private void CommandBinding_Executed(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
     if (Object.ReferenceEquals(e.Command, DockManagerCommands.NewTab))
         var newPane = new ContentPane();
         newPane.Header = "New Tab";
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="content">The content of the ContentPane.</param>
        public ContentPaneProxy(object content, string name)
            _contentPane = new ContentPane();
            _contentPane.Name = name;
            _contentPane.Content = content;
            ContentPaneProxy.SetAssociatedProxy(_contentPane, this);

            base.DataContext = _contentPane;

        static ContentPaneFactory SetupPane(out WorkSurfaceContextViewModel workSurfaceContextViewModel, out ContentPane userControl, MessageBoxResult messageBoxResult)
            var pane = new ContentPaneFactory();
            var eventAggregator = new Mock<IEventAggregator>();
            var workSurfaceViewModel = new Mock<ITestWorkSurfaceViewModel>();
            workSurfaceViewModel.SetupGet(w => w.WorkSurfaceContext).Returns(WorkSurfaceContext.Workflow);
            workSurfaceViewModel.SetupGet(w => w.ResourceModel).Returns(new TestResourceModel { Authorized = true });
            var localhost = new Mock<IEnvironmentModel>();
            localhost.Setup(e => e.ID).Returns(Guid.Empty);
            localhost.Setup(e => e.IsConnected).Returns(true);
            var environmentRepository = new Mock<IEnvironmentRepository>();
            environmentRepository.Setup(c => c.All()).Returns(new[] { localhost.Object });
            environmentRepository.Setup(c => c.Source).Returns(localhost.Object);
            var eventPublisher = new Mock<IEventAggregator>();
            var asyncWorker = AsyncWorkerTests.CreateSynchronousAsyncWorker();
            var versionChecker = new Mock<IVersionChecker>();
            var browserPopupController = new Mock<IBrowserPopupController>();

            var savePopup = new Mock<IPopupController>();
            savePopup.Setup(s => s.Show(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<MessageBoxButton>(), It.IsAny<MessageBoxImage>(), It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(messageBoxResult);
            var mainViewModel = new MainViewModelMock(eventPublisher.Object, asyncWorker.Object, environmentRepository.Object, versionChecker.Object,new Mock<IStudioResourceRepository>().Object, new Mock<IConnectControlSingleton>().Object, new Mock<IConnectControlViewModel>().Object, false, browserPopupController.Object) { IsBusyDownloadingInstaller = () => false, PopupProvider = savePopup.Object };

            workSurfaceContextViewModel = new WorkSurfaceContextViewModel(eventAggregator.Object, new WorkSurfaceKey
                    EnvironmentID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    ResourceID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    ServerID = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    WorkSurfaceContext = WorkSurfaceContext.Workflow
                }, workSurfaceViewModel.Object, new Mock<IPopupController>().Object, (a, b) => { })
                    Parent = mainViewModel

            pane.ItemsSource = new List<WorkSurfaceContextViewModel>

            userControl = new ContentPane { DataContext = workSurfaceContextViewModel };
            return pane;
Пример #4
 internal static void SetAssociatedProxy(ContentPane pane, ContentPaneProxy value)
     pane.SetValue(AssociatedProxyPropertyKey, value);
Пример #5
 internal static ContentPaneProxy GetAssociatedProxy(ContentPane pane)
     return (ContentPaneProxy)pane.GetValue(AssociatedProxyProperty);
 public void DockManager_OnPaneDragEnded_(object sender, PaneDragEndedEventArgs e)
     var contentPane = e.Panes[0];
     _contentPane = contentPane;
     var windows = Application.Current.Windows;
     foreach (var window in windows)
         var actuallWindow = window as Window;
         if (actuallWindow != null)
             var windowType = actuallWindow.GetType();
             if (windowType.FullName == "Infragistics.Windows.Controls.ToolWindowHostWindow")
                actuallWindow.Activated -= ActuallWindowOnActivated;
                actuallWindow.Activated += ActuallWindowOnActivated;
 void DockManager_OnPaneDragStarting(object sender, PaneDragStartingEventArgs e)
     _contentPane = e.Panes[0];
        public void UpdatePane(ContentPane contentPane)
            if(contentPane == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("contentPane");

