/// <summary> /// Rita en checkbox, ifylld om uppgiften är OK. /// </summary> /// <param name="text">Texten<see cref="int"/>.</param> /// <returns>Värde att utvärdera<see cref="int"/>.</returns> private static int DoCheckBox(int text) { ConsoleGUI gui = new ConsoleGUI(); gui.PrintAt(NiceDebug.StartX - 4, NiceDebug.StartY - 1, text == 0 ? "[ ]" : "[X]"); return(text); }
private static int DoCheckBox(int v) { var gui = new ConsoleGUI(); gui.PrintAt(NiceDebug.StartX - 4, NiceDebug.StartY - 1, v == 0 ? "[ ]" : "[X]"); return(v); }
void IModule.OnGUI() { ConsoleGUI.Lable($"[{nameof(NetworkManager)}] State : {States}"); ConsoleGUI.Lable($"[{nameof(NetworkManager)}] IP Host : {_host}"); ConsoleGUI.Lable($"[{nameof(NetworkManager)}] IP Port : {_port}"); ConsoleGUI.Lable($"[{nameof(NetworkManager)}] IP Type : {_family}"); }
//---------------------------------------------------------- // Unity callbacks //---------------------------------------------------------- void Awake() { mInstance = this; awakeFrame = Time.frameCount; chatHistoryBuffer = 40; outerBuffer = 50; chatPanelPosX = Screen.width - chatPanelWidth - outerBuffer; chatPanelPosY = Screen.height - chatPanelHeight - outerBuffer; userListPanelWidth = chatPanelWidth * 3 / 10; chatWindowRect = new Rect(chatPanelPosX, chatPanelPosY, chatPanelWidth, chatPanelHeight); teleGui = this.gameObject.AddComponent <TeleportGUI>(); consoleGui = this.gameObject.AddComponent <ConsoleGUI>(); customizeAvatarGui = this.gameObject.AddComponent <CustomizeAvatarGUI>(); userListMgr = this.gameObject.AddComponent <HTMLUserListManager>(); replayGUI = this.gameObject.AddComponent <ReplayGUI>(); devGUI = this.gameObject.AddComponent <DevGUI>(); DevGUIEnabled = false; // Load dynamic console input TextField textures. consoleBGStretchable = Resources.Load("Textures/UnityNativeGUI/TextWindow_Middle") as Texture2D; consoleBGEndCap = Resources.Load("Textures/UnityNativeGUI/TextWindow_EndCap") as Texture2D; // Load presenter tool textures presentToolResizeButton = new VirCustomButton(Resources.Load("Textures/UnityNativeGUI/PresentTool_Resize") as Texture2D, 0, 0, 1.2f, "Resize"); presentToolCloseButton = new VirCustomButton(Resources.Load("Textures/UnityNativeGUI/Button_ChatMin_Active") as Texture2D, 0, 0, 1.2f, "Minimize"); consoleBackgroundTex = Resources.Load("Textures/UnityNativeGUI/ConsoleBackground") as Texture2D; // Set up viewport buttons productViewportResizeButton = new VirCustomButton(Resources.Load("Textures/UnityNativeGUI/PresentTool_Resize") as Texture2D, 0, 0, 1.2f, "Resize"); productViewportCloseButton = new VirCustomButton(Resources.Load("Textures/UnityNativeGUI/Button_ChatMin_Active") as Texture2D, 0, 0, 1.2f, "Minimize"); // Presenter tool defaults to off. allowPresenterTool = false; // Resize viewport if necessary if (!Screen.fullScreen && Screen.height >= (Screen.currentResolution.height - 40)) { Screen.SetResolution((int)(0.85 * Screen.width), (int)(0.85 * Screen.height), Screen.fullScreen); } // Omnibox obTLCorner = Resources.Load("Textures/UnityNativeGUI/omnibox/top_left_corner") as Texture2D; obTEdge = Resources.Load("Textures/UnityNativeGUI/omnibox/top_edge") as Texture2D; obLEdge = Resources.Load("Textures/UnityNativeGUI/omnibox/left_edge") as Texture2D; obFill = Resources.Load("Textures/UnityNativeGUI/omnibox/fill") as Texture2D; // Fadeout texture whiteTex = Resources.Load("Textures/white") as Texture2D; // Turn off all native gui for assembly if (GameManager.Inst.ServerConfig == "Assembly" || GameManager.Inst.ServerConfig == "MDONS") { GameGUI.Inst.Visible = false; } }
public void SearchMedicine() { ConsoleGUI.Render("Wyszukiwanie leku"); var searchString = ConsoleGUI.PromptRender("Podaj frazę do wyszukania: ").Trim(); var foundMedicines = medicineDb.Where(x => x.MedicineName.ToLower().Contains(searchString.ToLower())); if (foundMedicines.Any()) { List <string> render = new List <string>(); render.Add("Znaleziono: "); foreach (var found in foundMedicines) { render.Add($"ID: {found.Id}"); render.Add($"Nazwa: {found.MedicineProducer} {found.MedicineName}"); render.Add($"Cena: {found.MedicinePrice}"); render.Add($"Ilość: {found.MedicineQuantity}{found.MedicineQuantityType}"); } ConsoleGUI.Render(render); ConsoleGUI.PromptRender("Dowolny przycisk powróci do MENU"); } else { ConsoleGUI.ErrorRender("Nie znaleziono produktów o nazwie " + searchString, true); ConsoleGUI.PromptRender("Dowolny przycisk powróci do MENU"); } }
