public virtual bool VisitCompoundExpression(CompoundExpression expression) { VisitNodes(expression.Statements); VisitExpression(expression); return(true); }
public TypeExpression[] compoundExpressionToArray(CompoundExpression args) { TypeExpression[] aux = new TypeExpression[args.ExpressionCount]; TypeExpression te; for (int i = 0; i < args.ExpressionCount; i++) { if ((te = args.GetExpressionElement(i).ILTypeExpression) != null) { if (te is FieldType) { te = ((FieldType)te).FieldTypeExpression; } else if (te is UnionType) { te = ((UnionType)te).Simplify(false); } aux[i] = te; } else { return(null); } } return(aux); }
public static Predicate ReadFunctionExpression(CompoundExpression exp, Dictionary <string, string> dParameterNameToType, Domain d) { Constant c = null; string sName = exp.SubExpressions[0].ToString(); if (exp.Type == "=") { GroundedPredicate gp = new GroundedPredicate("="); gp.AddConstant(new Constant("cost", "(total-cost)")); gp.AddConstant(new Constant("", "0")); return(gp); /* * string sParam1 = exp.SubExpressions[0].ToString(); * string sParam2 = exp.SubExpressions[1].ToString(); * if (!dParameterNameToType.ContainsKey(sParam1)) * throw new ArgumentException("First argument of = must be a parameter"); * ParameterizedPredicate pp = new ParameterizedPredicate("="); * pp.AddParameter(new Parameter(dParameterNameToType[sParam1], sParam1)); * if (dParameterNameToType.ContainsKey(sParam2)) * pp.AddParameter(new Parameter(dParameterNameToType[sParam2], sParam2)); * else * pp.AddParameter(new Constant(d.ConstantNameToType[sParam2], sParam2)); * return pp;*/ /* * Sag: I dont know what was the meaning of this code, but it was meant not to work. If = is given, * dParameterNameToType will be null and then if (!dParameterNameToType.ContainsKey(sParam1)) will throw null exception. * */ } GroundedPredicate p = new GroundedPredicate(exp.Type); double dValue = 0.0; if (d.Functions.Contains(sName)) { c = new Constant("Function", sName); } else { throw new ArgumentException("First argument of increase or decrease must be a function"); } p.AddConstant(c); sName = exp.SubExpressions[1].ToString(); if (double.TryParse(sName, out dValue)) { c = new Constant("Number", sName); } else { throw new ArgumentException("Second argument of increase or decrease must be a number"); } p.AddConstant(c); return(p); }
private static void ReadPredicates(CompoundExpression exp, Domain d) { foreach (Expression e in exp.SubExpressions) { Predicate p = ReadPredicate((CompoundExpression)e, d); d.AddPredicate(p); } }
public static Problem ParseProblem(string sProblemFile, Domain d) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(sProblemFile); CompoundExpression exp = (CompoundExpression)ToExpression(sr); sr.Close(); return(ParseProblem(exp, d, sProblemFile)); }
public override Object Visit(CompoundExpression node, Object obj) { for (int i = 0; i < node.ExpressionCount; i++) { node.GetExpressionElement(i).Accept(this, obj); } return(null); }
public override object Visit(CompoundExpression node, object obj) { if (node.Location == ((AstNode)obj).Location || found) { found = true; return(this.table); } return(base.Visit(node, obj)); }
public override Object Visit(CompoundExpression node, Object obj) { CompoundExpression clonedCompoundExpression = new CompoundExpression(node.Location); for (int i = 0; i < node.ExpressionCount; i++) { clonedCompoundExpression.AddExpression((Expression)node.GetExpressionElement(i).Accept(this, obj)); } return(clonedCompoundExpression); }
public static CompoundFormula ParseFormula(string sFile, Domain d) { string sPath = sFile.Substring(0, sFile.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(sFile); CompoundExpression exp = (CompoundExpression)ToExpression(sr); sr.Close(); Formula cf = ReadFormula(exp, null, false, d); return((CompoundFormula)cf); }
