public FWCMixForm(Console c) { // // Required for Windows Form Designer support // InitializeComponent(); console = c; if(FWCEEPROM.Model == 0) { lblIntSpkr.Enabled = false; tbIntSpkr.Enabled = false; chkIntSpkrSel.Enabled = false; } Common.RestoreForm(this, "FWCMixer", false); chkMicSel_CheckedChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); chkLineInRCASel_CheckedChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); chkLineInPhonoSel_CheckedChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); chkLineInDB9Sel_CheckedChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); chkIntSpkrSel_CheckedChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); chkExtSpkrSel_CheckedChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); chkHeadphoneSel_CheckedChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); chkLineOutRCASel_CheckedChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); tbMic_Scroll(this, EventArgs.Empty); tbLineInRCA_Scroll(this, EventArgs.Empty); tbLineInPhono_Scroll(this, EventArgs.Empty); tbLineInDB9_Scroll(this, EventArgs.Empty); tbIntSpkr_Scroll(this, EventArgs.Empty); tbExtSpkr_Scroll(this, EventArgs.Empty); tbHeadphone_Scroll(this, EventArgs.Empty); tbLineOutRCA_Scroll(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
public FlexControlBasicForm(Console c) { InitializeComponent(); console = c; // setup the actual FlexControl Interface fc_interface = new FlexControlInterface2(c); // populate knob combobox controls foreach (FlexControlKnobFunction function in Enum.GetValues(typeof(FlexControlKnobFunction))) { string s = KnobFunction2String(function); comboButtonLeft.Items.Add(s); comboButtonMid.Items.Add(s); comboButtonRight.Items.Add(s); comboButtonKnob.Items.Add(s); } // setup defaults comboButtonLeft.Text = "Tune RIT"; comboButtonMid.Text = "Audio Gain"; comboButtonRight.Text = "Tune VFO B"; comboButtonKnob.Text = "Tune VFO A"; // restore any saved configuration Common.RestoreForm(this, "FlexControlBasicForm", false); }
protected ConsoleCommand(Console console, string name, string info = "") { Console = console; Name = name; Args = "no arguments"; Info = info; }
public SIOListenerII(Console c) { console = c; console.Activated += new EventHandler(console_Activated); console.Closing += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(console_Closing); parser = new CATParser(console); //event handler for Serial RX Events SDRSerialPort.serial_rx_event += new SerialRXEventHandler(SerialRXEventHandler); if ( console.CATEnabled ) // if CAT is on, fire it up { try { enableCAT(); } catch ( Exception ex ) { // fixme??? how cool is to to pop a msg box from an exception handler in a constructor ?? // seems ugly to me (wjt) console.CATEnabled = false; if ( console.setupForm != null ) { console.setupForm.copyCATPropsToDialogVars(); // need to make sure the props on the setup page get reset } MessageBox.Show("Could not initialize CAT control. Exception was:\n\n " + ex.Message + "\n\nCAT control has been disabled.", "Error Initializing CAT control", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { var help = new Help(System.Console.Out); if (help.AreHelpArguments(args)) { help.PrintHelp(); } else { var masterFiles = Directory.GetFiles(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "*" + Console.MasterConfigExtension); Console console = new Console(); if (masterFiles.Length > 0) { foreach (string masterConfigFileName in masterFiles) { console.BuildConfigFilesFromMaster(masterConfigFileName); } } else { System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("could not find any files with extension `{0}'", Console.MasterConfigExtension)); } } } catch (ConfgenException e) { System.Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Environment.Exit(1); } catch (Exception e) { System.Console.WriteLine(e); Environment.Exit(1); } }
public FRdialog(Info info, Console c, mainWindow m) { = info; InitializeComponent(); console = c; mainWindow = m; }
public static int Main(string[] args) { try { var arguments = Args.InvokeAction<Arguments>(args).Args; IPackageSourceFileFactory packageSourceFileFactory = new PackageSourceFileFactory(); var packageSourceFile = packageSourceFileFactory.CreatePackageSourceFile(); var packageManager = new PackageManagerModule(packageSourceFile); var packageSource = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(arguments.Source) ? packageManager.ActiveSource : packageManager.GetSource(arguments.Source); var sourceFactory = new SourcePackageRepositoryFactory(packageSource); IPackageInstallerFactory factory = new PackageInstallerFactory( sourceFactory, new SystemConfigurationManager(), new PhysicalDirectorySystem()); var installer = factory.CreatePackageInstaller(arguments.Destination, arguments.Configuration); var program = new Console(arguments, installer); return program.Start(); } catch (Exception) { System.Console.WriteLine(ArgUsage.GetUsage<Arguments>()); return 1; } }
public PreSelForm(Console c) { InitializeComponent(); console = c; mox = c.MOX; UpdatePreSel(); }
public ConsoleInput(Console.IViewer viewer) { _Viewer = viewer; _Doskey = new Doskey(10); _Prompt = ">>"; }
public FWCAntForm(Console c) { InitializeComponent(); console = c; FWC.GetRX2OK(out rx2_ok); RX2OK = rx2_ok; if(RX2OK) { uint temp; FWC.GetRFIORev(out temp); if((temp&0xFF) < 34) comboRX2Ant.Items.Remove("ANT 1"); } // Set mode first ArrayList a = DB.GetVars("FWCAnt"); a.Sort(); foreach(string s in a) { if(s.StartsWith("radModeExpert") && s.IndexOf("True") >= 0) { radModeExpert.Checked = true; break; } } Common.RestoreForm(this, "FWCAnt", false); if(radModeSimple.Checked) radModeSimple_CheckedChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty); }