public void DeleteUser() { ShowUsers(false); string userInput = ConsoleGUI.PromptRender("Podaj ID użytkownika, którego chcesz usunąć: "); if (int.TryParse(userInput, out int input)) { if (currentUser.Id == input) { ConsoleGUI.ErrorRender("Nie możesz usunąć sam siebie", true); return; } User user = GetUser(input); if (user != null) { users.Remove(user); Flush(); } else { ConsoleGUI.ErrorRender("Nie ma takiego użytkownika", true); return; } } }
public void AddUser() { var userName = ConsoleGUI.PromptRender("Imie uzytkownika: ").Replace(",", "").Trim(); var userSurname = ConsoleGUI.PromptRender("Nazwisko uzytkownika: ").Replace(",", "").Trim(); string userNickname; while (true) { userNickname = ConsoleGUI.PromptRender("Nick: ").Replace(",", "").Trim(); if (users.Any(x => x.UserNickname.Equals(userNickname))) { ConsoleGUI.ErrorRender("Ta nazwa użytkownika jest już zajęta, spróbuj inną"); } else { break; } continue; } var userPassword = ConsoleGUI.PromptRender("Hasło użytkownika: ").Replace(",", "").Trim(); int id = users.Max(x => x.Id) + 1; users.Add(new User(id, userName, userNickname, userSurname, userPassword)); Flush(); }
private void Awake() { if (instance != null) { Debug.LogError("only one instance is allowed to exist"); } instance = this; if (m_handleLog) { Application.logMessageReceived += PrintDebug; } //Application.RegisterLogCallback(new Application.LogCallback(this.PrintDebug)); lines = new CircularBuffer <string>(linesOfHistory, true); commands = new CircularBuffer <string>(commandHistory, true); SceneManager.sceneLoaded += SceneManager_sceneLoaded; RegisterCommand("help", this, "Help"); RegisterCommand("list", this, "List"); RegisterCommand("listComponents", this, "ListComponents"); RegisterCommand("printTree", this, "PrintTree"); RegisterCommand("select", this, "Select"); RegisterParser(typeof(int), new ParserCallback(parseInt)); RegisterParser(typeof(float), new ParserCallback(parseFloat)); RegisterParser(typeof(string), new ParserCallback(parseString)); consoleGUI = GetComponent <ConsoleGUI>(); //UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.logFile = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "profiling"); //Also supports passing "myLog.raw" //UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.enableBinaryLog = true; //UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler.enabled = true; }
static void Main(string[] args) { ConsoleGUI gui = new ConsoleGUI(); PlugInLoader plugIn = new PlugInLoader(); var exercises = plugIn.LoadAvailableExercises().OrderBy(x => x.VersionNumber); foreach (var exercise in exercises) { gui.WriteMessage($"##### {exercise.VersionNumber} - {exercise.Description} #####", Color.Yellow); exercise.Run(gui); Console.ReadKey(); } //VatExerciseMain vat = new VatExerciseMain(); //vat.Run(null); //VatExercise.VatExerciseClasses vatClasses = new VatExercise.VatExerciseClasses(); //vatClasses.Run(gui); //StarWars.StarWarsMain starWars = new StarWars.StarWarsMain(); //starWars.Run(gui); //StarWars2_Delegates.StarWarsMain starWarsDelegates = new StarWars2_Delegates.StarWarsMain(); //starWarsDelegates.Run(gui); //StarWars3_Events.StarWarsMain starWarsDelegates = new StarWars3_Events.StarWarsMain(); //starWarsDelegates.Run(gui); Filters.FiltersMain filters = new Filters.FiltersMain(); filters.Run(gui); //Console.ReadKey(); }
void IModule.OnGUI() { string mainSceneName = _mainScene == null ? string.Empty : _mainScene.Location; ConsoleGUI.Lable($"[{nameof(SceneManager)}] Main scene : {mainSceneName}"); ConsoleGUI.Lable($"[{nameof(SceneManager)}] Addition scene count : {_additionScenes.Count}"); }
