private void QuerySignmentBill(object obj)
            //var para = Filter;//(ConsignmentBillParameterModel)obj;

            List <string> filters = new List <string>();

            if (Filter.ParamBillBeginSeq > 0 && Filter.ParamBillEndSeq > 0)
                filters.Add($" and BillSeq between {Filter.ParamBillBeginSeq}  and  {Filter.ParamBillEndSeq} ");
            else if (Filter.ParamBillBeginSeq > 0)
                filters.Add($" and a.BillNo like '%{Filter.ParamBillBeginSeq}%' ");

            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(para.ParamBillNo))
            //    filters.Add($" and a.BillNo like '%{para.ParamBillNo}%' ");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Filter.ParamDeptName))
                string deptName = Filter.ParamDeptName.Replace(",", ",");
                if (deptName.Contains(","))
                    string orfield = string.Empty;
                    foreach (var item in deptName.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                        orfield += $"or DeptName like '%{item}%' ";
                    orfield = orfield.Length > 2 ? orfield.Substring(2) : " 1 = 1 ";
                    filters.Add($" and ( {orfield}  )");
                    filters.Add($" and DeptName like '%{deptName}%' ");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Filter.ParamCustName))
                string custName = Filter.ParamCustName.Replace(",", ",");
                if (custName.Contains(","))
                    string orfield = string.Empty;
                    foreach (var item in custName.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                        orfield += $"or CustName like '%{item}%'  ";
                    orfield = orfield.Length > 2 ? orfield.Substring(2) : " 1 = 1 ";
                    filters.Add($" and ( {orfield}  )");
                    filters.Add($" and CustName like '%{custName}%' ");

            if (Filter.IsSelected)
                filters.Add($" and SelectedStatus > 0  ");

            string filter = $" and BillDate >= '{Filter.ParamBeginDate}' and BillDate <= '{Filter.ParamEndDate}' and BillType={Filter.ParamBillType}  and UndoQuantity>{Filter.ParamRestQuatity} " + string.Join(" ", filters);

            _consignmentService.GetAllConsignmentBills(user.ID, filter).ToList().ForEach(x =>
            ConsignmentBillsCount        = ConsignmentBills.Count();
            ConsignmentBillsSumQuantity  = ConsignmentBills.Sum(m => m.CurrencyQuantity);
            SelectedConsignmentBillEntry = null;
            SelectedConsignmentBill      = null;
 public void GetConsignmentBills()
     _consignmentService.GetAllConsignmentBills(0).ToList().ForEach(x => ConsignmentBills.Add(x));