private bool QuickConvertToInt32(CompoundTokenDetails details, ParsingContext context) { int radix = GetRadix(details); if (radix == 10 && details.Body.Length > 10) { return(false); //10 digits is maximum for int32; int32.MaxValue = 2 147 483 647 } try { //workaround for .Net FX bug: int iValue = 0; if (radix == 10) { iValue = Convert.ToInt32(details.Body, context.Culture); } else { iValue = Convert.ToInt32(details.Body, radix); } details.Value = iValue; return(true); } catch { return(false); } }//method
}//method private void AssignTypeCodes(CompoundTokenDetails details) { //Type could be assigned when we read suffix; if so, just exit if (details.TypeCodes != null) { return; } //Decide on float types var hasDot = details.IsSet((short)(NumberFlagsInternal.HasDot)); var hasExp = details.IsSet((short)(NumberFlagsInternal.HasExp)); var isFloat = (hasDot || hasExp); if (!isFloat) { details.TypeCodes = DefaultIntTypes; return; } //so we have a float. If we have exponent symbol then use it to select type if (hasExp) { TypeCode code; if (_exponentsTable.TryGetValue(details.ExponentSymbol[0], out code)) { details.TypeCodes = new TypeCode[] { code }; return; } }//if hasExp //Finally assign default float type details.TypeCodes = new TypeCode[] { DefaultFloatType }; }
protected virtual void ReadPrefix(ISourceStream source, CompoundTokenDetails details) { if (!_prefixesFirsts.Contains(source.PreviewChar)) { return; } var comparisonType = CaseSensitivePrefixesSuffixes ? StringComparison.Ordinal : StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase; foreach (string pfx in Prefixes) { // Prefixes are usually case insensitive, even if language is case-sensitive. So we cannot use source.MatchSymbol here, // we need case-specific comparison if (string.Compare(source.Text, source.PreviewPosition, pfx, 0, pfx.Length, comparisonType) != 0) { continue; } //We found prefix details.Prefix = pfx; source.PreviewPosition += pfx.Length; //Set flag from prefix short pfxFlags; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(details.Prefix) && PrefixFlags.TryGetValue(details.Prefix, out pfxFlags)) { details.Flags |= (short)pfxFlags; } return; } //foreach } //method
}//method private bool TryConvertToLong(CompoundTokenDetails details, bool useULong, ParsingContext context) { try { int radix = GetRadix(details); //workaround for .Net FX bug: if (radix == 10) { if (useULong) { details.Value = Convert.ToUInt64(details.Body, context.Culture); } else { details.Value = Convert.ToInt64(details.Body, context.Culture); } } else if (useULong) { details.Value = Convert.ToUInt64(details.Body, radix); } else { details.Value = Convert.ToInt64(details.Body, radix); } return(true); } catch (OverflowException) { details.Error = string.Format(Resources.ErrCannotConvertValueToType, details.Value, TypeCode.Int64.ToString()); return(false); } }
protected virtual void ReadSuffix(ISourceStream source, CompoundTokenDetails details) { if (!_suffixesFirsts.Contains(source.PreviewChar)) { return; } var comparisonType = CaseSensitivePrefixesSuffixes ? StringComparison.InvariantCulture : StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase; foreach (string sfx in Suffixes) { //Suffixes are usually case insensitive, even if language is case-sensitive. So we cannot use source.MatchSymbol here, // we need case-specific comparison if (string.Compare(source.GetText(source.PreviewPosition, sfx.Length), 0, sfx, 0, sfx.Length, comparisonType) != 0) { continue; } //We found suffix details.Suffix = sfx; source.PreviewPosition += sfx.Length; //Set TypeCode from suffix TypeCode[] codes; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(details.Suffix) && SuffixTypeCodes.TryGetValue(details.Suffix, out codes)) { details.TypeCodes = codes; } return; } //foreach } //method
}//method private char ReadUnicodeEscape(ISourceStream source, CompoundTokenDetails details) { //Position is currently at "\" symbol source.PreviewPosition++; //move to U/u char int len; switch (source.PreviewChar) { case 'u': len = 4; break; case 'U': len = 8; break; default: details.Error = O2_Misc_Microsoft_MPL_Libs.Irony_Parser.Resources.ErrInvEscSymbol; // "Invalid escape symbol, expected 'u' or 'U' only." return('\0'); } if (source.PreviewPosition + len > source.Text.Length) { details.Error = O2_Misc_Microsoft_MPL_Libs.Irony_Parser.Resources.ErrInvEscSeq; // "Invalid escape sequence"; return('\0'); } source.PreviewPosition++; //move to the first digit string digits = source.Text.Substring(source.PreviewPosition, len); char result = (char)Convert.ToUInt32(digits, 16); source.PreviewPosition += len; details.Flags |= (int)IdFlagsInternal.HasEscapes; return(result); }
