public void AddFakeCamera() { FakeCameraDevice device = new FakeCameraDevice(); ConnectedDevices.Add(device); SelectedCameraDevice = device; }
public void Connect(EventHandler <SaleaeStringEventArgs> saleaeApiMonitor = null, EventHandler <LoggingEventArgs> loggingEventHandler = null) { saleae = new SocketAPI(host, port); if (saleaeApiMonitor != null) { saleae.SaleaeStringEvent += saleaeApiMonitor; } CallerLoggingEventHandler = loggingEventHandler; connDevs = saleae.GetConnectedDevices(); dev = (from d in connDevs where d.type == "LOGIC_PRO_16_DEVICE" select d).FirstOrDefault(); if (dev.index == 0) { // Can't find logic pro 16. Just pick the first one. var dLst = (from d in connDevs where d.index > 0 select d); var minIdx = (from d in dLst select d.index).Min(); dev = (from d in dLst where d.index == minIdx select d).FirstOrDefault(); } if (dev.index != 0) { saleae.SelectActiveDevice(dev.index); } else { // Can't find any device. Not sure what is wrong. saleae = null; } OnPropertyChanged("HasConnection"); }
private async Task Enumerate() { try { var enumerator = new Enumerator(); Logger.Log(LogSeverity.Info, $"Starting enumeration, targeting any compatible devices."); while (enumerator.Devices.Count == 0) { await enumerator.Run(Target); await Task.Delay(10); } Logger.Log(LogSeverity.Info, $"Enumeration complete for target, found {enumerator.Devices.Count} devices."); var i = 1; enumerator.Devices.ForEach(_dev => { ConnectedDevices.Add(new Device((int)_dev.Info.ProductId, _dev.FriendlyName, _dev.Target)); Logger.Log(LogSeverity.Info, $"{i} - {_dev.FriendlyName} | {_dev.Info.DeviceId} | {_dev.Target}."); i++; }); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log(LogSeverity.Error, e.Message); Step = FlashingStep.Error; } }
public IDevice Connect(IDeviceInfo deviceInfo) { MsHidDeviceInfo hidDeviceInfo = deviceInfo as MsHidDeviceInfo; if (hidDeviceInfo == null) { throw new ArgumentException("The specified DeviceInfo does not belong to this DeviceProvider.", "deviceInfo"); } ReportWiimote wiimote; if (!TryConnect(hidDeviceInfo, out wiimote)) { UseSetOutputReport = !UseSetOutputReport; if (!TryConnect(hidDeviceInfo, out wiimote)) { throw new DeviceConnectException("Both methods of connecting timed out."); } } wiimote.Disconnected += device_Disconnected; ConnectedDevices.Add(wiimote); MsHidDeviceProviderHelper.SetDevicePathConnected(hidDeviceInfo.DevicePath, true); OnDeviceConnected(new DeviceEventArgs(wiimote)); return(wiimote); }
public void AddFakeCamera() { FakeCameraDevice device = new FakeCameraDevice(); ConnectedDevices.Add(device); NewCameraConnected(device); }
public void CloseAll() { foreach (ICameraDevice connectedDevice in ConnectedDevices.Where(connectedDevice => connectedDevice.IsConnected)) { connectedDevice.Close(); } }
private async void DeviceFound(BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher watcher, BluetoothLEAdvertisementReceivedEventArgs btAdv) { if (!ConnectedDevices.Contains(btAdv.Advertisement.LocalName) && _devices.Contains(btAdv.Advertisement.LocalName)) { await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, async() => { var device = await BluetoothLEDevice.FromBluetoothAddressAsync(btAdv.BluetoothAddress); if (device.GattServices.Any()) { ConnectedDevices.Add(device.Name); device.ConnectionStatusChanged += async(sender, args) => { if (sender.ConnectionStatus == BluetoothConnectionStatus.Disconnected) { await Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Low, () => { ConnectedDevices .Remove( sender .Name); }); } }; SetupWaxStream(device); } else if (device.DeviceInformation.Pairing.CanPair && !device.DeviceInformation.Pairing.IsPaired) { await device.DeviceInformation.Pairing.PairAsync(DevicePairingProtectionLevel.None); } }); } }
