Пример #1
        public void DefaultCatalogTest()
            StringBuilder expectedOutput = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder actualOutput   = new StringBuilder();

            actualOutput.AppendLine("No items found");
            actualOutput.AppendLine("Application added");
            actualOutput.AppendLine("Book added");
            actualOutput.AppendLine("Song added");
            actualOutput.AppendLine("Movie added");
            actualOutput.AppendLine("Song: One; Metallica; 8771120; http://goo.gl/dIkth7gs");
            actualOutput.AppendLine("Movie added");
            actualOutput.AppendLine("Movie: One; James Wong (2001); 969763002; http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0267804/");
            actualOutput.AppendLine("Song: One; Metallica; 8771120; http://goo.gl/dIkth7gs");
            actualOutput.AppendLine("1 items updated");
            actualOutput.AppendLine("Book: Intro C#; S.Nakov; 12763892; http://introprograming.info/en/");
            actualOutput.AppendLine("0 items updated");

            StringBuilder input = new StringBuilder();

            input.AppendLine("Find: One; 3");
            input.AppendLine("Add application: Firefox v.11.0; Mozilla; 16148072; http://www.mozilla.org ");
            input.AppendLine("Add book: Intro C#; S.Nakov; 12763892; http://www.introprogramming.info");
            input.AppendLine("Add song: One; Metallica; 8771120; http://goo.gl/dIkth7gs");
            input.AppendLine("Add movie: The Secret; Drew Heriot, Sean Byrne & others (2006); 832763834; http://t.co/dNV4d");
            input.AppendLine("Find: One; 1");
            input.AppendLine("Add movie: One; James Wong (2001); 969763002; http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0267804/");
            input.AppendLine("Find: One; 10");
            input.AppendLine("Update: http://www.introprogramming.info; http://introprograming.info/en/");
            input.AppendLine("Find: Intro C#; 1");
            input.AppendLine("Update: http://nakov.com; sftp://www.nakov.com");

            sr = new StringReader(input.ToString());

            using (sr)
                StringBuilder    output   = new StringBuilder();
                ContentCatalog   catalog  = new ContentCatalog();
                ICommandExecutor executor = new CommandExecutor();
                List <ICommand>  commands = catalog.Parse();

                foreach (ICommand command in commands)
                    executor.ExecuteCommand(catalog, command, expectedOutput);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedOutput.ToString(), actualOutput.ToString(), "Incorrect result");
Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the ContentCatalog stored in `catalog.json`.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static ContentCatalog GetCatalog()
     if (catalog == null)
         if (!File.Exists("./catalog.json"))
             throw new Exception("Catalog not found. To use this class, make sure you have a content catalog stored at catalog.json in the build directory.");
         var json = File.ReadAllText("./catalog.json");
         catalog = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ContentCatalog>(json);
         // Mutate IDs, otherwise we run into a bug with the export server, collisions with shared catalogs, big messy mess.
         foreach (var element in catalog.Content)
             element.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
Пример #3
        public void CatalogSerialization()
            ContentElement boxType = new ContentElement("../../../models/MergeGlTF/Workstation_Pod_SemiPrivate_Harbour - Semi 1600w x 1300d 3.glb",
                                                        new BBox3(new Vector3(-0.5, -0.5, 0), new Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 3)),
                                                        new Vector3(),
                                                        new Transform(new Vector3(), Vector3.ZAxis),
            ContentElement boxType2 = new ContentElement("../../../models/MergeGlTF/Box.glb",
                                                         new BBox3(new Vector3(-1, -1, 0), new Vector3(1, 1, 2)),
                                                         new Vector3(),
                                                         new Transform(new Vector3(), Vector3.YAxis),
            var str = boxType2.ToString();

            boxType.AdditionalProperties["ImportantParameter"] = "The Value";

            var testCatalog = new ContentCatalog(new List <ContentElement> {
                boxType, boxType2
            }, Guid.NewGuid(), "test");

            var savePath = "../../../models/ContentCatalog.json";
            var json     = testCatalog.ToJson();

            File.WriteAllText(savePath, json);

            var loadedCatalog = ContentCatalog.FromJson(File.ReadAllText(savePath));

