Пример #1
        static IEnumerable <object[]> GetDataForGenerateCodeTest()
            string expectedCode1 = "EXPECTED CODE 1";
            var    m1            = GetVariableMock(expectedCode1, null);
            var    p1            = new ContractProperty()
                Variable   = m1,
                Visibility = Enums.Visibility.External

            yield return(new object[] { p1, $"{expectedCode1}" });

            string expectedCode2 = "EXPECTED CODE 2";
            var    m2            = GetVariableMock(expectedCode2, null);
            var    p2            = new ContractProperty()
                Variable   = m2,
                Visibility = Enums.Visibility.External

            yield return(new object[] { p2, $"{expectedCode2}" });

            string expectedCode3 = "EXPECTED CODE 3";
            var    m3            = GetVariableMock(expectedCode3, null);
            var    p3            = new ContractProperty()
                Variable   = m3,
                Visibility = Enums.Visibility.External

            yield return(new object[] { p3, $"{expectedCode3}" });
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns entity that owns a property
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataModel">The contract</param>
        /// <param name="property">The property</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ContractEntity GetEntityOf(this ContractDataModel dataModel, ContractProperty property)
            if (dataModel == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(dataModel));

            if (property == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(property));

            foreach (var entity in dataModel.Entities)
                foreach (var entityProperty in entity.PrimitiveProperties)
                    if (entityProperty == property)
                foreach (var entityProperty in entity.ReferenceProperties)
                    if (entityProperty == property)

            throw new ArgumentException("No suitable entity found");
        public List <ContractDescription> Parse(XDocument m_assemblyDocumentation, List <Type> typesInAssembly)
            var contractDescriptions = new List <ContractDescription>();

            foreach (var typeInNamespace in typesInAssembly)
                string xPathQueryforContract = Helper.GetXPathQueryForType(typeInNamespace.FullName);

                var documentationForContract = m_assemblyDocumentation.XPathSelectElement(xPathQueryforContract);

                string description = documentationForContract?.Value ?? string.Empty;

                var contractDescription = new ContractDescription
                    Name       = typeInNamespace.Name,
                    Desription = description

                var properties = typeInNamespace.GetProperties();

                foreach (var property in properties)
                    var xpathQueryForProperty = Helper.GetXPathQueryForProperty(property.DeclaringType.FullName, property.Name);

                    var documentationForProperty = m_assemblyDocumentation.XPathSelectElement(xpathQueryForProperty);

                    var contractProperty = new ContractProperty
                        DataType   = property.PropertyType,
                        Name       = property.Name,
                        Desription = documentationForProperty?.Value ?? string.Empty



Пример #4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var boolType = SolidityType.Bool;
            var intType  = SolidityType.Int;

            var propertyName  = "PropertyName1";
            var propertyName2 = "PropertyName2";
            var propertyName3 = "PropertyName3";

            var pr1 = new ContractProperty()
                Variable   = PrepareVariable(propertyName, boolType),
                Visibility = Visibility.Public

            var pr2 = new ContractProperty()
                Variable   = PrepareVariable(propertyName2, intType),
                Visibility = Visibility.Private

            var pr3 = new ContractProperty()
                Variable   = PrepareVariable(propertyName3, boolType),
                Visibility = Visibility.Public

            var properties = new List <ContractProperty>()
                pr1, pr2, pr3

            var eventName  = "EventName1";
            var eventName2 = "EventName2";
            var eventName3 = "EventName3";

            var epl = new ParametersList()
                Parameters = new List <Variable>()
                    PrepareVariable("ep1", boolType), PrepareVariable("ep2", intType)

            var epl2 = new ParametersList()
                Parameters = new List <Variable>()
                    PrepareVariable("ep1", boolType)

            var epl3 = new ParametersList()
                Parameters = new List <Variable>()
                    PrepareVariable("ep1", intType)

            var e1 = new ContractEvent()
                Name       = eventName,
                Parameters = epl

            var e2 = new ContractEvent()
                Name       = eventName2,
                Parameters = epl2

            var e3 = new ContractEvent()
                Name       = eventName3,
                Parameters = epl3

            var events = new List <ContractEvent>()
                e1, e2, e3

            var name1 = "_p";
            var name2 = "_q";
            var name3 = "_r";
            var name4 = "v";
            var p1    = PrepareVariable(name1, boolType);
            var p2    = PrepareVariable(name2, boolType);
            var p3    = PrepareVariable(name3, boolType);
            var v     = PrepareVariable(name4, boolType);

            var pl = new ParametersList()
                Parameters = new List <Variable>()
                    p1, p2

            var pl2 = new ParametersList()
                Parameters = new List <Variable>()
                    p1, p2, p3

            var cpl = new CallingParametersList()
                Parameters = new List <IAssignable>()
                    p1, p2

            var cpl2 = new CallingParametersList()
                Parameters = new List <IAssignable>()
                    p1, p2, p3

            var d = new Declaration()
                Variable = v

            var op = new Operation()
                LeftSide  = p1,
                Operator  = OperationOperator.OR,
                RightSide = p2

            var instruction = new Assignment()
                Destination = d,
                Source      = op

