Пример #1
        internal IEnumerable <Clause> UnifyClauses(Goal g)
            var any = false;
            //g = Goal.From(g.Term.ReplaceArguments((i, a) => a switch { _ => new Variable("_", Maybe.Some(a)) }))
            //    .ValueOrThrow("");
            var gFunc = g.Term switch { CompoundTerm c => c.Functor, AtomicTerm a => a.Atom, _ => null };

            foreach (var clause in Data)
                var hFunc = clause.Head.Term switch { CompoundTerm c => c.Functor, AtomicTerm a => a.Atom, _ => null };
                var head  = clause.Head.Term;//.ReplaceArguments((i, a) => a switch { _ => new Variable("_", Maybe.Some(a)) });
                any |= gFunc.UnifyWith(hFunc).TryGetValue(out _);
                if (g.Term.UnifyWith(head).TryGetValue(out var w))
                    yield return(ReplaceVariables(clause, Fact.From(w).ValueOrThrow("")));
                else if (head.UnifyWith(g.Term).TryGetValue(out var u))
                    yield return(ReplaceVariables(clause, Fact.From(u).ValueOrThrow("")));
            if (!any)
                throw new UndefinedPredicateException(new Clause(g, new List <Goal>()).Canonical());
Пример #2
        public CompoundTerm DoAction(CompoundTerm action)
            switch (action.FunctionSymbol.ToString())
            case ("Tests"): return(null);   // first action in test seq.

            case ("SelectMessages"):
                NewsReaderUI.SelectMessages(); return(null);

            case ("SelectTopics"):
                NewsReaderUI.SelectTopics(); return(null);

            case ("ShowTitles"):
                NewsReaderUI.ShowTitles(); return(null);

            case ("ShowText"):

            case ("SortByFirst"):

            case ("SortByMostRecent"):

                throw new Exception("Unexpected action " + action);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Produces the target state that results from invoking <paramref name="action"/>
        /// in the context of <paramref name="startState"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="startState">The state in which the action is invoked</param>
        /// <param name="action">The action to be invoked</param>
        /// <param name="transitionPropertyNames">The names of meta-properties to be collected
        /// during the calculation of the step.</param>
        /// <param name="transitionProperties">Output parameter that will contain a
        /// map of property names to property values. Each property value multiset of
        /// terms. For example, the property value might be the value of a Boolean function
        /// that controls state filtering. Or, it might correspond to the "coverage" of the model that results from this
        /// step. In this case, the value might denote the line numbers or blocks of the
        /// model program that were exercised in this step, or a projection of the state
        /// space or a reference to section numbers of a requirements document to indicate
        /// that the functionality defined by that section was exercised.</param>
        /// <returns>The state that results from the invocation of <paramref name="action"/>
        /// in <paramref name="startState"/>.</returns>
        /// <seealso cref="GetTransitionPropertyNames"/>
        public override IState GetTargetState(IState startState, CompoundTerm action, Set <string> transitionPropertyNames,
                                              out TransitionProperties transitionProperties)
            // it is assumed that the action is enabled in the given state

            PairState ps = startState as PairState;

            if (ps == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected type-- expected PairState");

            Symbol actionSymbol = action.Symbol;

            if (!this.signature.Contains(actionSymbol))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid argument-- action symbol " + actionSymbol.ToString() + " not in signature.");

            bool doM1 = this.signature.IsShared(actionSymbol) || this.signature.IsOnlyInM1(actionSymbol);
            bool doM2 = this.signature.IsShared(actionSymbol) || this.signature.IsOnlyInM2(actionSymbol);