private Func <List <T>, string> GetLambda <T>(params string[] strings) { var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(List <T>), "p"); var result = CompoundExpression.Enumerator( itemCallback: (e) => Expression.Call(e, typeof(T).GetMethod("ToString", new Type[0])), enumerable: param); Console.WriteLine(result.ToString()); return(Expression.Lambda <Func <List <T>, string> >(result, param).Compile()); }
private static void ReadFunctions(CompoundExpression eFunctions, Domain d) { foreach (Expression eSub in eFunctions.SubExpressions) { if (eSub.ToString() != ":functions") { CompoundExpression eFunction = (CompoundExpression)eSub; //BUGBUG - only reading non parametrized functions for now d.AddFunction("(" + eFunction.Type + ")"); } } }
public static void ParseDomainAndProblem(string sFileName, out Domain d, out Problem p) { string sPath = sFileName.Substring(0, sFileName.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(sFileName); Stack <string> s = ToStack(sr); CompoundExpression eDomain = (CompoundExpression)ToExpression(s); CompoundExpression eProblem = (CompoundExpression)ToExpression(s); sr.Close(); d = ParseDomain(eDomain, sPath, ""); p = ParseProblem(eProblem, d, ""); }
public static Domain ParseDomain(string sDomainFile, string sAgentCallsign) { string sPath = sDomainFile.Substring(0, sDomainFile.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(sDomainFile); CompoundExpression exp = (CompoundExpression)ToExpression(sr); sr.Close(); Domain d = ParseDomain(exp, sPath, sDomainFile); d.AgentCallsign = sAgentCallsign; return(d); }
public static void CallbackBuilder_Build() { var cbb = new CallbackBuilder() { [CompoundExpression.Parse("http://test/{$statusCode}")] = new Referable <Path>("#/test"), [CompoundExpression.Parse("http://test/1/{$statusCode}")] = new Referable <Path>("#/test/1"), }; var cb = cbb.Build(); var rcb = new CallbackBuilder(cb); Assert.Equal(cbb, cb); Assert.Equal(cbb, rcb); }
public override Object Visit(CompoundExpression node, Object obj) { Object aux = null; for (int i = 0; i < node.ExpressionCount; i++) { node.GetExpressionElement(i).LeftExpression = node.LeftExpression; if ((aux = node.GetExpressionElement(i).Accept(this, false)) is SingleIdentifierExpression) { node.SetExpressionElement(i, (SingleIdentifierExpression)aux); } } return(null); }
private static void ReadObserve(CompoundExpression exp, Action pa, Domain d, bool bParametrized) { string sOperator = exp.Type; Formula f = null; if (pa is ParametrizedAction) { f = ReadFormula(exp, ((ParametrizedAction)pa).ParameterNameToType, bParametrized, d); } else { f = ReadFormula(exp, d.ConstantNameToType, bParametrized, d); } pa.Observe = f; }
private static GroundedPredicate ReadGroundedPredicate(CompoundExpression exp, Domain d) { GroundedPredicate gp = new GroundedPredicate(exp.Type); int iExpression = 0; Constant c = null; string sName = ""; for (iExpression = 0; iExpression < exp.SubExpressions.Count; iExpression++) { sName = exp.SubExpressions[iExpression].ToString(); c = d.GetConstant(sName); gp.AddConstant(c); } return(gp); }
