public static void AddToBlockedContacts(ContactItem c) { bool added = false; int retries = 0; do { try { StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(GoogleMutexFile,true); try { sw.WriteLine(c.FullName+ "," + c.Email1Address+","+c.Email2Address+","+c.Email3Address); } finally { sw.Close(); } added = true; } catch (System.Exception) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); retries++; } } while (!added && retries <= 3); }
public void Replace (ContactItem inner) { if (inner != Inner) { DisposeInner(); Inner = inner; } }
public void SaveAndReload() { Inner.Save(); var entryId = Inner.EntryID; DisposeInner(); Thread.MemoryBarrier(); Inner = _load (entryId); }
public WrappedContactItem(ContactItem c) { item = c; ((ItemEvents_10_Event)item).Open += WrappedContactItem_Open; ((ItemEvents_10_Event)item).Close += WrappedContactItem_Close; ((ItemEvents_10_Event)item).Write += WrappedContactItem_Write; //this is the save event }
public SkypeContactDetailItem(ContactItem owner, string handle) { this.Handle = handle; this.status = Skype.ContactStatus (this.Handle); //if offline was returned, query to see if the user has a phone number set, maybe the user's status is really "SKYPEOUT" if (this.status == Skype.Statuses [OnlineStatus.Offline]) { foreach (string detail in owner.Details.Where (d => d.Contains ("phone"))) { Console.WriteLine ("Checking {0} :: {1}", detail, owner [detail]); if (Skype.ContactStatus (Skype.StripPhoneChars (owner [detail])) == Skype.Statuses [OnlineStatus.SkypeOut]) this.status = Skype.Statuses [OnlineStatus.SkypeOut]; } } }
void loadContact() { int contactID = Intent.GetIntExtra("ContactID", 0); if (contactID > 0) { contact = ContactManager.GetContact(contactID); nameEdit.Text = contact.Name; surnameEdit.Text = contact.Surname; numberEdit.Text = contact.Number; } else { contact = new ContactItem(); } }
public ContactItem GetItem(int id) { var t = new ContactItem (); lock (locker) { connection = new SqliteConnection ("Data Source=" + path); connection.Open (); using (var command = connection.CreateCommand ()) { command.CommandText = "SELECT [_id], [Name], [Surname], [Number], [Path] from [Items] WHERE [_id] = ?"; command.Parameters.Add (new SqliteParameter (DbType.Int32) { Value = id }); var r = command.ExecuteReader (); while (r.Read ()) { t = FromReader (r); break; } } connection.Close (); } return t; }
public override void UpdateItems() { items.Clear(); // iterate over address book files foreach (string addressBook in AddressBookFiles) { try { XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument(); // read adress book by StreamReader. Without: error:Encoding name '...' not supported using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(addressBook)) { xmldoc.Load(reader); } XmlNodeList people = xmldoc.SelectNodes("/address-book/person"); if (people == null) { continue; } foreach (XmlNode person in people) { // contact name from "cn" attribute string personCn = person.Attributes ["cn"].InnerText; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(personCn)) { continue; } // load emails XmlNodeList addresses = person.SelectNodes("address-list/address"); if ((addresses == null) || (addresses.Count == 0)) // no childs == no emails -> skip { continue; } ContactItem buddy = ContactItem.CreateWithName(personCn); int emailCounter = 0; foreach (XmlNode address in addresses) { string email = address.Attributes ["email"].InnerText; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(email)) { string remarks = address.Attributes ["remarks"].InnerText; string id = ClawsKeyPrefix + emailCounter + "." + remarks; buddy [id] = email; emailCounter++; } } if (emailCounter > 0) { items.Add(buddy); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("ClawsContactsItemSource: file:{0} error:{1}", addressBook, e.Message); Log.Debug("ClawsContactsItemSource: file:{0}: {1}", addressBook, e.ToString()); } } }
private static void MapTelephoneNumber2To1(vCard source, ContactItem target) { target.HomeTelephoneNumber = string.Empty; target.BusinessTelephoneNumber = string.Empty; foreach (var phoneNumber in source.Phones) { if (phoneNumber.IsMain) { target.PrimaryTelephoneNumber = phoneNumber.FullNumber; } else if (phoneNumber.IsCellular) { target.MobileTelephoneNumber = phoneNumber.FullNumber; } else if (phoneNumber.IsHome && !phoneNumber.IsFax) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(target.HomeTelephoneNumber)) { target.HomeTelephoneNumber = phoneNumber.FullNumber; } else { target.Home2TelephoneNumber = phoneNumber.FullNumber; } } else if (phoneNumber.IsWork && !phoneNumber.IsFax) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(target.BusinessTelephoneNumber)) { target.BusinessTelephoneNumber = phoneNumber.FullNumber; } else { target.Business2TelephoneNumber = phoneNumber.FullNumber; } } else if (phoneNumber.IsFax) { if (phoneNumber.IsHome) { target.HomeFaxNumber = phoneNumber.FullNumber; } else { target.BusinessFaxNumber = phoneNumber.FullNumber; } } else if (phoneNumber.IsPager) { target.PagerNumber = phoneNumber.FullNumber; } else if (phoneNumber.IsCar) { target.CarTelephoneNumber = phoneNumber.FullNumber; } else if (phoneNumber.IsISDN) { target.ISDNNumber = phoneNumber.FullNumber; } else { if (phoneNumber.IsPreferred && string.IsNullOrEmpty(target.HomeTelephoneNumber)) { target.HomeTelephoneNumber = phoneNumber.FullNumber; } else { target.OtherTelephoneNumber = phoneNumber.FullNumber; } } } }
private static void CreateMail(string[] salaryRecord, ContactItem contactItem, string[] title, string contentStr, Dictionary<int, long> colorDic) { var oMail = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MailItem)Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.CreateItem( Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem); oMail.Subject = "工资条"; if (contactItem != null) oMail.To = contactItem.Email1Address; var titleRow = ToTableRow(title, null); var salaryRow = ToTableRow(salaryRecord, colorDic); var body = new StringBuilder(1024); body.Append(string.Format("<h1>{0}</h1>\n", contentStr)); body.Append("<table border=1><tr>"); body.Append(titleRow); body.Append("</tr><tr>"); body.Append(salaryRow); body.Append("</tr></table>"); oMail.HTMLBody = body.ToString(); oMail.DeferredDeliveryTime = DateTime.Now; oMail.Save(); oMail = null; }
public static int SaveTask(ContactItem item) { return me.db.SaveItem(item); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ActionLinkContentResult" /> class. /// </summary> public ActionLinkContentResult(IActionLinkService actionLinkService, ActionItem action, ContactItem contact, string customUri, ApiController controller) { ActionLinkService = actionLinkService; Action = action; Contact = contact; CustomUri = customUri; Controller = controller; }
public static string ContactItemDisplay(ContactItem item) { return item.FullName == null ? item.Email1Address : item.FullName; }
public void getDisplayFromDB(ContactItem contact) { string photo; Log<EmeseneContactItemSource>.Debug ("Tryng to get display from DB for: {0}...", contact["email"]); photo = Emesene.get_last_display_picture(contact["email"], false); if (photo != "noImage") { //Log<EmeseneContactItemSource>.Debug ("Display found! in: {0}", photo); contact["photo"] = photo; } else { //Log<EmeseneContactItemSource>.Debug ("No display picture in DB for: {0}", contact["email"]); if(this.lastContact == -1) { this.lastContact = this.contactsRelation[contact["email"]]; } do { ContactItem newContact = (ContactItem)this.contacts[lastContact]; string p = newContact["photo"]; if(p != "") { this.lastContact--; continue; } //Log<EmeseneContactItemSource>.Debug ("Now tryng to get display from DB for: {0}", newContact["email"]); photo = Emesene.get_last_display_picture(newContact["email"], false); if (photo != "noImage") { //Log<EmeseneContactItemSource>.Debug ("Display found! in: {0}", photo); newContact["photo"] = photo; //Log<EmeseneContactItemSource>.Debug ("Display picture of user: {0} : {1}", newContact["email"], newContact["photo"]); } else { //Log<EmeseneContactItemSource>.Debug ("No display picture in DB for user: {0}", newContact["email"]); } this.lastContact--; //Log<EmeseneContactItemSource>.Debug ("lastContact: {0}", this.lastContact); }while(photo == "noImage" && this.lastContact > 0); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns an array of ContactItems /// </summary> /// <returns>ContactItem[]</returns> public ContactItem[] getAllContactItems() { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { ContactItem SQLItem = new ContactItem(); SQLItem.Course = new StudyCourse(); SQLItem.Type = new UserType(); List <ContactItem> ContactItemList = new List <ContactItem>(); string SQL = "SELECT [contactid],[lastname],[firstname],[titel],[mail],[phonenumber],[roomnumber], " + "[contact].relationtypid,[relationtyp].relationtypname,[contact].coursetypid,[coursetyp].