// Callback method referred to in the call to BeginEscalate on the Conference instance.
        private void ConferenceEscalateCB(IAsyncResult ar)
            Conversation conversation = ar.AsyncState as Conversation;


            // A production application should have catch blocks for a number
            // of other exceptions, including OperationTimeoutException and
            // OperationFailureException.
            catch (RealTimeException exception)
            // Synchronize with main thread.
            // _waitUntilConferenceIsEscalated.Set();

            ConferenceInvitation conferenceInvite = new ConferenceInvitation(_incomingConversation);

            conferenceInvite.StateChanged += new EventHandler <ConferenceInvitationStateChangedEventArgs>(conferenceInvite_StateChanged);
            ConferenceInvitationDeliverOptions confDeliverOptions = new ConferenceInvitationDeliverOptions();

            confDeliverOptions.ToastMessage = new ToastMessage("Join the conference!");
            conferenceInvite.BeginDeliver(_remoteContactUri.ToString(), confDeliverOptions, InvitationDeliverCB, conferenceInvite);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a conference invitation to the specified uri.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="invitationTargetUri">The uri that the invitation should
        /// be sent to.</param>
        private void InviteUserToConference(string invitationTargetUri)
            ConferenceInvitation confInvitation = new ConferenceInvitation(_impersonatingAvCall.Conversation);
            ConferenceInvitationDeliverOptions deliverOptions = new ConferenceInvitationDeliverOptions();

            const string sipPrefix = "sip:";

            if (!invitationTargetUri.Trim().StartsWith(sipPrefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                invitationTargetUri = sipPrefix + invitationTargetUri.Trim();

            Console.WriteLine("Inviting {0} to the conference.", invitationTargetUri);
            _invitedParticipantAccepted = false;
            var confInvitationResult = confInvitation.BeginDeliver(invitationTargetUri,

            Console.WriteLine("Waiting for the conference invitation to complete.");

            Console.WriteLine("Finished inviting {0} to the conference.", invitationTargetUri);
 public static Task<ConferenceInvitationResponse> DeliverAsync(this ConferenceInvitation invitation,
     string destinationUri, ConferenceInvitationDeliverOptions options)
     return Task<ConferenceInvitationResponse>.Factory.FromAsync(
         invitation.BeginDeliver, invitation.EndDeliver, 
         destinationUri, options,
 public static Task<ConferenceInvitationResponse> DeliverAsync(this ConferenceInvitation self, string destinationUri, ConferenceInvitationDeliverOptions options)
     return Task.Factory.FromAsync<string, ConferenceInvitationDeliverOptions, ConferenceInvitationResponse>(
Пример #5
 public static Task <ConferenceInvitationResponse> DeliverAsync(this ConferenceInvitation invitation,
                                                                string destinationUri, ConferenceInvitationDeliverOptions options)
     return(Task <ConferenceInvitationResponse> .Factory.FromAsync(
                invitation.BeginDeliver, invitation.EndDeliver,
                destinationUri, options,
Пример #6
        private void Run()
            // A helper class to take care of platform and endpoint setup and
            // cleanup. This has been abstracted from this sample to focus on
            // Call Control.
            _helper = new UCMASampleHelper();

            // Create a user endpoint, using the network credential object
            // defined above.
            _callerEndpoint = _helper.CreateEstablishedUserEndpoint(
                "Conference Leader" /* friendly name for conference leader endpoint */);

            // Create a second user endpoint, using the network credential object
            // defined above.
            _calleeEndpoint = _helper.CreateEstablishedUserEndpoint(
                "Conference Attendee" /* friendly name for conference attendee endpoint */);

            // Get the URI for the user logged onto Microsoft Lync
            String _ocUserURI = "sip:" + UCMASampleHelper.PromptUser(
                "Enter the URI for the user logged onto Microsoft Lync, in the User@Host format => ",
                "RemoteUserURI" /* key to specify remote user's URI in app.config */);

            // One of the endpoints schedules the conference in advance. At
            // schedule time, all the conference settings are set.