private void AfterReceive(IAsyncResult ar) { byte[] received; string receivedStr; ThisDevice clObject = (ThisDevice)ar.AsyncState; try { received = udpCli.EndReceive(ar, ref iPep); receivedStr = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(received); clObject.ipEp = iPep; = receivedStr; //Console.WriteLine(clObject.Data); if (receivedStr == "DISCOVER_XSTREAM_SERVER") { Console.WriteLine("RECV_" + receivedStr); data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("DISCOVER_XSTREAM_CLIENT"); Console.WriteLine("SEND_DISCOVER_XSTREAM_CLIENT"); udpCli.Send(data, data.Length, iPep); } else if (receivedStr == "ADD_SUCCESS") { Console.WriteLine("RECEIVE_ADD_SUCCESS"); ConnectedDevices.ManipClientObject(clObject); } else if (receivedStr == "REMOVE_THIS_DEVICE") { Console.WriteLine("RECEIVE_REMOVE_THIS_CLIENT"); ConnectedDevices.ManipClientObject(clObject); } Console.WriteLine("True"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.WriteLine("False"); } if (!bWorker.CancellationPending) { try { Console.WriteLine(iPep.Address.ToString()); //AvailableDevices.ManipThisDevice(clObject); bWorker.ReportProgress(0, clObject); ThisDevice cliObj = new ThisDevice(); data = new byte[1024]; iPep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 8810); cliObj.ipEp = iPep; Console.WriteLine("Beginning receive"); udpCli.BeginReceive(new AsyncCallback(AfterReceive), cliObj); } catch (Exception expc) { MessageBox.Show(expc.Message); } } }
private async void _server_ConnectionRequest(object sender, ResonanceListeningServerConnectionRequestEventArgs <BluetoothAdapter> e) { IResonanceTransporter transporter = ResonanceTransporter.Builder .Create() .WithAdapter(e.Accept()) .WithJsonTranscoding() .Build(); transporter.StateChanged += (x, ee) => { if (ee.NewState != ResonanceComponentState.Connected) { InvokeUI(() => { ConnectedDevices.Remove(transporter); }); } }; transporter.RegisterRequestHandler <ChatMessageRequest, ChatMessageResponse>(OnChatRequest); await transporter.ConnectAsync(); InvokeUI(() => { ConnectedDevices.Add(transporter); if (SelectedDevice == null) { SelectedDevice = transporter; } }); }
public void Connect(EventHandler<SaleaeStringEventArgs> saleaeApiMonitor = null, EventHandler<LoggingEventArgs> loggingEventHandler = null) { saleae = new SocketAPI(host, port); if (saleaeApiMonitor != null) { saleae.SaleaeStringEvent += saleaeApiMonitor; } CallerLoggingEventHandler = loggingEventHandler; connDevs = saleae.GetConnectedDevices(); dev = (from d in connDevs where d.type == "LOGIC_PRO_16_DEVICE" select d).FirstOrDefault(); if( dev.index == 0 ) { // Can't find logic pro 16. Just pick the first one. var dLst = (from d in connDevs where d.index > 0 select d); var minIdx = (from d in dLst select d.index).Min(); dev = (from d in dLst where d.index == minIdx select d ).FirstOrDefault(); } if (dev.index != 0) { saleae.SelectActiveDevice(dev.index); } else { // Can't find any device. Not sure what is wrong. saleae = null; } OnPropertyChanged("HasConnection"); }
public async Task <T> EstablishDeviceConnectionByPort <T>(byte port) where T : IDevice { while (!ConnectedDevices.ContainsKey(port) || !ConnectedDevices[port].IsReady) { await Task.Delay(250); } return((T)ConnectedDevices[port]); }
