private void BGradeUpCommand(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { var player = arg?.Player(); if (player == null) { return; } if (!player.HasAnyPermission(_registeredPermissions)) { player.ChatMessage("Permission".Lang(player.UserIDString)); return; } BGradePlayer bgradePlayer; if (!BGradePlayer.Players.TryGetValue(player, out bgradePlayer)) { bgradePlayer = player.gameObject.AddComponent <BGradePlayer>(); } var grade = bgradePlayer.GetGrade() + 1; var count = 0; if (!player.HasPluginPerm("all")) { while (!player.HasPluginPerm(grade.ToString())) { var newGrade = grade++; if (newGrade > 4) { grade = 1; } if (count > bgradePlayer.GetGrade() + 4) { player.ChatMessage("Permission".Lang(player.UserIDString)); return; } } } else if (grade > 4) { grade = 1; } var chatMsgs = new List <string>(); bgradePlayer.SetGrade(grade); var time = bgradePlayer.GetTime(); chatMsgs.Add("Notice.SetGrade".Lang(player.UserIDString, grade, $"Words.Grade.{grade}".Lang(player.UserIDString))); if (AllowTimer && time > 0) { chatMsgs.Add("Notice.Time".Lang(player.UserIDString, time)); } player.ChatMessage(string.Join("\n", chatMsgs.ToArray())); }
private void OnPlayerChat(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { var oplayer = arg?.Player(); if (oplayer != null && TrackedPlayers.ContainsKey(oplayer.userID)) { TrackedPlayers[oplayer.userID].ResetAFKTime(); } }
void cmdHome(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { var player = arg?.Player(); if (player == null || arg.Args.Length > 0) { return; } cmdChatHome(player, "", new[] { arg.Args[0] }); }
private void consoleCleanInv(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { var player = arg?.Player() ?? null; if (player != null) { PrintWarning("Player not found!"); return; } }
void cmdNotifyClose(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { var player = arg?.Player(); if (player == null) { return; } core.DestroyUI(player, "ItemBlocker", "blockedItem"); }
void ConsoleCmdSpawnCargo(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { var player = arg?.Player(); if (arg?.Connection != null && player && !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, permSpawnCargo)) { player.ChatMessage(Lang("Error: NoPermission", player.UserIDString)); return; } SpawnCargo(); }
void ConsoleCommand_vehicleshop_give(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { BasePlayer p = arg?.Player() ?? null; if (p != null && !p.IsAdmin) { return; } if (!arg.HasArgs(2)) { SendReply(arg, _(p, "ConsoleSyntax", string.Join("|", VehicleInfo.ShortNameList()))); return; } BasePlayer player = BasePlayer.Find(arg.GetString(0)); if (player == null) { SendReply(arg, _(p, "PlayerNotFound", arg.GetString(0))); return; } VehicleInfo vehicle = VehicleInfo.FindByShortname(arg.GetString(1)); if (vehicle == null) { SendReply(arg, _(p, "VehicleNotFound", arg.GetString(1))); SendReply(arg, _(p, "ConsoleSyntax", string.Join("|", VehicleInfo.ShortNameList()))); return; } string shortname = _config.vehicleShortPrefabName; if (arg.HasArgs(3) && arg.GetString(2) != "default") { ItemDefinition info = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(arg.GetString(2)); if (info == null) { SendReply(arg, _(p, "ShortnameNotFound", arg.GetString(2))); return; } shortname = info.shortname; } SendReply(arg, _(p, "SuccessfullyGive", vehicle.Give(player, shortname, arg.GetString(3, "console")), player.displayName)); }
