = actual_positions[i, j];

					if (c != null) {
						int rowspan = GetRowSpan (c);
						if (rowspan == 0)
						if (rowspan == 1 && absolute_height > -1)
							biggest[0] = absolute_height;    // use the absolute height if the row has absolute height assigned!
						else if (!c.AutoSize)
							biggest[rowspan-1] = Math.Max (biggest[rowspan-1], c.ExplicitBounds.Height + c.Margin.Vertical + Padding.Vertical);
							biggest[rowspan-1] = Math.Max (biggest[rowspan-1], c.PreferredSize.Height + c.Margin.Vertical + Padding.Vertical);
					else if (absolute_height > -1) {
						biggest[0] = absolute_height;

				for (int s = 0; s < max_rowspan; ++s)
					row_span_heights[j,s] = biggest[s];

			for (int j = 0; j < actual_rows; ++j) {
				for (int s = 1; s < max_rowspan; ++s) {
					if (row_span_heights[j,s] > 0)
						AdjustHeightsForSpans (row_span_heights, j, s);
				row_heights[j] = row_span_heights[j,0];
			// Because percentage based rows divy up the remaining space,
			// we have to make the owner big enough so that all the rows
			// get bigger, even if we only need one to be bigger.
			int non_percent_total_height = 0;
			int percent_total_height = 0;

			for (int j = 0; j < actual_rows; j++) {
				if (j < RowStyles.Count && RowStyles[j].SizeType == SizeType.Percent)
					percent_total_height = Math.Max (percent_total_height, (int)(row_heights[j] / ((RowStyles[j].Height) / total_row_percentage)));
					non_percent_total_height += row_heights[j];

			int needed_height = non_percent_total_height + percent_total_height + (border_width * (actual_rows + 1));

			return new Size (needed_width, needed_height);
Пример #17
        private void CalculateColumnRowSizes(TableLayoutPanel panel, Control[,] actual_positions, out int[] column_widths, out int[] row_heights, Size size, bool measureOnly)
            TableLayoutSettings settings = panel.LayoutSettings;
            int  columns     = actual_positions.GetLength(0);
            int  rows        = actual_positions.GetLength(1);
            bool auto_size   = panel.AutoSizeInternal && measureOnly;
            bool boundBySize = !measureOnly;

            column_widths = new int[actual_positions.GetLength(0)];
            row_heights   = new int[actual_positions.GetLength(1)];

            // Calculate the bounded size only if we are in default layout and docked, otherwise calculate unbounded.
            if (measureOnly && size.Width > 0)
                if (panel.Parent != null && panel.Parent.LayoutEngine is DefaultLayout)
                    boundBySize |= panel.Dock == DockStyle.Top || panel.Dock == DockStyle.Bottom || panel.Dock == DockStyle.Fill;
                    boundBySize |= (panel.Anchor & (AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right)) == (AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right);

            int border_width = TableLayoutPanel.GetCellBorderWidth(panel.CellBorderStyle);

            // Find the largest column-span/row-span values.
            int max_colspan = 0, max_rowspan = 0;

            foreach (Control c in panel.Controls)
                if (c.VisibleInternal && c != dummy_control)
                    max_colspan = Math.Max(max_colspan, settings.GetColumnSpan(c));
                    max_rowspan = Math.Max(max_rowspan, settings.GetRowSpan(c));

            // Figure up all the column widths
            CalculateColumnWidths(settings, actual_positions, max_colspan, settings.ColumnStyles, auto_size, column_widths, false);

            // Calculate available width
            int available_width = size.Width - (border_width * (columns + 1));

            foreach (int width in column_widths)
                available_width -= width;

            // Shrink the table horizontally by shrinking it's columns, if necessary
            if (boundBySize && size.Width > 0 && available_width < 0)
                // Calculate the minimum widths for each column
                int[] col_min_widths = new int[column_widths.Length];
                CalculateColumnWidths(settings, actual_positions, max_colspan, settings.ColumnStyles, auto_size, col_min_widths, true);
                available_width += Shrink(column_widths, col_min_widths, -available_width, max_colspan);