            var ao = new Operation()
                LeftSide = v,
                Operator = OperationOperator.Negation

            var instruction2 = new Assignment()
                Destination = v,
                Source      = ao

            var instructions = new InstructionsList();


            var c = new Constructor()
                Visibility   = Visibility.Public,
                Parameters   = pl,
                Instructions = instructions

            var functionInstructions = new InstructionsList();


            var aof = new Operation()
                LeftSide  = v,
                Operator  = OperationOperator.AND,
                RightSide = p3

            var instruction3 = new Assignment()
                Destination = v,
                Source      = aof


            var function = new ContractFunction()
                Name         = "TestFunction",
                Visibility   = Visibility.Public,
                Parameters   = pl2,
                Instructions = functionInstructions

            var fp1 = PrepareVariable(name1, intType);
            var fp2 = PrepareVariable(name2, intType);
            var fp3 = PrepareVariable(name3, intType);
            var fv  = PrepareVariable(name4, intType);

            var fpl = new ParametersList()
                Parameters = new List <Variable>()
                    fp1, fp2, fp3

            var fd = new Declaration()
                Variable = fv

            var fop = new Operation()
                LeftSide  = p1,
                Operator  = OperationOperator.Plus,
                RightSide = p2

            var finstruction = new Assignment()
                Destination = fd,
                Source      = fop

            var fao = new Operation()
                LeftSide  = v,
                Operator  = OperationOperator.Multiply,
                RightSide = fp3

            var finstruction2 = new Assignment()
                Destination = pr2,
                Source      = fao

            var finstructions = new InstructionsList();


            var function2 = new ContractFunction()
                Name         = "TestFunction2",
                Visibility   = Visibility.External,
                Parameters   = fpl,
                Instructions = finstructions

            var trueInstructions  = new InstructionsList();
            var falseInstructions = new InstructionsList();

                new FunctionCall()
                FunctionToCall = function, Parameters = cpl2

            var ecpl = new CallingParametersList()
                Parameters = new List <IAssignable>()

                new EventCall()
                EventToCall = e2, Parameters = ecpl

            var newFInstructions = new InstructionsList();
            var condOp           = new Operation()
                LeftSide = p1,
                Operator = OperationOperator.Negation
            var cond = new Condition()
                ConditionOperation = condOp
            var ifStatement = new IfStatement()
                Condition         = cond,
                TrueInstructions  = trueInstructions,
                FalseInstructions = falseInstructions


            var loopVariable = PrepareVariable("loopVariable", intType);
            var declaration  = new Declaration()
                Variable = loopVariable
            var assignment = new Assignment()
                Destination = declaration,
                Source      = new ConstantValue()
                    Value = "0"

            var condOperation = new Operation()
                LeftSide  = loopVariable,
                Operator  = OperationOperator.NotEquals,
                RightSide = new ConstantValue()
                    Value = "1"

            var breakCondition = new Condition()
                ConditionOperation = condOperation

            var stepOp = new Operation()
                LeftSide  = loopVariable,
                Operator  = OperationOperator.Plus,
                RightSide = new ConstantValue()
                    Value = "1"

            var stepInstruction = new Assignment()
                Destination = loopVariable,
                Source      = stepOp

            var loopInstructions = new InstructionsList();
            var cple             = new CallingParametersList()
                Parameters = new List <IAssignable>()

                new EventCall()
                EventToCall = e3,
                Parameters  = cple

            var loop = new ContractLoop()
                InitialAssignment = assignment,
                BreakCondition    = breakCondition,
                StepInstruction   = stepInstruction,
                Instructions      = loopInstructions


            var function3 = new ContractFunction()
                Name         = "NewFunction",
                Visibility   = Visibility.Public,
                Parameters   = pl2,
                Instructions = newFInstructions

            var functions = new List <ContractFunction>()
                function, function2, function3

            string   contractName = "TestContract";
            Contract contract     = new Contract()
                Name        = contractName,
                Constructor = c,
                Functions   = functions,
                Events      = events,
                Properties  = properties

            Console.WriteLine(contract.GenerateCode(new Indentation()));
        //               PROPERTY ANALYSIS

        public static List <ContractIntegrityAnalysisDeleteCase> AnalyzeDeleteRisksOf(this EditorContract contract, ContractProperty property)
            if (contract == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(contract));

            if (property == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(property));

            var deleteRisks = new List <ContractIntegrityAnalysisDeleteCase>();

            //Check for contract property bindings delete risks
            foreach (var activity in contract.Processes.Main.UserActivities)
                foreach (var field in activity.Form.Fields)
                    if (field.PropertyBinding == null || field.PropertyBinding.Property != property)

                    var currentField = field.WithMigrator(contract.GetMigrator());
                    deleteRisks.Add(new ContractIntegrityAnalysisDeleteCase(
                                        $"Property binding on form field {currentField.Name} will be removed",
                                        () => { currentField.PropertyBinding = null; }));

Пример #6
 public void GenerateDeclarationCodeTest(ContractProperty cp, string expected)
     System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Requires(cp != null);
     Assert.AreEqual(expected, cp.GenerateDeclarationCode());