[shortname],[coursetyp].[longname], [responsibility] " + " FROM[contact]" + " LEFT JOIN[coursetyp]" + " ON[coursetyp].[coursetypid] =[contact].[coursetypid]" + " LEFT JOIN[relationtyp]" + " ON[relationtyp].[relationtypid] = [contact].relationtypid;"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (myReader.Read()) { SQLItem.ContactID = Convert.ToInt32(myReader["contactid"]); SQLItem.FirstName = myReader["firstname"].ToString(); SQLItem.LastName = myReader["lastname"].ToString(); SQLItem.Title = myReader["titel"].ToString(); SQLItem.TelNumber = myReader["phonenumber"].ToString(); SQLItem.Email = myReader["mail"].ToString(); SQLItem.Room = myReader["roomnumber"].ToString(); SQLItem.Responsibility = myReader["responsibility"].ToString(); if (myReader["coursetypid"].ToString() != "") { SQLItem.Course.ID = Convert.ToInt32(myReader["coursetypid"]); SQLItem.Course.LongText = myReader["longname"].ToString(); SQLItem.Course.ShortText = myReader["shortname"].ToString(); } SQLItem.Type.ID = Convert.ToInt32(myReader["relationtypid"]); SQLItem.Type.Name = myReader["relationtypname"].ToString(); ContactItemList.Add(SQLItem); SQLItem = new ContactItem(); SQLItem.Type = new UserType(); SQLItem.Course = new StudyCourse(); } sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(ContactItemList.ToArray()); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { return(null); } }
//======================================================================================================================================== // PRIVATE METHODS //======================================================================================================================================== /// <summary> /// This method parses the contacts and builds two strings to store in our ContactItem class. We get the names of the contact /// and then loop through their numbers and add an entry for each number. Because we want to style the output a bit /// we use NSMutableAttributedText classes to help style our text to show up the way we want it to. We also check for /// each number what type of number it is and assign a prefix to it so that we mimick the way the iOS contacts filter works /// on the default iOS messages app. /// </summary> /// <returns>The contacts.</returns> /// <param name="contacts">Contacts.</param> private List <ContactItem> parseContacts(List <CNContact> contacts) { var ContactItemList = new List <ContactItem> (); foreach (CNContact contact in contacts) { var fName = contact.GivenName; var lName = contact.FamilyName; var fullName = ""; var number = ""; var phoneNumbers = contact.PhoneNumbers.ToList(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fName)) { fName = ""; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(lName)) { lName = ""; } fullName = fName + " " + lName; foreach (CNLabeledValue <CNPhoneNumber> phoneNumber in phoneNumbers) { int range = 0; if (phoneNumber.Label == CNLabelPhoneNumberKey.iPhone) { number = "iPhone: " + (phoneNumber.Value as CNPhoneNumber).StringValue; range = 7; } else if (phoneNumber.Label == CNLabelPhoneNumberKey.Mobile) { number = "Mobile: " + (phoneNumber.Value as CNPhoneNumber).StringValue; range = 7; } else if (phoneNumber.Label == CNLabelPhoneNumberKey.Main) { number = "Main: " + (phoneNumber.Value as CNPhoneNumber).StringValue; range = 5; } else if (phoneNumber.Label == CNLabelPhoneNumberExtd.Home) { number = "Home: " + (phoneNumber.Value as CNPhoneNumber).StringValue; range = 5; } else { break; } var attributedStringFullName = new NSMutableAttributedString(fullName); var attributedStringPhoneNumber = new NSMutableAttributedString(number); attributedStringFullName.SetAttributes(new UIStringAttributes() { Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize(UIFont.LabelFontSize) }, new NSRange(0, attributedStringFullName.Length)); attributedStringPhoneNumber.SetAttributes(new UIStringAttributes() { Font = UIFont.BoldSystemFontOfSize(UIFont.SystemFontSize) }.Dictionary, new NSRange(0, range)); var contactItem = new ContactItem(attributedStringFullName, attributedStringPhoneNumber); ContactItemList.Add(contactItem); } } return(ContactItemList); }
public OutlookContactInfo(ContactItem item, ContactsSynchronizer sync) { UserProperties = new UserPropertiesHolder(); Update(item, sync); }
internal static string GetTitleFirstLastAndSuffix(ContactItem outlookContactItem) { return(GetTitleFirstLastAndSuffix(outlookContactItem.Title, outlookContactItem.FirstName, outlookContactItem.MiddleName, outlookContactItem.LastName, outlookContactItem.Suffix)); }
public static void Call(ContactItem contact) { Skype.Call(contact [""]); }
private void CreateData() { if (this._groupData == null) { return; } Group group =; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._groupData.Activity) || this._groupData.AdminLevel > 1) { this.InfoSections.Add(new ProfileInfoSectionItem() { Items = new List <ProfileInfoItem>() { (ProfileInfoItem) new StatusItem((IProfileData)this._groupData) } }); } List <ProfileInfoItem> profileInfoItemList1 = new List <ProfileInfoItem>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(group.description)) { profileInfoItemList1.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new CustomItem(CommonResources.ProfilePage_Info_Description, group.description, null, ProfileInfoItemType.RichText)); } if (group.start_date > 0 && group.GroupType == GroupType.Event) { profileInfoItemList1.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new CustomItem(CommonResources.ProfilePage_Info_StartDate, UIStringFormatterHelper.FormatDateTimeForUI(group.start_date), (Action)(() => this.CreateAppointment(group.start_date, group.finish_date,, != null ? : "")), ProfileInfoItemType.RichText)); } if (group.finish_date > 0) { profileInfoItemList1.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new CustomItem(CommonResources.ProfilePage_Info_FinishDate, UIStringFormatterHelper.FormatDateTimeForUI(group.finish_date), (Action)(() => this.CreateAppointment(group.start_date, group.finish_date,, != null ? : "")), ProfileInfoItemType.RichText)); } string description = ""; if ( != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty( { description =; } if ( != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty( { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) { description += ", "; } description +=; } if ( != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty( { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) { description += ", "; } description +=; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) { Action navigationAction = null; if ( != null && != 0.0 && != 0.0) { navigationAction = (Action)(() => Navigator.Current.NavigateToMap(false,,; } profileInfoItemList1.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new CustomItem(CommonResources.ProfilePage_Info_Location.ToLowerInvariant(), description, navigationAction, ProfileInfoItemType.RichText)); } if (profileInfoItemList1.Count > 0) { this.InfoSections.Add(new ProfileInfoSectionItem() { Items = profileInfoItemList1 }); } List <ProfileInfoItem> profileInfoItemList2 = new List <ProfileInfoItem>() { (ProfileInfoItem) new VKSocialNetworkItem((IProfileData)this._groupData) }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( { profileInfoItemList2.Add((ProfileInfoItem) new SiteItem(; } if (profileInfoItemList2.Count > 0) { this.InfoSections.Add(new ProfileInfoSectionItem(CommonResources.ProfilePage_Info_ContactInformation) { Items = profileInfoItemList2 }); } List <ProfileInfoItem> profileInfoItemList3 = new List <ProfileInfoItem>(); if (!group.links.IsNullOrEmpty()) { profileInfoItemList3.AddRange((IEnumerable <ProfileInfoItem>)LinkItem.GetLinkItems(group.links)); if (profileInfoItemList3.Count > 0) { this.InfoSections.Add(new ProfileInfoSectionItem(CommonResources.ProfilePage_Info_Links) { Items = profileInfoItemList3 }); } } List <ProfileInfoItem> profileInfoItemList4 = new List <ProfileInfoItem>(); if (!group.contacts.IsNullOrEmpty()) { profileInfoItemList4.AddRange((IEnumerable <ProfileInfoItem>)ContactItem.GetContactItems(group.contacts, this._groupData.contactsUsers)); if (profileInfoItemList4.Count > 0) { this.InfoSections.Add(new ProfileInfoSectionItem(CommonResources.ProfilePage_Info_Contacts) { Items = profileInfoItemList4 }); } } if (this.InfoSections.Count <= 0) { return; } ((ProfileInfoSectionItem)Enumerable.Last <ProfileInfoSectionItem>(this.InfoSections)).DividerVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed; }
