private void SaveConfiguration(ConfigureEventArgs cpea) { var databaseFileNode = cpea.Document.CreateElement("databaseFile"); databaseFileNode.SetAttribute("path", this.databaseFilename); cpea.RootNode.AppendChild(databaseFileNode); }
/// <summary> /// Triggered when the drawing area is configured. /// </summary> private void OnConfigure( object obj, ConfigureEventArgs args) { // Pull out some fields EventConfigure ev = args.Event; Window window = ev.Window; int width = Allocation.Width; int height = Allocation.Height; int min = Math.Min(width, height); viewport.Height = height; viewport.Width = width; // Create the backing pixmap pixmap = new Pixmap(window, width, height, -1); // Update the current pane if (Sprite != null) { Sprite.Height = Sprite.Width = ((int)(min * 0.75)); } // Mark ourselves as done args.RetVal = true; }
private void SaveConfig(ConfigureEventArgs cea) { var pluginsNode = cea.Document.CreateElement("plugins"); cea.ConfigNode.AppendChild(pluginsNode); this.savePluginConfigEvent.Fire(new ConfigurePluginEventArgs(cea.Document)); }
private void OnConfigure(object o, ConfigureEventArgs args) { if (!MakeCurrent()) { LogManager.Log(LogLevel.Warning, "MakeCurrent() - OnConfigure failed"); return; } GlUtil.ContextValid = true; // setup opengl state and transform gl.Disable(gl.DEPTH_TEST); gl.Disable(gl.CULL_FACE); gl.Enable(gl.TEXTURE_2D); gl.Enable(gl.BLEND); gl.BlendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); gl.ClearColor(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f); gl.Viewport(0, 0, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height); gl.MatrixMode(gl.PROJECTION); gl.LoadIdentity(); gl.Ortho(0, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height, 0, -1.0f, 1.0f); gl.MatrixMode(gl.MODELVIEW); gl.LoadIdentity(); GlUtil.Assert("After setting opengl transforms"); GlUtil.ContextValid = false; }
protected virtual void OnConfigure(ConfigureEventArgs e) { if (Configure != null) { Configure(this, e); } }
private void OnFloatingConfigure(object o, ConfigureEventArgs e) { floatX = e.Event.X; floatY = e.Event.Y; width = e.Event.Width; height = e.Event.Height; e.RetVal = false; }
private void SaveConfig(ConfigureEventArgs cea) { var rootNode = cea.RootNode; var newestKnownVersionNode = cea.Document.CreateElement("newestKnownVersion"); newestKnownVersionNode.SetAttribute("major", this.NewestKnownVersion.Major.ToString()); newestKnownVersionNode.SetAttribute("minor", this.NewestKnownVersion.Minor.ToString()); rootNode.AppendChild(newestKnownVersionNode); }
private void SaveConfig(ConfigureEventArgs cea) { if (this.PomodoroTimeSpan != defaultPomodoroTimeSpan) { var configNode = cea.ConfigNode; var pomodoroNode = cea.Document.CreateElement("pomodoro"); pomodoroNode.SetAttribute("timeSpan", this.PomodoroTimeSpan.ToString()); configNode.AppendChild(pomodoroNode); } }
private void LoadConfig(ConfigureEventArgs cea) { var newestKnownVersionNode = (XmlElement)cea.RootNode.SelectSingleNode("newestKnownVersion"); if (newestKnownVersionNode != null) { var minor = int.Parse(newestKnownVersionNode.GetAttribute("minor")); var major = int.Parse(newestKnownVersionNode.GetAttribute("major")); this.NewestKnownVersion = new Version(major, minor); } }
private void LoadConfig(ConfigureEventArgs cea) { if (cea.ConfigNode != null) { var pomodoroNode = cea.ConfigNode.SelectSingleNode("pomodoro") as XmlElement; if (pomodoroNode != null) { var timeSpanString = pomodoroNode.GetAttribute("timeSpan"); this.PomodoroTimeSpan = TimeSpan.Parse(timeSpanString); } } }
static void ConfigureEvent(object obj, ConfigureEventArgs args) { Gdk.EventConfigure ev = args.Event; Gdk.Window window = ev.Window; Gdk.Rectangle allocation = darea.Allocation; pixmap = new Gdk.Pixmap(window, allocation.Width, allocation.Height, -1); pixmap.DrawRectangle(darea.Style.WhiteGC, true, 0, 0, allocation.Width, allocation.Height); args.RetVal = true; }
public void HandleToplevelConfigure(object o, ConfigureEventArgs args) { int x, y; x = args.Event.X - old_win_pos.X; y = args.Event.Y - old_win_pos.Y; GetPosition(out var loupe_x, out var loupe_y); Move(loupe_x + x, loupe_y + y); old_win_pos.X = args.Event.X; old_win_pos.Y = args.Event.Y; }
private void SaveConfig(ConfigureEventArgs cea) { if (this.allReminders.Count != 0) { var configNode = cea.ConfigNode; var remindersNode = cea.Document.CreateElement("reminders"); configNode.AppendChild(remindersNode); foreach (var reminder in allReminders) { this.AllReminderPlugins.GetPlugin(reminder).SaveReminder(reminder, remindersNode); } } }