void IModule.OnGUI() { int totalCount = AssetSystem.GetLoaderCount(); ConsoleGUI.Lable($"[{nameof(ResourceManager)}] Virtual simulation : {AssetSystem.SimulationOnEditor}"); ConsoleGUI.Lable($"[{nameof(ResourceManager)}] Loader count : {totalCount}"); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { consoles = this.transform.GetComponentsInChildren <Console>(); consoleGUIObject = transform.FindChild("ConsoleGUI").gameObject; consoleGUIObject.gameObject.SetActive(false); cG = consoleGUIObject.GetComponentInChildren <ConsoleGUI> (); cGT = consoleGUIObject.GetComponentInChildren <ConsoleGUITime> (); }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { var gui = new ConsoleGUI() { TargetUpdateTime = 100 }; var sim = new LifeSimulation(); await gui.Start(sim); }
public static void Browse(ref MedicineDb mainDb) { int currentId = 1; while (true) { var medicine = mainDb.GetMedicineById(currentId); if (medicine == null) { ConsoleGUI.Render("Brak leku o ID " + currentId + " w bazie danych"); } else { RenderView(medicine); } Navigation choice = MenuChoice(); if (choice != Navigation.Exit) { if (choice == Navigation.Next) { currentId++; continue; } if (choice == Navigation.Previous) { if (currentId != 1) { currentId--; } continue; } if (choice == Navigation.ByID) { var z = ConsoleGUI.PromptRender("ID: "); if (int.TryParse(z, out int s)) { currentId = s; } else { ConsoleGUI.ErrorRender("ID: " + z + " nie jest poprawne", true); } } if (choice == Navigation.Incorrect) { continue; } } else { break; } } }
static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Main(string[] args) { var input = new TextInput(); var gui = new ConsoleGUI() { Input = input }; var sim = new MySimulation(gui, input); await gui.Start(sim); }
public static void DebugThis(string text) { var gui = new ConsoleGUI(); if (text.Length > MaxLength) { text = text.Substring(0, MaxLength); } gui.PrintAt(StartX, StartY++, text); }
public MySimulation(ConsoleGUI gui, TextInput input) { actualTime = DateTime.Now; currentDay = actualTime; simulationDay = 1; logForBakeryRelatedUpdates.Log("Welcome to this made up bakery!"); logForBakeryRelatedUpdates.Log("Select which command to run by typing a number from the list of commands"); commandDisplay.Lines = writer.CommandWriter(); this.gui = gui; this.input = input; }
public TPSPlugin(Logger logger, int periodInSeconds) { this.logger = logger; this.periodInSeconds = periodInSeconds; this.gui = logger as ConsoleGUI; if (gui != null) { this.graph = new Graph(); gui.SetChannelGraph(Channel, graph); } }
private void Awake() { _ins = this; CommandRegister._ins.Register(typeof(CommandBase).Assembly); InitView(); input = _inputField; output = _logCat; submitAction = new ConsoleSubmitAction(); escapeAction = new ConsoleCloseAction(); }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { var gui = new ConsoleGUI(35, 149) { TargetUpdateTime = 100 }; TextInput input = new TextInput(); gui.Input = input; var sim = new MySimulation((TextInput)gui.Input); await gui.Start(sim); }
public RAMPlugin(Logger logger, int periodInSeconds) { this.logger = logger; this.periodInSeconds = periodInSeconds; this.gui = logger as ConsoleGUI; if (gui != null) { this.graph = new Graph(); graph.formatter = FormatMemoryAmount; gui.SetChannelGraph(Channel, graph); } }
public MySimulation(ConsoleGUI gui, TextInput input) { log.Log("Welcome to car repair workshop simulator."); log.Log("Press 1 as many times as you want to in oder to simulate a new vehicle being repaired."); log.Log("Press 2 to exit simulation."); gui.TargetUpdateTime = 700; wsg.GenerateEmpoyees(ws); wsg.GenerateStock(ws); this.gui = gui; this.input = input; }
public void ShowUsers(bool wait = true) { List <string> toRender = new List <string>(); foreach (var user in users) { toRender.Add("\tID:" + user.Id + "\tImię:" + user.Name + "\tNazwisko: " + user.Subname + "\tNick: " + user.UserNickname); } ConsoleGUI.Render(toRender); if (wait) { ConsoleGUI.PromptRender("Dowolny przycisk opuści ten widok"); } }