            // Finally, assign the remaining space to Percent columns, if any.
            if (available_width > 0)
                available_width -= RedistributePercents(available_width, settings.ColumnStyles, column_widths);

            if (available_width > 0 && column_widths.Length > 0)
                // Find the last column that isn't an Absolute SizeType, and give it
                // all this free space.  (Absolute sized columns need to retain their
                // absolute width if at all possible!)
                int col = Math.Min(settings.ColumnStyles.Count, column_widths.Length) - 1;
                for (; col >= 0; --col)
                    if (settings.ColumnStyles[col].SizeType != SizeType.Absolute)
                if (col < 0)
                    col = column_widths.Length - 1;
                column_widths[col] += available_width;

            // Figure up all the row heights
            CalculateRowHeights(settings, actual_positions, max_rowspan, settings.RowStyles, auto_size, column_widths, row_heights);

            // Calculate available height
            int available_height = size.Height - (border_width * (rows + 1));

            foreach (int height in row_heights)
                available_height -= height;

            // NOTE: We don't do shrinking here, since there's no space to save.

            // Finally, assign the remaining space to Percent rows, if any.
            if (available_height > 0)
                available_height -= RedistributePercents(available_height, settings.RowStyles, row_heights);

            if (available_height > 0 && row_heights.Length > 0 && !measureOnly)
                // Find the last row that isn't an Absolute SizeType, and give it
                // all this free space.  (Absolute sized rows need to retain their
                // absolute height if at all possible!)
                int row = Math.Min(settings.RowStyles.Count, row_heights.Length) - 1;
                for (; row >= 0; --row)
                    if (settings.RowStyles[row].SizeType != SizeType.Absolute)
                if (row < 0)
                    row = row_heights.Length - 1;
                row_heights[row] += available_height;
Пример #18
        private static void CalculateRowHeights(TableLayoutSettings settings, Control[,] actual_positions, int max_rowspan, TableLayoutRowStyleCollection row_styles, bool auto_size, int[] column_widths, int[] row_heights)
            int   columns          = actual_positions.GetLength(0);
            float max_percent_size = 0;

            // First assign all the Absolute sized rows..
            int index = 0;

            foreach (RowStyle rs in row_styles)
                if (index >= row_heights.Length)
                if (rs.SizeType == SizeType.Absolute)
                    row_heights[index] = (int)rs.Height;
            while (index < row_heights.Length)
                row_heights[index] = 0;

            // Next, assign all the AutoSize rows to the height of their tallest
            // control.  If the table-layout is auto-sized, then make sure that
            // no row with Percent styling clips its contents.
            // (per http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms171690.aspx)
            for (int rowspan = 0; rowspan < max_rowspan; ++rowspan)
                for (index = rowspan; index < row_heights.Length - rowspan; ++index)
                    RowStyle rs = index < row_styles.Count ? row_styles[index] : default_row_style;
                    if (rs.SizeType == SizeType.AutoSize || (auto_size && rs.SizeType == SizeType.Percent))
                        int max_height = row_heights[index];
                        // Find the tallest control in the row
                        for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++)
                            Control c = actual_positions[i, index - rowspan];
                            if (c != null && c != dummy_control && c.VisibleInternal)
                                // Skip any controls not being sized in this pass.
                                if (settings.GetRowSpan(c) != rowspan + 1)

                                int current_width = 0;
                                int column_span   = settings.GetColumnSpan(c);
                                for (int j = i; j < i + column_span && j < column_widths.Length; j++)
                                    current_width += column_widths[j];

                                // Calculate the maximum control height.
                                max_height = Math.Max(max_height, GetControlSize(c, new Size(current_width - c.Margin.Horizontal, 0)).Height + c.Margin.Vertical);

                        if (rs.SizeType == SizeType.Percent)
                            max_percent_size = Math.Max(max_percent_size, max_height / rs.Height);

                        // Subtract the height of prior rows, if any.
                        for (int i = Math.Max(index - rowspan, 0); i < index; ++i)
                            max_height -= row_heights[i];

                        // If necessary, increase this row's height.
                        if (max_height > row_heights[index])
                            row_heights[index] = max_height;

            // Resize the percent columns to match other percent columns relatively.
            for (index = 0; index < row_styles.Count && index < row_heights.Length; ++index)
                RowStyle rs = row_styles[index];
                if (rs.SizeType == SizeType.Percent)
                    row_heights[index] = Math.Max(row_heights[index], (int)Math.Ceiling(max_percent_size * rs.Height));
Пример #19
        private void update()
                int old_Ro_size = Ro.Length;
                int old_C_size  = C.Length;
                int old_B_size  = B.Length;