private void CreateGoogleContact(ContactItem item) { googleAdapter.CreateContactFromOutlook(item); }
private void OContactFetched(object sender, ContactItem contact) { }
// Returns a ContactItem based on the given ID (Typ=1) or E-Mail-Address(typ=2) private ContactItem GetContactItemByValue(string value, int typ) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { string SQL = ""; ContactItem SQLItem = new ContactItem(); SQLItem.Course = new StudyCourse(); SQLItem.Type = new UserType(); SQL = "SELECT [contactid],[lastname],[firstname],[titel],[mail],[phonenumber],[roomnumber], " + "[contact].relationtypid,[relationtyp].relationtypname,[contact].coursetypid,[coursetyp].[shortname],[coursetyp].[longname], [responsibility] " + " FROM[contact]" + " LEFT JOIN[coursetyp]" + " ON[coursetyp].[coursetypid] =[contact].[coursetypid]" + " LEFT JOIN[relationtyp]" + " ON[relationtyp].[relationtypid] = [contact].relationtypid "; if (typ == 1) { //Innerjoin fehlt SQL += " WHERE [contactid]='" + value + "';"; } if (typ == 2) { //Innerjoin fehlt SQL += " WHERE [mail]='" + value + "';"; } sqlConnection.Open(); SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (myReader.Read()) { SQLItem.ContactID = Convert.ToInt32(myReader["contactid"]); SQLItem.FirstName = myReader["firstname"].ToString(); SQLItem.LastName = myReader["lastname"].ToString(); SQLItem.Title = myReader["titel"].ToString(); SQLItem.TelNumber = myReader["phonenumber"].ToString(); SQLItem.Email = myReader["mail"].ToString(); SQLItem.Room = myReader["roomnumber"].ToString(); SQLItem.Responsibility = myReader["responsibility"].ToString(); if (myReader["coursetypid"].ToString() != "") { SQLItem.Course.ID = Convert.ToInt32(myReader["coursetypid"]); SQLItem.Course.LongText = myReader["longname"].ToString(); SQLItem.Course.ShortText = myReader["shortname"].ToString(); } SQLItem.Type.ID = Convert.ToInt32(myReader["relationtypid"]); SQLItem.Type.Name = myReader["relationtypname"].ToString(); sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(SQLItem); } else { sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(null); } } } catch (System.Exception) { return(null); } }
private void ContactItem_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { ContactItem ci = (ContactItem)sender; InstantMessageMenuItem_Clicked(XmppGlobal.Roster[new jabber.JID((string)ci.Tag)].GetContextMenuItem(DefaultContextMenu.InstantMessage), null); }
public String GetRecipientEmail(Recipient recipient) { String retEmail = ""; Boolean builtFakeEmail = false; log.Fine("Determining email of recipient: " + recipient.Name); AddressEntry addressEntry = null; String addressEntryType = ""; try { try { addressEntry = recipient.AddressEntry; } catch { log.Warn("Can't resolve this recipient!"); addressEntry = null; } if (addressEntry == null) { log.Warn("No AddressEntry exists!"); retEmail = EmailAddress.BuildFakeEmailAddress(recipient.Name, out builtFakeEmail); } else { try { addressEntryType = addressEntry.Type; } catch { log.Warn("Cannot access addressEntry.Type!"); } log.Fine("AddressEntry Type: " + addressEntryType); if (addressEntryType == "EX") //Exchange { log.Fine("Address is from Exchange"); if (addressEntry.AddressEntryUserType == OlAddressEntryUserType.olExchangeUserAddressEntry || addressEntry.AddressEntryUserType == OlAddressEntryUserType.olExchangeRemoteUserAddressEntry) { ExchangeUser eu = null; try { eu = addressEntry.GetExchangeUser(); if (eu != null && eu.PrimarySmtpAddress != null) { retEmail = eu.PrimarySmtpAddress; } else { log.Warn("Exchange does not have an email for recipient: " + recipient.Name); Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.PropertyAccessor pa = null; try { //Should I try PR_EMS_AB_PROXY_ADDRESSES next to cater for cached mode? pa = recipient.PropertyAccessor; retEmail = pa.GetProperty(OutlookNew.PR_SMTP_ADDRESS).ToString(); log.Debug("Retrieved from PropertyAccessor instead."); } catch { log.Warn("Also failed to retrieve email from PropertyAccessor."); retEmail = EmailAddress.BuildFakeEmailAddress(recipient.Name, out builtFakeEmail); } finally { pa = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.PropertyAccessor)OutlookCalendar.ReleaseObject(pa); } } } finally { eu = (ExchangeUser)OutlookCalendar.ReleaseObject(eu); } } else if (addressEntry.AddressEntryUserType == OlAddressEntryUserType.olOutlookContactAddressEntry) { log.Fine("This is an Outlook contact"); ContactItem contact = null; try { try { contact = addressEntry.GetContact(); } catch { log.Warn("Doesn't seem to be a valid contact object. Maybe this account is no longer in Exchange."); retEmail = EmailAddress.BuildFakeEmailAddress(recipient.Name, out builtFakeEmail); } if (contact != null) { if (contact.Email1AddressType == "EX") { log.Fine("Address is from Exchange."); log.Fine("Using PropertyAccessor to get email address."); Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.PropertyAccessor pa = null; try { pa = contact.PropertyAccessor; retEmail = pa.GetProperty(EMAIL1ADDRESS).ToString(); } finally { pa = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.PropertyAccessor)OutlookCalendar.ReleaseObject(pa); } } else { retEmail = contact.Email1Address; } } } finally { contact = (ContactItem)OutlookCalendar.ReleaseObject(contact); } } else { log.Fine("Exchange type: " + addressEntry.AddressEntryUserType.ToString()); log.Fine("Using PropertyAccessor to get email address."); Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.PropertyAccessor pa = null; try { pa = recipient.PropertyAccessor; retEmail = pa.GetProperty(OutlookNew.PR_SMTP_ADDRESS).ToString(); } finally { pa = (Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.PropertyAccessor)OutlookCalendar.ReleaseObject(pa); } } } else if (addressEntryType.ToUpper() == "NOTES") { log.Fine("From Lotus Notes"); //Migrated contacts from notes, have weird "email addresses" eg: "James T. Kirk/US-Corp03/enterprise/US" retEmail = EmailAddress.BuildFakeEmailAddress(recipient.Name, out builtFakeEmail); } else { log.Fine("Not from Exchange"); try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(addressEntry.Address)) { log.Warn("addressEntry.Address is empty."); retEmail = EmailAddress.BuildFakeEmailAddress(recipient.Name, out builtFakeEmail); } else { retEmail = addressEntry.Address; } } catch (System.Exception ex) { log.Error("Failed accessing addressEntry.Address"); log.Error(ex.Message); retEmail = EmailAddress.BuildFakeEmailAddress(recipient.Name, out builtFakeEmail); } } } if (retEmail != null && retEmail.IndexOf("<") > 0) { retEmail = retEmail.Substring(retEmail.IndexOf("<") + 1); retEmail = retEmail.TrimEnd(Convert.ToChar(">")); } log.Fine("Email address: " + retEmail, retEmail); if (!EmailAddress.IsValidEmail(retEmail) && !builtFakeEmail) { retEmail = EmailAddress.BuildFakeEmailAddress(recipient.Name, out builtFakeEmail); if (!EmailAddress.IsValidEmail(retEmail)) { MainForm.Instance.Logboxout("ERROR: Recipient \"" + recipient.Name + "\" with email address \"" + retEmail + "\" is invalid.", notifyBubble: true); MainForm.Instance.Logboxout("This must be manually resolved in order to sync this appointment."); throw new ApplicationException("Invalid recipient email for \"" + recipient.Name + "\""); } } return(retEmail); } finally { addressEntry = (AddressEntry)OutlookCalendar.ReleaseObject(addressEntry); } }
public static void Call(ContactItem contact) { Skype.Call (contact [""]); }
//ContactItem extension method for Skype to conditionally add details private void MaybeAddDetail(ContactItem contact, string key, string detail) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (detail)) contact [key + ".skype"] = detail; }
public void AddBusinessCard(ContactItem contact) { _item.AddBusinessCard(contact); }
