public int getRefundRate(int contractId) { SqlConnection connection; SqlCommand command; string sql = "dbo.spGetRefundRate"; int result; try { connection = new ConnectDB().connectToSQL(); command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection); SqlParameter contractIdParameter = new SqlParameter("@contractId", SqlDbType.Int); SqlParameter outputParameter = new SqlParameter("@refundRate", SqlDbType.TinyInt); contractIdParameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; contractIdParameter.Value = contractId; outputParameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue; command.Parameters.Add(contractIdParameter); command.Parameters.Add(outputParameter); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); result = int.Parse(outputParameter.Value.ToString()); } catch (Exception) { throw; } connection.Close(); return(result); }
public int getAgeDiscout(DateTime DOB) { SqlConnection connection; SqlCommand command; string sql = "dbo.spGetAgeDiscount"; int result; try { connection = new ConnectDB().connectToSQL(); command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection); SqlParameter quantityParameter = new SqlParameter("@DOB", SqlDbType.Date); SqlParameter outputParameter = new SqlParameter("@ageDiscount", SqlDbType.TinyInt); quantityParameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; quantityParameter.Value = DOB; outputParameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue; command.Parameters.Add(quantityParameter); command.Parameters.Add(outputParameter); command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); result = int.Parse(outputParameter.Value.ToString()); } catch (Exception) { throw; } connection.Close(); return(result); }
public double getDouble() { double SendDbl = 0; SqlConnection Conn = new ConnectDB().SqlStrCon(this._Conn); Conn.Open(); SqlCommand Cmd = new SqlCommand(this._strQuery, Conn); SqlDataReader dr = Cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); if (dr.HasRows) { dr.Read(); if (dr.GetValue(0).ToString() == "") { SendDbl = 0; } else { SendDbl = Convert.ToDouble(dr.GetValue(0)); } } else { SendDbl = 0; } dr.Close(); Conn.Close(); return(SendDbl); }
public bool insertTour(Tour tour) { bool inserted = false; string sql = "INSERT INTO tbTour VALUES (N'" + tour.StartLocation; sql += "', N'" + tour.Destination; sql += "', '" + tour.StartDate + "', "; sql += "'" + tour.EndDate + "',"; sql += " " + tour.TotalSeat + ", " + tour.EmptySeat + ", " + tour.Price + ")"; SqlConnection connection; SqlCommand command; try { connection = new ConnectDB().connectToSQL(); command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection); if (command.ExecuteNonQuery() == 1) { inserted = true; } } catch (Exception) { throw; } connection.Close(); return(inserted); }
public bool insertMember(Member member) { bool inserted = false; SqlConnection connection; SqlCommand command; string sql = "INSERT INTO tbMember(ContractId, Name, DOB, Identification, AgeDiscount, MemberPrice) VALUES("; sql += member.ContracId; // sql += ", " + member.MemberId; sql += ", N'" + member.Name; sql += "','" + member.Dob + "','" + member.Identification + "',"; sql += member.AgeDiscount + "," + member.MemberPrice + ")"; try { connection = new ConnectDB().connectToSQL(); command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection); if (command.ExecuteNonQuery() >= 1) { inserted = true; } } catch (Exception) { throw; } connection.Close(); return(inserted); }
public bool insertCustomer(Customer customer) { bool inserted = false; SqlConnection connection; SqlCommand command; string sql = "INSERT INTO tbCustomer VALUES (N'" + customer.Name; sql += "', CONVERT(DATE, '" + customer.Dob + "', 103),"; sql += " '" + customer.PhoneNumber + "', '" + customer.Identification + "', '" + customer.AccountNumber + "', N'" + customer.Address + "')"; try { connection = new ConnectDB().connectToSQL(); command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection); if (command.ExecuteNonQuery() == 1) { inserted = true; } } catch (Exception) { throw; } connection.Close(); return(inserted); }
public bool updateCustomer(Customer customer) { bool updated = false; SqlConnection connection; SqlCommand command; string sql = "UPDATE tbCustomer SET Name = N'" + customer.Name; sql += "', DOB = CONVERT(DATE, '" + customer.Dob + "', 103),"; sql += " PhoneNumber = '" + customer.PhoneNumber; sql += "', Identification = '" + customer.Identification; sql += "', AccountNumber = '" + customer.AccountNumber + "', Address = N'" + customer.Address; sql += "' WHERE CustomerId = " + customer.CustomerId; try { connection = new ConnectDB().connectToSQL(); command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection); if (command.ExecuteNonQuery() == 1) { updated = true; } } catch (Exception) { throw; } connection.Close(); return(updated); }