            TransitionProperties m1TransitionProperties = new TransitionProperties();
            TransitionProperties m2TransitionProperties = new TransitionProperties();
            IState targetState1 = doM1 ? m1.GetTargetState(M1Reduct(ps), action, transitionPropertyNames, out m1TransitionProperties) : M1Reduct(ps);
            IState targetState2 = doM2 ? m2.GetTargetState(M2Reduct(ps), action, transitionPropertyNames, out m2TransitionProperties) : M2Reduct(ps);

            transitionProperties = m1TransitionProperties.Union(m2TransitionProperties);
            return(PairState.CreateState(targetState1, targetState2));
Пример #4
        internal Set <CompoundTerm> processGoal(ModelProgram mp, Set <CompoundTerm> goals)
            Set <CompoundTerm> processedGoals = Set <CompoundTerm> .EmptySet;

            if (typeof(LibraryModelProgram) == mp.GetType())
                //we ignore it for the moment
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Goals involving LibraryModelPrograms currently not supported. ");
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Currently searching for a match for '" + goals.ToString() + "'. ");
            else if (typeof(FsmModelProgram) == mp.GetType())
                FsmModelProgram fsm = (FsmModelProgram)mp;
                foreach (CompoundTerm ct in goals)
                    Console.WriteLine("Checking FSM: " + ct.ToString() + "; " + fsm.Name);
                    if (ct.FunctionSymbol.ToString() == fsm.Name)
                        processedGoals = processedGoals.Add(CompoundTerm.Parse("FsmState(Set(" + ct.Arguments[0].ToString() + "))"));
                        goals          = goals.Remove(ct);
                    Console.WriteLine("Current processedGoals: " + processedGoals.ToString());
            else if (typeof(ProductModelProgram) == mp.GetType())
                ProductModelProgram pmp = (ProductModelProgram)mp;
                processedGoals = processedGoals.Union(processGoal(pmp.M1, goals));
                processedGoals = processedGoals.Union(processGoal(pmp.M2, goals));
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the goal in the format "ModelProgramName1(stateName1(value1)),ModelProgramName2(stateName2(value2)" to a compound term of the corresponding model program.
        /// In the case of FSMs the format is "ModelProgramName(stateNumber)".
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mp">model program</param>
        /// <param name="goalString">goal as string</param>
        /// <returns>A set of compound terms corresponding to the goal string.</returns>
        internal Set <CompoundTerm> processGoal(ModelProgram mp, string goalString)
            Set <CompoundTerm> processedGoals = Set <CompoundTerm> .EmptySet;

            if (goalString == "")
            string[]           subgoals = goalString.Split(',');
            Set <CompoundTerm> goals    = Set <CompoundTerm> .EmptySet;

                foreach (string g in subgoals)
                    CompoundTerm ct = CompoundTerm.Parse(g);
                    goals = goals.Add(ct);
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("The goal '" + goalString + "' seems not to be a term. " +
                                        "Goal should be in the form ModelProgramName(state) " +
                                        "(or several such terms separated by commas).");
                Console.Error.WriteLine("The error message: ", e.Message);
            return(processGoal(mp, goals));
Пример #6
            private void JsonArray(TerminalSet _TS, out BaseTerm t)
                BaseTerm        e;
                List <BaseTerm> listItems = new List <BaseTerm> ();

                GetSymbol(new TerminalSet(terminalCount, LSqBracket), true, true);
                GetSymbol(new TerminalSet(terminalCount, IntLiteral, RealLiteral, StringLiteral, LSqBracket, RSqBracket, LCuBracket,
                                          TrueSym, FalseSym, NullSym), false, true);
                if (symbol.IsMemberOf(IntLiteral, RealLiteral, StringLiteral, LSqBracket, LCuBracket, TrueSym, FalseSym, NullSym))
                    while (true)
                        JsonValue(new TerminalSet(terminalCount, Comma, RSqBracket), out e);
                        GetSymbol(new TerminalSet(terminalCount, Comma, RSqBracket), false, true);
                        if (symbol.TerminalId == Comma)
                GetSymbol(new TerminalSet(terminalCount, RSqBracket), true, true);
                t = new CompoundTerm("array", ListTerm.ListFromArray(listItems.ToArray(), BaseTerm.EMPTYLIST));
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the action is enabled in the given state
        /// </summary>
        public override bool IsEnabled(IState state, CompoundTerm action)
        //^ requires IsPotentiallyEnabled(state, action.FunctionSymbol1);
            PairState ps = state as PairState;

            if (ps == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected type-- expected PairState");

            if (action == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("action");