public void UpdateForm(ContactItem Contact) { m_Contact = Contact; txtDetails.Text = Contact.Details; txtReason.Text = Contact.Reason; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="theItem"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Hashtable getPhoneList(ContactItem theItem) { Hashtable phoneList = new Hashtable(); try { if ((theItem.BusinessTelephoneNumber != null) && (theItem.BusinessTelephoneNumber != String.Empty)) { phoneList.Add(Constants.KEY_BUSINESS_PHONE, normalizeNumber(theItem.BusinessTelephoneNumber)); } if ((theItem.Business2TelephoneNumber != null) && (theItem.Business2TelephoneNumber != String.Empty)) { phoneList.Add(Constants.KEY_BUSINESS_PHONE_2, normalizeNumber(theItem.Business2TelephoneNumber)); } if ((theItem.CompanyMainTelephoneNumber != null) && (theItem.CompanyMainTelephoneNumber != String.Empty)) { phoneList.Add(Constants.KEY_COMPANY_PHONE, normalizeNumber(theItem.CompanyMainTelephoneNumber)); } if ((theItem.HomeTelephoneNumber != null) && (theItem.HomeTelephoneNumber != String.Empty)) { phoneList.Add(Constants.KEY_HOME_PHONE, normalizeNumber(theItem.HomeTelephoneNumber)); } if ((theItem.MobileTelephoneNumber != null) && (theItem.MobileTelephoneNumber != String.Empty)) { phoneList.Add(Constants.KEY_MOBILE_PHONE, normalizeNumber(theItem.MobileTelephoneNumber)); } if ((theItem.CarTelephoneNumber != null) && (theItem.CarTelephoneNumber != String.Empty)) { phoneList.Add(Constants.KEY_CAR_PHONE, normalizeNumber(theItem.CarTelephoneNumber)); } if (phoneList.Count == 0) { return null; } else { return phoneList; } } catch (System.Exception ex) { Logger.WriteEntry(LogLevel.Error, ex.GetType() + " : " + ex.Message); return null; } }
public ContactItem Create(ContactItem item) { var contactItem = _iRepo.Create(item); return(contactItem); }
private static void MapEmailAddresses1To2(ContactItem source, vCard target, IEntityMappingLogger logger) { target.EmailAddresses.Clear(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.Email1Address)) { string email1Address = string.Empty; if (source.Email1AddressType == "EX") { try { email1Address = source.GetPropertySafe(PR_EMAIL1ADDRESS); } catch (COMException ex) { s_logger.Warn("Could not get property PR_EMAIL1ADDRESS for Email1Address", ex); logger.LogMappingWarning("Could not get property PR_EMAIL1ADDRESS for Email1Address", ex); } } else { email1Address = source.Email1Address; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(email1Address)) { target.EmailAddresses.Add(new vCardEmailAddress(email1Address, vCardEmailAddressType.Internet, ItemType.WORK)); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.Email2Address)) { string email2Address = string.Empty; if (source.Email2AddressType == "EX") { try { email2Address = source.GetPropertySafe(PR_EMAIL2ADDRESS); } catch (COMException ex) { s_logger.Warn("Could not get property PR_EMAIL2ADDRESS for Email2Address", ex); logger.LogMappingWarning("Could not get property PR_EMAIL2ADDRESS for Email2Address", ex); } } else { email2Address = source.Email2Address; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(email2Address)) { target.EmailAddresses.Add(new vCardEmailAddress(email2Address, vCardEmailAddressType.Internet, ItemType.HOME)); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.Email3Address)) { string email3Address = string.Empty; if (source.Email3AddressType == "EX") { try { email3Address = source.GetPropertySafe(PR_EMAIL3ADDRESS); } catch (COMException ex) { s_logger.Warn("Could not get property PR_EMAIL3ADDRESS for Email3Address", ex); logger.LogMappingWarning("Could not get property PR_EMAIL3ADDRESS for Email3Address", ex); } } else { email3Address = source.Email3Address; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(email3Address)) { target.EmailAddresses.Add(new vCardEmailAddress(email3Address)); } } }
private static void MapEmailAddresses1To2(ContactItem source, vCard target) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.Email1Address)) { string email1Address = string.Empty; if (source.Email1AddressType == "EX") { try { email1Address = source.GetPropertySafe(PR_EMAIL1ADDRESS); } catch (COMException ex) { s_logger.Error("Could not get property PR_EMAIL1ADDRESS for Email1Address", ex); } } else { email1Address = source.Email1Address; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(email1Address)) { target.EmailAddresses.Add(new vCardEmailAddress(email1Address)); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.Email2Address)) { string email2Address = string.Empty; if (source.Email2AddressType == "EX") { try { email2Address = source.GetPropertySafe(PR_EMAIL2ADDRESS); } catch (COMException ex) { s_logger.Error("Could not get property PR_EMAIL2ADDRESS for Email2Address", ex); } } else { email2Address = source.Email2Address; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(email2Address)) { target.EmailAddresses.Add(new vCardEmailAddress(email2Address)); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.Email3Address)) { string email3Address = string.Empty; if (source.Email3AddressType == "EX") { try { email3Address = source.GetPropertySafe(PR_EMAIL3ADDRESS); } catch (COMException ex) { s_logger.Error("Could not get property PR_EMAIL3ADDRESS for Email3Address", ex); } } else { email3Address = source.Email3Address; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(email3Address)) { target.EmailAddresses.Add(new vCardEmailAddress(email3Address)); } } }
private async Task MapPhoto2To1(vCard source, ContactItem target, IEntityMappingLogger logger) { if (source.Photos.Count > 0) { if (target.HasPicture && _configuration.KeepOutlookPhoto) { return; } vCardPhoto contactPhoto = source.Photos[0]; string picturePath = Path.GetTempPath() + @"\Contact_" + target.EntryID + ".jpg"; try { if (!contactPhoto.IsLoaded && contactPhoto.Url != null) { using (var client = HttpUtility.CreateWebClient()) { await client.DownloadFileTaskAsync(contactPhoto.Url, picturePath); } } else if (contactPhoto.IsLoaded) { File.WriteAllBytes(picturePath, contactPhoto.GetBytes()); } else { s_logger.Warn("Could not load picture for contact."); logger.LogMappingWarning("Could not load picture for contact."); return; } try { target.AddPicture(picturePath); } catch (COMException x) { s_logger.Warn("Could not add picture for contact.", x); logger.LogMappingWarning("Could not add picture for contact.", x); } File.Delete(picturePath); } catch (Exception ex) { s_logger.Warn("Could not add picture for contact.", ex); logger.LogMappingWarning("Could not add picture for contact.", ex); } } else { if (target.HasPicture) { try { target.RemovePicture(); } catch (COMException x) { s_logger.Warn("Could not remove picture for contact.", x); logger.LogMappingWarning("Could not remove picture for contact.", x); } } } }
private static void MapPhoneNumbers1To2(ContactItem source, vCard target) { target.Phones.Clear(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.PrimaryTelephoneNumber)) { vCardPhone phoneNumber = new vCardPhone(source.PrimaryTelephoneNumber, vCardPhoneTypes.Main); phoneNumber.IsPreferred = true; target.Phones.Add(phoneNumber); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.MobileTelephoneNumber)) { vCardPhone phoneNumber = new vCardPhone(source.MobileTelephoneNumber, vCardPhoneTypes.Cellular); phoneNumber.IsPreferred = (target.Phones.Count == 0); target.Phones.Add(phoneNumber); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.HomeTelephoneNumber)) { vCardPhone phoneNumber = new vCardPhone(source.HomeTelephoneNumber, vCardPhoneTypes.Home); phoneNumber.IsPreferred = (target.Phones.Count == 0); target.Phones.Add(phoneNumber); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.Home2TelephoneNumber)) { vCardPhone phoneNumber = new vCardPhone(source.Home2TelephoneNumber, vCardPhoneTypes.HomeVoice); phoneNumber.IsPreferred = (target.Phones.Count == 0); target.Phones.Add(phoneNumber); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.HomeFaxNumber)) { vCardPhone phoneNumber = new vCardPhone(source.HomeFaxNumber, vCardPhoneTypes.Fax | vCardPhoneTypes.Home); phoneNumber.IsPreferred = (target.Phones.Count == 0); target.Phones.Add(phoneNumber); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.BusinessTelephoneNumber)) { vCardPhone phoneNumber = new vCardPhone(source.BusinessTelephoneNumber, vCardPhoneTypes.Work); phoneNumber.IsPreferred = (target.Phones.Count == 0); target.Phones.Add(phoneNumber); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.Business2TelephoneNumber)) { vCardPhone phoneNumber = new vCardPhone(source.Business2TelephoneNumber, vCardPhoneTypes.WorkVoice); phoneNumber.IsPreferred = (target.Phones.Count == 0); target.Phones.Add(phoneNumber); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.BusinessFaxNumber)) { vCardPhone phoneNumber = new vCardPhone(source.BusinessFaxNumber, vCardPhoneTypes.WorkFax); phoneNumber.IsPreferred = (target.Phones.Count == 0); target.Phones.Add(phoneNumber); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.PagerNumber)) { vCardPhone phoneNumber = new vCardPhone(source.PagerNumber, vCardPhoneTypes.Pager); phoneNumber.IsPreferred = (target.Phones.Count == 0); target.Phones.Add(phoneNumber); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.CarTelephoneNumber)) { vCardPhone phoneNumber = new vCardPhone(source.CarTelephoneNumber, vCardPhoneTypes.Car); phoneNumber.IsPreferred = (target.Phones.Count == 0); target.Phones.Add(phoneNumber); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.ISDNNumber)) { vCardPhone phoneNumber = new vCardPhone(source.ISDNNumber, vCardPhoneTypes.ISDN); phoneNumber.IsPreferred = (target.Phones.Count == 0); target.Phones.Add(phoneNumber); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.OtherTelephoneNumber)) { vCardPhone phoneNumber = new vCardPhone(source.OtherTelephoneNumber, vCardPhoneTypes.Voice); target.Phones.Add(phoneNumber); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.OtherFaxNumber)) { vCardPhone phoneNumber = new vCardPhone(source.OtherFaxNumber, vCardPhoneTypes.Fax); target.Phones.Add(phoneNumber); } }
