public override void OnFinished()
            // NB: we don't unhook _behaviorTreeHook_Main
            // This was installed when HB created the behavior, and its up to HB to unhook it

            if (_behaviorTreeHook_CombatMain != null)
                TreeHooks.Instance.RemoveHook("Combat_Main", _behaviorTreeHook_CombatMain);
                _behaviorTreeHook_CombatMain = null;

            if (_behaviorTreeHook_CombatOnly != null)
                TreeHooks.Instance.RemoveHook("Combat_Only", _behaviorTreeHook_CombatOnly);
                _behaviorTreeHook_CombatOnly = null;

            if (_behaviorTreeHook_DeathMain != null)
                TreeHooks.Instance.RemoveHook("Death_Main", _behaviorTreeHook_DeathMain);
                _behaviorTreeHook_DeathMain = null;

            if (_configMemento != null)
                _configMemento = null;

            TreeRoot.GoalText   = string.Empty;
            TreeRoot.StatusText = string.Empty;
        public override void OnStart()
            // This reports problems, and stops BT processing if there was a problem with attributes...
            // We had to defer this action, as the 'profile line number' is not available during the element's
            // constructor call.

            // If the quest is complete, this behavior is already done...
            // So we don't want to falsely inform the user of things that will be skipped.
            if (!IsDone)
                _configMemento = new ConfigMemento();

                // Disable any settings that may interfere with the escort --
                // When we escort, we don't want to be distracted by other things.
                // NOTE: these settings are restored to their normal values when the behavior completes
                // or the bot is stopped.
                CharacterSettings.Instance.HarvestHerbs    = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.HarvestMinerals = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.LootChests      = false;
                ProfileManager.CurrentProfile.LootMobs     = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.NinjaSkin       = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.SkinMobs        = false;

                var mob = ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType <WoWUnit>()
                          .FirstOrDefault(unit => unit.Entry == MobId);

                this.UpdateGoalText(QuestId, "Escorting " + ((mob != null) ? mob.SafeName : ("Mob(" + MobId + ")")));
Пример #3
        public void Dispose(bool isExplicitlyInitiatedDispose)
            if (!_isDisposed)
                // NOTE: we should call any Dispose() method for any managed or unmanaged
                // resource, if that resource provides a Dispose() method.

                // Clean up managed resources, if explicit disposal...
                if (isExplicitlyInitiatedDispose)
                    // empty, for now

                // Clean up unmanaged resources (if any) here...
                if (_configMemento != null)

                _configMemento = null;

                BotEvents.OnBotStop                    -= BotEvents_OnBotStop;
                BotEvents.Player.OnPlayerDied          -= Player_OnPlayerDied;
                Targeting.Instance.RemoveTargetsFilter -= Instance_RemoveTargetsFilter;

                TreeRoot.GoalText   = string.Empty;
                TreeRoot.StatusText = string.Empty;

                // Call parent Dispose() (if it exists) here ...

            _isDisposed = true;
Пример #4
        public override void OnStart()
            PlayerQuest quest = StyxWoW.Me.QuestLog.GetQuestById((uint)QuestId);

            if ((QuestId != 0) && (quest == null))
                QBCLog.Error("This behavior has been associated with QuestId({0}), but the quest is not in our log", QuestId);
                IsAttributeProblem = true;

            // This reports problems, and stops BT processing if there was a problem with attributes...
            // We had to defer this action, as the 'profile line number' is not available during the element's
            // constructor call.

            // If the quest is complete, this behavior is already done...
            // So we don't want to falsely inform the user of things that will be skipped.
            if (!IsDone)
                _configMemento = new ConfigMemento();

                // Disable any settings that may interfere with the escort --
                // When we escort, we don't want to be distracted by other things.
                // NOTE: these settings are restored to their normal values when the behavior completes
                // or the bot is stopped.
                CharacterSettings.Instance.PullDistance     = 25;
                GlobalSettings.Instance.KillBetweenHotspots = true;

                _behaviorTreeCombatHook = CreateCombatBehavior();
                TreeHooks.Instance.InsertHook("Combat_Only", 0, _behaviorTreeCombatHook);

Пример #5
        public void     Dispose(bool isExplicitlyInitiatedDispose)
            if (!_isDisposed)
                // NOTE: we should call any Dispose() method for any managed or unmanaged
                // resource, if that resource provides a Dispose() method.

