Пример #1
 //Raugh version
 void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
     foreach (ContactPoint contact in collision.contacts) {
         finalContact = contact;
     collision.rigidbody.AddForce(finalContact.normal * bouncyness);
Пример #2
    /* we need to determine what direction we collided with environment so we can change direction.
     * we check first and last point in the collection and determine what pieces of the vector positions match
     * and then flip horizontal/vertical while maintaining the opposite movement (vertical/horizontal respectively)
    void SwitchDirection(ContactPoint[] hits)
        // InverseTransformPoint will convert to local space so we can easily tell where it is in relation to us
        Vector3 relativePosition1 = transform.InverseTransformPoint(hits[0].point);
        Vector3 relativePosition2 = transform.InverseTransformPoint(hits[hits.Length - 1].point);

        if (relativePosition1.x > 0 && relativePosition2.x > 0) // right
            if (currentDirection == "NE") currentDirection = "NW";
            if (currentDirection == "SE") currentDirection = "SW";

            GetComponent<tk2dSprite>().FlipX = true;
        if (relativePosition1.x < 0 && relativePosition2.x < 0) // left
            if (currentDirection == "NW") currentDirection = "NE";
            if (currentDirection == "SW") currentDirection = "SE";

            GetComponent<tk2dSprite>().FlipX = false;
        if (relativePosition1.y > 0 && relativePosition2.y > 0) // up
            if (currentDirection == "NE") currentDirection = "SE";
            if (currentDirection == "NW") currentDirection = "SW";
        if (relativePosition1.y < 0 && relativePosition2.y < 0) // down
            if (currentDirection == "SE") currentDirection = "NE";
            if (currentDirection == "SW") currentDirection = "NW";
Пример #3
 void Explode(ContactPoint[] contacts)
     gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeAll;
     gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().enabled = false;
     if(halo != null)
         halo.GetType().GetProperty("enabled").SetValue(halo, false, null);
     Destroy(gameObject, ProjectileDeathTimer);//Kind of hacky, can modify to use the time property in the trail system.
Пример #4
 void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col)
     m_LastHit = col.contacts[0];
     if (m_InstanciateOnBounce != null)
                                m_LastHit.point + m_LastHit.normal.normalized/10.0f,
                                Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, m_LastHit.normal));
Пример #5
    public void ShowDustParticles(ContactPoint contactPoint)
        if (contactPoint.point != null)
            // Place Particle Effect where it hits the ground
            GameObject gObj = Instantiate(PFX_HittingGround);
            gObj.transform.position = contactPoint.point;

            // Play Hitting Sand Sound
            int soundNum = Random.Range (0,2);
            if(soundNum == 0) 		GetComponent<SoundsTriggered>().playSound2(true, 1);
            else if (soundNum == 1)	GetComponent<SoundsTriggered>().playSound3(true, 1);
Пример #6
 private void ProcessBuffPackage(ContactPoint contact, PackageType buffType)
     TankHealth healthComponent = contact.otherCollider.GetComponent<TankHealth>();
     TankMovement movementComponent = contact.otherCollider.GetComponent<TankMovement>();
     switch (buffType)
         case PackageType.Health:
         case PackageType.Speed:
             movementComponent.m_HasSpeedBuff = true;
   public void In(
      [FriendlyName("ContactPoint", "The ContactPoint to randomly choose from. Connect a ContactPoint List or individual ContactPoint variables to this socket.")]
      ContactPoint[] ObjectSet,

      [FriendlyName("Target ContactPoint", "The ContactPoint value that gets set.")]
      out ContactPoint Target
      if (ObjectSet == null)
         Target = new ContactPoint();

      int index = Random.Range(0, ObjectSet.Length);
      Target = ObjectSet[index];
 public void In(
    [FriendlyName("Value", "The variable you wish to use to set the target's value.")]
    object Value,
    [FriendlyName("Target", "The Target variable you wish to set.")]
    out ContactPoint Target
    if ( Value.GetType() != typeof(ContactPoint) )
       uScriptDebug.Log( "Set ContactPoint: Value is not a ContactPoint!", uScriptDebug.Type.Error );
       Target = new ContactPoint( );
       Target = (ContactPoint) Value;
Пример #9
    public void LaunchBall(ContactPoint cp, bool platformFlag)
        this.BallRigRef.freezeRotation = false;
        Vector3 newDir = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3 curDir = this.BallRigRef.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);

        float differenceBetweenContactAndCenter = cp.point.x - this.gameObject.transform.position.x;

        if (platformFlag) //hit the platform
            if (Mathf.Abs(differenceBetweenContactAndCenter) < 0.1f) // presuming it hit the center
                newDir = Vector3.Reflect(curDir, cp.normal);
                LaunchBallStraight(newDir, curDir);
                this.BallRigRef.freezeRotation = true;
            else // hit the side
                float modifier = 60.0f * differenceBetweenContactAndCenter;
                GameObject.Find("RotationDummy").transform.Rotate(0.0f, modifier, 0.0f);
                Quaternion targetRotation = GameObject.Find("RotationDummy").transform.rotation;
                this.BallRigRef.transform.rotation = targetRotation;
                Vector3 targVector = this.BallRigRef.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
                this.BallRigRef.AddForce(targVector * this.thrust);
                this.BallRigRef.freezeRotation = true;
                GameObject.Find("RotationDummy").transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
        else // hit something else
            newDir = Vector3.Reflect(curDir, cp.normal);
            if (this.CheckForStraightAngleBug(newDir))
                Vector3 tmpDir = new Vector3(newDir.x + (Random.Range(0.5f, 1.5f) - 1.0f), 0.0f, (Random.Range(0.5f, 1.5f) - 1.0f));
                newDir = tmpDir;
            LaunchBallStraight(newDir, curDir);
            this.BallRigRef.freezeRotation = true;

        this.lastCp = cp;
Пример #10
    //When the haptic point is in the object
    void OnCollisionStay(Collision other)
        //Debug.Log("Name: " + other.gameObject.name);
        //Get Collider of the PHANToM pointer
        var          thisCollider = GetComponent <Collider>();
        ContactPoint contactPoint = other.contacts[0];
        Vector3      center       = other.collider.bounds.center;

        //For penetration computation
        Vector3    otherPosition = other.gameObject.transform.position;
        Quaternion otherRotation = other.gameObject.transform.rotation;

        Vector3 direction;
        float   distance;

        //Compute depth of penetration
        bool overlapped = Physics.ComputePenetration(
            other.collider, otherPosition, otherRotation,
            thisCollider, transform.position, transform.rotation,
            out direction, out distance

        //if the colliders are overlapped compute the force
        //should be all the time when we are in the OnCollisionStay method
        if (overlapped)
            depth = (transform.position - center).magnitude;
            ratio = 1 - ((1 / totalDepth) * depth);
            //Debug.Log( "Depth ratio: " + ratio);
            force[0] = forceDirection.x * computeForce(Mathf.Abs(ratio));
            force[1] = forceDirection.y * computeForce(Mathf.Abs(ratio));
            force[2] = forceDirection.z * computeForce(Mathf.Abs(ratio));
        //Debug.Log("force: " + force[0] + ", " + force[1] + ", " + force[2]);
        talker.SendForceVector(force, torque);
Пример #11
    void Explode(ContactPoint[] contacts)
        GameObject explosion = Instantiate(explosionPrefab, contacts[0].point, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
        Destroy(explosion, ExplosionDeathTimer);

        for (int i = -5; i <= 5; ++i)
            for (int j = -5; j <= 5; ++j)
                for (int k = -5; k <= 5; ++k)
                    RaycastHit hit;
                    Ray ray = new Ray(transform.position, new Vector3(i, j, k));
                    Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit);
                    Rigidbody body = hit.rigidbody;
                    if (body != null)
                        Vector3 direction = body.transform.position - transform.position;
                        direction = direction.normalized;
                        body.AddForce(direction * ExplosionStrength);
                        Health hp = body.gameObject.GetComponent<Health>();
                        if(hp != null)
                        //if(body.gameObject.tag != "Player" && body.gameObject.tag != "Projectile")
                        //    Destroy(body.gameObject, 1.0f);

        gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeAll;
        gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().isKinematic = true;
        gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().enabled = false;
        Destroy(gameObject, ProjectileDeathTimer);
Пример #12
    void SplatLocation(ContactPoint contact)
        splatsX = SplatManagerSystem.instance.splatsX;
        splatsY = SplatManagerSystem.instance.splatsY;

        channelMask = projectileColor;

        Vector3 leftVec   = Vector3.Cross(contact.normal, Vector3.up);
        float   randScale = Random.Range(0.5f, 1.5f);

        GameObject newSplatObject = new GameObject();

        newSplatObject.transform.position = contact.point;
        if (leftVec.magnitude > 0.001f)
            newSplatObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(leftVec, contact.normal);
        newSplatObject.transform.RotateAround(contact.point, contact.normal, Random.Range(-180, 180));
        newSplatObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(randScale, randScale * 0.5f, randScale) * splatScale;

        Splat newSplat;

        newSplat.splatMatrix = newSplatObject.transform.worldToLocalMatrix;
        newSplat.channelMask = channelMask;

        float splatscaleX = 1.0f / splatsX;
        float splatscaleY = 1.0f / splatsY;
        float splatsBiasX = Mathf.Floor(Random.Range(0, splatsX * 0.99f)) / splatsX;
        float splatsBiasY = Mathf.Floor(Random.Range(0, splatsY * 0.99f)) / splatsY;

        newSplat.scaleBias = new Vector4(splatscaleX, splatscaleY, splatsBiasX, splatsBiasY);


Пример #13
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     if (doExplosion)
         Collider[] cols    = Physics.OverlapSphere(this.transform.position, radius);
         float      maxDist = 0;
         foreach (Collider c in cols)
             float dist = Vector3.Distance(c.transform.position, transform.position);
             if (dist > maxDist)
                 maxDist = dist;
         foreach (Collider c in cols)
             ContactPoint cp = c.GetComponent <ContactPoint>();
             if (cp != null)
                 cp.force = force - (force / maxDist * Vector3.Distance(c.transform.position, transform.position));
                 if (!knownContactPoints.Contains(cp))
         foreach (ContactPoint cp in knownContactPoints)
             if (!contactPointsHit.Contains(cp))
                 cp.force = 0;
Пример #14
    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        if (collision.gameObject.GetComponent <MainPlayer_Single>() != null)
            float imp = collision.impulse.magnitude;
            imp -= 7000f;
            ContactPoint cp          = collision.contacts[0];
            Vector3      toDirection = cp.point - transform.position;
            Quaternion   r           = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.forward, toDirection);
            Instantiate(EffectManager.main.get_hit_effect(), cp.point, r, EffectManager.main.effect_parent);

            if (imp > 0)
                Instantiate(effect1, transform);

                StoryChapter1.main.contrastResolve += imp / 550000f;
                StoryChapter1.main.setContrast(Mathf.Max(1f, 3f - imp / 2000f));

                if (StoryChapter1.main.contrastResolve > StoryChapter1.main.contrastMax)
                    DestroyAfter da = gameObject.AddComponent <DestroyAfter>();
                    da.destroy_after = 3f;
                    foreach (ParticleSystem ps in gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <ParticleSystem>())
                    gameObject.GetComponent <SphereCollider>().enabled = false;
                    gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().enabled   = false;
                    Instantiate(effect2, transform);
Пример #15
    private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Player"))
            Rigidbody Koda = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
            //Vector3 Koda_old_velocity = Koda.velocity;
            ContactPoint contact          = collision.contacts[0];
            Vector3      temp_orientation = -collision.contacts[0].normal.normalized;
            temp_orientation.x = 0;
            //temp_orientation.y = temp_orientation.y / Mathf.Abs(temp_orientation.y);
            temp_orientation.y = (temp_orientation.y == 0)?0:temp_orientation.y / Mathf.Abs(temp_orientation.y);
            temp_orientation.z = 0;
            Koda.velocity = Vector3.zero;
            Koda.AddForce(temp_orientation * coeffRebond, ForceMode.Impulse); // 200 = coeffRebond
        else if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Lure"))
            Rigidbody Lure = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
            Lure.velocity = Vector3.zero;
            ContactPoint contact = collision.contacts[0];

            Lure.AddForce(Vector3.up * 5 * 999 + Vector3.forward * 5 * 999 * Random.Range(-1.0f, 1.0f) + Vector3.right * 5 * 999 * Random.Range(-1.0f, 1.0f), ForceMode.Impulse); // 200 = coeffRebond
            Rigidbody other = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
            other.velocity = Vector3.zero;
            ContactPoint contact = collision.contacts[0];

            other.AddForce(Vector3.up * 5 + Vector3.forward * 5 * Random.Range(-1.0f, 1.0f) + Vector3.right * 5 * Random.Range(-1.0f, 1.0f), ForceMode.Impulse); // 200 = coeffRebond

Пример #16
    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision other)
        if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Ground"))
            _currentSecond = 0;
            _slowdownForce = 0;
            _jumpTopHeight = _rigid.transform.position.y;
            _jump          = 0;
            _animator.SetInteger("Jump", 4);
            _attack = 0;
            _animator.SetBool("useAirJump", false);

        if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Enemy") && !_isInvisible)
            _isDamege    = true;
            _isInvisible = true;

