Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Write packet, packet header and tracking information to the given buffer space. This buffer
        /// should contain the reliability Context at the front, that contains the capacity of the buffer
        /// and pointer offsets needed to find the slots we can copy the packet to.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="self">Buffer space where we can store packets.</param>
        /// <param name="sequence">The sequence ID of the packet, this is used to find a slot inside the buffer.</param>
        /// <param name="header">The packet header which we'll store with the packet payload.</param>
        /// <param name="data">The packet data which we're storing.</param>
        /// <exception cref="OverflowException"></exception>
        public static unsafe void SetHeaderAndPacket(NativeSlice <byte> self, int sequence, PacketHeader header, InboundBufferVec data, long timestamp)
            byte *   ptr       = (byte *)self.GetUnsafePtr();
            Context *ctx       = (Context *)ptr;
            int      totalSize = data.buffer1.Length + data.buffer2.Length;

            if (totalSize > ctx->DataStride)
            { throw new OverflowException(); }
            { return; }
            var index = sequence % ctx->Capacity;

            PacketInformation *info = GetPacketInformation(self, sequence);
            info->SequenceId = sequence;
            info->Size       = totalSize;
            info->SendTime   = timestamp;

            Packet *packet = GetPacket(self, sequence);
            packet->Header = header;
            var   offset  = (ctx->DataPtrOffset + (index * ctx->DataStride)) + UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <PacketHeader>();
            void *dataPtr = (ptr + offset);

            if (data.buffer1.Length > 0)
                UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(dataPtr, data.buffer1.GetUnsafeReadOnlyPtr(), data.buffer1.Length);
            if (data.buffer2.Length > 0)
                UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(&dataPtr + data.buffer1.Length, data.buffer2.GetUnsafeReadOnlyPtr(), data.buffer2.Length);
Пример #2
        public static unsafe PacketInformation *GetPacketInformation(byte *self, int sequence)
            Context *ctx   = (Context *)self;
            var      index = sequence % ctx->Capacity;

            return((PacketInformation *)((self + ctx->IndexPtrOffset) + (index * ctx->IndexStride)));
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Resume or play back a packet we had received earlier out of order. When an out of order packet is received
        /// it is stored since we need to first return the packet with the next sequence ID. When that packet finally
        /// arrives it is returned but a pipeline resume is requested since we already have the next packet stored
        /// and it can be processed immediately after.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Pipeline context, we'll use both the shared reliability context and receive context.</param>
        /// <param name="startSequence">The first packet which we need to retrieve now, there could be more after that.</param>
        /// <param name="needsResume">Indicates if we need the pipeline to resume again.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static unsafe NativeSlice <byte> ResumeReceive(NetworkPipelineContext context, int startSequence, ref bool needsResume)
            if (startSequence == NullEntry)
                return(default(NativeSlice <byte>));

            SharedContext *shared   = (SharedContext *)context.internalSharedProcessBuffer.GetUnsafePtr();
            Context *      reliable = (Context *)context.internalProcessBuffer.GetUnsafePtr();

            reliable->Resume = NullEntry;

            PacketInformation *info  = GetPacketInformation(context.internalProcessBuffer, startSequence);
            var latestReceivedPacket = shared->ReceivedPackets.Sequence;

            if (info->SequenceId == startSequence)
                var offset = reliable->DataPtrOffset + ((startSequence % reliable->Capacity) * reliable->DataStride);
                NativeSlice <byte> slice = new NativeSlice <byte>(context.internalProcessBuffer, offset, info->Size);
                reliable->Delivered = startSequence;

                if ((ushort)(startSequence + 1) <= latestReceivedPacket)
                    reliable->Resume = (ushort)(startSequence + 1);
                    needsResume      = true;
            return(default(NativeSlice <byte>));
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Write packet, packet header and tracking information to the given buffer space. This buffer
        /// should contain the reliability Context at the front, that contains the capacity of the buffer
        /// and pointer offsets needed to find the slots we can copy the packet to.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="self">Buffer space where we can store packets.</param>
        /// <param name="sequence">The sequence ID of the packet, this is used to find a slot inside the buffer.</param>
        /// <param name="header">The packet header which we'll store with the packet payload.</param>
        /// <param name="data">The packet data which we're storing.</param>
        /// <exception cref="OverflowException"></exception>
        public static unsafe void SetHeaderAndPacket(byte *self, int sequence, PacketHeader header, InboundSendBuffer data, long timestamp)
            Context *ctx       = (Context *)self;
            int      totalSize = data.bufferLength + data.headerPadding;

            if (totalSize + UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <PacketHeader>() > ctx->DataStride)
            { throw new OverflowException(); }
            { return; }
            var index = sequence % ctx->Capacity;

