Пример #1
        public ListResponeMessage <ContractInfo> GetListWithCondition(
            string quoteCode, string contractCode,

            int customerID,
            DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, string _userID, int pageSize = 10, int pageIndex = 0)
            ListResponeMessage <ContractInfo> ret = new ListResponeMessage <ContractInfo>();

                ContractSeachCriteria _criteria = new ContractSeachCriteria();
                _criteria.QuoteCode    = quoteCode;
                _criteria.ContractCode = contractCode;
                _criteria.CustomerID   = customerID;
                _criteria.pageSize     = pageSize;
                _criteria.pageIndex    = pageIndex;
                _criteria.FromDate     = fromDate;
                _criteria.ToDate       = toDate;
                _criteria.ToDate       = toDate;
                ret.isSuccess          = true;
                ret.data         = ContractService.GetInstance().getAllContract(pageSize, pageIndex, _criteria, _userID);
                ret.totalRecords = ContractService.GetInstance().getTotalRecords(_criteria, _userID);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ret.isSuccess     = false;
                ret.err.msgCode   = "005";
                ret.err.msgString = ex.ToString();
Пример #2
        public List <ContractInfo> getAllContract(int pageSize, int pageIndex, ContractSeachCriteria _criteria, string _userID)
            SqlConnectionFactory sqlConnection = new SqlConnectionFactory();

            using (SqlConnection connection = sqlConnection.GetConnection())
                return(ContractDataLayer.GetInstance().getContract(connection, _criteria, _userID));
Пример #3
        public int getTotalRecords(ContractSeachCriteria _criteria, string _userID)
            SqlConnectionFactory sqlConnection = new SqlConnectionFactory();

            using (SqlConnection connection = sqlConnection.GetConnection())
                return(ContractDataLayer.GetInstance().getTotalRecords(connection, _criteria, _userID));
Пример #4
        public int getTotalRecords(SqlConnection connection, ContractSeachCriteria _criteria, string _userID)
            string query = "select count(*) as  TotalRecords from tbl_Contract tblC  " +
                           " inner join tbl_Quote tblQ " +
                           " on tblC.QuoteID = tblQ.QuoteID " +
                           " inner join tbl_Quote_Customer tblQC " +
                           " on tblQC.QuoteID = tblQ.QuoteID  and tblQC.IsChoosed = 1 " +
                           "  inner join tbl_Customer " +
                           "  on tblQC.CustomerID = tbl_Customer.CustomerID " +
                           " where tblC.DateIn between @FromDate and @ToDate ";

            if (_criteria.ContractCode != null && _criteria.ContractCode != "")
                query += " and tblC.ContractCode like '%" + _criteria.ContractCode + "%'";
            if (_criteria.QuoteCode != null && _criteria.QuoteCode != "")
                query += " and tblQ.QuoteCode like '%" + _criteria.QuoteCode + "%'";
            if (_criteria.CustomerID != null && _criteria.CustomerID != 0)
                query += " and  tbl_Customer.CustomerID = " + _criteria.CustomerID + " ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_userID) && _userID != "admin")
                query += " and (tblC.UserI = " + _userID + "or tblC.UserAssign = " + _userID + " )";

            using (var command = new SqlCommand(query, connection))
                AddSqlParameter(command, "@FromDate", _criteria.FromDate, System.Data.SqlDbType.DateTime);
                AddSqlParameter(command, "@ToDate", _criteria.ToDate, System.Data.SqlDbType.DateTime);

                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        return(GetDbReaderValue <int>(reader["TotalRecords"]));
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Return List<ContractInfo></returns>

        public List <ContractInfo> getContract(SqlConnection connection, ContractSeachCriteria _criteria, string _userID)
            var result = new List <ContractInfo>();

            string query = "select tblC.DateIn, tblC.ContractID , tblC.ContractCode, tblQ.QuoteCode , tbl_Customer.CustomerName from tbl_Contract tblC  " +
                           " inner join tbl_Quote tblQ " +
                           " on tblC.QuoteID = tblQ.QuoteID " +
                           " inner join tbl_Quote_Customer tblQC " +
                           " on tblQC.QuoteID = tblQ.QuoteID  and tblQC.IsChoosed = 1 " +
                           "  inner join tbl_Customer " +
                           "  on tblQC.CustomerID = tbl_Customer.CustomerID " +
                           " where tblC.DateIn between @FromDate and @ToDate ";

            if (_criteria.ContractCode != null && _criteria.ContractCode != "")
                query += " and tblC.ContractCode like '%" + _criteria.ContractCode + "%'";
            if (_criteria.QuoteCode != null && _criteria.QuoteCode != "")
                query += " and tblQ.QuoteCode like '%" + _criteria.QuoteCode + "%'";
            if (_criteria.CustomerID != 0)
                query += " and tbl_Customer.CustomerID =" + _criteria.CustomerID + " ";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_userID) && _userID != "admin")
                query += " and (tblC.UserI = " + _userID + "or tblC.UserAssign = " + _userID + " )";

            query += " order by tblC.UpdateTime Desc ";
            using (var command = new SqlCommand(query, connection))
                AddSqlParameter(command, "@FromDate", _criteria.FromDate, System.Data.SqlDbType.DateTime);
                AddSqlParameter(command, "@ToDate", _criteria.ToDate, System.Data.SqlDbType.DateTime);
                if (_criteria.pageSize == 0)
                    _criteria.pageSize = 10;
                var offSet = _criteria.pageIndex * _criteria.pageSize;

                command.CommandText += " OFFSET @OFFSET ROWS FETCH NEXT @PAGESIZE ROWS ONLY ";
                AddSqlParameter(command, "@OFFSET", offSet, System.Data.SqlDbType.Int);
                AddSqlParameter(command, "@PAGESIZE", _criteria.pageSize, System.Data.SqlDbType.Int);
                using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        var info = new ContractInfo();
                        info.ContractID   = GetDbReaderValue <int>(reader["ContractID"]);
                        info.ContractCode = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["ContractCode"]);
                        info.QuoteCode    = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["QuoteCode"]);
                        info.CustomerName = GetDbReaderValue <string>(reader["CustomerName"]);
                        info.DateIn       = GetDbReaderValue <DateTime>(reader["DateIn"]);