                System.Array.Resize(ref Ro, ProductsCount);
                System.Array.Resize(ref C, CentersCount);
                System.Array.Resize(ref B, CentersCount);

                for (int i = old_Ro_size; i < Ro.Length; i++)
                    Ro[i] = createRo(i);
                for (int i = old_C_size; i < C.Length; i++)
                    C[i] = createC(i);
                for (int i = old_B_size; i < B.Length; i++)
                    B[i] = createB(i);

                int old_D_width  = D.GetLength(1);
                int old_D_height = D.GetLength(0);
                Control[,] new_D = new Control[CentersCount, ProductsCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < CentersCount; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < ProductsCount; j++)
                        if (i < old_D_height && j < old_D_width)
                            new_D[i, j] = D[i, j];
                            new_D[i, j] = createD(i, j);

                D = new_D;

            RoParent.Size = new Size(box_area_size.Width * ProductsCount, box_area_size.Height);
            CParent.Size = new Size(box_area_size.Width, box_area_size.Height * CentersCount);
            BParent.Size = new Size(box_area_size.Width, box_area_size.Height * CentersCount);
            DParent.Size = new Size(box_area_size.Width * ProductsCount, box_area_size.Height * CentersCount);

            for (int i = 0; i < Ro.Length; i++)
            for (int i = 0; i < C.Length; i++)
            for (int i = 0; i < B.Length; i++)

            for (int i = 0; i < D.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < D.GetLength(1); j++)
                    DParent.Controls.Add(D[i, j]);
Пример #20
        internal override Size GetPreferredSizeCore(Size proposedSize)
            // If the tablelayoutowner is autosize, we have to make sure it is big enough
            // to hold every non-autosize control
            actual_positions = (LayoutEngine as TableLayout).CalculateControlPositions(this, Math.Max(ColumnCount, 1), Math.Max(RowCount, 1));

            // Use actual row/column counts, not user set ones
            int actual_cols = actual_positions.GetLength(0);
            int actual_rows = actual_positions.GetLength(1);

            // Find the largest column-span/row-span values.  A table entry that spans more than one
            // column (row) should not be treated as though it's width (height) all belongs to the
            // first column (row), but should be spread out across all the columns (rows) that are
            // spanned.  So we need to keep track of the widths (heights) of spans as well as
            // individual columns (rows).
            int max_colspan = 1, max_rowspan = 1;

            foreach (Control c in Controls)
                max_colspan = Math.Max(max_colspan, GetColumnSpan(c));
                max_rowspan = Math.Max(max_rowspan, GetRowSpan(c));

            // Figure out how wide the owner needs to be
            int[] column_widths = new int[actual_cols];
            // Keep track of widths for spans as well as columns. column_span_widths[i,j] stores
            // the maximum width for items column i than have a span of j+1 (ie, covers columns
            // i through i+j).
            int[,] column_span_widths = new int[actual_cols, max_colspan];
            int[] biggest = new int[max_colspan];
            float total_column_percentage = 0f;

            // Figure out how wide each column wants to be
            for (int i = 0; i < actual_cols; i++)
                if (i < ColumnStyles.Count && ColumnStyles[i].SizeType == SizeType.Percent)
                    total_column_percentage += ColumnStyles[i].Width;
                int absolute_width = -1;
                if (i < ColumnStyles.Count && ColumnStyles[i].SizeType == SizeType.Absolute)
                    absolute_width = (int)ColumnStyles[i].Width;                        // use the absolute width if it's absolute!
                for (int s = 0; s < max_colspan; ++s)
                    biggest[s] = 0;

                for (int j = 0; j < actual_rows; j++)
                    Control c = actual_positions[i, j];

                    if (c != null)
                        int colspan = GetColumnSpan(c);
                        if (colspan == 0)
                        if (colspan == 1 && absolute_width > -1)
                            biggest[0] = absolute_width;                                // use the absolute width if the column has absolute width assigned!
                        else if (!c.AutoSize)
                            biggest[colspan - 1] = Math.Max(biggest[colspan - 1], c.ExplicitBounds.Width + c.Margin.Horizontal + Padding.Horizontal);
                            biggest[colspan - 1] = Math.Max(biggest[colspan - 1], c.PreferredSize.Width + c.Margin.Horizontal + Padding.Horizontal);
                    else if (absolute_width > -1)
                        biggest[0] = absolute_width;

                for (int s = 0; s < max_colspan; ++s)
                    column_span_widths[i, s] = biggest[s];

            for (int i = 0; i < actual_cols; ++i)
                for (int s = 1; s < max_colspan; ++s)
                    if (column_span_widths[i, s] > 0)
                        AdjustWidthsForSpans(column_span_widths, i, s);
                column_widths[i] = column_span_widths[i, 0];

