public static void Look(string value, WorldClient client) { value = value.Replace("{", "{"); value = value.Replace("}", "}"); client.Character.Look = ContextActorLook.Parse(value); client.Character.RefreshOnMapInstance(); }
public static void LookCommand(string value, WorldClient client) { value = "{" + value + "}"; value = value.Replace("{", "{").Replace("}", "}"); client.Character.Look = ContextActorLook.Parse(value); client.Character.RefreshActorOnMap(); }
public static ContextActorLook GetBreedEntityLook(int breedid, bool sex, int cosmeticid, IEnumerable <int> colors) { var breed = Breeds.Find(x => x.Id == breedid); ContextActorLook result; if (!sex) { result = ContextActorLook.Parse(breed.MaleLook); } else { result = ContextActorLook.Parse(breed.FemaleLook); } List <int> futureColors = new List <int>(); int index = 1; foreach (var color in colors) { if (color == -1) { futureColors.Add(GetDefaultBreedColor(breed.Id, sex, index)); } else { futureColors.Add(color); } index++; } result.indexedColors = ContextActorLook.GetDofusColors(futureColors); result.AddSkin((ushort)HeadRecord.GetSkinFromCosmeticId(cosmeticid)); return(result); }
public static void LookCommand(string value, WorldClient client) { value = value.Replace("{", "{").Replace("}", "}"); Console.WriteLine($"Changing look of player {client.Character.Name} ({client.Account.Nickname}): from {client.Character.Look} to {value}."); client.Character.Reply($"Look before update: {client.Character.Look}"); client.Character.Look = ContextActorLook.Parse(value); client.Character.RefreshActorOnMap(); }
public MountRecord(uint id, string name, string look, ushort certificategid) { this.Id = id; this.Name = name; this.Look = look; this.CertificateGID = certificategid; this.RealLook = ContextActorLook.Parse(Look); this.RealLook.indexedColors = ContextActorLook.GetDofusColors(this.RealLook.indexedColors); }
public void RemodelBreed(CharacterRecord record, sbyte breedId, ushort cosmecticId) { var currentBreed = BreedRecord.GetBreed(record.BreedId); var newBreed = BreedRecord.GetBreed(breedId); var level = ExperienceRecord.GetCharacterLevel(record.Exp); var shortcuts = record.Shortcuts.OfType <CharacterSpellShortcut>(); List <ushort> spells = currentBreed.GetSpellsForLevel(200, new List <CharacterSpell>()).ToList(); spells.AddRange(this.BreedSpecialSpells); foreach (var spell in spells) { record.Spells.RemoveAll(x => x.SpellId == spell); var shortcut = shortcuts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SpellId == spell); record.Shortcuts.Remove(shortcut); } foreach (var spell in newBreed.GetSpellsForLevel(level, new List <CharacterSpell>())) { record.Spells.Add(new CharacterSpell(spell, 1)); } var look = record.Sex ? ContextActorLook.Parse(currentBreed.FemaleLook) : ContextActorLook.Parse(currentBreed.MaleLook); var newLook = record.Sex ? ContextActorLook.Parse(newBreed.FemaleLook) : ContextActorLook.Parse(newBreed.MaleLook); record.SpellPoints += (ushort)(level - 1); foreach (var skin in look.Skins) { record.Look.RemoveSkin(skin); } foreach (var skin in newLook.Skins) { record.Look.AddSkin(skin); } record.Look.SetScale(newLook.Scale); ushort headSkin = HeadRecord.GetSkin(record.CosmeticId); record.Look.RemoveSkin(headSkin); record.Look.AddSkin(HeadRecord.GetSkin(cosmecticId)); record.BreedId = breedId; }
public static ContextActorLook GetBreedLook(int breedid, bool sex, int cosmeticid, IEnumerable <int> colors) { var breed = GetBreed(breedid); ContextActorLook result = sex ? ContextActorLook.Parse(breed.FemaleLook) : ContextActorLook.Parse(breed.MaleLook); result.AddSkin(HeadRecord.GetSkin(cosmeticid)); int[] simpleColors = VerifiyColors(colors, sex, breed); result.SetColors(ContextActorLook.GetConvertedColors(simpleColors)); return(result); }
public MonsterRecord(ushort id, int nameid, int race, string look, bool usesummondslot, bool usebombslot, bool isboss, List <ushort> spells, List <int> iaactions, int minkamas, int maxkamas) { this.Id = id; this.NameId = nameid; this.Name = LangManager.GetText(NameId); this.Race = race; this.Look = look; if (Look != string.Empty) { this.RealLook = ContextActorLook.Parse(Look); } this.UseSummonSlot = usesummondslot; this.UseBombSlot = usebombslot; this.IsBoss = isboss; this.Spells = spells; this.IAActions = iaactions; this.MinKamas = minkamas; this.MaxKamas = maxkamas; }
public static void SynchnronizeMounts() { BigEndianReader reader = new BigEndianReader(File.ReadAllBytes(MountsPath)); while (reader.BytesAvailable > 0) { MA3Mount mount = new MA3Mount(); mount.Deserialize(reader); var record = MountRecord.GetMount(mount.Id); if (record == null) { var itemRecord = ItemRecord.Items.Find(x => x.Name == mount.Name); MountRecord newRecord = new MountRecord(mount.Id, mount.Name, ContextActorLook.Parse(mount.Look), itemRecord.Id, new List <Models.Effects.EffectInstance>()); newRecord.AddInstantElement(); logger.Gray(mount.Name + " added to mount records."); } } }
public NpcTemplateRecord(int id, string look) { this.Id = id; this.Look = look; this.RealLook = ContextActorLook.Parse(Look); }
public CharacterBaseInformations GetBaseInformation() { return(new CharacterBaseInformations((uint)Id, Level, Name, ContextActorLook.Parse(Look).ToEntityLook(), Breed, Sex)); }