private char ReadUnicodeEscape(ISourceStream source, CompoundTokenDetails details) { //Position is currently at "\" symbol source.Position++; //move to U/u char int len; switch (source.CurrentChar) { case 'u': len = 4; break; case 'U': len = 8; break; default: details.Error = "Invalid escape symbol, expected 'u' or 'U' only."; return('\0'); } if (source.Position + len > source.Text.Length) { details.Error = "Invalid escape symbol"; return('\0'); } source.Position++; //move to the first digit string digits = source.Text.Substring(source.Position, len); char result = (char)Convert.ToUInt32(digits, 16); source.Position += len; details.Flags |= (int)IdFlags.HasEscapes; return(result); }
public override Token TryMatch(CompilerContext context, ISourceStream source) { Token token; //Try quick parse first, but only if we're not continuing if (context.ScannerState.Value == 0) { token = QuickParse(context, source); if (token != null) { return(token); } source.Position = source.TokenStart.Position; //revert the position } CompoundTokenDetails details = new CompoundTokenDetails(); InitDetails(context, details); if (context.ScannerState.Value == 0) { ReadPrefix(source, details); } if (!ReadBody(source, details)) { return(null); } if (details.Error != null) { return(context.CreateErrorTokenAndReportError(source.TokenStart, source.CurrentChar.ToString(), details.Error)); } if (details.IsPartial) { details.Value = details.Body; } else { ReadSuffix(source, details); if (!ConvertValue(details)) { return(context.CreateErrorTokenAndReportError(source.TokenStart, source.CurrentChar.ToString(), "Failed to convert the value: " + details.Error)); } } token = CreateToken(context, source, details); if (details.IsPartial) { //Save terminal state so we can continue context.ScannerState.TokenSubType = (byte)details.SubTypeIndex; context.ScannerState.TerminalFlags = (short)details.Flags; context.ScannerState.TerminalIndex = this.MultilineIndex; } else { context.ScannerState.Value = 0; } return(token); }
}//method protected override void ReadSuffix(ISourceStream source, CompoundTokenDetails details) { base.ReadSuffix(source, details); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(details.Suffix)) { details.TypeCodes = details.IsSet((short)(NumberFlags.HasDot | NumberFlags.HasExp)) ? _defaultFloatTypes : DefaultIntTypes; } }
private void ProcessPartialBody(ISourceStream source, CompoundTokenDetails details) { int from = source.PreviewPosition; source.PreviewPosition = source.Text.Length; details.Body = source.Text.Substring(from, source.PreviewPosition - from); details.IsPartial = true; }
private bool ConvertToBigInteger(CompoundTokenDetails details) { //ignore leading zeros and sign details.Body = details.Body.TrimStart('+').TrimStart('-').TrimStart('0'); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(details.Body)) { details.Body = "0"; } int bodyLength = details.Body.Length; int radix = GetRadix(details); int wordLength = GetSafeWordLength(details); int sectionCount = GetSectionCount(bodyLength, wordLength); ulong[] numberSections = new ulong[sectionCount]; //big endian try { int startIndex = details.Body.Length - wordLength; for (int sectionIndex = sectionCount - 1; sectionIndex >= 0; sectionIndex--) { if (startIndex < 0) { wordLength += startIndex; startIndex = 0; } //workaround for .Net FX bug: if (radix == 10) { numberSections[sectionIndex] = Convert.ToUInt64(details.Body.Substring(startIndex, wordLength)); } else { numberSections[sectionIndex] = Convert.ToUInt64(details.Body.Substring(startIndex, wordLength), radix); } startIndex -= wordLength; } } catch { details.Error = Resources.ErrInvNumber;// "Invalid number."; return(false); } //produce big integer ulong safeWordRadix = GetSafeWordRadix(details); BigInteger bigIntegerValue = numberSections[0]; for (int i = 1; i < sectionCount; i++) { bigIntegerValue = checked (bigIntegerValue * safeWordRadix + numberSections[i]); } if (details.Sign == "-") { bigIntegerValue = -bigIntegerValue; } details.Value = bigIntegerValue; return(true); }