            // Because percentage based rows divy up the remaining space,
            // we have to make the owner big enough so that all the rows
            // get bigger, even if we only need one to be bigger.
            int non_percent_total_width = 0;
            int percent_total_width     = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < actual_cols; i++)
                if (i < ColumnStyles.Count && ColumnStyles[i].SizeType == SizeType.Percent)
                    percent_total_width = Math.Max(percent_total_width, (int)(column_widths[i] / ((ColumnStyles[i].Width) / total_column_percentage)));
                    non_percent_total_width += column_widths[i];

            int border_width = GetCellBorderWidth(CellBorderStyle);
            int needed_width = non_percent_total_width + percent_total_width + (border_width * (actual_cols + 1));

            // Figure out how tall the owner needs to be
            int[] row_heights = new int[actual_rows];
            int[,] row_span_heights = new int[actual_rows, max_rowspan];
            biggest = new int[max_rowspan];
            float total_row_percentage = 0f;

            // Figure out how tall each row wants to be
            for (int j = 0; j < actual_rows; j++)
                if (j < RowStyles.Count && RowStyles[j].SizeType == SizeType.Percent)
                    total_row_percentage += RowStyles[j].Height;
                int absolute_height = -1;
                if (j < RowStyles.Count && RowStyles[j].SizeType == SizeType.Absolute)
                    absolute_height = (int)RowStyles[j].Height;                         // use the absolute height if it's absolute!
                for (int s = 0; s < max_rowspan; ++s)
                    biggest[s] = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < actual_cols; i++)
                    Control c = actual_positions[i, j];

                    if (c != null)
                        int rowspan = GetRowSpan(c);
                        if (rowspan == 0)
                        if (rowspan == 1 && absolute_height > -1)
                            biggest[0] = absolute_height;                                // use the absolute height if the row has absolute height assigned!
                        else if (!c.AutoSize)
                            biggest[rowspan - 1] = Math.Max(biggest[rowspan - 1], c.ExplicitBounds.Height + c.Margin.Vertical + Padding.Vertical);
                            biggest[rowspan - 1] = Math.Max(biggest[rowspan - 1], c.PreferredSize.Height + c.Margin.Vertical + Padding.Vertical);
                    else if (absolute_height > -1)
                        biggest[0] = absolute_height;

                for (int s = 0; s < max_rowspan; ++s)
                    row_span_heights[j, s] = biggest[s];

            for (int j = 0; j < actual_rows; ++j)
                for (int s = 1; s < max_rowspan; ++s)
                    if (row_span_heights[j, s] > 0)
                        AdjustHeightsForSpans(row_span_heights, j, s);
                row_heights[j] = row_span_heights[j, 0];

            // Because percentage based rows divy up the remaining space,
            // we have to make the owner big enough so that all the rows
            // get bigger, even if we only need one to be bigger.
            int non_percent_total_height = 0;
            int percent_total_height     = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < actual_rows; j++)
                if (j < RowStyles.Count && RowStyles[j].SizeType == SizeType.Percent)
                    percent_total_height = Math.Max(percent_total_height, (int)(row_heights[j] / ((RowStyles[j].Height) / total_row_percentage)));
                    non_percent_total_height += row_heights[j];

            int needed_height = non_percent_total_height + percent_total_height + (border_width * (actual_rows + 1));

            return(new Size(needed_width, needed_height));
Пример #21
        // ignore border width, dummy controls, spans
        private static void LayoutControls(Control parent, Control[,] grid, IList <int> columnWidths, IList <int> rowHeights)
            int columns = grid.GetLength(0);
            int rows    = grid.GetLength(1);

            var position = Point.Empty;

            for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < columns; col++)
                    Control child = grid[col, row];

                    if (child != null)
                        Size preferredSize = child.AutoSize ? child.PreferredSize : child.Size;