            ContactPoint contact    = other.contacts[0];
            Vector3      contactPos = contact.point;

            var vec1 = contactPos;
            var vec2 = myCentral.transform.position;
            var res  = vec1 - vec2;

            _rigid.velocity = Vector3.zero;
            _rigid.AddForce(-res * 600);

            _animator.SetBool("Damege", true);

Пример #17
    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col)
        if (debuggerScript == null)
            Debug.Log("DebuggerScript null");

        if (debugShellImpact == true)
            Debug.Log("hit " + col.gameObject.name);
        if (col.gameObject.name != gameObject.name && col.gameObject.layer == 9)
            ShipStatsScript sss  = col.gameObject.GetComponent <ShipStatsScript>();
            ContactPoint    cont = col.contacts[0]; // new ContactPoint
            exp = shellHolderScript.get_Exp();
            if (!exp)
                Debug.Log("Exp is null");
            exp.transform.position = cont.point;
            // exp.transform.position = gameObject.transform.position;


            damage = Constants.MINIMUMDAMAGE;

        if (col.gameObject.tag == "water")
/*          ContactPoint cont = col.contacts[0];   // new ContactPoint
 *                      GameObject splash = Instantiate(splashPref, cont.point, Quaternion.identity);
 *                      Destroy(splash, 3.0f); */
Пример #18
        void PreSolve(Contact contact, ref Manifold oldManifold)
            if ((Flags & DebugViewFlags.ContactPoints) == DebugViewFlags.ContactPoints)
                Manifold manifold = contact.Manifold;

                if (manifold.PointCount == 0)

                Fixture fixtureA = contact.FixtureA;

                FixedArray2 <PointState> state1, state2;
                FarseerPhysics.Collision.Collision.GetPointStates(out state1, out state2, ref oldManifold,
                                                                  ref manifold);

                FixedArray2 <System.Numerics.Vector2> points;
                System.Numerics.Vector2 normal;
                contact.GetWorldManifold(out normal, out points);

                for (int i = 0; i < manifold.PointCount && _pointCount < maxContactPoints; ++i)
                    if (fixtureA == null)
                        _points[i] = new ContactPoint();

                    ContactPoint cp = _points[_pointCount];
                    cp.Position          = points[i];
                    cp.Normal            = normal;
                    cp.State             = state2[i];
                    _points[_pointCount] = cp;
Пример #19
    private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        if (collision.transform.tag == "Player")
            collision.gameObject.GetComponent <PlayersHealth>().currentHealth -= damage;

            meshRenderer.enabled = false;

            rb.detectCollisions = false;

            GameObject woodGO = collision.transform.Find("WoodImpacts").gameObject;

            ParticleSystem theHit = woodGO.GetComponentInChildren <ParticleSystem>();

            audioSource.PlayOneShot(boatHits[Random.Range(0, boatHits.Length)], 0.1f);

        else if (collision.transform.tag == "Sea")
            meshRenderer.enabled = false;

            ContactPoint hitPoint = collision.GetContact(0);

            GameObject splashMiss = Instantiate(splash, hitPoint.point, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

            splashMiss.transform.Rotate(90.0f, 0f, 0f, Space.Self);

            if (audioSource)
                audioSource.PlayOneShot(splashes[Random.Range(0, splashes.Length)], 0.05f);
Пример #20
    /*private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
     * {
     *  if (other.gameObject.tag == "hookable")
     *  {
     *      Ray ray = new Ray(transform.position, directionOfTravel);
     *      RaycastHit hit;
     *      if (other.Raycast(ray, out hit, 10))
     *      {
     *          float angle = AngleBetweenVector2(directionOfTravel, hit.normal);
     *          if (angle < 0)
     *          {
     *              angle = 2 * (Mathf.Abs(angle) - 90);
     *              angle *= -1;
     *          }
     *          else
     *          {
     *              angle = 2 * (Mathf.Abs(angle) - 90);
     *              angle *= 1;
     *          }
     *          angle += UnityEngine.Random.Range(-2, 2);
     *          directionOfTravel = Quaternion.Euler(0, angle, 0) * directionOfTravel;
     *          directionOfTravel.Normalize();
     *      }
     *  }
     * }*/

    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        ContactPoint contact = collision.contacts[0];

        if (collision.gameObject.tag == "hookable")
            float angle = AngleBetweenVector2(directionOfTravel, contact.normal);
            if (angle < 0)
                angle  = 2 * (Mathf.Abs(angle) - 90);
                angle *= -1;
                angle  = 2 * (Mathf.Abs(angle) - 90);
                angle *= 1;

            angle += UnityEngine.Random.Range(-2, 2);

            directionOfTravel = Quaternion.Euler(0, angle, 0) * directionOfTravel;

        else if (collision.gameObject.tag == "enemy")
        else if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Player")
            if (PlayerController.isPlayerAlive && PlayerController.canRecieveDamage)
    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        if (ripple == null || rippleAnimator == null)

        Transform parentOfOther = collision.gameObject.transform.parent;
        bool      hitHand       = (parentOfOther != null && (parentOfOther.name == "CollisionHand_L" || parentOfOther.name == "CollisionHand_R"));

        if (!hitHand)
            // Move ripple to the contact position
            ContactPoint contact = collision.contacts[0];
            if (name == "Left" || name == "Right")
                ripple.transform.position = new Vector3(ripple.transform.position.x, contact.point.y, contact.point.z);
            else if (name == "Front" || name == "Back")
                ripple.transform.position = new Vector3(contact.point.x, contact.point.y, ripple.transform.position.z);
            else if (name == "Top" || name == "Bottom")
                ripple.transform.position = new Vector3(contact.point.x, ripple.transform.position.y, contact.point.z);

            // Animate ripple

            // Make surrounding bars glow
            foreach (Renderer barRenderer in barRenderers)
                StartCoroutine(MakeBarGlow(barRenderer, barGlowDuration));
Пример #22
    /// <summary>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="enterObject"></param>
    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision enterObject)
        // things to add:
        // maybe a distance or time check to see if grenade is far enough away to arm before exploding
        // ... maybe a non armed grenade will bounce then explode
        // similar to direct noob tube shots in CoD
        if (!OnHit)
        switch (enterObject.transform.tag)
        case "Projectile":

            Destroy(gameObject, 0);                                                 //GetComponent<Rigidbody>().useGravity = false;
            ContactPoint contact  = enterObject.contacts[0];
            Quaternion   rotation = gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().rotation; //Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, contact.normal);

            GameObject e     = Object.Instantiate(explosion, contact.point, rotation) as GameObject;
            bl_Blast   blast = e.GetComponent <bl_Blast>();
            if (blast != null)
                blast.isNetwork       = isNetwork;
                blast.WeaponID        = ID;
                blast.WeaponName      = mName;
                blast.explosionDamage = damage;
            if (enterObject.rigidbody)
                enterObject.rigidbody.AddForce(transform.forward * impactForce, ForceMode.Impulse);
Пример #23
            void CollideCircles()
                Vector2D center1 = Vector2D.Zero;
                Vector2D center2 = Vector2D.Zero;

                Vector2D.Transform(ref body1.Matrices.ToWorld, ref center1, out center1);
                Vector2D.Transform(ref body2.Matrices.ToWorld, ref center2, out center2);
                Vector2D normal;

                Vector2D.Subtract(ref center2, ref center1, out normal);
                Scalar distance;

                Vector2D.Normalize(ref normal, out distance, out normal);
                Scalar depth = distance - (circle1.Radius + circle2.Radius);

                if (depth > 0)
                    ContactPoint contact;
                    if (contacts.First == null)
                        contact = new ContactPoint();
                        contact = contacts.First.Value;
                    contact.distance   = depth;
                    contact.normal     = normal;
                    contact.position.X = center2.X - normal.X * circle2.Radius;
                    contact.position.Y = center2.Y - normal.Y * circle2.Radius;
Пример #24
        /// <summary>
        /// AddPoint
        /// if pt is less than Sqrt(combinationDistanceSq) from one of the
        /// others the original is replaced with the mean of it
        /// and pt, and false is returned. true means that pt was
        /// added to pts
        /// </summary>
        private static bool AddPoint(List <ContactPoint> pts, ref Vector3 pt, float combinationDistanceSq)
            for (int i = pts.Count; i-- != 0;)
                ContactPoint cpt = pts[i];

                #region INLINE: float len = (cpt.Pos-pt).LengthSquared();
                float xd = cpt.Pos.X - pt.X;
                float yd = cpt.Pos.Y - pt.Y;
                float zd = cpt.Pos.Z - pt.Z;

                float len = (xd * xd) + (yd * yd) + (zd * zd);

                if (len < combinationDistanceSq)
                    cpt.Pos    = (cpt.Count * cpt.Pos + pt) / (cpt.Count + 1);
                    cpt.Count += 1;
            pts.Add(new ContactPoint(ref pt));
Пример #25
    private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        if (this.enabled)
            if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Enemy"))
                collision.gameObject.GetComponent <GoombaMachine>().RecieveDamage(1);
            else if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Player"))
                collision.gameObject.GetComponent <MarioController>().LoseHP(1, transform.forward);

            for (int i = 0; i < collision.contactCount; i++)
                ContactPoint contact = collision.GetContact(i);

                if (contact.normal.x != 0 || contact.normal.z != 0)
Пример #26
 private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
     for (int i = 0; i < collision.contacts.Length; i++)
         ContactPoint contact = collision.contacts[i];
         if (collision.contacts[i].otherCollider.tag == "Tank")
             TankMovement movementComponent = collision.contacts[i].otherCollider.GetComponent <TankMovement>();
             if (!movementComponent.m_HasCollided)
                 movementComponent.m_HasCollided = true;
                 if (m_Type == PackageType.Health || m_Type == PackageType.Speed)
                     ProcessBuffPackage(collision.contacts[i], m_Type);
                     ProcessBulletPackage(contact, m_Type);
Пример #27
    public void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        if (topAngle == 0)

        GameObject other = collision.gameObject;

        Character[] characters = other.GetComponentsInParent <Character>();
        if (characters.Length == 0)
        Character character = characters[0];

        ContactPoint hit            = collision.GetContact(0);
        float        collisionAngle = (
            Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, hit.normal).eulerAngles.z
            + 180
            ) % 360;

        TryAction(character, collisionAngle);
Пример #28
        private IEnumerator Collide(Collision collision)
            Vector3 previousPosition = transform.position;
            Vector3 motion;

            ContactPoint[] contacts = new ContactPoint[128];
            yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

            while (true)
                motion = transform.position - previousPosition;
                int num = collision.GetContacts(contacts);
                for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                    float dot = Vector3.Dot(motion, contacts[i].normal.normalized);
                    if (dot < 0)
                        transform.position -= dot * contacts[i].normal.normalized;
                previousPosition = transform.position;
                yield return(null);
Пример #29
    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        ContactPoint contact = collision.contacts[0];
        //Debug.Log("PCollision-->OnCollisionEnter" + contact.normal);
        //Debug.DrawRay(contact.point, contact.normal, Color.red, 500);
        Vector3 pos = contact.point;

        if (collision.collider.tag == TagEnum.Block.ToString() || collision.collider.tag == transform.tag)
            if (contact.normal.x != 0)
                //Debug.Log("PCollision-->OnCollisionEnter Reverse");
            if (contact.normal.y > 0)
                if (rbMove.velocity == Vector3.zero)
                    //Debug.Log("PCollision-->OnCollisionEnter Default");
Пример #30
    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        ContactPoint contact = collision.contacts[0];

        GameObject objHit = collision.gameObject;

        if (objHit.tag == "AI Tank")
            int health = objHit.GetComponent <StateManager>().getHealth();
            Debug.Log("****************** Health: " + health);

            Object exp = Instantiate(explosion, contact.point, Quaternion.identity);
            health -= 10;
            objHit.GetComponent <StateManager>().setHealth(health);
            Destroy(exp, 0.5f);
        else if (objHit.tag == "Player")
            Object exp = Instantiate(explosion, contact.point, Quaternion.identity);
            Destroy(exp, 0.5f);
Пример #31
    public void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        if (collision.gameObject.tag == "CurrentWeapon" || collision.gameObject.tag == "CanGrab" || collision.gameObject.tag == "Hammer" || collision.gameObject.tag == "Sickle")
            //sparks = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(Resources.Load("sparks", typeof(GameObject)));
            ContactPoint contact  = collision.contacts[0];
            Quaternion   sparkrot = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, contact.normal);
            Vector3      sparkpos = contact.point;
            GameObject   sparks2  = Instantiate(sparks, sparkpos, sparkrot) as GameObject;

            if (chainCollisionjusthappened)
            chainCollisionjusthappened = true;

            Debug.Log("Weapon Collision worked");
            // hitOnce = true;

            Destroy(sparks2, .4f);
Пример #32
    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        ContactPoint contact = collision.contacts[0];
        //Debug.Log("ECollision-->OnCollisionEnter" + contact.normal + collision.collider.tag.ToString());
        //Debug.DrawRay(contact.point, contact.normal, Color.red, 500);
        Vector3 pos = contact.point;

        if (collision.collider.tag == TagEnum.Block.ToString() || collision.collider.tag == transform.tag)
            if (contact.normal.x != 0)
                //Debug.Log("ECollision-->OnCollisionEnter Reverse");
                cMovement.movement(0, MotionEnum.ReverseXAxis);;