private object OnServerCommand(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { var player = arg?.Player(); if (player == null || arg.cmd == null) { return(null); } if (arg.cmd.FullName.ToLower().StartsWith("kit.gui") && _cFile.Kits.ContainsKey(arg.GetString(0).ToLower())) { var kitCooldown = _cFile.Kits[arg.GetString(0).ToLower()]; if (GetNextKitTime(kitCooldown) != TimeSpan.Zero) { player.SendConsoleCommand("kit.close"); PrintToChat(player, Lang("CantUse", player.UserIDString, GetFormattedTime(GetNextKitTime(kitCooldown).TotalSeconds))); return(true); } } return(null); }
private void ConsoleCmdCombatLog(ConsoleSystem.Arg conArgs) { if (conArgs?.Connection != null && !permission.UserHasPermission(conArgs?.Player()?.UserIDString, permissionUse)) { return; } var args = conArgs.Args; ulong steamID; if (!ulong.TryParse(args[0], out steamID)) { SendReply(conArgs, $"{steamID} isn't a valid SteamID64."); return; } int rows = args.Length > 1 ? int.Parse(args[1]) : 20; string combatLog = GetCombatLog(steamID, rows); SendReply(conArgs, "\n" + combatLog); }
void CmdCreateBot(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { AimPractice.CreateBot(arg.Player().transform.position); PrintToChat("Where them bots at?"); }
private void Command(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { Command(arg.Player(), arg.Args); }
void cmdConsoleBpLoad(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { BpLoad(arg.Player(), arg.Args ?? new string[0], arg); }
void ccmdAdminPanel(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { var player = arg.Player(); if (player == null) { return; } var args = arg?.Args ?? null; if (IsAllowed(player.UserIDString, permAP)) { switch (args[0]) { case "action": if (args[1] == "vanish") { if (Vanish) { Vanish?.Call("VanishChatCmd", player); AdminGui(player); } ; } else if (args[1] == "admintp") { rust.RunServerCommand("teleport.topos " + player.UserIDString + " " + adminZoneCords); } else if (args[1] == "radar") { if (AdminRadar) { AdminRadar?.Call("ToggleRadar", player); AdminGui(player); } } else if (args[1] == "god") { if (Godmode) { if (Godmode.Call <bool>("IsGod", player.UserIDString)) { Godmode.Call("DisableGodmode", player); } else { Godmode.Call("EnableGodmode", player); } AdminGui(player); } ; } break; case "toggle": if (IsAllowed(player.UserIDString, permAP)) { if (args[1] == "True" && (ToggleMode == true)) { AdminGui(player); } else if (args[1] == "False" && (ToggleMode == true)) { CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, "GUIBackground"); } } break; default: SendReply(player, $"[<color=#6275a4>{Name}</color>]: Invalid Syntax"); return; } } else { Reply(player, null); } }
void DeleteAllFrags(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { if (arg.Player() != null && !arg.Player().IsAdmin()) { SendReply(arg, lang.GetMessage("BP_NOPERMS", this)); return; } else { foreach (var active in BasePlayer.activePlayerList) { var frags = active.inventory.GetAmount(1351589500); if (frags >= 1) { active.inventory.Take(null, 1351589500, frags); FragAmount++; PlayerTotalFrags++; } else { } } foreach (var sleeper in BasePlayer.sleepingPlayerList) { var frags = sleeper.inventory.GetAmount(1351589500); if (frags >= 1) { sleeper.inventory.Take(null, 1351589500, frags); FragAmount++; PlayerTotalFrags++; } else { } } var containers = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType <LootContainer>(); foreach (var entity in containers) { if (entity is LootContainer) { var container = entity as LootContainer; var inv = container.inventory.itemList.ToArray(); foreach (var item in inv) { if ( == "blueprint_fragment") { item.RemoveFromContainer(); item.Remove(1f); EFragAmount++; } } } } if (FragAmount == 0 && EFragAmount == 0) { Puts(lang.GetMessage("BP_NOFRAGSFOUND", this)); } else { Puts(string.Format(lang.GetMessage("BP_REMOVEDFRAGS", this), FragAmount, PlayerTotalFrags, EFragAmount, "?")); FragAmount = 0; PlayerTotalFrags = 0; EFragAmount = 0; EntityTotalFrags = 0; } } }
