public string GetConfig() { MMessage <ICollection <MConfig> > msg = new MMessage <ICollection <MConfig> >(); msg.Flag = isValid(soapHeader, out msg.Text); if (msg.Flag) { msg.Flag = ConfigDAL.GetConfig(soapHeader.PosNO, out msg.Content, out msg.Text); } if (!msg.Flag) { WriteLog("GetConfig", msg.Flag, msg.Text); } return(Converter.Serialize(msg)); }
/// <summary> /// 根据期数获取期数的参数设置 /// </summary> /// <param name="ExpectNum"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static ConfigModel GetConfig(int expectNum) { return(ConfigDAL.GetConfig(expectNum)); }
/// <summary> /// 购买矿机 /// </summary> /// <param name="chosenum"></param> /// <returns></returns> public void GetRegSendPost() { int chosenum = Convert.ToInt32(hidetp.Value); if (Session["Member"] == null) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "<script>showsuc('未登录!');</script>", false); return; //未登录 } string number = Session["Member"].ToString(); int cc = Convert.ToInt32(DBHelper.ExecuteScalar("select count(0) from memberorder where DefrayState=1 and isactive=0 and ordertype<>0 and number='" + number + "' ")); if (cc > 0) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "<script>showsuc('您有未激活的矿机,请激活后再升级!'); setTimeout(function(){ window.location.href='orderlist.aspx'},2000); </script>", false); return; } int re = 0; ///获取usdt账户 int lv = 0; //檢測是否有未支付的單子 如果有則走未支付的訂單 double ddmm = 0; string orderid = ""; //DataTable ddt = DBHelper.ExecuteDataTable("select top 1 OrderID,TotalMoney from memberorder where DefrayState=0 order by id "); //if (ddt != null && ddt.Rows.Count > 0) //{ // DataRow dr = ddt.Rows[0]; // ddmm = Convert.ToDouble(dr["TotalMoney"]); // orderid = dr["orderid"].ToString(); // return; //} //清除未支付订单 DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(@" insert into memberorderdel(id,[Number],[OrderID],[StoreID],[TotalMoney] ,[TotalPv],[CarryMoney],[OrderExpectNum],[PayExpectNum] ,[IsAgain],[OrderDate],[Error],[Remark],[DefrayState],[Consignee] ,[CCPCCode],[ConCity],[ConAddress] ,[ConZipCode],[ConTelphone] ,[ConMobilPhone],[ConPost] ,[DefrayType],[PayMoney] ,[PayCurrency],[StandardCurrency] ,[StandardCurrencyMoney],[OperateIP] ,[OperateNum],[RemittancesID],[ElectronicAccountID],[ordertype] ,[IsReceivables],[PayMentMoney],[ReceivablesDate],[EnoughProductMoney] ,[LackProductMoney],[IsReturn],[SendType],[SendWay],[TotalMoneyReturned] ,[TotalPvReturned],[OrderStatus],[TotalMoneyReturning],[TotalPvReturning] ,[OrderStatus_NR],[Isjjff],[trackingnum],[InvestJB] ,[PriceJB],[isSend],[xjpay],[xfpay],[bdpay],[ISSettle]) select id,[Number],[OrderID],[StoreID],[TotalMoney] ,[TotalPv],[CarryMoney],[OrderExpectNum],[PayExpectNum] ,[IsAgain],[OrderDate],[Error],[Remark],[DefrayState],[Consignee] ,[CCPCCode],[ConCity],[ConAddress] ,[ConZipCode],[ConTelphone] ,[ConMobilPhone],[ConPost] ,[DefrayType],[PayMoney] ,[PayCurrency],[StandardCurrency] ,[StandardCurrencyMoney],[OperateIP] ,[OperateNum],[RemittancesID],[ElectronicAccountID],[ordertype] ,[IsReceivables],[PayMentMoney],[ReceivablesDate],[EnoughProductMoney] ,[LackProductMoney],[IsReturn],[SendType],[SendWay],[TotalMoneyReturned] ,[TotalPvReturned],[OrderStatus],[TotalMoneyReturning],[TotalPvReturning] ,[OrderStatus_NR],[Isjjff],[trackingnum],[InvestJB] ,[PriceJB],[isSend],[xjpay],[xfpay],[bdpay],[ISSettle] from