Пример #1
        private void ComputeAll()
            System.Drawing.RectangleF boxA = Compute.BoundingBox(m_StrokeA.Points);
            System.Drawing.RectangleF boxB = Compute.BoundingBox(m_StrokeB.Points);

            bool aLeft, aRight, aTop, aBottom;

            aLeft = aRight = aTop = aBottom = false;

            if (boxA.X <= boxB.X)
                aLeft = true;
            if (boxA.X + boxA.Width >= boxB.X + boxB.Width)
                aRight = true;
            if (boxA.Y <= boxB.Y)
                aTop = true;
            if (boxA.Y + boxA.Height >= boxB.Y + boxB.Height)
                aBottom = true;

            if (aLeft && aRight) // 'b' enclosed in 'a' (horizontal)
                m_xOverlap = (double)boxB.Width;
            else if (!aLeft && !aRight) // 'a' enclosed in 'b' (horizontal)
                m_xOverlap = (double)boxA.Width;
            else if (aLeft) // 'a' left of 'b'
                m_xOverlap = (double)(boxA.X + boxA.Width - boxB.X);
            else // 'b' left of 'a'
                m_xOverlap = (double)(boxB.X + boxB.Width - boxA.X);

            if (aTop && aBottom)
                m_yOverlap = (double)boxB.Height;
            else if (!aTop && !aBottom)
                m_yOverlap = (double)boxA.Height;
            else if (aTop)
                m_yOverlap = (double)(boxA.Y + boxA.Height - boxB.Y);
                m_yOverlap = (double)(boxB.Y + boxB.Height - boxA.Y);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Non-uniform scaling of the list of points to a square.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="points">List of points to be scaled</param>
        /// <param name="size">Size of one edge of the square</param>
        /// <returns>List of new points that have been scaled</returns>
        private List <Point> scaleToSquare(List <Point> points, double size)
            List <Point> newPoints = new List <Point>(points.Count);

            System.Drawing.RectangleF bBox = Compute.BoundingBox(points.ToArray());

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                float x = points[i].X * (float)(size) / bBox.Width;
                float y = points[i].Y * (float)(size) / bBox.Height;
                newPoints.Add(new Point(x, y));

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sketch"></param>
        /// <param name="extensionLengthsExtreme"></param>
        public IntersectionSketch(Sketch.Sketch sketch, Dictionary <Substroke, double> extensionLengthsExtreme)
            m_Sketch = sketch;

            double avgArcLength = GetAvgArcLength(sketch);

            m_Strokes = new List <Substroke>();
            m_Boxes   = new Dictionary <Substroke, System.Drawing.RectangleF>();
            m_Lines   = new Dictionary <Substroke, List <Line> >();

            foreach (Substroke s in m_Sketch.Substrokes)
                if (!m_Strokes.Contains(s))

                if (!m_Boxes.ContainsKey(s))
                    m_Boxes.Add(s, Compute.BoundingBox(s.Points));

                if (!m_Lines.ContainsKey(s))
                    double d = Math.Min(avgArcLength, (s.SpatialLength + avgArcLength) / 2);
                    d *= Compute.THRESHOLD;
                    List <Line> lines    = Compute.getLines(s.PointsL);
                    Line[]      endLines = getEndLines(lines, d);
                    lines.Insert(0, endLines[0]);
                    m_Lines.Add(s, lines);

            m_ExtensionLengthsExtreme = extensionLengthsExtreme;

            m_Stroke2Intersections = new Dictionary <Substroke, Dictionary <Substroke, Future <IntersectionPair> > >();

            for (int i = 0; i < m_Sketch.Substrokes.Length; i++)
                FindIntersections(m_Sketch.SubstrokesL, i);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the given stroke to the intersection sketch
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stroke"></param>
        public void AddStroke(Substroke stroke)
            if (m_Strokes.Contains(stroke))

            if (m_Stroke2Intersections.ContainsKey(stroke))

            if (m_Boxes.ContainsKey(stroke))

            if (m_Lines.ContainsKey(stroke))

            List <Line> lines = Compute.getLines(stroke.PointsL);

            Line[] endLines = null;
            endLines = getEndLines(lines, m_ExtensionLengthsExtreme[stroke]);

            lines.Insert(0, endLines[0]);
            m_Lines.Add(stroke, lines);

            m_Boxes.Add(stroke, Compute.BoundingBox(lines));

            m_Stroke2Intersections.Add(stroke, new Dictionary <Substroke, Future <IntersectionPair> >());
            foreach (Substroke s in m_Strokes)
                Future <IntersectionPair> pair = getPair(stroke, s);
                m_Stroke2Intersections[s].Add(stroke, pair);
                m_Stroke2Intersections[stroke].Add(s, pair);

Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the features of a Substroke
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="substroke">Substroke to find features for</param>
        public FeatureStroke(Sketch.Substroke substroke)
            Point[] points = substroke.Points;
            _substroke  = substroke;
            spatial     = new Spatial(points);
            arcLength   = new ArcLength(points);
            slope       = new Slope(points);
            speed       = new Speed(points);
            curvature   = new Curvature(points, ArcLength.Profile, Slope.TanProfile);
            fit         = new Fit(substroke);
            boundingBox = Compute.BoundingBox(substroke.Points);

            this.id = (System.Guid)substroke.Id;

            features      = new Dictionary <string, Feature>();
            featuresToUse = new Dictionary <string, bool>();

            if (UseThetas)
                thetas = Compute.FindThetas(substroke.Points);
                //thetas = Compute.Normalize(thetas, Math.PI * 2.0);
                thetas = new double[0];

            if (UseArcLength)
                features.Add("Arc Length", new InkLength(arcLength.TotalLength));

            if (UseClosedPath)
                features.Add("Part of a Closed Path", new PartOfClosedPath(false));
                features.Add("Inside a Closed Path", new InsideClosedPath(false));
Пример #6
 private System.Drawing.RectangleF computeBoundingBox(Substroke substroke)