Пример #1
         * Method for generating ContractParameter objects.  This will call the Generate() method
         * on the sub-class, load all common parameters and load child parameters.
        public virtual ContractParameter Generate(Contract contract, IContractParameterHost contractParamHost)
            // Generate a parameter using the sub-class logic
            ContractParameter parameter = Generate(contract);

            if (parameter == null)
                throw new Exception(GetType().FullName + ".Generate() returned a null ContractParameter!");

            // Add ContractParameter to the host

            // Set the funds/science/reputation parameters
            parameter.SetFunds(rewardFunds, failureFunds, targetBody);
            parameter.SetReputation(rewardReputation, failureReputation, targetBody);
            parameter.SetScience(rewardScience, targetBody);

            // Set other flags
            parameter.Optional = optional;
            if (disableOnStateChange != null)
                parameter.DisableOnStateChange = (bool)disableOnStateChange;

        /// <summary>
        /// Method for generating ContractParameter objects.  This will call the Generate() method
        /// on the sub-class, load all common parameters and load child parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contract">Contract to generate for</param>
        /// <param name="contractParamHost">Parent object for the ContractParameter</param>
        /// <returns>Generated ContractParameter</returns>
        public virtual ContractParameter Generate(ConfiguredContract contract, IContractParameterHost contractParamHost)
            // First check any requirements
            if (!ContractRequirement.RequirementsMet(contract, contract.contractType, requirements))
                LoggingUtil.LogVerbose(typeof(ParameterFactory), "Returning null for " + contract.contractType.name + "." + name + ": requirements not met.");

            // Generate a parameter using the sub-class logic
            ContractParameter parameter = Generate(contract);

            if (parameter == null)
                LoggingUtil.LogWarning(this, GetType().FullName + ".Generate() returned a null ContractParameter!");

            // Add ContractParameter to the host

            // Set the funds/science/reputation parameters
            parameter.SetFunds(rewardFunds, failureFunds, targetBody);
            parameter.SetReputation(rewardReputation, failureReputation, targetBody);
            parameter.SetScience(rewardScience, targetBody);

            // Set other flags
            parameter.Optional = optional;
            if (disableOnStateChange != null)
                parameter.DisableOnStateChange = (bool)disableOnStateChange;
            parameter.ID = name;

            // Special stuff for contract configurator parameters
            ContractConfiguratorParameter ccParam = parameter as ContractConfiguratorParameter;

            if (ccParam != null)
                ccParam.completeInSequence = completeInSequence;
                ccParam.notes            = notes;
                ccParam.completedMessage = completedMessage;
                ccParam.hidden           = hidden;
                ccParam.hideChildren     = hideChildren;

        //omg, it's called a big amount of time
        protected override bool Generate()
            //if (base.Prestige != ContractPrestige.Significant)
            //	return false;
            //MerillData.log("camera mission generate");

            //TODO use/create 'KTV' (KerbalTV)
            if (Contracts.Agents.AgentList.Instance != null)
                agent = Contracts.Agents.AgentList.Instance.GetAgent(MerillData.str_agent_secretary);

            //1 human day in kerbal days
            base.deadlineType = DeadlineType.None;
            base.expiryType   = DeadlineType.None;

            //choose a body
            this.body2Shoot = MerillUtil.getPlanet("Mun");
            //default (erase latter)
            this.useKerbal         = false;
            this.situationForShoot = ExperimentSituations.InSpaceLow;

            //check if a contract of this type with a kerbal is already taken
            bool alreadyHereKerbal = false;
            bool alreadyHereProbe  = false;