        CharacterMode playerMode;

        if (!ReferenceEquals(collision.collider.transform.parent, null) && collision.collider.transform.parent.tag == TagEnum.Player.ToString())
            playerMode = collision.collider.GetComponentInParent <CharacterMode>();
            playerMode.Interact(InteractEnum.Enemy, enemyAI.eDamage);
Пример #33
        /// <summary>
        /// { code : contactpoint-value, system : contactpoint-use }
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="element"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <Expression> ToExpressions(ContactPoint element)
            if (element == null)

            var values = new List <IndexValue>();

            if (element.Value != null)
                values.Add(new IndexValue("code", Map(element.ValueElement)));
            if (element.System != null)
                values.Add(new IndexValue("system", Map(element.SystemElement)));
            if (element.Use != null)
                values.Add(new IndexValue("use", Map(element.UseElement)));

            return(ListOf(new CompositeValue(values)));
Пример #34
    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        // Instantiate explosion at the impact point and rotate the explosion
        // so that the y-axis faces along the surface normal
        ContactPoint contact  = collision.contacts[0];
        Quaternion   rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, contact.normal);
        Vector3      pos      = contact.point;

        if (explosion)
            ObjectPool.Spawn(explosion, pos, rotation);

        collision.collider.gameObject.SendMessageUpwards("TakeDamage", weapon.damage, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

        if (collision.rigidbody)
            Vector3 force = transform.forward * weapon.force;
            collision.rigidbody.AddForce(force, ForceMode.Impulse);

        // Call function to destroy the rocket
Пример #35
        private void HandleCollision(Collision collision)
            // See if any contact point with this collider is below the gravity receiver
            if (!groundColliders.Contains(collision.collider))
                for (int i = 0; i < collision.contactCount; i++)
                    ContactPoint contact = collision.GetContact(i);
                    float        dot     = Vector3.Dot(contact.normal, -gravityDirection);

                    if (dot >= minGroundDotProduct)
                        totalGroundNormal       += contact.normal;
                        totalGroundFriction     += collision.collider.material.staticFriction;
                        totalGroundContactPoint += contact.point;


Пример #36
    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        if (canCollide == true)
            canCollide = false;
            ContactPoint contactPoint = collision.contacts [0];

            GameObject cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
            cube.transform.localScale = new Vector3(5, 5, 5);
            cube.transform.position   = contactPoint.point;

            iTween.MoveTo(cube, iTween.Hash(
                              "y", 40,
                              "time", 0.5));
            iTween.MoveTo(cube, iTween.Hash(
                              "position", new Vector3(55, 79, 10),
                              "time", 0.5f,
                              "delay", 0.5f,
                              "oncompletetarget", this.gameObject,
                              "oncompleteparams", cube,
                              "oncomplete", "DestroyCubeAndIncrementGauge"
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates sparks at point of hit.
    /// </summary>
    void SparkCreator(Collision other)
        if (other.transform)
            ContactPoint contact = other.contacts[0];
            Quaternion   rot     = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, contact.normal) * Quaternion.Euler(-90, 0, 0);
            Vector3      pos     = contact.point;

            if (sparks)
                GameObject spark = (GameObject)Instantiate(sparks, pos, rot);
                spark.transform.localScale = transform.localScale * 2;
                foreach (Transform _spark in spark.transform)
                    _spark.localScale = transform.localScale * 2;
                Debug.LogError("You did not assign a spark prefab effect, default is located in DroneController/Prefabs/...");
Пример #38
    private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision other)
        if (other.gameObject.tag == "Lightsaber")
            if (other.gameObject.GetComponent <SabreBehaviourControl>().defending)
                int probability = Random.Range(1, 100);
                if (probability > 75)
                    travelAlong = -travelAlong;
                    transform.forward = travelAlong = ShootRay();
        else if (other.gameObject.tag == "Player")
            print("Hit player");

        ContactPoint contact = other.contacts[0];
        Quaternion   rot     = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, -transform.forward);
        Vector3      pos     = contact.point;
        GameObject   tempFX  = Instantiate(sparkFX, pos, rot);

        Destroy(tempFX, 2f);
        protected virtual bool _proccess_wall(
            ContactPoint contact, Collision collision)
                contact.point, contact.normal, Color.red, 5f);
                contact.point, Vector3.up, Color.magenta, 5f);

            var slope_angle = Vector3.Angle(contact.normal, Vector3.up);

            manager_collisions.add(new Collision_info(
                                       STR_WALL, collision, slope_angle));
            if (contact.normal.z > 0)
                manager_collisions.add(new Collision_info(
                                           STR_WALL_left, collision, slope_angle));
            else if (contact.normal.z < 0)
                manager_collisions.add(new Collision_info(
                                           STR_WALL_right, collision, slope_angle));
        private Part GetCollidingPart(ContactPoint contactPoint)
            GameObject searchObject          = contactPoint.thisCollider.gameObject;
            Part       foundPart             = null;
            bool       searchedOtherCollider = false;

            while (searchObject != null)
                foundPart = searchObject.GetComponent <Part>();
                if (foundPart != null)
                searchObject = searchObject.transform == null ? null :
                               searchObject.transform.parent == null ? null :
                if (searchObject == null && !searchedOtherCollider)                 // "thisCollider" is sometimes the ground...
                    searchedOtherCollider = true;
                    searchObject          = contactPoint.otherCollider.gameObject;
Пример #41
 public void addCollider(uint localID, ContactPoint contact)
     ContactPoint oldCol;
     if (!m_objCollisionList.TryGetValue(localID, out oldCol))
         m_objCollisionList.Add(localID, contact);
         if (oldCol.PenetrationDepth < contact.PenetrationDepth)
             m_objCollisionList[localID] = contact;
  * \brief Works out if a value is almost another value (for floating point accuracy)
 public void CallOnCollisionContactEnter(ContactPoint contact)
     // check the normal to see if the collision is in the horizontal plain
     if (!m_colliding && (contact.normal.y < 0.1 && contact.normal.y > -0.1))
         m_velocity = 0.0f;
         m_colliding = true;
Пример #43
        /// <summary>
        /// This is our near callback.  A geometry is near a body
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="space">The space that contains the geoms.  Remember, spaces are also geoms</param>
        /// <param name="g1">a geometry or space</param>
        /// <param name="g2">another geometry or space</param>
        private void near(IntPtr space, IntPtr g1, IntPtr g2)
            //  no lock here!  It's invoked from within Simulate(), which is thread-locked

            if (g1 == IntPtr.Zero || g2 == IntPtr.Zero)

            // Test if we're colliding a geom with a space.
            // If so we have to drill down into the space recursively

            if (d.GeomIsSpace(g1) || d.GeomIsSpace(g2))

                // Separating static prim geometry spaces.
                // We'll be calling near recursivly if one
                // of them is a space to find all of the
                // contact points in the space
                    d.SpaceCollide2(g1, g2, IntPtr.Zero, nearCallback);
                catch (AccessViolationException)
                    m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Unable to collide test a space");
                //Colliding a space or a geom with a space or a geom. so drill down

                //Collide all geoms in each space..
                //if (d.GeomIsSpace(g1)) 
                //    d.SpaceCollide(g1, IntPtr.Zero, nearCallback);
                //if (d.GeomIsSpace(g2))
                //    d.SpaceCollide(g2, IntPtr.Zero, nearCallback);
            IntPtr b1 = d.GeomGetBody(g1);
            IntPtr b2 = d.GeomGetBody(g2);

            int FindContactsTime = Util.EnvironmentTickCount();

            // d.GeomClassID id = d.GeomGetClass(g1);

            //if (id == d.GeomClassId.TriMeshClass)
            //               m_log.InfoFormat("near: A collision was detected between {1} and {2}", 0, name1, name2);
            //m_log.Debug("near: A collision was detected between {1} and {2}", 0, name1, name2);

            // Figure out how many contact points we have
            int count = 0;
            PhysicsActor p1;
            PhysicsActor p2;

            if (!actor_name_map.TryGetValue (g1, out p1))
                p1 = PANull;

            if (!actor_name_map.TryGetValue (g2, out p2))
                p2 = PANull;
            if (p1 is AuroraODEPrim && (p1 as AuroraODEPrim)._zeroFlag)
                if (p2 is AuroraODEPrim && (p2 as AuroraODEPrim)._zeroFlag)
                    return;//If its frozen, don't collide it against other objects, let them collide against it
                    (p1 as AuroraODEPrim)._zeroFlag = false;
                // Colliding Geom To Geom
                // This portion of the function 'was' blatantly ripped off from BoxStack.cs

                if (g1 == g2)
                    return; // Can't collide with yourself

                if (b1 != IntPtr.Zero && b2 != IntPtr.Zero && d.AreConnectedExcluding(b1, b2, d.JointType.Contact))

                lock (contacts)
                    count = d.Collide(g1, g2, (contacts.Length & 0xffff), contacts, d.ContactGeom.SizeOf);
            catch (SEHException)
                m_log.Error("[PHYSICS]: The Operating system shut down ODE because of corrupt memory.  This could be a result of really irregular terrain.  If this repeats continuously, restart using Basic Physics and terrain fill your terrain.  Restarting the sim.");
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.WarnFormat("[PHYSICS]: Unable to collide test an object: {0}", e.ToString());

            if (count == 0)

            m_StatFindContactsTime = Util.EnvironmentTickCountSubtract(FindContactsTime);

            ContactPoint maxDepthContact = new ContactPoint();
            if (!DisableCollisions)
                if (p1.CollisionScore + count >= float.MaxValue)
                    p1.CollisionScore = 0;
                p1.CollisionScore += count;

                if (p2.CollisionScore + count >= float.MaxValue)
                    p2.CollisionScore = 0;
                p2.CollisionScore += count;

            int ContactLoopTime = Util.EnvironmentTickCount();

            #region Contact Loop

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                d.ContactGeom curContact = contacts[i];

                if (curContact.depth > maxDepthContact.PenetrationDepth)
                    maxDepthContact.PenetrationDepth = curContact.depth;
                    maxDepthContact.Position.X = curContact.pos.X;
                    maxDepthContact.Position.Y = curContact.pos.Y;
                    maxDepthContact.Position.Z = curContact.pos.Z;
                    maxDepthContact.SurfaceNormal.X = curContact.normal.X;
                    maxDepthContact.SurfaceNormal.Y = curContact.normal.Y;
                    maxDepthContact.SurfaceNormal.Z = curContact.normal.Z;
                    //                    maxDepthContact = new ContactPoint(
                    //                        new Vector3((float)curContact.pos.X, (float)curContact.pos.Y, (float)curContact.pos.Z),
                    //                        new Vector3((float)curContact.normal.X, (float)curContact.normal.Y, (float)curContact.normal.Z),
                    //                        (float)curContact.depth
                    //                    );

                //m_log.Warn("[CCOUNT]: " + count);
                IntPtr joint;
                // If we're colliding with terrain, use 'TerrainContact' instead of contact.
                // allows us to have different settings

                // we don't want prim or avatar to explode

                #region InterPenetration Handling - Unintended physics explosions
                #region disabled code1


                if (curContact.depth >= 0.08f)
                    //This is disabled at the moment only because it needs more tweaking
                    //It will eventually be uncommented
                    if (contact.depth >= 1.00f)
                        //m_log.Debug("[PHYSICS]: " + contact.depth.ToString());

                    //If you interpenetrate a prim with an agent
                    if ((p2.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Agent &&
                         p1.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Prim) ||
                        (p1.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Agent &&
                         p2.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Prim))
                        //contact.depth = contact.depth * 4.15f;
                        if (p2.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Agent)
                            p2.CollidingObj = true;
                            contact.depth = 0.003f;
                            p2.Velocity = p2.Velocity + new PhysicsVector(0, 0, 2.5f);
                            OdeCharacter character = (OdeCharacter) p2;
                            contact.pos = new d.Vector3(contact.pos.X + (p1.Size.X / 2), contact.pos.Y + (p1.Size.Y / 2), contact.pos.Z + (p1.Size.Z / 2));


                            //contact.depth = 0.0000000f;
                        if (p1.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Agent)

                            p1.CollidingObj = true;
                            contact.depth = 0.003f;
                            p1.Velocity = p1.Velocity + new PhysicsVector(0, 0, 2.5f);
                            contact.pos = new d.Vector3(contact.pos.X + (p2.Size.X / 2), contact.pos.Y + (p2.Size.Y / 2), contact.pos.Z + (p2.Size.Z / 2));
                            OdeCharacter character = (OdeCharacter)p1;

                            //contact.depth = 0.0000000f;
                // If you interpenetrate a prim with another prim
                    if (p1.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Prim && p2.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Prim)
                        #region disabledcode2
                        //OdePrim op1 = (OdePrim)p1;
                        //OdePrim op2 = (OdePrim)p2;

                        //if (op1.m_collisionscore > 8000 || op2.m_collisionscore > 8000)
                            //op1.m_taintdisable = true;
                            //op2.m_taintdisable = true;

                        //if (contact.depth >= 0.25f)
                            // Don't collide, one or both prim will expld.