public ContactItemWrapper (ContactItem inner, Func<string, ContactItem> load) { _load = load; Inner = inner; }
private void MapTelephoneNumber2To1(vCard source, ContactItem target) { target.HomeTelephoneNumber = string.Empty; target.BusinessTelephoneNumber = string.Empty; target.BusinessFaxNumber = string.Empty; target.PrimaryTelephoneNumber = string.Empty; target.MobileTelephoneNumber = string.Empty; // if no PhoneTypes are set (e.g. Yandex drops the types) // assume a default ordering of cell,work,home to avoid data loss of the first 3 numbers if (source.Phones.Count >= 1 && source.Phones.All(p => p.PhoneType == vCardPhoneTypes.Default)) { var phoneNumber1 = source.Phones[0].FullNumber; target.MobileTelephoneNumber = _configuration.FixPhoneNumberFormat ? FixPhoneNumberFormat(phoneNumber1) : phoneNumber1; if (source.Phones.Count >= 2) { var phoneNumber2 = source.Phones[1].FullNumber; target.BusinessTelephoneNumber = _configuration.FixPhoneNumberFormat ? FixPhoneNumberFormat(phoneNumber2) : phoneNumber2; if (source.Phones.Count >= 3) { var phoneNumber3 = source.Phones[2].FullNumber; target.HomeTelephoneNumber = _configuration.FixPhoneNumberFormat ? FixPhoneNumberFormat(phoneNumber3) : phoneNumber3; } } return; } foreach (var phoneNumber in source.Phones) { string sourceNumber = _configuration.FixPhoneNumberFormat ? FixPhoneNumberFormat(phoneNumber.FullNumber) : phoneNumber.FullNumber; if (phoneNumber.IsMain) { target.PrimaryTelephoneNumber = sourceNumber; } else if (phoneNumber.IsCellular) { target.MobileTelephoneNumber = sourceNumber; } else if (phoneNumber.IsiPhone && string.IsNullOrEmpty(target.MobileTelephoneNumber)) { target.MobileTelephoneNumber = sourceNumber; } else if (phoneNumber.IsHome && !phoneNumber.IsFax) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(target.HomeTelephoneNumber)) { target.HomeTelephoneNumber = sourceNumber; } else { target.Home2TelephoneNumber = sourceNumber; } } else if (phoneNumber.IsWork && !phoneNumber.IsFax) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(target.BusinessTelephoneNumber)) { target.BusinessTelephoneNumber = sourceNumber; } else { target.Business2TelephoneNumber = sourceNumber; } } else if (phoneNumber.IsFax) { if (phoneNumber.IsHome) { target.HomeFaxNumber = sourceNumber; } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(target.BusinessFaxNumber)) { target.BusinessFaxNumber = sourceNumber; } else { target.OtherFaxNumber = sourceNumber; } } } else if (phoneNumber.IsPager) { target.PagerNumber = sourceNumber; } else if (phoneNumber.IsCar) { target.CarTelephoneNumber = sourceNumber; } else if (phoneNumber.IsISDN) { target.ISDNNumber = sourceNumber; } else { if (phoneNumber.IsPreferred && string.IsNullOrEmpty(target.PrimaryTelephoneNumber)) { target.PrimaryTelephoneNumber = sourceNumber; } else if (phoneNumber.IsPreferred && string.IsNullOrEmpty(target.HomeTelephoneNumber)) { target.HomeTelephoneNumber = sourceNumber; } else { target.OtherTelephoneNumber = sourceNumber; } } } }
private void DisposeInner() { Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject (Inner); Inner = null; }
private static void MapPostalAdresses2To1(vCard source, ContactItem target) { target.HomeAddress = string.Empty; target.HomeAddressStreet = string.Empty; target.HomeAddressCity = string.Empty; target.HomeAddressPostalCode = string.Empty; target.HomeAddressCountry = string.Empty; target.HomeAddressState = string.Empty; target.HomeAddressPostOfficeBox = string.Empty; target.BusinessAddress = string.Empty; target.BusinessAddressStreet = string.Empty; target.BusinessAddressCity = string.Empty; target.BusinessAddressPostalCode = string.Empty; target.BusinessAddressCountry = string.Empty; target.BusinessAddressState = string.Empty; target.BusinessAddressPostOfficeBox = string.Empty; target.OtherAddress = string.Empty; target.OtherAddressStreet = string.Empty; target.OtherAddressCity = string.Empty; target.OtherAddressPostalCode = string.Empty; target.OtherAddressCountry = string.Empty; target.OtherAddressState = string.Empty; target.OtherAddressPostOfficeBox = string.Empty; target.SelectedMailingAddress = OlMailingAddress.olNone; foreach (var sourceAddress in source.DeliveryAddresses) { if (sourceAddress.IsHome) { target.HomeAddressCity = sourceAddress.City; target.HomeAddressCountry = sourceAddress.Country; target.HomeAddressPostalCode = sourceAddress.PostalCode; target.HomeAddressState = sourceAddress.Region; target.HomeAddressStreet = sourceAddress.Street; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceAddress.ExtendedAddress)) { target.HomeAddressStreet += "\r\n" + sourceAddress.ExtendedAddress; } target.HomeAddressPostOfficeBox = sourceAddress.PoBox; if (sourceAddress.IsPreferred) { target.SelectedMailingAddress = OlMailingAddress.olHome; } } else if (sourceAddress.IsWork) { target.BusinessAddressCity = sourceAddress.City; target.BusinessAddressCountry = sourceAddress.Country; target.BusinessAddressPostalCode = sourceAddress.PostalCode; target.BusinessAddressState = sourceAddress.Region; target.BusinessAddressStreet = sourceAddress.Street; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceAddress.ExtendedAddress)) { target.BusinessAddressStreet += "\r\n" + sourceAddress.ExtendedAddress; } target.BusinessAddressPostOfficeBox = sourceAddress.PoBox; if (sourceAddress.IsPreferred) { target.SelectedMailingAddress = OlMailingAddress.olBusiness; } } else { target.OtherAddressCity = sourceAddress.City; target.OtherAddressCountry = sourceAddress.Country; target.OtherAddressPostalCode = sourceAddress.PostalCode; target.OtherAddressState = sourceAddress.Region; target.OtherAddressStreet = sourceAddress.Street; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceAddress.ExtendedAddress)) { target.OtherAddressStreet += "\r\n" + sourceAddress.ExtendedAddress; } target.OtherAddressPostOfficeBox = sourceAddress.PoBox; if (sourceAddress.IsPreferred) { target.SelectedMailingAddress = OlMailingAddress.olOther; } } } }
public static bool IsBlocked(ContactItem item) { if (!File.Exists(OutlookMutexFile)) return false; StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(OutlookMutexFile); try { while (!sr.EndOfStream) { List<string> data = new List<string>(sr.ReadLine().Split(',')); if (data[0] == item.FullName) { return true; } data.RemoveAt(0); if ((data.Contains(item.Email1Address)) || (data.Contains(item.Email2Address)) || (data.Contains(item.Email3Address))) return true; } } finally { sr.Close(); } return false; }
public bool AddFavorite(ContactItem item) { return(true); }
public static void ClearBlockedContact(ContactItem item) { int retries = 0; bool saved = false; bool found = false; List<string> lines = new List<string>(); List<string> linesToSave; string FilePath = OutlookMutexFile; if (!File.Exists(FilePath)) return; StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(FilePath); while (!sr.EndOfStream) { lines.Add(sr.ReadLine()); } sr.Close(); linesToSave = new List<string>(lines); foreach (string line in lines) { List<string> data = new List<string>(line.Split(',')); if (data[0] == item.FullName) { found = true; } else { data.RemoveAt(0); if ((data.Contains(item.Email1Address)) || (data.Contains(item.Email2Address)) || (data.Contains(item.Email3Address))) found = true; } if (found) { linesToSave.Remove(line); //don't break... may have multiple instances //break; } } if (found) { do { try { StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(FilePath); try { foreach (string line in linesToSave) { sw.WriteLine(line); } } finally { sw.Close(); } saved = true; } catch (System.Exception) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(500); retries++; } } while (!saved && retries <= 3); } }
