Пример #1
        /// \brief This method UpdateCMP for user
        /// \details <b>Details</b>
        /// This method will update CMP database
        /// \return  void
        public void UpdateCMP(ContractMarketPlace cmp)
            using (var myConn = new MySqlConnection(connectionStringLocal))
                const string sqlStatement = @"  UPDATE contract_market_place
	                                            SET jobType = @jobType,
                                                    quantity = @quantity,
		                                            origin = @origin,
                                                    destination = @destination,
                                                    vanType = @vanType
	                                            WHERE customerID = @customerID,
                                                      contractID = @contractID; ";

                var myCommand = new MySqlCommand(sqlStatement, myConn);

                myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@customerID", cmp.customerID);
                myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@contractID", cmp.contractID);
                myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@jobType", cmp.jobType);
                myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@quantity", cmp.quantity);
                myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@origin", cmp.origin);
                myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@destination", cmp.destination);
                myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@vanType", cmp.vanType);


Пример #2
        /// \brief This method DeleteCMP for user
        /// \details <b>Details</b>
        /// This method will delete CMP for selecting customerID and contractID
        /// \return  void
        public void DeleteCMP(ContractMarketPlace cmp)
            using (var myConn = new MySqlConnection(connectionStringLocal))
                const string sqlStatement = @"  DELETE FROM contract_market_place WHERE customerID = @customerID AND contractID = @contractID;";

                var myCommand = new MySqlCommand(sqlStatement, myConn);

                myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@customerID", cmp.customerID);
                myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@contractID", cmp.contractID);


Пример #3
        /// \brief This method GetLastCustomerId for user
        /// \details <b>Details</b>
        /// This method will get GetLastCustomerId from database
        /// \return  void
        public string GetLastCustomerId(ContractMarketPlace cmp)
            string value = "";

            using (var myConn = new MySqlConnection(connectionStringLocal))
                const string sqlStatement = @"SELECT customerID FROM contract_market_place ORDER BY customerID DESC LIMIT 1; ";

                var myCommand = new MySqlCommand(sqlStatement, myConn);


                value = (string)myCommand.ExecuteScalar();
Пример #4
        /// \brief This method InsertCMP for user
        /// \details <b>Details</b>
        /// This method will insert data into CMP
        /// \return  void
        public void InsertCMP(ContractMarketPlace cmp)
            using (var myConn = new MySqlConnection(connectionStringLocal))
                const string sqlStatement = @"  INSERT INTO contract_market_place (customerID, contractID, jobType, quantity, origin, destination, vanType)
	                                            VALUES (@customerID, @contractID, @jobType, @quantity, @origin, @destination, @vanType); "    ;

                var myCommand = new MySqlCommand(sqlStatement, myConn);

                myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@customerID", cmp.customerID);
                myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@contractID", cmp.contractID);
                myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@jobType", cmp.jobType);
                myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@quantity", cmp.quantity);
                myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@origin", cmp.origin);
                myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@destination", cmp.destination);
                myCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@vanType", cmp.vanType);


Пример #5
        public void btn_Send_Order(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (currentStatus == "CHANGE")
                Order order = new Order();
                if (boxFrom.Items.Count == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("No Original City");
                else if (boxTo.Items.Count == 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("No Destination City");
                else if (txtVanType.Text == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("Please insert van type");
                else if (txtPallet.Text == "")
                    MessageBox.Show("Please insert pallet");
                else if (Convert.ToDouble(txtPallet.Text) > 1000)
                    MessageBox.Show("Pallet should be lower than 1000 lbs");
                else if ((boxFTL.IsChecked ?? false) || (boxLTL.IsChecked ?? false))
                    // Job Type
                    if (boxFTL.IsChecked ?? false)
                        order.jobType = 0;
                    else if (boxLTL.IsChecked ?? false)
                        order.jobType = 1;