            Assert.Equal(testCatalog.Id, loadedCatalog.Id);
            Assert.Equal(testCatalog.Content.Count, loadedCatalog.Content.Count);
            Assert.Equal("The Value", loadedCatalog.Content[0].AdditionalProperties["ImportantParameter"]);
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the ContentCatalog stored in `catalog.json`.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static ContentCatalog GetCatalog()
     if (catalog == null)
         var catalogPath = catalogFilePath ?? Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "catalog.json");
         if (!File.Exists(catalogPath))
             throw new Exception("Catalog not found. To use this class, make sure you have a content catalog stored at catalog.json in the build directory.");
         var json = File.ReadAllText(catalogPath);
         catalog = ContentCatalog.FromJson(json);
         // Mutate IDs, otherwise we run into a bug with the export server, collisions with shared catalogs, big messy mess.
         foreach (var element in catalog.Content)
             element.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
Пример #5
        public MainPageVm(ContentCatalog catalog)
            Helpers.Argument.ValidateIsNotNull(catalog, nameof(catalog));

            ToggleAutoResume = new DelegateCommand
                Execute = delegate { App.Current.Settings.IsAutoResumeEnabled = !App.Current.Settings.IsAutoResumeEnabled; }
            ToggleBackgroundDownload = new DelegateCommand
                Execute = async delegate { await BackgroundTaskManager.ToggleIsBackgroundDownloadEnabled(); }


            #region WeakEventListener: App.Current.Settings.PropertyChanged += OnSettingsChanged
            var settingsListener = new WeakEventListener<MainPageVm, object, PropertyChangedEventArgs>(this);
            settingsListener.OnEventAction = (instance, source, args) => instance.OnSettingsChanged(source, args);
            settingsListener.OnDetachAction = (wel) => App.Current.Settings.PropertyChanged -= wel.OnEvent;
            App.Current.Settings.PropertyChanged += settingsListener.OnEvent;

            _catalogItems = catalog.Items.Select(i => new CatalogItemOverviewVm(i)).ToArray();
Пример #6
		protected override async void OnLaunched(LaunchActivatedEventArgs e)
			// This method runs on UI thread, so starting from here we can work with UI-thread-related things.

			_log.Debug("Launched. {0}", Helpers.Debug.ToDebugString(e));

			// If the app was already running, we skip just about all of this and get to the UI immediately.
			if (e.PreviousExecutionState != ApplicationExecutionState.Running)
				// The startup lifetime seems pretty complicated in UWP.
				// Unclear when this can happen; let's just throw if it does, to find out!
				if (MediaStorageSession != null)
					throw new Exception("WTF just happened? Tell Sander when you encounter this situation and describe how it happened, please!");

				MediaStorageSession = new TransientMediaStorageSession();
				ContentCatalog = new ContentCatalog(MediaStorageSession);


				// Always go to main page on launch, to keep the implementation of this sample app very simple.
				_rootFrame.Navigate(typeof(MainPage), new MainPageVm(ContentCatalog));

			_log.Debug("Displaying UI now.");

			// This displays our window to the user and thus we want to get here ASAP.

			if (e.PreviousExecutionState != ApplicationExecutionState.Running)
				_log.Debug("Executing post-launch initialization.");

				var uiThreadTaskScheduler = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext();

				// Kick off some initialization on a background thread, to not hog the UI thread so much.
				Helpers.Async.BackgroundThreadInvoke(async delegate
					// Note that this may not immediately terminate the task if it is running!
					// Resources may remain locked for some seconds, still, and we need to account for this.

						// Activate PlayReady if required.
						await Helpers.PlayReady.EnsureActivatedAsync().IgnoreContext();
					catch (Exception ex)
						_log.Error("PlayReady activation startup logic failed: " + ex.Message);

					// Now we allow access to PlayReady. This may have deferred some license status refreshes already.
					PlayReadyInitialized = true;

					// Kick off an update of the license acquisition statuses, now that PlayReady is known to be activated.
					// We need to do this on the UI thread, so the changed events are raised on the UI thread.
					Task.Factory.StartNew(async delegate { await ContentCatalog.RefreshLicenseStatusesAsync(); }, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, uiThreadTaskScheduler).Forget();

				// This will acquire the storage session soon, waiting for the background task to finish if it is running.
				// This must be done on the UI thread, to ensure that the MediaAgents also get created on the UI thread.
				await MediaStorageSession.StartAcquireAsync();

			_log.Debug("Post-launch logic complete.");