private static void MapPostalAddresses2To1(Contact source, ContactItem target) { target.HomeAddress = string.Empty; target.HomeAddressStreet = string.Empty; target.HomeAddressCity = string.Empty; target.HomeAddressPostalCode = string.Empty; target.HomeAddressCountry = string.Empty; target.HomeAddressState = string.Empty; target.HomeAddressPostOfficeBox = string.Empty; target.BusinessAddress = string.Empty; target.BusinessAddressStreet = string.Empty; target.BusinessAddressCity = string.Empty; target.BusinessAddressPostalCode = string.Empty; target.BusinessAddressCountry = string.Empty; target.BusinessAddressState = string.Empty; target.BusinessAddressPostOfficeBox = string.Empty; target.OtherAddress = string.Empty; target.OtherAddressStreet = string.Empty; target.OtherAddressCity = string.Empty; target.OtherAddressPostalCode = string.Empty; target.OtherAddressCountry = string.Empty; target.OtherAddressState = string.Empty; target.OtherAddressPostOfficeBox = string.Empty; target.SelectedMailingAddress = OlMailingAddress.olNone; foreach (var sourceAddress in source.PostalAddresses) { if (sourceAddress.Rel == ContactsRelationships.IsHome) { target.HomeAddressCity = sourceAddress.City; target.HomeAddressCountry = sourceAddress.Country; target.HomeAddressPostalCode = sourceAddress.Postcode; target.HomeAddressState = sourceAddress.Region; target.HomeAddressStreet = sourceAddress.Street; target.HomeAddressPostOfficeBox = sourceAddress.Pobox; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(target.HomeAddress)) { target.HomeAddress = sourceAddress.FormattedAddress; } if (sourceAddress.Primary) { target.SelectedMailingAddress = OlMailingAddress.olHome; } } else if (sourceAddress.Rel == ContactsRelationships.IsWork) { target.BusinessAddressCity = sourceAddress.City; target.BusinessAddressCountry = sourceAddress.Country; target.BusinessAddressPostalCode = sourceAddress.Postcode; target.BusinessAddressState = sourceAddress.Region; target.BusinessAddressStreet = sourceAddress.Street; target.BusinessAddressPostOfficeBox = sourceAddress.Pobox; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(target.BusinessAddress)) { target.BusinessAddress = sourceAddress.FormattedAddress; } if (sourceAddress.Primary) { target.SelectedMailingAddress = OlMailingAddress.olBusiness; } } else { target.OtherAddressCity = sourceAddress.City; target.OtherAddressCountry = sourceAddress.Country; target.OtherAddressPostalCode = sourceAddress.Postcode; target.OtherAddressState = sourceAddress.Region; target.OtherAddressStreet = sourceAddress.Street; target.OtherAddressPostOfficeBox = sourceAddress.Pobox; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(target.OtherAddress)) { target.OtherAddress = sourceAddress.FormattedAddress; } if (sourceAddress.Primary) { target.SelectedMailingAddress = OlMailingAddress.olOther; } } } }
private void SyncContact(Contact gContact, ContactItem item, Config.Direction dir) { if (dir == Config.Direction.dirToGoogle) { googleAdapter.UpdateContactFromOutlook(item, gContact); } else { outlookAdapter.UpdateContactFromGoogle(gContact, item); } }
private static void MapEmailAddresses1To2(ContactItem source, Contact target, IEntityMappingLogger logger) { target.Emails.Clear(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.Email1Address)) { string email1Address = string.Empty; if (source.Email1AddressType == "EX") { try { email1Address = source.GetPropertySafe(PR_EMAIL1ADDRESS); } catch (COMException ex) { s_logger.Warn("Could not get property PR_EMAIL1ADDRESS for Email1Address", ex); logger.LogMappingWarning("Could not get property PR_EMAIL1ADDRESS for Email1Address", ex); } } else { email1Address = source.Email1Address; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(email1Address)) { target.Emails.Add(new EMail() { Primary = true, Address = email1Address, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsWork, }); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.Email2Address)) { string email2Address = string.Empty; if (source.Email2AddressType == "EX") { try { email2Address = source.GetPropertySafe(PR_EMAIL2ADDRESS); } catch (COMException ex) { s_logger.Warn("Could not get property PR_EMAIL2ADDRESS for Email2Address", ex); logger.LogMappingWarning("Could not get property PR_EMAIL2ADDRESS for Email2Address", ex); } } else { email2Address = source.Email2Address; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(email2Address)) { target.Emails.Add(new EMail() { Primary = (target.Emails.Count == 0), Address = email2Address, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsHome, }); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.Email3Address)) { string email3Address = string.Empty; if (source.Email3AddressType == "EX") { try { email3Address = source.GetPropertySafe(PR_EMAIL3ADDRESS); } catch (COMException ex) { s_logger.Warn("Could not get property PR_EMAIL3ADDRESS for Email3Address", ex); logger.LogMappingWarning("Could not get property PR_EMAIL3ADDRESS for Email3Address", ex); } } else { email3Address = source.Email3Address; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(email3Address)) { target.Emails.Add(new EMail() { Primary = (target.Emails.Count == 0), Address = email3Address, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsOther, }); } } }
public void OutlookSynched(object sender, ContactItem contact, int current, int total) { ntfIcon.Text = "Google->Outlook " + current.ToString() + " of " + total.ToString(); //logger ("Google->Outlook " + current.ToString() + " of " + total.ToString()); }
private static void MapPhoneNumbers1To2(ContactItem source, Contact target) { target.Phonenumbers.Clear(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.PrimaryTelephoneNumber)) { target.Phonenumbers.Add(new PhoneNumber() { Value = source.PrimaryTelephoneNumber, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsMain, Primary = true, }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.MobileTelephoneNumber)) { target.Phonenumbers.Add(new PhoneNumber() { Value = source.MobileTelephoneNumber, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsMobile, Primary = target.Phonenumbers.Count == 0, }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.HomeTelephoneNumber)) { target.Phonenumbers.Add(new PhoneNumber() { Value = source.HomeTelephoneNumber, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsHome, Primary = target.Phonenumbers.Count == 0, }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.Home2TelephoneNumber)) { target.Phonenumbers.Add(new PhoneNumber() { Value = source.Home2TelephoneNumber, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsHome, Primary = target.Phonenumbers.Count == 0, }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.HomeFaxNumber)) { target.Phonenumbers.Add(new PhoneNumber() { Value = source.HomeFaxNumber, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsHomeFax, Primary = target.Phonenumbers.Count == 0, }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.BusinessTelephoneNumber)) { target.Phonenumbers.Add(new PhoneNumber() { Value = source.BusinessTelephoneNumber, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsWork, Primary = target.Phonenumbers.Count == 0, }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.Business2TelephoneNumber)) { target.Phonenumbers.Add(new PhoneNumber() { Value = source.Business2TelephoneNumber, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsWork, Primary = target.Phonenumbers.Count == 0, }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.BusinessFaxNumber)) { target.Phonenumbers.Add(new PhoneNumber() { Value = source.BusinessFaxNumber, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsWorkFax, Primary = target.Phonenumbers.Count == 0, }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.PagerNumber)) { target.Phonenumbers.Add(new PhoneNumber() { Value = source.PagerNumber, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsPager, Primary = target.Phonenumbers.Count == 0, }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.CarTelephoneNumber)) { target.Phonenumbers.Add(new PhoneNumber() { Value = source.CarTelephoneNumber, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsCar, Primary = target.Phonenumbers.Count == 0, }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.ISDNNumber)) { target.Phonenumbers.Add(new PhoneNumber() { Value = source.ISDNNumber, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsISDN, Primary = target.Phonenumbers.Count == 0, }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.OtherTelephoneNumber)) { target.Phonenumbers.Add(new PhoneNumber() { Value = source.OtherTelephoneNumber, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsOther, Primary = target.Phonenumbers.Count == 0, }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.OtherFaxNumber)) { target.Phonenumbers.Add(new PhoneNumber() { Value = source.OtherFaxNumber, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsOtherFax, Primary = target.Phonenumbers.Count == 0, }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(source.AssistantTelephoneNumber)) { target.Phonenumbers.Add(new PhoneNumber() { Value = source.AssistantTelephoneNumber, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsAssistant, Primary = target.Phonenumbers.Count == 0, }); } }
