bool TagHasChildTagAtPosition(ContainerTag tag, int position) { if (tag != null) { return tag.Contents.Count >= position; } return false; }
private void Begin(ContainerTag tag) { Flush(); containerStack.Peek().Contents.Add(tag); containerStack.Push(tag); }
public void TestComplexTagRender() { ContainerTag complexTestTag = Html().With(Body().With(Header(), Main().With(P("Main stuff...")), Footer().CondWith(1 == 1, P("Conditional with!")))); string expectedResult = "<html><body><header></header><main><p>Main stuff...</p></main><footer><p>Conditional with!</p></footer></body></html>"; Assert.AreEqual(expectedResult, complexTestTag.Render()); }
public override ContainerTag CreateTagTree(ContainerTag container) { return(container [ html.attr(xmlns: "") [ head [ title[PlaceHolder(TitleContent)], link.attr(href: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Image", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "favicon.ico" })).ext("rel", "shortcut icon").ext("type", "image/x-icon"), link.attr(href: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Image", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "favicon.ico" }), rel: LinkType.bookmark), link.attr(href: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_CSS", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "public.css" }), rel: LinkType.stylesheet, type: MimeType.text.css), link.attr(href: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_CSS", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "External.css" }), rel: LinkType.stylesheet, type: MimeType.text.css), script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript, src: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Script", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "jquery-1.7.2.min.js" })) ], body [ div[ PlaceHolder(MainContent), p.attr(id: "credits")[ "©2012 倍速软件 ", strong["通用权限管理"], br, a.attr(href: "")[""]] ] ] ] ]); }
public void TestTagRender() { ContainerTag testTag = new ContainerTag("a"); testTag.Attr("href", ""); Assert.AreEqual("<a href=\"\"></a>", testTag.Render()); }
public override ContainerTag CreateTagTree(ContainerTag container) { return container [ html.attr(xmlns: "") [ head [ title[PlaceHolder(TitleContent)], link.attr(href: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Image", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "favicon.ico" })).ext("rel", "shortcut icon").ext("type", "image/x-icon"), link.attr(href: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Image", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "favicon.ico" }), rel: LinkType.bookmark), link.attr(href: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_CSS", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "public.css" }), rel: LinkType.stylesheet, type: MimeType.text.css), link.attr(href: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_CSS", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "External.css" }), rel: LinkType.stylesheet, type: MimeType.text.css), script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript, src: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Script", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "jquery-1.7.2.min.js" })) ], body [ div[ PlaceHolder(MainContent), p.attr(id: "credits")[ "©2012 倍速软件 ", strong["通用权限管理"], br, a.attr(href: "")[""]] ] ] ] ]; }
bool TagHasChildTagAtPosition(ContainerTag tag, int position) { if (tag != null) { return(tag.Contents.Count >= position); } return(false); }
Tag GetChildTagAtPosition(ContainerTag parentTag, int position) { if (TagHasChildTagAtPosition(parentTag, position)) { int index = position - 1; return parentTag.Contents[index]; } return null; }