                            //interpenetrations_before_disable = 200;
                            //if (op1.m_interpenetrationcount >= interpenetrations_before_disable)
                                //op1.m_taintdisable = true;
                            //if (op2.m_interpenetrationcount >= interpenetrations_before_disable)
                               // op2.m_taintdisable = true;

                            //contact.depth = contact.depth / 8f;
                            //contact.normal = new d.Vector3(0, 0, 1);
                        //if (op1.m_disabled || op2.m_disabled)
                            //Manually disabled objects stay disabled
                            //contact.depth = 0f;
//                    if (curContact.depth >= 1.0f)
                    //m_log.Info("[P]: " + contact.depth.ToString());
                    if ((p2.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Agent &&
                         p1.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Ground) ||
                        (p1.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Agent &&
                         p2.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Ground))
                        if (p2.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Agent)
                            if (p2 is AuroraODECharacter)
                                AuroraODECharacter character = (AuroraODECharacter)p2;

                                //p2.CollidingObj = true;
                                if (p2.Position.Z < curContact.pos.Z) // don't colide from underside
                                    p2.CollidingGround = false;
                                    p2.CollidingGround = false;

                                curContact.depth = 0.00000003f;
                                p2.Velocity = p2.Velocity + new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1.5f);
                                curContact.pos =
                                              new d.Vector3(curContact.pos.X + (p2.Size.X / 2),
                                                              curContact.pos.Y + (p2.Size.Y / 2),
                                                              curContact.pos.Z + (p2.Size.Z / 2));


                        if (p1.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Agent)
                            if (p1 is AuroraODECharacter)
                                AuroraODECharacter character = (AuroraODECharacter)p1;

                                //p2.CollidingObj = true;
                                if (p1.Position.Z < curContact.pos.Z)
                                    p1.CollidingGround = false;
                                    p1.CollidingGround = false;

                                curContact.depth = 0.00000003f;
                                p1.Velocity = p1.Velocity + new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0.5f);
                                curContact.pos =
                                                new d.Vector3(curContact.pos.X + (p1.Size.X / 2),
                                                              curContact.pos.Y + (p1.Size.Y / 2),
                                                              curContact.pos.Z + (p1.Size.Z / 2));




                // Logic for collision handling
                // Note, that if *all* contacts are skipped (VolumeDetect)
                // The prim still detects (and forwards) collision events but 
                // appears to be phantom for the world
                Boolean skipThisContact = false;

                if (p1 is PhysicsObject && ((PhysicsObject)p1).VolumeDetect)
                    skipThisContact = true;   // No collision on volume detect prims

                if (p2 is PhysicsObject && ((PhysicsObject)p2).VolumeDetect)
                    skipThisContact = true;   // No collision on volume detect prims

                if (curContact.depth < 0f)
                    skipThisContact = true;

                if (!skipThisContact && 
                    m_filterCollisions && 
                    checkDupe (curContact, p2.PhysicsActorType))
                    skipThisContact = true;

                joint = IntPtr.Zero;

                if (!skipThisContact)
                    // If we're colliding against terrain
                    if (p1.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Ground)
                        if (p2.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Prim)
                            if (m_filterCollisions)

                            //Add restitution and friction changes
                            d.Contact contact = ((AuroraODEPrim)p2).GetContactPoint (ActorTypes.Ground);
                            contact.geom = curContact;

                            if (m_global_contactcount < m_currentmaxContactsbeforedeath)
                                joint = d.JointCreateContact (world, contactgroup, ref contact);
                        //Can't collide against anything else, agents do their own ground checks
                        // we're colliding with prim or avatar
                        // check if we're moving
                        if ((p2.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Agent))
                            if ((Math.Abs (p2.Velocity.X) > 0.01f || Math.Abs (p2.Velocity.Y) > 0.01f))
                                // Use the Movement prim contact
                                AvatarMovementprimContact.geom = curContact;
                                if (m_filterCollisions)
                                    _perloopContact.Add (curContact);
                                if (m_global_contactcount < m_currentmaxContactsbeforedeath)
                                    joint = d.JointCreateContact (world, contactgroup, ref AvatarMovementprimContact);
                                // Use the non movement contact
                                contact.geom = curContact;
                                if (m_filterCollisions)
                                    _perloopContact.Add (curContact);

                                if (m_global_contactcount < m_currentmaxContactsbeforedeath)
                                    joint = d.JointCreateContact (world, contactgroup, ref contact);
                        else if (p2.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Prim)
                            if (m_filterCollisions)

                            //Add restitution and friction changes
                            d.Contact contact = ((AuroraODEPrim)p2).GetContactPoint (ActorTypes.Prim);
                            contact.geom = curContact;

                            if (m_global_contactcount < m_currentmaxContactsbeforedeath)
                                joint = d.JointCreateContact (world, contactgroup, ref contact);

                    if (m_global_contactcount < m_currentmaxContactsbeforedeath && joint != IntPtr.Zero) // stack collide!
                        d.JointAttach(joint, b1, b2);
                //m_log.Debug("near: A collision was detected between {1} and {2}", 0, name1, name2);


            m_StatContactLoopTime = Util.EnvironmentTickCountSubtract(ContactLoopTime);

            int CollisionAccountingTime = Util.EnvironmentTickCount();

            if (!DisableCollisions)
                bool p2col = false;

                // We only need to test p2 for 'jump crouch purposes'
                if (p2 is AuroraODECharacter && p1.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Prim)
                    // Testing if the collision is at the feet of the avatar
                    if ((p2.Position.Z - maxDepthContact.Position.Z) > (p2.Size.Z * 0.6f))
                        p2col = true;
                    p2col = true;

                p2.IsColliding = p2col;

                if (count > geomContactPointsStartthrottle)
                    // If there are more then 3 contact points, it's likely
                    // that we've got a pile of objects, so ...
                    // We don't want to send out hundreds of terse updates over and over again
                    // so lets throttle them and send them again after it's somewhat sorted out.
                    p2.ThrottleUpdates = true;
                collision_accounting_events(p1, p2, maxDepthContact);
            m_StatCollisionAccountingTime = Util.EnvironmentTickCountSubtract(CollisionAccountingTime);
Пример #44
        private void collision_accounting_events(PhysicsActor p1, PhysicsActor p2, ContactPoint contact)
            if (!p2.SubscribedEvents() && !p1.SubscribedEvents())
            FireCollisionEvent (p1, p2, contact);

            p1.AddCollisionEvent (p2.LocalID, contact);
            p2.AddCollisionEvent (p1.LocalID, contact);
Пример #45
 private void ProcessContact(uint cont, uint contWith, ContactPoint contact, 
             ref List<BulletDotNETPrim> primsWithCollisions,
             ref List<BulletDotNETCharacter> charactersWithCollisions)
     BulletDotNETPrim bdnp;
     // collisions with a normal prim?
     if (m_primsLocalID.TryGetValue(cont, out bdnp))
         // Added collision event to the prim. This creates a pile of events
         // that will be sent to any subscribed listeners.
         bdnp.AddCollision(contWith, contact);
         if (!primsWithCollisions.Contains(bdnp))
         BulletDotNETCharacter bdnc;
         // if not a prim, maybe it's one of the characters
         if (m_charactersLocalID.TryGetValue(cont, out bdnc))
             bdnc.AddCollision(contWith, contact);
             if (!charactersWithCollisions.Contains(bdnc))
Пример #46
 public void AddCollisionEvent(uint CollidedWith, ContactPoint contact)
     if (m_eventsubscription > 0)
         CollisionEventsThisFrame.addCollider(CollidedWith, contact);
Пример #47
 public void AddCollisionEvent(uint CollidedWith, ContactPoint contact)
     if (CollisionEventsThisFrame == null)
         CollisionEventsThisFrame = new CollisionEventUpdate();
     CollisionEventsThisFrame.addCollider(CollidedWith, contact);
Пример #48
 public void AddCollider(uint localID, ContactPoint contact)
     if (!m_objCollisionList.ContainsKey(localID))
         m_objCollisionList.Add(localID, contact);
         if (m_objCollisionList[localID].PenetrationDepth < contact.PenetrationDepth)
             m_objCollisionList[localID] = contact;
Пример #49
        public void PhysicsCollision(EventArgs e)
            // single threaded here
            if (e == null)

            CollisionEventUpdate a = (CollisionEventUpdate) e;
            Dictionary<uint, ContactPoint> collissionswith = a.GetCollisionEvents();
            List<uint> thisHitColliders = new List<uint>();
            List<uint> startedColliders = new List<uint>();
            ContactPoint startedCollider = new ContactPoint();

            // calculate things that started colliding this time
            // and build up list of colliders this time
            foreach (uint localID in collissionswith.Keys)
                if (!m_lastColliders.Contains(localID))
                    startedCollider = collissionswith[localID];
                //MainConsole.Instance.Debug("[OBJECT]: Collided with:" + localid.ToString() + " at depth of: " + collissionswith[localid].ToString());

            // calculate things that ended colliding
            List<uint> endedColliders = m_lastColliders.Where(localID => !thisHitColliders.Contains(localID)).ToList();

            //add the items that started colliding this time to the last colliders list.
            // remove things that ended colliding from the last colliders list
            foreach (uint localID in endedColliders)

            if (m_parentGroup == null)
            if (m_parentGroup.IsDeleted)

            const string SoundGlassCollision = "6a45ba0b-5775-4ea8-8513-26008a17f873";
            const string SoundMetalCollision = "9e5c1297-6eed-40c0-825a-d9bcd86e3193";
            const string SoundStoneCollision = "9538f37c-456e-4047-81be-6435045608d4";
            const string SoundFleshCollision = "dce5fdd4-afe4-4ea1-822f-dd52cac46b08";
            const string SoundPlasticCollision = "0e24a717-b97e-4b77-9c94-b59a5a88b2da";
            const string SoundRubberCollision = "153c8bf7-fb89-4d89-b263-47e58b1b4774";
            const string SoundWoodCollision = "063c97d3-033a-4e9b-98d8-05c8074922cb";

            // play the sound.
            if (startedColliders.Count > 0 && CollisionSound != UUID.Zero && CollisionSoundVolume > 0.0f)
                SendSound(CollisionSound.ToString(), CollisionSoundVolume, true, 0, 0);
            else if (startedColliders.Count > 0)
                switch (startedCollider.Type)
                    case ActorTypes.Agent:
                        break; // Agents will play the sound so we don't

                    case ActorTypes.Ground:
                        SendSound(SoundWoodCollision, 1, true, 0, 0);
                        break; //Always play the click or thump sound when hitting ground

                    case ActorTypes.Prim:
                        switch (Material)
                            case (int) OpenMetaverse.Material.Flesh:
                                SendSound(SoundFleshCollision, 1, true, 0, 0);
                            case (int) OpenMetaverse.Material.Glass:
                                SendSound(SoundGlassCollision, 1, true, 0, 0);
                            case (int) OpenMetaverse.Material.Metal:
                                SendSound(SoundMetalCollision, 1, true, 0, 0);
                            case (int) OpenMetaverse.Material.Plastic:
                                SendSound(SoundPlasticCollision, 1, true, 0, 0);
                            case (int) OpenMetaverse.Material.Rubber:
                                SendSound(SoundRubberCollision, 1, true, 0, 0);
                            case (int) OpenMetaverse.Material.Stone:
                                SendSound(SoundStoneCollision, 1, true, 0, 0);
                            case (int) OpenMetaverse.Material.Wood:
                                SendSound(SoundWoodCollision, 1, true, 0, 0);
                        break; //Play based on material type in prim2prim collisions

                        break; //Unclear of what this object is, no sounds
            if (CollisionSprite != UUID.Zero && CollisionSoundVolume > 0.0f)
                // The collision volume isn't a mistake, its an SL feature/bug
                // TODO: make a sprite!
            if (((AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.collision) != 0) ||
                ((AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.collision_end) != 0) ||
                ((AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.collision_start) != 0) ||
                ((AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.land_collision_start) != 0) ||
                ((AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.land_collision) != 0) ||
                ((AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.land_collision_end) != 0) ||
                (CollisionSound != UUID.Zero) ||
                PassCollisions != 2)
                if ((AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.collision_start) != 0 ||
                    (AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.collision) != 0)
                    // do event notification
                    if (startedColliders.Count > 0)
                        ColliderArgs StartCollidingMessage = new ColliderArgs();
                        List<DetectedObject> colliding = new List<DetectedObject>();
                        foreach (uint localId in startedColliders)
                            if (localId != 0)
                                // always running this check because if the user deletes the object it would return a null reference.
                                if (m_parentGroup == null)

                                if (m_parentGroup.Scene == null)