                // Clean up managed resources, if explicit disposal...
                if (isExplicitlyInitiatedDispose)
                    if (_configMemento != null)

                    _configMemento = null;

                // Clean up unmanaged resources (if any) here...
                BotEvents.OnBotStop -= BotEvents_OnBotStop;

                // Call parent Dispose() (if it exists) here ...

            _isDisposed = true;
 public override void OnFinished()
     if (_configMemento != null)
         _configMemento = null;
     TreeRoot.GoalText   = string.Empty;
     TreeRoot.StatusText = string.Empty;
        public override void OnStart()
            PlayerQuest quest = StyxWoW.Me.QuestLog.GetQuestById((uint)QuestId);

            if ((QuestId != 0) && (quest == null))
                QBCLog.Error("This behavior has been associated with QuestId({0}), but the quest is not in our log", QuestId);
                IsAttributeProblem = true;

            // This reports problems, and stops BT processing if there was a problem with attributes...
            // We had to defer this action, as the 'profile line number' is not available during the element's
            // constructor call.

            // We need to move off boat after quest is complete, so we can't use "quest complete"
            // as part of the normal IsDone criteria for this behavior.  So, we explicitly check for
            // quest complete here, and set IsDone appropriately.
            if (!UtilIsProgressRequirementsMet(QuestId, QuestRequirementInLog, QuestRequirementComplete))
                _isBehaviorDone = true;

            // If the quest is complete, this behavior is already done...
            // So we don't want to falsely inform the user of things that will be skipped.
            if (!IsDone)
                _configMemento = new ConfigMemento();

                // Disable any settings that may interfere with the escort --
                // When we escort, we don't want to be distracted by other things.
                // NOTE: these settings are restored to their normal values when the behavior completes
                // or the bot is stopped.
                CharacterSettings.Instance.HarvestHerbs    = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.HarvestMinerals = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.LootChests      = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.NinjaSkin       = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.SkinMobs        = false;


                State_MainBehavior = StateType_MainBehavior.AssigningTask;

                _behaviorTreeHook_CombatMain = CreateBehavior_CombatMain();
                TreeHooks.Instance.InsertHook("Combat_Main", 0, _behaviorTreeHook_CombatMain);
                _behaviorTreeHook_CombatOnly = CreateBehavior_CombatOnly();
                TreeHooks.Instance.InsertHook("Combat_Only", 0, _behaviorTreeHook_CombatOnly);
                _behaviorTreeHook_DeathMain = CreateBehavior_DeathMain();
                TreeHooks.Instance.InsertHook("Death_Main", 0, _behaviorTreeHook_DeathMain);

Пример #8
        public override void OnStart()
            // This reports problems, and stops BT processing if there was a problem with attributes...
            // We had to defer this action, as the 'profile line number' is not available during the element's
            // constructor call.

            // If the quest is complete, this behavior is already done...
            // So we don't want to falsely inform the user of things that will be skipped.
            if (!IsDone)
                // The ConfigMemento() class captures the user's existing configuration.
                // After its captured, we can change the configuration however needed.
                // When the memento is dispose'd, the user's original configuration is restored.
                // More info about how the ConfigMemento applies to saving and restoring user configuration
                // can be found here...
                _configMemento = new ConfigMemento();

                BotEvents.OnBotStop += BotEvents_OnBotStop;

                // We don't want the bot running around harvesting while the user
                // is manually controlling it trying to get the task completed.
                // (We've already captured the existing configuration which will
                //  be restored when this behavior exits, or the bot is stopped.
                //  So there are no worries about destroying user's configuration.)
                CharacterSettings.Instance.HarvestHerbs    = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.HarvestMinerals = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.LootChests      = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.LootMobs        = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.NinjaSkin       = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.SkinMobs        = false;