private void LoadConfiguration(ConfigureEventArgs cpea) { var databaseFileNode = (XmlElement)cpea.Document.SelectSingleNode("//cherryTomato/databaseFile"); if (databaseFileNode != null) { this.databaseFilename = databaseFileNode.GetAttribute("path"); } this.connection = new DatabaseConnection(this.databaseFilename); var ea = new ConnectToDbEventArgs(this.connection); this.connectToDbEvent.Fire(ea); }
///<summary>Handle the Configure Event</summary> void OnConfigured(object o, ConfigureEventArgs args) { if (widgetRealized == false) { return; } Gdk.EventConfigure conf = args.Event; Resize(conf.Width, conf.Height); // make sure the current offset is visible MakeOffsetVisible(dataView.Offset, ShowType.Start); }
// Create a new pixmap of the appropriate size to store our scribbles private void ScribbleConfigure(object o, ConfigureEventArgs args) { Widget widget = o as Widget; Rectangle allocation = widget.Allocation; pixmap = new Pixmap(widget.GdkWindow, allocation.Width, allocation.Height, -1); // Initialize the pixmap to white pixmap.DrawRectangle(widget.Style.WhiteGC, true, 0, 0, allocation.Width, allocation.Height); // We've handled the configure event, no need for further processing. args.RetVal = true; }
protected override void OnConfigure(object o, ConfigureEventArgs args) { EventConfigure eventConfigure = args.Event; Gdk.Window window = eventConfigure.Window; pixmap = new Pixmap(window, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height, -1); // Initialize the pixmap to white pixmap.DrawRectangle(Style.WhiteGC, true, 0, 0, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height); // We've handled the configure event, no need for further processing. args.RetVal = true; }
private void LoadConfig(ConfigureEventArgs cea) { var reminderNodes = cea.ConfigNode.SelectNodes("reminders/reminder"); foreach (XmlElement reminderNode in reminderNodes) { var typeName = reminderNode.GetAttribute("typeName"); var plugin = this.AllReminderPlugins.GetPlugin(typeName); if (plugin == null) { Trace.WriteLine("Plugin for reminders of type '" + typeName + "' is not registered."); continue; } var reminder = plugin.LoadReminder(reminderNode); this.AddReminder(reminder); } }
/// <summary>Función encargada de responder a los cambios de /// tamaño del lienzo de dibujo.</summary> /// <param name="o"></param> /// <param name="args"></param> private void OnConfigureEvent(object o, ConfigureEventArgs args) { lock (this) { // TODO ver de donde sacamos window ahora Gdk.EventConfigure ev = args.Event; this.window = ev.Window; pixmap = new Pixmap(window, ev.Width, ev.Height, -1); _ancho = ev.Width; _alto = ev.Height; this.Clean(); if (rdd != null) { rdd.ActualizarTodo(); } SignalArgs sa = (SignalArgs)args; sa.RetVal = true; } }
// Create a new surface of the appropriate size to store our scribbles private void ScribbleConfigure(object o, ConfigureEventArgs args) { Widget widget = o as Widget; if (surface != null) { surface.Destroy(); } var allocation = widget.Allocation; surface = widget.Window.CreateSimilarSurface(Cairo.Content.Color, allocation.Width, allocation.Height); var cr = new Cairo.Context(surface); cr.SetSourceRGB(1, 1, 1); cr.Paint(); ((IDisposable)cr).Dispose(); // We've handled the configure event, no need for further processing. args.RetVal = true; }
protected void Configure(object o, ConfigureEventArgs args) { Widget widget = o as Widget; if (surface != null) { surface.Dispose(); } var allocation = widget.Allocation; surface = widget.Window.CreateSimilarSurface(Cairo.Content.Color, allocation.Width, allocation.Height); var cr = new Context(surface); cr.SetSourceRGB(1, 1, 1); cr.Paint(); cr.Dispose(); args.RetVal = true; }
/// <summary> /// Triggered when the drawing area is configured. /// </summary> private void OnConfigure( object obj, ConfigureEventArgs args) { // Pull out some fields and figure out the sizes EventConfigure ev = args.Event; Window window = ev.Window; int width = Allocation.Width; int height = Allocation.Height; int min = Math.Min(width, height); // Figure out the tile height tileSize = min / Game.Board.Size; log.Info("New tile size: {0}px", tileSize); // Adjust the viewport height viewport.Height = height; viewport.Width = width; // Create the backing pixmap pixmap = new Pixmap(window, width, height, -1); // We moved, so rapid move the tiles foreach (ISprite sprite in sprites) { ContainerSprite cs = sprite as ContainerSprite; if (cs != null) { cs.FireInvalidate(); cs.X = cs.TokenSprite.X = tileSize * cs.TokenSprite.Token.Column; cs.FireInvalidate(); } } // Mark ourselves as done QueueDraw(); args.RetVal = true; }