/// <summary> /// Interprets a given <see cref="Sentence"/>. Initiates game model manipulation. /// </summary> /// <param name="sentence">The <see cref="Sentence"/> to interpret.</param> public static void Interpret(Sentence sentence) { if (sentence == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sentence)); } // iterate through each top level node in sentence for (int i = 0; i < sentence.Length; i++) { // Conjunction if (sentence[i] is ConjunctionNode) { continue; } // Command else if (sentence[i] is CommandNode command) { command.Delegate(); } // Verb else if (sentence[i] is VerbNode verb) { foreach (VerbUsage syntax in verb.Usages) { } // new verb logic here: check each word against all syntaxes in syntaxList, if end of a syntax is reached, it is potentially correct, if a word does not // match, throw syntax out. Once all syntaxes have been checked: if there are no potentialy correct syntaxes, use the current word in the error message. // Otherwise, go with the longest potentially correct syntax. Only go with an empty syntax if all other syntaxes were thrown out on the first check, // and throw all pending syntaxes out if the end of the sentence is reached (unless the end of the syntax is reached at the same time). } // Unknown else if (sentence[i] is UnknownNode) { ConsoleGUI.Print("I don't understand the word \"" + sentence[i].OrigWord + ".\""); return; } // anything else else { ConsoleGUI.Print("You lost me at \"" + sentence[i].OrigWord + ".\""); return; } } }
public void RemoveMedicine() { var z = ConsoleGUI.PromptRender("Podaj ID leku do usunięcia z bazy danych"); if (int.TryParse(z, out int i)) { if (!DeleteMedicine(i)) { ConsoleGUI.ErrorRender("Nie udało się usunąć leku o ID " + i + " z bazy", true); } } else { ConsoleGUI.ErrorRender("Podano niepoprawne ID " + z, true); } }
static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task Main(string[] args) { //Setting up employees Dietitian theDietitian = new Dietitian("Mrs Lind", Employee.Positions.Dietitian); PersonalTrainer thePersonalTrainer = new PersonalTrainer("Arnold Schwarzenegger", Employee.Positions.PersonalTrainer); //Setting up clinic NutritionClinic theClinic = new NutritionClinic("Mayonaise Foundation", theDietitian, thePersonalTrainer); var input = new TextInput(); var gui = new ConsoleGUI() { Input = input }; var sim = new MySimulation(input, theClinic); await gui.Start(sim); }
public static void Log(object obj) { if (obj is Type) { Log((Type)obj); } else { Log log = new Log(obj); if (ConsoleGUI.GUI == null) { ConsoleGUI.ShowWindow(); } ConsoleGUI.GUI.AddLog(log); } }
/// <summary> /// Run the game. /// </summary> /// <param name="args"></param> public static void Run(string[] args) { ConsoleGUI.Setup(); Glossary glossary = Load.BuildGlossary(); while (true) { Sentence sentence = Sentence.Parse(ConsoleGUI.GetPlayerInput(), glossary, out string errorMessage); if (errorMessage != null) { ConsoleGUI.Print(errorMessage); } else { Sentence.Interpret(sentence); } } }
private static Navigation MenuChoice() { var choice = ConsoleGUI.PromptRender("n - Następny, p - Poprzedni, s - Skocz do ID, w - Wyjście").Trim(); switch (choice) { case "n": return(Navigation.Next); case "p": return(Navigation.Previous); case "s": return(Navigation.ByID); case "w": return(Navigation.Exit); default: return(Navigation.Incorrect); } }
private static void RenderView(Medicine medicine) { List <string> toRender = new List <string>(); toRender.Add("Id w bazie: " + medicine.Id); toRender.Add("Nazwa leku: \"" + medicine.MedicineName + "\""); toRender.Add("Producent: " + medicine.MedicineProducer); toRender.Add("Ilość leku: " + medicine.MedicineQuantity + " " + medicine.MedicineQuantityType); toRender.Add("Cena normalna: " + medicine.MedicinePrice); if (medicine.MedicineRefundPossible) { toRender.Add("Refundacja tego leku jest możliwa i wynosi " + medicine.MedicineRefundPercentage + "%"); toRender.Add("Cena po refundacji: " + medicine.MedicinePriceWithRefund); } else { toRender.Add("Refundacja tego leku nie jest możliwa"); } ConsoleGUI.Render(toRender); }