                _completionToken = new AsyncCompletionToken(StyxWoW.Me.Name,

                TreeRoot.GoalText   = "User Attention Required...";
                TreeRoot.StatusText = "Waiting for user dialog to close";
        public override void OnStart()
            PlayerQuest quest = StyxWoW.Me.QuestLog.GetQuestById((uint)QuestId);

            if ((QuestId != 0) && (quest == null))
                QBCLog.Error("This behavior has been associated with QuestId({0}), but the quest is not in our log", QuestId);
                IsAttributeProblem = true;

            // This reports problems, and stops BT processing if there was a problem with attributes...
            // We had to defer this action, as the 'profile line number' is not available during the element's
            // constructor call.

            // If the quest is complete, this behavior is already done...
            // So we don't want to falsely inform the user of things that will be skipped.
            if (!IsDone)
                _configMemento = new ConfigMemento();

                // Disable any settings that may interfere with the escort --
                // When we escort, we don't want to be distracted by other things.
                // NOTE: these settings are restored to their normal values when the behavior completes
                // or the bot is stopped.
                CharacterSettings.Instance.HarvestHerbs    = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.HarvestMinerals = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.LootChests      = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.NinjaSkin       = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.SkinMobs        = false;
                // CharacterSettings.Instance.PullDistance = 1;    // don't pull anything unless we absolutely must


                State_MainBehavior = StateType_MainBehavior.DroppingOffVictim;

                _behaviorTreeHook_CombatMain = CreateBehavior_CombatMain();
                TreeHooks.Instance.InsertHook("Combat_Main", 0, _behaviorTreeHook_CombatMain);
                _behaviorTreeHook_CombatOnly = CreateBehavior_CombatOnly();
                TreeHooks.Instance.InsertHook("Combat_Only", 0, _behaviorTreeHook_CombatOnly);
                _behaviorTreeHook_DeathMain = CreateBehavior_DeathMain();
                TreeHooks.Instance.InsertHook("Death_Main", 0, _behaviorTreeHook_DeathMain);

Пример #10
        public override void OnFinished()
            if (_behaviorTreeCombatHook != null)
                TreeHooks.Instance.RemoveHook("Combat_Only", _behaviorTreeCombatHook);

            if (_configMemento != null)
                _configMemento = null;

            TreeRoot.GoalText   = string.Empty;
            TreeRoot.StatusText = string.Empty;
        public override void OnFinished()
            if (_completionToken != null)
                _completionToken = null;

            if (_configMemento != null)
                _configMemento = null;
            TreeRoot.GoalText   = string.Empty;
            TreeRoot.StatusText = string.Empty;
Пример #12
        public override void OnStart()
            // This reports problems, and stops BT processing if there was a problem with attributes...
            // We had to defer this action, as the 'profile line number' is not available during the element's
            // constructor call.

            // If the quest is complete, this behavior is already done...
            // So we don't want to falsely inform the user of things that will be skipped.
            if (!IsDone)
                // The ConfigMemento() class captures the user's existing configuration.
                // After its captured, we can change the configuration however needed.
                // When the memento is dispose'd, the user's original configuration is restored.
                // More info about how the ConfigMemento applies to saving and restoring user configuration
                // can be found here...
                _configMemento = new ConfigMemento();

                BotEvents.OnBotStop += BotEvents_OnBotStop;

                // Disable any settings that may cause distractions --
                // When we use transport, we don't want to be distracted by other things.
                // We also set PullDistance to its minimum value.
                // NOTE: these settings are restored to their normal values when the behavior completes
                // or the bot is stopped.
                CharacterSettings.Instance.HarvestHerbs    = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.HarvestMinerals = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.LootChests      = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.LootMobs        = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.NinjaSkin       = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.SkinMobs        = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.PullDistance    = 1;

                PlayerQuest quest = StyxWoW.Me.QuestLog.GetQuestById((uint)QuestId);

                TreeRoot.GoalText = this.GetType().Name + ": " + ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DestName)) ? DestName :
                                                                  (quest != null) ? ("\"" + quest.Name + "\"") :
                                                                  "In Progress");
Пример #13
        public override void OnStart()
            // This reports problems, and stops BT processing if there was a problem with attributes...
            // We had to defer this action, as the 'profile line number' is not available during the element's
            // constructor call.

