Пример #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Interest si;

            Console.Write("Enter the priciple: ");
            double principle = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.Write("Enter the rate: ");
            double rate = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.Write("Enter the years: ");
            int years = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.WriteLine("Choose the Option...\n 1.Simple Interest\t2.Coumpound Interst");
            int choice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            if (choice == 1)
                si = new SimpleInterest();
                si.CalculateInterest(principle, rate, years);
            else if (choice == 2)
                si = new CompoundInterest();
                si.CalculateInterest(principle, rate, years);
                Console.WriteLine("Wrong Choice");
        public IActionResult Index()
            CompoundInterest c = new CompoundInterest();

            if (
                HttpContext.Request.Query["p"].Count != 0 &&
                HttpContext.Request.Query["i"].Count != 0 &&
                HttpContext.Request.Query["t"].Count != 0 &&
                HttpContext.Request.Query["y"].Count != 0
                c.Principal       = Convert.ToDouble(HttpContext.Request.Query["p"].ToString());
                c.InterestRate    = Convert.ToDouble(HttpContext.Request.Query["i"].ToString());
                c.TimesCompounded = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Request.Query["t"].ToString());
                c.Years           = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Request.Query["y"].ToString());
                c.Principal       = 1000;
                c.InterestRate    = 5;
                c.TimesCompounded = 12;
                c.Years           = 10;

            ViewBag.Env = _env.EnvironmentName;

Пример #3
        public void TimesCompoundedCannotBeZero()
            CompoundInterest ci = new CompoundInterest();

            Action act = () => ci.TimesCompounded = 0;

            Assert.Throws <Exception>(act);
Пример #4
        public void InterestRateCannotBeNegative()
            CompoundInterest ci = new CompoundInterest();

            Action act = () => ci.InterestRate = -10;

            Assert.Throws <Exception>(act);
Пример #5
        public void PrincipalAmountCannotBeNegative()
            CompoundInterest ci = new CompoundInterest();

            Action act = () => ci.Principal = -10;

            Assert.Throws <Exception>(act);
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public async Task <Amount> CalcAmount(decimal initialValue, int months)
            var compoundInterest = new CompoundInterest();
            var interestRate     = await GetInterestRate();

            var finalValue = compoundInterest.Calculate(new Amount(initialValue), interestRate, new Months(months));

Пример #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Interest interest = new SimpleInterest();

            interest.CalculateInterest(1000, 5, 6);
            Interest interest2 = new CompoundInterest();

            interest2.CalculateInterest(1111, 2, 5);
Пример #8
        public void CompoundInterestTest()
            double amount   = CompoundInterest.GetAmount(principal, rate, time);
            double interest = CompoundInterest.GetInterest(principal, rate, time);

            Assert.AreEqual(principal, CompoundInterest.GetPrincipal(amount, rate, time));
            Assert.AreEqual(time, CompoundInterest.GetTime(amount, principal, rate));
            Assert.AreEqual(rate, CompoundInterest.GetRate(amount, principal, time));
        public void GivenPrincipal10ExpectAbount10()
            double           P        = 0.0;
            CompoundInterest ci       = new CompoundInterest();
            double           actual   = ci.getAmount(P, 1, 1, 1);
            double           expected = 0;

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
        public void TimesCompoundedCannotBeZero()
            CompoundInterest ci = new CompoundInterest();

            Exception ex = Assert.Throws <Exception>(
                () => ci.TimesCompounded = 0

            Assert.Equal("Times interest is compounded per year cannot be zero.", ex.Message);
        public void PrincipalAmountCannotBeNegative()
            CompoundInterest ci = new CompoundInterest();

            Exception ex = Assert.Throws <Exception>(
                () => ci.Principal = -10

            Assert.Equal("Principal amount cannot be negative.", ex.Message);
        public void InterestRateCannotBeNegative()
            CompoundInterest ci = new CompoundInterest();

            Exception ex = Assert.Throws <Exception>(
                () => ci.InterestRate = -10

            Assert.Equal("Interest rate cannot be negative.", ex.Message);
        public void YearsCannotBeNegative()
            CompoundInterest ci = new CompoundInterest();

            Exception ex = Assert.Throws <Exception>(
                () => ci.Years = -10

            Assert.Equal("Years cannot be negative.", ex.Message);
Пример #14
        private ValueAtMaturity GetValueAtMaturity()
            var days = (MaturityDate - TradeDate).Days;

            var interest = CompoundInterest.CalculateInterestAmount(Amount, days, InterestRate);

            var taxesAmount = interest * Taxes;

            return(new ValueAtMaturity(Amount + interest, taxesAmount));
        public async Task <decimal> CalculateCompoundInterest(decimal initialValue, int time, decimal interestRate)
            var compoundInterest = new CompoundInterest
                InitialValue = initialValue,
                Time         = time,
                InterestRate = interestRate

            return(await Task.FromResult(compoundInterest.CalculateCompoundInterest(2)));
        public void GivenNagativeYearThrowException()
            double           t  = -1.0;
            CompoundInterest ci = new CompoundInterest();
            Exception        ex = Assert.Throws <Exception>(
                () => ci.getAmount(1, 1, 1, t)
            string actual   = ex.Message;
            string expected = "The number of year cannot be negative number.";