public DebugForm(Console c, bool enable_debug) { try { this.AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Inherit; InitializeComponent(); float dpi = this.CreateGraphics().DpiX; float ratio = dpi / 96.0f; string font_name = this.Font.Name; float size = (float)(8.25 / ratio); System.Drawing.Font new_font = new System.Drawing.Font(font_name, size); this.Font = new_font; this.PerformAutoScale(); this.PerformLayout(); console = c; if (enable_debug) { chkAudio.Checked = true; chkCAT.Checked = true; chkConsole.Checked = true; chkDirectX.Checked = true; chkEthernet.Checked = true; chkIRRemote.Checked = true; chkUSB.Checked = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Write(ex.ToString()); } }
private void Awake() { Inst = this; ListCommand = new List<DescriptionConsoleMethod>(); foreach (var item in typeof(Console).GetMethods()) { if (Attribute.IsDefined(item, typeof(ConsoleMethodAttribute))) { var attr = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(item, typeof(ConsoleMethodAttribute)) as ConsoleMethodAttribute; var paramList = new List<Tuple<string, string>>(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.Params)) { paramList.AddRange(attr.Params.Split(';').Select(param => param.Split(',')).Select(mas => new Tuple<string, string>(mas[0], mas[1]))); } ListCommand.Add(new DescriptionConsoleMethod { Name = item.Name, Description = attr.Name, Params = paramList }); } } }
public void ShouldCreateConfigFileForNamedEnv() { var masterConfig = new XElement("stuff", new XAttribute(Console.BuildConfigForAttribute, "dev, systest, uat"), new XElement("dome", new XAttribute("name", "7")), new XElement("hill", new XElement("speed", new XAttribute(ConfigurationGenerator.ForEnvironmentsAttribute, "systest"), "some text")), new XElement("development", new XAttribute(ConfigurationGenerator.ForEnvironmentsAttribute, Console.DefaultEnvironment), 4)); var config = new XElement("stuff", new XElement("dome", new XAttribute("name", "7")), new XElement("hill", new XElement("speed", "some text"))); var diskAccessMock = new Mock<IXmlLoaderSaver>(); const string masterFileName = "app.master.config"; diskAccessMock.Setup(ls => ls.Load(masterFileName)).Returns(new XDocument(masterConfig)); XDocument exportedConfig = null; diskAccessMock.Setup(ls => ls.Save(It.IsAny<XDocument>(), "the.config")).Callback<XDocument, string>((doc, fn) => exportedConfig = doc); var console = new Console(); console.BuildConfigFilesFromMaster(masterFileName, "the.config", "systest", diskAccessMock.Object); Assert.That(exportedConfig, Is.Not.Null); Assert.AreEqual(config.ToString(), exportedConfig.ToString()); }
public static Response Pack(NuGetPackRequest request) { var console = new Console(); PackageBuilder builder = new PackageBuilder(); var command = new PackCommand { BasePath = PathTools.OptimizePath(request.BaseDirectory), OutputDirectory = PathTools.OptimizePath(request.OutputDirectory), Version = request.Version, Console = console, Verbosity = Verbosity.Detailed, Rules = new IPackageRule[0], }; command.Arguments.Add(request.SpecPath); try { command.Execute(); } catch (Exception e) { console.WriteError(e); } return new Response(console.Messages); }
public FWCCalForm(Console c) { InitializeComponent(); console = c; switch (console.CurrentModel) { case Model.FLEX5000: if (!FWCEEPROM.RX2OK) { grpRX2.Visible = false; this.Height -= grpRX2.Height; } break; // do nothing case Model.FLEX3000: this.Text = this.Text.Replace("FLEX-5000", "FLEX-3000"); grpRX2.Visible = false; this.Height -= grpRX2.Height; break; case Model.FLEX1500: this.Text = this.Text.Replace("FLEX-5000", "FLEX-1500"); grpRX2.Visible = false; btnResetTRXChecksums.Visible = false; grpTRX.Height -= btnResetTRXChecksums.Height; this.Height -= (grpRX2.Height + btnResetTRXChecksums.Height); break; } }
public SaveMem(Console c) { InitializeComponent(); console = c; InitAGCModes(); InitDSPModes(); comboGroup.DataSource = DB.dsMemory.Tables["GroupList"]; comboGroup.ValueMember = "GroupID"; comboGroup.DisplayMember = "GroupName"; comboMode.SelectedIndex = (int)console.RX1DSPMode; if(console.RX1DSPMode != DSPMode.DRM && console.RX1DSPMode != DSPMode.SPEC) comboFilter.SelectedIndex = (int)console.RX1Filter; comboStepSize.SelectedIndex = console.StepSize; comboAGC.SelectedIndex = (int)console.RX1AGCMode; udSquelch.Value = console.Squelch; txtFreq.Text = console.VFOAFreq.ToString("f6"); chkScan.Checked = true; comboGroup.SelectedIndex = 0; this.ActiveControl = btnOK; // OK has focus initially }
public CWKeyer2(Console c) { console = c; hw = console.Hdw; siolisten = console.Siolisten; Thread.Sleep(50); DttSP.NewKeyer(600.0f, true, 0.0f, 3.0f, 25.0f, (float)Audio.SampleRate1); RadioDSP.KeyerIambicMode = 0; Thread.Sleep(50); CWTone = new Thread(new ThreadStart(DttSP.KeyerSoundThread)); CWTone.Name = "CW Sound Thread"; CWTone.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest; CWTone.IsBackground = true; CWTone.Start(); Keyer = new Thread(new ThreadStart(KeyThread)); Keyer.Name = "CW KeyThread"; Keyer.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest; Keyer.IsBackground = true; Keyer.Start(); timer = new HiPerfTimer(); }
public MultiPSKEthernetServer(Console c) { console = c; receive_buffer = new byte[65535]; send_buffer = new byte[65535]; send_event = new AutoResetEvent(false); server_event = new AutoResetEvent(false); }
public void SetupConsole() { if (Console.instance != null) return; Console.instance = this; this.Text = ""; }