            // If the quest is complete, this behavior is already done...
            // So we don't want to falsely inform the user of things that will be skipped.
            if (!IsDone)
                // The ConfigMemento() class captures the user's existing configuration.
                // After its captured, we can change the configuration however needed.
                // When the memento is dispose'd, the user's original configuration is restored.
                // More info about how the ConfigMemento applies to saving and restoring user configuration
                // can be found here...
                _configMemento = new ConfigMemento();

                BotEvents.OnBotStop += BotEvents_OnBotStop;

                // Disable any settings that may cause us to dismount --
                // When we mount for travel via FlyTo, we don't want to be distracted by other things.
                // We also set PullDistance to its minimum value.  If we don't do this, HB will try
                // to dismount and engage a mob if it is within its normal PullDistance.
                // NOTE: these settings are restored to their normal values when the behavior completes
                // or the bot is stopped.
                CharacterSettings.Instance.HarvestHerbs    = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.HarvestMinerals = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.LootChests      = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.LootMobs        = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.NinjaSkin       = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.SkinMobs        = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.PullDistance    = 1;

                TreeRoot.GoalText = "Flying to " + DestinationName;

                // This information was directly requested by profile writers...
                LogMessage("debug", "Flying to '{0}': {1}.", DestinationName, Destination);
Пример #14
        public override void OnFinished()
            // NB: we don't unhook _behaviorTreeHook_Main
            // This was installed when HB created the behavior, and its up to HB to unhook it

            if (_behaviorTreeHook_Combat != null)
                TreeHooks.Instance.RemoveHook("Combat_Main", _behaviorTreeHook_Combat);
                _behaviorTreeHook_Combat = null;

            if (_configMemento != null)
                _configMemento = null;

            TreeRoot.GoalText   = string.Empty;
            TreeRoot.StatusText = string.Empty;
        public override void OnStart()
            // This reports problems, and stops BT processing if there was a problem with attributes...
            // We had to defer this action, as the 'profile line number' is not available during the element's
            // constructor call.

            // If the quest is complete, this behavior is already done...
            // So we don't want to falsely inform the user of things that will be skipped.
            if (!IsDone)
                _configMemento = new ConfigMemento();

                // We don't want the bot running around harvesting while the user
                // is manually controlling it trying to get the task completed.
                // (We've already captured the existing configuration which will
                //  be restored when this behavior exits, or the bot is stopped.
                //  So there are no worries about destroying user's configuration.)
                CharacterSettings.Instance.HarvestHerbs    = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.HarvestMinerals = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.LootChests      = false;
                ProfileManager.CurrentProfile.LootMobs     = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.NinjaSkin       = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.SkinMobs        = false;

                _completionToken = new AsyncCompletionToken(StyxWoW.Me.Name,

                this.UpdateGoalText(QuestId, "User Attention Required...");
                TreeRoot.StatusText = "Waiting for user dialog to close";
Пример #16
        public override void OnStart()
            // This reports problems, and stops BT processing if there was a problem with attributes...
            // We had to defer this action, as the 'profile line number' is not available during the element's
            // constructor call.

            // If the quest is complete, this behavior is already done...
            // So we don't want to falsely inform the user of things that will be skipped.
            if (!IsDone)
                // The ConfigMemento() class captures the user's existing configuration.
                // After its captured, we can change the configuration however needed.
                // When the memento is dispose'd, the user's original configuration is restored.
                // More info about how the ConfigMemento applies to saving and restoring user configuration
                // can be found here...
                _configMemento = new ConfigMemento();

                BotEvents.OnBotStop += BotEvents_OnBotStop;

                // Disable any settings that may interfere with the escort --
                // When we escort, we don't want to be distracted by other things.
                // NOTE: these settings are restored to their normal values when the behavior completes
                // or the bot is stopped.
                CharacterSettings.Instance.HarvestHerbs    = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.HarvestMinerals = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.LootChests      = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.LootMobs        = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.NinjaSkin       = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.SkinMobs        = false;