            Symbol actionSymbol = action.Symbol;

            if (this.signature.IsShared(actionSymbol))
                return(m1.IsEnabled(M1Reduct(ps), action) && m2.IsEnabled(M2Reduct(ps), action));
            else if (this.signature.IsOnlyInM1(actionSymbol))
                return(m1.IsEnabled(M1Reduct(ps), action));
            else if (this.signature.IsOnlyInM2(actionSymbol))
                return(m2.IsEnabled(M2Reduct(ps), action));
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid argument-- action symbol " + actionSymbol.ToString() + " not in signature.");
Пример #8
 new public CompoundTerm DoAction(CompoundTerm action)
     if (svthread == null)
Пример #9
 internal static void CallObserver(CompoundTerm action)
     if (observer != null)
Пример #10
        internal static void PrivateReceive(Client sender, string message, Client receiver)
            CompoundTerm action = new CompoundTerm(new Symbol("PrivateReceive"),
                                                   new Sequence <Term>(Term.Parse(sender.Name),
                                                                       new Literal(message), Term.Parse(receiver.Name)));

Пример #11
 public static Variable[] Variables(this ICanonicalRepresentation obj)
     return(obj switch
         CompoundTerm c => c.Arguments.SelectMany(a => a.Variables()).ToArray(),
         Variable v => new[] { v },
         Clause k => k.Head.Term.Variables().Union(k.Body.Goals.SelectMany(g => g.Term.Variables())).ToArray(),
         _ => Array.Empty <Variable>()
Пример #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Update the current state to the target state of the action from the current state.
 /// If the action is the current action in the current test case, consume that action.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="action">given action</param>
 public override void DoAction(CompoundTerm action)
     if (!this.currentTest.IsEmpty && this.currentTest.Head.Equals(action))
         this.currentTest           = this.currentTest.Tail;
         this.currentTestInProgress = true;
Пример #13
 internal SetViewer(string keyName, CompoundTerm t)
     this.t               = t;
     this.keyName         = keyName;
     this.argumentViewers = new TermViewer[t.Arguments.Count];
     for (int i = 0; i < t.Arguments.Count; i++)
         argumentViewers[i] = Create("Member", t.Arguments[i]);
Пример #14
 internal SequenceViewer(string keyName, CompoundTerm t)
     this.t               = t;
     this.keyName         = keyName;
     this.argumentViewers = new TermViewer[t.Arguments.Count];
     for (int i = 0; i < t.Arguments.Count; i++)
         argumentViewers[i] = Create("Element " + i.ToString(MaxPositions(t.Arguments.Count)), t.Arguments[i]);
Пример #15
        static bool IsStartAction(Term action)
            CompoundTerm a = action as CompoundTerm;

            if (a == null)
Пример #16
        private Map <Variable, Term> ConstructSubst(CompoundTerm a, Sequence <Term> vars)
            Map <Variable, Term> subst = Map <Variable, Term> .EmptyMap;

            for (int i = 0; i < vars.Count; i++)
                subst = subst.Add((Variable)vars[i], a.Arguments[i]);
Пример #17
 internal static void Receive(Client sender, string message, Client receiver)
     if (sender != receiver) //ignore messages sent back to the sender
         CompoundTerm action = new CompoundTerm(new Symbol("Receive"),
                                                new Sequence <Term>(Term.Parse(sender.Name),
                                                                    new Literal(message), Term.Parse(receiver.Name)));
Пример #18
        static bool IsFinishAction(Term action)
            CompoundTerm a = action as CompoundTerm;

            if (a == null)
Пример #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a model program from a (potentially) nondeterministic finite automaton. The internal
        /// states of the model program are chosen so that actions are deterministic.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="automaton">The underlying finite automaton that will provide the steps</param>
        /// <param name="modelName">A string identifying this model program</param>
        public FsmModelProgram(FSM automaton, string modelName)
            Dictionary <Term, Set <Symbol> > potentiallyEnabled = new Dictionary <Term, Set <Symbol> >();
            Dictionary <Symbol, int>         actionArities      = new Dictionary <Symbol, int>();

            foreach (Transition transition in automaton.Transitions)
                // collect action symbol
                CompoundTerm action = transition.Second as CompoundTerm;
                if (action == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Expected CompoundTerm, saw " + transition.Second.GetType().ToString());