private static Action ReadAction(CompoundExpression exp, Domain d) { string sName = exp.SubExpressions[0].ToString(); Action pa = null; int iExpression = 0; for (iExpression = 1; iExpression < exp.SubExpressions.Count; iExpression++) { if (exp.SubExpressions[iExpression].ToString() == ":parameters") { CompoundExpression ceParams = (CompoundExpression)exp.SubExpressions[iExpression + 1]; if (ceParams.Type != "N/A") { pa = new ParametrizedAction(sName); ReadParameters((CompoundExpression)exp.SubExpressions[iExpression + 1], (ParametrizedAction)pa); } iExpression++; } else if (exp.SubExpressions[iExpression].ToString() == ":effect") { if (pa == null) { pa = new Action(sName); } ReadEffect((CompoundExpression)exp.SubExpressions[iExpression + 1], pa, d, pa is ParametrizedAction); iExpression++; } else if (exp.SubExpressions[iExpression].ToString() == ":precondition") { if (pa == null) { pa = new Action(sName); } ReadPrecondition((CompoundExpression)exp.SubExpressions[iExpression + 1], pa, d, pa is ParametrizedAction); iExpression++; } else if (exp.SubExpressions[iExpression].ToString() == ":observe") { if (pa == null) { pa = new Action(sName); } ReadObserve((CompoundExpression)exp.SubExpressions[iExpression + 1], pa, d, pa is ParametrizedAction); iExpression++; } } return(pa); }
private static Formula ReadGroundedFormula(CompoundExpression exp, Domain d) { bool bPredicate = true; if (IsUniversalQuantifier(exp)) { CompoundExpression eParameter = (CompoundExpression)exp.SubExpressions[0]; CompoundExpression eBody = (CompoundExpression)exp.SubExpressions[1]; string sParameter = eParameter.Type; string sType = eParameter.SubExpressions[1].ToString(); Dictionary <string, string> dParameterNameToType = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dParameterNameToType[sParameter] = sType; ParametrizedFormula cfQuantified = new ParametrizedFormula(exp.Type); cfQuantified.Parameters[sParameter] = sType; Formula fBody = ReadFormula(eBody, dParameterNameToType, true, d); cfQuantified.AddOperand(fBody); return(cfQuantified); } foreach (Expression eSub in exp.SubExpressions) { if (eSub is CompoundExpression) { bPredicate = false; break; } } if (bPredicate) { return(new PredicateFormula(ReadGroundedPredicate(exp, d))); } else { CompoundFormula cf = new CompoundFormula(exp.Type); int iExpression = 0; for (iExpression = 0; iExpression < exp.SubExpressions.Count; iExpression++) { Formula f = ReadGroundedFormula((CompoundExpression)exp.SubExpressions[iExpression], d); cf.AddOperand(f); } if (cf.Operator == "not" && cf.Operands[0] is PredicateFormula) { return(new PredicateFormula(((PredicateFormula)cf.Operands[0]).Predicate.Negate())); } return(cf); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the type expression of the arguments. /// </summary> /// <param name="args">Arguments information.</param> /// <returns>Returns the argument type expressions </returns> private TypeExpression[] compoundExpressionToArray(CompoundExpression args) { TypeExpression[] aux = new TypeExpression[args.ExpressionCount]; TypeExpression te; for (int i = 0; i < args.ExpressionCount; i++) { if ((te = args.GetExpressionElement(i).ExpressionType) != null) { aux[i] = te; } else { return(null); } } return(aux); }
private static Domain ParseDomain(CompoundExpression exp, string sPath, string sDomainPath) { Domain d = null; foreach (Expression e in exp.SubExpressions) { if (e is CompoundExpression) { CompoundExpression eSub = (CompoundExpression)e; if (eSub.Type == "domain") { d = new Domain(eSub.SubExpressions.First().ToString(), sPath); } else if (eSub.Type == ":requirements") { } else if (eSub.Type == ":types") { foreach (Expression eType in ((CompoundExpression)eSub).SubExpressions) { d.Types.Add(eType.ToString()); } } else if (eSub.Type == ":constants") { ReadConstants(eSub, d); } else if (eSub.Type == ":functions") { ReadFunctions(eSub, d); } else if (eSub.Type == ":predicates") { ReadPredicates(eSub, d); } else if (eSub.Type == ":action") { d.AddAction(ReadAction(eSub, d)); } } } d.FilePath = sDomainPath; return(d); }