private async void ConnectDisconnectDevice(object sender, EventArgs e) { HttpResponseMessage result; if (isConnectedDeviceSelected) { result = await Services.WithingsService.DisconnectDeviceAsync(selectedDevice.Identifier.System, selectedDevice.Identifier.Value); } else { result = await Services.WithingsService.ConnectDeviceAsync(selectedDevice.Identifier.System, selectedDevice.Identifier.Value); } if (result.IsSuccessStatusCode) { List <object> connectedDevices = new List <object>(); List <object> disconnectedDevices = new List <object>(); var res = await Services.WithingsService.GetDevices(connectedDevices, disconnectedDevices); if (res == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) { ConnectedDevices.Clear(); DisconnectedDevices.Clear(); ConnectedDevices = new ObservableCollection <object>(connectedDevices); DisconnectedDevices = new ObservableCollection <object>(disconnectedDevices); } else if (res == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Conflict) { await DisplayAlert("Conflict", "Previous user delete operation is in progress. Please try again later", "Ok"); } else { await DisplayAlert("Error", "Something went wrong. Please try again", "Ok"); } } else { await DisplayAlert("Withing auth failed", "Something went wrong. Please try again", "Ok"); } OnAppearing(); if (result.IsSuccessStatusCode) { actionButton.IsEnabled = false; actionButton.Text = "Select Device"; selectedDevice.IsSelected = false; selectedDevice = null; deviceContentView.IsVisible = false; } if (Device.Idiom == TargetIdiom.Tablet) { actionButton.IsVisible = false; } }
public Guid DeviceDescriptorToInstanceGuid(DeviceDescriptor deviceDescriptor) { if (ConnectedDevices.ContainsKey(deviceDescriptor.DeviceHandle) && ConnectedDevices[deviceDescriptor.DeviceHandle].Count >= deviceDescriptor.DeviceInstance) { return(ConnectedDevices[deviceDescriptor.DeviceHandle][deviceDescriptor.DeviceInstance]); } throw new Exception($"Could not find device Handle {deviceDescriptor.DeviceHandle}, Instance {deviceDescriptor.DeviceInstance}"); //return Guid.Empty; }
void device_Disconnected(object sender, EventArgs e) { ReportWiimote wiimote = (ReportWiimote)sender; MsHidDeviceInfo deviceInfo = (MsHidDeviceInfo)wiimote.DeviceInfo; wiimote.Disconnected -= device_Disconnected; ConnectedDevices.Remove(wiimote); MsHidDeviceProviderHelper.SetDevicePathConnected(deviceInfo.DevicePath, false); OnDeviceDisconnected(new DeviceEventArgs(wiimote)); }
public void DisconnectAll() { List <Task> disconnectTasks = new List <Task>(); foreach (var connectedDevice in ConnectedDevices.ToArray()) { var t = Task.Run(() => connectedDevice.Disconnect()); disconnectTasks.Add(t); } Task.WaitAll(disconnectTasks.ToArray()); }
private void CheckListOfDevicesForNulls() { if (ConnectedDevices.Count == 0) { return; } for (int i = ConnectedDevices.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (ConnectedDevices[i] == null) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log($"{} has a null value in {i}."); ConnectedDevices.RemoveAt(i); } } }
public Device FindCompanionDevice(Log log, Device device) { var companion = ConnectedDevices.Where((v) => v.DeviceIdentifier == device.CompanionIdentifier); if (companion.Count() == 0) { throw new Exception($"Could not find the companion device for '{device.Name}'"); } if (companion.Count() > 1) { log.WriteLine("Found {0} companion devices for {1}?!?", companion.Count(), device.Name); } return(companion.First()); }
