Пример #1
		public void ChangeConstantFieldParent(int FieldNumber, int ParentNumber)
			ConstantPoolMethodInfo FieldRef = (ConstantPoolMethodInfo)FConstantPool.Item(FieldNumber);

			FieldRef.SetParent((ushort)ParentNumber, FConstantPool);
Пример #2
		public void ChangeConstantFieldType(int FieldNumber, string OldParentName, string NewParentName)
			// takes an index into the constantpool
			// simple changes the name of a method/field in the constant pool
			// always create new name 
			// TODO: check this!

			ConstantPoolMethodInfo FieldRef = (ConstantPoolMethodInfo)FConstantPool.Item(FieldNumber);
			string OldName = FieldRef.NameAndType.Descriptor;
			string NewName = Common.FixDescriptor(FieldRef.NameAndType.Descriptor, OldParentName, NewParentName);

			if (OldName == NewName)

			ConstantUtf8Info NewTypeString = new ConstantUtf8Info(NewName);
			ushort NewTypeIndex = FConstantPool.Add(NewTypeString);

			FieldRef.NameAndType.SetType(NewTypeIndex, FConstantPool);
Пример #3
		public void ChangeConstantFieldName(int FieldNumber, string NewName)
			// takes an index into the constantpool
			// simple changes the name of a method/field in the constant pool
			// always create new name 
			// TODO: check this!

			ConstantPoolMethodInfo FieldRef = (ConstantPoolMethodInfo)FConstantPool.Item(FieldNumber);

			ConstantUtf8Info NewNameString = new ConstantUtf8Info(NewName);
			ushort NewNameIndex = FConstantPool.Add(NewNameString);

			// we have to make a new one !
			// add a new string constant to the pool
			ConstantNameAndTypeInfo NewNaT = new ConstantNameAndTypeInfo(NewNameIndex, FieldRef.NameAndType.TypeIndex, FConstantPool);

			ushort NewIndex = FConstantPool.Add(NewNaT);

			// set the method its new name
			FieldRef.SetNameAndType(NewIndex, FConstantPool);
			FieldRef.NameAndType.References = 1;
Пример #4
		/// <summary>
		/// This function runs over a class, fixing up any references from a deobfuscated file.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="Index">This is the index of the ClassFile to have its references updated</param>
		/// <param name="ChangeList">This is a list of before/after values from a previously deobfuscated file</param>
		private void FixReferencePass1(int Index, ArrayList ChangeList, ArrayList OwnerChangeList)
			/* the first pass does the following:
			 *  - replaces the Super Class name (if it needs replacing)
			 *  - replaces any constant method/field names (if they need replacing)
			 *  - replaces the class field names (if needed)
			 * it does NOT change the original class name */
			TClassFile ClassFile = (TClassFile)FClassFiles[Index];

			if (ClassFile == null)

			// - ChangeList[0] is always a string, which is the parent name of the deobfuscated class
			// - ChangeList[1] is always the deobfuscated (new) class name... yes i know this is lame :P
			string OldParentName = (string)ChangeList[0];
			string NewParentName = (string)ChangeList[1];

			// check the Super class name if it needs renaming
			if (ClassFile.SuperClassName == OldParentName)

			// loop through the constant pool for field/method references
			// check the parent of each, and if the parent is the class we have
			// just modified, try and match it to one of the changes
			// in the changearray
			for (int i = 0; i < ClassFile.ConstantPool.MaxItems(); i++)
				if (ClassFile.ConstantPool.Item(i) is ConstantPoolMethodInfo)
					ConstantPoolMethodInfo ci = (ConstantPoolMethodInfo)ClassFile.ConstantPool.Item(i);

					// check its parent
					if (ci.ParentClass.Name == OldParentName || ci.ParentClass.Name == NewParentName)
						// check the descriptor
						// - for fields this is the field type
						// - for methods this is the parameter list

						// if parents are the same, check the name and descriptor 
						// against the list of originals
						for (int j = 2; j < ChangeList.Count; j++)
							if ((ChangeList[j] is TMethodChangeRecord) && (ci is ConstantMethodrefInfo || ci is ConstantInterfaceMethodrefInfo))
								if (ci is ConstantInterfaceMethodrefInfo)
									// handle interface references differently
									TMethodChangeRecord mcr = (TMethodChangeRecord)ChangeList[j];

									// if found update it to the overridden version
									if (mcr.OriginalMethod.Name.Value == ci.NameAndType.Name &&
										mcr.OriginalMethod.Descriptor == ci.NameAndType.Descriptor)
										// find the overridden version
										for (int k = 2; k < OwnerChangeList.Count; k++)
											if (OwnerChangeList[k] is TMethodChangeRecord)
												TMethodChangeRecord mcr2 = (TMethodChangeRecord)OwnerChangeList[k];
												if (mcr2.OriginalMethod.Name.Value == mcr.OriginalMethod.Name.Value &&
													mcr2.OriginalMethod.Descriptor == mcr.OriginalMethod.Descriptor)
													ClassFile.ChangeConstantFieldName(i, mcr2.NewMethod.Name.Value);
									TMethodChangeRecord mcr = (TMethodChangeRecord)ChangeList[j];

									// if found update it to the new version...
									if (mcr.OriginalMethod.Name.Value == ci.NameAndType.Name &&
										mcr.OriginalMethod.Descriptor == ci.NameAndType.Descriptor)
										ClassFile.ChangeConstantFieldName(i, mcr.NewMethod.Name.Value);
							else if ((ChangeList[j] is TFieldChangeRecord) && (ci is ConstantFieldrefInfo))
								TFieldChangeRecord fcr = (TFieldChangeRecord)ChangeList[j];

								// if found update it to the new version...
								if (fcr.OriginalField.Name.Value == ci.NameAndType.Name &&
									fcr.OriginalField.Descriptor == ci.NameAndType.Descriptor)
									ClassFile.ChangeConstantFieldName(i, fcr.NewField.Name.Value);

			// also loop through the Fields array to change all the Types
			for (int i = 0; i < ClassFile.Fields.MaxItems(); i++)
				ClassFile.ChangeFieldType(i, OldParentName, NewParentName);
			// do the same for methods (fix the parameter list)
			for (int i = 0; i < ClassFile.Methods.MaxItems(); i++)
				ClassFile.ChangeMethodParam(i, OldParentName, NewParentName);
			// and the same for all the interfaces
			for (int i = 0; i < ClassFile.Interfaces.Items.Count; i++)
				if (ClassFile.Interfaces.Item(i).Name == OldParentName)
					ClassFile.ChangeInterfaceName(i, NewParentName);