MemberOrder where DefrayState = 0 and number ='" + number + "' "); //删除未支付的订单 DBHelper.ExecuteNonQuery("delete from memberorder where DefrayState=0 and number='" + number + "' "); DataTable dt_one = DAL.DBHelper.ExecuteDataTable("select LevelInt from memberinfo where Number='" + number + "'"); if (dt_one.Rows != null && dt_one.Rows.Count > 0) { lv = Convert.ToInt32(dt_one.Rows[0]["LevelInt"]);//获取账户等级 } double zhye = 0; int jd = Common.GetcurJieDuan();//获取阶段状态 if ((lv == 1 || (lv == 0 && chosenum > 1)) && jd == 1) { zhye = CommandAPI.GetActMoney(); } if (chosenum < 0 || chosenum > 8 || lv > chosenum) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "<script>showsuc('请选择矿机!');</script>", false); return; } //选择购买的矿机 ConfigModel cm = ConfigDAL.GetConfig(); double ttmoney = 0; double ttpv = 0; int ordertype = 22; // 0 第一次购买 1 补差升级 int isagain = 0; double yymoney = 0; // int ispay = 0; ///支付状态 if (lv == 0) { ordertype = 22; //抢购20u } if (lv == 1 || (lv == 0 && chosenum > 1)) { ordertype = 23; //购买 } if (lv == 2) { yymoney = cm.Para2; } if (lv == 3) { yymoney = cm.Para3; } if (lv == 4) { yymoney = cm.Para4; } if (lv == 5) { yymoney = cm.Para5; } if (lv == 6) { yymoney = cm.Para6; } if (lv == 7) { yymoney = cm.Para7; } if (lv == 7) { ordertype = 25; //复投 } if (chosenum == 1) { ttmoney = cm.Para1; ttpv = 0; } //20u 不计算业绩 if (chosenum == 2) { ttmoney = cm.Para2 - yymoney; ttpv = cm.Para2 - yymoney; } if (chosenum == 3) { ttmoney = cm.Para3 - yymoney; ttpv = cm.Para3 - yymoney; } if (chosenum == 4) { ttmoney = cm.Para4 - yymoney; ttpv = cm.Para4 - yymoney; } if (chosenum == 5) { ttmoney = cm.Para5 - yymoney; ttpv = cm.Para5 - yymoney; } if (chosenum == 6) { ttmoney = cm.Para6 - yymoney; ttpv = cm.Para6 - yymoney; } if (chosenum == 7) { ttmoney = cm.Para7 - yymoney; ttpv = cm.Para7 - yymoney; } //if (chosenum == 8) { ttmoney = cm.Para28 - yymoney; ttpv = cm.Para28 - yymoney; } if (yymoney > 0) { isagain = 1; ordertype = 24; } //升级 DataTable dtmb = DBHelper.ExecuteDataTable("select pointAin-pointAout as ablc,pointbin-pointbout as bblc,pointcin-pointcout as cblc,pointdin-pointdout as dblc,pointein-pointeout as eblc from memberinfo where number='" + number + "'"); DataTable conp = DBHelper.ExecuteDataTable("select CoinIndex ,coinnewprice from CoinPlant order by id "); double ablc = 0; double bblc = 0; double cblc = 0; double dblc = 0; double eblc = 0; double cap = 0; double cbp = 0; double ccp = 0; double cdp = 0; double cep = 0; if (dtmb != null && dtmb.Rows.Count > 0) { DataRow dr = dtmb.Rows[0]; ablc = Convert.ToDouble(dr["ablc"]); bblc = Convert.ToDouble(dr["bblc"]); cblc = Convert.ToDouble(dr["cblc"]); dblc = Convert.ToDouble(dr["dblc"]); eblc = Convert.ToDouble(dr["eblc"]); } else { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "<script>showsuc('账户余额不足!');</script>", false); return; } if (conp != null && conp.