                                ISceneChildEntity obj = m_parentGroup.Scene.GetSceneObjectPart(localId);
                                string data = "";
                                if (obj != null)
                                    if (m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.ContainsValue(obj.UUID.ToString()) ||
                                        bool found = m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.TryGetValue(1, out data);
                                        //If it is 1, it is to accept ONLY collisions from this object
                                        if (found)
                                            DetectedObject detobj = new DetectedObject
                                                                            keyUUID = obj.UUID,
                                                                            nameStr = obj.Name,
                                                                            ownerUUID = obj.OwnerID,
                                                                            posVector = obj.AbsolutePosition,
                                                                            rotQuat = obj.GetWorldRotation(),
                                                                            velVector = obj.Velocity,
                                                                            colliderType = 0,
                                                                            groupUUID = obj.GroupID
                                            //If it is 0, it is to not accept collisions from this object
                                        bool found = m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.TryGetValue(1, out data);
                                        //If it is 1, it is to accept ONLY collisions from this object, so this other object will not work
                                        if (!found)
                                            DetectedObject detobj = new DetectedObject
                                                                            keyUUID = obj.UUID,
                                                                            nameStr = obj.Name,
                                                                            ownerUUID = obj.OwnerID,
                                                                            posVector = obj.AbsolutePosition,
                                                                            rotQuat = obj.GetWorldRotation(),
                                                                            velVector = obj.Velocity,
                                                                            colliderType = 0,
                                                                            groupUUID = obj.GroupID
                                    IScenePresence av = ParentGroup.Scene.GetScenePresence(localId);
                                    if (av != null)
                                        if (av.LocalId == localId)
                                            if (
                                                m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.ContainsValue(av.UUID.ToString()) ||
                                                bool found = m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.TryGetValue(1,
                                                                                                                out data);
                                                //If it is 1, it is to accept ONLY collisions from this avatar
                                                if (found)
                                                    DetectedObject detobj = new DetectedObject
                                                                                    keyUUID = av.UUID,
                                                                                    nameStr = av.ControllingClient.Name,
                                                                                    ownerUUID = av.UUID,
                                                                                    posVector = av.AbsolutePosition,
                                                                                    rotQuat = av.Rotation,
                                                                                    velVector = av.Velocity,
                                                                                    colliderType = 0,
                                                                                    groupUUID =
                                                    //If it is 0, it is to not accept collisions from this avatar
                                                bool found = m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.TryGetValue(1,
                                                                                                                out data);
                                                //If it is 1, it is to accept ONLY collisions from this avatar, so this other avatar will not work
                                                if (!found)
                                                    DetectedObject detobj = new DetectedObject
                                                                                    keyUUID = av.UUID,
                                                                                    nameStr = av.ControllingClient.Name,
                                                                                    ownerUUID = av.UUID,
                                                                                    posVector = av.AbsolutePosition,
                                                                                    rotQuat = av.Rotation,
                                                                                    velVector = av.Velocity,
                                                                                    colliderType = 0,
                                                                                    groupUUID =
                        if (colliding.Count > 0)
                            StartCollidingMessage.Colliders = colliding;
                            // always running this check because if the user deletes the object it would return a null reference.
                            if (m_parentGroup == null)

                            if (m_parentGroup.Scene == null)
                            //Always send to the prim it is occuring to
                            m_parentGroup.Scene.EventManager.TriggerScriptCollidingStart(this, StartCollidingMessage);
                            if ((this.UUID != this.ParentGroup.RootPart.UUID))
                                const int PASS_IF_NOT_HANDLED = 0;
                                const int PASS_ALWAYS = 1;
                                const int PASS_NEVER = 2;
                                if (this.PassCollisions == PASS_NEVER)
                                if (this.PassCollisions == PASS_ALWAYS)
                                        this.ParentGroup.RootPart, StartCollidingMessage);
                                else if (((this.ScriptEvents & scriptEvents.collision_start) == 0) &&
                                         this.PassCollisions == PASS_IF_NOT_HANDLED)
                                    //If no event in this prim, pass to parent
                                        this.ParentGroup.RootPart, StartCollidingMessage);

                if ((AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.collision) != 0)
                    if (m_lastColliders.Count > 0)
                        ColliderArgs CollidingMessage = new ColliderArgs();
                        List<DetectedObject> colliding = new List<DetectedObject>();
                        foreach (uint localId in m_lastColliders)
                            if (localId != 0)
                                if (m_parentGroup == null)

                                if (m_parentGroup.Scene == null)

                                ISceneChildEntity obj = m_parentGroup.Scene.GetSceneObjectPart(localId);
                                string data = "";
                                if (obj != null)
                                    if (m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.ContainsValue(obj.UUID.ToString()) ||
                                        bool found = m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.TryGetValue(1, out data);
                                        //If it is 1, it is to accept ONLY collisions from this object
                                        if (found)
                                            DetectedObject detobj = new DetectedObject
                                                                            keyUUID = obj.UUID,
                                                                            nameStr = obj.Name,
                                                                            ownerUUID = obj.OwnerID,
                                                                            posVector = obj.AbsolutePosition,
                                                                            rotQuat = obj.GetWorldRotation(),
                                                                            velVector = obj.Velocity,
                                                                            colliderType = 0,
                                                                            groupUUID = obj.GroupID
                                            //If it is 0, it is to not accept collisions from this object
                                        bool found = m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.TryGetValue(1, out data);
                                        //If it is 1, it is to accept ONLY collisions from this object, so this other object will not work
                                        if (!found)
                                            DetectedObject detobj = new DetectedObject
                                                                            keyUUID = obj.UUID,
                                                                            nameStr = obj.Name,
                                                                            ownerUUID = obj.OwnerID,
                                                                            posVector = obj.AbsolutePosition,
                                                                            rotQuat = obj.GetWorldRotation(),
                                                                            velVector = obj.Velocity,
                                                                            colliderType = 0,
                                                                            groupUUID = obj.GroupID
                                    IScenePresence av = ParentGroup.Scene.GetScenePresence(localId);
                                    if (av != null)
                                        if (m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.ContainsValue(av.UUID.ToString()) ||
                                            bool found = m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.TryGetValue(1, out data);
                                            //If it is 1, it is to accept ONLY collisions from this avatar
                                            if (found)
                                                DetectedObject detobj = new DetectedObject
                                                                                keyUUID = av.UUID,
                                                                                nameStr = av.ControllingClient.Name,
                                                                                ownerUUID = av.UUID,
                                                                                posVector = av.AbsolutePosition,
                                                                                rotQuat = av.Rotation,
                                                                                velVector = av.Velocity,
                                                                                colliderType = 0,
                                                                                groupUUID =
                                                //If it is 0, it is to not accept collisions from this avatar
                                            bool found = m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.TryGetValue(1, out data);
                                            //If it is 1, it is to accept ONLY collisions from this avatar, so this other avatar will not work
                                            if (!found)
                                                DetectedObject detobj = new DetectedObject
                                                                                keyUUID = av.UUID,
                                                                                nameStr = av.ControllingClient.Name,
                                                                                ownerUUID = av.UUID,
                                                                                posVector = av.AbsolutePosition,
                                                                                rotQuat = av.Rotation,
                                                                                velVector = av.Velocity,
                                                                                colliderType = 0,
                                                                                groupUUID =
                        if (colliding.Count > 0)
                            CollidingMessage.Colliders = colliding;
                            // always running this check because if the user deletes the object it would return a null reference.
                            if (m_parentGroup == null)

                            if (m_parentGroup.Scene == null)

                            m_parentGroup.Scene.EventManager.TriggerScriptColliding(this, CollidingMessage);

                            if ((this.UUID != this.ParentGroup.RootPart.UUID))
                                const int PASS_IF_NOT_HANDLED = 0;
                                const int PASS_ALWAYS = 1;
                                const int PASS_NEVER = 2;
                                if (this.PassCollisions == PASS_NEVER)
                                if (this.PassCollisions == PASS_ALWAYS)
                                else if (((this.ScriptEvents & scriptEvents.collision) == 0) &&
                                         this.PassCollisions == PASS_IF_NOT_HANDLED)
                                    //If no event in this prim, pass to parent
                                        this.ParentGroup.RootPart, CollidingMessage);

                if ((AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.collision_end) != 0)
                    if (endedColliders.Count > 0)
                        ColliderArgs EndCollidingMessage = new ColliderArgs();
                        List<DetectedObject> colliding = new List<DetectedObject>();
                        foreach (uint localId in endedColliders)
                            if (localId != 0)
                                // always running this check because if the user deletes the object it would return a null reference.
                                if (m_parentGroup == null)
                                if (m_parentGroup.Scene == null)
                                ISceneChildEntity obj = m_parentGroup.Scene.GetSceneObjectPart(localId);
                                string data = "";
                                if (obj != null)
                                    if (m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.ContainsValue(obj.UUID.ToString()) ||
                                        bool found = m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.TryGetValue(1, out data);
                                        //If it is 1, it is to accept ONLY collisions from this object
                                        if (found)
                                            DetectedObject detobj = new DetectedObject
                                                                            keyUUID = obj.UUID,
                                                                            nameStr = obj.Name,
                                                                            ownerUUID = obj.OwnerID,
                                                                            posVector = obj.AbsolutePosition,
                                                                            rotQuat = obj.GetWorldRotation(),
                                                                            velVector = obj.Velocity,
                                                                            colliderType = 0,
                                                                            groupUUID = obj.GroupID
                                            //If it is 0, it is to not accept collisions from this object
                                        bool found = m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.TryGetValue(1, out data);
                                        //If it is 1, it is to accept ONLY collisions from this object, so this other object will not work
                                        if (!found)
                                            DetectedObject detobj = new DetectedObject
                                                                            keyUUID = obj.UUID,
                                                                            nameStr = obj.Name,
                                                                            ownerUUID = obj.OwnerID,
                                                                            posVector = obj.AbsolutePosition,
                                                                            rotQuat = obj.GetWorldRotation(),
                                                                            velVector = obj.Velocity,
                                                                            colliderType = 0,
                                                                            groupUUID = obj.GroupID
                                    IScenePresence av = ParentGroup.Scene.GetScenePresence(localId);
                                    if (av != null)
                                        if (av.LocalId == localId)
                                            if (
                                                m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.ContainsValue(av.UUID.ToString()) ||
                                                bool found = m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.TryGetValue(1,
                                                                                                                out data);
                                                //If it is 1, it is to accept ONLY collisions from this avatar
                                                if (found)
                                                    DetectedObject detobj = new DetectedObject
                                                                                    keyUUID = av.UUID,
                                                                                    nameStr = av.ControllingClient.Name,
                                                                                    ownerUUID = av.UUID,
                                                                                    posVector = av.AbsolutePosition,
                                                                                    rotQuat = av.Rotation,
                                                                                    velVector = av.Velocity,
                                                                                    colliderType = 0,
                                                                                    groupUUID =
                                                    //If it is 0, it is to not accept collisions from this avatar
                                                bool found = m_parentGroup.RootPart.CollisionFilter.TryGetValue(1,
                                                                                                                out data);
                                                //If it is 1, it is to accept ONLY collisions from this avatar, so this other avatar will not work
                                                if (!found)
                                                    DetectedObject detobj = new DetectedObject
                                                                                    keyUUID = av.UUID,
                                                                                    nameStr = av.ControllingClient.Name,
                                                                                    ownerUUID = av.UUID,
                                                                                    posVector = av.AbsolutePosition,
                                                                                    rotQuat = av.Rotation,
                                                                                    velVector = av.Velocity,
                                                                                    colliderType = 0,
                                                                                    groupUUID =

                        if (colliding.Count > 0)
                            EndCollidingMessage.Colliders = colliding;
                            // always running this check because if the user deletes the object it would return a null reference.
                            if (m_parentGroup == null)

                            if (m_parentGroup.Scene == null)

                            m_parentGroup.Scene.EventManager.TriggerScriptCollidingEnd(this, EndCollidingMessage);

                            if ((this.UUID != this.ParentGroup.RootPart.UUID))
                                const int PASS_IF_NOT_HANDLED = 0;
                                const int PASS_ALWAYS = 1;
                                const int PASS_NEVER = 2;
                                if (this.PassCollisions == PASS_NEVER)
                                if (this.PassCollisions == PASS_ALWAYS)
                                        this.ParentGroup.RootPart, EndCollidingMessage);
                                else if (((this.ScriptEvents & scriptEvents.collision_end) == 0) &&
                                         this.PassCollisions == PASS_IF_NOT_HANDLED)
                                    //If no event in this prim, pass to parent
                                        this.ParentGroup.RootPart, EndCollidingMessage);
                if ((AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.land_collision_start) != 0 ||
                    (AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.land_collision) != 0)
                    if (startedColliders.Count > 0)
                        ColliderArgs LandStartCollidingMessage = new ColliderArgs();
                        List<DetectedObject> colliding = (from localId in startedColliders
                                                          where localId == 0
                                                          select new DetectedObject
                                                                         keyUUID = UUID.Zero,
                                                                         nameStr = "",
                                                                         ownerUUID = UUID.Zero,
                                                                         posVector =
                                                                         rotQuat = Quaternion.Identity,
                                                                         velVector = Vector3.Zero,
                                                                         colliderType = 0,
                                                                         groupUUID = UUID.Zero

                        if (colliding.Count > 0)
                            LandStartCollidingMessage.Colliders = colliding;
                            // always running this check because if the user deletes the object it would return a null reference.
                            if (m_parentGroup == null)

                            if (m_parentGroup.Scene == null)


