public static List <Value2D <GenSpace> > PlaceSomeDoors(this Container2D <GenSpace> arr, IEnumerable <Point> points, Theme theme, System.Random rand, int desiredWallToDoorRatio = -1, Point shift = null) { if (desiredWallToDoorRatio < 0) { desiredWallToDoorRatio = LevelGenerator.desiredWallToDoorRatio; } var acceptablePoints = new MultiMap <GenSpace>(); Counter numPoints = new Counter(); DrawAction <GenSpace> call = Draw.Count <GenSpace>(numPoints).And(Draw.CanDrawDoor().IfThen(Draw.AddTo(acceptablePoints))); if (shift != null) { call = call.Shift <GenSpace>(shift.x, shift.y); } arr.DrawPoints(points, call); if (DoorRatioPicker == null) { DoorRatioPicker = new ProbabilityList <int>(); DoorRatioPicker.Add(-2, .25); DoorRatioPicker.Add(-1, .5); DoorRatioPicker.Add(0, 1); DoorRatioPicker.Add(1, .5); DoorRatioPicker.Add(2, .25); } int numDoors = numPoints / desiredWallToDoorRatio; numDoors += DoorRatioPicker.Get(rand); if (numDoors <= 0) { numDoors = 1; } List <Value2D <GenSpace> > pickedPts = acceptablePoints.GetRandom(rand, numDoors, 1); foreach (Point picked in pickedPts) { arr.SetTo(picked, GridType.Door, theme); } return(pickedPts); }
protected void ClusterAround(LayoutObjectContainer cluster, LayoutObject obj) { #region Debug if (BigBoss.Debug.logging(Logs.LevelGen)) { BigBoss.Debug.printHeader("Cluster Around"); } #endregion obj.ShiftOutside(cluster, new Point(1, 0), null, false, false); obj.Shift(-1, 0); // Shift to overlapping slightly MultiMap <bool> visited = new MultiMap <bool>(); visited[0, 0] = true; ProbabilityList <ClusterInfo> shiftOptions = new ProbabilityList <ClusterInfo>(); Queue <Point> shiftQueue = new Queue <Point>(); shiftQueue.Enqueue(new Point()); Container2D <GenSpace> clusterGrid = cluster.GetGrid(); Container2D <GenSpace> objGrid = obj.GetGrid(); #region Debug if (BigBoss.Debug.logging(Logs.LevelGen)) { var tmp = new MultiMap <GenSpace>(); tmp.PutAll(obj.GetGrid()); tmp.PutAll(cluster.GetGrid()); tmp.ToLog(Logs.LevelGen, "Starting placement"); } #endregion while (shiftQueue.Count > 0) { Point curShift = shiftQueue.Dequeue(); #region Debug if (BigBoss.Debug.Flag(DebugManager.DebugFlag.FineSteps) && BigBoss.Debug.logging(Logs.LevelGen)) { var tmpMap = new MultiMap <GenSpace>(); tmpMap.PutAll(clusterGrid); tmpMap.PutAll(objGrid, curShift); tmpMap.ToLog(Logs.LevelGen, "Analyzing at shift " + curShift); } #endregion // Test if pass List <Point> intersectPoints = new List <Point>(); if (objGrid.DrawAll((arr, x, y) => { if (GridTypeEnum.EdgeType(arr[x, y].GetGridType())) { GridType clusterType = clusterGrid[x + curShift.x, y + curShift.y].GetGridType(); if (clusterType == GridType.NULL) { return(true); } intersectPoints.Add(new Point(x, y)); return(GridTypeEnum.EdgeType(clusterType)); } else { return(!clusterGrid.Contains(x + curShift.x, y + curShift.y)); } }) && intersectPoints.Count > 0) { // Passed test // queue surrounding points visited.DrawAround(curShift.x, curShift.y, true, Draw.Not(Draw.EqualTo(true)).IfThen(Draw.AddTo <bool>(shiftQueue).And(Draw.SetTo(true)))); #region Debug if (BigBoss.Debug.Flag(DebugManager.DebugFlag.FineSteps) && BigBoss.Debug.logging(Logs.LevelGen)) { BigBoss.Debug.w(Logs.LevelGen, "passed with " + intersectPoints.Count); } #endregion shiftOptions.Add(new ClusterInfo() { Shift = curShift, Intersects = intersectPoints }, Math.Pow(intersectPoints.Count, 3)); } } #region Debug if (BigBoss.Debug.logging(Logs.LevelGen)) { shiftOptions.ToLog(Logs.LevelGen, "Shift options"); } #endregion List <Point> clusterDoorOptions = new List <Point>(); ClusterInfo info; var placed = new List <Value2D <GenSpace> >(0); while (shiftOptions.Take(Rand, out info)) { clusterGrid.DrawPoints(info.Intersects, Draw.CanDrawDoor().IfThen(Draw.AddTo <GenSpace>(clusterDoorOptions)).Shift(info.Shift)); #region Debug if (BigBoss.Debug.logging(Logs.LevelGen)) { BigBoss.Debug.w(Logs.LevelGen, "selected " + info.Shift); var tmpMap = new MultiMap <GenSpace>(); clusterGrid.DrawAll(Draw.CopyTo(tmpMap)); objGrid.DrawAll(Draw.CopyTo(tmpMap, info.Shift)); tmpMap.DrawPoints(info.Intersects, Draw.SetTo(GridType.INTERNAL_RESERVED_CUR, Theme).Shift(info.Shift)); tmpMap.ToLog(Logs.LevelGen, "Intersect Points"); tmpMap = new MultiMap <GenSpace>(); clusterGrid.DrawAll(Draw.CopyTo(tmpMap)); objGrid.DrawAll(Draw.CopyTo(tmpMap, info.Shift)); tmpMap.DrawPoints(clusterDoorOptions, Draw.SetTo(GridType.Door, Theme)); tmpMap.ToLog(Logs.LevelGen, "Cluster door options"); } #endregion if (clusterDoorOptions.Count > 0) { // Cluster side has door options obj.Shift(info.Shift.x, info.Shift.y); placed = obj.PlaceSomeDoors(clusterDoorOptions, Theme, Rand); if (placed.Count != 0) { // Placed a door foreach (Point p in placed) { LayoutObject clusterObj; cluster.GetObjAt(p, out clusterObj); obj.Connect(clusterObj); } break; } else { #region Debug if (BigBoss.Debug.logging(Logs.LevelGen)) { BigBoss.Debug.w(Logs.LevelGen, "selected point failed to match " + info.Shift + ". Backing up"); } #endregion obj.Shift(-info.Shift.x, -info.Shift.y); } } } if (placed.Count == 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Could not cluster rooms"); } #region Debug if (BigBoss.Debug.logging(Logs.LevelGen)) { var tmpMap = new MultiMap <GenSpace>(); tmpMap.PutAll(clusterGrid); tmpMap.PutAll(obj.GetGrid()); tmpMap.ToLog(Logs.LevelGen, "Final setup " + info.Shift); BigBoss.Debug.printFooter("Cluster Around"); } #endregion }