            PacketInformation *info = GetPacketInformation(self, sequence);
            info->SequenceId    = sequence;
            info->Size          = (ushort)totalSize;
            info->HeaderPadding = (ushort)data.headerPadding;
            info->SendTime      = timestamp;

            Packet *packet = GetPacket(self, sequence);
            packet->Header = header;
            var   offset  = (ctx->DataPtrOffset + (index * ctx->DataStride)) + UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <PacketHeader>();
            void *dataPtr = (self + offset);

            if (data.bufferLength > 0)
                UnsafeUtility.MemCpy((byte *)dataPtr + data.headerPadding, data.buffer, data.bufferLength);
Пример #5
        public static unsafe void InitializeContext(Parameters param, byte *sharedProcessBuffer)
            // Store parameters in the shared buffer space
            Context *ctx = (Context *)sharedProcessBuffer;

            ctx->MaxPacketCount  = param.MaxPacketCount;
            ctx->MaxPacketSize   = param.MaxPacketSize;
            ctx->PacketDelayMs   = param.PacketDelayMs;
            ctx->PacketJitterMs  = param.PacketJitterMs;
            ctx->PacketDrop      = param.PacketDropInterval;
            ctx->FuzzFactor      = param.FuzzFactor;
            ctx->FuzzOffset      = param.FuzzOffset;
            ctx->PacketCount     = 0;
            ctx->PacketDropCount = 0;
            ctx->Random          = new Random();
            if (param.RandomSeed > 0)
                ctx->RandomSeed = param.RandomSeed;
Пример #6
        static unsafe int GetIndex(byte *self, int index)
            Context *ctx = (Context *)self;

            int *value = (int *)((self + ctx->IndexPtrOffset) + (index * ctx->IndexStride));

Пример #7
        static unsafe void SetIndex(byte *self, int index, int sequence)
            Context *ctx = (Context *)self;

            int *value = (int *)((self + ctx->IndexPtrOffset) + (index * ctx->IndexStride));

            *value = sequence;
Пример #8
        public static unsafe PacketInformation *GetPacketInformation(NativeSlice <byte> self, int sequence)
            byte *   ptr   = (byte *)self.GetUnsafePtr();
            Context *ctx   = (Context *)ptr;
            var      index = sequence % ctx->Capacity;

            return((PacketInformation *)((ptr + ctx->IndexPtrOffset) + (index * ctx->IndexStride)));
        public static unsafe void Release(NativeSlice <byte> self, int start_sequence, int count)
            Context *ctx = (Context *)self.GetUnsafePtr();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                SetIndex(self, (start_sequence + i) % ctx->Capacity, NullEntry);
Пример #10
        public static unsafe Packet *GetPacket(byte *self, int sequence)
            Context *ctx   = (Context *)self;
            var      index = sequence % ctx->Capacity;

            var offset = ctx->DataPtrOffset + (index * ctx->DataStride);

            return((Packet *)(self + offset));
Пример #11
        static unsafe int GetIndex(NativeSlice <byte> self, int index)
            byte *   ptr = (byte *)self.GetUnsafePtr();
            Context *ctx = (Context *)ptr;

            int *value = (int *)((ptr + ctx->IndexPtrOffset) + (index * ctx->IndexStride));

Пример #12
        public void KphSetContextThread(ThreadHandle threadHandle, Context *context)
            byte *inData = stackalloc byte[8];

            *(int *)inData       = threadHandle;
            *(int *)(inData + 4) = (int)context;

            _fileHandle.IoControl(CtlCode(Control.KphSetContextThread), inData, 8, null, 0);
Пример #13
        static unsafe void SetIndex(NativeSlice <byte> self, int index, int sequence)
            byte *   ptr = (byte *)self.GetUnsafePtr();
            Context *ctx = (Context *)ptr;

            int *value = (int *)((ptr + ctx->IndexPtrOffset) + (index * ctx->IndexStride));

            *value = sequence;
Пример #14
        public static unsafe void Release(byte *self, int start_sequence, int count)
            Context *ctx = (Context *)self;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                SetIndex(self, (start_sequence + i) % ctx->Capacity, NullEntry);
Пример #15
        public static unsafe Packet *GetPacket(NativeSlice <byte> self, int sequence)
            byte *   ptr   = (byte *)self.GetUnsafePtr();
            Context *ctx   = (Context *)ptr;
            var      index = sequence % ctx->Capacity;

            var offset = ctx->DataPtrOffset + (index * ctx->DataStride);

            return((Packet *)(ptr + offset));
Пример #16
        public void drawSurface(int contextId)
            Render.Context context = getContext(contextId);


