Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Search thread operation. Performs a single search for content from string passed in through arguments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stateInfo">Arguments for thread</param>
        private void SearchThread(object stateInfo)
            // Get arguments
            object[]         args         = (object[])stateInfo;
            int              statusIndex  = (int)args[0];
            int              searchIndex  = (int)args[1];
            string           search       = (string)args[2];
            string           folderPath   = (string)args[3];
            string           movieFolder  = (string)args[4];
            int              year         = (int)args[5];
            ContentSearchMod mods         = (ContentSearchMod)args[6];
            Content          knownContent = (Content)args[7];

            // Check search is still active
            List <SearchResult> matches = new List <SearchResult>();

            if (searchStatus.ContainsKey(statusIndex))
                DoMatch(search, folderPath, movieFolder, year, mods, out matches, knownContent);

            // Check search is still active then put results into status
            lock (searchLock)
                if (searchStatus.ContainsKey(statusIndex))
                    searchStatus[statusIndex].SetSearchMatches(searchIndex, matches);
Пример #2
            /// <summary>
            /// Get search match with lowest modification to search string
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="status">Search status instance</param>
            /// <param name="lowestModsMatchStrLen">Length of best result's content name</param>
            /// <param name="results">Best resulting content</param>
            /// <returns>Whether a valid content match result was found</returns>
            public bool GetSearchResultWithLowestMods(out ContentSearchMod modsOnResultsSearch, out Content results)
                int lowestModsMatchStrLen = 0;

                modsOnResultsSearch = ContentSearchMod.All;

                switch (this.ContentType)
                case ContentType.Movie:
                    results = new Movie();

                case ContentType.TvShow:
                    results = new TvShow();

                    throw new Exception("Unknown content type");

                // Use match with lowest amount of modification made to search string and longest length (I think this is the most likely to the content we actually want to match to)
                for (int i = 0; i < this.matches.Length; i++)
                    if (this.matches[i] != null)
                        for (int j = 0; j < this.matches[i].Count; j++)
                            if (this.matches[i][j].Mods < modsOnResultsSearch || (this.matches[i][j].Mods == modsOnResultsSearch && this.matches[i][j].MatchedString.Length > lowestModsMatchStrLen))
                                results               = this.matches[i][j].Content;
                                modsOnResultsSearch   = this.matches[i][j].Mods;
                                lowestModsMatchStrLen = this.matches[i][j].MatchedString.Length;
Пример #3
            /// <summary>
            /// Get search match with lowest modification to search string
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="status">Search status instance</param>
            /// <param name="lowestModsMatchStrLen">Length of best result's content name</param>
            /// <param name="results">Best resulting content</param>
            /// <returns>Whether a valid content match result was found</returns>
            public bool GetSearchResultWithLowestMods(out ContentSearchMod modsOnResultsSearch, out Content results)
                int lowestModsMatchStrLen = 0;
                modsOnResultsSearch = ContentSearchMod.All;

                switch (this.ContentType)
                    case ContentType.Movie:
                        results = new Movie();
                    case ContentType.TvShow:
                        results = new TvShow();
                        throw new Exception("Unknown content type");

                // Use match with lowest amount of modification made to search string and longest length (I think this is the most likely to the content we actually want to match to)
                for (int i = 0; i < this.matches.Length; i++)
                    if (this.matches[i] != null)
                        for (int j = 0; j < this.matches[i].Count; j++)
                            if (this.matches[i][j].Mods < modsOnResultsSearch || (this.matches[i][j].Mods == modsOnResultsSearch && this.matches[i][j].MatchedString.Length > lowestModsMatchStrLen))
                                results = this.matches[i][j].Content;
                                modsOnResultsSearch = this.matches[i][j].Mods;
                                lowestModsMatchStrLen = this.matches[i][j].MatchedString.Length;

                return !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(results.DatabaseName);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Search database for content and find a match from results.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="search">Search string to match content to</param>
        /// <param name="folderPath">Path of folder containing content</param>
        /// <param name="rootFolder">Root folder containing content folder</param>
        /// <param name="year">Year to match to content</param>
        /// <param name="result">resulting match found from search</param>
        /// <returns>whether match was successful</returns>
        private bool DoMatch(string search, string folderPath, string rootFolder, int year, ContentSearchMod baseMods, out List<SearchResult> matches, Content knownContent)
            /// Debug notification
            OnDebugNotificationd("Performing database search for: " + search);