private static void ReadInitState(Problem p, Domain d, CompoundExpression eInitState) { foreach (Expression e in eInitState.SubExpressions) { CompoundExpression eSub = (CompoundExpression)e; if (d.IsFunctionExpression(eSub.Type)) { p.AddKnown(ReadFunctionExpression(eSub, null, d)); } else if (d.ContainsPredicate(eSub.Type)) { p.AddKnown(ReadGroundedPredicate(eSub, d)); } else { if (eSub.Type != "unknown") { Formula f = ReadGroundedFormula(eSub, d); if (f is CompoundFormula) { p.AddHidden((CompoundFormula)f); } if (f is PredicateFormula)//this happens in (not (p)) statments { p.AddKnown(((PredicateFormula)f).Predicate); } } else { //causing a problem - add operand does some basic reasoning - adding p and ~p results in true for or statements. //skipping unknown for now... Predicate pUnknown = ReadGroundedPredicate((CompoundExpression)eSub.SubExpressions[0], d); CompoundFormula cfOr = new CompoundFormula("or"); cfOr.SimpleAddOperand(pUnknown); cfOr.SimpleAddOperand(pUnknown.Negate()); p.AddHidden(cfOr); } } } p.ComputeRelevanceClosure(); }
private static Expression ToExpression(Stack <string> sStack) { string sToken = sStack.Pop(); if (sToken == "(") { bool bDone = false; CompoundExpression exp = new CompoundExpression(); sToken = sStack.Pop(); if (sToken == ")") { exp.Type = "N/A"; bDone = true; } else { exp.Type = sToken; } while (!bDone) { if (sStack.Count == 0) { throw new InvalidDataException("Exp " + exp.Type + " was not closed"); } sToken = sStack.Pop(); if (sToken == ")") { bDone = true; } else { sStack.Push(sToken); exp.SubExpressions.Add(ToExpression(sStack)); } } return(exp); } else { return(new StringExpression(sToken)); } }
public static void CompoundExpression_Parse() { var sut = CompoundExpression.Parse("{$request.body#/bar}&baz={$url}&foo={$method}{$statusCode}"); Assert.Equal(7, sut.Count); Assert.Equal(ExpressionComponentType.Literal, sut[0].ComponentType); Assert.Equal(ExpressionComponentType.Field, sut[1].ComponentType); Assert.Equal(ExpressionComponentType.Literal, sut[2].ComponentType); Assert.Equal(ExpressionComponentType.Field, sut[3].ComponentType); Assert.Equal(ExpressionComponentType.Literal, sut[4].ComponentType); Assert.Equal(ExpressionComponentType.Field, sut[5].ComponentType); Assert.Equal(ExpressionComponentType.Field, sut[6].ComponentType); Assert.Equal("", sut[0].ToString()); Assert.Equal("$request.body#/bar", sut[1].ToString()); Assert.Equal("&baz=", sut[2].ToString()); Assert.Equal("$url", sut[3].ToString()); Assert.Equal("&foo=", sut[4].ToString()); Assert.Equal("$method", sut[5].ToString()); Assert.Equal("$statusCode", sut[6].ToString()); }
public override Object Visit(InvocationExpression node, Object obj) { CompoundExpression clonedArguments = (CompoundExpression)node.Arguments.Accept(this, obj); Expression clonedIdentifier = (Expression)node.Identifier.Accept(this, obj); InvocationExpression clonedInvocationExpression = new InvocationExpression(clonedIdentifier, clonedArguments, node.Location); if (node.ExpressionType != null) { clonedInvocationExpression.ExpressionType = node.ExpressionType.CloneType(this.typeVariableMappings, this.typeExpresionVariableMapping); } clonedInvocationExpression.ActualMethodCalled = node.ActualMethodCalled.CloneType(this.typeVariableMappings, this.typeExpresionVariableMapping); //var previousShowMessages = ErrorManager.Instance.ShowMessages; //ErrorManager.Instance.ShowMessages = false; //clonedInvocationExpression.Accept(visitorSpecializer.visitorTypeInference, obj); //ErrorManager.Instance.ShowMessages = previousShowMessages; clonedInvocationExpression.Accept(visitorSpecializer, obj); return(clonedInvocationExpression); }