protected override void ReadPrefix(ISourceStream source, CompoundTokenDetails details) { //check that is not a 0 followed by dot; //this may happen in Python for number "0.123" - we can mistakenly take "0" as octal prefix if (source.PreviewChar == '0' && source.NextPreviewChar == '.') { return; } base.ReadPrefix(source, details); }//method
protected override bool ReadBody(ISourceStream source, CompoundTokenDetails details) { if (!details.PartialContinues) { if (!ReadStartSymbol(source, details)) { return(false); } } return(CompleteReadBody(source, details)); }
protected override bool ReadBody(ISourceStream source, CompoundTokenDetails details) { int start = source.PreviewPosition; bool allowEscapes = details.IsSet((short)IdOptions.AllowsEscapes); CharList outputChars = new CharList(); while (!source.EOF()) { char current = source.PreviewChar; if (Grammar.IsWhitespaceOrDelimiter(current)) { break; } if (allowEscapes && current == this.EscapeChar) { current = ReadUnicodeEscape(source, details); //We need to back off the position. ReadUnicodeEscape sets the position to symbol right after escape digits. //This is the char that we should process in next iteration, so we must backup one char, to pretend the escaped // char is at position of last digit of escape sequence. source.PreviewPosition--; if (details.Error != null) { return(false); } } //Check if current character is OK if (!CharOk(current, source.PreviewPosition == start)) { break; } //Check if we need to skip this char #if NETSTANDARD UnicodeCategory currCat = CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory(current); #else UnicodeCategory currCat = char.GetUnicodeCategory(current); //I know, it suxx, we do it twice, fix it later #endif if (!this.CharsToRemoveCategories.Contains(currCat)) { outputChars.Add(current); //add it to output (identifier) } source.PreviewPosition++; }//while if (outputChars.Count == 0) { return(false); } //Convert collected chars to string details.Body = new string(outputChars.ToArray()); if (!CheckCaseRestriction(details.Body)) { return(false); } return(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(details.Body)); }
protected override bool ConvertValue(CompoundTokenDetails details) { if (details.IsSet((short)IdOptions.NameIncludesPrefix)) { details.Value = details.Prefix + details.Body; } else { details.Value = details.Body; } return(true); }
protected override void InitDetails(ParsingContext context, CompoundTokenDetails details) { base.InitDetails(context, details); if (context.VsLineScanState.Value == 0) { return; } //we are continuing partial string on the next line details.Flags = context.VsLineScanState.TerminalFlags; details.SubTypeIndex = context.VsLineScanState.TokenSubType; var stringInfo = _subTypes[context.VsLineScanState.TokenSubType]; details.StartSymbol = stringInfo.Start; }
private int GetRadix(CompoundTokenDetails details) { if (details.IsSet((short)NumberOptions.Hex)) { return(16); } if (details.IsSet((short)NumberOptions.Octal)) { return(8); } if (details.IsSet((short)NumberOptions.Binary)) { return(2); } return(10); }
private string GetDigits(CompoundTokenDetails details) { if (details.IsSet((short)NumberOptions.Hex)) { return(Strings.HexDigits); } if (details.IsSet((short)NumberOptions.Octal)) { return(Strings.OctalDigits); } if (details.IsSet((short)NumberOptions.Binary)) { return(Strings.BinaryDigits); } return(Strings.DecimalDigits); }
private int GetSafeWordLength(CompoundTokenDetails details) { if (details.IsSet((short)NumberOptions.Hex)) { return(15); } if (details.IsSet((short)NumberOptions.Octal)) { return(21); //maxWordLength 22 } if (details.IsSet((short)NumberOptions.Binary)) { return(63); } return(19); //maxWordLength 20 }
//radix^safeWordLength private ulong GetSafeWordRadix(CompoundTokenDetails details) { if (details.IsSet((short)NumberOptions.Hex)) { return(1152921504606846976); } if (details.IsSet((short)NumberOptions.Octal)) { return(9223372036854775808); } if (details.IsSet((short)NumberOptions.Binary)) { return(9223372036854775808); } return(10000000000000000000); }