private void btnTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FillServer(); Console con = new Console(m_server); con.ShowDialog(this); m_invalid = !con.Passed; }
public BenchmarkThread(Console console, BenchmarkArguments args, BenchmarkShared shared, Example example) { this.console = console; this.args = args; this.shared = shared; this.example = example; random = new RandomShift(); }
protected WindowConsole() { _AutoPowerRegulator = new AutoPowerRegulator(new PowerRegulator()); Viewer = new ConsoleViewer(); _Input = new ConsoleInput(Viewer); _Console = new Console(_Input, Viewer); _Updater = new Updater(); }
void Start() { console = Camera.main.GetComponent<Console> (); player = this.gameObject; rigidbody = player.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D> (); soundCollider = player.GetComponent<CircleCollider2D>(); currentJumpForce = minJumpForce; dir = Instantiate (arrow, player.transform.position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; }
public static void Destroy() { if (Instance == null) return; waitEvent.Set(); Instance.BeginInvoke((Action)Instance.Close); Instance = null; }
public ProductionDebug(Console c) { // // Required for Windows Form Designer support // InitializeComponent(); console = c; }
public static Console GetConsole() { // Lazy Initialization if (singleton == null) { singleton = new Console(); } return singleton; }
public OVPN(Console parent) { InitializeComponent(); console = parent; vpnConsole = this.richTextBox1; this.KeyPreview = true; this.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(OVPN_KeyDown); this.richTextBox1.TextChanged += new EventHandler(richTextBox1_TextChanged); this.ActiveControl = textBox1; }
public Main() { InitializeComponent(); this.Location = new Point(Screen.AllScreens[0].Bounds.Width / 2 - this.Size.Width / 2, 0); console = new Console(this); console.Show(); graphics = new GraphicsCore(this); game = new Game(); }
public DiversityForm(Console c) { // // Required for Windows Form Designer support // InitializeComponent(); console = c; Common.RestoreForm(this, "DiversityForm", false); }
public void OnDestroy() { if (isInit) { applicationIsQuitting = true; _lock = null; _instance = null; } StopAsyncWriteLog(); }
static void Main() { string idVillain = Console.ReadLine(); using var connection = new SqlConnection(@"Server=.\SQLEXPRESS; Database=MinionsDB; Integrated Security=true;"); connection.Open(); var transaction = connection.BeginTransaction(); var command = new SqlCommand("SELECT Name " + " FROM Villains " + " WHERE Id = @villainId", connection); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@villainId", idVillain); command.Transaction = transaction; string nameVillain = command.ExecuteScalar()?.ToString(); string result = string.Empty; if (nameVillain == null) { result = "No such villain was found."; } else { try { command = new SqlCommand("DELETE FROM MinionsVillains " + "WHERE VillainId = @villainId", connection); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@villainId", idVillain); command.Transaction = transaction; int num = command.ExecuteNonQuery(); command = new SqlCommand("DELETE FROM Villains " + " WHERE Id = @villainId", connection); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@villainId", idVillain); command.Transaction = transaction; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); transaction.Commit(); result = $"{nameVillain} was deleted." + Environment.NewLine + $"{num} minions were released."; } catch (Exception ex) { try { result = ex.Message; transaction.Rollback(); } catch (Exception e) { result = e.Message; } } } Console.WriteLine(result); }
public void Drive() { Console.WriteLine($"The {Name} zips through the waves with the greatest of ease, and can get up to {MaxWaterSpeed} mph."); }
public virtual void CalculateStatistics() { var allStudentsPoints = 0d; var campusPoints = 0d; var statePoints = 0d; var nationalPoints = 0d; var internationalPoints = 0d; var standardPoints = 0d; var honorPoints = 0d; var dualEnrolledPoints = 0d; foreach (var student in Students) { student.LetterGrade = GetLetterGrade(student.AverageGrade); student.GPA = GetGPA(student.LetterGrade, student.Type); Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1}:{2}) GPA: {3}.", student.Name, student.LetterGrade, student.AverageGrade, student.GPA); allStudentsPoints += student.AverageGrade; switch (student.Enrollment) { case EnrollmentType.Campus: campusPoints += student.AverageGrade; break; case EnrollmentType.State: statePoints += student.AverageGrade; break; case EnrollmentType.National: nationalPoints += student.AverageGrade; break; case EnrollmentType.International: internationalPoints += student.AverageGrade; break; } switch (student.Type) { case StudentType.Standard: standardPoints += student.AverageGrade; break; case StudentType.Honors: honorPoints += student.AverageGrade; break; case StudentType.DualEnrolled: dualEnrolledPoints += student.AverageGrade; break; } } // #todo refactor into it's own method with calculations performed here Console.WriteLine("Average Grade of all students is " + (allStudentsPoints / Students.Count)); if (campusPoints != 0) Console.WriteLine("Average for only local students is " + (campusPoints / Students.Where(e => e.Enrollment == EnrollmentType.Campus).Count())); if (statePoints != 0) Console.WriteLine("Average for only state students (excluding local) is " + (statePoints / Students.Where(e => e.Enrollment == EnrollmentType.State).Count())); if (nationalPoints != 0) Console.WriteLine("Average for