                WoWUnit mob = ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType <WoWUnit>()
                              .Where(unit => MobId.Contains((int)unit.Entry))

                TreeRoot.GoalText = "Escorting " + ((mob != null) ? mob.Name : ("Mob(" + MobId + ")"));
Пример #17
        public override void OnStart()
            // This reports problems, and stops BT processing if there was a problem with attributes...
            // We had to defer this action, as the 'profile line number' is not available during the element's
            // constructor call.

            // If the quest is complete, this behavior is already done...
            // So we don't want to falsely inform the user of things that will be skipped.
            if (!IsDone)
                // The ConfigMemento() class captures the user's existing configuration.
                // After its captured, we can change the configuration however needed.
                // When the memento is dispose'd, the user's original configuration is restored.
                // More info about how the ConfigMemento applies to saving and restoring user configuration
                // can be found here...
                _configMemento = new ConfigMemento();

                BotEvents.Player.OnPlayerDied          += Player_OnPlayerDied;
                BotEvents.OnBotStop                    += BotEvents_OnBotStop;
                Targeting.Instance.RemoveTargetsFilter += Instance_RemoveTargetsFilter;

                // Disable any settings that may cause distractions --
                // When we do this quest, we don't want to be distracted by other things.
                // NOTE: these settings are restored to their normal values when the behavior completes
                // or the bot is stopped.
                CharacterSettings.Instance.HarvestHerbs        = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.HarvestMinerals     = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.LootChests          = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.LootMobs            = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.NinjaSkin           = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.SkinMobs            = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.RessAtSpiritHealers = true;

                TreeRoot.GoalText = this.GetType().Name + ": In Progress";
Пример #18
        public /*virtual*/ void Dispose(bool isExplicitlyInitiatedDispose)
            if (!_isDisposed)
                // NOTE: we should call any Dispose() method for any managed or unmanaged
                // resource, if that resource provides a Dispose() method.

                // Clean up managed resources, if explicit disposal...
                if (isExplicitlyInitiatedDispose)
                    // empty, for now

                // Clean up unmanaged resources (if any) here...
                if (_completionToken != null)

                if (_configMemento != null)

                _completionToken = null;
                _configMemento   = null;

                BotEvents.OnBotStop -= BotEvents_OnBotStop;
                TreeRoot.GoalText    = string.Empty;
                TreeRoot.StatusText  = string.Empty;

                // Call parent Dispose() (if it exists) here ...

            _isDisposed = true;
Пример #19
        public override void OnStart()
            QuestBehaviorBase.UsageCheck_ScheduledForDeprecation(this, "EscortGroup");

            // This reports problems, and stops BT processing if there was a problem with attributes...
            // We had to defer this action, as the 'profile line number' is not available during the element's
            // constructor call.

            // If the quest is complete, this behavior is already done...
            // So we don't want to falsely inform the user of things that will be skipped.
            if (!IsDone)
                _configMemento = new ConfigMemento();

                // Disable any settings that may interfere with the escort --
                // When we escort, we don't want to be distracted by other things.
                // NOTE: these settings are restored to their normal values when the behavior completes
                // or the bot is stopped.
                CharacterSettings.Instance.HarvestHerbs    = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.HarvestMinerals = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.LootChests      = false;
                ProfileManager.CurrentProfile.LootMobs     = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.NinjaSkin       = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.SkinMobs        = false;

                var mobNames =
                    (from mob in ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType <WoWUnit>()
                     where ObjectId.Contains((int)mob.Entry)
                     let mobName = Utility.GetObjectNameFromId((int)mob.Entry)
                                   orderby mobName
                                   select mobName)

                this.UpdateGoalText(QuestId, string.Format("Escorting {0}", string.Join(", ", mobNames)));
Пример #20
        public void Dispose(bool isExplicitlyInitiatedDispose)
            if (!_isDisposed) {
                // NOTE: we should call any Dispose() method for any managed or unmanaged
                // resource, if that resource provides a Dispose() method.