protected override void ReadSuffix(ISourceStream source, CompoundTokenDetails details) { base.ReadSuffix(source, details); //"char" type can be identified by suffix (like VB where c suffix identifies char) // in this case we have details.TypeCodes[0] == char and we need to set the IsChar flag if (details.TypeCodes != null && details.TypeCodes[0] == TypeCode.Char) { details.Flags |= (int)StringOptions.IsChar; } else if (details.IsSet((short)StringOptions.IsChar)) { //we may have IsChar flag set (from startEndSymbol, like in c# single quote identifies char) // in this case set type code details.TypeCodes = new[] { TypeCode.Char }; } }
private bool TryCastToIntegerType(TypeCode typeCode, CompoundTokenDetails details) { if (details.Value == null) { return(false); } try { if (typeCode != TypeCode.UInt64) { details.Value = Convert.ChangeType(details.Value, typeCode, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } return(true); } catch (Exception) { details.Error = string.Format(O2_Misc_Microsoft_MPL_Libs.Irony_Parser.Resources.ErrCannotConvertValueToType, details.Value, typeCode.ToString()); return(false); } }//method
//Extract the string content from lexeme, adjusts the escaped and double-end symbols protected override bool ConvertValue(CompoundTokenDetails details) { var value = details.Body; var escapeEnabled = !details.IsSet((short)HereDocOptions.NoEscapes); //Fix all escapes if (escapeEnabled && value.IndexOf(EscapeChar) >= 0) { details.Flags |= (int)StringFlagsInternal.HasEscapes; var arr = value.Split(EscapeChar); var ignoreNext = false; //we skip the 0 element as it is not preceeded by "\" for (var i = 1; i < arr.Length; i++) { if (ignoreNext) { ignoreNext = false; continue; } var s = arr[i]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { //it is "\\" - escaped escape symbol. arr[i] = @"\"; ignoreNext = true; continue; } //The char is being escaped is the first one; replace it with char in Escapes table var first = s[0]; if (Escapes.TryGetValue(first, out char newFirst)) { arr[i] = newFirst + s.Substring(1); } else { arr[i] = HandleSpecialEscape(arr[i], details); } } value = string.Join(string.Empty, arr); } details.TypeCodes = new[] { TypeCode.String }; details.Value = value; return(true); }
private bool TryCastToIntegerType(TypeCode typeCode, CompoundTokenDetails details, ParsingContext context) { if (details.Value == null) { return(false); } try { if (typeCode != TypeCode.UInt64) { details.Value = Convert.ChangeType(details.Value, typeCode, context.Culture); } return(true); } catch (Exception) { details.Error = string.Format(Resources.ErrCannotConvertValueToType, details.Value, typeCode.ToString()); return(false); } }//method
private bool TryCastToIntegerType(TypeCode typeCode, CompoundTokenDetails details) { if (details.Value == null) { return(false); } try { if (typeCode != TypeCode.UInt64) { details.Value = Convert.ChangeType(details.Value, typeCode, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine("Error converting to integer: text=[" + details.Body + "], type=" + typeCode + ", error: " + e.Message); return(false); } }//method
protected override string HandleSpecialEscape(string segment, CompoundTokenDetails details) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(segment)) { return(string.Empty); } char first = segment[0]; switch (first) { case 'a': case 'b': case 'f': case 'n': case 'r': case 't': case 'v': case '\\': case '"': case '\'': break; case '0': case '1': case '2': { bool success = false; if (segment.Length >= 3) { //Verify that a numeric escape is 3 characters string value = segment.Substring(0, 3); int dummy = 0; success = Int32.TryParse(value, out dummy); } if (!success) { details.Error = "Invalid escape sequence: \000 must be a valid number."; } } break; } details.Error = "Invalid escape sequence: \\" + segment; return(segment); }
}//method private bool TryConvertToUlong(CompoundTokenDetails details) { try { int radix = GetRadix(details); //workaround for .Net FX bug: if (radix == 10) { details.Value = Convert.ToUInt64(details.Body, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else { details.Value = Convert.ToUInt64(details.Body, radix); } return(true); } catch (OverflowException) { return(false); } }