/// <summary> /// Triggered when the drawing area is configured. /// </summary> private void OnConfigure( object obj, ConfigureEventArgs args) { // Pull out some fields EventConfigure ev = args.Event; Window window = ev.Window; int width = Allocation.Width; int height = Allocation.Height; // Create the backing pixmap pixmap = new Pixmap(window, width, height, -1); // Update the current pane // TODO, there is a bug with this and I don't know why if (currentPane != null) { currentPane.Configure(width, height - 50); } // Mark ourselves as done args.RetVal = true; }
private void OnWinConfigure(object o, ConfigureEventArgs args) { Gdk.EventConfigure e = args.Event; if (_oldWidth != e.Width || _oldHeight != e.Height) { Gdk.Pixmap tmp = new Gdk.Pixmap(_window.GdkWindow, e.Width, e.Height, -1); int minw = e.Width < _oldWidth ? e.Width : _oldWidth; int minh = e.Height < _oldHeight ? e.Height : _oldHeight; using (Context context = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create(tmp)) { Gdk.CairoHelper.SetSourcePixmap(context, _pixmap, 0, 0); context.Rectangle(0, 0, minw, minh); context.Fill(); } _pixmap = tmp; } _oldWidth = e.Width; _oldHeight = e.Height; }
void TopLevelConfigureEvent(object o, ConfigureEventArgs args) { this.Move(args.Event.X + (int)this.TransientPosition.X, args.Event.Y + (int)this.TransientPosition.Y); }
private void on_MainWindow_configure_event(object o, ConfigureEventArgs e) { Gui.Settings.WindowSize = new System.Drawing.Size(e.Event.Width, e.Event.Height); Gui.Settings.WindowPosition = new System.Drawing.Point(e.Event.X, e.Event.Y); }
void HandleHostConfigure(object o, ConfigureEventArgs args) { Relocate(); }
private void OnToplevelConfigureEvent(object o, ConfigureEventArgs args) { Relocate(); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the viewport to redraw whenever the widget gets a configure event. /// </summary> /// <param name="o">The sending object.</param> /// <param name="args">The configuration arguments.</param> private void OnViewportConfigured(object o, ConfigureEventArgs args) { this.ViewportHasPendingRedraw = true; }
protected virtual void OnConfigure(ConfigureEventArgs e) { if (Configure != null) Configure(this, e); }
void OnConfigured(object o, ConfigureEventArgs args) { pixmap = new Pixmap (args.Event.Window, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height); cairo = Gdk.CairoHelper.Create (pixmap); cairo.Rectangle (0, 0, Allocation.Width, Allocation.Height); cairo.Clip (); ArrayList oldlist = points; points = new ArrayList (); ComputePositions (); foreach (GraphPoint point in oldlist) { __AddGameInfo (; } UpdatePixmap (); }
public void start(ushort ComPort, uint BaudRate) { if (isStarted) return; OnStatus(new StatusEventArgs("Initializing...")); // Start by sending the wake up command to the Flock if (!Bird.RS232WakeUp(GROUP_ID, true, 1, ref ComPort, BaudRate, READ_TIMEOUT, WRITE_TIMEOUT, Bird.GroupModeSettings.GMS_GROUP_MODE_ALWAYS)) { OnStatus(new StatusEventArgs("Bird wake up failed")); return; } // Configure the device ConfigureEventArgs cfg = new ConfigureEventArgs(); if (!Bird.GetSystemConfig(GROUP_ID, ref cfg.SystemConfig, false)) { OnStatus(new StatusEventArgs("Bird system configuration failed")); return; } if (!Bird.GetDeviceConfig(GROUP_ID, 1, ref cfg.DeviceConfig, false)) { OnStatus(new StatusEventArgs("Bird device configuration failed")); return; } OnConfigure(cfg); if (!Bird.SetSystemConfig(GROUP_ID, ref cfg.SystemConfig)) { OnStatus(new StatusEventArgs("Bird system configuration failed")); return; } if (!Bird.SetDeviceConfig(GROUP_ID, 1, ref cfg.DeviceConfig)) { OnStatus(new StatusEventArgs("Bird device configuration failed")); return; } // Start acquisition if (!Bird.StartFrameStream(GROUP_ID)) { OnStatus(new StatusEventArgs("Bird failed to start streaming")); return; } _PosScale = cfg.DeviceConfig.Scaling; // Start receiving frames asynchronously _StopRequest = false; _Worker = new AsyncRun(run); _WorkerResult = _Worker.BeginInvoke(AsyncOperationManager.CreateOperation(this), new SendOrPostCallback(OnPose), new SendOrPostCallback(OnStatus), null, null); OnStatus(new StatusEventArgs("Ok")); }
private void OnConfigureEvent(object sender, ConfigureEventArgs args) { QueueSaveState(); }
private void LoadConfig(ConfigureEventArgs cea) { var cpea = new ConfigurePluginEventArgs(cea.Document); this.loadPluginConfigEvent.Fire(new ConfigurePluginEventArgs(cea.Document)); }