void cmdConsoleBpRemoveAll(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { BpRemoveAll(arg.Player(), arg.Args ?? new string[0], arg); }
void CcmdAddSkin(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { BasePlayer player = arg.Player(); if (player is BasePlayer && !player.IsAdmin && !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "skins.admin")) { SendReply(player, lang.GetMessage("NotAllowed", this, player.UserIDString)); } string userIDString = (player is BasePlayer) ? player.UserIDString : null; string[] args = arg.Args; if (args.Length == 2) { string shortname = args.ElementAtOrDefault(0); ulong skinId = 0; ulong.TryParse(args.ElementAtOrDefault(1), out skinId); ItemDefinition def = ItemManager.FindItemDefinition(shortname); if (skinId == 0) { SendReply(arg, lang.GetMessage("ConsoleIncorrectSkinIdFormat", this, userIDString)); return; } else if (def != null) { if (!SkinsList.ContainsKey(shortname)) { LoadSkinsList(def); } if (SkinsList[shortname].Contains(skinId)) { SendReply(arg, lang.GetMessage("ConsoleItemSkinExist", this, userIDString), skinId, def.displayName.english); return; } else { SkinsList[shortname].Add(skinId); SendReply(arg, lang.GetMessage("ConsoleItemAdded", this, userIDString), skinId, def.displayName.english); if (!configData.Workshop.ContainsKey(def.shortname)) { configData.Workshop.Add(shortname, new List <ulong>() { (ulong)skinId }); } else { configData.Workshop[shortname].Add((ulong)skinId); } SaveConfig(configData); return; } } else { SendReply(arg, lang.GetMessage("ConsoleItemIsNotFound", this, userIDString), shortname); return; } } }
private void showoverlay(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { UserInfo.ShowOverlay(arg.Player()); }
private void closemenu(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { UserInfo.HideMenu(arg.Player()); }
private void closeoverlay(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { UserInfo.HideOverlay(arg.Player()); }
void cmdConsoleClean(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { if (arg.Player() && !arg.Player().IsAdmin) { SendReply(arg, "You need to be admin to use that command"); return; } if (arg.Args == null || arg.Args.Length < 2) { SendReply(arg, "cc.clean \"Deployable Item Name\" all => all the deployable items"); SendReply(arg, "cc.clean \"Deployable Item Name\" world optional:XX => all the items that are not connected to a construction in XX radius (default is 3 meters)"); return; } if (arg.Args[1] != "world" && arg.Args[1] != "all") { SendReply(arg, "cc.clean \"Deployable Item Name\" all => all the deployable items"); SendReply(arg, "cc.clean \"Deployable Item Name\" world optional:XX => all the items that are not connected to a construction in XX radius (default is 3 meters)"); return; } switch (arg.Args[0].ToLower()) { default: string shortname = arg.Args[0].ToLower(); if (displaynameToShortname.ContainsKey(shortname)) { shortname = displaynameToShortname[shortname]; } else if (!displaynameToShortname.ContainsValue(shortname)) { SendReply(arg, string.Format("{0} is not a valid item name", arg.Args[0])); return; } Item newItem = ItemManager.CreateByName(shortname, 1); if (newItem == null) { SendReply(arg, "Couldn't find this item, this shouldnt show ever ..."); return; } if ( <ItemModDeployable>() == null) { SendReply(arg, "This is