Пример #1
        private InputManager()
            // STA Requirement
            // Avalon doesn't necessarily require STA, but many components do.  Examples
            // include Cicero, OLE, COM, etc.  So we throw an exception here if the
            // thread is not STA.
            if (Thread.CurrentThread.GetApartmentState() != ApartmentState.STA)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.RequiresSTA));

            _stagingArea = new Stack();

            _primaryKeyboardDevice = new Win32KeyboardDevice(this);
            _primaryMouseDevice    = new Win32MouseDevice(this);
            _primaryCommandDevice  = new CommandDevice(this);

            _continueProcessingStagingAreaCallback = new DispatcherOperationCallback(ContinueProcessingStagingArea);

            _hitTestInvalidatedAsyncOperation = null;
            _hitTestInvalidatedAsyncCallback  = new DispatcherOperationCallback(HitTestInvalidatedAsyncCallback);

            _layoutUpdatedCallback = new EventHandler(OnLayoutUpdated); //need to cache it, LM only keeps weak ref

            // Timer used to synchronize the input devices periodically
            _inputTimer          = new DispatcherTimer(DispatcherPriority.Background);
            _inputTimer.Tick    += new EventHandler(ValidateInputDevices);
            _inputTimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(125);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>Returns a <see cref="T:System.Windows.UIElement" /> that was being processed by the layout engine at the moment of an unhandled exception.</summary>
        /// <param name="dispatcher">The <see cref="T:System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher" /> object that defines the scope of the operation. There is one dispatcher per layout engine instance.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Windows.UIElement" /> that was being processed by the layout engine at the moment of an unhandled exception.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Occurs when <paramref name="dispatcher" /> is <see langword="null" />.</exception>
        // Token: 0x06005E67 RID: 24167 RVA: 0x001A749C File Offset: 0x001A569C
        public static UIElement GetLayoutExceptionElement(Dispatcher dispatcher)
            if (dispatcher == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dispatcher");
            UIElement            result = null;
            ContextLayoutManager contextLayoutManager = ContextLayoutManager.From(dispatcher);

            if (contextLayoutManager != null)
                result = contextLayoutManager.GetLastExceptionElement();
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a UIElement which was being processed by Layout Engine at the moment
        /// an unhandled exception casued Layout Engine to abandon the operation and unwind.
        /// Returns non-null result only for a period of time before next layout update is
        /// initiated. Can be examined from the application exception handler.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dispatcher">The Dispatcher object that specifies the scope of operation. There is one Layout Engine per Dispatcher.</param>
        public static UIElement GetLayoutExceptionElement(Dispatcher dispatcher)
            if (dispatcher == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dispatcher");

            UIElement            e  = null;
            ContextLayoutManager lm = ContextLayoutManager.From(dispatcher);

            if (lm != null)
                e = lm.GetLastExceptionElement();