                // Clean up managed resources, if explicit disposal...
                if (isExplicitlyInitiatedDispose) {
                    // empty, for now

                // Clean up unmanaged resources (if any) here...
                if (_configMemento != null) {
                    _configMemento = null;

                BotEvents.OnBotStop -= BotEvents_OnBotStop;
                TreeRoot.GoalText = string.Empty;
                TreeRoot.StatusText = string.Empty;

                // Call parent Dispose() (if it exists) here ...

            _isDisposed = true;
Пример #21
        public override void OnStart()
            // This reports problems, and stops BT processing if there was a problem with attributes...
            // We had to defer this action, as the 'profile line number' is not available during the element's
            // constructor call.

            // If the quest is complete, this behavior is already done...
            // So we don't want to falsely inform the user of things that will be skipped.
            if (!IsDone)
                // The ConfigMemento() class captures the user's existing configuration.
                // After its captured, we can change the configuration however needed.
                // When the memento is dispose'd, the user's original configuration is restored.
                // More info about how the ConfigMemento applies to saving and restoring user configuration
                // can be found here...
                _configMemento = new ConfigMemento();

                BotEvents.OnBotStop  += BotEvents_OnBotStop;

                // Disable any settings that may interfere with the escort --
                // When we escort, we don't want to be distracted by other things.
                // NOTE: these settings are restored to their normal values when the behavior completes
                // or the bot is stopped.
                LevelbotSettings.Instance.HarvestHerbs = false;
                LevelbotSettings.Instance.HarvestMinerals = false;
                LevelbotSettings.Instance.LootChests = false;
                LevelbotSettings.Instance.LootMobs = false;
                LevelbotSettings.Instance.NinjaSkin = false;
                LevelbotSettings.Instance.SkinMobs = false;

                WoWUnit     mob     = ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>()
                                      .Where(unit => unit.Entry == MobId)

                TreeRoot.GoalText = "Escorting " + ((mob != null) ? mob.Name : ("Mob(" + MobId + ")"));
Пример #22
        public override void OnStart()
            // We needed to defer this from constructor due to lack of Element (location) information...

            // Check locale
            if (!SupportedLocales.Contains(_wowClientLocale) && !SupportedLocales.Contains("*") /*any locale*/)
                LogMessage("fatal", "This profile does not support the locale of your WoWClient ({0}),"
                                    + " and will be unable to continue.  Supported locales include: {1}.\n"
                                    + "Your choices are:\n"
                                    + " 1) complete Quest \"{2}\" by hand, and restart the profile after its complete, or\n"
                                    + " 2) Ask the profile writer to support your WoWclient's locale ({0})",
                                    ("'" + string.Join("', '", SupportedLocales) + "'"),
                IsAttributeProblem = true;

            // This reports problems, and stops BT processing if there was a problem with attributes...
            // We had to defer this action, as the 'profile line number' is not available during the element's
            // constructor call.

            // If the quest is complete, this behavior is already done...
            // So we don't want to falsely inform the user of things that will be skipped.
            if (!IsDone)
                // The ConfigMemento() class captures the user's existing configuration.
                // After its captured, we can change the configuration however needed.
                // When the memento is dispose'd, the user's original configuration is restored.
                // More info about how the ConfigMemento applies to saving and restoring user configuration
                // can be found here...
                _configMemento = new ConfigMemento();

                CharacterSettings.Instance.PullDistance = 1;

                TreeRoot.GoalText = this.GetType().Name + ": " + QuestName;

                _isBehaviorInProgress = true;
Пример #23
        // 24Feb2013-08:10UTC chinajade
        protected void Dispose(bool isExplicitlyInitiatedDispose)
            if (!_isDisposed)
                // NOTE: we should call any Dispose() method for any managed or unmanaged
                // resource, if that resource provides a Dispose() method.

                // Clean up managed resources, if explicit disposal...
                if (isExplicitlyInitiatedDispose)
                    // empty, for now

                // Clean up unmanaged resources (if any) here...