protected BluetoothLEManager() { CentralManager = new CBCentralManager(DispatchQueue.CurrentQueue); CentralManager.DiscoveredPeripheral += (object sender, CBDiscoveredPeripheralEventArgs e) => { Console.WriteLine("DiscoveredPeripheral: " + e.Peripheral.Name); DiscoveredDevices.Add(e.Peripheral); DeviceDiscovered(this, e); }; CentralManager.UpdatedState += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { Console.WriteLine("UpdatedState: " + CentralManager.State); }; CentralManager.ConnectedPeripheral += (object sender, CBPeripheralEventArgs e) => { Console.WriteLine("ConnectedPeripheral: " + e.Peripheral.Name); // When a peripheral gets connected, add that peripheral to our running list of // connected peripherals if (!ConnectedDevices.Contains(e.Peripheral)) { ConnectedDevices.Add(e.Peripheral); } // raise our connected event DeviceConnected(sender, e); }; CentralManager.DisconnectedPeripheral += (object sender, CBPeripheralErrorEventArgs e) => { Console.WriteLine("DisconnectedPeripheral: " + e.Peripheral.Name); // When a peripheral disconnects, remove it from our running list. if (ConnectedDevices.Contains(e.Peripheral)) { ConnectedDevices.Remove(e.Peripheral); } // Raise our disconnected event DeviceDisconnected(sender, e); }; }
public async Task <IHardwareDevice> FindCompanionDevice(ILog log, IHardwareDevice device) { await LoadDevices(log, false, false); var companion = ConnectedDevices.Where((v) => v.DeviceIdentifier == device.CompanionIdentifier); if (companion.Count() == 0) { throw new Exception($"Could not find the companion device for '{device.Name}'"); } if (companion.Count() > 1) { log.WriteLine("Found {0} companion devices for {1}?!?", companion.Count(), device.Name); } return(companion.First()); }
/// <summary> /// Connect to a device. /// </summary> /// <param name="device">The device.</param> public async void ConnectToDevice(IDevice device) { var peripheral = device.NativeDevice as CBPeripheral; _central.ConnectPeripheral(peripheral); await Task.Delay(ConnectionTimeout); if (ConnectedDevices.All(x => x.Id != device.Id)) { _central.CancelPeripheralConnection(peripheral); var args = new DeviceConnectionEventArgs(device) { ErrorMessage = "The device connection timed out." }; DeviceFailedToConnect(this, args); } }
protected BluetoothLeManager() { CentralBleManager = new CBCentralManager(DispatchQueue.CurrentQueue); DiscoveredDevices = new List <CBPeripheral>(); CentralBleManager.DiscoveredPeripheral += (sender, e) => { Mvx.Trace("DiscoveredPeripheral: {0}", e.Peripheral.Name); DiscoveredDevices.Add(e.Peripheral); DeviceDiscovered(this, e); }; CentralBleManager.UpdatedState += (sender, e) => { Mvx.Trace("UpdatedState: {0}", CentralBleManager.State); }; CentralBleManager.ConnectedPeripheral += (sender, e) => { Mvx.Trace("ConnectedPeripheral: " + e.Peripheral.Name); // when a peripheral gets connected, add that peripheral to our running list of connected peripherals if (!ConnectedDevices.Contains(e.Peripheral)) { ConnectedDevices.Add(e.Peripheral); } // raise our connected event DeviceConnected(sender, e); }; CentralBleManager.DisconnectedPeripheral += (sender, e) => { Mvx.Trace("DisconnectedPeripheral: " + e.Peripheral.Name); // when a peripheral disconnects, remove it from our running list. if (ConnectedDevices.Contains(e.Peripheral)) { ConnectedDevices.Remove(e.Peripheral); } // raise our disconnected event DeviceDisconnected(sender, e); }; }
public mainForm() { int cnt = 0; Console.WriteLine(Dns.GetHostName()); IPAddress[] localIPs = Dns.GetHostAddresses(Dns.GetHostName()); foreach (IPAddress addr in localIPs) { if (addr.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork) { ConnectedDevices.GetCompiled(addr); Console.WriteLine(addr); } cnt++; } InitializeComponent(); //string str = SerializationFunctions.Serialize(new ThisDevice()); //Console.WriteLine(str); cnt++; }