            // Search for content
            List<Content> searchResults;
            if (knownContent == null)
                searchResults = PerformSearch(search, false);
                searchResults = new List<Content>() { knownContent };

            // Initialize resutls
            matches = new List<SearchResult>();

            // Go through results
            if (searchResults != null)
                foreach (Content searchResult in searchResults)
                    OnDebugNotificationd("Attempting to match to database entry: " + searchResult);

                    SearchResult result = new SearchResult();
                    result.Mods = baseMods;

                    // Verify year in result matches year from folder (if any)
                    if (year != -1 && Math.Abs(year - searchResult.DatabaseYear) > 2)

                    // Check if search string match results string
                    string simplifiedSearch = FileHelper.SimplifyFileName(search);
                    string dbContentName = FileHelper.SimplifyFileName(searchResult.DatabaseName);

                    bool theAddedToMatch;
                    bool singleLetterDiff;

                    // Try basic match
                    bool match = FileHelper.CompareStrings(simplifiedSearch, dbContentName, out theAddedToMatch, out singleLetterDiff);
                    result.MatchedString = simplifiedSearch;

                    // Try match with year removed
                    if (!match)
                        simplifiedSearch = FileHelper.SimplifyFileName(search, true, true, false);
                        dbContentName = FileHelper.SimplifyFileName(searchResult.DatabaseName, true, true, false);
                        match = FileHelper.CompareStrings(simplifiedSearch, dbContentName, out theAddedToMatch, out singleLetterDiff);
                        result.MatchedString = simplifiedSearch;

                    // Try match with country removed
                    if (!match)
                        simplifiedSearch = FileHelper.SimplifyFileName(search, true, true, true);
                        dbContentName = FileHelper.SimplifyFileName(searchResult.DatabaseName, true, true, true);
                        match = FileHelper.CompareStrings(simplifiedSearch, dbContentName, out theAddedToMatch, out singleLetterDiff);
                        if (match)
                            result.Mods |= ContentSearchMod.WordsRemoved;
                        result.MatchedString = simplifiedSearch;

                    // Try match with spaces removed
                    if (!match)
                        string dirNoSpc = simplifiedSearch.Replace(" ", "");
                        string nameNoSpc = dbContentName.Replace(" ", "");
                        match = FileHelper.CompareStrings(dirNoSpc, nameNoSpc, out theAddedToMatch, out singleLetterDiff);
                        result.MatchedString = simplifiedSearch;
                        if (match)
                            result.Mods |= ContentSearchMod.SpaceRemoved;

                    // Try match with year added to content name
                    if (!match)
                        simplifiedSearch = FileHelper.SimplifyFileName(search);
                        dbContentName = FileHelper.SimplifyFileName(searchResult.DatabaseName + " " + searchResult.DatabaseYear.ToString());
                        match = FileHelper.CompareStrings(simplifiedSearch, dbContentName, out theAddedToMatch, out singleLetterDiff);
                        result.MatchedString = simplifiedSearch;

                    if (theAddedToMatch)
                        result.Mods |= ContentSearchMod.TheAdded;
                    if (singleLetterDiff)
                        result.Mods |= ContentSearchMod.SingleLetterAdded;

                    // Match notification
                    if (match)
                        OnDebugNotificationd("Matched with following mods: " + result.Mods);

                    // No match, next result!
                    if (!match)

                    // Set results folder/path
                    result.Content = searchResult;
                    result.Content.RootFolder = rootFolder;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(folderPath))
                        result.Content.Path = result.Content.BuildFolderPath();
                        result.Content.Path = folderPath;

                    // Save results

            return matches.Count > 0;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Simplifies an input string with various options.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">String to be simplified</param>
        /// <param name="removeFirst">Whether to always remove first word during simplification</param>
        /// <param name="removeLast">Whether to always remove last word during simplification</param>
        /// <param name="options">Selection of optional remove words</param>
        /// <param name="disableRemAfter">Disable removing of words that follow defined words to remove</param>
        /// <param name="wordSplitEn">Enables splitting words in the string using dictionary (e.g. "howimetyourmother" split to "how i met your mother"</param>
        /// <param name="removeWhitespace">Whether to remove extra whitespace</param>
        /// <returns>Simplified string results</returns>
        public static SimplifyStringResults BuildSimplifyResults(string input, bool removeFirst, bool removeLast, OptionalSimplifyRemoves options, bool disableRemAfter, bool wordSplitEn, bool removeWhitespace, bool removeBrackContents)
            // All lowercase
            string simplifiedName = input.ToLower().Replace("&", "and");

