Пример #1
        public TaskResult Complete(TaskResult?result = null, string currentOperation = null, string resultCode = null)
            if (result != null)
                Result = result;

            // report total delay caused by server throttling.
            if (_totalThrottlingDelayInMilliseconds > _throttlingDelayReportThreshold)
                this.Warning($"The job has experienced {TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(_totalThrottlingDelayInMilliseconds).TotalSeconds} seconds total delay caused by server throttling.");

            _record.CurrentOperation = currentOperation ?? _record.CurrentOperation;
            _record.ResultCode       = resultCode ?? _record.ResultCode;
            _record.FinishTime       = DateTime.UtcNow;
            _record.PercentComplete  = 100;
            _record.Result           = _record.Result ?? TaskResult.Succeeded;
            _record.State            = TimelineRecordState.Completed;

            _jobServerQueue.QueueTimelineRecordUpdate(_mainTimelineId, _record);

            // complete all detail timeline records.
            if (_detailTimelineId != Guid.Empty && _detailRecords.Count > 0)
                foreach (var record in _detailRecords)
                    record.Value.FinishTime      = record.Value.FinishTime ?? DateTime.UtcNow;
                    record.Value.PercentComplete = record.Value.PercentComplete ?? 100;
                    record.Value.Result          = record.Value.Result ?? TaskResult.Succeeded;
                    record.Value.State           = TimelineRecordState.Completed;

                    _jobServerQueue.QueueTimelineRecordUpdate(_detailTimelineId, record.Value);

            if (Root != this)
                // only dispose TokenSource for step level ExecutionContext


            // Skip if generated context name. Generated context names start with "__". After M271-ish the server will never send an empty context name.
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContextName) && !ContextName.StartsWith("__", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                Global.StepsContext.SetOutcome(ScopeName, ContextName, (Outcome ?? Result ?? TaskResult.Succeeded).ToActionResult());
                Global.StepsContext.SetConclusion(ScopeName, ContextName, (Result ?? TaskResult.Succeeded).ToActionResult());

Пример #2
        public void SetOutput(string name, string value, out string reference)
            ArgUtil.NotNullOrEmpty(name, nameof(name));

            // Skip if generated context name. Generated context names start with "__". After M271-ish the server will never send an empty context name.
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContextName) || ContextName.StartsWith("__", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                reference = null;

            // todo: restrict multiline?

            Global.StepsContext.SetOutput(ScopeName, ContextName, name, value, out reference);