protected override async void OnAppearing() { await FetchDevices(); if (ConnectedDevices.Count > 0) { await FetchObservations(); } BindingContext = this; DataTemplate template = (DataTemplate)this.Resources["withingsDeviceDataTemplate"]; connectedDevicesWrapLayout.Children.Clear(); foreach (var connectedItem in ConnectedDevices) { Controls.ContentPresenter contentPresenter = BuildContentPresenter(template, connectedItem, false, true); connectedDevicesWrapLayout.Children.Add(contentPresenter); } template = (DataTemplate)this.Resources["withingsObservationDataTemplate"]; observationListWrapLayout.Children.Clear(); foreach (var observation in observationCategories) { Controls.ContentPresenter observationPresenter = BuildObservationPresenter(template, observation.Value); observationListWrapLayout.Children.Add(observationPresenter); } ManageDevicesButton devicesButton = new ManageDevicesButton(); TapGestureRecognizer tapGestureRecognizer = new TapGestureRecognizer(); tapGestureRecognizer.Tapped += async(s, e) => { await Navigation.PushAsync(new DeviceManagementPage(ConnectedDevices.ToList(), DisconnectedDevices.ToList())); }; devicesButton.GestureRecognizers.Add(tapGestureRecognizer); connectedDevicesWrapLayout.Children.Add(devicesButton); base.OnAppearing(); }
public async Task <IHardwareDevice> FindDevice(RunMode runMode, ILog log, bool includeLocked, bool force) { DeviceClass [] deviceClasses = runMode switch { RunMode.iOS => new [] { DeviceClass.iPhone, DeviceClass.iPad, DeviceClass.iPod }, RunMode.WatchOS => new [] { DeviceClass.Watch }, RunMode.TvOS => new [] { DeviceClass.AppleTV }, // Untested _ => throw new ArgumentException(nameof(runMode)), }; await LoadDevices(log, false, false); IEnumerable <IHardwareDevice> compatibleDevices = ConnectedDevices.Where(v => deviceClasses.Contains(v.DeviceClass) && v.IsUsableForDebugging != false); IHardwareDevice device; if (compatibleDevices.Count() == 0) { throw new NoDeviceFoundException($"Could not find any applicable devices with device class(es): {string.Join (", ", deviceClasses)}"); } else if (compatibleDevices.Count() > 1) { device = compatibleDevices .OrderBy(dev => Version.TryParse(dev.ProductVersion, out Version v) ? v : new Version()) .First(); log.WriteLine("Found {0} devices for device class(es) '{1}': '{2}'. Selected: '{3}' (because it has the lowest version).", compatibleDevices.Count(), string.Join("', '", deviceClasses), string.Join("', '", compatibleDevices.Select((v) => v.Name).ToArray()), device.Name); } else { device = compatibleDevices.First(); } return(device); }
// TODO: Combine this with code from DeviceManagementPage.cs private Controls.ContentPresenter BuildContentPresenter(DataTemplate template, object connectedItem, bool isConnected, bool showExtraInfo = false) { Models.Device device = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Models.Device>(connectedItem.ToString()); device.IsConnected = isConnected; device.ShowExtraInfo = showExtraInfo; Controls.ContentPresenter contentPresenter = new Controls.ContentPresenter() { BindingContext = device, }; contentPresenter.ItemTemplate = template; TapGestureRecognizer tapGestureRecognizer = new TapGestureRecognizer(); // TODO: Change device tapped to go somewhere else? tapGestureRecognizer.Tapped += async(s, e) => { await Navigation.PushAsync(new DeviceManagementPage(ConnectedDevices.ToList(), DisconnectedDevices.ToList())); }; contentPresenter.GestureRecognizers.Add(tapGestureRecognizer); return(contentPresenter); }