public virtual ContainerTag MainContent(ContainerTag container) { return(container [ script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript, src: this.Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Script", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "jquery-1.7.2.min.js" })), script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript, src: this.Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Script", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "jquery.validate.min.js" })), script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript)[Script2(Model.Url)], script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript)[Script1()], h2[Model.Title], p.attr(id: "page-intro")["请谨慎使用重置用户密码功能,重置后原密码将失效和无法找回。"], div.attr(@class: "clear"), div.attr(@class: "content-box") [ div.attr(@class: "content-box-header") [ h3["用户密码"], ul.attr(@class: "content-box-tabs") [ li[a.attr(href: "#tab1", @class: "default-tab")["重置"]] ], div.attr(@class: "clear") ], div.attr(@class: "content-box-content") [ div.attr(@class: "tab-content default-tab", id: "tab1") [ div.attr(id: "content_box_messages"), form.attr(id: "ResetPasswordForm") [ p.attr(id: "ResetPassword_UserName") [ label.attr(@for: "RoleName")["用 户 名: " + Model.UserName] ], p.attr(id: "ResetPassword-New") [ label.attr(@for: "NewPassword")["密 码:"], input.attr(type: InputType.password, id: "NewPassword", name: "NewPassword").ext("autocomplete", "off") ], p.attr(id: "ResetPassword-ConfirmPassword") [ label.attr(@for: "ConfirmPassword")["确认密码:"], input.attr(type: InputType.password, id: "ConfirmPassword", name: "ConfirmPassword").ext("autocomplete", "off") ], p.attr(id: "ResetPassword-submit") [ input.attr(type: InputType.button, @class: "button", value: "重置", onclick: "ResetPassword();") ], p.attr(id: "ResetPassword_ReturnUrl") [ a.attr(href: Url.RouteUrl("SecurityApp_User", new { action = "UserList" }))["返回用户列表"] ] ] ] ] ] ]); }
Tag GetChildTagAtPosition(ContainerTag parentTag, int position) { if (TagHasChildTagAtPosition(parentTag, position)) { int index = position - 1; return(parentTag.Contents[index]); } return(null); }
public override ContainerTag CreateTagTree(ContainerTag container) { return(container [ "<!--" + Model.Data + "-->", div.attr(@class: GetClass(Model.NotificationType))[ p[Model.Content] ] ]); }
public virtual ContainerTag MainContent(ContainerTag container) { return(container [ style.attr(type: MimeType.text.css) [ css() ], script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript, src: this.Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Script", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "jquery-1.7.2.min.js" })), script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript, src: this.Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Script", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "jquery.validate.min.js" })), script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript) [ Script1() ], form.attr(id: "Logon_Form", method: [ h1[Model.Title], div.attr(@class: "loginleft") [ p.attr(id: "Logon_UserName") [ label.attr(@class: "labelTitle", @for: "UserName")["用户名"], input.attr(type: InputType.text, id: "UserName", name: "UserName").ext("autocomplete", "off") ], p.attr(id: "Logon_Password") [ label.attr(@class: "labelTitle", @for: "password")["密码"], input.attr(type: InputType.password, id: "Password", name: "Password").ext("autocomplete", "off") ], p.attr(id: "Logon_RememberMe") [ label.attr(@class: "labelTitle", @for: "RememberMe")["记住我?"], input.attr(type: InputType.checkbox, id: "RememberMe", name: "RememberMe") ], p.attr(id: "Logon_Submit") [ input.attr(type: InputType.submit, value: "登录", @class: "submit") ], If(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Model.Message), Then: c => c [ p.attr(id: "Logon_Message", @class: "MessageBox")[this.Model.Message] ] ) ], div.attr(@class: "loginright") [ "" ] ] ]); }
public Button() { template = Div() .WithClass("button") .With( Div() .WithClass("button-text") .With( new ButtonText() ) ); }