public static int SaveContact(ContactItem item) { return ContactItemRepositoryADO.SaveTask(item); }
/// <summary> /// Merges the with. /// </summary> /// <param name="googleContact">The google contact.</param> /// <param name="outlookContact">The outlook contact.</param> /// <param name="googleGroups">The google groups.</param> /// <returns> /// True if Changed. /// </returns> public static bool MergeWith(this Contact googleContact, ContactItem outlookContact, IEnumerable<Group> googleGroups) { var result = false; result |= googleContact.Name.ApplyProperty(c => c.FullName, outlookContact.FullName); result |= googleContact.Name.ApplyProperty(c => c.GivenName, outlookContact.FirstName); result |= googleContact.Name.ApplyProperty(c => c.FamilyName, outlookContact.LastName); if (outlookContact.Email1AddressType != "EX") result |= googleContact.Emails.Merge(new EMail { Address = outlookContact.Email1Address, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsOther }); if (outlookContact.Email2AddressType != "EX") result |= googleContact.Emails.Merge(new EMail { Address = outlookContact.Email2Address, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsOther }); if (outlookContact.Email3AddressType != "EX") result |= googleContact.Emails.Merge(new EMail { Address = outlookContact.Email3Address, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsOther }); result |= googleContact.Phonenumbers.Merge(new PhoneNumber { Value = outlookContact.HomeTelephoneNumber, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsHome }); result |= googleContact.Phonenumbers.Merge(new PhoneNumber { Value = outlookContact.Home2TelephoneNumber, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsHome }); result |= googleContact.Phonenumbers.Merge(new PhoneNumber { Value = outlookContact.HomeFaxNumber, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsHomeFax }); result |= googleContact.Phonenumbers.Merge(new PhoneNumber { Value = outlookContact.BusinessTelephoneNumber, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsWork }); result |= googleContact.Phonenumbers.Merge(new PhoneNumber { Value = outlookContact.Business2TelephoneNumber, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsWork }); result |= googleContact.Phonenumbers.Merge(new PhoneNumber { Value = outlookContact.BusinessFaxNumber, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsWorkFax }); result |= googleContact.Phonenumbers.Merge(new PhoneNumber { Value = outlookContact.OtherTelephoneNumber, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsOther }); result |= googleContact.Phonenumbers.Merge(new PhoneNumber { Value = outlookContact.OtherFaxNumber, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsFax }); result |= googleContact.Phonenumbers.Merge(new PhoneNumber { Value = outlookContact.MobileTelephoneNumber, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsMobile }); if (!googleContact.Phonenumbers.Any(p => p.Primary)) googleContact.Phonenumbers.FirstOrInstance(p => p.Value == outlookContact.PrimaryTelephoneNumber).Primary = true; result |= googleContact.ContactEntry.PostalAddresses.Merge(new StructuredPostalAddress { Street = outlookContact.HomeAddressStreet, City = outlookContact.HomeAddressCity, Country = outlookContact.HomeAddressCountry, Pobox = outlookContact.HomeAddressPostOfficeBox, Postcode = outlookContact.HomeAddressPostalCode, Region = outlookContact.HomeAddressState, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsHome }); result |= googleContact.ContactEntry.PostalAddresses.Merge(new StructuredPostalAddress { Street = outlookContact.BusinessAddressStreet, City = outlookContact.BusinessAddressCity, Country = outlookContact.BusinessAddressCountry, Pobox = outlookContact.BusinessAddressPostOfficeBox, Postcode = outlookContact.BusinessAddressPostalCode, Region = outlookContact.BusinessAddressState, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsWork }); result |= googleContact.ContactEntry.PostalAddresses.Merge(new StructuredPostalAddress { Street = outlookContact.OtherAddressStreet, City = outlookContact.OtherAddressCity, Country = outlookContact.OtherAddressCountry, Pobox = outlookContact.OtherAddressPostOfficeBox, Postcode = outlookContact.OtherAddressPostalCode, Region = outlookContact.OtherAddressState, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsOther }); if (!googleContact.PostalAddresses.Any(p => p.Primary)) { googleContact.PostalAddresses.FirstOrInstance(p => outlookContact.MailingAddressStreet.StartsWith(p.Street) && p.City == outlookContact.MailingAddressCity && p.Country == outlookContact.MailingAddressCountry && p.Pobox == outlookContact.MailingAddressPostOfficeBox && p.Postcode == outlookContact.MailingAddressPostalCode && p.Region == outlookContact.MailingAddressState).Primary = true; } if (outlookContact.Birthday != default(DateTime) && outlookContact.Birthday.Year > 1000 && outlookContact.Birthday.Year < 2500) { var birth = outlookContact.Birthday.Year == default(DateTime).Year ? outlookContact.Birthday.ToString(DateFormats[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : outlookContact.Birthday.ToString(DateFormats[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); result |= googleContact.ContactEntry.ApplyProperty(c => c.Birthday, birth); } result |= googleContact.ContactEntry.ApplyProperty(c => c.BillingInformation, outlookContact.BillingInformation); result |= googleContact.IMs.Merge(new IMAddress { Address = outlookContact.IMAddress, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsOther }); result |= googleContact.ContactEntry.ApplyProperty(c => c.Initials, outlookContact.Initials); result |= googleContact.ContactEntry.ApplyProperty(c => c.Language, outlookContact.Language); result |= googleContact.ContactEntry.ApplyProperty(c => c.Mileage, outlookContact.Mileage); result |= googleContact.ContactEntry.ApplyProperty(c => c.Nickname, outlookContact.NickName); result |= googleContact.ContactEntry.Websites.Merge(new Website { Href = outlookContact.PersonalHomePage, Rel = "home-page" }); result |= googleContact.ContactEntry.Websites.Merge(new Website { Href = outlookContact.BusinessHomePage, Rel = "work" }); result |= googleContact.ContactEntry.Websites.Merge(new Website { Href = outlookContact.WebPage, Rel = "other" }); result |= googleContact.ContactEntry.Organizations.Merge(new Organization { Name = outlookContact.CompanyName, Department = outlookContact.Department, Title = outlookContact.Profession, Rel = ContactsRelationships.IsWork }); // Syncing Groups/Categories if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(outlookContact.Categories)) { result |= googleContact.GroupMembership.Merge(outlookContact.Categories.Split(';').Select(c => c.Trim()), googleGroups); } return result; }