not a item mod deployable item, this shouldnt show ever ..."); return; } Deployable deployable = <ItemModDeployable>().entityPrefab.Get().GetComponent <Deployable>(); if (deployable == null) { SendReply(arg, "This is not a deployable item, this shouldnt show ever ..."); return; } string deployablename = + ".prefab"; bool shouldForce = (arg.Args[1] == "all") ? true : false; float eraseRadius = 0.5f; if (arg.Args.Length > 2) { float.TryParse(arg.Args[2], out eraseRadius); } int cleared = 0; int total = 0; foreach (Deployable deployed in UnityEngine.Resources.FindObjectsOfTypeAll <Deployable>()) { var realEntity = deployed.GetComponent <BaseNetworkable>().net; if (realEntity == null) { continue; } if ( { total++; if (shouldRemove(deployed, shouldForce, eraseRadius)) { deployed.GetComponent <BaseEntity>().KillMessage(); cleared++; } } } SendReply(arg, string.Format("Cleared {0} entities out of {1} found", cleared.ToString(), total.ToString())); break; } }
private void ccmdZone(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { Heal(arg.Player()); }
void ccmdEvent(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { me.Puts("command is " + arg.Args[0]); switch (arg.Args[0].ToLower()) { case "exit": HideMenuUIs(arg.Player()); break; case "toggle": var game = IemGameBase.FindActiveGameForPlayer(arg.Player()); if (game != null) { if (playerkeys[arg.Player().UserIDString].showingInGameMenu) { HideInGameMenu(arg.Player()); } else { ShowInGameMenu(arg.Player(), game); } } else if (playerkeys[arg.Player().UserIDString].showingPlayerStats || playerkeys[arg.Player().UserIDString].showingGameStats) { HidePlayerStats(arg.Player()); HideGameStats(arg.Player()); } else if (playerkeys[arg.Player().UserIDString].showingGameDetail) { HideGameDetail(arg.Player()); } else if (playerkeys[arg.Player().UserIDString].showingMenu) { RemoveIntroOverlay(arg.Player()); } else { ShowIntroOverlay(arg.Player(), "here be the message"); } break; case "wound": if (!IemUtils.hasAccess(arg)) { return; } arg.Player().metabolism.calories.max = 180; arg.Player().metabolism.calories.value = 250; arg.Player().health = 75; return; case "filter": playerkeys[arg.Player().UserIDString].filter = arg.Args[1]; //ShowIntroOverlay(arg.Player(), "here be the message"); ShowMenuTilesPanel(arg.Player(), "here be the message"); break; case "start_solo": Puts("starting : " + arg.Args[1].ToLower()); HideMenuUIs(arg.Player()); IemGameBase.StartFromMenu(arg.Player(), (string)arg.Args[1]); break; case "join": Puts("joining : " + arg.Args[1].ToLower()); HideMenuUIs(arg.Player()); IemGameBase.StartFromMenu(arg.Player(), (string)arg.Args[1]); break; case "join_level": Puts("join_level : " + arg.Args[1].ToLower()); HideMenuUIs(arg.Player()); IemGameBase.StartFromMenu(arg.Player(), (string)arg.Args[1], (string)arg.Args[2]); break; case "game_detail": Puts("game_detail : " + arg.Args[1].ToLower()); if (arg.Args.Length == 1) { HideGameDetail(arg.Player()); } else { //ShowIntroOverlay(arg.Player(), "here be the message", arg.Args[1]); ShowGameDetail(arg.Player(), (string)arg.Args[1]); } break; //toggle player stats case "player_stats": Puts("player_stats : toggle " + arg.Args.Length); //if (playerkeys[arg.Player().UserIDString].showingMenu) // RemoveIntroOverlay(arg.Player()); var level = ""; if (arg.Args.Length == 1) { HidePlayerStats(arg.Player()); } else if (arg.Args.Length == 2) { ShowPlayerStats(arg.Player(), (string)arg.Args[1]); } else if (arg.Args.Length > 2) { Puts("player_stats : has level"); level = (string)arg.Args[2]; ShowPlayerStats(arg.Player(), (string)arg.Args[1], level); } break; //toggle