public bool updateTour(Tour tour) { bool updated = false; SqlConnection connection; SqlCommand command; string sql = "UPDATE tbTour SET StartLocation = N'" + tour.StartLocation; sql += "', Destination = N'" + tour.Destination; sql += "', StartDate = CONVERT(DATE, '" + tour.StartDate + "', 103)"; sql += ", EndDate = CONVERT(DATE, '" + tour.EndDate + "', 103)"; sql += ", TotalSeat = " + tour.TotalSeat + ", EmptySeat = " + tour.EmptySeat + ", Price = " + tour.Price; sql += " WHERE TourId = " + tour.TourId; try { connection = new ConnectDB().connectToSQL(); command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection); if (command.ExecuteNonQuery() == 1) { updated = true; } } catch (Exception) { throw; } connection.Close(); return(updated); }
public bool insertContract(Contract contract) { bool inserted = false; SqlConnection connection; SqlCommand command; string sql = "INSERT INTO dbo.tbContract(CustomerID, TourID, DraftDate, TerminationDate, StartTime, Quantity, QuantityDiscount, TotalMoney, Deposit, Note) VALUES("; sql += contract.CustomerId; sql += ", " + contract.TourId + ", "; sql += "GETDATE(),"; sql += "CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + contract.TemimationDate + "', 103), "; sql += "CONVERT(DATETIME, '" + contract.StartTime + "', 103), "; sql += contract.Quantity + ", 0, " + contract.TotalMoney + "," + contract.Deposit + ", N'" + contract.Note + "')"; try { connection = new ConnectDB().connectToSQL(); command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection); if (command.ExecuteNonQuery() >= 1) { inserted = true; } } catch (Exception) { throw; } connection.Close(); return(inserted); }
public DataTable getDataTable() { SqlConnection Conn = new ConnectDB().SqlStrCon(this._Conn); Conn.Open(); SqlCommand Cmd = new SqlCommand(this._strQuery, Conn); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt.Load(Cmd.ExecuteReader()); Conn.Close(); //Clone DataTable DataTable dtCloned = dt.Clone(); int y = 0; foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) { dtCloned.Columns[y].DataType = typeof(String); dtCloned.Columns[y].ReadOnly = false; y++; } foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { dtCloned.ImportRow(row); } return(dtCloned); }
public int SqlExecute(string sql) { int i; SqlConnection conn = new ConnectDB().SqlStrCon(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn); conn.Open(); i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); return(i); }
public static int ExecuteDataReturnID(string sql) { int i; SqlConnection conn = new ConnectDB().connection(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn); conn.Open(); i = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar(); conn.Close(); return(i); }
public DataSet getDataSet() { SqlConnection Conn = new ConnectDB().SqlStrCon(this._Conn); SqlCommand Cmd = new SqlCommand(this._strQuery, Conn); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(Cmd); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); Conn.Open(); da.Fill(ds, "setTable"); Conn.Close(); return(ds); }
public static int ExecuteData(string sql, SqlParameterCollection parameters) { int i; SqlConnection conn = new ConnectDB().connection(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn); foreach (SqlParameter param in parameters) { cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(param.ParameterName, param.SqlDbType).Value = param.Value; } conn.Open(); i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); conn.Close(); return(i); }
public DataTable getValidTourWhere(List <string> whereArgs) { string sql = "SELECT* FROM tbTour"; if (whereArgs[0].ToLower() == "true") { sql += " WHERE StartLocation LIKE N'" + whereArgs[1] + "' AND Destination LIKE N'" + whereArgs[2] + "'"; } //if (whereArgs[3].ToLower() == "true") //{ // if (sql.Contains("WHERE")) // { // sql += " AND StartDate >= CONVERT(DATE, '" + whereArgs[4] + "', 103) AND EndDate <= CONVERT(DATE, '" + whereArgs[5] + "', 103)"; // } // else // { // sql += " WHERE StartDate >= CONVERT(DATE, '" + whereArgs[4] + "', 103) AND EndDate <= CONVERT(DATE, '" + whereArgs[5] + "', 103)"; // } //} if (whereArgs[6].ToLower() == "true") { if (sql.Contains("WHERE")) { sql += " AND Price >= " + Utils.eraiseComma(whereArgs[7]) + " AND Price <= " + Utils.eraiseComma(whereArgs[8]); } else { sql += " WHERE Price >= " + Utils.eraiseComma(whereArgs[7]) + " AND Price <= " + Utils.eraiseComma(whereArgs[8]); } } sql += " AND StartDate > CONVERT(DATE, '" + DateTime.Now + "', 103) ORDER BY StartDate ASC"; SqlConnection connection; SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataSet dataset = new DataSet(); try { connection = new ConnectDB().connectToSQL(); adapter.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, connection); adapter.Fill(dataset); } catch (Exception) { throw; } connection.Close(); return(dataset.Tables[0]); }
