public RegressionControl(Constants.EnPITypes type) { classLevelType = type; InitializeComponent(); switch (type) { case Constants.EnPITypes.Actual: this.label2.Visible = false; this.checkedListBox2.Visible = false; this.listBox2.Visible = false; this.label6.Visible = false; this.lblReportYear.Visible = false; this.listBox3.Visible = false; this.label3.Visible = true; this.checkedListBox3.Visible = true; this.label4.Visible = true; this.checkedListBox4.Visible = true; selectedType = Constants.EnPITypes.Actual; break; case Constants.EnPITypes.Backcast: this.listBox1.Visible = true; this.label5.Visible = true; selectedType = Constants.EnPITypes.Backcast; break; default: // this is for regression this.label3.Visible = false; this.checkedListBox3.Visible = false; this.label4.Visible = false; this.checkedListBox4.Visible = false; break; } //only show partial title for this pane if coming from the wizard - ticket #66438 if (Globals.ThisAddIn.fromWizard) { this.lblRegressionTitle.Text = "Step 5: Select Data for Calculations"; } else { this.lblRegressionTitle.Text = "Select Data for Calculations"; } DataLO = ((Excel.Range)Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.Selection).ListObject; if (DataLO == null) { DataLO = ((Excel.Worksheet)Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveSheet).ListObjects[1]; } }
public void LaunchRegressionControl(Constants.EnPITypes type) { if (Globals.ThisAddIn.wizardPane.Visible) { Globals.ThisAddIn.hideWizard(); } RegressionControl newControl = new RegressionControl(type); Globals.ThisAddIn.CustomTaskPanes.Remove(Globals.ThisAddIn.wizardPane); Globals.ThisAddIn.wizardPane = Globals.ThisAddIn.CustomTaskPanes.Add(newControl, "Select Energy Sources"); newControl.Open(); if (!Globals.ThisAddIn.wizardPane.Visible) { Globals.ThisAddIn.showWizard(); } }
private void runPlot(Constants.EnPITypes method, params Excel.Range[] rngSelected) { Excel.Worksheet thisSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveSheet; Excel.ListObject thisList; Excel.Range year1; //Excel.Range year2; // check for list object; if one doesn't exist, run the table wizard if (thisSheet.ListObjects.Count == 0) { if (!run_TableWizard(thisSheet)) { return; } } var defRange = System.Type.Missing; // prompt user for years to use if (rngSelected != null) { defRange = rngSelected[0].get_Address(System.Type.Missing, System.Type.Missing, Excel.XlReferenceStyle.xlA1, System.Type.Missing, System.Type.Missing); } try { year1 = prompt_YearRange(rsc.GetString("selectYear1"), rsc.GetString("selectYear"), defRange); //year2 = prompt_YearRange(rsc.GetString("selectYear2"), rsc.GetString("selectYear"), System.Type.Missing); thisList = year1.ListObject; } catch (InvalidCastException e) { return; } if (method == Constants.EnPITypes.Actual) { Globals.ThisAddIn.actualEnPI(thisList);// thisSheet, } }
private void run(Constants.EnPITypes method) { }