            Context * context = getContext(contextId);
            int       diffuse = context->color.getRGBA32();
            ClipArea *surface;
            VertexStore vs(VSF_TEX1, context, 0);


            surface       = context->clip;
            context->clip = context->clip->parent;
            surface->surface = NULL;

            for (int y = 0; y < 2; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++)
                    double lx  = surface->x + x * surface->width;
                    double ly  = surface->y + y * surface->height;
                    double tx1 = (float)x / surface->textureWidth * surface->width;
                    double ty1 = (float)y / surface->textureHeight * surface->height;

                    vs.addVertex(lx, ly, diffuse, tx1, ty1);

            vs.addTriangle(0, 1, 2);
            vs.addTriangle(3, 2, 1);

            context->device->setTexture(0, surface->texture);
            context->device->setSamplerStates(0, FILTER_POINT, ADDRESS_CLAMP);
            context->device->setTextureStageModulation(0, surface->getModulation());
            context->device->setBlendFunc(BLEND_ONE, BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
            if (surface->linearColorSpace && !context->clip->linearColorSpace)
                context->device->setState(STATE_SRGBWRITEENABLE, BOOLEAN_TRUE);


            context->device->setTexture(0, NULL);
            context->device->setState(STATE_SRGBWRITEENABLE, BOOLEAN_FALSE);

            delete surface;
Пример #17
 public static unsafe void InitializeContext(Parameters param, NativeSlice<byte> sharedProcessBuffer)
     // Store parameters in the shared buffer space
     Context* ctx = (Context*) sharedProcessBuffer.GetUnsafePtr();
     ctx->MaxPacketCount = param.MaxPacketCount;
     ctx->MaxPacketSize = param.MaxPacketSize;
     ctx->PacketDelayMs = param.PacketDelayMs;
     ctx->PacketDrop = param.PacketDropInterval;
     ctx->PacketCount = 0;
     ctx->PacketDropCount = 0;
     ctx->Random = new Random();
Пример #18
        void CompletionProc(
            IntPtr pObject,
            eNkMAIDCommand ulCommand,
            UInt32 ulParam,
            eNkMAIDDataType ulDataType,
            IntPtr data,
            IntPtr refComplete,
            eNkMAIDResult nResult)
            Context *context = (Context *)refComplete.ToPointer();

            context->Complete = true;
            context->Result   = nResult;
Пример #19
        public unsafe bool ShouldDropPacket(Context* ctx, Parameters param, long timestamp)
            if (param.PacketDropInterval > 0 && (ctx->PacketCount - 1) % param.PacketDropInterval == 0)
                return true;
            if (param.PacketDropPercentage > 0)
                //var packetLoss = new System.Random().NextDouble() * 100;
                var packetLoss = ctx->Random.NextDouble() * 100;
                if (packetLoss <= param.PacketDropPercentage) {
                    return true;

            return false;
Пример #20
        public static unsafe bool TryAquire(NativeSlice <byte> self, int sequence)
            Context *ctx = (Context *)self.GetUnsafePtr();

            var index = sequence % ctx->Capacity;

            var currentSequenceId = GetIndex(self, index);

            if (currentSequenceId == NullEntry)
                SetIndex(self, index, sequence);
Пример #21
        public AudioOutput(int channels = 1, int sampleRate = 44100)
            if (channels < 1 || channels > 2)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(channels));

            if (sampleRate < 2000 || sampleRate > 200000)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(sampleRate));

                al        = AL.GetApi(true);
                alContext = ALContext.GetApi(true);
                al        = AL.GetApi(false);
                alContext = ALContext.GetApi(false);
            device = alContext.OpenDevice("");

            Available = device != null;

            if (Available)
                context = alContext.CreateContext(device, null);
                if (al.GetError() != AudioError.NoError)
                    Available = false;
                    if (context != null)
                    disposed = true;
                source = al.GenSource();
                al.SetSourceProperty(source, SourceBoolean.Looping, true);
                al.SetSourceProperty(source, SourceFloat.Gain, 1.0f);
Пример #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Resend a packet which we have not received an acknowledgement for in time. Pipeline resume
        /// will be enabled if there are more packets which we need to resend. The send reliability context
        /// will then also be updated to track the next packet we need to resume.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Pipeline context, we'll use both the shared reliability context and send context.</param>
        /// <param name="header">Packet header for the packet payload we're resending.</param>
        /// <param name="needsResume">Indicates if a pipeline resume is needed again.</param>
        /// <returns>Buffer slice to packet payload.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ApplicationException"></exception>
        public static unsafe NativeSlice <byte> ResumeSend(NetworkPipelineContext context, out PacketHeader header, ref bool needsResume)
            SharedContext *reliable = (SharedContext *)context.internalSharedProcessBuffer.GetUnsafePtr();
            Context *      ctx      = (Context *)context.internalProcessBuffer.GetUnsafePtr();

            if (ctx->Resume == NullEntry)
                throw new ApplicationException("This function should not be called unless there is data in resume");

            var sequence = (ushort)ctx->Resume;