                        int x, y, width, height;

                        // Ignore 0 sizes or the dimensions of some children could get corrupted
                        if (columnWidths[col] == 0 || rowHeights[row] == 0)

                        // Figure out the width of the control
                        int columnWidth = columnWidths[col];

                        if (child.Dock == DockStyle.Fill ||
                            child.Dock == DockStyle.Top ||
                            child.Dock == DockStyle.Bottom ||
                            (child.Anchor & AnchorStyles.Horizontal) == AnchorStyles.Horizontal)
                            width = columnWidth - child.Margin.Horizontal;
                            width = Math.Min(preferredSize.Width, columnWidth - child.Margin.Horizontal);

                        // Figure out the height of the control
                        int columnHeight = rowHeights[row];

                        if (child.Dock == DockStyle.Fill ||
                            child.Dock == DockStyle.Left ||
                            child.Dock == DockStyle.Right ||
                            (child.Anchor & AnchorStyles.Vertical) == AnchorStyles.Vertical)
                            height = columnHeight - child.Margin.Vertical;
                            height = Math.Min(preferredSize.Height, columnHeight - child.Margin.Vertical);

                        // Figure out the left location of the control
                        int right = position.X + columnWidth;

                        if (child.Dock == DockStyle.Left ||
                            child.Dock == DockStyle.Fill ||
                            (child.Anchor & AnchorStyles.Left) == AnchorStyles.Left)
                            x = position.X + child.Margin.Left;
                        else if (child.Dock == DockStyle.Right ||
                                 (child.Anchor & AnchorStyles.Right) == AnchorStyles.Right)
                            x = right - width - child.Margin.Right;
                            x = (position.X + ((columnWidth - child.Margin.Horizontal) / 2)) + child.Margin.Left - (width / 2);

                        // Figure out the top location of the control
                        int bottom = position.Y + columnHeight;

                        if (child.Dock == DockStyle.Top ||
                            child.Dock == DockStyle.Fill ||
                            (child.Anchor & AnchorStyles.Top) == AnchorStyles.Top)
                            y = position.Y + child.Margin.Top;
                        else if (child.Dock == DockStyle.Bottom ||
                                 (child.Anchor & AnchorStyles.Bottom) == AnchorStyles.Bottom)
                            y = bottom - height - child.Margin.Bottom;
                            y = (position.Y + ((columnHeight - child.Margin.Vertical) / 2)) + child.Margin.Top - (height / 2);

                        child.SetBounds(x, y, width, height, BoundsSpecified.None);

                    position = Point.Add(position, columnWidths[col], 0);

                position = Point.Add(position, (-1 * position.X), rowHeights[row]);
Пример #22
        internal override Size GetPreferredSizeCore(Size proposedSize)
            // If the tablelayoutowner is autosize, we have to make sure it is big enough
            // to hold every non-autosize control
            actual_positions = (LayoutEngine as TableLayout).CalculateControlPositions(this, Math.Max(ColumnCount, 1), Math.Max(RowCount, 1));

            // Use actual row/column counts, not user set ones
            int actual_cols = actual_positions.GetLength(0);
            int actual_rows = actual_positions.GetLength(1);

            // Figure out how wide the owner needs to be
            int[] column_widths           = new int[actual_cols];
            float total_column_percentage = 0f;

            // Figure out how tall each column wants to be
            for (int i = 0; i < actual_cols; i++)
                if (i < ColumnStyles.Count && ColumnStyles[i].SizeType == SizeType.Percent)
                    total_column_percentage += ColumnStyles[i].Width;

                int biggest = 0;

                for (int j = 0; j < actual_rows; j++)
                    Control c = actual_positions[i, j];

                    if (c != null)
                        if (!c.AutoSize)
                            biggest = Math.Max(biggest, c.ExplicitBounds.Width + c.Margin.Horizontal + Padding.Horizontal);
                            biggest = Math.Max(biggest, c.PreferredSize.Width + c.Margin.Horizontal + Padding.Horizontal);

                column_widths[i] = biggest;

            // Because percentage based rows divy up the remaining space,
            // we have to make the owner big enough so that all the rows
            // get bigger, even if we only need one to be bigger.
            int non_percent_total_width = 0;
            int percent_total_width     = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < actual_cols; i++)
                if (i < ColumnStyles.Count && ColumnStyles[i].SizeType == SizeType.Percent)
                    percent_total_width = Math.Max(percent_total_width, (int)(column_widths[i] / ((ColumnStyles[i].Width) / total_column_percentage)));
                    non_percent_total_width += column_widths[i];

