public override void Execute(string[] arguments) { base.Execute(arguments); if (arguments.Count() != 1) { Fail(); return; } DataTable table = Program.rooms.JoinRoom(Program.login.userID, arguments[0]); if (table == null) { ConsoleAdditions.WriteLine($"§4Unable to find Chatroom with the name §7{arguments[0]}§4. Please try again or use the .help command for more information."); return; } Console.Clear(); Console.Title = table.Rows[0][0].ToString(); DataRow[] messages = Program.rooms.ReadMessages(); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (DataRow row in messages) { stringBuilder.Append(row[1]); stringBuilder.Append(": "); stringBuilder.AppendLine(row[0].ToString()); } Program.chatViewer.Invoke(new Action(() => { Program.chatViewer.label.Text = stringBuilder.ToString(); })); Program.commandHandler.Register(new InviteCommand()); }
public override void Execute(string[] arguments) { base.Execute(arguments); DataTable table = Program.rooms.GetRooms(); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("Available Rooms: "); foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { builder.Append(row[0]); builder.Append(", "); } if (table.Rows.Count != 0) { builder.Remove(builder.Length - 2, 2); ConsoleAdditions.WriteLine(builder.ToString()); } else { Console.WriteLine("You do not have access to any chatrooms! Try creating one with .creatroom."); } }