protected override bool ConvertValue(CompoundTokenDetails details, ParsingContext context) { if (base.ConvertValue(details, context) || details.Error != null) { return(true); } switch (details.TypeCodes[0]) { case TypeCode.Double: if (QuickConvertToDouble(details)) { return(true); } break; } return(false); }
}//method private bool QuickConvertToDouble(CompoundTokenDetails details) { if (details.IsSet((short)(NumberFlags.Binary | NumberFlags.Octal | NumberFlags.Hex | NumberFlags.HasExp))) { return(false); } if (DecimalSeparator != '.') { return(false); } double dvalue; if (!double.TryParse(details.Body, NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out dvalue)) { return(false); } details.Value = dvalue; return(true); }
}//method private bool TryConvertToUlong(CompoundTokenDetails details) { try { int radix = GetRadix(details); //workaround for .Net FX bug: if (radix == 10) { details.Value = Convert.ToUInt64(details.Body, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else { details.Value = Convert.ToUInt64(details.Body, radix); } return(true); } catch (OverflowException) { details.Error = string.Format(O2_Misc_Microsoft_MPL_Libs.Irony_Parser.Resources.ErrCannotConvertValueToType, details.Value, TypeCode.UInt64.ToString()); return(false); } }
protected override string HandleSpecialEscape(string segment, CompoundTokenDetails details) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(segment)) return string.Empty; char first = segment[0]; switch (first) { case 'a': case 'b': case 'f': case 'n': case 'r': case 't': case 'v': case '\\': case '"': case '\'': break; case '0': case '1': case '2': { bool success = false; if (segment.Length >=3) { //Verify that a numeric escape is 3 characters string value = segment.Substring(0, 3); int dummy = 0; success = Int32.TryParse(value, out dummy); } if(!success) details.Error = "Invalid escape sequence: \000 must be a valid number."; } break; } details.Error = "Invalid escape sequence: \\" + segment; return segment; }
}//method protected override void ReadSuffix(ISourceStream source, CompoundTokenDetails details) { base.ReadSuffix(source, details); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(details.Suffix)) details.TypeCodes = details.IsSet((short) (NumberFlags.HasDot | NumberFlags.HasExp)) ? _defaultFloatTypes : DefaultIntTypes; }
private bool ConvertToBigInteger(CompoundTokenDetails details) { //ignore leading zeros and sign details.Body = details.Body.TrimStart('+').TrimStart('-').TrimStart('0'); int bodyLength = details.Body.Length; int radix = GetRadix(details); int wordLength = GetSafeWordLength(details); int sectionCount = GetSectionCount(bodyLength, wordLength); ulong[] numberSections = new ulong[sectionCount]; //big endian try { int startIndex = details.Body.Length - wordLength; for (int sectionIndex = sectionCount - 1; sectionIndex >= 0; sectionIndex--) { if (startIndex < 0) { wordLength += startIndex; startIndex = 0; } //workaround for .Net FX bug: if (radix == 10) numberSections[sectionIndex] = Convert.ToUInt64(details.Body.Substring(startIndex, wordLength)); else numberSections[sectionIndex] = Convert.ToUInt64(details.Body.Substring(startIndex, wordLength), radix); startIndex -= wordLength; } } catch { details.Error = "Invalid number."; return false; } //produce big integer ulong safeWordRadix = GetSafeWordRadix(details); BigInteger bigIntegerValue = numberSections[0]; for (int i = 1; i < sectionCount; i++) bigIntegerValue = checked(bigIntegerValue * safeWordRadix + numberSections[i]); if (details.Sign == "-") bigIntegerValue = -bigIntegerValue; details.Value = bigIntegerValue; return true; }
protected override void InitDetails(CompilerContext context, CompoundTokenDetails details) { base.InitDetails(context, details); details.Flags = (short) this.Flags; }
protected override void ReadPrefix(ISourceStream source, CompoundTokenDetails details) { //check that is not a 0 followed by dot; //this may happen in Python for number "0.123" - we can mistakenly take "0" as octal prefix if (source.CurrentChar == '0' && source.NextChar == '.') return; base.ReadPrefix(source, details); }//method
protected static bool FlagIsSet(CompoundTokenDetails details, NumberFlags flag) { return (details.Flags & (int) flag ) != 0; }