private static void ReadConstants(CompoundExpression exp, Domain d) { string sType = "?", sExp = ""; List <string> lUndefined = new List <string>(); for (int iExpression = 0; iExpression < exp.SubExpressions.Count; iExpression++) { sExp = exp.SubExpressions[iExpression].ToString().Trim(); if (sExp == "-") { sType = exp.SubExpressions[iExpression + 1].ToString(); iExpression++; foreach (string sName in lUndefined) { Constant newC = new Constant(sType, sName); if (!d.Constants.Contains(newC)) { d.AddConstant(newC); } } lUndefined.Clear(); } else if (!sExp.StartsWith(":")) { lUndefined.Add(sExp); } } if (lUndefined.Count > 0) { //supporting objects with undefined types as type "OBJ" foreach (string sName in lUndefined) { d.AddConstant(new Constant("OBJ", sName)); } //throw new NotImplementedException(); } }
private static Predicate ReadPredicate(CompoundExpression exp, Domain d) { ParameterizedPredicate pp = new ParameterizedPredicate(exp.Type); int iExpression = 0; Parameter p = null; string sName = ""; List <Parameter> lUntypedParameters = new List <Parameter>(); for (iExpression = 0; iExpression < exp.SubExpressions.Count; iExpression++) { sName = exp.SubExpressions[iExpression].ToString(); if (sName == "-") { string sType = exp.SubExpressions[iExpression + 1].ToString(); foreach (Parameter pUntyped in lUntypedParameters) { pUntyped.Type = sType; } lUntypedParameters.Clear(); iExpression++;//skip the "-" and the type } else { p = new Parameter("", sName); lUntypedParameters.Add(p); pp.AddParameter(p); } } if (d.Types.Count == 1) { foreach (Parameter pUntyped in lUntypedParameters) { pUntyped.Type = d.Types[0]; } } return(pp); }
private static void ReadParameters(CompoundExpression exp, ParametrizedAction pa) { // unfortunately, expressions have a weird non standard structure with no type -(? i - pos ? j - pos ) // so we must have a special case List <string> lTokens = exp.ToTokenList(); List <string> lNames = new List <string>(); string sType = ""; int iCurrent = 0; while (iCurrent < lTokens.Count) { if (lTokens[iCurrent] == "-") { sType = lTokens[iCurrent + 1]; foreach (string sName in lNames) { pa.AddParameter(new Parameter(sType, sName)); } lNames = new List <string>(); sType = ""; iCurrent += 2; } else { lNames.Add(lTokens[iCurrent]); iCurrent++; } } if (lNames.Count != 0) //allowing no types specified { foreach (string sName in lNames) { pa.AddParameter(new Parameter("OBJ", sName)); } } }
/// <summary>Gets the element that has the specified key in the read-only dictionary.</summary> /// <param name="key">The key to locate.</param> /// <returns>The element that has the specified key in the read-only dictionary.</returns> /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"> /// <paramref name="key">key</paramref> is null.</exception> /// <exception cref="T:System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException">The property is retrieved and <paramref name="key">key</paramref> is not found.</exception> public Referable <Path> this[CompoundExpression key] { get => _dictionary[key];
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public virtual object EvalCompoundExpression( object objIn, CompoundExpression exp ) { // ****** var obj = objIn; foreach( Expression expression in exp.Cast<CompoundExpression>().Items ) { object newObj = Process( obj, expression ); if( null == newObj ) { ReturnNull(); } obj = newObj; } // ****** return obj; }
// ****** public abstract string DumpCompoundExpression( CompoundExpression exp );