            foreach (MerillContractUseCamera oldContract in ContractSystem.Instance.GetCompletedContracts <MerillContractUseCamera>())
                if (oldContract.body2Shoot == body2Shoot && oldContract.useKerbal)
                    alreadyHereKerbal = true;
                    MerillData.log("camera mission manned already done / here");
                if (oldContract.body2Shoot == body2Shoot && !oldContract.useKerbal)
                    alreadyHereProbe = true;
                    MerillData.log("camera mission probe already done / here");
            //check if it's in available contract
            if (!alreadyHereKerbal || !alreadyHereProbe)
                //MerillData.log("camera mission generated? " + ContractSystem.Instance.Contracts.Count);
                foreach (Contract tempContract in ContractSystem.Instance.Contracts)
                    if (tempContract is MerillContractUseCamera)
                        if (((MerillContractUseCamera)tempContract).body2Shoot == body2Shoot &&
                            MerillData.log("camera mission kerbal generated? true! ");
                            alreadyHereKerbal = true;
                        if (((MerillContractUseCamera)tempContract).body2Shoot == body2Shoot &&
                            MerillData.log("camera mission probe generated? true! ");
                            alreadyHereProbe = true;

            if (!alreadyHereKerbal)
                situationForShoot = ExperimentSituations.InSpaceLow;
                useKerbal         = true;
                ContractParameter parameter = AddParameter(new MerillContractParameterCameraFooting(body2Shoot, situationForShoot, true));
                //MerillData.log("camera mission generate manned "+GetTitle());

                //advance, reward, failure
                //BTSM fly by mission:160k total needed: 200k
                SetFunds(0, 30000, 0);

                //reward, failure
                SetReputation(0, 0);
            else if (!alreadyHereProbe)
                useKerbal = false;
                //MerillData.log("camera mission generate unmanned");
                //is highorbit?
                //0 : none, 1= HO, 2=LO , 3 = landed
                //int situation = 0;
                //foreach (MerillContractUseCamera oldContract in ContractSystem.Instance.GetCompletedContracts<MerillContractUseCamera>())
                //	if(oldContract.body2Shoot == body2Shoot){
                //		if(oldContract.situationForShoot == ExperimentSituations.InSpaceHigh)
                //		{
                //			situation = Math.Max(situation, 1);
                //			coeff = 1;
                //		}
                //		else if(oldContract.situationForShoot == ExperimentSituations.InSpaceLow)
                //		{
                //			situation = Math.Max(situation, 2);
                //			coeff = 1;
                //		}
                //		else if(oldContract.situationForShoot == ExperimentSituations.SrfLanded)
                //		{
                //			situation = Math.Max(situation, 3);
                //			coeff = 2;
                //		}
                //	}
                //if(situation == 0){
                //	situationForShoot = ExperimentSituations.InSpaceHigh;
                //}else if(situation == 1){
                //	situationForShoot = ExperimentSituations.InSpaceLow;
                //}else if(situation == 2){
                //	situationForShoot = ExperimentSituations.SrfLanded;
                //	//all are done
                //	return false;
                ////MerillData.log("camera mission generate UNmanned " + string.Format(GetTitle(), body2Shoot.name, situationForShoot.ToString()) );

                ////is already active?
                //foreach (MerillContractUseCamera currentContract in ContractSystem.Instance.GetCurrentContracts<MerillContractUseCamera>())
                //	//MerillData.log("camera mission find current " + currentContract.useKerbal + ", " + currentContract.body2Shoot + ", " + currentContract.situationForShoot);
                //	if (!currentContract.useKerbal && currentContract.body2Shoot == body2Shoot && currentContract.situationForShoot == situationForShoot)
                //	{
                //		//MerillData.log("camera mission return false");
                //		return false;
                //	}

                //all green : generate parameter
                ContractParameter parameter1 = AddParameter(new MerillContractParameterCameraFooting(body2Shoot, ExperimentSituations.InSpaceHigh, false));
                ContractParameter parameter2 = AddParameter(new MerillContractParameterCameraFooting(body2Shoot, ExperimentSituations.InSpaceLow, false));
                ContractParameter parameter3 = AddParameter(new MerillContractParameterCameraFooting(body2Shoot, ExperimentSituations.SrfLanded, false));

                //130k via btsm "explore body"

                //18k for btsm " explore body" -> need 50k


                //already done via "expore body" contract
                SetFunds(0, 30000, 0);

                //reward, failure
                SetReputation(00, 00);
                MerillData.log(" end generate camera: false");

            //no science, use experiment for that (and if !=0, need to add "BTSM" at the begining of this class name)

            MerillData.log(" end generate camera: true");