                // NB: we don't unhook _behaviorTreeHook_Main
                // This was installed when HB created the behavior, and its up to HB to unhook it

                if (_behaviorTreeHook_CombatMain != null)
                    TreeHooks.Instance.RemoveHook("Combat_Main", _behaviorTreeHook_CombatMain);
                    _behaviorTreeHook_CombatMain = null;

                if (_behaviorTreeHook_CombatOnly != null)
                    TreeHooks.Instance.RemoveHook("Combat_Only", _behaviorTreeHook_CombatOnly);
                    _behaviorTreeHook_CombatOnly = null;

                if (_behaviorTreeHook_DeathMain != null)
                    TreeHooks.Instance.RemoveHook("Death_Main", _behaviorTreeHook_DeathMain);
                    _behaviorTreeHook_DeathMain = null;

                BotEvents.OnBotStop -= BotEvents_OnBotStop;

                // Restore configuration...
                if (_configMemento != null)
                    _configMemento = null;

                TreeRoot.GoalText = string.Empty;
                TreeRoot.StatusText = string.Empty;

                BehaviorLoggingContext = null;

            _isDisposed = true;
Пример #24
        public override void OnStart()
            // This reports problems, and stops BT processing if there was a problem with attributes...
            // We had to defer this action, as the 'profile line number' is not available during the element's
            // constructor call.

            // If the quest is complete, this behavior is already done...
            // So we don't want to falsely inform the user of things that will be skipped.
            if (!IsDone)
                // The ConfigMemento() class captures the user's existing configuration.
                // After its captured, we can change the configuration however needed.
                // When the memento is dispose'd, the user's original configuration is restored.
                // More info about how the ConfigMemento applies to saving and restoring user configuration
                // can be found here...
                _configMemento = new ConfigMemento();

                BotEvents.OnBotStop  += BotEvents_OnBotStop;

                // Disable any settings that may cause us to dismount --
                // When we mount for travel via FlyTo, we don't want to be distracted by other things.
                // We also set PullDistance to its minimum value.  If we don't do this, HB will try
                // to dismount and engage a mob if it is within its normal PullDistance.
                // NOTE: these settings are restored to their normal values when the behavior completes
                // or the bot is stopped.
                CharacterSettings.Instance.HarvestHerbs = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.HarvestMinerals = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.LootChests = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.LootMobs = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.NinjaSkin = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.SkinMobs = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.PullDistance = 1;

                TreeRoot.GoalText = "Flying to " + DestinationName;

                // This information was directly requested by profile writers...
                LogMessage("debug", "Flying to '{0}': {1}.", DestinationName, Destination);
Пример #25
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>This reports problems, and stops BT processing if there was a problem with attributes...
        /// We had to defer this action, as the 'profile line number' is not available during the element's
        /// constructor call.</para>
        /// <para>It also captures the user's configuration, and installs Behavior Tree hooks.  The items will
        /// be restored when the behavior terminates, or Honorbuddy is stopped.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="extraGoalTextDescription"></param>
        protected void OnStart_QuestBehaviorCore(string extraGoalTextDescription = null)
                ((QuestObjectiveIndex > 0) && (QuestId <= 0)),
                context => string.Format("QuestObjectiveIndex of '{0}' specified, but no corresponding QuestId provided",

            // Deprecated attributes...
            // TODO: Do this later, after we've made a sweep through Kick's profiles...

            // This reports problems, and stops BT processing if there was a problem with attributes...
            // We had to defer this action, as the 'profile line number' is not available during the element's
            // constructor call.