                    // OrderID
                    order.orderID = txtOrderID.Text;
                    // ContractID
                    Contract contract = new Contract();
                    order.contractID = contract.GetLastId();
                    // Customer ID
                    Customer customer = new Customer();
                    order.customerID = customer.GetCustomerIDbyName(currentCustomerName);
                    // Quantity
                    order.quantity = Convert.ToInt32(txtPallet.Text);
                    // Van Type
                    order.vanType = Convert.ToInt32(txtVanType.Text);
                    // Order Date
                    order.orderDate = txtOrderDate.Text;
                    // Original City ID
                    order.originalCityID = order.GetOriginalID(boxFrom.SelectedItem.ToString());
                    // Destination City ID
                    order.desCityID = order.GetDestinateID(boxTo.SelectedItem.ToString());
                    // Command
                    order.command = "INSERT";
                    // Order Status
                    order.orderStatus = "ACTIVE";
                    // CarrierID
                    Carrier carrier = new Carrier();
                    order.carrierID = carrier.GetCarrierIDbyDepotCity(order.originalCityID);

                    if (MessageBox.Show("Confirm the Order?", "Question", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning) == MessageBoxResult.No)
                        //do no stuff
                        // Save to DB
                        MessageBox.Show("Order Successful\nOrder Details:\nOrderID:" + order.orderID + "\nOrder Date: " + order.orderDate + "\nFrom: " + boxFrom.SelectedItem.ToString() + "\nTo: " + boxTo.SelectedItem.ToString() + "\nQuantity: " + order.quantity + "\nVan Type: " + order.vanType + "\nJob Type: " + order.jobType);
                    MessageBox.Show("Order Invoice generated");
                else if (((bool)boxFTL.IsChecked == false) && ((bool)boxLTL.IsChecked == false))
                    MessageBox.Show("No Job Type Selection!!!");
            else if (currentStatus == "NOT CHANGE")
                Order order = new Order();
                // OrderID
                order.orderID = txtOrderID.Text;
                // ContractID
                ContractMarketPlace cmp = new ContractMarketPlace();
                order.contractID = cmp.GetContractIDbyCustomerName(currentCustomerName);
                // Customer ID
                Customer customer = new Customer();
                order.customerID = customer.GetCustomerIDbyName(currentCustomerName);
                // Quantity
                order.quantity = Convert.ToInt32(txtPallet.Text);
                // Job Type
                if (boxFTL.IsChecked ?? false)
                    order.jobType = 0;
                else if (boxLTL.IsChecked ?? false)
                    order.jobType = 1;
                // Van Type
                order.vanType = Convert.ToInt32(txtVanType.Text);
                // Order Date
                order.orderDate = txtOrderDate.Text;
                // Original City ID
                order.originalCityID = order.GetOriginalID(txtOriginalCity.Text);
                // Destination City ID
                order.desCityID = order.GetDestinateID(txtDestinationCity.Text);
                // Command
                order.command = "INSERT";
                // Order Status
                order.orderStatus = "ACTIVE";
                // CarrierID
                Carrier carrier = new Carrier();
                order.carrierID = carrier.GetCarrierIDbyDepotCity(order.originalCityID);

                if (MessageBox.Show("Confirm the Order?", "Question", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning) == MessageBoxResult.No)
                    //do no stuff
                    // Save to DB
                    MessageBox.Show("Order Successful\nOrder Details:\nOrderID:" + order.orderID + "\nOrder Date: " + order.orderDate + "\nFrom: " + txtOriginalCity.Text + "\nTo: " + txtDestinationCity.Text + "\nQuantity: " + order.quantity + "\nVan Type: " + order.vanType + "\nJob Type: " + order.jobType);
                MessageBox.Show("Order Invoice generated");
Пример #6
        /// \brief This method btn_Next_Click
        /// \details <b>Details</b>
        /// This method will set up DB for get data from CMP table and insert into local DB
        /// \return  void
        private void btn_Next_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure to continue?", "Question", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning) == MessageBoxResult.No)
                //do no stuff
                if (txtClientName.Text == null || txtDestination.Text == null || txtOrigin.Text == null || txtJobType.Text == null || txtQuantity.Text == null || txtVanType.Text == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("Please check all information!!");
                    // Check if it is existing customer
                    if (customer.GetCustomerIDbyName(txtClientName.Text) != null)
                        if (MessageBox.Show("Existing Customer Founded! Continue?", "Question", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning) == MessageBoxResult.No)
                            //do no stuff
                            // do yes stuff
                            // Navigation To Add CustomerDetails

