///<summary> ///This function redirects to the Contract Summary page ///</summary> protected void fnRedirectToContractSummary(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ContractRoles.CheckRolesContractSummary()) { Response.Redirect("ContractSummary.aspx", false); } else { //Response.Redirect("Home.aspx", false); spanContractSummary.Visible = false; spanContract.Visible = false; } }
/* google google * /// <summary> * /// Gets the logged in user emailid * /// </summary> * /// <returns>string</returns> * public string GetDomainUsers(string strUserName) * { * //strUserName = strUserName.Replace("@rave-tech.co.in", ""); * //Google change point to northgate * if (strUserName.ToLower().Contains("@rave-tech.co.in")) * { * strUserName = strUserName.Replace("@rave-tech.co.in", ""); * } * else * { * strUserName = strUserName.Replace(AuthorizationManagerConstants.NORTHGATEDOMAIN, ""); * } * * string strUserEmail = string.Empty; * * DirectoryEntry searchRoot = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://RAVE-TECH.CO.IN"); * * DirectorySearcher search = new DirectorySearcher(searchRoot); * * //string query = "(|(objectCategory=group)(objectCategory=user)) "; * string query = "(SAMAccountName=" + strUserName + ")"; * * search.Filter = query; * * SearchResult result; * * SearchResultCollection resultCol = search.FindAll(); * * if (resultCol != null) * { * * for (int counter = 0; counter < resultCol.Count; counter++) * { * * result = resultCol[counter]; * * if (result.Properties.Contains("samaccountname")) * { * * strUserEmail = result.Properties["mail"][0].ToString(); * * } * * } * * } * * return strUserEmail; * } * * */ /// <summary> /// Make visible to tab of contracts if user have access rights. /// </summary> public void AccessRightForContract() { if (!ContractRoles.CheckRolesContractSummary()) { spanContractSummary.Visible = false; spanContract.Visible = false; ApplyCssToAccedDeniedMenu(tabContract); } if ((ContractRoles.CheckRolesAddInternalContract()) || (ContractRoles.CheckRolesAddExternalContract())) { } else { spanAddContract.Visible = false; spanContract.Visible = false; } }
///<summary> ///This function redirects to the add contract page ///</summary> protected void fnRedirectToAddContract(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Remove the session of contract summary page. Session.Remove(SessionNames.CONTRACT_CONTRACTTYPE); Session.Remove(SessionNames.CONTRACT_CONTRACTSTATUS); Session.Remove(SessionNames.CONTRACT_DOCUMENTNAME); Session.Remove(SessionNames.CONTRACT_PREVIOUS_SORT_EXPRESSION); Session.Remove(SessionNames.CONTRACT_CURRENTPAGEINDEX); Session.Remove(SessionNames.CONTRACT_SORTDIRECTIONFORBINDING); Session.Remove(SessionNames.CONTRACT_SORT_DIRECTION); Session.Remove(SessionNames.CONTRACT_ACTUALPAGECOUNT); Session.Remove(SessionNames.CONTRACT_SORTDIRECTIONFORBINDING); //Check roles for contract summary page. if (ContractRoles.CheckRolesContractSummary()) { Response.Redirect("AddContract.aspx", false); } else { Response.Redirect("Home.aspx", false); } }