                Symbol actionSymbol = action.Symbol;

                // collect arity
                int existingArity;
                if (!actionArities.TryGetValue(actionSymbol, out existingArity))
                    actionArities.Add(actionSymbol, action.Arguments.Count);
                else if (existingArity != action.Arguments.Count)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Inconsistent arity for action symbol " + actionSymbol.ToString());

                // collect potentially enabled
                Set <Symbol> actions1;
                if (!potentiallyEnabled.TryGetValue(transition.First, out actions1))
                    actions1 = Set <Symbol> .EmptySet;
                potentiallyEnabled[transition.First] = actions1.Add(actionSymbol);

            if (automaton.Transitions.IsEmpty)
                throw new ArgumentException("Finite automaton must contain at least one transition");

            foreach (Symbol sym in automaton.Vocabulary)
                if (!actionArities.ContainsKey(sym))
                    actionArities[sym] = 0;

            this.automaton          = automaton;
            this.actionArities      = actionArities;
            this.parameterDomains   = new Dictionary <Parameter, Set <Term> >();
            this.potentiallyEnabled = potentiallyEnabled;
            this.name = modelName;
Пример #20
        public override CompoundTerm DoStep(InterpretationContext c, CompoundTerm action)
            // Result of invocation must be a value term (must support IComparable)

            IComparable /*?*/ thisArg;

            IComparable /*?*/[] methodArgs = this.ConvertTermArgumentsToMethodArguments(c, action.Arguments, out thisArg);

            foreach (IComparable /*?*/ o in methodArgs)

            object /*?*/       resultObj    = this.method.methodInfo.Invoke(thisArg, methodArgs);
            CompoundTerm /*?*/ finishAction = null;

            // Handle output args and return value
            if (null != this.finishActionMethod)
                int             nOutputs = this.finishActionMethod.actionLabel.Arguments.Count;
                Sequence <Term> outputs  = Sequence <Term> .EmptySequence;

                for (int i = 0; i < nOutputs; i += 1)
                    int outputArgIndex = this.finishActionMethod.outputArgumentIndices[i];
                    if (-2 == outputArgIndex) // "any" placeholder
                        outputs = outputs.AddLast(Any.Value);
                        object output = (-1 == outputArgIndex ? resultObj : methodArgs[outputArgIndex]);

                        IComparable outputAsComparable;
                        if (null == output)
                            outputAsComparable = null;
                            outputAsComparable = output as IComparable;
                            if (null == outputAsComparable)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException(MessageStrings.LocalizedFormat(MessageStrings.ComparableResultRequired, action.ToString(), output.ToString()));
                        outputs = outputs.AddLast(AbstractValue.GetTerm(outputAsComparable));
                finishAction = new CompoundTerm(this.FinishAction, outputs);

Пример #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Show the transition with the given action from the given state
        /// </summary>
        internal void ShowTransition(Node sourceNode, CompoundTerm action)
            Node targetNode;

            if (TryGetTargetNode(sourceNode, action, out targetNode))
                Transition t = new Triple <Term, CompoundTerm, Term>(sourceNode, action, targetNode);
                this.transitions       = this.transitions.Add(t);
                this.hiddenTransitions = this.hiddenTransitions.Remove(t);
Пример #22
        private void UpdateCoveragePoints(CompoundTerm action)
            int hash = this.currState.GetHashCode();