private void UpdateContactDataFromGoogle(Contact gContact, ContactItem oContact) { if (gContact.Organizations.Count > 0) { oContact.CompanyName = gContact.Organizations[0].Name; oContact.JobTitle = gContact.Organizations[0].Title; } //oContact.WebPage = gContact.weex var qryBusinessAddress = gContact.PostalAddresses.Where(p => !p.Home); if (qryBusinessAddress.Count() > 0) { oContact.BusinessAddress = qryBusinessAddress.First().Value; } else oContact.BusinessAddress = ""; var qryHomeAddress = gContact.PostalAddresses.Where(p => p.Home); if (qryHomeAddress.Count() > 0) { oContact.HomeAddress = qryHomeAddress.First().Value; } else oContact.HomeAddress = ""; try { oContact.Email1Address = gContact.Emails[0].Address; oContact.Email1DisplayName = gContact.Title; } catch { oContact.Email1Address = ""; oContact.Email1DisplayName = ""; } try { oContact.Email2Address = gContact.Emails[1].Address; oContact.Email2DisplayName = gContact.Title; } catch { oContact.Email2Address = ""; oContact.Email2DisplayName = ""; } try { oContact.Email3Address = gContact.Emails[2].Address; oContact.Email3DisplayName = gContact.Title; } catch { oContact.Email3Address = ""; oContact.Email3DisplayName = ""; } if (gContact.PrimaryEmail != null) { if (gContact.Title != gContact.PrimaryEmail.Address) { oContact.FullName = gContact.Title; } } else { oContact.FullName = gContact.Title; } var qryBusinessPhone = gContact.Phonenumbers.Where(p => p.Work); if (qryBusinessPhone.Count() > 0) { oContact.BusinessTelephoneNumber = qryBusinessPhone.First().Value; } else oContact.BusinessTelephoneNumber = ""; var qryHomePhone = gContact.Phonenumbers.Where(p => p.Home); if (qryHomePhone.Count() > 0) { oContact.HomeTelephoneNumber = qryHomePhone.First().Value; } else oContact.HomeTelephoneNumber = ""; var qryWorkFax = gContact.Phonenumbers.Where(p => p.Rel == ContactsRelationships.IsWorkFax); if (qryWorkFax.Count() > 0) { oContact.BusinessFaxNumber = qryWorkFax.First().Value; } else oContact.BusinessFaxNumber = ""; var qryHomeFax = gContact.Phonenumbers.Where(p => p.Rel == ContactsRelationships.IsHomeFax); if (qryHomeFax.Count() > 0) { oContact.HomeFaxNumber = qryHomeFax.First().Value; } else oContact.HomeFaxNumber = ""; var qryMobile = gContact.Phonenumbers.Where(p => p.Rel == ContactsRelationships.IsMobile); if (qryMobile.Count() > 0) { oContact.MobileTelephoneNumber = qryMobile.First().Value; } else oContact.MobileTelephoneNumber = ""; oContact.Save(); }
public int SaveItem(ContactItem item) { int r; lock (locker) { if (item.ID != 0) { connection = new SqliteConnection ("Data Source=" + path); connection.Open (); using (var command = connection.CreateCommand ()) { command.CommandText = "UPDATE [Items] SET [Name] = ?, [Surname] = ?, [Number] = ?, [Path] = ? WHERE [_id] = ?;"; command.Parameters.Add (new SqliteParameter (DbType.String) { Value = item.Name }); command.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(DbType.String) { Value = item.Surname }); command.Parameters.Add (new SqliteParameter (DbType.String) { Value = item.Number }); command.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(DbType.String) { Value = item.Path }); command.Parameters.Add (new SqliteParameter (DbType.Int32) { Value = item.ID }); r = command.ExecuteNonQuery (); } connection.Close (); return r; } else { connection = new SqliteConnection ("Data Source=" + path); connection.Open (); using (var command = connection.CreateCommand ()) { command.CommandText = "INSERT INTO [Items] ([Name], [Surname], [Number], [Path]) VALUES (? ,?, ?, ?)"; command.Parameters.Add (new SqliteParameter (DbType.String) { Value = item.Name }); command.Parameters.Add(new SqliteParameter(DbType.String) { Value = item.Surname }); command.Parameters.Add (new SqliteParameter (DbType.String) { Value = item.Number }); command.Parameters.Add (new SqliteParameter(DbType.String) { Value = item.Path }); r = command.ExecuteNonQuery (); } connection.Close (); return r; } } }
public void UpdateContactFromGoogle(Contact gContact, ContactItem oContact) { if (oContact == null) { var qryC = Contacts.Where(c => c.FullName == gContact.Title || gContact.Emails.Contains(new EMail(c.Email1Address), new EmailComparer()) || gContact.Emails.Contains(new EMail(c.Email2Address), new EmailComparer()) || gContact.Emails.Contains(new EMail(c.Email3Address), new EmailComparer())); if (qryC.Count() > 0) { oContact = qryC.First(); } else { CreateContactFromGoogle(gContact); return; } } UpdateContactDataFromGoogle(gContact, oContact); }
/// <summary>Convert from DataReader to Task object</summary> ContactItem FromReader(SqliteDataReader r) { var t = new ContactItem(); t.ID = Convert.ToInt32(r ["_id"]); t.Name = r ["Name"].ToString(); t.Surname = r["Surname"].ToString(); t.Number = r ["Number"].ToString(); t.Path = r["Path"].ToString(); return t; }
/// <summary> /// Syncs the outlook contact. /// </summary> /// <param name="outlookContact">The outlook contact.</param> /// <param name="googleContacts">The google contacts.</param> private void SyncOutlookContact(ContactItem outlookContact, IEnumerable<Contact> googleContacts) { var mergeables = googleContacts.Mergeable(outlookContact).ToList(); // continue with next, if modificationdate is older then other side. if (ApplicationData.ContactBehavior == ContactBehavior.Automatic && mergeables.Any() && outlookContact.LastModificationTime < mergeables.First().ContactEntry.Edited.DateValue) return; // Get or Create Contact and merge informations Contact googleContact; var googleGroups = Repository.GoogleData.GetGroups(); if (mergeables.Any()) { googleContact = mergeables.First(); var changed = googleContact.MergeWith(outlookContact, googleGroups); if (changed) this.Repository.GoogleData.ContactsRequest.Update(googleContact); } else { googleContact = new Contact(); googleContact.MergeWith(outlookContact, googleGroups); this.Repository.GoogleData.ContactsRequest.Insert(ApplicationData.GoogleContactsUri, googleContact); } // Set GoogleId and Picture var outlookChanged = outlookContact.UserProperties.SetProperty("GoogleId", googleContact.Id); if (ApplicationData.ContactBehavior != ContactBehavior.GoogleOverOutlook && outlookContact.HasNewPicture()) { try { this.Repository.GoogleData.ContactsRequest.SetPhoto(googleContact, outlookContact.GetPicture(), "image/jpg"); googleContact = this.Repository.GoogleData.ContactsRequest.Retrieve(googleContact); outlookChanged |= outlookContact.UserProperties.SetProperty("GooglePicture", googleContact.PhotoEtag); } catch (IOException ex) { Debug.Write(ex.Message); new EventLogPermission(EventLogPermissionAccess.Administer, ".").PermitOnly(); EventLog.WriteEntry("GoogleSync Addin", ex.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Warning); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { Debug.Write(ex.Message); new EventLogPermission(EventLogPermissionAccess.Administer, ".").PermitOnly(); EventLog.WriteEntry("GoogleSync Addin", ex.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Warning); } } if (outlookChanged) outlookContact.Save(); }
/// <summary> /// Asynchronously sends invitation to each of the users specified. /// </summary> private async Task InviteAsync( ActionLink actionLink, AuthTicket authTicket, ContactItem contact, WorkflowInvitationDto model, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (actionLink == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(actionLink)); } if (model == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(model)); } if (model.Action == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("An action link with the given ID was not found."); } if (model.To == null || model.To.Length == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("At least one person is required for invitation."); } var invActionLinkParams = _actionLinkService.DecodeLink(model.Action); var action = await _projectManager.GetActionByIdAsync(invActionLinkParams.ActionId, cancellationToken); if (action == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"The specified action link was not found: {invActionLinkParams.ToString()}"); } var project = await _projectManager.FindByIdAsync(action.Project.Id, cancellationToken); var context = Request.Properties["MS_HttpContext"] as HttpContextWrapper; var logEvent = context.Request.CreateEvent(); var invitation = new ProjectInvitation { From = contact, Message = model.Message, To = model.To.Select(c => c.ToContact()) }; var properties = new PropertyDictionary { { "Invitation", invitation } }; foreach (var to in invitation.To.Where(to => to != null)) { var eventItem = new EventItem { AnonymId = logEvent.AnonymId, Project = project, ClientId = logEvent.ClientId, CustomUri = actionLink.CustomUri, BrowserBrand = logEvent.BrowserBrand, BrowserVersion = logEvent.BrowserVersion, MobileDevice = logEvent.MobileDevice, ReferrerUrl = logEvent.ReferrerUrl }; await _workflowInvoker.InvokeAsync(new ActionActivityContext( project : project, action : action, authTicket : authTicket, contact : to, contactState : ObjectState.Unchanged, properties : properties, eventItem : eventItem), cancellationToken); } }