                            if ((this.UUID != this.ParentGroup.RootPart.UUID))
                                const int PASS_IF_NOT_HANDLED = 0;
                                const int PASS_ALWAYS = 1;
                                const int PASS_NEVER = 2;
                                if (this.PassCollisions == PASS_NEVER)
                                if (this.PassCollisions == PASS_ALWAYS)
                                        this.ParentGroup.RootPart, LandStartCollidingMessage);
                                else if (((this.ScriptEvents & scriptEvents.land_collision_start) == 0) &&
                                         this.PassCollisions == PASS_IF_NOT_HANDLED)
                                    //If no event in this prim, pass to parent
                                        this.ParentGroup.RootPart, LandStartCollidingMessage);
                if ((AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.land_collision) != 0)
                    if (m_lastColliders.Count > 0)
                        ColliderArgs LandCollidingMessage = new ColliderArgs();
                        List<DetectedObject> colliding = new List<DetectedObject>();
                        foreach (uint localId in m_lastColliders)
                            if (localId == 0)
                                //Hope that all is left is ground!
                                DetectedObject detobj = new DetectedObject
                                                                keyUUID = UUID.Zero,
                                                                nameStr = "",
                                                                ownerUUID = UUID.Zero,
                                                                posVector = m_parentGroup.RootPart.AbsolutePosition,
                                                                rotQuat = Quaternion.Identity,
                                                                velVector = Vector3.Zero,
                                                                colliderType = 0,
                                                                groupUUID = UUID.Zero

                        if (colliding.Count > 0)
                            LandCollidingMessage.Colliders = colliding;
                            // always running this check because if the user deletes the object it would return a null reference.
                            if (m_parentGroup == null)

                            if (m_parentGroup.Scene == null)

                            m_parentGroup.Scene.EventManager.TriggerScriptLandColliding(this, LandCollidingMessage);

                            if ((this.UUID != this.ParentGroup.RootPart.UUID))
                                const int PASS_IF_NOT_HANDLED = 0;
                                const int PASS_ALWAYS = 1;
                                const int PASS_NEVER = 2;
                                if (this.PassCollisions == PASS_NEVER)
                                if (this.PassCollisions == PASS_ALWAYS)
                                else if (((this.ScriptEvents & scriptEvents.land_collision) == 0) &&
                                         this.PassCollisions == PASS_IF_NOT_HANDLED)
                                    //If no event in this prim, pass to parent
                                        this.ParentGroup.RootPart, LandCollidingMessage);
                if ((AggregateScriptEvents & scriptEvents.land_collision_end) != 0)
                    if (endedColliders.Count > 0)
                        ColliderArgs LandEndCollidingMessage = new ColliderArgs();
                        List<DetectedObject> colliding = (from localId in startedColliders
                                                          where localId == 0
                                                          select new DetectedObject
                                                                         keyUUID = UUID.Zero,
                                                                         nameStr = "",
                                                                         ownerUUID = UUID.Zero,
                                                                         posVector =
                                                                         rotQuat = Quaternion.Identity,
                                                                         velVector = Vector3.Zero,
                                                                         colliderType = 0,
                                                                         groupUUID = UUID.Zero

                        if (colliding.Count > 0)
                            LandEndCollidingMessage.Colliders = colliding;
                            // always running this check because if the user deletes the object it would return a null reference.
                            if (m_parentGroup == null)

                            if (m_parentGroup.Scene == null)

                            m_parentGroup.Scene.EventManager.TriggerScriptLandCollidingEnd(this, LandEndCollidingMessage);

                            if ((this.UUID != this.ParentGroup.RootPart.UUID))
                                const int PASS_IF_NOT_HANDLED = 0;
                                const int PASS_ALWAYS = 1;
                                const int PASS_NEVER = 2;
                                if (this.PassCollisions == PASS_NEVER)
                                if (this.PassCollisions == PASS_ALWAYS)
                                        this.ParentGroup.RootPart, LandEndCollidingMessage);
                                else if (((this.ScriptEvents & scriptEvents.land_collision_end) == 0) &&
                                         this.PassCollisions == PASS_IF_NOT_HANDLED)
                                    //If no event in this prim, pass to parent
                                        this.ParentGroup.RootPart, LandEndCollidingMessage);
Пример #50
 public override void AddCollisionEvent (uint CollidedWith, ContactPoint contact)
     if (base.SubscribedToCollisions () && SubscribedEvents())//If we don't have anything that we are going to trigger, don't even add
         if (CollisionEventsThisFrame == null)
             CollisionEventsThisFrame = new CollisionEventUpdate ();
         CollisionEventsThisFrame.addCollider (CollidedWith, contact);
Пример #51
        private void PreSolve(Contact contact, ref Manifold oldManifold)
            if ((Flags & DebugViewFlags.ContactPoints) == DebugViewFlags.ContactPoints)
                Manifold manifold = contact.Manifold;

                if (manifold.PointCount == 0)

                Fixture fixtureA = contact.FixtureA;

                FixedArray2<PointState> state1, state2;
                Collision.Collision.GetPointStates(out state1, out state2, ref oldManifold, ref manifold);

                FixedArray2<Vector2> points;
                Vector2 normal;
                contact.GetWorldManifold(out normal, out points);

                for (int i = 0; i < manifold.PointCount && _pointCount < MaxContactPoints; ++i)
                    if (fixtureA == null)
                        _points[i] = new ContactPoint();

                    ContactPoint cp = _points[_pointCount];
                    cp.Position = points[i];
                    cp.Normal = normal;
                    cp.State = state2[i];
                    _points[_pointCount] = cp;
Пример #52
 public virtual void AddCollisionEvent(uint CollidedWith, ContactPoint contact) { }
Пример #53
        private void near(IntPtr space, IntPtr g1, IntPtr g2)
            //  no lock here!  It's invoked from within Simulate(), which is thread-locked

            if (m_global_contactcount >= maxContactsbeforedeath)

            // Test if we're colliding a geom with a space.
            // If so we have to drill down into the space recursively

            if (g1 == IntPtr.Zero || g2 == IntPtr.Zero)

            if (d.GeomIsSpace(g1) || d.GeomIsSpace(g2))
                // We'll be calling near recursivly if one
                // of them is a space to find all of the
                // contact points in the space
                    d.SpaceCollide2(g1, g2, IntPtr.Zero, nearCallback);
                catch (AccessViolationException)
                    m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Unable to collide test a space");
                //here one should check collisions of geoms inside a space
                // but on each space we only should have geoms that not colide amoung each other
                // so we don't dig inside spaces

            // get geom bodies to check if we already a joint contact
            // guess this shouldn't happen now
            IntPtr b1 = d.GeomGetBody(g1);
            IntPtr b2 = d.GeomGetBody(g2);

            // d.GeomClassID id = d.GeomGetClass(g1);

            // Figure out how many contact points we have
            int count = 0;
                // Colliding Geom To Geom
                // This portion of the function 'was' blatantly ripped off from BoxStack.cs

                if (g1 == g2)
                    return; // Can't collide with yourself

                if (b1 != IntPtr.Zero && b2 != IntPtr.Zero && d.AreConnectedExcluding(b1, b2, d.JointType.Contact))

                count = d.CollidePtr(g1, g2, (contactsPerCollision & 0xffff), ContactgeomsArray, d.ContactGeom.unmanagedSizeOf);
            catch (SEHException)
                m_log.Error("[PHYSICS]: The Operating system shut down ODE because of corrupt memory.  This could be a result of really irregular terrain.  If this repeats continuously, restart using Basic Physics and terrain fill your terrain.  Restarting the sim.");
//                ode.drelease(world);
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.WarnFormat("[PHYSICS]: Unable to collide test an object: {0}", e.Message);

            // no contacts so done
            if (count == 0)

            // now we have a contact describing colision of 2 things
            // but with my changes now we don't know what they are
            // so code gets more complex now

            // try get physical actors 
            PhysicsActor p1;
            PhysicsActor p2;

            if (!actor_name_map.TryGetValue(g1, out p1))
                p1 = PANull;

            if (!actor_name_map.TryGetValue(g2, out p2))
                p2 = PANull;

            // update actors collision score
            if (p1.CollisionScore >= float.MaxValue - count)
                p1.CollisionScore = 0;
            p1.CollisionScore += count;

            if (p2.CollisionScore >= float.MaxValue - count)
                p2.CollisionScore = 0;
            p2.CollisionScore += count;

            // get geoms names
            String name1 = null;
            String name2 = null;

            if (!geom_name_map.TryGetValue(g1, out name1))
                name1 = "null";
            if (!geom_name_map.TryGetValue(g2, out name2))
                name2 = "null";

            ContactPoint maxDepthContact = new ContactPoint();
            d.ContactGeom curContact = new d.ContactGeom();

            float mu;
            float bounce;
            ContactData contactdata1;
            ContactData contactdata2;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (!GetCurContactGeom(i, ref curContact))

                if (curContact.depth <= 0)

                if(curContact.g1 == IntPtr.Zero)
                    curContact.g1 = g1;
                if(curContact.g2 == IntPtr.Zero)
                    curContact.g2 = g2;

//for debug                d.Quaternion qtmp = d.BodyGetQuaternion(b1);

                if (curContact.depth > maxDepthContact.PenetrationDepth)
                    maxDepthContact = new ContactPoint(
                        new Vector3(curContact.pos.X, curContact.pos.Y, curContact.pos.Z),
                        new Vector3(curContact.normal.X, curContact.normal.Y, curContact.normal.Z),

                IntPtr Joint;

                // inform actors about colision

                if (p1 is OdeCharacter && p2.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Prim)
                        // Testing if the collision is at the feet of the avatar
                        if ((p1.Position.Z - curContact.pos.Z) > (p1.Size.Z - avCapRadius) * 0.5f)
                            p1.IsColliding = true;
                    p1.IsColliding = true;

                switch (p2.PhysicsActorType)
                    case (int)ActorTypes.Agent:
                        p1.CollidingObj = true;
                    case (int)ActorTypes.Prim:
                        if (p1.Velocity.LengthSquared() > 0.0f)
                            p1.CollidingObj = true;
                    case (int)ActorTypes.Unknown:
                        p1.CollidingGround = true;
                        p1.CollidingGround = true;

                if (p2 is OdeCharacter && p1.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Prim)
                        // Testing if the collision is at the feet of the avatar
                        if ((p2.Position.Z - curContact.pos.Z) > (p2.Size.Z - avCapRadius) * 0.5f)
                            p2.IsColliding = true;
                    p2.IsColliding = true;

                switch (p1.PhysicsActorType)
                    case (int)ActorTypes.Agent:
                        p2.CollidingObj = true;
                    case (int)ActorTypes.Prim:
                        if (p2.Velocity.LengthSquared() > 0.0f)
                            p2.CollidingObj = true;
                    case (int)ActorTypes.Unknown:
                        p2.CollidingGround = true;
                        p2.CollidingGround = true;

                if (m_global_contactcount >= maxContactsbeforedeath)

                // we don't want prim or avatar to explode
                // not in use section, so removed  see older commits if needed

                // skip actors with volumeDetect
                Boolean skipThisContact = false;

                if ((p1 is OdePrim) && (((OdePrim)p1).m_isVolumeDetect))
                    skipThisContact = true;   // No collision on volume detect prims

                if (!skipThisContact && (p2 is OdePrim) && (((OdePrim)p2).m_isVolumeDetect))
                    skipThisContact = true;   // No collision on volume detect prims

//                if (!skipThisContact && curContact.depth < 0f)
//                    skipThisContact = true;

                //                if (!skipThisContact && checkDupe(curContact, p2.PhysicsActorType))
                //                    skipThisContact = true;

                Joint = IntPtr.Zero;
                if (!skipThisContact)
                    // If we're colliding against terrain
                    if (name1 == "Terrain")
                        // avatar to ground
                        /*  not done by ode
                        if (p2.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Agent)
                            // If we're moving
                            if (Math.Abs(p2.Velocity.X) > 0.01f || Math.Abs(p2.Velocity.Y) > 0.01f)
                                float mu = AvatarMovementTerrainContactSurf.mu;
                                float bounce = AvatarMovementTerrainContactSurf.bounce;
                                float soft_cfm = AvatarMovementTerrainContactSurf.soft_cfm;
                                float soft_erp = AvatarMovementTerrainContactSurf.soft_erp;
                                doJoint = SetGlobalContact(ref curContact, mu, bounce, soft_cfm, soft_erp);
                                // Use the non moving terrain contact
                                float mu = TerrainContactSurf.mu;
                                float bounce = TerrainContactSurf.bounce;
                                float soft_cfm = TerrainContactSurf.soft_cfm;
                                float soft_erp = TerrainContactSurf.soft_erp;
                                doJoint = SetGlobalContact(ref curContact, mu, bounce, soft_cfm, soft_erp);
                        if (p2.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Prim)
                            // prim terrain contact

                            contactdata2 = p2.ContactData;

                            bounce = contactdata2.bounce * TerrainBounce;

                            mu = (float)Math.Sqrt(contactdata2.mu * TerrainFriction);

                            if (Math.Abs(p2.Velocity.X) > 0.1f || Math.Abs(p2.Velocity.Y) > 0.1f)
                                mu *= frictionMovementMult;

