public void RegisteredLambdaCommandShouldWorkOutOfTheBox() { var mul = new Func <double, double, double>((a, b) => a * b); _commands.Register(new ConsoleCommand(mul.Target !, mul.Method, "mul")); var result = _commands.Execute("mul(0.5,0.5)"); string converted = result.ConvertOrError(); Assert.AreEqual("0.25", converted); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { // For this demo I've written ExchangeRatesApi class, which provides several methods // representing requests to // These return various forex currency rates at the given day. // So let's allow user to call them from console via text input, // passing function parameters as JSON objects: // First, create instance containing several commands which call ExchangeRates API synchronously. var exchangeRatesApi = new ExchangeRatesApi(); // Customize 'command result to string' converter a bit for better output printing, // since returns ISO dates without time part. var commandReturnsConverter = new CommandReturnedObjectJsonConverter(true, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings { DateFormatString = "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd" }); // Create command manager. It will contain a set of commands, parse given user input into a proper command, // convert its parameters from a string to typed objects, execute the command with converted parameters // and return a result. var consoleCommands = new ConsoleCommands(ConsoleCommandParser.Default, ConsoleCommandParameterConverter.Default); // Argument JSON handling can be customized by passing 'new ConsoleCommandParameterConverter(yourJsonDeserializerSettings)' here. // Methods marked with [CommandExecutable] will be added from the given exchangeRatesApi instance: consoleCommands.RegisterAllFromInstance(exchangeRatesApi); // Example of the manually created commands: var help = new Func <string>(() => { Console.WriteLine($"Available commands:{Environment.NewLine}"); return(consoleCommands.ToString()); }); consoleCommands.Register(new ConsoleCommand(help.Target !, help.Method, "help", "Prints available commands.", new[] { "commands" })); var clearScreen = new Action(Console.Clear); consoleCommands.Register(new ConsoleCommand(clearScreen.Target !, clearScreen.Method, "clear", "Clears console.", new[] { "cls" })); var quit = new Action(() => Environment.Exit(0)); consoleCommands.Register(new ConsoleCommand(quit.Target !, quit.Method, "quit", "Quits the program.", new[] { "q" })); Console.WriteLine("Input \"help\" without quotes to see available commands. Pass command parameters as " + "JSON, for example: d(\"2019-12-31\", \"USD\", [\"EUR\", \"RUB\"])"); // Continue to execute user imput until the 'quit' command: while (true) { Console.Write("Command prompt: "); string commandRepr = Console.ReadLine(); string evaluated = consoleCommands.Execute(commandRepr).ConvertOrError(commandReturnsConverter); Console.WriteLine(evaluated); } }
private void HandleInputs() { if (btnConsole.Check() == InputStates.InputState.JustPressed) { if (visible) { Hide(); } else { Show(); } } if (btnEnter.Check() == InputStates.InputState.JustPressed) { string command = inputText.text; string[] tokens = command.Split(' ', '\t', '\n'); string output = ""; if (command.Length > 0) { ConsoleCommands.Execute(tokens.Length, tokens, ref output, this); if (!storedCommands.Contains(command)) { storedCommands.Add(command); } if (storedCommands.Count > 16) { storedCommands.RemoveAt(0); } } outputText.text += ">>> " + output + "\n"; } if (btnDown.Check() == InputStates.InputState.JustPressed) { if (storedCommands.Count > 0) { instrIdx -= 1; if (instrIdx < 0) { instrIdx = storedCommands.Count - 1; } string command = storedCommands[instrIdx]; inputText.text = command; } } if (btnUp.Check() == InputStates.InputState.JustPressed) { if (storedCommands.Count > 0) { instrIdx = (instrIdx + 1) % storedCommands.Count; string command = storedCommands[instrIdx]; inputText.text = command; } } }
public static void ExecuteCommand(string Command) { string[] args = ParseCommand(Command); switch (Command.Split(' ').First()) { case "analysis": break; case "console": ConsoleCommands.Execute(args); break; } }