                            UserControl usc = null;
                            status = "EXIST";
                            usc    = new CustomerAdd(txtClientName.Text, customer.GetCustomerIDbyName(txtClientName.Text), txtOrigin.Text, txtDestination.Text, txtQuantity.Text, txtJobType.Text, txtVanType.Text, status);
                        // if missing, show warning
                        if (txtEndDate.SelectedDate == null)
                            MessageBox.Show("You must choose the End Date for the Contract");
                            /* =============================================== CONTRACT ========================================================== */
                            contract = new Contract();
                            // Contract Start Date
                            contract.startDate = contract.NewContractDate();
                            // Contract completeStatus
                            contract.completeStatus = "UNPAID";
                            // Contract command
                            contract.command = "INSERT";
                            // Check if the contractID is exist, if not create a new contractID
                            if (contract.contractID != contract.GetLastId() && contract.contractID != null || contract.GetLastId() == null)
                                contract.contractID = contract.NewContractID(1);
                            // If exist, get the last contract ID and increase it by 1
                            else if (contract.contractID == contract.GetLastId() || contract.contractID == null)
                                string buffer = contract.GetLastId();
                                // Get the last character in the last OrderID
                                string last = buffer.Substring(buffer.Length - 3);
                                // Convert it into INT
                                int temp = Convert.ToInt32(last);
                                // Add by 1
                                temp += 1;
                                //Delete the last character of the buffer
                                string newBuffer = RemoveLastChar(buffer);
                                // Add with new temp
                                contract.contractID = newBuffer + String.Format("{0:D3}", temp);
                            // Get the Date for the End Date
                            contract.endDate = txtEndDate.SelectedDate.Value.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

                            // Check if client name is missing
                            if (txtClientName.Text != null)
                                contract.initiateBy = "BUYER";

                            /* =============================================== CONTRACT MARKET PLACE ========================================================== */
                            cmp = new ContractMarketPlace();

                            // CMP contractID
                            cmp.contractID = contract.contractID;

                            // CMP jobType
                            cmp.jobType = Convert.ToInt32(txtJobType.Text);

                            // CMP Quantity
                            cmp.quantity = Convert.ToInt32(txtQuantity.Text);

                            // CMP Origin
                            cmp.origin = txtOrigin.Text;

                            // CMP Destination
                            cmp.destination = txtDestination.Text;
                            // CMP VanType
                            cmp.vanType = Convert.ToInt32(txtVanType.Text);

                            // CMP CustomerID
                            if (cmp.customerID != cmp.GetLastCusID() && cmp.customerID != null || cmp.GetLastCusID() == null)
                                cmp.customerID = cmp.NewCustomerID(1);
                            else if (cmp.customerID == cmp.GetLastCusID() || cmp.customerID == null)
                                string buffer = cmp.GetLastCusID();
                                // Get the last character in the last OrderID
                                string last = buffer.Substring(buffer.Length - 3);
                                // Convert it into INT
                                int temp = Convert.ToInt32(last);
                                // Add by 1
                                temp += 1;
                                //Delete the last character of the buffer
                                string newBuffer = RemoveLastChar(buffer);
                                // Add with new temp
                                cmp.customerID = newBuffer + String.Format("{0:D3}", temp);

                            // CMP Command
                            cmp.command = "INSERT";

                            // Save to Database (Contract and CMP Table)

                            // Navigation To Add CustomerDetails
                            UserControl usc = null;
                            status = "NEW";
                            usc    = new CustomerAdd(txtClientName.Text, cmp.customerID, txtOrigin.Text, txtDestination.Text, txtQuantity.Text, txtJobType.Text, txtVanType.Text, status);