//Method for logging a individual contact event and returns as object
        public Contact_Event LogContact(int contact_id, DateTime date_time, int individual_id)
            Contact_Event newevent = _dataStorage.LogContact(contact_id, date_time, individual_id);

Пример #2
        //Method for logging new contact event
        public Contact_Event LogContact(int contact_id, DateTime date_time, int individual_id)
            //Creates new event from factorymethod to ensure ids are correct and counted
            Contact_Event newevent = _eventFactory.factoryMethod_contact(contact_id);

            newevent.Date_time = date_time;

            foreach (Individual ind in _individual)
                if (individual_id == ind.Individual_id)
                    //Add event to individual
Пример #3
        //Method for loading stoed individuals from csv file
        public void LoadIndividuals()
            //Define input data file
            string individualsFilePath = "TrackandTraceData\\individualsData.csv";

            //Check input file exists
            if (File.Exists(individualsFilePath))
                //Read Whole file into string variable then split into array of lines
                string   whole_file = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(individualsFilePath);
                string[] lines      = whole_file.Split('\r');

                //Loop through each line
                foreach (string temp in lines)
                    //Split said line into the individuals class data
                    string[] i_classdata = temp.Split(',');

                    if (i_classdata[0] == "\n" || i_classdata[0] == "")

                    //Parse individuals individual_id and create temp individual instance
                    int        id     = int.Parse(i_classdata[0]);
                    Individual tmpind = new Individual(id, i_classdata[1], i_classdata[2]);

                    //Check if individual has stored events
                    if (i_classdata.Length > 3)
                        //Loop through all events
                        for (int i = 3; i < i_classdata.Length; i++)
                            //Console.WriteLine($"{i_classdata[i]}"); //For Debugging

                            //Split event string into array
                            string[] e_classdata = i_classdata[i].Split(';');

                            //Check event type - 0 == Location, else (ie ==1) Contact Event
                            if (int.Parse(e_classdata[3]) == 0)
                                //Get locationEvents from tmp individual, create new event, add to list of events, update event list, add individual to individual list
                                List <Location_Event> tmp_event_list = tmpind.locationEvents;
                                Location_Event        current_event  = new Location_Event(int.Parse(e_classdata[0]), DateTime.Parse(e_classdata[1]), int.Parse(e_classdata[2]));
                                tmpind.locationEvents = tmp_event_list;
                                //Get contactEvents from tmp individual, create new event, add to list of events, update event list.
                                List <Contact_Event> tmp_event_list = tmpind.contactEvents;
                                Contact_Event        current_event  = new Contact_Event(int.Parse(e_classdata[0]), DateTime.Parse(e_classdata[1]), int.Parse(e_classdata[2]));
                                tmpind.contactEvents = tmp_event_list;
                        //Add Individual to list
                        //Add Individual to list if there are no event classes
            //If Input file/dir doesnt exist, create blank input file/dir
                using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(individualsFilePath)) { }