public virtual ContainerTag MainContent(ContainerTag container) { return(container [ script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript, src: this.Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Script", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "jquery-1.7.2.min.js" })), script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript, src: this.Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Script", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "jquery.validate.min.js" })), script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript)[Script2(Model.Url)], h2[Model.Title], p.attr(id: "page-intro")[" 列表系统中所有的安全角色,您可以删除这些角色,但请谨慎,因为关联的角色授权及用户角色也将删除。"], div.attr(@class: "clear"), div.attr(@class: "content-box") [ div.attr(@class: "content-box-header") [ h3["角色列表"], ul.attr(@class: "content-box-tabs") [ li[a.attr(href: "#tab1", @class: "default-tab")["所有"]] ], div.attr(@class: "clear") ], div.attr(@class: "content-box-content") [ div.attr(@class: "tab-content default-tab", id: "tab1") [ div.attr(id: "content_box_messages"), table.attr(id: "RoleList_Table") [ thead.attr(id: "RoleList_Table_Thead") [ tr[th["角色名"], th["角色描述"], th["操作"]] ], tbody.attr(id: "RoleList_Table_Tbody") [ ForEach(this.Model.Roles, (item, c) => c [ tr.attr(@class: "tablerow rolelist", id: "tr_" + item.ID) [ th[item.Name], td[item.RoleDescription], td[a.attr(href: "#", onclick: "Del('" + item.ID + "','tr_" + item.ID + "');")["删除"]] ] ]) ] ] ] ] ] ]); }
public virtual ContainerTag MainContent(ContainerTag container) { return(container [ script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript, src: this.Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Script", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "jquery-1.7.2.min.js" })), script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript, src: this.Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Script", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "jquery.validate.min.js" })), script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript)[Script2(Model.Url)], script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript)[Script1()], h2[Model.Title], p.attr(id: "page-intro")["创建一个新的安全角色,请确保所有角色的名称是唯一的。"], div.attr(@class: "clear"), div.attr(@class: "content-box") [ div.attr(@class: "content-box-header") [ h3["新角色"], ul.attr(@class: "content-box-tabs") [ li[a.attr(href: "#tab1", @class: "default-tab")["创建"]] ], div.attr(@class: "clear") ], div.attr(@class: "content-box-content") [ div.attr(@class: "tab-content default-tab", id: "tab1") [ div.attr(id: "content_box_messages"), form.attr(id: "NewRoleForm") [ p.attr(id: "NewRole-RoleName") [ label.attr(@for: "RoleName")["角 色 名:"], input.attr(type: InputType.text, id: "RoleName", name: "RoleName", maxlength: 20) ], p.attr(id: "NewRole-RoleDescription") [ label.attr(@for: "RoleDescription")["角色描述:"], input.attr(type: InputType.text, id: "RoleDescription", name: "RoleDescription", maxlength: 50) ], p.attr(id: "NewRole-submit") [ input.attr(type: InputType.button, @class: "button", value: "创建", onclick: "CreateRole();") ] ] ] ] ] ]); }
public virtual ContainerTag MainContent(ContainerTag container) { return(container [ script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript, src: this.Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Script", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "jquery-1.7.2.min.js" })), script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript, src: this.Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Script", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "jquery.validate.min.js" })), script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript) [ Script1() ], form.attr(id: "ChangePassword_Form", method: [ h1[Model.Title], p.attr(id: "ChangePassword_UserName") [ label.attr(@class: "labelTitle", @for: "UserName")["用户名"], span[Model.UserName] ], p.attr(id: "ChangePassword_OldPassword") [ label.attr(@class: "labelTitle", @for: "OldPassword")["旧密码"], input.attr(type: InputType.password, id: "OldPassword", name: "OldPassword").ext("autocomplete", "off") ], p.attr(id: "ChangePassword_NewPassword") [ label.attr(@class: "labelTitle", @for: "NewPassword")["新密码"], input.attr(type: InputType.password, id: "NewPassword", name: "NewPassword").ext("autocomplete", "off") ], p.attr(id: "ChangePassword_ConfirmPassword") [ label.attr(@class: "labelTitle", @for: "ConfirmPassword")["确认密码"], input.attr(type: InputType.password, id: "ConfirmPassword", name: "ConfirmPassword").ext("autocomplete", "off") ], p.attr(id: "ChangePassword_Submit") [ input.attr(type: InputType.submit, value: "修改", @class: "submit") ], If(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Model.Message), Then: c => c [ p.attr(id: "ChangePassword_Message", @class: "MessageBox")[this.Model.Message] ] ) ] ]); }