            // The base conference settings object, used to set the policies for the conference.
            ConferenceScheduleInformation conferenceScheduleInformation = new ConferenceScheduleInformation();

            // An open meeting (participants can join who are not on the list),
            // but requiring authentication (no anonymous users allowed.)
            conferenceScheduleInformation.AccessLevel = ConferenceAccessLevel.SameEnterprise;
            // The below flag determines whether or not the passcode is optional
            // for users joining the conference.
            conferenceScheduleInformation.IsPasscodeOptional = true;
            conferenceScheduleInformation.Passcode           = "1357924680";
            // The verbose description of the conference
            conferenceScheduleInformation.Description = "Interesting Description";
            // The below field indicates the date and time after which the conference can be deleted.
            conferenceScheduleInformation.ExpiryTime = System.DateTime.Now.AddHours(5);

            // These two lines assign a set of modalities (here, only
            // InstantMessage) from the available MCUs to the conference. Custom
            // modalities (and their corresponding MCUs) may be added at this
            // time as part of the extensibility model.
            ConferenceMcuInformation instantMessageMCU = new ConferenceMcuInformation(McuType.InstantMessaging);


            // Now that the setup object is complete, schedule the conference
            // using the conference services off of Endpoint. Note: the conference
            // organizer is considered a leader of the conference by default.
                                                                       EndScheduleConference, _callerEndpoint.ConferenceServices);

            // Wait for the scheduling to complete.

            // Now that the conference is scheduled, it's time to join it. As we
            // already have a reference to the conference object populated from
            // the EndScheduleConference call, we do not need to get the
            // conference first. Initialize a conversation off of the endpoint,
            // and join the conference from the uri provided above.
            Conversation callerConversation = new Conversation(_callerEndpoint);

            callerConversation.ConferenceSession.StateChanged += new
                                                                 EventHandler <StateChangedEventArgs <ConferenceSessionState> >(ConferenceSession_StateChanged);

            // Join and wait, again forcing synchronization.
            callerConversation.ConferenceSession.BeginJoin(_conference.ConferenceUri, null /*joinOptions*/,
                                                           EndJoinConference, callerConversation.ConferenceSession);

            // Placing the calls on the conference-connected conversation
            // connects to the respective MCUs. These calls may then be used to
            // communicate with the conference/MCUs.
            InstantMessagingCall instantMessagingCall = new InstantMessagingCall(callerConversation);

            // Hooking up event handlers and then placing the call.
            instantMessagingCall.InstantMessagingFlowConfigurationRequested +=
            instantMessagingCall.StateChanged += this._call_StateChanged;
            instantMessagingCall.BeginEstablish(EndCallEstablish, instantMessagingCall);

            //Synchronize to ensure that call has completed.

            //send conf invite
            ConferenceInvitationDeliverOptions deliverOptions = new ConferenceInvitationDeliverOptions();

            deliverOptions.ToastMessage = new ToastMessage("Welcome to my conference");

            ConferenceInvitation invitation = new ConferenceInvitation(callerConversation);

            invitation.BeginDeliver(_ocUserURI, deliverOptions, EndDeliverInvitation, invitation);

            // Synchronize to ensure that invitation is complete

            //And from the other endpoint's perspective:
            //Initialize a conversation off of the endpoint, and join the
            //conference from the uri provided above.
            Conversation calleeConversation = new Conversation(_calleeEndpoint);

            calleeConversation.ConferenceSession.StateChanged += new
                                                                 EventHandler <StateChangedEventArgs <ConferenceSessionState> >(ConferenceSession_StateChanged);

            // Join and wait, again forcing synchronization.
            calleeConversation.ConferenceSession.BeginJoin(_conference.ConferenceUri, null /*joinOptions*/,
                                                           EndJoinConference, calleeConversation.ConferenceSession);

            // Placing the calls on the conference-connected conversation
            // connects to the respective MCUs. These calls may then be used to
            //communicate with the conference/MCUs.
            InstantMessagingCall instantMessagingCall2 = new InstantMessagingCall(calleeConversation);

            //Hooking up event handlers and then placing the call.
            instantMessagingCall2.InstantMessagingFlowConfigurationRequested +=
            instantMessagingCall2.StateChanged += this._call_StateChanged;
            instantMessagingCall2.BeginEstablish(EndCallEstablish, instantMessagingCall2);

            //Synchronize to ensure that call has completed.

            //Synchronize to ensure that all messages are sent and received

            //Wait for shutdown initiated by user

            UCMASampleHelper.PauseBeforeContinuing("Press ENTER to shutdown and exit.");