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow item in conp.Rows) { string s = item["CoinIndex"].ToString(); if (s == "CoinA") { cap = Convert.ToDouble(item["coinnewprice"]); } if (s == "CoinB") { cbp = Convert.ToDouble(item["coinnewprice"]); } if (s == "CoinC") { ccp = Convert.ToDouble(item["coinnewprice"]); } if (s == "CoinD") { cdp = Convert.ToDouble(item["coinnewprice"]); } if (s == "CoinE") { cep = Convert.ToDouble(item["coinnewprice"]); } } } else { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "<script>showsuc('账户余额不足!');</script>", false); return; } double aneed = 0; double bneed = 0; double cneed = 0; double eneed = 0; if (lv > 0) { if (jd == 1) { if (zhye < ttmoney) { //ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "<script>showsuc('账户余额不足!');</script>", false); //return; }//余额不足 else if (jd == 2 || jd == 3) { aneed = ttmoney / cap; if (aneed > ablc) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "<script>showsuc('账户余额不足!');</script>", false); return; } ; //余额不足 } else if (jd == 4 || jd == 5) { aneed = (ttmoney * 0.5) / cap; bneed = (ttmoney * 0.5) / cbp; if (aneed > ablc || bneed > bblc) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "<script>showsuc('账户余额不足!');</script>", false); return; }//余额不足 } else if (jd == 6 || jd == 7) { aneed = (ttmoney * 0.2) / cap; bneed = (ttmoney * 0.3) / cbp; cneed = (ttmoney * 0.5) / ccp; if (aneed > ablc || bneed > bblc || cneed > cblc) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "<script> showsuc('账户余额不足!');</script>", false); return; }//余额不足 } } if (jd > 0 && chosenum > 1) /// 如果是20u以上 则需要额外支付 5% 的E { eneed = (ttmoney * 0.05) / cep; //if (eneed > eblc) //{ // ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "<script>showsuc('火星币余额不足,请先去抢购兑换!');</script>", false); // return; //} //余额不足 Session["Eneed"] = eneed; } } RegistermemberBLL registermemberBLL = new RegistermemberBLL(); orderid = registermemberBLL.GetOrderInfo("add", null); int maxexpt = ConfigDAL.GetMaxExpectNum(); Boolean flag = new AddOrderDataDAL().AddOrderInfo(number, orderid, maxexpt, isagain, ttmoney, ttpv, ordertype); Session["choselv"] = chosenum; //保存当前选中级别 if (flag) //插入订单成功 开始支付 { if (jd == 1 && chosenum > 1) //说明是第一阶段的所有购买都 必须使用USDT买 { Session["orderid"] = orderid; string postf = CommandAPI.GetFunction(orderid, ttmoney.ToString(), "recast.aspx", RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue); ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", postf, false); return; } else { //本地支付开始 int r = MemberOrderDAL.PayOrder(number, orderid, aneed, bneed, cneed, eneed, chosenum, "使用本地币种账户支付"); if (r == 1) { //销毁 if (aneed > 0) { CommandAPI.Destruction("A", aneed); } if (bneed > 0) { CommandAPI.Destruction("B", bneed); } if (cneed > 0) { CommandAPI.Destruction("C", cneed); } // if (eneed > 0) CommandAPI.Destruction("E", eneed); if (eneed > 0) { int ee = MemberOrderDAL.payOrderEcoin(number, orderid, eneed, "E币支付,激活成功"); if (ee == 1) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "<script>showsuc('购买矿机激活成功!');</script>", false); } else { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "<script>showsuc('支付成功,请使用E币激活矿机!'); setTimeout(function(){ window.location.href='orderlist.aspx'},3000); </script>", false); } } ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "<script>showsuc('购买成功!');</script>", false); return; } else { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "", "<script>showsuc('购买失败!');</script>", false); return; } } } }