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
        public void GivenParametersExpectAmount()
            double           P        = 5000;
            double           r        = 0.05;
            double           n        = 12.0;
            double           t        = 10.0;
            CompoundInterest ci       = new CompoundInterest();
            double           actual   = Math.Round(ci.getAmount(P, r, n, t), 1);// round to 2 decimal places
            double           expected = 8235.0;

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
        public void GivenDivideNBy0ThrowException()
            double           n  = 0.0;
            CompoundInterest ci = new CompoundInterest();
            Exception        ex = Assert.Throws <Exception>(
                () => ci.getAmount(1, 1, n, 1)
            string actual   = ex.Message;
            string expected = "The number of times cannot divide by 0 time.";

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
        public void GivenNegativePrincipalThrowException()
            double           P  = -1.0;
            CompoundInterest ci = new CompoundInterest();
            Exception        ex = Assert.Throws <Exception>(
                () => ci.getAmount(P, 1, 1, 1)
            string actual   = ex.Message;
            string expected = "The principal cannot be negative number.";

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Пример #20
        public void CalculateCompoundInterest_SemTruncate()
            var compoundInterest = new CompoundInterest
                InitialValue = 100M,
                InterestRate = 0.01M,
                Time         = 5
            var result = compoundInterest.CalculateCompoundInterest(null);

            Assert.Equal(105.1010050100M, result);
Пример #21
        public void CalculateCompoundInterest_Correto()
            var compoundInterest = new CompoundInterest
                InitialValue = 100M,
                InterestRate = 0.01M,
                Time         = 5
            var result = compoundInterest.CalculateCompoundInterest(2);

            Assert.Equal(105.1M, result);
Пример #22
        public ActionResult Index(CompoundInterest c)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var result = c.CompoundInterestCalculator();

                TempData["balance"] = result.ToString();

                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { p = c.Principal, i = c.InterestRate, t = c.TimesCompounded, y = c.Years }));

        public void should_return_zero_value_if_amount_is_zero()
            // Arr
            var compoundInterest = new CompoundInterest();
            var months           = new Months(5);
            var interestRate     = new InterestRate(0.01M);
            var amount           = new Amount(0.00M);

            // Act
            var finalAmount = compoundInterest.Calculate(amount, interestRate, months);

            // Ass
        public void Calculate_PrincipalAndPercentageAndYearsAndPeriods_ReturnTotalAmount()
            var context = new CompoundInterestContext
                Principal            = 1500.00,
                InterestPercent      = 4.3,
                InvestYears          = 6,
                CompoundingFrequency = 4,

            double sum = CompoundInterest.Calculate(context);

            Assert.That(sum, Is.EqualTo(1938.84));
        public void should_calculate_correctly_interest_value()
            // Arr
            var compoundInterest = new CompoundInterest();
            var months           = new Months(5);
            var interestRate     = new InterestRate(0.01M);
            var amount           = new Amount(100.00M);

            // Act
            var finalAmount = compoundInterest.Calculate(amount, interestRate, months);

            // Ass
Пример #26
        public void P1000T12I5Y10Results1647dot01()
            CompoundInterest ci = new CompoundInterest()
                Principal       = 1000,
                TimesCompounded = 12,
                InterestRate    = 5,
                Years           = 10

            var expected = 1647.01;
            var actual   = Math.Round(ci.CompoundInterestCalculator(), 2);

            Assert.Equal(expected, actual);
Пример #27
        static void Main(string[] argd)
            SimpleInterest   oSI = new SimpleInterest(5000, 12.5, 5);
            CompoundInterest oCI = new CompoundInterest(5000, 12.5, 5, 3);

            oSI.Calculate(); oCI.Calculate();
            CompareInterest compare = new CompareInterest();

            compare.Compare(oSI, oCI);

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key");
Пример #28
        public IActionResult Index([FromQuery] string p,
                                   [FromQuery] string i,
                                   [FromQuery] string t,
                                   [FromQuery] string y,
                                   [FromQuery] string x)
            CompoundInterest c = new CompoundInterest();

            if (p != null && i != null && t != null && y != null
                c.Principal       = Convert.ToDouble(p);
                c.InterestRate    = Convert.ToDouble(i);
                c.TimesCompounded = Convert.ToInt32(t);
                c.Years           = Convert.ToInt32(y);
                c.Principal       = 1000;
                c.InterestRate    = 5;
                c.TimesCompounded = 12;
                c.Years           = 10;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_config["REGION"]))
                ViewBag.Region = "Environment variable REGION must be set to East or West.";
                ViewBag.Region = _config["REGION"];

            if (x != null)
                string strRun = x;
                if (strRun.ToLower() == "true" || strRun.ToLower() == "yes" || strRun.ToLower() == "1")
                    var result = c.CompoundInterestCalculator();

                    TempData["balance"] = result;

Пример #29
        static void Main(string[] args)
            SimpleInterest oSI = new SimpleInterest(5000, 15.5, 3);

            oSI = null;

            CompoundInterest oCI = new CompoundInterest(5000, 15.5, 3, 4);


            oCI = null;

            Console.WriteLine("Press a key...");
 private void CalculateYear()
     CompoundInterestItemYear.Years = CompoundInterest.CalculateYears(CompoundInterestItemYear);