            PacketInformation *information;
            information = GetPacketInformation(context.internalProcessBuffer, sequence);
            // Reset the resend timer
            information->SendTime = context.timestamp;

            Packet *packet = GetPacket(context.internalProcessBuffer, sequence);
            header = packet->Header;

            // Update acked/ackmask to latest values
            header.AckedSequenceId = (ushort)reliable->ReceivedPackets.Sequence;
            header.AckMask         = reliable->ReceivedPackets.AckMask;

            var offset = (ctx->DataPtrOffset + ((sequence % ctx->Capacity) * ctx->DataStride)) + UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <PacketHeader>();

            NativeSlice <byte> slice = new NativeSlice <byte>(context.internalProcessBuffer, offset, information->Size);

            needsResume = false;
            ctx->Resume = -1;

            // Check if another packet needs to be resent right after this one
            for (int i = sequence + 1; i < reliable->ReceivedPackets.Sequence + 1; i++)
                var timeToResend = CurrentResendTime(context.internalSharedProcessBuffer);
                information = GetPacketInformation(context.internalProcessBuffer, i);
                if (information->SequenceId >= 0 && information->SendTime + timeToResend > context.timestamp)
                    needsResume = true;
                    ctx->Resume = i;
Пример #23
        public Status RMW(Key *key, Input *input, Context *userContext, long monotonicSerialNum)
            var context        = default(PendingContext);
            var internalStatus = InternalRMW(key, input, userContext, ref context);
            var status         = default(Status);

            if (internalStatus == OperationStatus.SUCCESS || internalStatus == OperationStatus.NOTFOUND)
                status = (Status)internalStatus;
                status = HandleOperationStatus(threadCtx, context, internalStatus);
            threadCtx.serialNum = monotonicSerialNum;
Пример #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Acknowledge the reception of packets which have been sent. The reliability
        /// shared context/state is updated when packets are received from the other end
        /// of the connection. The other side will update it's ackmask with which packets
        /// have been received (starting from last received sequence ID) each time it sends
        /// a packet back. This checks the resend timers on each non-acknowledged packet
        /// and notifies if it's time to resend yet.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Pipeline context, contains the buffer slices this pipeline connection owns.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static unsafe bool ReleaseOrResumePackets(NetworkPipelineContext context)
            SharedContext *reliable = (SharedContext *)context.internalSharedProcessBuffer.GetUnsafePtr();
            Context *      ctx      = (Context *)context.internalProcessBuffer.GetUnsafePtr();

            // Last sequence ID and ackmask we received from the remote peer, these are confirmed delivered packets
            var lastReceivedAckMask            = reliable->SentPackets.AckMask;
            var lastOwnSequenceIdAckedByRemote = (ushort)reliable->SentPackets.Acked;

            // To deal with wrapping, chop off the upper half of the sequence ID and multiply by window size, it
            // will then never wrap but will map to the correct index in the packet storage, wrapping happens when
            // sending low sequence IDs (since it checks sequence IDs backwards in time).
            var sequence = (ushort)(reliable->WindowSize * ((1 - lastOwnSequenceIdAckedByRemote) >> 15));

            // Check each slot in the window, starting from the sequence ID calculated above (this isn't the
            // latest sequence ID though as it was adjusted to avoid wrapping)
            for (int i = 0; i < reliable->WindowSize; i++)
                var info = GetPacketInformation(context.internalProcessBuffer, sequence);
                if (info->SequenceId >= 0)
                    // Check the bit for this sequence ID against the ackmask. Bit 0 in the ackmask is the latest
                    // ackedSeqId, bit 1 latest ackedSeqId - 1 (one older) and so on. If bit X is 1 then ackedSeqId-X is acknowledged
                    var ackBits = 1 << (lastOwnSequenceIdAckedByRemote - info->SequenceId);