SectionTag GetFirstChildSectionTag(ContainerTag parentTag) { return(GetFirstChildTag(parentTag) as SectionTag); }
MarkerTag GetFourthChildMarkerTag(ContainerTag parentTag) { return GetChildTagAtPosition(parentTag, 4) as MarkerTag; }
Tag GetSecondChildTag(ContainerTag parentTag) { return(GetChildTagAtPosition(parentTag, 2)); }
public virtual ContainerTag TitleContent(ContainerTag container) { return(container[Model.Title]); }
public virtual ContainerTag MainContent(ContainerTag container) { return(container [ script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript, src: this.Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Script", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "jquery-1.7.2.min.js" })), script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript)[Script2(Model.Url)], h2[Model.Title], p.attr(id: "page-intro")["配置用户的状态和用户所具有的安全角色。"], div.attr(@class: "clear"), div.attr(@class: "content-box") [ div.attr(@class: "content-box-header") [ h3["用户授权"], ul.attr(@class: "content-box-tabs") [ li[a.attr(href: "#tab1", @class: "default-tab")["配置"]] ], div.attr(@class: "clear") ], div.attr(@class: "content-box-content") [ div.attr(@class: "tab-content default-tab", id: "tab1") [ div.attr(id: "content_box_messages"), form.attr(id: "AuthorizeUser_Form") [ p.attr(id: "AuthorizeUser_UserName") [ label["用 户 名: " + Model.UserName] ], p.attr(id: "AuthorizeUser_State") [ label.attr(@for: "UserState")["用户激活:"], input.attr(type: InputType.checkbox, id: "UserState", name: "UserState", @checked: Model.UserState ? (Checked?)Checked.@checked : null) ], p.attr(id: "AuthorizeUser_RoleList") [ label.attr(id: "AuthorizeUser_Roles_Title")["用户角色:"], ForEach(Model.Roles, (item, c) => c[ label.attr(@class: "authorizeUserRole label_check", id: "CK_" + item.ID, @for: "Role_" + item.ID) [ input.attr(type: InputType.checkbox, id: "Role_" + item.ID, name: "Role_" + item.ID, value: item.ID, @checked: Model.RIDs.Contains(item.ID) ? (Checked?)Checked.@checked : null), item.Name ] ]) ], p.attr(id: "AuthorizeUser_Submit") [ input.attr(type: InputType.button, @class: "button", value: "保存", onclick: "Authorize();") ], p.attr(id: "AuthorizeUser_ReturnUrl") [ a.attr(href: Url.RouteUrl("SecurityApp_User", new { action = "UserList" }))["返回用户列表"] ] ] ] ] ] ]); }
public virtual ContainerTag MainContent(ContainerTag container) { return(container [ script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript, src: this.Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Script", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "jquery-1.7.2.min.js" })), script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript)[Script2(Model.Url)], h2[Model.Title], p.attr(id: "page-intro")[" 配置" + Model.ResourceName + "的授权,您可以根据系统安全规则的需要来配置每个安全角色具有" + Model.ResourceName + "中的权限项或权限项组合。"], div.attr(@class: "clear"), div.attr(@class: "content-box") [ div.attr(@class: "content-box-header") [ h3[Model.ResourceName], ul.attr(@class: "content-box-tabs") [ li[a.attr(href: "#tab1", @class: "default-tab")["授权"]] ], div.attr(@class: "clear") ], div.attr(@class: "content-box-content") [ div.attr(@class: "tab-content default-tab", id: "tab1") [ div.attr(id: "content_box_messages"), form.attr(id: "DroitConfig_Form") [ table.attr(id: "DroitConfig_Table") [ thead.attr(id: "DroitConfig_Table_thead") [ tr[th["角色名称"], th["角色描述"], th.attr(colspan: Model.RS.Count)["授权"]] ], tbody.attr(id: "DroitConfig_Table_tbody") [ ForEach(Model.RList, (item, c) => c[ tr[ th[item.Name], th[item.RoleDescription], ForEach(Model.RS, (m, b) => b[ td[ label.attr(@class: "label_check", id: "CK_" + item.ID + "_" + m.Key, @for: "RT_" + item.ID + "_" + m.Key) [ input.attr(type: InputType.checkbox, @class: "checked", id: "RT_" + item.ID + "_" + m.Key, name: "RT_" + item.ID + "_" + m.Key, value: m.Key.ToString(), @checked: IsChecked(item, m.Key) ? (Checked?)Checked.