Пример #1
        protected GraphView()
            selection       = new List <ISelectable>();
            clippingOptions = ClippingOptions.ClipContents;

            contentViewContainer = new ContentViewContainer
                name            = "contentViewContainer",
                clippingOptions = ClippingOptions.NoClipping,
                pickingMode     = PickingMode.Ignore

            // make it absolute and 0 sized so it acts as a transform to move children to and fro

            graphElements = contentViewContainer.Query <GraphElement>().Where(e => !(e is Port)).Build();
            nodes         = contentViewContainer.Query <Node>().Build();
            edges         = this.Query <Layer>().Children <Edge>().Build();
            ports         = contentViewContainer.Query().Children <Layer>().Descendents <Port>().Build();

            m_ElementsToRemove = new List <GraphElement>();
            m_GraphViewChange.elementsToRemove = m_ElementsToRemove;

            isReframable = true;
            focusIndex   = 0;

            RegisterCallback <ValidateCommandEvent>(OnValidateCommand);
            RegisterCallback <ExecuteCommandEvent>(OnExecuteCommand);
            RegisterCallback <AttachToPanelEvent>(OnEnterPanel);
            RegisterCallback <DetachFromPanelEvent>(OnLeavePanel);
            RegisterCallback <ContextualMenuPopulateEvent>(OnContextualMenu);

            // We override the font for all GraphElements here so we can use the fallback system.
            // We load the dummy font first and then we overwrite the fontNames, just like we do
            // with the Editor's default font asset. Loading system fonts directly via
            // Font.CreateDynamicFontFromOSFont() caused TextMesh to generate the wrong bounds.
            // TODO: Add font fallback specifications and use of system fonts to USS.
            if (!m_FontsOverridden && (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor))
                Font graphViewFont = EditorGUIUtility.LoadRequired("GraphView/DummyFont(LucidaGrande).ttf") as Font;

                if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor)
                    graphViewFont.fontNames = new string[] { "Segoe UI", "Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", "Arial", "Verdana" }
                else if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor)
                    graphViewFont.fontNames = new string[] { "Helvetica Neue", "Lucida Grande" }

                m_FontsOverridden = true;
        protected GraphView(IStore store)
            m_Store = store;



            selection      = new List <ISelectable>();
            style.overflow = Overflow.Hidden;

            style.flexDirection = FlexDirection.Column;

            graphViewContainer = new VisualElement();
            graphViewContainer.style.flexGrow  = 1f;
            graphViewContainer.style.flexBasis = 0f;
            graphViewContainer.pickingMode     = PickingMode.Ignore;

            contentViewContainer = new ContentViewContainer
                name        = "contentViewContainer",
                pickingMode = PickingMode.Ignore,
                usageHints  = UsageHints.GroupTransform

            // make it absolute and 0 sized so it acts as a transform to move children to and fro

            graphElements    = contentViewContainer.Query <GraphElement>().Build();
            allGraphElements = this.Query <GraphElement>().Build();
            nodes            = contentViewContainer.Query <Node>().Build();
            edges            = this.Query <Layer>().Children <Edge>().Build();
            ports            = contentViewContainer.Query().Children <Layer>().Descendents <Port>().Build();

            m_ElementsToRemove = new List <GraphElement>();
            m_GraphViewChange.elementsToRemove = m_ElementsToRemove;

            isReframable = true;
            focusable    = true;

            RegisterCallback <ValidateCommandEvent>(OnValidateCommand);
            RegisterCallback <ExecuteCommandEvent>(OnExecuteCommand);
            RegisterCallback <AttachToPanelEvent>(OnEnterPanel);
            RegisterCallback <DetachFromPanelEvent>(OnLeavePanel);
            RegisterCallback <ContextualMenuPopulateEvent>(OnContextualMenu);