            // If the quest is complete, this behavior is already done...
            // So we don't want to falsely inform the user of things that will be skipped.
            if (!IsDone)
                // The ConfigMemento() class captures the user's existing configuration.
                // After its captured, we can change the configuration however needed.
                // When the memento is dispose'd, the user's original configuration is restored.
                // More info about how the ConfigMemento applies to saving and restoring user configuration
                // can be found here...
                _configMemento = new ConfigMemento();

                BotEvents.OnBotStop += BotEvents_OnBotStop;

                PlayerQuest quest = StyxWoW.Me.QuestLog.GetQuestById((uint)QuestId);

                TreeRoot.GoalText = string.Format(
                    "{1}: \"{2}\"{0}{3}{0}{0}{4}",
                    ((quest != null)
                        ? string.Format("\"{0}\" (QuestId: {1})", quest.Name, QuestId)
                        : "In Progress (no associated quest)"),
                    (extraGoalTextDescription ?? string.Empty),

                _behaviorTreeHook_CombatMain = new ExceptionCatchingWrapper(this, CreateBehavior_CombatMain());
                TreeHooks.Instance.InsertHook("Combat_Main", 0, _behaviorTreeHook_CombatMain);
                _behaviorTreeHook_CombatOnly = new ExceptionCatchingWrapper(this, CreateBehavior_CombatOnly());
                TreeHooks.Instance.InsertHook("Combat_Only", 0, _behaviorTreeHook_CombatOnly);
                _behaviorTreeHook_DeathMain = new ExceptionCatchingWrapper(this, CreateBehavior_DeathMain());
                TreeHooks.Instance.InsertHook("Death_Main", 0, _behaviorTreeHook_DeathMain);
Пример #26
        public override void OnStart()
            // This reports problems, and stops BT processing if there was a problem with attributes...
            // We had to defer this action, as the 'profile line number' is not available during the element's
            // constructor call.

            // If the quest is complete, this behavior is already done...
            // So we don't want to falsely inform the user of things that will be skipped.
            if (!IsDone)
                // The ConfigMemento() class captures the user's existing configuration.
                // After its captured, we can change the configuration however needed.
                // When the memento is dispose'd, the user's original configuration is restored.
                // More info about how the ConfigMemento applies to saving and restoring user configuration
                // can be found here...
                _configMemento = new ConfigMemento();

                BotEvents.OnBotStop  += BotEvents_OnBotStop;

                // Disable any settings that may cause distractions --
                // When we use transport, we don't want to be distracted by other things.
                // We also set PullDistance to its minimum value.
                // NOTE: these settings are restored to their normal values when the behavior completes
                // or the bot is stopped.
                CharacterSettings.Instance.HarvestHerbs = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.HarvestMinerals = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.LootChests = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.LootMobs = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.NinjaSkin = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.SkinMobs = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.PullDistance = 1;

                PlayerQuest quest = StyxWoW.Me.QuestLog.GetQuestById((uint)QuestId);

                TreeRoot.GoalText = this.GetType().Name + ": " + ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DestName)) ? DestName :
                                                                  (quest != null) ? ("\"" + quest.Name + "\"") :
                                                                  "In Progress");
Пример #27
        public override void OnStart()
            // This reports problems, and stops BT processing if there was a problem with attributes...
            // We had to defer this action, as the 'profile line number' is not available during the element's
            // constructor call.

            // If the quest is complete, this behavior is already done...
            // So we don't want to falsely inform the user of things that will be skipped.
            if (!IsDone)
                // The ConfigMemento() class captures the user's existing configuration.
                // After its captured, we can change the configuration however needed.
                // When the memento is dispose'd, the user's original configuration is restored.
                // More info about how the ConfigMemento applies to saving and restoring user configuration
                // can be found here...
                _configMemento = new ConfigMemento();

                BotEvents.Player.OnPlayerDied += Player_OnPlayerDied;
                BotEvents.OnBotStop  += BotEvents_OnBotStop;
                Targeting.Instance.RemoveTargetsFilter += Instance_RemoveTargetsFilter;

                // Disable any settings that may cause distractions --
                // When we do this quest, we don't want to be distracted by other things.
                // NOTE: these settings are restored to their normal values when the behavior completes
                // or the bot is stopped.
                CharacterSettings.Instance.HarvestHerbs = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.HarvestMinerals = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.LootChests = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.LootMobs = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.NinjaSkin = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.SkinMobs = false;
                CharacterSettings.Instance.RessAtSpiritHealers = true;

                TreeRoot.GoalText = this.GetType().Name + ": In Progress";