public void RefreshConnectedDevices() { //ConnectedDevices = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, List<Guid>>(); var diDeviceInstances = DiInstance.GetDevices(); var connectedHandles = ConnectedDevices.Keys.ToList(); foreach (var device in diDeviceInstances) { if (!IsStickType(device)) { continue; } var joystick = new Joystick(DiInstance, device.InstanceGuid); var handle = JoystickToHandle(joystick); if (connectedHandles.Contains(handle)) { connectedHandles.Remove(handle); } if (ConnectedDevices.ContainsKey(handle)) { if (ConnectedDevices[handle].Contains(device.InstanceGuid)) { continue; } } else { ConnectedDevices[handle] = new List <Guid>(); } ConnectedDevices[handle].Add(device.InstanceGuid); } foreach (var connectedHandle in connectedHandles) { ConnectedDevices.TryRemove(connectedHandle, out _); } }
private void ChannelWatcher_ClearDevices(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { AvailableChannels.Clear(); ConnectedDevices.Clear(); }
protected Adapter() { CentralManager = new CBCentralManager(DispatchQueue.CurrentQueue); CentralManager.DiscoveredPeripheral += (object sender, CBDiscoveredPeripheralEventArgs e) => { Console.WriteLine("DiscoveredPeripheral: " + e.Peripheral.Name); Device d = new Device(e.Peripheral); if (!ContainsDevice(DiscoveredDevices, e.Peripheral)) { DiscoveredDevices.Add(d); DeviceDiscovered(this, new DeviceDiscoveredEventArgs() { Device = d }); } }; CentralManager.UpdatedState += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { Console.WriteLine("UpdatedState: " + CentralManager.State); _stateChanged.Set(); }; CentralManager.ConnectedPeripheral += (object sender, CBPeripheralEventArgs e) => { Console.WriteLine("ConnectedPeripheral: " + e.Peripheral.Name); // When a peripheral gets connected, add that peripheral to our running list of // connected peripherals if (!ContainsDevice(ConnectedDevices, e.Peripheral)) { Device d = new Device(e.Peripheral); ConnectedDevices.Add(new Device(e.Peripheral)); // raise our connected event DeviceConnected(sender, new DeviceConnectionEventArgs() { Device = d }); } }; CentralManager.DisconnectedPeripheral += (object sender, CBPeripheralErrorEventArgs e) => { Console.WriteLine("DisconnectedPeripheral: " + e.Peripheral.Name); // when a peripheral disconnects, remove it from our running list. IDevice foundDevice = null; foreach (var d in ConnectedDevices) { if (d.ID == Guid.ParseExact(e.Peripheral.Identifier.AsString(), "d")) { foundDevice = d; } } if (foundDevice != null) { ConnectedDevices.Remove(foundDevice); } // raise our disconnected event DeviceDisconnected(sender, new DeviceConnectionEventArgs() { Device = new Device(e.Peripheral) }); }; CentralManager.FailedToConnectPeripheral += (object sender, CBPeripheralErrorEventArgs e) => { // raise the failed to connect event DeviceFailedToConnect(this, new DeviceConnectionEventArgs() { Device = new Device(e.Peripheral), ErrorMessage = e.Error.Description }); }; }
public IDevice Connect(IDeviceInfo deviceInfo) { int result; MsBluetoothDeviceInfo bluetoothDeviceInfo = deviceInfo as MsBluetoothDeviceInfo; if (bluetoothDeviceInfo == null) { throw new ArgumentException("The specified IDeviceInfo does not belong to this DeviceProvider.", "deviceInfo"); } NativeMethods.BluetoothDeviceInfo bluetoothDevice = bluetoothDeviceInfo.Device; result = NativeMethods.BluetoothUpdateDeviceRecord(ref bluetoothDevice); NativeMethods.HandleError(result); if (bluetoothDevice.connected) { throw new NotImplementedException("The device is already connected."); } if (bluetoothDevice.remembered) { // Remove non-connected devices from MsBluetooth's device list. // This has to be done because: // MsBluetooth can't connect to Hid devices without also pairing to them. // If you think that sounds crazy, you're on the right track. NativeMethods.RemoveDevice(bluetoothDevice.address); } Guid hidGuid = BluetoothServices.HumanInterfaceDeviceServiceClass_UUID; result = NativeMethods.BluetoothSetServiceState(IntPtr.Zero, ref bluetoothDevice, ref hidGuid, 0x0001); NativeMethods.HandleError(result); if (WaitTillConnected(bluetoothDevice.address, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30))) { Thread.Sleep(2000); ReportDevice device = null; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, SafeFileHandle> pair in MsHidDeviceProviderHelper.GetWiiDeviceHandles()) { string devicePath = pair.Key; SafeFileHandle fileHandle = pair.Value; Stream communicationStream = new MsHidSetOutputReportStream(fileHandle); // determine the device type if (bluetoothDeviceInfo.Name == "Nintendo RVL-WBC-01") { device = new ReportBalanceBoard(deviceInfo, communicationStream); } else if (bluetoothDeviceInfo.Name == "Nintendo RVL-CNT-01") { device = new ReportWiimote(deviceInfo, communicationStream); } else { throw new ArgumentException("The specified deviceInfo with name '" + bluetoothDeviceInfo.Name + "' is not supported.", "deviceInfo"); } if (MsHidDeviceProviderHelper.TryConnect(device, communicationStream, devicePath, fileHandle)) { break; } device = null; } if (device != null) { lookupFoundDevices.Remove(bluetoothDeviceInfo.Address); foundDevices.Remove(bluetoothDeviceInfo); OnDeviceLost(new DeviceInfoEventArgs(bluetoothDeviceInfo)); device.Disconnected += device_Disconnected; ConnectedDevices.Add(device); lookupConnectedDevices.Add(bluetoothDeviceInfo, device); OnDeviceConnected(new DeviceEventArgs(device)); return(device); } else { throw new DeviceConnectException("No working HID device found."); } } else { throw new TimeoutException("Timeout while trying to connect to the bluetooth device."); } }
internal void GetConnectedDevices() { connectedDevices.Clear(); lines.Clear(); Process proc = null; try { using (proc = new Process()) { CurrActiveProcess = proc; System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo procStartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(CommandProcessName + ".exe"); procStartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; procStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; procStartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; procStartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; procStartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; proc.StartInfo = procStartInfo; proc.ErrorDataReceived += new DataReceivedEventHandler(ErrorDataHandlerForConnectedDevice); proc.Start(); //print(proc.Id); proc.StandardInput.WriteLine("adb devices"); proc.StandardInput.WriteLine("exit"); for (int i = 0; !proc.StandardOutput.EndOfStream; i++) { string line = proc.StandardOutput.ReadLine(); lines.Add(line); //print (line); } proc.Close(); if (lines.Count > 8) { for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count - 8; i++) { DeviceState state = IsDeviceAuthorized(lines[i + 5]); if (state == DeviceState.Online) { ConnectedDevices NewDevice = new ConnectedDevices(); NewDevice.DeviceID = ExtractDeviceId(lines[i + 5]); NewDevice.deviceState = state; proc.Start(); proc.StandardInput.WriteLine("adb -s " + NewDevice.DeviceID + " shell getprop ro.product.model && exit"); string deviceName = ""; //proc.BeginErrorReadLine (); string Line; int Counter = 0; while ((Line = proc.StandardOutput.ReadLine()) != null) { if (Line.Length > 2 && !Line.Contains("exit") && !Line.Contains("Microsoft")) { deviceName = Line; } } NewDevice.DeviceName = deviceName; connectedDevices.Add(NewDevice); proc.WaitForExit(); } } proc.Close(); } OnConnectedDevice(); } } catch (System.Exception e) { UnityEngine.Debug.Log(e.ToString()); } finally { OnFinallyCalledForAbort(Thread.CurrentThread); KillProcess(proc.Id); } }