player stats case "game_stats": Puts("game_stats : toggle " + arg.Args.Length); if (arg.Args.Length == 1) { HideGameStats(arg.Player()); } else if (arg.Args.Length == 2) { ShowGameStats(arg.Player(), (string)arg.Args[1]); } else if (arg.Args.Length > 2) { Puts("game_stats : has length > 2"); level = (string)arg.Args[2]; ShowGameStats(arg.Player(), (string)arg.Args[1], level); } break; case "quit_game": var livegame = IemGameBase.FindActiveGameForPlayer(arg.Player()); if (livegame != null) { HideInGameMenu(arg.Player()); livegame.CancelGame(); } break; default: for (int i = 0; i < arg.Args.GetLength(0); i++) { Puts($"command pos {i} is {arg.Args[i]}"); } break; } }
void cmdConsoleFind(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { var player = arg.Player(); arg.ReplyWith(Find(player, arg.Args)); }
private void ccmdEco(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { if (!arg.HasArgs()) { arg.ReplyWith("Economy Commands: 'eco.c deposit', 'eco.c save','eco.c balance', 'eco.c withdraw', 'eco.c setmoney', 'eco.c wipe'"); return; } var player = arg.Player(); if (player != null && !HasAccess(player)) { arg.ReplyWith("No permission!"); return; } var cmdArg = arg.GetString(0).ToLower(); switch (cmdArg) { case "save": changed = true; SaveEconomics(); arg.ReplyWith("Economics data saved!"); break; case "wipe": economicsData = new Dictionary <ulong, double>(); changed = true; SaveEconomics(); arg.ReplyWith("Economics data wiped!"); break; case "deposit": case "balance": case "withdraw": case "setmoney": var target = FindPlayer(arg.GetString(1)); if (target == null) { arg.ReplyWith($"No user with steam/name: '{arg.GetString(1)}'!"); return; } if (cmdArg.Equals("balance")) { arg.ReplyWith($"Balance({target.displayName}) = {GetPlayerMoney(target.userID)}"); return; } double money = arg.GetFloat(2, -1f); if (money < 0) { money = arg.GetUInt64(2, 0); } if (money >= 0) { if (cmdArg.Equals("setmoney")) { Set(target.userID, money); arg.ReplyWith($"(SetMoney) New '{target.displayName}' balance: {GetPlayerMoney(target.userID)}"); PrintMessage(target, "My_Balance", GetPlayerMoney(target.userID)); } else if (cmdArg.Equals("deposit")) { Deposit(target.userID, money); arg.ReplyWith($"(Deposit) New '{target.displayName}' balance: {GetPlayerMoney(target.userID)}"); PrintMessage(target, "Received", money); } else if (Withdraw(target.userID, money)) { arg.ReplyWith($"(Withdraw) New '{target.displayName}' balance: {GetPlayerMoney(target.userID)}"); PrintMessage(target, "Lost", money); } else { arg.ReplyWith("This user haven't enough money!"); } } else { arg.ReplyWith($"Syntax Error! (eco.c {cmdArg} <steam/name> <money>)"); } break; default: arg.ReplyWith("Economy Commands: 'eco.c deposit', 'eco.c save','eco.c balance', 'eco.c withdraw', 'eco.c setmoney'"); break; } }
private void GatherRate(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { if (arg.Player() != null && !arg.Player().IsAdmin) { arg.ReplyWith(NotAllowed); return; } var subcommand = arg.GetString(0).ToLower(); if (!arg.HasArgs(3) || !subcommands.Contains(subcommand)) { arg.ReplyWith(InvalidArgumentsGather); return; } if (!validResources[arg.GetString(1).ToLower()] && arg.GetString(1) != "*") { arg.ReplyWith(string.Format(InvalidResource, arg.GetString(1))); return; } var resource = validResources[arg.GetString(1).ToLower()]?.displayName.english ?? "*"; var modifier = arg.GetFloat(2, -1); var remove = false; if (modifier < 0) { if (arg.GetString(2).ToLower() == "remove") { remove = true; } else { arg.ReplyWith(InvalidModifier); return; } } switch (subcommand) { case "dispenser": if (remove) { if (GatherResourceModifiers.ContainsKey(resource)) { GatherResourceModifiers.Remove(resource); } arg.ReplyWith(string.Format(ModifyResourceRemove, resource, Dispensers)); } else { if (GatherResourceModifiers.ContainsKey(resource)) { GatherResourceModifiers[resource] = modifier; } else { GatherResourceModifiers.Add(resource, modifier); } arg.ReplyWith(string.Format(ModifyResource, resource, modifier, Dispensers)); } SetConfigValue("Options", "GatherResourceModifiers", GatherResourceModifiers); break; case "pickup": if (remove) { if (PickupResourceModifiers.ContainsKey(resource)) { PickupResourceModifiers.Remove(resource); } arg.ReplyWith(string.Format(ModifyResourceRemove, resource, Pickups)); } else { if (PickupResourceModifiers.ContainsKey(resource)) { PickupResourceModifiers[resource] = modifier; } else { PickupResourceModifiers.Add(resource, modifier); } arg.ReplyWith(string.Format(ModifyResource, resource, modifier, Pickups)); } SetConfigValue("Options", "PickupResourceModifiers", PickupResourceModifiers); break; case "quarry": if (remove) { if (QuarryResourceModifiers.ContainsKey(resource)) { QuarryResourceModifiers.Remove(resource); } arg.ReplyWith(string.Format(ModifyResourceRemove, resource, Quarries)); } else { if (QuarryResourceModifiers.ContainsKey(resource)) { QuarryResourceModifiers[resource] = modifier; } else { QuarryResourceModifiers.Add(resource, modifier); } arg.ReplyWith(string.Format(ModifyResource, resource, modifier, Quarries)); } SetConfigValue("Options", "QuarryResourceModifiers", QuarryResourceModifiers); break; case "excavator": if (remove) { if (ExcavatorResourceModifiers.ContainsKey(resource)) { ExcavatorResourceModifiers.Remove(resource); } arg.ReplyWith(string.Format(ModifyResourceRemove, resource, Excavators)); } else { if (ExcavatorResourceModifiers.ContainsKey(resource)) { ExcavatorResourceModifiers[resource] = modifier; } else { ExcavatorResourceModifiers.Add(resource, modifier); } arg.ReplyWith(string.Format(ModifyResource, resource, modifier, Excavators)); } SetConfigValue("Options", "ExcavatorResourceModifiers", ExcavatorResourceModifiers); break; case "survey": if (remove) { if (SurveyResourceModifiers.ContainsKey(resource)) { SurveyResourceModifiers.Remove(resource); } arg.ReplyWith(string.Format(ModifyResourceRemove, resource, Charges)); } else { if (SurveyResourceModifiers.ContainsKey(resource)) { SurveyResourceModifiers[resource] = modifier; } else { SurveyResourceModifiers.Add(resource, modifier); } arg.ReplyWith(string.Format(ModifyResource, resource, modifier, Charges)); } SetConfigValue("Options", "SurveyResourceModifiers", SurveyResourceModifiers); break; } }
void OnPlayerChat(ConsoleSystem.Arg args) { UpdateLastOnline(args.Player(), true); }
/// <summary> /// Console command wrapper for the skin command /// </summary> /// <param name="arg">The console command arguments.</param> void OnSkinSettingsCmdConsole(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) => OnSkinSettingsCmd(arg.Player(), string.Empty, arg.HasArgs() ? arg.Args : new string[] { });