            // Initialize string modifications
            ContentSearchMod mods = ContentSearchMod.None;

            // Remove contents inside any brackets
            if (removeBrackContents)
                simplifiedName = Regex.Replace(simplifiedName, @"\([^\)]*\)", " ");
                mods          |= ContentSearchMod.BrackRemoval;

            // Remove unneeded characters: ',!,?,(,),:
            simplifiedName = Regex.Replace(simplifiedName, @"[']+", "");
            simplifiedName = Regex.Replace(simplifiedName, @"[!\?\u0028\u0029\:\]\[]+", " ");

            // Replace seperators with spaces
            if (removeWhitespace)
                simplifiedName = Regex.Replace(simplifiedName, @"\W+|_", " ");

            // Initialize removed words dictionary
            Dictionary <FileWordType, List <string> > removeFileWords = new Dictionary <FileWordType, List <string> >();

            // Process each optional remove word
            for (int j = 0; j < OptionalRemoveWords.Length; j++)
                if (((int)options & (int)Math.Pow(2, j)) > 0)
                    bool removed;
                    simplifiedName = RemoveWord(disableRemAfter, simplifiedName, removeFileWords, OptionalRemoveWords[j], out removed);
                    if (removed)
                        if ((OptionalSimplifyRemoves)j == OptionalSimplifyRemoves.Year || (OptionalSimplifyRemoves)j == OptionalSimplifyRemoves.YearAndFollowing)
                            mods |= ContentSearchMod.YearRemoved;
                            mods |= ContentSearchMod.WordsRemoved;

            // Process always remove words
            foreach (RemoveFileWord remWord in AlwaysRemoveWords)
                simplifiedName = RemoveWord(disableRemAfter, simplifiedName, removeFileWords, remWord);

            // Remove first word
            if (removeFirst)
                Match firstWordMatch = Regex.Match(simplifiedName, @"^\W*\w+");
                if (firstWordMatch.Success)
                    simplifiedName = simplifiedName.Remove(firstWordMatch.Index, firstWordMatch.Length);
                mods |= ContentSearchMod.WordsRemoved;

            // Remove Last word
            if (removeLast)
                Match lastWordMatch = Regex.Match(simplifiedName, @"(\w+\W*)$");
                if (lastWordMatch.Success)
                    simplifiedName = simplifiedName.Remove(lastWordMatch.Index, lastWordMatch.Length);
                mods |= ContentSearchMod.WordsRemoved;

            //// Don't allow removal of both first and last words
            //else if (removeFirst && removeLast)
            //    return null;

            // Word splitting
            if (wordSplitEn)
                // Seperate input by whitespace
                string[] words = simplifiedName.Split(' ');

                // Build new string with words split up
                bool split = false;
                simplifiedName = string.Empty;
                foreach (string word in words)
                    string newWord;
                    if (WordHelper.TrySplitWords(word, out newWord))
                        split = true;
                    simplifiedName += newWord + " ";

                if (split)
                    mods |= ContentSearchMod.WordSlit;

            // Trim
            simplifiedName = simplifiedName.Trim().Replace("  ", " ");

            return(new SimplifyStringResults(simplifiedName, removeFileWords, mods));
Пример #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor with known properties
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="text">Simplified string</param>
 /// <param name="removedWords">Dictionary of words that were removed</param>
 /// <param name="mods">Modifications made during simplifcation</param>
 public SimplifyStringResults(string text, Dictionary <FileWordType, List <string> > removedWords, ContentSearchMod mods)
     this.SimplifiedString = text;
     this.RemovedWords     = removedWords;
     this.Modifications    = mods;
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Search database for content and find a match from results.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="search">Search string to match content to</param>
        /// <param name="folderPath">Path of folder containing content</param>
        /// <param name="rootFolder">Root folder containing content folder</param>
        /// <param name="year">Year to match to content</param>
        /// <param name="result">resulting match found from search</param>
        /// <returns>whether match was successful</returns>
        private bool DoMatch(string search, string folderPath, string rootFolder, int year, ContentSearchMod baseMods, out List <SearchResult> matches, Content knownContent)
            /// Debug notification
            OnDebugNotificationd("Performing database search for: " + search);