public void ReceiveMessage(IMessage message) { if (message.MessageType == MessageType.Hub__Attached_IO) { var attachedIOMessage = new AttachedIOMessage(message.Bytes.ToArray()); switch (attachedIOMessage.Event) { case IOEvent.Attached_IO: switch (attachedIOMessage.DeviceType) { case IODeviceType.TechnicMotorL: ConnectedDevices[attachedIOMessage.Port] = new TechnicMotorL(this, attachedIOMessage.Port); break; case IODeviceType.TechnicMotorXL: ConnectedDevices[attachedIOMessage.Port] = new TechnicMotorXL(this, attachedIOMessage.Port); break; } break; case IOEvent.Attached_Virtual_IO: switch (attachedIOMessage.DeviceType) { case IODeviceType.LED_Light: ConnectedDevices[attachedIOMessage.Port] = new LED(this, attachedIOMessage.Port); break; } break; } } else if (message.MessageType == MessageType.Port_Information) { var portInformationMessage = new PortInformationMessage(message.Bytes.ToArray()); if (ConnectedDevices.ContainsKey(portInformationMessage.Port)) { ConnectedDevices[portInformationMessage.Port].ReceiveMessage(portInformationMessage); } } else if (message.MessageType == MessageType.Port_Mode_Information) { var portModeInformationMessage = new PortModeInformationMessage(message.Bytes.ToArray()); if (ConnectedDevices.ContainsKey(portModeInformationMessage.Port)) { ConnectedDevices[portModeInformationMessage.Port].ReceiveMessage(portModeInformationMessage); } } else if (message.MessageType == MessageType.Port_Input_Format__Single) { var portInputFormatMessage = new PortInputFormatSingleMessage(message.Bytes.ToArray()); if (ConnectedDevices.ContainsKey(portInputFormatMessage.Port)) { ConnectedDevices[portInputFormatMessage.Port].ReceiveMessage(portInputFormatMessage); } } else if (message.MessageType == MessageType.Port_Input_Format__Combined_Mode) { var portInputFormatMessage = new PortInputFormatCombinedMessage(message.Bytes.ToArray()); if (ConnectedDevices.ContainsKey(portInputFormatMessage.Port)) { ConnectedDevices[portInputFormatMessage.Port].ReceiveMessage(portInputFormatMessage); } } else if (message.MessageType == MessageType.Port_Value__Single) { var portValueMessage = new PortValueSingleMessage(message.Bytes.ToArray()); if (ConnectedDevices.ContainsKey(portValueMessage.Port)) { ConnectedDevices[portValueMessage.Port].ReceiveMessage(portValueMessage); } } else if (message.MessageType == MessageType.Port_Value__Combined_Mode) { var portValueMessage = new PortValueCombinedMessage(message.Bytes.ToArray()); if (ConnectedDevices.ContainsKey(portValueMessage.Port)) { ConnectedDevices[portValueMessage.Port].ReceiveMessage(portValueMessage); } } else { Messages.Enqueue(message); } }
/// <summary> /// Return the devices connected to the software /// </summary> /// <returns>Array of ConnectedDevices structs which contain device information</returns> public ConnectedDevices[] GetConnectedDevices() { String export_command = get_connected_devices_cmd; WriteString(export_command); String response = ""; GetResponse(ref response); String[] response_strings = response.Split('\n'); ConnectedDevices[] devices = new ConnectedDevices[response_strings.Length - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < devices.Length; ++i) { String[] current_device = response_strings[i].Split(','); devices[i].type = current_device[2].Trim(); devices[i].name = current_device[1].Trim(); devices[i].index = int.Parse(current_device[0].Trim()); devices[i].device_id = Convert.ToUInt64(current_device[3].Trim(), 16); if (current_device.Length > 4) devices[i].is_active = true; else devices[i].is_active = false; } return devices; }