Пример #1
    protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps)
        // Copy entities to the native arrays
        var ctj = new CopyTransformsToJob()
            positions = this.positions,
            rotations = this.rotations
        var ctjHandle = ctj.Schedule(this, inputDeps);

        // Count Neigthbours

        var cnj = new CountNeighboursJob()
            positions         = this.positions,
            rotations         = this.rotations,
            neighbours        = this.neighbours,
            maxNeighbours     = this.maxNeighbours,
            neighbourDistance = bootstrap.neighbourDistance
        var cnjHandle = cnj.Schedule(this, ctjHandle);

        var seperationJob = new SeperationJob()
            positions     = this.positions,
            maxNeighbours = this.maxNeighbours,
            neighbours    = this.neighbours,
            weight        = bootstrap.seperationWeight

        var sjHandle = seperationJob.Schedule(this, cnjHandle);

        var alignmentJob = new AlignmentJob()
            positions     = this.positions,
            rotations     = this.rotations,
            maxNeighbours = this.maxNeighbours,
            neighbours    = this.neighbours,
            weight        = bootstrap.alignmentWeight

        var ajHandle = alignmentJob.Schedule(this, sjHandle);

        var cohesionJob = new CohesionJob()
            positions     = this.positions,
            maxNeighbours = this.maxNeighbours,
            neighbours    = this.neighbours,
            weight        = bootstrap.cohesionWeight

        var cjHandle = cohesionJob.Schedule(this, ajHandle);

        var ran       = new Unity.Mathematics.Random((uint)UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 100000));
        var wanderJob = new WanderJob()
            dT     = Time.deltaTime * bootstrap.speed,
            random = ran,
            weight = bootstrap.wanderWeight

        var wjHandle = wanderJob.Schedule(this, cjHandle);

        var constrainJob = new ConstrainJob()
            positions = this.positions,
            centre    = bootstrap.transform.position,
            radius    = bootstrap.radius,
            weight    = bootstrap.constrainWeight

        var constrainHandle = constrainJob.Schedule(this, wjHandle);

        var fleeJob = new FleeJob()
            positions = this.positions,
            enemyPos  = Camera.main.transform.position,
            distance  = bootstrap.fleeDistance,
            weight    = bootstrap.fleeWeight

        var fleeHandle = fleeJob.Schedule(this, constrainHandle);

        // Integrate the forces
        var boidJob = new BoidJob()
            positions = this.positions,
            rotations = this.rotations,
            speeds    = this.speeds,
            dT        = Time.deltaTime * bootstrap.speed,
            damping   = 0.01f,
            banking   = 0.00f
        var boidHandle = boidJob.Schedule(this, fleeHandle);

        // Animate the head and tail
        var headJob = new HeadJob()
            positions = this.positions,
            rotations = this.rotations,
            speeds    = this.speeds,
            dT        = Time.deltaTime * bootstrap.speed,
            amplitude = bootstrap.headAmplitude,
            frequency = bootstrap.animationFrequency,
            size      = bootstrap.size

        var headHandle = headJob.Schedule(this, boidHandle);// Animate the head and tail

        var tailJob = new TailJob()
            positions = this.positions,
            rotations = this.rotations,
            speeds    = this.speeds,
            dT        = Time.deltaTime * bootstrap.speed,
            amplitude = bootstrap.tailAmplitude,
            frequency = bootstrap.animationFrequency,
            size      = bootstrap.size

        var tailHandle = tailJob.Schedule(this, headHandle);

        // Copy back to the entities
        var cfj = new CopyTransformsFromJob()
            positions = this.positions,
            rotations = this.rotations

        return(cfj.Schedule(this, tailHandle));
Пример #2
    protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps)
        Unity.Mathematics.Random ran = new Unity.Mathematics.Random((uint)UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 100000));

        // Copy entities to the native arrays
        var ctj = new CopyTransformsToJob()
            positions = this.positions,
            rotations = this.rotations
        var ctjHandle = ctj.Schedule(this, inputDeps);

        var partitionJob = new PartitionSpaceJob()
            positions   = this.positions,
            cells       = this.cells.ToConcurrent(),
            threedcells = bootstrap.threedcells,
            cellSize    = bootstrap.cellSize,
            gridSize    = bootstrap.gridSize

        var partitionHandle = partitionJob.Schedule(bootstrap.numBoids, 50, ctjHandle);

        // Count Neigthbours

        var cnj = new CountNeighboursJob()
            positions         = this.positions,
            rotations         = this.rotations,
            neighbours        = this.neighbours,
            maxNeighbours     = bootstrap.totalNeighbours,
            cells             = this.cells,
            cellSize          = bootstrap.cellSize,
            gridSize          = bootstrap.gridSize,
            usePatritioning   = bootstrap.usePartitioning,
            neighbourDistance = bootstrap.neighbourDistance
        var cnjHandle = cnj.Schedule(this, partitionHandle);

        var seperationJob = new SeperationJob()
            positions     = SpineSystem.Instance.positions,
            spineLength   = bootstrap.spineLength,
            spineOffset   = bootstrap.spineLength / 2,
            maxNeighbours = this.maxNeighbours,
            random        = ran,
            neighbours    = this.neighbours,
            weight        = bootstrap.seperationWeight

        var sjHandle = seperationJob.Schedule(this, cnjHandle);

        var alignmentJob = new AlignmentJob()
            positions     = this.positions,
            rotations     = this.rotations,
            maxNeighbours = this.maxNeighbours,
            neighbours    = this.neighbours,
            weight        = bootstrap.alignmentWeight

        var ajHandle = alignmentJob.Schedule(this, sjHandle);

        var cohesionJob = new CohesionJob()
            positions     = this.positions,
            maxNeighbours = this.maxNeighbours,
            neighbours    = this.neighbours,
            weight        = bootstrap.cohesionWeight

        var cjHandle = cohesionJob.Schedule(this, ajHandle);

        var wanderJob = new WanderJob()
            dT     = Time.deltaTime * bootstrap.speed,
            random = ran,
            weight = bootstrap.wanderWeight

        var wjHandle = wanderJob.Schedule(this, cjHandle);

        var constrainJob = new ConstrainJob()
            positions = this.positions,
            centre    = bootstrap.constrainPosition,
            radius    = bootstrap.radius,
            weight    = bootstrap.constrainWeight

        var constrainHandle = constrainJob.Schedule(this, wjHandle);

        var fleeJob = new FleeJob()
            positions = this.positions,
            enemyPos  = Camera.main.transform.position,
            distance  = bootstrap.fleeDistance,
            weight    = bootstrap.fleeWeight

        var fleeHandle = fleeJob.Schedule(this, constrainHandle);

        var seekJob = new SeekJob()
            positions = this.positions,
            targetPos = Camera.main.transform.position,
            weight    = bootstrap.seekWeight

        var seekHandle = seekJob.Schedule(this, fleeHandle);

        // Integrate the forces
        var boidJob = new BoidJob()
            positions      = this.positions,
            rotations      = this.rotations,
            speeds         = this.speeds,
            dT             = Time.deltaTime * bootstrap.speed,
            damping        = 0.01f,
            limitUpAndDown = bootstrap.limitUpAndDown,
            banking        = 0.01f
        var boidHandle = boidJob.Schedule(this, seekHandle);

        // Copy back to the entities
        var cfj = new CopyTransformsFromJob()
            positions = this.positions,
            rotations = this.rotations

        return(cfj.Schedule(this, boidHandle));