            // Search for content
            List <Content> searchResults;

            if (knownContent == null)
                searchResults = PerformSearch(search, false);
                searchResults = new List <Content>()

            // Initialize resutls
            matches = new List <SearchResult>();

            // Go through results
            if (searchResults != null)
                foreach (Content searchResult in searchResults)
                    OnDebugNotificationd("Attempting to match to database entry: " + searchResult);

                    SearchResult result = new SearchResult();
                    result.Mods = baseMods;

                    // Verify year in result matches year from folder (if any)
                    if (year != -1 && Math.Abs(year - searchResult.DatabaseYear) > 2)

                    // Check if search string match results string
                    string simplifiedSearch = FileHelper.SimplifyFileName(search);
                    string dbContentName    = FileHelper.SimplifyFileName(searchResult.DatabaseName);

                    bool theAddedToMatch;
                    bool singleLetterDiff;

                    // Try basic match
                    bool match = FileHelper.CompareStrings(simplifiedSearch, dbContentName, out theAddedToMatch, out singleLetterDiff);
                    result.MatchedString = simplifiedSearch;

                    // Try match with year removed
                    if (!match)
                        simplifiedSearch     = FileHelper.SimplifyFileName(search, true, true, false);
                        dbContentName        = FileHelper.SimplifyFileName(searchResult.DatabaseName, true, true, false);
                        match                = FileHelper.CompareStrings(simplifiedSearch, dbContentName, out theAddedToMatch, out singleLetterDiff);
                        result.MatchedString = simplifiedSearch;

                    // Try match with country removed
                    if (!match)
                        simplifiedSearch = FileHelper.SimplifyFileName(search, true, true, true);
                        dbContentName    = FileHelper.SimplifyFileName(searchResult.DatabaseName, true, true, true);
                        match            = FileHelper.CompareStrings(simplifiedSearch, dbContentName, out theAddedToMatch, out singleLetterDiff);
                        if (match)
                            result.Mods |= ContentSearchMod.WordsRemoved;
                        result.MatchedString = simplifiedSearch;

                    // Try match with spaces removed
                    if (!match)
                        string dirNoSpc  = simplifiedSearch.Replace(" ", "");
                        string nameNoSpc = dbContentName.Replace(" ", "");
                        match = FileHelper.CompareStrings(dirNoSpc, nameNoSpc, out theAddedToMatch, out singleLetterDiff);
                        result.MatchedString = simplifiedSearch;
                        if (match)
                            result.Mods |= ContentSearchMod.SpaceRemoved;

                    // Try match with year added to content name
                    if (!match)
                        simplifiedSearch     = FileHelper.SimplifyFileName(search);
                        dbContentName        = FileHelper.SimplifyFileName(searchResult.DatabaseName + " " + searchResult.DatabaseYear.ToString());
                        match                = FileHelper.CompareStrings(simplifiedSearch, dbContentName, out theAddedToMatch, out singleLetterDiff);
                        result.MatchedString = simplifiedSearch;

                    if (theAddedToMatch)
                        result.Mods |= ContentSearchMod.TheAdded;
                    if (singleLetterDiff)
                        result.Mods |= ContentSearchMod.SingleLetterAdded;

                    // Match notification
                    if (match)
                        OnDebugNotificationd("Matched with following mods: " + result.Mods);

                    // No match, next result!
                    if (!match)

                    // Set results folder/path
                    result.Content            = searchResult;
                    result.Content.RootFolder = rootFolder;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(folderPath))
                        result.Content.Path = result.Content.BuildFolderPath();
                        result.Content.Path = folderPath;

                    // Save results

            return(matches.Count > 0);
Пример #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor with known properties
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="text">Simplified string</param>
 /// <param name="removedWords">Dictionary of words that were removed</param>
 /// <param name="mods">Modifications made during simplifcation</param>
 public SimplifyStringResults(string text, Dictionary<FileWordType, List<string>> removedWords, ContentSearchMod mods)
     this.SimplifiedString = text;
     this.RemovedWords = removedWords;
     this.Modifications = mods;