/// <summary>
        /// Opens the shell context menu instead of the normal context menu on right click.
        /// </summary>
        static void OnContextMenuOpening(object sender, ContextMenuEventArgs e)
            Control control = sender as Control;

            // Attempt to open the explorer context menu for the application. If the file does not exist or
            // there is some other problem then a context menu (defined in the XAML) with just "Edit Entry"
            // and "Remove Entry" is opened instead.
            if (control != null && control.DataContext is ApplicationViewModel)
                ApplicationViewModel application = (ApplicationViewModel)control.DataContext;

                if (File.Exists(application.FilePath))
                    ContextMenuWrapper cmw = new ContextMenuWrapper();
                    cmw.OnQueryMenuItems += (QueryMenuItemsEventHandler) delegate(object s, QueryMenuItemsEventArgs args)
                        args.ExtraMenuItems = new string[] { "Edit Dock Entry", "Remove Dock Entry", "---" };

                        args.GrayedItems = new string[] { "delete", "rename", "cut", "copy" };
                        args.HiddenItems = new string[] { "link" };
                        args.DefaultItem = 1;
                    cmw.OnAfterPopup += (AfterPopupEventHandler) delegate(object s, AfterPopupEventArgs args)
                        Messenger.Default.Send <ShellContextMenuMessage>(ShellContextMenuMessage.Closed());

                    Messenger.Default.Send <ShellContextMenuMessage>(ShellContextMenuMessage.Opened());

                        FileSystemInfoEx[] files = new[] { FileInfoEx.FromString(application.FilePath) };
                        int[]  position          = Win32Mouse.GetMousePosition();
                        string command           = cmw.Popup(files, new System.Drawing.Point(position[0], position[1]));

                        // Handle the click on the 'ExtraMenuItems'.
                        switch (command)
                        case "Edit Dock Entry":
                            Messenger.Default.Send <ApplicationMessage>(ApplicationMessage.Edit(application));

                        case "Remove Dock Entry":
                            Messenger.Default.Send <ApplicationMessage>(ApplicationMessage.Remove(application));
                        e.Handled = true; // Don't open the normal context menu.
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        Debug.Print("Problem displaying shell context menu: {0}", ex);
Пример #2
        public Window1()
            ContextMenuWrapper cmw = new ContextMenuWrapper();

            cmw.OnQueryMenuItems += (QueryMenuItemsEventHandler) delegate(object s, QueryMenuItemsEventArgs args)
                string firstCmd  = @"Tools\&Add" + (firstOption ? "[*]" : "");
                string secondCmd = @"Tools\Remove" + (secondOption ? "[*]" : "");

                args.ExtraMenuItems = new string[] { firstCmd, @"Tools\---", secondCmd, "Again", "---" };
                args.GrayedItems    = new string[] { "delete", "rename", "cut", "copy" };
                args.HiddenItems    = new string[] { "link" };
                args.DefaultItem    = 1;
            cmw.OnMouseHover += (MouseHoverEventHandler) delegate(object s, MouseHoverEventArgs args)
                sbar1.Text = args.Info == "" ? args.Command : args.Info;

            lv.PreviewMouseDown += (MouseButtonEventHandler) delegate(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs args)
                //Double Click
                if (args.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Pressed && args.ClickCount == 2)
                    FileInfoEx selected = lv.SelectedValue as FileInfoEx;
                    if (selected != null)
                    args.Handled = true;

            lv.MouseUp += (MouseButtonEventHandler) delegate(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs args)
                if (args.ChangedButton == MouseButton.Right)
                    List <FileSystemInfoEx> files = new List <FileSystemInfoEx>();
                    foreach (object item in lv.SelectedItems)

                    //FileSystemInfoEx file = lv.SelectedItem as FileSystemInfoEx;
                    if (files.Count > 0)
                        Point pt = this.PointToScreen(args.GetPosition(null));
                        handleCommand(cmw.Popup(files.ToArray(), new System.Drawing.Point((int)pt.X, (int)pt.Y)));

            tv.MouseUp += (MouseButtonEventHandler) delegate(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs args)
                if (args.ChangedButton == MouseButton.Right)
                    DirectoryInfoEx dir = tv.SelectedItem as DirectoryInfoEx;

                    if (dir != null)
                        Point pt = this.PointToScreen(args.GetPosition(null));
                        handleCommand(cmw.Popup(new FileSystemInfoEx[] { dir }, new System.Drawing.Point((int)pt.X, (int)pt.Y)));
Пример #3
        protected void SetupCommands(Func <ExModel[]> getSelectionFunc,
                                     Func <DirectoryModel> getCurrentFunc, Func <System.Drawing.Point> getMousePositionFunc)
            #region OpenCommand and ContextMenuCommand
            OpenCommand = new SimpleRoutedCommand(ApplicationCommands.Open)
                CanExecuteDelegate = x => { return(getCurrentFunc() != null); },
                ExecuteDelegate    = x => { Process.Start(getCurrentFunc().EmbeddedDirectoryEntry.FullName); }