private int GetRadix(CompoundTokenDetails details) { if (details.IsSet((short)NumberFlags.Hex)) return 16; if (details.IsSet((short)NumberFlags.Octal)) return 8; if (details.IsSet((short)NumberFlags.Binary)) return 2; return 10; }
private string GetDigits(CompoundTokenDetails details) { if (FlagIsSet(details, NumberFlags.Hex)) return TextUtils.HexDigits; if (FlagIsSet(details, NumberFlags.Octal)) return TextUtils.OctalDigits; if (FlagIsSet(details, NumberFlags.Binary)) return TextUtils.BinaryDigits; return TextUtils.DecimalDigits; }
private bool ConvertToFloat(TypeCode typeCode, CompoundTokenDetails details) { //only decimal numbers can be fractions if (details.IsSet((short)(NumberFlags.Binary | NumberFlags.Octal | NumberFlags.Hex))) { details.Error = "Invalid number."; return false; } string body = details.Body; //Some languages allow exp symbols other than E. Check if it is the case, and change it to E // - otherwise .NET conversion methods may fail if (details.IsSet((short)NumberFlags.HasExp) && details.ExponentSymbol.ToUpper() != "E") body = body.Replace(details.ExponentSymbol, "E"); //'.' decimal seperator required by invariant culture if (details.IsSet((short)NumberFlags.HasDot) && DecimalSeparator != '.') body = body.Replace(DecimalSeparator, '.'); switch (typeCode) { case TypeCode.Double: case TypeCodeImaginary: double dValue; if (!Double.TryParse(body, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out dValue)) return false; if (typeCode == TypeCodeImaginary) details.Value = new Complex64(0, dValue); else details.Value = dValue; return true; case TypeCode.Single: float fValue; if (!Single.TryParse(body, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out fValue)) return false; details.Value = fValue; return true; case TypeCode.Decimal: decimal decValue; if (!Decimal.TryParse(body, NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out decValue)) return false; details.Value = decValue; return true; }//switch return false; }
protected override bool ReadBody(ISourceStream source, CompoundTokenDetails details) { //remember start - it may be different from source.TokenStart, we may have skipped prefix int start = source.Position; char current = source.CurrentChar; if (current == '-' || current == '+') { details.Sign = current.ToString(); source.Position++; } //Figure out digits set string digits = GetDigits(details); bool isDecimal = !details.IsSet((short) (NumberFlags.Binary | NumberFlags.Octal | NumberFlags.Hex)); bool allowFloat = !IsSet(NumberFlags.IntOnly); bool foundDigits = false; while (!source.EOF()) { current = source.CurrentChar; //1. If it is a digit, just continue going if (digits.IndexOf(current) >= 0) { source.Position++; foundDigits = true; continue; } //2. Check if it is a dot in float number bool isDot = current == DecimalSeparator; if (allowFloat && isDot) { //If we had seen already a dot or exponent, don't accept this one; bool hasDotOrExp = details.IsSet((short) (NumberFlags.HasDot | NumberFlags.HasExp)); if (hasDotOrExp) break; //from while loop //In python number literals (NumberAllowPointFloat) a point can be the first and last character, //We accept dot only if it is followed by a digit if (digits.IndexOf(source.NextChar) < 0 && !IsSet(NumberFlags.AllowStartEndDot)) break; //from while loop details.Flags |= (int) NumberFlags.HasDot; source.Position++; continue; } //3. Check if it is int number followed by dot or exp symbol bool isExpSymbol = (details.ExponentSymbol == null) && ExponentSymbols.IndexOf(current) >= 0; if (!allowFloat && foundDigits && (isDot || isExpSymbol)) { //If no partial float allowed then return false - it is not integer, let float terminal recognize it as float if (IsSet(NumberFlags.AvoidPartialFloat)) return false; //otherwise break, it is integer and we're done reading digits break; } //4. Only for decimals - check if it is (the first) exponent symbol if (allowFloat && isDecimal && isExpSymbol) { char next = source.NextChar; bool nextIsSign = next == '-' || next == '+'; bool nextIsDigit = digits.IndexOf(next) >= 0; if (!nextIsSign && !nextIsDigit) break; //Exponent should be followed by either sign or digit //ok, we've got real exponent details.ExponentSymbol = current.ToString(); //remember the exp char details.Flags |= (int) NumberFlags.HasExp; source.Position++; if (nextIsSign) source.Position++; //skip +/- explicitly so we don't have to deal with them on the next iteration continue; } //4. It is something else (not digit, not dot or exponent) - we're done break; //from while loop }//while int end = source.Position; if (!foundDigits) return false; details.Body = source.Text.Substring(start, end - start); return true; }
