public void Insert(Language entity)
            //save language

            //save mappings for new lang
            var contents = _contentRepository.GetAll();

            foreach (var content in contents)
                var contentMapping = new ContentMapping
                    LanguageId = entity.Id,
                    ContentId  = content.Id
Пример #2
		public ContentMapping DefaultContent(string sfmKEY)
			string marker, desc, className="", dest="", ws, langDesc;
			int count, order;
			marker = sfmKEY;
			desc = className = dest = ws = langDesc = ContentMapping.Unknown();
			desc = "";	// leave empty now
			className = "";
			dest = "";	// AutoDescriptionText();
			// search through the langs and find the autolang to use
			GetLangInfoForAutoFields(out langDesc, out ws);

			Sfm2Xml.ClsFieldDescription startMapFieldData = this.GetFieldDescription(sfmKEY);
			count = m_DataInfo.GetSFMWithDataCount(sfmKEY);
			order = m_DataInfo.GetSFMOrder(sfmKEY);

			ContentMapping uiData = new ContentMapping(marker, desc, className, dest, ws, langDesc, count, order, null, false);
			return uiData;
Пример #3
		private bool MergeData(bool mergeWithExistingDataInUI)
			string marker, desc, className="", dest="", ws, langDesc, fwID;
			string userLabel, customClassName, fieldType;	// custom values
			int count, order;
			bool result = false; // return true if the we're updating from a currently loaded file and it's different
			bool isCustom = false;

			if (!mergeWithExistingDataInUI)
				m_htMarkerData = new Hashtable();
				System.Collections.Generic.List<object> keysToDelete = new System.Collections.Generic.List<object>();
				// remove ones from memory that no longer exist in the data
				foreach (DictionaryEntry de in m_htMarkerData)
					if (!m_DataInfo.ContainsSfm(de.Key as string))
				// now if we found any to delete - do it.
				for (int index = 0; index < keysToDelete.Count; index++)
				result = keysToDelete.Count > 0;	// if we've deleted something than we know the UI data has to be different

			foreach( string sfmKEY in m_DataInfo.SfmInfo)
				// LT-1926 Ignore all markers that start with underscore (shoebox markers)
				if (sfmKEY.StartsWith("_"))

				// if the marker contains invalid characters for the xml element, ignore it???
				marker = sfmKEY;
				count = m_DataInfo.GetSFMWithDataCount(sfmKEY);
				order = m_DataInfo.GetSFMOrder(sfmKEY);
				fwID = "";
				isCustom = false;

				if (m_htMarkerData.ContainsKey(sfmKEY))
					// just update the count and order as the other fields could have been editied in the UI
					ContentMapping uiData = m_htMarkerData[sfmKEY] as ContentMapping;
					uiData.Count = count;
					uiData.Order = order;
					if (mergeWithExistingDataInUI)
						result = true;	// we are adding a new one, so the UI data will be different

					// get the field description info from the map file for this marker
					Sfm2Xml.ClsFieldDescription mapField = this.FieldMarkerHashTable[marker] as Sfm2Xml.ClsFieldDescription;
					if (mapField is Sfm2Xml.ClsCustomFieldDescription)
						isCustom = true;
						userLabel = (mapField as Sfm2Xml.ClsCustomFieldDescription).Name;
						customClassName = (mapField as Sfm2Xml.ClsCustomFieldDescription).ClassNameUI;
						fieldType = (mapField as Sfm2Xml.ClsCustomFieldDescription).Type;
						// first make sure if it's a custom field, that the field exists in the database
						if (!IsValidCustomField(mapField))
							mapField = null;	// treat like not existint (not in DB at this point)

					if (mapField == null)
						// case where the marker in the data isn't in the map file - Now an AutoImport field by default
						desc = className = dest = ws = langDesc = ContentMapping.Unknown();
						desc = "";	// leave empty now
						//					desc = AutoDescriptionText();
						className = "";
						dest = "";	// AutoDescriptionText();
						// search through the langs and find the autolang to use
						GetLangInfoForAutoFields(out langDesc, out ws);

						desc = mapField.Name;