                    // Release if this seqId has been flipped on in the ackmask (so it's acknowledged)
                    // Ignore if sequence ID is out of window range of the last acknowledged id
                    if (SequenceHelpers.AbsDistance((ushort)lastOwnSequenceIdAckedByRemote, (ushort)info->SequenceId) < reliable->WindowSize && (ackBits & lastReceivedAckMask) != 0)
                        Release(context.internalProcessBuffer, info->SequenceId);
                        info->SendTime = -1;
                        sequence       = (ushort)(sequence - 1);
                    var timeToResend = CurrentResendTime(context.internalSharedProcessBuffer);
                    if (context.timestamp > info->SendTime + timeToResend)
                        ctx->Resume = info->SequenceId;
                sequence = (ushort)(sequence - 1);
            return(ctx->Resume != NullEntry);
Пример #25
        public static unsafe int InitializeProcessContext(byte *buffer, int bufferLength, Parameters param)
            int totalCapacity = ProcessCapacityNeeded(param);

            if (bufferLength != totalCapacity)
            Context *ctx = (Context *)buffer;

            ctx->Capacity       = param.WindowSize;
            ctx->IndexStride    = AlignedSizeOf <PacketInformation>();
            ctx->IndexPtrOffset = AlignedSizeOf <Context>();
            ctx->DataStride     = (Packet.Length + UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <PacketHeader>() + NetworkPipelineProcessor.AlignmentMinusOne) & (~NetworkPipelineProcessor.AlignmentMinusOne);
            ctx->DataPtrOffset  = ctx->IndexPtrOffset + (ctx->IndexStride * ctx->Capacity);
            ctx->Resume         = NullEntry;
            ctx->Delivered      = NullEntry;

            Release(buffer, 0, param.WindowSize);
Пример #26
        public static unsafe int InitializeProcessContext(NativeSlice <byte> self, Parameters param)
            int totalCapacity = ProcessCapacityNeeded(param);

            if (self.Length != totalCapacity)
            Context *ctx = (Context *)self.GetUnsafePtr();

            ctx->Capacity       = param.WindowSize;
            ctx->IndexStride    = (UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <PacketInformation>() + 3) & ~3;
            ctx->IndexPtrOffset = sizeof(Context);
            ctx->DataStride     = (Packet.Length + 3) & ~3;
            ctx->DataPtrOffset  = ctx->IndexPtrOffset + (ctx->IndexStride * ctx->Capacity);
            ctx->Resume         = NullEntry;
            ctx->Delivered      = NullEntry;

            Release(self, 0, param.WindowSize);
Пример #27
        protected override unsafe void OnStop()
            // Cleanup: nuke our context if we have it.  This is hacky and bad - we should really destroy
            // our buffers and sources.  I have _no_ idea if OpenAL will leak memory.
            if (_context != null)
                XPlane.Trace.WriteLine($"[OpenAL Sample] Deleting my context 0x{((ulong)_context):X8}");
                _context = null;

            if (_device != null)
                _device = null;

            _flightLoop = null;

Пример #28
        public unsafe void FuzzPacket(Context *ctx, ref InboundSendBuffer inboundBuffer)
            int fuzzFactor = ctx->FuzzFactor;
            int fuzzOffset = ctx->FuzzOffset;
            int rand       = ctx->Random.NextInt(0, 100);

            if (rand > fuzzFactor)

            var length = inboundBuffer.bufferLength;

            for (int i = fuzzOffset; i < length; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j)
                    if (fuzzFactor > ctx->Random.NextInt(0, 100))
                        inboundBuffer.buffer[i] ^= (byte)(1 << j);
Пример #29
        public Status RMW(Key *key, Input *input, Context *userContext, long monotonicSerialNum)
             * if (((RecordInfo*)hlog.GetPhysicalAddress(0))->Invalid != true)
             * {
             *  Debugger.Break();
             * }*/

            var context        = default(PendingContext);
            var internalStatus = InternalRMW(key, input, userContext, ref context);
            var status         = default(Status);

            if (internalStatus == OperationStatus.SUCCESS || internalStatus == OperationStatus.NOTFOUND)
                status = (Status)internalStatus;
                status = HandleOperationStatus(threadCtx, context, internalStatus);
            threadCtx.serialNum = monotonicSerialNum;
Пример #30
        public static unsafe void SetPacket(NativeSlice <byte> self, int sequence, void *data, int length)
            byte *   ptr = (byte *)self.GetUnsafePtr();
            Context *ctx = (Context *)ptr;

            if (length > ctx->DataStride)
            { throw new OverflowException(); }
            { return; }

            var index = sequence % ctx->Capacity;

            PacketInformation *info = GetPacketInformation(self, sequence);
            info->SequenceId = sequence;
            info->Size       = length;
            info->SendTime   = -1;        // Not used for packets queued for resume receive

            var   offset  = ctx->DataPtrOffset + (index * ctx->DataStride);
            void *dataPtr = (ptr + offset);

            UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(dataPtr, data, length);