                            Joint = CreateContacJoint(ref curContact, mu, bounce, true);

                    else if (name2 == "Terrain")
                        // avatar to ground
                        /*  not done by ode
                        if (p1.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Agent)
                            // If we're moving
                            if (Math.Abs(p1.Velocity.X) > 0.01f || Math.Abs(p1.Velocity.Y) > 0.01f)
                                // Use the movement terrain contact
                                float mu = AvatarMovementTerrainContactSurf.mu;
                                float bounce = AvatarMovementTerrainContactSurf.bounce;
                                float soft_cfm = AvatarMovementTerrainContactSurf.soft_cfm;
                                float soft_erp = AvatarMovementTerrainContactSurf.soft_erp;
                                doJoint = SetGlobalContact(ref curContact, mu, bounce, soft_cfm, soft_erp);
                                // Use the non moving terrain contact
                                float mu = TerrainContactSurf.mu;
                                float bounce = TerrainContactSurf.bounce;
                                float soft_cfm = TerrainContactSurf.soft_cfm;
                                float soft_erp = TerrainContactSurf.soft_erp;
                                doJoint = SetGlobalContact(ref curContact, mu, bounce, soft_cfm, soft_erp);
                        if (p1.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Prim)
                            // prim terrain contact

                            contactdata1 = p1.ContactData;

                            bounce = contactdata1.bounce * TerrainBounce;

                            mu = (float)Math.Sqrt(contactdata1.mu * TerrainFriction);

                            if (Math.Abs(p1.Velocity.X) > 0.1f || Math.Abs(p1.Velocity.Y) > 0.1f)
                                mu *= frictionMovementMult;

                            Joint = CreateContacJoint(ref curContact, mu, bounce, true);

                    // collisions with water
                    else if (name1 == "Water" || name2 == "Water")
                        if (curContact.depth > 0.1f)
                            curContact.depth *= 52;
                            //contact.normal = new d.Vector3(0, 0, 1);
                            //contact.pos = new d.Vector3(0, 0, contact.pos.Z - 5f);
                        mu = 0;
                        bounce = 0;
                        Joint = CreateContacJoint(ref curContact, mu, bounce,true);

                        // we're colliding with prim or avatar
                        if (p1 != null && p2 != null)
                            contactdata1 = p1.ContactData;
                            contactdata2 = p2.ContactData;

                            bool erpsoft;
                            // avatars fail colisions if 2 soft
                            if (p1.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Agent || p2.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Agent)
                                erpsoft = false;
                                erpsoft = true;

                            bounce = contactdata1.bounce * contactdata2.bounce;
                            mu = (float)Math.Sqrt(contactdata1.mu * contactdata2.mu);

                            if ((Math.Abs(p2.Velocity.X - p1.Velocity.X) > 0.1f || Math.Abs(p2.Velocity.Y - p1.Velocity.Y) > 0.1f))
                                mu *= frictionMovementMult;

                            Joint = CreateContacJoint(ref curContact, mu, bounce, erpsoft);
                    if (Joint != IntPtr.Zero)
                        d.JointAttach(Joint, b1, b2);
            // this was inside above loop ?

            collision_accounting_events(p1, p2, maxDepthContact);

            if (notskipedcount > geomContactPointsStartthrottle)
                // If there are more then 3 contact points, it's likely
                // that we've got a pile of objects, so ...
                // We don't want to send out hundreds of terse updates over and over again
                // so lets throttle them and send them again after it's somewhat sorted out.
                 this needs checking so out for now
                                if (b1 != IntPtr.Zero)
                                    p1.ThrottleUpdates = true;
                                if (b2 != IntPtr.Zero)
                                    p2.ThrottleUpdates = true;
Пример #54
        private void collision_accounting_events(PhysicsActor p1, PhysicsActor p2, ContactPoint contact)
            // obj1LocalID = 0;
            //returncollisions = false;
            obj2LocalID = 0;
            //ctype = 0;
            //cStartStop = 0;
            if (!(p2.SubscribedEvents() || p1.SubscribedEvents()))

            switch ((ActorTypes)p1.PhysicsActorType)
                case ActorTypes.Agent:
                    cc1 = (OdeCharacter)p1;
                    switch ((ActorTypes)p2.PhysicsActorType)
                        case ActorTypes.Agent:
                            cc2 = (OdeCharacter)p2;
                            obj2LocalID = cc2.m_localID;
                            if (p2.SubscribedEvents())
                                cc2.AddCollisionEvent(cc1.m_localID, contact);

                        case ActorTypes.Prim:
                            if (p2 is OdePrim)
                                cp2 = (OdePrim)p2;
                                obj2LocalID = cp2.m_localID;
                                if (p2.SubscribedEvents())
                                    cp2.AddCollisionEvent(cc1.m_localID, contact);

                        case ActorTypes.Ground:
                        case ActorTypes.Unknown:
                            obj2LocalID = 0;
                    if (p1.SubscribedEvents())
                        contact.SurfaceNormal = -contact.SurfaceNormal;
                        cc1.AddCollisionEvent(obj2LocalID, contact);

                case ActorTypes.Prim:

                    if (p1 is OdePrim)
                        cp1 = (OdePrim)p1;

                        // obj1LocalID = cp2.m_localID;
                        switch ((ActorTypes)p2.PhysicsActorType)
                            case ActorTypes.Agent:
                                if (p2 is OdeCharacter)
                                    cc2 = (OdeCharacter)p2;
                                    obj2LocalID = cc2.m_localID;
                                    if (p2.SubscribedEvents())
                                        cc2.AddCollisionEvent(cp1.m_localID, contact);
                            case ActorTypes.Prim:

                                if (p2 is OdePrim)
                                    cp2 = (OdePrim)p2;
                                    obj2LocalID = cp2.m_localID;
                                    if (p2.SubscribedEvents())
                                        cp2.AddCollisionEvent(cp1.m_localID, contact);

                            case ActorTypes.Ground:
                            case ActorTypes.Unknown:
                                obj2LocalID = 0;
                        if (p1.SubscribedEvents())
                            contact.SurfaceNormal = -contact.SurfaceNormal;
                            cp1.AddCollisionEvent(obj2LocalID, contact);
Пример #55
 public void AddCollision(uint collideWith, ContactPoint contact)
     if (CollisionEventsThisFrame == null)
         CollisionEventsThisFrame = new CollisionEventUpdate();
     CollisionEventsThisFrame.addCollider(collideWith, contact);
Пример #56
 public void AddCollisionEvent(uint CollidedWith, ContactPoint contact)
     CollisionEventsThisFrame.AddCollider(CollidedWith, contact);
Пример #57
        internal void AddCollisionEvent(uint CollidedWith, ContactPoint contact)
            if (m_eventsubscription > 0)
//                m_log.DebugFormat(
//                    "[PHYSICS]: Adding collision event for {0}, collidedWith {1}, contact {2}", "", CollidedWith, contact);

                CollisionEventsThisFrame.AddCollider(CollidedWith, contact);
Пример #58
        private void collision_accounting_events(PhysicsActor p1, PhysicsActor p2, ContactPoint contact)
            // obj1LocalID = 0;
            //returncollisions = false;
            obj2LocalID = 0;
            //ctype = 0;
            //cStartStop = 0;
            if (!p2.SubscribedEvents() && !p1.SubscribedEvents())

            switch ((ActorTypes)p2.PhysicsActorType)
                case ActorTypes.Agent:
                    cc2 = (OdeCharacter)p2;

                    // obj1LocalID = cc2.m_localID;
                    switch ((ActorTypes)p1.PhysicsActorType)
                        case ActorTypes.Agent:
                            cc1 = (OdeCharacter)p1;
                            obj2LocalID = cc1.m_localID;
                            cc1.AddCollisionEvent(cc2.m_localID, contact);
                            //ctype = (int)CollisionCategories.Character;

                            //if (cc1.CollidingObj)
                            //cStartStop = (int)StatusIndicators.Generic;
                            //cStartStop = (int)StatusIndicators.Start;

                            //returncollisions = true;
                        case ActorTypes.Prim:
                            if (p1 is OdePrim)
                                cp1 = (OdePrim) p1;
                                obj2LocalID = cp1.m_localID;
                                cp1.AddCollisionEvent(cc2.m_localID, contact);
                            //ctype = (int)CollisionCategories.Geom;

                            //if (cp1.CollidingObj)
                            //cStartStop = (int)StatusIndicators.Generic;
                            //cStartStop = (int)StatusIndicators.Start;

                            //returncollisions = true;

                        case ActorTypes.Ground:
                        case ActorTypes.Unknown:
                            obj2LocalID = 0;
                            //ctype = (int)CollisionCategories.Land;
                            //returncollisions = true;

                    cc2.AddCollisionEvent(obj2LocalID, contact);
                case ActorTypes.Prim:

                    if (p2 is OdePrim)
                        cp2 = (OdePrim) p2;

                        // obj1LocalID = cp2.m_localID;
                        switch ((ActorTypes) p1.PhysicsActorType)
                            case ActorTypes.Agent:
                                if (p1 is OdeCharacter)
                                    cc1 = (OdeCharacter) p1;
                                    obj2LocalID = cc1.m_localID;
                                    cc1.AddCollisionEvent(cp2.m_localID, contact);
                                    //ctype = (int)CollisionCategories.Character;

                                    //if (cc1.CollidingObj)
                                    //cStartStop = (int)StatusIndicators.Generic;
                                    //cStartStop = (int)StatusIndicators.Start;
                                    //returncollisions = true;
                            case ActorTypes.Prim:

                                if (p1 is OdePrim)
                                    cp1 = (OdePrim) p1;
                                    obj2LocalID = cp1.m_localID;
                                    cp1.AddCollisionEvent(cp2.m_localID, contact);
                                    //ctype = (int)CollisionCategories.Geom;

                                    //if (cp1.CollidingObj)
                                    //cStartStop = (int)StatusIndicators.Generic;
                                    //cStartStop = (int)StatusIndicators.Start;

                                    //returncollisions = true;

                            case ActorTypes.Ground:
                            case ActorTypes.Unknown:
                                obj2LocalID = 0;
                                //ctype = (int)CollisionCategories.Land;

                                //returncollisions = true;

                        cp2.AddCollisionEvent(obj2LocalID, contact);
            //if (returncollisions)

                //lock (m_storedCollisions)
                    //cDictKey = obj1LocalID.ToString() + obj2LocalID.ToString() + cStartStop.ToString() + ctype.ToString();
                    //if (m_storedCollisions.ContainsKey(cDictKey))
                        //sCollisionData objd = m_storedCollisions[cDictKey];
                        //objd.NumberOfCollisions += 1;
                        //objd.lastframe = framecount;
                        //m_storedCollisions[cDictKey] = objd;
                        //sCollisionData objd = new sCollisionData();
                        //objd.ColliderLocalId = obj1LocalID;
                        //objd.CollidedWithLocalId = obj2LocalID;
                        //objd.CollisionType = ctype;
                        //objd.NumberOfCollisions = 1;
                        //objd.lastframe = framecount;
                        //objd.StatusIndicator = cStartStop;
                        //m_storedCollisions.Add(cDictKey, objd);
           // }
Пример #59
 static int _CreateContactPoint(IntPtr L)
     LuaScriptMgr.CheckArgsCount(L, 0);
     ContactPoint obj = new ContactPoint();
     LuaScriptMgr.PushValue(L, obj);
     return 1;
Пример #60
        /// <summary>
        /// This is our near callback.  A geometry is near a body
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="space">The space that contains the geoms.  Remember, spaces are also geoms</param>
        /// <param name="g1">a geometry or space</param>
        /// <param name="g2">another geometry or space</param>
        private void near(IntPtr space, IntPtr g1, IntPtr g2)
            //  no lock here!  It's invoked from within Simulate(), which is thread-locked

            // Test if we're colliding a geom with a space.
            // If so we have to drill down into the space recursively

            if (d.GeomIsSpace(g1) || d.GeomIsSpace(g2))
                if (g1 == IntPtr.Zero || g2 == IntPtr.Zero)
                // Separating static prim geometry spaces.
                // We'll be calling near recursivly if one
                // of them is a space to find all of the
                // contact points in the space
                    d.SpaceCollide2(g1, g2, IntPtr.Zero, nearCallback);
                catch (AccessViolationException)
                    m_log.Warn("[PHYSICS]: Unable to collide test a space");
                //Colliding a space or a geom with a space or a geom. so drill down

                //Collide all geoms in each space..
                //if (d.GeomIsSpace(g1)) d.SpaceCollide(g1, IntPtr.Zero, nearCallback);
                //if (d.GeomIsSpace(g2)) d.SpaceCollide(g2, IntPtr.Zero, nearCallback);

            if (g1 == IntPtr.Zero || g2 == IntPtr.Zero)

            IntPtr b1 = d.GeomGetBody(g1);
            IntPtr b2 = d.GeomGetBody(g2);

            // d.GeomClassID id = d.GeomGetClass(g1);

            String name1 = null;
            String name2 = null;

            if (!geom_name_map.TryGetValue(g1, out name1))
                name1 = "null";
            if (!geom_name_map.TryGetValue(g2, out name2))
                name2 = "null";