						if (mapField.IsAutoImportField)
							//						desc = AutoDescriptionText();
							//						className = dest = "";
							desc = "";
							dest = "";	// AutoDescriptionText();
							className = "";
						else if (mapField.MeaningApp == "")
							// use the meaning id and get the lex import field with this name
							if (mapField.MeaningID.Length > 0)
								fwID = mapField.MeaningID;

								if (mapField is Sfm2Xml.ClsCustomFieldDescription)
									Sfm2Xml.ClsCustomFieldDescription custom = mapField as Sfm2Xml.ClsCustomFieldDescription;
									className = custom.ClassNameUI;
									dest = custom.Name;// +" (Custom " + className + ")";	// MeaningID;	//  custom.Name;
									// dest = m_LexFields.GetUIDestForName(mapField.MeaningID);
									if (!m_LexFields.GetDestinationForName(mapField.MeaningID, out className, out dest))
										className = dest = ContentMapping.Unknown();
								className = ContentMapping.Unknown();
								dest = ContentMapping.Unknown(); // "Unknown " + mapField.MeaningApp + " ID<" + mapField.MeaningID + ">";
							className = dest = ContentMapping.Unknown();

						// now get the writing system:
						// - default to "Unknown" if not found
						// - see if there is a map value
						// - see if the map value key's into the UI languages
						ws = langDesc = ContentMapping.Unknown();
						string mapWS = mapField.Language;
						if (m_htUILangInfo.ContainsKey(mapWS))
							ws = (m_htUILangInfo[mapWS] as Sfm2Xml.LanguageInfoUI).FwName;
							langDesc = mapWS;


					Sfm2Xml.ClsFieldDescription startMapFieldData = this.GetFieldDescription(marker);
					if (startMapFieldData is Sfm2Xml.ClsCustomFieldDescription)
						Sfm2Xml.ILexImportCustomField licf = m_LexFields.GetCustomField(startMapFieldData as Sfm2Xml.ClsCustomFieldDescription);
						if (licf == null)
							startMapFieldData = null;
							startMapFieldData = licf.ClsFieldDescriptionWith(startMapFieldData);
							licf.UIClass = (startMapFieldData as Sfm2Xml.ClsCustomFieldDescription).ClassNameUI;
						isCustom = true;

					ContentMapping uiData = new ContentMapping(marker, desc, className, dest, ws, langDesc, count, order, startMapFieldData, isCustom);
					uiData.FwId = fwID;
					uiData.AddLexImportField(m_LexFields.GetField(className, fwID));
					m_htMarkerData.Add(marker, uiData);

			// Now for each HierarchyEntry, set the individual marker begin fields
			Hashtable htHierarchy = HierarchyHashTable;
			foreach(DictionaryEntry dictEentry in htHierarchy)
				Sfm2Xml.ClsHierarchyEntry hierarchy = dictEentry.Value as Sfm2Xml.ClsHierarchyEntry;

				foreach (string beginSfm in hierarchy.BeginFields)
					if (m_htMarkerData.ContainsKey(beginSfm))
						ContentMapping uiData = m_htMarkerData[beginSfm] as ContentMapping;
						uiData.IsBeginMarker = true;

			return result;
Пример #4
		public bool ReplaceContentMappingItem(ContentMapping contentMapping)
			string sfmKey = contentMapping.Marker;
			if (m_htMarkerData.ContainsKey(sfmKey))
				m_htMarkerData.Add(sfmKey, contentMapping);
				return true;
			return false;
 public static ContentMapping ToEntity(this ContentMappingModel model, ContentMapping destination, IMapper _mapper)
     return(_mapper.Map(model, destination));
 public static ContentMappingModel ToModel(this ContentMapping entity, IMapper _mapper)
     return(_mapper.Map <ContentMapping, ContentMappingModel>(entity));
Пример #7
        public void Delete(ContentMapping entity)
            var contentMapping = _context.ContentMappings.Where(c => c.Id == entity.Id);

Пример #8
 public void Update(ContentMapping entity)
Пример #9
 public int InsertAndGetId(ContentMapping entity)
Пример #10
 public void Insert(ContentMapping entity)