private void Report2_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { SortedSet <DateTime> dates = e.Argument as SortedSet <DateTime>; DataTable Summ = new DataTable(); //итоговая таблица List <string> Names = new List <string>(); //будет хранить имена счетчиков foreach (Expense ex in this.exs) { if (ex.Type.Equals("Электричество")) { Summ.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(ex.Name)); Names.Add(ex.Name); } } ConnectDB.Open(); foreach (DateTime dti in dates) { string query = string.Format("SELECT Наименование, Показания, РасходФакт, Расход_план FROM Данные WHERE {0}='{1}'", "Дата", dti.ToString()); OleDbDataAdapter cmd = new OleDbDataAdapter(query, ConnectDB); DataSet dt = new DataSet(); cmd.Fill(dt, "Данные");//0 DataRow dr = Summ.NewRow(); foreach (DataColumn dc in Summ.Columns) { dr[dc.ColumnName] = ""; } foreach (DataRow row in dt.Tables[0].Rows) { string name = row.ItemArray[0].ToString(); if (Names.Contains(name)) { //расходФАкт, показания, расходплан dr[name] += row.ItemArray[2] + ";" + row.ItemArray[1] + ";" + row.ItemArray[3]; } } Summ.Rows.Add(dr); } ConnectDB.Close(); this.Report2_Excel(Summ, dates); }
public List <hotel> fetchHotels() { SqlDataReader reader = this.reader(); var hotelList = new List <hotel>(); while (reader.Read()) { var hotelMap = new hotel(); = reader.GetInt32(hotel.COLUMN_ID_INDEX); = reader.GetString(hotel.COLUMN_NAME_INDEX); hotelMap.rating = reader.GetByte(hotel.COLUMN_RATING_INDEX); hotelMap.status = reader.GetString(hotel.COLUMN_STATUS_INDEX); hotelList.Add(hotelMap); } db.Close(); return(hotelList); }
//##### RETURN VALUES QUERY ##### public bool runSQL() { try { SqlConnection Conn = new ConnectDB().SqlStrCon(this._Conn); SqlCommand Cmd = new SqlCommand(this._strQuery, Conn); //new Function().msgInfo(this._strQuery); Conn.Open(); Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Conn.Close(); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { ; new Function().msgError("ERROR # " + ex.ToString()); return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void Report1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { DataTable Summ = new DataTable();//итоговая таблица Summ.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Наименование")); Summ.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Цена")); Summ.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("План")); //кол-во по плану Summ.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("СтП")); //стоимость по плану Summ.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Факт")); //кол-во по факту Summ.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("СтФ")); //стоимость по факту Summ.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("%")); //процент выполнения ConnectDB.Open(); foreach (Expense ex in this.exs) { if (ex.Type.Equals("Материал")) { string query = string.Format("SELECT Дата, РасходФакт, Расход_план FROM Данные WHERE {0}='{1}'", "Наименование", ex.Name); OleDbDataAdapter cmd = new OleDbDataAdapter(query, ConnectDB); DataSet dt = new DataSet(); cmd.Fill(dt, "Данные");//0 double fsummary = 0.0, psummary = 0.0; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Tables[0].Rows) { fsummary += Double.Parse(dr.ItemArray[1].ToString().Replace('.', ',')); if (dr.ItemArray[2].ToString().Length == 0) { continue; } psummary += Double.Parse(dr.ItemArray[2].ToString().Replace('.', ',')); } Summ.Rows.Add(ex.Name, ex.Price, psummary, (ex.Price * psummary).ToString(), fsummary, (ex.Price * fsummary).ToString(), "0"); } } ConnectDB.Close(); this.Report1_Excel(Summ); }
public DataTable getValidContract() { string sql = "SELECT* FROM tbContract WHERE TerminationDate >= GETDATE() and State = 1"; SqlConnection connection; SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataSet dataset = new DataSet(); try { connection = new ConnectDB().connectToSQL(); adapter.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, connection); adapter.Fill(dataset); } catch (Exception) { throw; } connection.Close(); return(dataset.Tables[0]); }
public DataTable getValidTour() { string sql = "SELECT* FROM tbTour WHERE StartDate > GETDATE() AND EmptySeat > 0 ORDER BY StartDate ASC"; SqlConnection connection; SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataSet dataset = new DataSet(); try { connection = new ConnectDB().connectToSQL(); adapter.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, connection); adapter.Fill(dataset); } catch (Exception) { throw; } connection.Close(); return(dataset.Tables[0]); }