only national students (excluding state and local) is " + (nationalPoints / Students.Where(e => e.Enrollment == EnrollmentType.National).Count())); if (internationalPoints != 0) Console.WriteLine("Average for only international students is " + (internationalPoints / Students.Where(e => e.Enrollment == EnrollmentType.International).Count())); if (standardPoints != 0) Console.WriteLine("Average for students excluding honors and dual enrollment is " + (standardPoints / Students.Where(e => e.Type == StudentType.Standard).Count())); if (honorPoints != 0) Console.WriteLine("Average for only honors students is " + (honorPoints / Students.Where(e => e.Type == StudentType.Honors).Count())); if (dualEnrolledPoints != 0) Console.WriteLine("Average for only dual enrolled students is " + (dualEnrolledPoints / Students.Where(e => e.Type == StudentType.DualEnrolled).Count())); }
private static void OpenPresents() { Console.WriteLine("Opening Presents"); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); Console.WriteLine("Finished Opening Presents"); }
static int[] Read() => Array.ConvertAll(Console.ReadLine().Split(), int.Parse);
public void Fly() { Console.WriteLine("fly with wings"); }
public static double descuento(double valor) { Console.WriteLine(valor); return valor*.9; }
/// <summary> /// Reading from the console or other resource. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public string ReadLine() { var input = Console.ReadLine(); return(input); }
public void Play() { Console.WriteLine("Icricketplayer"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string input = Console.ReadLine(); Dictionary<string, Trainer> trainers = new Dictionary<string, Trainer>(); while (input != "Tournament") { string[] inputParts = input.Split(' ', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToArray(); string trainerName = inputParts[0]; string pokemonName = inputParts[1]; string pokemonElement = inputParts[2]; int pokemonHealth = int.Parse(inputParts[3]); Pokemon pokemon = new Pokemon(); pokemon.Name = pokemonName; pokemon.Element = pokemonElement; pokemon.Health = pokemonHealth; if(!trainers.ContainsKey(trainerName)) { trainers[trainerName] = new Trainer(trainerName); trainers[trainerName].Pokemons = new List<Pokemon>(); } trainers[trainerName].Pokemons.Add(pokemon); trainers[trainerName].Badges = 0; input = Console.ReadLine(); } input = Console.ReadLine(); while (input != "End") { string currentElement = input; foreach (var trainer in trainers.Values) { if(trainer.Pokemons.Any(e => e.Element == currentElement)) { trainer.Badges++; } else { foreach (var pokemon in trainer.Pokemons) { pokemon.Health -= 10; } } HealthChek(trainer); } input = Console.ReadLine(); } foreach (var trainer in trainers.Values.OrderByDescending(x => x.Badges)) { Console.WriteLine($"{trainer.Name} {trainer.Badges} {trainer.Pokemons.Count}"); } }
public override Cascade.DishSoap WhatIAm() { Console.WriteLine("I'm a default dish soap"); return this; }
static void Main() { int[,] board = new int[16, 16]; for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { string currentLine = Console.ReadLine(); for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) { char currentSymbol = currentLine[j]; board[i, j] = currentSymbol - '0'; } } while (true) { string currentOperation = Console.ReadLine(); if (currentOperation == "cut") { string wire = Console.ReadLine(); if (wire == "blue") { int countBlue = 0; int countRed = 0; for (int row = 1; row < 15; row++) { for (int col = 1; col < 8; col++) { int currentRow = row; int currentCol = col; int aboveRow = row - 1; int belowRow = row + 1; int beforeCol = col - 1; int afterCol = col + 1; bool topLeft = false; bool topMiddle = false; bool topRight = false; bool currentRight = false; bool currentLeft = false; bool bottomLeft = false; bool bottomMiddle = false; bool bottomRight = false; //check if all are 1 if (aboveRow >= 0 && beforeCol >= 0 && board[aboveRow, beforeCol] == 1) { topLeft = true; } if (aboveRow >= 0 && board[aboveRow, currentCol] == 1) { topMiddle = true; } if (aboveRow >= 0 && afterCol < 16 && board[aboveRow, afterCol] == 1) { topRight = true; } if (beforeCol >= 0 && board[currentRow, beforeCol] == 1) { currentLeft = true; } if (afterCol < 16 && board[currentRow, afterCol] == 1) { currentRight = true; } if (belowRow < 16 && beforeCol >= 0 && board[belowRow, beforeCol] == 1) { bottomLeft = true; } if (belowRow < 16 && board[belowRow, currentCol] == 1) { bottomMiddle = true; } if (belowRow < 16 && afterCol < 16 && board[belowRow, afterCol] == 1) { bottomRight = true; } // if all are 1 turn them into 0 if (topLeft && topMiddle && topRight && currentLeft && currentRight && bottomLeft && bottomMiddle && bottomRight) { countRed++; } } } Console.WriteLine(countRed); Console.WriteLine("desarmed"); } else { int countRed = 0; for (int row = 1; row < 15; row++) { for (int col = 8; col < 15; col++) { int currentRow = row; int currentCol = col; int aboveRow = row - 1; int belowRow = row + 1; int beforeCol = col - 1; int afterCol = col + 1; bool topLeft = false; bool topMiddle = false; bool topRight = false; bool currentRight = false; bool currentLeft = false; bool bottomLeft = false; bool bottomMiddle = false; bool bottomRight = false; //check if all are 1 if (aboveRow >= 0 && beforeCol >= 0 && board[aboveRow, beforeCol] == 1) { topLeft = true; } if (aboveRow >= 0 && board[aboveRow, currentCol] == 1) { topMiddle = true; } if (aboveRow >= 0 && afterCol < 16 && board[aboveRow, afterCol] == 1) { topRight = true; } if (beforeCol >= 0 && board[currentRow, beforeCol] == 