@checked : null), m.Value ] ] ]) ] ]) ], tfoot.attr(id: "DroitConfig_Table_tfoot") [ tr[ th.attr(scope: Scope.row), td, td.attr(colspan: Model.RS.Count - 2), td.attr(colspan: 2, id: "DroitConfig_Table_Tfoot_Save") [ input.attr(type: InputType.button, id: "DroitConfig_Save", @class: "button", value: "保存授权", onclick: "ConfigDroit();") ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]); }
public override ContainerTag CreateTagTree(ContainerTag container) { return(container [ html.attr(xmlns: "") [ head [ title[PlaceHolder(TitleContent)], meta.attr(httpequiv: HttpEquiv.content_type, content: "text/xml; charset=UTF-8"), link.attr(href: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Image", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "favicon.ico" })).ext("rel", "shortcut icon").ext("type", "image/x-icon"), link.attr(href: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Image", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "favicon.ico" }), rel: LinkType.bookmark), link.attr(href: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_CSS", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "reset.css" }), rel: LinkType.stylesheet, type: MimeType.text.css), link.attr(href: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_CSS", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "style.css" }), rel: LinkType.stylesheet, type: MimeType.text.css), link.attr(href: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_CSS", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "invalid.css" }), rel: LinkType.stylesheet, type: MimeType.text.css), link.attr(href: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_CSS", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "public.css" }), rel: LinkType.stylesheet, type: MimeType.text.css), link.attr(href: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_CSS", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "checkbox.css" }), rel: LinkType.stylesheet, type: MimeType.text.css), script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript, src: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Script", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "jquery-1.7.2.min.js" })), script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript, src: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Script", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "Common.js" })), script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript, src: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Script", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "jquery.checkbox.js" })), script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript, src: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Script", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "simpla.jquery.configuration.js" })), script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript)[Script1()] ], body [ div.attr(id: "body-wrapper") [ div.attr(id: "sidebar") [ div.attr(id: "sidebar-wrapper") [ div.attr(id: "sidebar-title")[p["通用权限管理"]], div.attr(id: "profile-links") [ If(Actor.Public.IsAuthenticated, Then: c => c [ " 您好, " + Actor.Me.Principal.Identity.Name + " | ", a.attr(href: Actor.Public.UserLogOffUrl())["注销"], br, br ], Else: c => c [ a.attr(href: Actor.Public.UserLogOnUrl())["登录"], br, br ] ) ], ul.attr(id: "main-nav") [ li[ a.attr(@class: "nav-top-item", id: "mi-user")["用户"], ul[ li[ a.attr(id: "mi-userlist", href: Actor.Public.UserListUrl())["用户列表"] ] ] ], li[ a.attr(@class: "nav-top-item", id: "mi-role")["角色"], ul[ li[ a.attr(id: "mi-newrole", href: Actor.Public.RoleNewUrl())["新建角色"] ], li[ a.attr(id: "mi-rolelist", href: Actor.Public.RoleListUrl())["角色列表"] ] ] ], li[ a.attr(@class: "nav-top-item", id: "mi-droitconfig")["授权"], ul[ ForEach(Actor.Public.DroitsConfigUrl(), (item, c) => c[ li[ script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript)[Script2(item)], a.attr(id: "mi-droit-" + item.Value, href: item.Key)[item.Value] ] ]) ] ] ] ] ], div.attr(id: "main-content") [ PlaceHolder(MainContent), div.attr(@class: "clear"), div.attr(id: "footer") [ small [ " © Copyright 2012", a.attr(href: "")[""], " 版权所有 |", a.attr(href: "#")["Top"] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]); }
TextTag GetFirstChildTextTag(ContainerTag parentTag) { return(GetFirstChildTag(parentTag) as TextTag); }
MarkerTag GetSecondChildMarkerTag(ContainerTag parentTag) { return(GetSecondChildTag(parentTag) as MarkerTag); }
public override ContainerTag CreateTagTree(ContainerTag container) { return(ReusableCreateTagTree(TitleContent, MainContent, Model.MasterViewModel)); }
MarkerTag GetFirstChildMarkerTag(ContainerTag parentTag) { return GetFirstChildTag(parentTag) as MarkerTag; }
public override ContainerTag CreateTagTree(ContainerTag container) { return container [ html.attr(xmlns: "") [ head [ title[PlaceHolder(TitleContent)], meta.attr(httpequiv: HttpEquiv.content_type, content: "text/xml; charset=UTF-8"), link.attr(href: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Image", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "favicon.ico" })).ext("rel", "shortcut icon").ext("type", "image/x-icon"), link.attr(href: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Image", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "favicon.ico" }), rel: LinkType.bookmark), link.attr(href: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_CSS", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "reset.css" }), rel: LinkType.stylesheet, type: MimeType.text.css), link.attr(href: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_CSS", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "style.css" }), rel: LinkType.stylesheet, type: MimeType.text.css), link.attr(href: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_CSS", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "invalid.css" }), rel: LinkType.stylesheet, type: MimeType.text.css), link.attr(href: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_CSS", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "public.css" }), rel: LinkType.stylesheet, type: MimeType.text.css), link.attr(href: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_CSS", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "checkbox.css" }), rel: LinkType.stylesheet, type: MimeType.text.css), script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript, src: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Script", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "jquery-1.7.2.min.js" })), script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript, src: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Script", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "Common.js" })), script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript, src: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Script", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "jquery.checkbox.js" })), script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript, src: Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Script", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "simpla.jquery.configuration.js" })), script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript)[Script1()] ], body [ div.attr(id: "body-wrapper") [ div.attr(id: "sidebar") [ div.attr(id: "sidebar-wrapper") [ div.attr(id: "sidebar-title")[p["通用权限管理"]], div.attr(id: "profile-links") [ If(Actor.Public.IsAuthenticated, Then: c => c [ " 您好, " + Actor.Me.Principal.Identity.Name + " | ", a.attr(href: Actor.Public.UserLogOffUrl())["注销"], br, br ], Else: c => c [ a.attr(href: Actor.Public.UserLogOnUrl())["登录"], br, br ] ) ], ul.attr(id: "main-nav") [ li[ a.attr(@class: "nav-top-item", id: "mi-user")["用户"], ul[ li[ a.attr(id: "mi-userlist", href: Actor.Public .UserListUrl ())["用户列表"] ] ] ], li[ a.attr(@class: "nav-top-item", id: "mi-role")["角色"], ul[ li[ a.attr(id: "mi-newrole", href: Actor.Public.RoleNewUrl ())["新建角色"] ], li[ a.attr(id: "mi-rolelist", href: Actor.Public.RoleListUrl())["角色列表"] ] ] ], li[ a.attr(@class: "nav-top-item", id: "mi-droitconfig")["授权"], ul[ ForEach(Actor.Public.DroitsConfigUrl(), (item, c) => c[ li[ script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript)[Script2(item)], a.attr(id: "mi-droit-" + item.Value, href: item.Key)[item.Value] ] ]) ] ] ] ] ], div.attr(id: "main-content") [ PlaceHolder(MainContent), div.attr(@class: "clear"), div.attr(id: "footer") [ small [ " © Copyright 2012", a.attr(href: "")[""], " 版权所有 |", a.attr(href: "#")["Top"] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]; }
Tag GetFirstChildTag(ContainerTag parentTag) { return(GetChildTagAtPosition(parentTag, 1)); }
MarkerTag GetFirstChildMarkerTag(ContainerTag parentTag) { return(GetFirstChildTag(parentTag) as MarkerTag); }
SectionTag GetFirstChildSectionTag(ContainerTag parentTag) { return GetFirstChildTag(parentTag) as SectionTag; }
TextTag GetFirstChildTextTag(ContainerTag parentTag) { return GetFirstChildTag(parentTag) as TextTag; }
MarkerTag GetSecondChildMarkerTag(ContainerTag parentTag) { return GetSecondChildTag(parentTag) as MarkerTag; }
MarkerTag GetFourthChildMarkerTag(ContainerTag parentTag) { return(GetChildTagAtPosition(parentTag, 4) as MarkerTag); }
Tag GetSecondChildTag(ContainerTag parentTag) { return GetChildTagAtPosition(parentTag, 2); }
TextTag GetThirdChildTextTag(ContainerTag parentTag) { return GetChildTagAtPosition(parentTag, 3) as TextTag; }
Tag GetFirstChildTag(ContainerTag parentTag) { return GetChildTagAtPosition(parentTag, 1); }
TextTag GetThirdChildTextTag(ContainerTag parentTag) { return(GetChildTagAtPosition(parentTag, 3) as TextTag); }
/// <summary> /// Generates the html that will render the menu /// </summary> /// <param name="tag">the tag used to render each menu item, can be li, span, div...</param> /// <param name="includeParentLink">Include the link of the parent when generating the link hierarchy /// this will not override the original property IncludeParentLink /// </param> /// <param name="renderChildren">flag to render children or not</param> /// <param name="childrenParentTag">The tag container for the children can be ul or div or ol...</param> /// <param name="childrenTag">the tag used to render each menu item, can be li, span, div...</param> /// <returns>HTML String</returns> public string ToString(string tag, bool includeParentLink, bool renderChildren, string childrenContainerTag, string childrenTag) { //TODO: fix caching by creating a unique key //Testing unique key from url //TODO: destroy cach when any related item is changed //It can be done by running through the cach's and destroying any related news or category //Another problem is to not cach the non-direct calls //string key = GetKey(renderChildren, tag); //if (WebContext.Cache[CachKey] != null) // return WebContext.Cache[CachKey].ToString(); bool hasOneItem = false; string _ret = ""; try { //_lock.AcquireWriterLock(-1); if (!CanRender) { return(""); } if (_renderChildren != null) { renderChildren = _renderChildren.Value; } StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); int?col = null; if (BreakAt != null) { col = 0; } if (renderChildren) { if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SubPlaceHolder)) { ret.Append("<" + SubPlaceHolder + ">"); } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ContainerTag)) { if (ContainerTag.ToLower() == "ol") { ClassName = "dd-list"; } ret.Append("<" + ContainerTag + " start=\"1\" class=\"first" + (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ClassName) ? " " + ClassName : "") + "\">"); } for (int i = 0; i < Children.Count; i++) { lwMenu m = Children[i]; if (!m.CanRender) { continue; } hasOneItem = true; //TODO: check first and last depending on visible items and not only on count. string _class = m.Current ? " current" : ""; if (i == 0) { _class += " first"; } if (i == Children.Count - 1) { _class += " last"; } _class += " " + StringUtils.ToURL(m.url.Replace(".aspx", "")); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m.ClassName)) { _class = _class.Trim() + " " + m.ClassName; } if (_class != "") { _class = " class=\"" + _class.Trim() + (tag.ToLower().IndexOf("li") >= 0 && _class.Trim().IndexOf("dd-item") < 0 ? " dd-item" : "") + "\""; } string _children = ""; if (renderChildren && m.Children.Count > 0) { _children = m.ToString(childrenTag, includeParentLink, renderChildren, childrenContainerTag); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(childrenContainerTag)) { _children = _children != "" ? string.Format("<{0}>{1}</{0}>", childrenContainerTag, _children) : ""; } } ret.Append(String.Format( "<{0}{3}{4}>{1}{2}</{0}>", tag, m.GetLink(), _children, _class, (tag.ToLower().IndexOf("li") >= 0 ? " data-root=\"" + m.IsRoot + ( > 0 ? "\" data-id=\"" + : "") + "\" data-parent=\"" + (m.parentId.HasValue && m.parentId.Value > 0 ? m.parentId.Value : -1) + "\"" : "")) ); if (BreakAt != null) { if (i > 0 && (i + 1) % BreakAt == 0 && i < Children.Count - 1 && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ContainerTag)) { ret.Append(string.Format("</{0}><{0} start=\"{1}\"{2}>", ContainerTag, this.BreakAt + i, i + BreakAt >= Children.Count - 1 ? " class=\"last\"" : "")); } } } ret.Append("</" + ContainerTag + ">"); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SubPlaceHolder)) { ret.Append("</" + SubPlaceHolder + ">"); } } _ret = ret.ToString(); //TODO: fix this after fixing the key /* * WebContext.Cache.Insert( * CachKey, * _ret, * new System.Web.Caching.CacheDependency(WebContext.Server.MapPath("~/App_Code/Menu.cs")) * ); * */ } finally { //_lock.ReleaseWriterLock(); } return(hasOneItem ? _ret : ""); }
public virtual ContainerTag MainContent(ContainerTag container) { return(container [ style.attr(type: MimeType.text.css)[" .selectedpagelabel { cursor: default; text-decoration: none; }"], script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript, src: this.Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Script", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "jquery-1.7.2.min.js" })), script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript, src: this.Url.RouteUrl("ResourceAccess_Script", new { location = "SecurityApp", id = "jquery.validate.min.js" })), script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript)[Script2(Model.Url)], script.attr(type: MimeType.text.javascript)[Script1(Model)], h2[Model.Title], p.attr(id: "page-intro")[" 列表系统中所有的安全用户,您可以删除这些用户,但请谨慎,因为关联的用户授权及用户角色也将删除。"], div.attr(@class: "clear"), div.attr(@class: "content-box") [ div.attr(@class: "content-box-header") [ h3["用户列表"], ul.attr(@class: "content-box-tabs") [ li[a.attr(href: "#tab1", @class: "default-tab")["所有"]] ], div.attr(@class: "clear") ], div.attr(@class: "content-box-content") [ div.attr(@class: "tab-content default-tab", id: "tab1") [ div.attr(id: "content_box_messages"), table.attr(id: "UserList_Table") [ thead.attr(id: "UserList_Table_Thead") [ tr[th["用户名"], th["昵称"], th["邮箱"], th["角色值"], th["状态值"], th["操作"]] ], tbody.attr(id: "UserList_Table_Tbody") [ ForEach(this.Model.Users, (item, c) => c [ tr.attr(@class: "tablerow userlist", id: "tr_" + item.UserID) [ th[item.UserName], td[item.NickName], td[item.EMail], td[item.RoleValue], td[item.State], td[ a.attr(href: Url.RouteUrl("SecurityApp_User", new { action = "AuthorizeUser" }) + "/" + item.UserID)["授权"], " ", a.attr(href: Url.RouteUrl("SecurityApp_User", new { action = "ResetPassword" }) + "/" + item.UserID)["重置密码"], " ", a.attr(href: "#", onclick: "Del('" + item.UserID + "','tr_" + item.UserID + "');")["删除"] ] ] ]) ], tfoot.attr(id: "UserList_Table_Tfoot") [ tr[ td.attr(colspan: 6)[div.attr(id: "pagelabel", @class: "pagination")] ] ] ] ] ] ] ]); }