private string GetDigits(CompoundTokenDetails details) { if (details.IsSet((short)NumberFlags.Hex)) return Strings.HexDigits; if (details.IsSet((short)NumberFlags.Octal)) return Strings.OctalDigits; if (details.IsSet((short)NumberFlags.Binary)) return Strings.BinaryDigits; return Strings.DecimalDigits; }
protected override bool ConvertValue(CompoundTokenDetails details) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(details.Body)) { details.Error = "Invalid number."; return false; } //Try quick paths switch (details.TypeCodes[0]) { case TypeCode.Int32: if (QuickConvertToInt32(details)) return true; break; case TypeCode.Double: if (QuickConvertToDouble(details)) return true; break; } //Go full cycle details.Value = null; foreach (TypeCode typeCode in details.TypeCodes) { switch (typeCode) { case TypeCode.Single: case TypeCode.Double: case TypeCode.Decimal: case TypeCodeImaginary: return ConvertToFloat(typeCode, details); case TypeCode.SByte: case TypeCode.Byte: case TypeCode.Int16: case TypeCode.UInt16: case TypeCode.Int32: case TypeCode.UInt32: case TypeCode.Int64: case TypeCode.UInt64: if (details.Value == null) //if it is not done yet TryConvertToUlong(details); //try to convert to ULong and place the result into details.Value field; if(TryCastToIntegerType(typeCode, details)) //now try to cast the ULong value to the target type return true; break; case TypeCodeBigInt: if (ConvertToBigInteger(details)) return true; break; }//switch } return false; }//method
}//method #endregion #region private utilities private bool QuickConvertToInt32(CompoundTokenDetails details) { int radix = GetRadix(details); if (radix == 10 && details.Body.Length > 10) return false; //10 digits is maximum for int32; int32.MaxValue = 2 147 483 647 try { //workaround for .Net FX bug: int iValue = 0; if (radix == 10) iValue = Convert.ToInt32(details.Body, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); else iValue = Convert.ToInt32(details.Body, radix); details.Value = iValue; return true; } catch { return false; } }//method
}//method private bool QuickConvertToDouble(CompoundTokenDetails details) { if (details.IsSet((short)(NumberFlags.Binary | NumberFlags.Octal | NumberFlags.Hex | NumberFlags.HasExp))) return false; if (DecimalSeparator != '.') return false; double dvalue; if (!double.TryParse(details.Body, NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out dvalue)) return false; details.Value = dvalue; return true; }
private int GetSafeWordLength(CompoundTokenDetails details) { if (details.IsSet((short)NumberFlags.Hex)) return 15; if (details.IsSet((short)NumberFlags.Octal)) return 21; //maxWordLength 22 if (details.IsSet((short)NumberFlags.Binary)) return 63; return 19; //maxWordLength 20 }
private bool TryCastToIntegerType(TypeCode typeCode, CompoundTokenDetails details) { if (details.Value == null) return false; try { if (typeCode != TypeCode.UInt64) details.Value = Convert.ChangeType(details.Value, typeCode, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); return true; } catch (Exception e) { Trace.WriteLine("Error converting to integer: text=[" + details.Body + "], type=" + typeCode + ", error: " + e.Message); return false; } }//method
}//method private bool TryConvertToUlong(CompoundTokenDetails details) { try { int radix = GetRadix(details); //workaround for .Net FX bug: if (radix == 10) details.Value = Convert.ToUInt64(details.Body, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); else details.Value = Convert.ToUInt64(details.Body, radix); return true; } catch(OverflowException) { return false; } }
//radix^safeWordLength private ulong GetSafeWordRadix(CompoundTokenDetails details) { if (details.IsSet((short)NumberFlags.Hex)) return 1152921504606846976; if (details.IsSet((short)NumberFlags.Octal)) return 9223372036854775808; if (details.IsSet((short) NumberFlags.Binary)) return 9223372036854775808; return 10000000000000000000; }