1) { currentLeft = true; } if (afterCol < 16 && board[currentRow, afterCol] == 1) { currentRight = true; } if (belowRow < 16 && beforeCol >= 0 && board[belowRow, beforeCol] == 1) { bottomLeft = true; } if (belowRow < 16 && board[belowRow, currentCol] == 1) { bottomMiddle = true; } if (belowRow < 16 && afterCol < 16 && board[belowRow, afterCol] == 1) { bottomRight = true; } // if all are 1 turn them into 0 if (topLeft && topMiddle && topRight && currentLeft && currentRight && bottomLeft && bottomMiddle && bottomRight) { countRed++; } } } if (countRed == 0) { Console.WriteLine(countRed); Console.WriteLine("desarmed"); } else { } } break; } if (currentOperation == "hover" || currentOperation == "operate") { int currentRow = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); int currentCol = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (currentOperation == "hover") { int currentNumber = board[currentRow, currentCol]; if (currentNumber == 1) { Console.WriteLine('*'); } else { Console.WriteLine('-'); } } if (currentOperation == "operate") { int currentNumber = board[currentRow, currentCol]; if (currentNumber == 1) { Console.WriteLine("missed"); int count = 0; for (int row = 1; row < 15; row++) { for (int col = 1; col < 15; col++) { int aboveRow = row - 1; int belowRow = row + 1; int beforeCol = col - 1; int afterCol = col + 1; bool topLeft = false; bool topMiddle = false; bool topRight = false; bool currentRight = false; bool currentLeft = false; bool bottomLeft = false; bool bottomMiddle = false; bool bottomRight = false; //check if all are 1 if (aboveRow >= 0 && beforeCol >= 0 && board[aboveRow, beforeCol] == 1) { topLeft = true; } if (aboveRow >= 0 && board[aboveRow, currentCol] == 1) { topMiddle = true; } if (aboveRow >= 0 && afterCol < 16 && board[aboveRow, afterCol] == 1) { topRight = true; } if (beforeCol >= 0 && board[currentRow, beforeCol] == 1) { currentLeft = true; } if (afterCol < 16 && board[currentRow, afterCol] == 1) { currentRight = true; } if (belowRow < 16 && beforeCol >= 0 && board[belowRow, beforeCol] == 1) { bottomLeft = true; } if (belowRow < 16 && board[belowRow, currentCol] == 1) { bottomMiddle = true; } if (belowRow < 16 && afterCol < 16 && board[belowRow, afterCol] == 1) { bottomRight = true; } // if all are 1 turn them into 0 if (topLeft && topMiddle && topRight && currentLeft && currentRight && bottomLeft && bottomMiddle && bottomRight) { count++; } } } if (count == 0) { Console.WriteLine(count); Console.WriteLine("desarmed"); } else { } Console.WriteLine(count); Console.WriteLine("BOOM"); break; } else { int aboveRow = currentRow - 1; int belowRow = currentRow + 1; int beforeCol = currentCol - 1; int afterCol = currentCol + 1; bool topLeft = false; bool topMiddle = false; bool topRight = false; bool currentRight = false; bool currentLeft = false; bool bottomLeft = false; bool bottomMiddle = false; bool bottomRight = false; //check if all are 1 if (aboveRow >= 0 && beforeCol >= 0 && board[aboveRow, beforeCol] == 1) { topLeft = true; } if (aboveRow >= 0 && board[aboveRow, currentCol] == 1) { topMiddle = true; } if (aboveRow >= 0 && afterCol < 16 && board[aboveRow, afterCol] == 1) { topRight = true; } if (beforeCol >= 0 && board[currentRow, beforeCol] == 1) { currentLeft = true; } if (afterCol < 16 && board[currentRow, afterCol] == 1) { currentRight = true; } if (belowRow < 16 && beforeCol >= 0 && board[belowRow, beforeCol] == 1) { bottomLeft = true; } if (belowRow < 16 && board[belowRow, currentCol] == 1) { bottomMiddle = true; } if (belowRow < 16 && afterCol < 16 && board[belowRow, afterCol] == 1) { bottomRight = true; } // if all are 1 turn them into 0 if (topLeft && topMiddle && topRight && currentLeft && currentRight && bottomLeft && bottomMiddle && bottomRight) { for (int row = aboveRow; row <= belowRow; row++) { for (int col = beforeCol; col <= afterCol; col++) { board[row, col] = 0; } } } } } } } //Console.WriteLine(); //for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) //{ // for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) // { // Console.Write(board[i, j]); // } // Console.WriteLine(); //} }
public Carla(ReadOnlyTargetRules Target) : base(Target) { PrivatePCHHeaderFile = "Carla.h"; if (IsWindows(Target)) { bEnableExceptions = true; } // Read config about carsim string CarlaPluginPath = Path.GetFullPath(ModuleDirectory); string ConfigDir = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(CarlaPluginPath, "../../../../Config/")); string OptionalModulesFile = Path.Combine(ConfigDir, "OptionalModules.ini"); string[] text = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(OptionalModulesFile); foreach (string line in text) { if (line.Contains("CarSim ON")) { Console.WriteLine("Enabling carsim"); UsingCarSim = true; PublicDefinitions.Add("WITH_CARSIM"); PrivateDefinitions.Add("WITH_CARSIM"); } if (line.Contains("Chrono ON")) { Console.WriteLine("Enabling chrono"); UsingChrono = true; PublicDefinitions.Add("WITH_CHRONO"); PrivateDefinitions.Add("WITH_CHRONO"); } } PublicIncludePaths.AddRange( new string[] { // ... add public include paths required here ... } ); PrivateIncludePaths.AddRange( new string[] { // ... add other private include paths required here ... } ); PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange( new string[] { "Core", "RenderCore", "RHI", "ProceduralMeshComponent" // ... add other public dependencies that you statically link with here ... } ); if (UsingCarSim) { PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "CarSim" }); } if (Target.Type == TargetType.Editor) { PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "UnrealEd" }); } PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange( new string[] { "AIModule", "AssetRegistry", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "Foliage", "ImageWriteQueue", "Json", "JsonUtilities", "Landscape", "PhysX", "PhysXVehicles", "PhysXVehicleLib", "Slate", "SlateCore" // ... add private dependencies that you statically link with here ... } ); if (UsingCarSim) { PrivateDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "CarSim" }); PrivateIncludePathModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "CarSim" }); } DynamicallyLoadedModuleNames.AddRange( new string[] { // ... add any modules that your module loads dynamically here ... } ); AddCarlaServerDependency(Target); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { int[] myArray = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; Console.WriteLine(Somme(myArray)); Console.WriteLine(ArrayAverage(myArray)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Player player = new Player(); ((ICricket)player).Play(); Console.ReadKey();
public static double aumento(double valor) { Console.WriteLine(valor); return valor*1.05; }
public static void Main() { //Тест 1: при выборе правила вводим 0 try { Inicial test1 = new Inicial(); int tu1 = test1.SetVar("0"); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Тест 1 - Ошибка обработки!"); } finally { Console.WriteLine("Тест 1 пройден"); } //Тест 2: при выборе правила вводим 7 try { Inicial test2 = new Inicial(); int tu2 = test2.SetVar("7"); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Тест 2 - Ошибка обработки!"); } finally { Console.WriteLine("Тест 2 пройден"); } //Тест 3: при выборе правила вводим "test" try { Inicial test3 = new Inicial(); int tu3 = test3.SetVar("test"); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Тест 3 - Ошибка обработки!"); } finally { Console.WriteLine("Тест 3 пройден"); } //Тест 4: при выборе правила вводим "'@#$%#!@#" try { Inicial test4 = new Inicial(); int tu4 = test4.SetVar("'@#$%#!@#"); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Тест 4 - Ошибка обработки!"); } finally { Console.WriteLine("Тест 4 пройден"); } Console.WriteLine(""); // ручная проверка: Inicial init1 = new Inicial(); init1.Mess(); ConsoleReader CReaderCol = new ConsoleReader(); int uu = 0; while (uu == 0) { string u = CReaderCol.GetNextStr1(); // пользователь вводит данные uu = init1.SetVar(u); } (string oc1, string oc2, string oc3) = init1.SortIni(uu); // выводим последовательность цветов, в зависимости от выбранного правила Console.WriteLine(oc1); Console.WriteLine(oc2); Console.WriteLine(oc3); GenObj gen1 = new GenObj(); // создаем массив несоритрованных объектов List<Obj> oL1 = gen1.genobj(oc1, oc2, oc3).Item2; SorterMain sort1 = new SorterMain(); // сортируем массив объеков sort1.InList(oL1); }
static void Main(string[] args) { List<User> allUsers = new List<User>(); while (true) { string input = Console.ReadLine(); if (input == "end of dates") { break; } string[] nameDates = input.Split(' ', ','); string name = nameDates[0]; var textDates = nameDates.Skip(1).ToList(); List<DateTime> dates = textDates .Select(d => DateTime .ParseExact(d, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) .ToList(); if (allUsers.Select(u => u.Name).Contains(name)) { for (int i = 0; i < allUsers.Count; i++) { if (allUsers[i].Name == name) { allUsers[i].Dates.AddRange(dates); } } } else { User user = new User { Name = name, Dates = dates, Comments = new List<string>() }; allUsers.Add(user); } } while (true) { var input = Console.ReadLine(); if (input == "end of comments") { break; } var nameComment = input.Split('-'); var name = nameComment[0]; var comment = nameComment[1]; foreach (var user in allUsers) { if (user.Name == name) { user.Comments.Add(comment); } } } allUsers = allUsers.OrderBy(u => u.Name).ToList(); foreach (var user in allUsers) { Console.WriteLine(user.Name); Console.WriteLine("Comments:"); foreach (var comment in user.Comments) { Console.WriteLine($"- {comment}"); } Console.WriteLine("Dates attended:"); user.Dates = user.Dates.OrderBy(x => x).ToList(); foreach (var date in user.Dates) { Console.WriteLine($"-- {date:dd/MM/yyyy}"); } } }
public static double rebaja(double valor) { Console.WriteLine(valor); return valor/2; }
public virtual string GetNextStr2() { return Console.ReadLine(); }
public void Run(bool skipConnVerification) { var hostConnStr = _connectionStringResolver.GetNameOrConnectionString(new ConnectionStringResolveArgs(MultiTenancySides.Host)); if (hostConnStr.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { Log.Write("Configuration file should contain a connection string named 'Default'"); return; } Log.Write("Host database: " + hostConnStr); if (!skipConnVerification) { Log.Write("Continue to migration for this host database and all tenants..? (Y/N): "); var command = Console.ReadLine(); if (!command.IsIn("Y", "y")) { Log.Write("Migration canceled."); return; } } Log.Write("HOST database migration started..."); try { _migrator.CreateOrMigrateForHost(); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Write("An error occured during migration of host database:"); Log.Write(ex.ToString()); Log.Write("Canceled migrations."); return; } Log.Write("HOST database migration completed."); Log.Write("--------------------------------------------------------"); var migratedDatabases = new HashSet<string>(); var tenants = _tenantRepository.GetAllList(t => t.ConnectionString != null && t.ConnectionString != ""); for (int i = 0; i < tenants.Count; i++) { var tenant = tenants[i]; Log.Write(string.Format("Tenant database migration started... ({0} / {1})", (i + 1), tenants.Count)); Log.Write("Name : " + tenant.Name); Log.Write("TenancyName : " + tenant.TenancyName); Log.Write("Tenant Id : " + tenant.Id); Log.Write("Connection string : " + SimpleStringCipher.Instance.Decrypt(tenant.ConnectionString)); if (!migratedDatabases.Contains(tenant.ConnectionString)) { try { _migrator.CreateOrMigrateForTenant(tenant); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Write("An error occured during migration of tenant database:"); Log.Write(ex.ToString()); Log.Write("Skipped this tenant and will continue for others..."); } migratedDatabases.Add(tenant.ConnectionString); } else { Log.Write("This database has already migrated before (you have more than one tenant in same database). Skipping it...."); } Log.Write(string.Format("Tenant database migration completed. ({0} / {1})", (i + 1), tenants.Count)); Log.Write("--------------------------------------------------------"); } Log.Write("All databases have been migrated."); }
static void ExecuteExampleCodeFromBook() { string plainText = "This is my super super secret data"; // byte array to hold the encrypted message byte[] encryptedText; // byte arrays to hold the key that was used for encryption byte[] key1; byte[] key2; // byte array to hold the initialization vector that was used for encryption byte[] initializationVector1; byte[] initializationVector2; using (Aes aes1 = Aes.Create()) { // copy the key and the initialization vector key1 = aes1.Key; initializationVector1 = aes1.IV; // create an encryptor to encrypt some data ICryptoTransform encryptor1 = aes1.CreateEncryptor(); // Create a new memory stream to receive the // encrypted data. using (MemoryStream encryptMemoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { // create a CryptoStream, tell it the stream to write to // and the encryptor to use. Also set the mode using (CryptoStream cryptoStream1 = new CryptoStream(encryptMemoryStream, encryptor1, CryptoStreamMode.Write)) { // Add another layer of encryption using (Aes aes2 = Aes.Create()) { // copy the key and the initialization vector key2 = aes2.Key; initializationVector2 = aes2.IV; ICryptoTransform encryptor2 = aes2.CreateEncryptor(); using (CryptoStream cryptoStream2 = new CryptoStream(cryptoStream1, encryptor2, CryptoStreamMode.Write)) { using (StreamWriter swEncrypt = new StreamWriter(cryptoStream2)) { //Write the secret message to the stream. swEncrypt.Write(plainText); } // get the encrypted message from the stream encryptedText = encryptMemoryStream.ToArray(); } } } } } // Dump out our data Console.WriteLine("String to encrypt: {0}", plainText); dumpBytes("Key1: ", key1); dumpBytes("Initialization Vector1: ", initializationVector1); dumpBytes("Key2: ", key2); dumpBytes("Initialization Vector2: ", initializationVector2); dumpBytes("Encrypted: ", encryptedText); // Now do the decryption string decryptedText; using (Aes aesd1 = Aes.Create()) { // Configure the aes instances with the key and // initialization vector to use for the decryption aesd1.Key = key1; aesd1.IV = initializationVector1; // Create a decryptor from aes1 ICryptoTransform decryptor1 = aesd1.CreateDecryptor(); using (MemoryStream decryptStream = new MemoryStream(encryptedText)) { using (CryptoStream decryptCryptoStream1 = new CryptoStream(decryptStream, decryptor1, CryptoStreamMode.Read)) { using (Aes aesd2 = Aes.Create()) { // Configure the aes instances with the key and // initialization vector to use for the decryption aesd2.Key = key2; aesd2.IV = initializationVector2; // Create a decryptor from aes2 ICryptoTransform decryptor2 = aesd2.CreateDecryptor(); using (CryptoStream decryptCryptoStream2 = new CryptoStream(decryptCryptoStream1, decryptor2, CryptoStreamMode.Read)) { using (StreamReader srDecrypt = new StreamReader(decryptCryptoStream2)) { decryptedText = srDecrypt.ReadToEnd(); } } } } } Console.WriteLine("Decrypted string: {0}", decryptedText); Console.ReadKey(); } }
private static int run(Ice.Communicator communicator) { HelloPrx hello = null; try { hello = HelloPrxHelper.checkedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("hello")); } catch (Ice.NotRegisteredException) { var query = IceGrid.QueryPrxHelper.checkedCast(communicator.stringToProxy("DemoIceGrid/Query")); hello = HelloPrxHelper.checkedCast(query.findObjectByType("::Demo::Hello")); } if (hello == null) { Console.WriteLine("couldn't find a `::Demo::Hello' object"); return(1); } menu(); string line = null; do { try { Console.Write("==> "); Console.Out.Flush(); line = Console.In.ReadLine(); if (line == null) { break; } if (line.Equals("t")) { hello.sayHello(); } else if (line.Equals("s")) { hello.shutdown(); } else if (line.Equals("x")) { // Nothing to do } else if (line.Equals("?")) { menu(); } else { Console.WriteLine("unknown command `" + line + "'"); menu(); } } catch (Ice.LocalException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } }while(!line.Equals("x")); return(0); }
static void Main() { int[] a = { 1, 5, 9, 7, 9 }; int[] b = { 8, 7, 4, 6 }; Console.WriteLine(Add(a, b)); }