            //if (id == d.GeomClassId.TriMeshClass)
                //               m_log.InfoFormat("near: A collision was detected between {1} and {2}", 0, name1, name2);
                //m_log.Debug("near: A collision was detected between {1} and {2}", 0, name1, name2);

            // Figure out how many contact points we have
            int count = 0;
                // Colliding Geom To Geom
                // This portion of the function 'was' blatantly ripped off from BoxStack.cs

                if (g1 == g2)
                    return; // Can't collide with yourself

                if (b1 != IntPtr.Zero && b2 != IntPtr.Zero && d.AreConnectedExcluding(b1, b2, d.JointType.Contact))

                lock (contacts)
                    count = d.Collide(g1, g2, contacts.Length, contacts, d.ContactGeom.SizeOf);
                    if (count > contacts.Length)
                        m_log.Error("[PHYSICS]: Got " + count + " contacts when we asked for a maximum of " + contacts.Length);
            catch (SEHException)
                m_log.Error("[PHYSICS]: The Operating system shut down ODE because of corrupt memory.  This could be a result of really irregular terrain.  If this repeats continuously, restart using Basic Physics and terrain fill your terrain.  Restarting the sim.");
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.WarnFormat("[PHYSICS]: Unable to collide test an object: {0}", e.Message);

            PhysicsActor p1;
            PhysicsActor p2;

            if (!actor_name_map.TryGetValue(g1, out p1))
                p1 = PANull;

            if (!actor_name_map.TryGetValue(g2, out p2))
                p2 = PANull;

            ContactPoint maxDepthContact = new ContactPoint();
            if (p1.CollisionScore + count >= float.MaxValue)
                p1.CollisionScore = 0;
            p1.CollisionScore += count;

            if (p2.CollisionScore + count >= float.MaxValue)
                p2.CollisionScore = 0;
            p2.CollisionScore += count;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                d.ContactGeom curContact = contacts[i];

                if (curContact.depth > maxDepthContact.PenetrationDepth)
                    maxDepthContact = new ContactPoint(
                        new Vector3(curContact.pos.X, curContact.pos.Y, curContact.pos.Z),
                        new Vector3(curContact.normal.X, curContact.normal.Y, curContact.normal.Z),

                //m_log.Warn("[CCOUNT]: " + count);
                IntPtr joint;
                // If we're colliding with terrain, use 'TerrainContact' instead of contact.
                // allows us to have different settings
                // We only need to test p2 for 'jump crouch purposes'
                if (p2 is OdeCharacter && p1.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Prim)
                    // Testing if the collision is at the feet of the avatar

                    //m_log.DebugFormat("[PHYSICS]: {0} - {1} - {2} - {3}", curContact.pos.Z, p2.Position.Z, (p2.Position.Z - curContact.pos.Z), (p2.Size.Z * 0.6f));
                    if ((p2.Position.Z - curContact.pos.Z) > (p2.Size.Z * 0.6f))
                        p2.IsColliding = true;
                    p2.IsColliding = true;
                //if ((framecount % m_returncollisions) == 0)

                switch (p1.PhysicsActorType)
                    case (int)ActorTypes.Agent:
                        p2.CollidingObj = true;
                    case (int)ActorTypes.Prim:
                        if (p2.Velocity.LengthSquared() > 0.0f)
                            p2.CollidingObj = true;
                    case (int)ActorTypes.Unknown:
                        p2.CollidingGround = true;
                        p2.CollidingGround = true;

                // we don't want prim or avatar to explode

                #region InterPenetration Handling - Unintended physics explosions
# region disabled code1

                if (curContact.depth >= 0.08f)
                    //This is disabled at the moment only because it needs more tweaking
                    //It will eventually be uncommented
                    if (contact.depth >= 1.00f)
                        //m_log.Debug("[PHYSICS]: " + contact.depth.ToString());

                    //If you interpenetrate a prim with an agent
                    if ((p2.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Agent &&
                         p1.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Prim) ||
                        (p1.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Agent &&
                         p2.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Prim))
                        //contact.depth = contact.depth * 4.15f;
                        if (p2.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Agent)
                            p2.CollidingObj = true;
                            contact.depth = 0.003f;
                            p2.Velocity = p2.Velocity + new PhysicsVector(0, 0, 2.5f);
                            OdeCharacter character = (OdeCharacter) p2;
                            contact.pos = new d.Vector3(contact.pos.X + (p1.Size.X / 2), contact.pos.Y + (p1.Size.Y / 2), contact.pos.Z + (p1.Size.Z / 2));


                            //contact.depth = 0.0000000f;
                        if (p1.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Agent)

                            p1.CollidingObj = true;
                            contact.depth = 0.003f;
                            p1.Velocity = p1.Velocity + new PhysicsVector(0, 0, 2.5f);
                            contact.pos = new d.Vector3(contact.pos.X + (p2.Size.X / 2), contact.pos.Y + (p2.Size.Y / 2), contact.pos.Z + (p2.Size.Z / 2));
                            OdeCharacter character = (OdeCharacter)p1;

                            //contact.depth = 0.0000000f;
                    // If you interpenetrate a prim with another prim
                    if (p1.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Prim && p2.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Prim)
                        #region disabledcode2
                        //OdePrim op1 = (OdePrim)p1;
                        //OdePrim op2 = (OdePrim)p2;

                        //if (op1.m_collisionscore > 8000 || op2.m_collisionscore > 8000)
                            //op1.m_taintdisable = true;
                            //op2.m_taintdisable = true;

                        //if (contact.depth >= 0.25f)
                            // Don't collide, one or both prim will expld.

                            //interpenetrations_before_disable = 200;
                            //if (op1.m_interpenetrationcount >= interpenetrations_before_disable)
                                //op1.m_taintdisable = true;
                            //if (op2.m_interpenetrationcount >= interpenetrations_before_disable)
                               // op2.m_taintdisable = true;

                            //contact.depth = contact.depth / 8f;
                            //contact.normal = new d.Vector3(0, 0, 1);
                        //if (op1.m_disabled || op2.m_disabled)
                            //Manually disabled objects stay disabled
                            //contact.depth = 0f;
                    if (curContact.depth >= 1.00f)
                        //m_log.Info("[P]: " + contact.depth.ToString());
                        if ((p2.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Agent &&
                             p1.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Unknown) ||
                            (p1.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Agent &&
                             p2.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Unknown))
                            if (p2.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Agent)
                                if (p2 is OdeCharacter)
                                    OdeCharacter character = (OdeCharacter) p2;

                                    //p2.CollidingObj = true;
                                    curContact.depth = 0.00000003f;
                                    p2.Velocity = p2.Velocity + new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0.5f);
                                    curContact.pos =
                                        new d.Vector3(curContact.pos.X + (p1.Size.X/2),
                                                      curContact.pos.Y + (p1.Size.Y/2),
                                                      curContact.pos.Z + (p1.Size.Z/2));

                            if (p1.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Agent)
                                if (p1 is OdeCharacter)
                                    OdeCharacter character = (OdeCharacter) p1;

                                    //p2.CollidingObj = true;
                                    curContact.depth = 0.00000003f;
                                    p1.Velocity = p1.Velocity + new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0.5f);
                                    curContact.pos =
                                        new d.Vector3(curContact.pos.X + (p1.Size.X/2),
                                                      curContact.pos.Y + (p1.Size.Y/2),
                                                      curContact.pos.Z + (p1.Size.Z/2));


                // Logic for collision handling
                // Note, that if *all* contacts are skipped (VolumeDetect)
                // The prim still detects (and forwards) collision events but 
                // appears to be phantom for the world
                Boolean skipThisContact = false;

                if ((p1 is OdePrim) && (((OdePrim)p1).m_isVolumeDetect))
                    skipThisContact = true;   // No collision on volume detect prims

                if (!skipThisContact && (p2 is OdePrim) && (((OdePrim)p2).m_isVolumeDetect))
                    skipThisContact = true;   // No collision on volume detect prims

                if (!skipThisContact && curContact.depth < 0f)
                    skipThisContact = true;

                if (!skipThisContact && checkDupe(curContact, p2.PhysicsActorType))
                    skipThisContact = true;

                const int maxContactsbeforedeath = 4000;
                joint = IntPtr.Zero;

                if (!skipThisContact)
                    // If we're colliding against terrain
                    if (name1 == "Terrain" || name2 == "Terrain")
                        // If we're moving
                        if ((p2.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Agent) &&
                            (Math.Abs(p2.Velocity.X) > 0.01f || Math.Abs(p2.Velocity.Y) > 0.01f))
                            // Use the movement terrain contact
                            AvatarMovementTerrainContact.geom = curContact;
                            if (m_global_contactcount < maxContactsbeforedeath)
                                joint = d.JointCreateContact(world, contactgroup, ref AvatarMovementTerrainContact);
                            if (p2.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Agent)
                                // Use the non moving terrain contact
                                TerrainContact.geom = curContact;
                                if (m_global_contactcount < maxContactsbeforedeath)
                                    joint = d.JointCreateContact(world, contactgroup, ref TerrainContact);
                                if (p2.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Prim && p1.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Prim)
                                    // prim prim contact
                                    // int pj294950 = 0;
                                    int movintYN = 0;
                                    int material = (int) Material.Wood;
                                    // prim terrain contact
                                    if (Math.Abs(p2.Velocity.X) > 0.01f || Math.Abs(p2.Velocity.Y) > 0.01f)
                                        movintYN = 1;

                                    if (p2 is OdePrim)
                                        material = ((OdePrim)p2).m_material;

                                    //m_log.DebugFormat("Material: {0}", material);
                                    m_materialContacts[material, movintYN].geom = curContact;

                                    if (m_global_contactcount < maxContactsbeforedeath)
                                        joint = d.JointCreateContact(world, contactgroup, ref m_materialContacts[material, movintYN]);


                                    int movintYN = 0;
                                    // prim terrain contact
                                    if (Math.Abs(p2.Velocity.X) > 0.01f || Math.Abs(p2.Velocity.Y) > 0.01f)
                                        movintYN = 1;

                                    int material = (int)Material.Wood;

                                    if (p2 is OdePrim)
                                        material = ((OdePrim)p2).m_material;
                                    //m_log.DebugFormat("Material: {0}", material);
                                    m_materialContacts[material, movintYN].geom = curContact;

                                    if (m_global_contactcount < maxContactsbeforedeath)
                                        joint = d.JointCreateContact(world, contactgroup, ref m_materialContacts[material, movintYN]);

                        //if (p2.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Prim)
                        //m_log.Debug("[PHYSICS]: prim contacting with ground");
                    else if (name1 == "Water" || name2 == "Water")
                        if ((p2.PhysicsActorType == (int) ActorTypes.Prim))
                        //WaterContact.surface.soft_cfm = 0.0000f;
                        //WaterContact.surface.soft_erp = 0.00000f;
                        if (curContact.depth > 0.1f)
                            curContact.depth *= 52;
                            //contact.normal = new d.Vector3(0, 0, 1);
                            //contact.pos = new d.Vector3(0, 0, contact.pos.Z - 5f);
                        WaterContact.geom = curContact;
                        if (m_global_contactcount < maxContactsbeforedeath)
                            joint = d.JointCreateContact(world, contactgroup, ref WaterContact);
                        //m_log.Info("[PHYSICS]: Prim Water Contact" + contact.depth);
                        // we're colliding with prim or avatar
                        // check if we're moving
                        if ((p2.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Agent))
                            if ((Math.Abs(p2.Velocity.X) > 0.01f || Math.Abs(p2.Velocity.Y) > 0.01f))
                                // Use the Movement prim contact
                                AvatarMovementprimContact.geom = curContact;
                                if (m_global_contactcount < maxContactsbeforedeath)
                                    joint = d.JointCreateContact(world, contactgroup, ref AvatarMovementprimContact);
                                // Use the non movement contact
                                contact.geom = curContact;

                                if (m_global_contactcount < maxContactsbeforedeath)
                                    joint = d.JointCreateContact(world, contactgroup, ref contact);
                        else if (p2.PhysicsActorType == (int)ActorTypes.Prim)
                            int material = (int)Material.Wood;

                            if (p2 is OdePrim)
                                material = ((OdePrim)p2).m_material;
                            //m_log.DebugFormat("Material: {0}", material);
                            m_materialContacts[material, 0].geom = curContact;

                            if (m_global_contactcount < maxContactsbeforedeath)
                                joint = d.JointCreateContact(world, contactgroup, ref m_materialContacts[material, 0]);


                    if (m_global_contactcount < maxContactsbeforedeath && joint != IntPtr.Zero) // stack collide!
                        d.JointAttach(joint, b1, b2);

                collision_accounting_events(p1, p2, maxDepthContact);
                if (count > geomContactPointsStartthrottle)
                    // If there are more then 3 contact points, it's likely
                    // that we've got a pile of objects, so ...
                    // We don't want to send out hundreds of terse updates over and over again
                    // so lets throttle them and send them again after it's somewhat sorted out.
                    p2.ThrottleUpdates = true;
                //m_log.Debug("near: A collision was detected between {1} and {2}", 0, name1, name2);