            WorkflowDesignerViewModel workflowDesignerViewModel = contentPane.TabHeader as WorkflowDesignerViewModel;
            if (workflowDesignerViewModel != null && contentPane.ContentVisibility == Visibility.Visible)

                            contentPane.CloseButtonVisibility = Visibility.Visible;

            /// <summary>
            ///   Initializes a new instance of the <see cref = "DockableWindowConductor" /> class.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name = "viewModel">The view model.</param>
            /// <param name = "view">The view.</param>
            public DockableWindowConductor(object viewModel, ContentPane view)
                _viewModel = viewModel;
                _view = view;

                var activatable = viewModel as IActivate;
                if(activatable != null)

                var deactivatable = viewModel as IDeactivate;
                if(deactivatable != null)
                    _view.Closed += OnClosed;
                    deactivatable.Deactivated += OnDeactivated;

                var guard = viewModel as IGuardClose;
                if(guard != null)
                    view.Closing += OnClosing;
        private static ContentPane EnsureDockWindow(object view)
            var window = view as ContentPane;

            if(window == null)
                window = new ContentPane
                    CloseAction = PaneCloseAction.RemovePane,
                    Content = view as UIElement

                window.SetValue(View.IsGeneratedProperty, true);

            return window;
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new <see cref="InitializeContentPaneEventArgs"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pane">The pane being initialized</param>
        public InitializeContentPaneEventArgs(ContentPane pane)
            if (pane == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("pane");

            _pane = pane;
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Invoked when a ContentPane for a given item is being removed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cp">The pane being removed</param>
        protected virtual void RemovePane(ContentPane cp)
            // we need to temporarily change the close action while we close it
            DependencyProperty closeProp = ContentPane.CloseActionProperty;
            if(cp == null)

            object oldValue = cp.ReadLocalValue(closeProp);
            BindingExpressionBase oldExpression = cp.GetBindingExpression(closeProp);

            cp.CloseAction = PaneCloseAction.RemovePane;

            // restore the original close action
            if(oldExpression != null)
                cp.SetBinding(closeProp, oldExpression.ParentBindingBase);
            else if(oldValue == DependencyProperty.UnsetValue)
                cp.SetValue(closeProp, oldValue);
Пример #13
        private void RaiseInitializeContentPane(ContentPane pane)
            if(null == _target)

            var args = new InitializeContentPaneEventArgs(pane) { RoutedEvent = InitializeContentPaneEvent };
            UiElementHelper.RaiseEvent(_target, args);
Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Invoked when a new <see cref="ContentPane"/> has been created and needs to be added to the appropriate target collection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pane">The pane that was created and needs to be added to the appropriate collection</param>
        protected virtual void AddPane(ContentPane pane)
            DocumentContentHost host = _target as DocumentContentHost;
            if(host != null)
                ContentPane sibling = GetSiblingDocument();
                TabGroupPane tgp = null;

                if(sibling != null)
                    tgp = LogicalTreeHelper.GetParent(sibling) as TabGroupPane;
                    Debug.Assert(null != tgp, "Expected all documents to be within a tab group pane.");

                if(null == tgp)
                    SplitPane sp = new SplitPane();
                    tgp = new TabGroupPane { Name = "Z" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N") };
                    DocumentContentHost dch = host;

                IList targetCollection = null;

                Debug.Assert(_target == null || !string.IsNullOrEmpty((string)_target.GetValue(FrameworkElement.NameProperty)),
                    "The Name should be set so the container will not be removed when all the panes have been moved elsewhere. Otherwise new panes may not be displayed.");

                SplitPane splitPane = _target as SplitPane;
                if(splitPane != null)
                    targetCollection = splitPane.Panes;
                    TabGroupPane target = _target as TabGroupPane;
                    if(target != null)
                        targetCollection = target.Items;

                if(null != targetCollection)

Пример #15
 //Juries TODO improve (remove typing tied to contentfactory)
 private void SetTabName(ContentPane pane, object item)
     WorkSurfaceContextViewModel model = item as WorkSurfaceContextViewModel;
     if(model != null)
         var vm = model;
         pane.Name = vm.WorkSurfaceKey.ToString();
     else pane.Name = item.ToString();