private static void PlayPartyGames() { Console.WriteLine("Starting games"); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2)); Console.WriteLine("Finishing Games"); }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { var headerPath = args[0]; var libraryPath = args[1]; var gitHubToken = args[2]; var repoPath = args[3]; var repoSlug = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("GITHUB_REPOSITORY"); var repoSplits = repoSlug.Split('/'); var repoOwner = repoSplits[0]; var repoName = repoSplits[1]; var gitHubClient = new GitHubClient(new ProductHeaderValue("Tgstation.Server.DMApiUpdater", "1.0.0")) { Credentials = new Octokit.Credentials(gitHubToken) }; var releaseTask = GetLatestDMApiBytes(gitHubClient, repoOwner, repoName); Console.WriteLine("Deleting old DMAPI..."); var targetHeaderPath = Path.Combine(repoPath, headerPath); if (File.Exists(targetHeaderPath)) { File.Delete(targetHeaderPath); } var targetLibraryPath = Path.Combine(repoPath, libraryPath); if (Directory.Exists(targetLibraryPath)) { RecursiveDelete(targetLibraryPath); } var releaseTuple = await releaseTask; var zipBytes = releaseTuple.Item1; Console.WriteLine("Unzipping replacement DMAPI..."); using var zipStream = new MemoryStream(zipBytes); using var archive = new ZipArchive(zipStream, ZipArchiveMode.Read); foreach (var entry in archive.Entries) { if (entry.FullName.EndsWith('/')) { continue; } string targetPath; if (entry.Name.Equals("", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { targetPath = targetHeaderPath; } else { targetPath = Path.Combine(targetLibraryPath, "..", entry.FullName); } var dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(targetPath); Directory.CreateDirectory(dir); entry.ExtractToFile(targetPath); } }
/* [DataMember(Name = "id")] * public long Id { get; set; }*/ public Notification Process(BusinessDbContext context, string adminId, ValidationSender sender, string connectionString, Notification notification) { var queryString = $@" SELECT DISTINCT ON(users.""Id"") users.""Id"", users.""ValidatedEmail"", users.""ValidatedSms"", users.""Enabled"", users.""Email"", users.""PhoneNumber"", users.""EnabledEmail"", users.""EnabledSms"", addr.""GeoLocation"", addr.""UserId"", noti.""AffectedArea"" FROM public.""Address"" addr, public.""AllUsers"" users, public.""Notifications"" noti where ST_Intersects(ST_SetSRID(noti.""AffectedArea"",4326),addr.""GeoLocation"") and users.""Id"" = addr.""UserId"" and noti.""Id"" = {notification.Id} "; var foundUsers = new List <Rows>(); try { using (var connection = context.Database.GetDbConnection()) { connection.Open(); using (var command = connection.CreateCommand()) { command.CommandText = queryString; using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (reader.Read()) { foundUsers.Add(new Rows() { Id = (Guid)reader[0], ValidatedEmail = (bool)reader[1], ValidatedSms = (bool)reader[2], Enabled = (bool)reader[3], Email = (reader[4] ?? "").ToString(), PhoneNumber = (reader[5] ?? "").ToString(), EnabledEmail = (bool)reader[6], EnabledSms = (bool)reader[7] }); } } } context.Notifications.Update(notification); notification.Status = NotiStatus.Published; notification.Published = DateTime.Now; notification.PublishedById = new Guid(adminId); context.SaveChanges(); Log.Information("Sending out notification to {count} users", foundUsers.Count); // Use the notification bounds and find the users which fall into those bounds #pragma warning disable 4014 Broadcast(connectionString, sender, foundUsers, notification); #pragma warning restore 4014 // Use their communication information which has been validated to fire off the messages // Collect stats with the broadcasting return(notification); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Handles receiving bytes of data over the WebSocket. /// </summary> /// <param name="socket"></param> /// <param name="data"></param> private void OnMessage(IWebSocketConnection socket, string message) { Console.WriteLine($"Socket {socket.ConnectionInfo} received {message}."); var packet = JToken.Parse(message); var packetId = packet.Value <int>("PacketId"); var uid = packet.Value <int>("UserId"); // Compare packet IDs to the client packets switch (packetId) { // Login request from client case 0: if (_table.GameInProgress) { return; } if (uid == -1) { Console.WriteLine("Creating new user."); // unknown user uid = Guid.NewGuid().GetHashCode(); Console.WriteLine($"User was created with UID {uid}."); } lock (_userIdMapLock) { UserIdToSockets[uid] = socket; } var loginStatus = default(byte); if (_table.Players.Count >= _maxPlayers) { loginStatus = 1; } else { // Player is able to be seated at the table. loginStatus = 0; _table.AddPlayer(new Model.Player(uid)); } var responsePacket = new LoginResponse { PacketId = 0, LoginStatus = loginStatus, UserId = uid }; socket.Send(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(responsePacket)); if (_table.Players.Count == _maxPlayers) { _table.StartGame(); } break; // Bet/call request case 1: if (uid != _table.ActivePlayer.Id || !_table.GameInProgress) { return; } Console.WriteLine($"Player {uid} submitted bid for {packet.Value<int>("BetAmount")}"); if (_table.PlaceBet(uid, packet.Value <int>("BetAmount"))) { var updateChipPacket = new UpdatePlayerChipCount { PacketId = 5, UserId = uid, NewChipCount = _table.ActivePlayer.Chips, NewPotCount = _table.Pot }; BroadcastMessage(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(updateChipPacket)); _table.CycleActivePlayer(); } break; // General action request case 2: if (uid != _table.ActivePlayer.Id || !_table.GameInProgress) { return; } var action = packet.Value <GeneralAction>("Action"); var handled = false; if (action == GeneralAction.Check) { handled = _table.HandleCheck(uid); } else { handled = _table.MarkPlayerFolded(uid); } if (handled) { _table.CycleActivePlayer(); } break; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World! modified"); }
static void doWork() { Console.WriteLine(Util.Sum(2, 4, 6, 8)); }