            //System.Console.WriteLine("action taken "+ action.ToString());
            if (!cps.ContainsKey(hash))
                cps[hash] = new Set <int>();
            cps[hash] = cps[hash].Add(action.GetHashCode());
Пример #23
 internal MapViewer(string keyName, CompoundTerm t, bool isBag)
     this.isBag           = isBag;
     this.t               = t;
     this.keyName         = keyName;
     this.argumentViewers = new TermViewer[t.Arguments.Count / 2];
     for (int i = 0; i < argumentViewers.Length; i++)
         argumentViewers[i] = new MapletViewer(t.Arguments[2 * i], t.Arguments[(2 * i) + 1], isBag);
Пример #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the mapping from the parameter positions of the action label to the
        /// output parameter positions of the .NET method that implements the action.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="actionLabel">The finish action label</param>
        /// <param name="actionMethod">The action method</param>
        /// <returns>An array of integers where each entry is the index in the parameter list
        /// of the .NET method. The special value -1 is used to indicate the position of the the
        /// return value. The special value -2 is used to indicate an ignored argument.</returns>
        internal static int[] GetOutputParameterIndices(CompoundTerm actionLabel, MethodInfo actionMethod)
            List <int> parameterIndices = new List <int>();

            foreach (Term arg in actionLabel.Arguments)
                if (Any.Value == arg)
                    Variable v = arg as Variable;
                    if (null != v)
                        string name = v.ToString();
                        if ("result".Equals(name))

                            int  index      = 0;
                            bool foundMatch = false;
                            foreach (ParameterInfo pInfo in actionMethod.GetParameters())
                                if (pInfo.Name.Equals(name))
                                    foundMatch = true;
                                index += 1;
                            // this test is dead code (was previously checked).
                            if (!foundMatch)
                                throw new ModelProgramUserException("action label " + actionLabel.ToString() +
                                                                    " includes unrecognized output argument " + name);
                        throw new ModelProgramUserException("action label " + actionLabel.ToString() +
                                                            " may not include ground term " + arg.ToString());

Пример #25
        // This method has side effects on this.stateMap, this.nodeMap, this.nodes, this.acceptingNodes, this.actionsExploredFromNode
        private bool TryGetTargetNode(Node sourceNode, CompoundTerm action, out Node targetNode)
            IState targetState;

            if (this.actionsExploredFromNode.ContainsKey(sourceNode))
                if (!this.actionsExploredFromNode[sourceNode].TryGetValue(action, out targetNode))
                    //this action has not been explored yet from the given node
                    TransitionProperties transitionProperties;
                    targetState = this.modelProgram.GetTargetState(stateMap[sourceNode], action, Set <string> .EmptySet, out transitionProperties);
                    if (!this.nodeMap.TryGetValue(targetState, out targetNode))
                        targetNode = new Literal(this.nodes.Count);
                        this.stateMap[targetNode] = targetState;
                        this.nodeMap[targetState] = targetNode;
                        this.nodes = this.nodes.Add(targetNode);
                        if (this.modelProgram.IsAccepting(targetState))
                            this.acceptingNodes = this.acceptingNodes.Add(targetNode);
                        //if (!this.modelProgram.SatisfiesStateInvariant(targetState))
                        //    this.errorNodes = this.errorNodes.Add(targetNode);
                    targetState = this.stateMap[targetNode];
            else //the state has not yet been explored at all
                TransitionProperties transitionProperties;
                targetState = this.modelProgram.GetTargetState(stateMap[sourceNode], action, Set <string> .EmptySet, out transitionProperties);
                if (!this.nodeMap.TryGetValue(targetState, out targetNode))
                    targetNode = new Literal(this.nodes.Count);
                    this.stateMap[targetNode] = targetState;
                    this.nodeMap[targetState] = targetNode;
                    this.nodes = this.nodes.Add(targetNode);
                    if (this.modelProgram.IsAccepting(targetState))
                        this.acceptingNodes = this.acceptingNodes.Add(targetNode);
                    //if (!this.modelProgram.SatisfiesStateInvariant(targetState))
                    //    this.errorNodes = this.errorNodes.Add(targetNode);
                Dictionary <CompoundTerm, Node> actionsFromState = new Dictionary <CompoundTerm, Node>();
                actionsFromState[action] = targetNode;
                this.actionsExploredFromNode[sourceNode] = actionsFromState;
Пример #26
        public void FSM2Dot1()
            FSM           fa    = FSM.FromTerm(CompoundTerm.Parse(FSMTRIANGLE));
            GraphParams   gp    = new GraphParams("Test1", fa);
            StringBuilder sb    = DotWriter.ToDot(gp);
            string        s     = sb.ToString();
            Regex         r     = new Regex("\\[ label = \"AssignColor\" \\];", RegexOptions.Multiline);
            int           count = 0;

            count = r.Matches(s).Count;
            Assert.AreEqual(42, count);
Пример #27
        public CompoundTerm DoAction(CompoundTerm action)
            switch (action.Name)
            case ("Tests"): return(null);   // first action in test seq.