            // Figure out how tall the owner needs to be
            int[] row_heights          = new int[actual_rows];
            float total_row_percentage = 0f;

            // Figure out how tall each row wants to be
            for (int j = 0; j < actual_rows; j++)
                if (j < RowStyles.Count && RowStyles[j].SizeType == SizeType.Percent)
                    total_row_percentage += RowStyles[j].Height;

                int biggest = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < actual_cols; i++)
                    Control c = actual_positions[i, j];

                    if (c != null)
                        if (!c.AutoSize)
                            biggest = Math.Max(biggest, c.ExplicitBounds.Height + c.Margin.Vertical + Padding.Vertical);
                            biggest = Math.Max(biggest, c.PreferredSize.Height + c.Margin.Vertical + Padding.Vertical);

                row_heights[j] = biggest;

            // Because percentage based rows divy up the remaining space,
            // we have to make the owner big enough so that all the rows
            // get bigger, even if we only need one to be bigger.
            int non_percent_total_height = 0;
            int percent_total_height     = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < actual_rows; j++)
                if (j < RowStyles.Count && RowStyles[j].SizeType == SizeType.Percent)
                    percent_total_height = Math.Max(percent_total_height, (int)(row_heights[j] / ((RowStyles[j].Height) / total_row_percentage)));
                    non_percent_total_height += row_heights[j];

            int border_width = GetCellBorderWidth(CellBorderStyle);

            return(new Size(non_percent_total_width + percent_total_width + (border_width * (actual_cols + 1)), non_percent_total_height + percent_total_height + (border_width * (actual_rows + 1))));
Пример #23
        private static void CalculateColumnWidths(TableLayoutSettings settings, Control[,] actual_positions, int max_colspan, TableLayoutColumnStyleCollection col_styles, bool auto_size, int[] column_widths, bool minimum_sizes)
            Size  proposed_size    = minimum_sizes ? new Size(1, 0) : Size.Empty;
            int   rows             = actual_positions.GetLength(1);
            float max_percent_size = 0;

            // First assign all the Absolute sized columns
            int index = 0;

            foreach (ColumnStyle cs in col_styles)
                if (index >= column_widths.Length)
                if (cs.SizeType == SizeType.Absolute)
                    column_widths[index] = (int)cs.Width;
            while (index < column_widths.Length)
                column_widths[index] = 0;

            // Next, assign all the AutoSize columns to the width of their widest
            // control.  If the table-layout is auto-sized, then make sure that
            // no column with Percent styling clips its contents.
            // (per http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms171690.aspx)
            for (int colspan = 0; colspan < max_colspan; ++colspan)
                for (index = colspan; index < column_widths.Length - colspan; ++index)
                    ColumnStyle cs = index < col_styles.Count ? col_styles[index] : default_column_style;
                    if (cs.SizeType == SizeType.AutoSize || (auto_size && cs.SizeType == SizeType.Percent))
                        int max_width = column_widths[index];
                        // Find the widest control in the column
                        for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                            Control c = actual_positions[index - colspan, i];
                            if (c != null && c != dummy_control && c.VisibleInternal)
                                // Skip any controls not being sized in this pass.
                                if (settings.GetColumnSpan(c) != colspan + 1)
                                // Calculate the maximum control width.
                                max_width = Math.Max(max_width, GetControlSize(c, proposed_size).Width + c.Margin.Horizontal);

                        if (cs.SizeType == SizeType.Percent)
                            max_percent_size = Math.Max(max_percent_size, max_width / cs.Width);

                        // Subtract the width of prior columns, if any.
                        for (int i = Math.Max(index - colspan, 0); i < index; ++i)
                            max_width -= column_widths[i];

                        // If necessary, increase this column's width.
                        if (max_width > column_widths[index])
                            column_widths[index] = max_width;

            for (index = 0; index < col_styles.Count && index < column_widths.Length; ++index)
                ColumnStyle cs = col_styles[index];
                if (cs.SizeType == SizeType.Percent)
                    column_widths[index] = Math.Max(column_widths[index], (int)Math.Ceiling(max_percent_size * cs.Width));