            ContextMenuCommand = new SimpleRoutedCommand(ApplicationCommands.ContextMenu)
                CanExecuteDelegate = x =>
                    return(getSelectionFunc() != null && getSelectionFunc().Length > 0);
                ExecuteDelegate = x =>
                    ContextMenuWrapper _cmw = new ContextMenuWrapper();

                    _cmw.OnBeforeInvokeCommand += (InvokeCommandEventHandler) delegate(object sender, InvokeCommandEventArgs args)
                        if (args.Command == "open")
                            args.ContinueInvoke = false;
                        if (args.Command == "openas" && args.SelectedItems != null &&
                            args.SelectedItems.Length == 1)
                            args.ContinueInvoke = false;
                    var selectedItems = (from model in getSelectionFunc() select model.EmbeddedEntry).ToArray();

                    System.Drawing.Point pt = getMousePositionFunc();
                    string command          = _cmw.Popup(selectedItems, pt);
                    switch (command)
                    case "open": OpenCommand.Execute(null); break;

                    case "openas": OpenCommand.Execute(null); break;

                    case "rename": RenameCommand.Execute(null); break;

                    case "refresh": RefreshCommand.Execute(null); break;

            #region Delete, Copy and Paste
            DeleteCommand = new SimpleRoutedCommand(ApplicationCommands.Delete)
                CanExecuteDelegate = x =>
                    if (getSelectionFunc() != null && getSelectionFunc().Length > 0)
                        var selectedItems = (from model in getSelectionFunc() select model.EmbeddedEntry).ToArray();
                        foreach (FileSystemInfoEx item in selectedItems)
                            if ((item.Attributes & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) != 0)
                    //return false;
                ExecuteDelegate = x =>
                    var selectedItems = (from model in getSelectionFunc() select model.EmbeddedEntry).ToArray();
                    int itemCount     = selectedItems.Length;
                    if (System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Are you sure want to permanently remove these {0} item{1}?",
                                                                           itemCount, itemCount > 1 ? "s" : ""), "Delete", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)
                        foreach (FileSystemInfoEx item in selectedItems)

            CopyCommand = new SimpleRoutedCommand(ApplicationCommands.Copy)
                CanExecuteDelegate = x =>
                    return(getSelectionFunc() != null && getSelectionFunc().Length > 0);
                ExecuteDelegate = x =>
                    var selectedItems = (from model in getSelectionFunc() select model.EmbeddedEntry).ToArray();

                    StringCollection fileList = new StringCollection();

                    foreach (FileSystemInfoEx item in selectedItems)


            PasteCommand = new SimpleRoutedCommand(ApplicationCommands.Paste)
                CanExecuteDelegate = x =>
                        (getCurrentFunc() != null &&
                         ((getCurrentFunc().EmbeddedDirectoryEntry.Attributes & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) != 0) &&
                ExecuteDelegate = x =>
                    DirectoryInfoEx         parentDir = getCurrentFunc().EmbeddedDirectoryEntry;
                    List <FileSystemInfoEx> entryList = new List <FileSystemInfoEx>();
                    foreach (string path in Clipboard.GetFileDropList())
                        IOTools.Copy(path, PathEx.Combine(parentDir.FullName, PathEx.GetFileName(path)));

            #region PropertiesCommand
            PropertiesCommand = new SimpleRoutedCommand(ApplicationCommands.Properties)
                CanExecuteDelegate = x =>
                    return(getSelectionFunc() != null && getSelectionFunc().Length > 0);
                ExecuteDelegate = x =>
                    System.Windows.Point position = Mouse.GetPosition(null);
                    var selectedItems             = (from model in getSelectionFunc() select model.EmbeddedEntry).ToArray();

                                                    selectedItems, "properties", new System.Drawing.Point((int)position.X, (int)position.Y));