            case ("ServerSocket"):
                s.Socket(); return(null);

            case ("ServerBind"):
                s.Bind(host, port); return(null);

            case ("ServerListen"):
                s.Listen(); return(null);

            case ("ServerAccept"):
                s.Accept(); return(null);

            case ("ServerReceive"):
                s.Receive(); return(null);

            case ("ServerSend"):
                // s.Send sends a double, not a string!

            case ("ServerCloseConnection"):
                s.CloseConnection(); return(null);

            case ("ServerClose"):
                s.Close(); return(null);

            case ("ClientSocket"):
                c.Socket(); return(null);

            case ("ClientConnect"):
                c.Connect(host, port); return(null);

            case ("ClientSend"):
                c.Send("T"); return(null);

            case ("ClientReceive_Start"):
                // c.Receive returns a double, not a string

            case ("ClientClose"):
                c.Close(); return(null);

            default: throw new Exception("Unexpected action " + action);
Пример #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a relational (i.e. unordered) transition into the graph.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from"></param>
        /// <param name="to"></param>
        /// <param name="label"></param>
        public void AddRelationalTransition(Vertex from, Vertex to, String label)
            VertexData   vd        = vertexRecords[from];
            CompoundTerm edgeLabel = new CompoundTerm(new Symbol(label), new Sequence <Term>());

            if (vd.unorderedOutgoingEdges.ContainsKey(edgeLabel))
                vd.unorderedOutgoingEdges = vd.unorderedOutgoingEdges.Override(edgeLabel, vd.unorderedOutgoingEdges[edgeLabel].Add(to));
                vd.unorderedOutgoingEdges = vd.unorderedOutgoingEdges.Add(edgeLabel, new Set <Vertex>(to));
Пример #29
 public CompoundTerm Recharge(int id)
     if (aliveRobots.Contains(id))
         power[id]  = power[id] + 1.0;
         reward[id] = reward[id] - 1.5;
         Random r = new Random();
         if (r.Next(0, 2) == 0)
             return(new CompoundTerm(Symbol.Parse("Recharge"), CompoundTerm.Create("Robot", id)));
Пример #30
            void CreateVariableWiewers()
                //view also the control mode of the root state if the product has more than one machine in it
                //the id of the composed state is -1
                //if (leafStates.Count > 1)
                //    termViewers.Add(TermViewer.Create("[Control Mode]", rootState.ControlMode), -1);

                for (int stateId = 0; stateId < this.leafStates.Count; stateId++)
                    IState leafState = this.leafStates[stateId];
                    //string modelName = this.modelNames[stateId];

                    //each state has a control mode, create a viewer for it if the controlMode is
                    //not an empty sequence
                    if (!leafState.ControlMode.ToCompactString().Equals("Sequence()"))
                        termViewers.Add(TermViewer.Create("[Control Mode]", leafState.ControlMode), stateId);

                    IExtendedState estate = leafState as IExtendedState;
                    if (estate != null)
                        #region add the domain map viewer, skip this if there are no domains
                        if (estate.DomainMap.Count > 0)
                            //StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                            Sequence <Term> args = Sequence <Term> .EmptySequence;
                            foreach (Pair <Symbol, int> si in estate.DomainMap)
                                args = args.AddLast(new Literal(si.First.FullName));
                                args = args.AddLast(new Literal(si.Second));
                            Symbol symb   = Symbol.Parse("Map<String, Integer>");
                            Term   domMap = new CompoundTerm(symb, args);

                            termViewers.Add(TermViewer.Create("[Domain Map]", domMap), stateId);