// chat.say().Hooks.Chat() public static void Command(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { Player player = new Player(arg.Player()); string[] args = arg.ArgsStr.Substring(2, arg.ArgsStr.Length - 3).Replace("\\", "").Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.None); Command cmd = new Command(player, args); if (cmd.cmd == "") { return; } if (Config.GetBoolValue("Commands", "enabled")) { if (cmd.cmd == Config.GetValue("Commands", "ShowMyStats")) { PlayerStats stats = player.Stats; player.Message(String.Format("You have {0} kills and {1} deaths!", stats.Kills, stats.Deaths)); player.Message(String.Format("You have taken {0} dmg, and caused {1} in total!", stats.TotalDamageTaken, stats.TotalDamageDone)); return; } if (cmd.cmd == Config.GetValue("Commands", "ShowStatsOther")) { Player pOther = Player.Find(String.Join(" ", cmd.args)); if (pOther != null) { PlayerStats stats2 = pOther.Stats; player.Message(String.Format("You have {0} kills and {1} deaths!", stats2.Kills, stats2.Deaths)); player.Message(String.Format("You have taken {0} dmg, and caused {1} in total!", stats2.TotalDamageTaken, stats2.TotalDamageDone)); return; } player.Message("Can't find player: " + String.Join(" ", cmd.args)); return; } if (cmd.cmd == Config.GetValue("Commands", "ShowLocation")) { player.Message(player.Location.ToString()); return; } if (cmd.cmd == Config.GetValue("Commands", "ShowOnlinePlayers")) { string msg = Server.GetServer().Players.Count == 1 ? "You are alone!" : String.Format("There are: {0} players online!", Server.GetServer().Players.Count); player.Message(msg); return; } if (cmd.cmd == Config.GetValue("Commands", "Help")) { foreach (string key in Config.PlutonConfig.EnumSection("HelpMessage")) { player.Message(Config.GetValue("HelpMessage", key)); } } if (cmd.cmd == Config.GetValue("Commands", "Teleport")) { player.Teleport(-2567, 300, 37); player.Message("Teleporting is in testing mode"); } if (cmd.cmd == "admintesting7") { player.basePlayer.IsAdmin(); player.basePlayer.TakeDamage(-200f); } } OnCommand.OnNext(cmd); if (cmd.ReplyWith != "") { arg.ReplyWith(cmd.ReplyWith); } }
private void ConsoleSetScale(ConsoleSystem.Arg arg) { if (arg?.Player() != null) { if (!CanExecute(arg.Player(), "setscale")) { return; } } var args = arg?.Args ?? null; if (args == null || args.Length <= 1) { SendReply(arg, GetMessage("invalidSyntax")); return; } var engName = args[0].ToLower(); var shortName = string.Empty; foreach (var entry in weaponData.Weapons) { if (entry.Value.Name.ToLower() == engName) { shortName = entry.Key; break; } else if (entry.Key.ToLower() == engName) { shortName = entry.Key; break; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(shortName)) { SendReply(arg, GetMessage("itemNotFound").Replace("{item}", engName)); return; } var value = 0f; if (!float.TryParse(args[1], out value)) { SendReply(arg, GetMessage("invalidSyntax")); return; } if (shortName != null && value != 0) { if (weaponData.Weapons[shortName].GlobalModifier == value) { SendReply(arg, GetMessage("alreadySameValue")); return; } weaponData.Weapons[shortName].GlobalModifier = value; SaveData(); var sb = new StringBuilder(GetMessage("scaledItem")); var finalstring = sb .Replace("{engName}", engName) .Replace("{shortName}", shortName) .Replace("{scaledValue}", value.ToString()) .ToString(); SendReply(arg, finalstring); } else { SendReply(arg, GetMessage("invalidSyntax")); } }
//Other methods private void Action(BasePlayer player, ConsoleSystem.Arg arg, string cmd, string[] args) { if (arg != null) { player = arg.Player(); } Agent agent; BasePlayer target; bool isServer = player == null; int level, xp; string str, userID = player?.UserIDString; switch (cmd) { case "setlvl": target = GetPlayer(player, arg, cmd, args, 2, isServer, userID); if (target == null) { return; } if (!Int32.TryParse(args[0], out level) || level <1 || level> maxLevel) { Reply(player, arg, string.Format(Lang("FormatValidLevel", userID), maxLevel), isServer); return; } agent = BasePlayer.FindXpAgent(target.userID); agent.Reset(); agent.Add(Definitions.Cheat, Rust.Xp.Config.LevelToXp(level)); Reply(player, arg, string.Format(Lang("SetLevelSuccess", userID), target.displayName, level), isServer); break; case "addlvl": target = GetPlayer(player, arg, cmd, args, 2, isServer, userID); if (target == null) { return; } if (!Int32.TryParse(args[0], out level) || level < 1) { Reply(player, arg, string.Format(Lang("LevelValidNum", userID)), isServer); return; } agent = BasePlayer.FindXpAgent(target.userID); int newLevel = (int)agent.CurrentLevel + level; if (newLevel > maxLevel) { Reply(player, arg, string.Format(Lang("LevelLimit", userID), (int)agent.CurrentLevel), isServer); return; } agent.Add(Definitions.Cheat, Rust.Xp.Config.LevelToXp(newLevel) - agent.EarnedXp); Reply(player, arg, string.Format(Lang("AddLevelSuccess", userID), target.displayName, newLevel), isServer); break; case "resetlvl": target = GetPlayer(player, arg, cmd, args, 1, isServer, userID); if (target == null) { return; } BasePlayer.FindXpAgent(target.userID).Reset(); Reply(player, arg, string.Format(Lang("ResetLevelSuccess", userID), target.displayName), isServer); break; case "showone": target = GetPlayer(player, arg, cmd, args, 1, isServer, userID); if (target == null) { return; } agent = BasePlayer.FindXpAgent(target.userID); Reply(player, arg, string.Format(Lang("ShowOneSuccess", userID), target.displayName, (int)agent.CurrentLevel, (int)agent.UnspentXp), isServer); break; case "showall": if (!isServer && !player.IsAdmin() && !permission.UserHasPermission(player.UserIDString, "xpcontrol." + cmd)) { return; } int cntPlayers = BasePlayer.activePlayerList.Count; int currentPage = 1; int playersOnPage = 50; int allPages = (int)Math.Ceiling(1.0f * cntPlayers / playersOnPage); if (cntPlayers == 0) { Reply(player, arg, string.Format(Lang("NoPlayers", userID)), isServer); return; } if (args.Length > 0 && !Int32.TryParse(args[0], out currentPage) || currentPage <1 || currentPage> allPages) { Reply(player, arg, string.Format(Lang("PageValidNum", userID)), isServer); return; } if (!isServer) { player.SendConsoleCommand("clear"); // fix for bad parsing tags } str = "<color=#C65624>" + new String('-', 70) + "\n" + Lang("ListPlayers", userID).PadRight(26) + ("<color=#24C63D>LVL</color>").PadRight(50) + ("<color=#3E82D0>XP</color>").PadRight(28) + "| " + Lang("Page", userID) + $" {currentPage}/{allPages} |\n" + new String('-', 70) + "</color>\n"; List <BasePlayer> players = BasePlayer.activePlayerList.GetRange((currentPage - 1) * playersOnPage, currentPage == 1 ? Math.Min(cntPlayers, playersOnPage) : (cntPlayers - ((currentPage - 1) * playersOnPage))); foreach (BasePlayer t in players) { str += $"<color=orange>{t.displayName, -25}</color> <color=#24C63D>{t.xp.CurrentLevel, -25:#;minus #}</color> <color=#3E82D0>{t.xp.UnspentXp:#;minus #}</color>\n"; } str += "<color=#C65624>" + new String('-', 70) + "\n" + Lang("ChangePage", userID) + "\n" + new String('-', 70) + "</color>\n"; if (isServer) { Reply(player, arg, "\n" + str, isServer); } else { if (arg == null) { SendReply(player, Lang("CheckConsole", userID)); } PrintToConsole(player, str); } break; case "addxp": target = GetPlayer(player, arg, cmd, args, 2, isServer, userID); if (target == null) { return; } if (!Int32.TryParse(args[0], out xp) || xp < 1) { Reply(player, arg, string.Format(Lang("PointsValidNum", userID)), isServer); return; } BasePlayer.FindXpAgent(target.userID).Add(Definitions.Cheat, xp); Reply(player, arg, string.Format(Lang("AddXpSuccess", userID), target.displayName, xp), isServer); break; } }