public int getPriceTourByContractId(int contractId) { SqlConnection connection; SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataSet dataset = new DataSet(); string sql = "SELECT Price FROM dbo.tbContract INNER JOIN dbo.tbTour ON tbTour.TourId = tbContract.TourId WHERE ContractId = " + contractId; try { connection = new ConnectDB().connectToSQL(); adapter.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, connection); adapter.Fill(dataset); } catch (Exception) { throw; } connection.Close(); return(int.Parse(dataset.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString())); }
public DataTable getAllTour() { string sql = "SELECT* FROM tbTour ORDER BY TourId DESC"; SqlConnection connection; SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataSet dataset = new DataSet(); try { connection = new ConnectDB().connectToSQL(); adapter.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, connection); adapter.Fill(dataset); } catch (Exception) { throw; } connection.Close(); return(dataset.Tables[0]); }
public int getInsertedId() { SqlConnection connection; SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataSet dataset = new DataSet(); string sql = "SELECT TOP 1 TourId FROM dbo.tbTour ORDER BY TourId DESC"; try { connection = new ConnectDB().connectToSQL(); adapter.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, connection); adapter.Fill(dataset); } catch (Exception) { throw; } connection.Close(); return(int.Parse(dataset.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString())); }
public DataTable getCustomerByPhoneNumber(string phoneNumber) { SqlConnection connection; SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataSet dataset = new DataSet(); string sql = "SELECT* FROM tbCustomer WHERE PhoneNumber = " + phoneNumber; try { connection = new ConnectDB().connectToSQL(); adapter.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, connection); adapter.Fill(dataset); } catch (Exception) { throw; } connection.Close(); return(dataset.Tables[0]); }
public DataTable getAccidentsByContract(int contractId) { string sql = "SELECT* FROM tbAccident WHERE ContractId = " + contractId + " ORDER BY AccidentId DESC"; SqlConnection connection; SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataSet dataset = new DataSet(); try { connection = new ConnectDB().connectToSQL(); adapter.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, connection); adapter.Fill(dataset); } catch (Exception) { throw; } connection.Close(); return(dataset.Tables[0]); }
public DataTable getUserByName(User user) { string sql = "SELECT* FROM tbUsers WHERE UserName = N'" + user.UserName + "'"; SqlConnection connection; SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); DataSet dataset = new DataSet(); try { connection = new ConnectDB().connectToSQL(); adapter.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(sql, connection); adapter.Fill(dataset); } catch (Exception) { throw; } connection.Close(); return(dataset.Tables[0]); }
public bool getCheck() { bool SendChk = false; SqlConnection Conn = new ConnectDB().SqlStrCon(this._Conn); Conn.Open(); SqlCommand Cmd = new SqlCommand(this._strQuery, Conn); SqlDataReader dr = Cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); if (dr.HasRows) { SendChk = true; } else { SendChk = false; } Conn.Close(); return(SendChk); }
public bool deleteTour(int tourId) { bool deleted = false; SqlConnection connection; SqlCommand command; string sql = "DELETE FROM tbTour WHERE TourId = " + tourId; try { connection = new ConnectDB().connectToSQL(); command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection); if (command.ExecuteNonQuery() > 1) { deleted = true; } } catch (Exception) { throw; } connection.Close(); return(deleted); }
//public bool backupSQL() //{ // try // { // SqlConnection Conn = new ConnectDB().SqlStrCon(); // SqlCommand Cmd = new SqlCommand(this._strQuery, Conn); // //new Function().msgInfo(this._strQuery); // Conn.Open(); // Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Conn.Close(); // return true; // } // catch (Exception ex) // { // new Function().msgError("ERROR # " + ex.ToString()); // return false; // } //} public string getString() { string SendStr = ""; SqlConnection Conn = new ConnectDB().SqlStrCon(this._Conn); Conn.Open(); SqlCommand Cmd = new SqlCommand(this._strQuery, Conn); SqlDataReader dr = Cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); if (dr.HasRows) { dr.Read(); SendStr = dr.GetValue(0).ToString(); } else { SendStr = ""; } dr.Close(); Conn.Close(); return(SendStr); }