                        //add a viewer for each state variable
                        for (int j = 0; j < estate.LocationValuesCount; j++)
                                                              estate.GetLocationValue(j)), stateId);
            static BaseTerm ToTermEx(Node root)
                BaseTerm [] args = new BaseTerm [3];
                #if fullyTagged
                args [0] = new AtomTerm (root.TagName.ToAtom ());
                string tagName = root.TagName.ToAtom ();
                args [1] = ListTerm.EMPTYLIST;
                Decimal d;

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kv in root.Attributes) // XML Declaration
                  BaseTerm pair;

                  if (Decimal.TryParse (kv.Value, styleAllowDecPnt, Utils.CIC, out d))
                pair =  new OperatorTerm (EqualOpDescr, new AtomTerm (kv.Key), new DecimalTerm (d));
                pair =  new OperatorTerm (EqualOpDescr, new AtomTerm (kv.Key), new StringTerm (kv.Value));

                  args [1] = new ListTerm (pair, args [1]);

                args [2] = ListTerm.EMPTYLIST;

                if (root.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                  foreach (Node n in root.ChildNodes)
                BaseTerm e;
                e = null;
                switch (n.type)
                  case XmlNodeType.Element:
                e = ToTermEx (n);
                  case XmlNodeType.Comment:
                e = new CompoundTerm (COMMENT, new StringTerm (n.text.Trim ().EscapeDoubleQuotes ()));
                  case XmlNodeType.Text:
                if (Decimal.TryParse (n.text, styleAllowDecPnt, Utils.CIC, out d))
                #if fullyTagged
                  e = new CompoundTerm (TEXT, new DecimalTerm (d));
                  e = new CompoundTerm (TEXT, new StringTerm (n.text.Trim ().EscapeDoubleQuotes ()));
                  e = new DecimalTerm (d);
                  e = new StringTerm (n.text.Trim ().EscapeDoubleQuotes ());
                  case XmlNodeType.CDATA:
                e = new CompoundTerm (CDATA, new StringTerm (n.text.Trim ().EscapeDoubleQuotes ()));
                  case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction:
                e = new CompoundTerm ("processing_instruction", new AtomTerm (n.name.ToAtom ()),
                              new StringTerm (n.text.Trim ().EscapeDoubleQuotes ()));
                  case XmlNodeType.SignificantWhitespace:
                  case XmlNodeType.Whitespace:
            // ToTerm results in term xml( Pre, Element, Post), where Pre and Post are lists with comments
            // and/or processing instructions that come before/after the top-level XML element.
            public BaseTerm ToTerm()
                BaseTerm pre = ListTerm.EMPTYLIST;
                BaseTerm post = ListTerm.EMPTYLIST;
                BaseTerm t = null;
                Node topEl = null;

                foreach (Node n in childNodes) // array was constructed in reverse order, so top-level XML-element is entry 0.
                  switch (n.type)
                case XmlNodeType.Element:
                  topEl = n;
                case XmlNodeType.Comment:
                  t = new CompoundTerm (COMMENT, new StringTerm (n.Text));

                  if (topEl == null)
                post = new ListTerm (t, post);
                pre = new ListTerm (t, pre);

                case XmlNodeType.ProcessingInstruction:
                  t = new CompoundTerm (INSTRUCTIONS, new AtomTerm (n.name.ToAtom ()),
                    new AtomTerm (n.text.Trim ()));
                  if (topEl == null)
                post = new ListTerm (t, post);
                pre = new ListTerm (t, pre);


                BaseTerm xmlDecl = ListTerm.EMPTYLIST;

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kv in Attributes) // XML Declaration (acually a PI) was stored in Attributes
                  BaseTerm pair = new OperatorTerm (EqualOpDescr, new AtomTerm (kv.Key), new AtomTerm (kv.Value));
                  xmlDecl = new ListTerm (pair, xmlDecl); // [pre, arg2, ...]

                if (!xmlDecl.IsEmptyList) // enhance term with XML Declaration
                  xmlDecl = new CompoundTerm (XMLDECL, xmlDecl);
                  pre = new ListTerm (xmlDecl, pre);

                BaseTerm content = ToTermEx (topEl); // Now process top-level Element

                return new CompoundTerm (XMLDOCUMENT, new BaseTerm [] { pre, content, post });