public static void OpenApiSerializer_Serialize() { var sut = new OpenApiSerializer(); #region Graph var actualGraphBuilder = new DocumentBuilder() { Components = new ComponentsBuilder() { Callbacks = { ["callback1"] = new CallbackBuilder() { [CompoundExpression.Parse("http://foo{$statusCode}")] = new PathBuilder() { Description = "path1", Delete = new OperationBuilder() { Callbacks = { ["callback1"] = "#/components/callbacks/callback1" }, Description = "Delete operation", ExternalDocumentation = new ExternalDocumentationBuilder() { Description = "External docs 1", Url = new Uri("") }, OperationIdentifier = "Operation 1", Options = OperationOptions.Deprecated, Parameters = { [new ParameterKey("p1")] = "#/components/parameters/parameter1" }, RequestBody = "#/components/requestBodies/requestBody1", Responses = { [ResponseKey.Default] = "#/components/responses/response1" }, Summary = "Delete operation summary" }, Get = new OperationBuilder() { Description = "Get" }, Head = new OperationBuilder() { Description = "Head" }, Options = new OperationBuilder() { Description = "Options" }, Parameters = { [new ParameterKey("p1")] = "#/components/parameters/parameter1" }, Patch = new OperationBuilder() { Description = "Patch" }, Post = new OperationBuilder() { Description = "Post" }, Put = new OperationBuilder() { Description = "Put" }, Summary = "Summary", Trace = new OperationBuilder() { Description = "Trace" } } } }, Examples = { ["example1"] = new ExampleBuilder() { Description = "Description", ExternalValue = new Uri(""), Summary = "Summary" } }, Headers = { ["header1"] = new ParameterBodyBuilder() { Content = { [new ContentType("application/json")] = new MediaTypeBuilder() { Encoding = { ["header1"] = new PropertyEncodingBuilder() { ContentType = new ContentType("application/json"), Headers = { ["header1"] = "#/components/headers/header1" }, Options = PropertyEncodingOptions.AllowReserved | PropertyEncodingOptions.Explode, Style = ParameterStyle.DeepObject } }, Examples = { ["Main Example"] = "#/components/examples/example1" }, Schema = "#/components/schemas/schema1" } } } }, Links = { ["link1"] = new LinkBuilder() { Description = "Description", OperationIdentifier = "operation1", OperationReference = "", Server = new ServerBuilder() { Description = "Description", Url = new Uri(""), Variables = { ["variable1"] = new ServerVariableBuilder() { Default = "Value", Description = "Description", Enum = { "Value", "Value1" } } } } } }, Parameters = { ["parameter1"] = new ParameterBuilder() { Content = { [new ContentType("application/json")] = new MediaTypeBuilder() { Schema = "#/components/schemas/schema1" } }, Description = "Description", Examples = { [new ContentType("application/json")] = "#/components/examples/example1" }, Location = ParameterLocation.Header, Name = "parameter1", Options = ParameterOptions.AllowEmptyValue | ParameterOptions.AllowReserved | ParameterOptions.Deprecated | ParameterOptions.Explode | ParameterOptions.Required, Schema = "#/components/schemas/schema1", Style = ParameterStyle.Matrix } }, RequestBodies = { ["requestbody1"] = new RequestBodyBuilder() { Content = { [new ContentType("application/json")] = new MediaTypeBuilder() { Schema = "#/components/schemas/schema1" } }, Description = "Description", Options = RequestBodyOptions.Required } }, Responses = { ["response1"] = new ResponseBuilder() { Content = { [new ContentType("application/json")] = new MediaTypeBuilder() { Schema = "#/components/schemas/schema1" } }, Description = "Description", Headers = { ["header1"] = "#/components/headers/header1" }, Links = { ["link1"] = "#/components/links/link1" } } }, Schemas = { ["schema1"] = new SchemaBuilder() { AdditionalProperties = { ["prop1"] = "#/components/schemas/schema1" }, Description = "Description", ExternalDocumentation = new ExternalDocumentationBuilder() { Description = "Description", Url = new Uri("") }, Format = "Format", Items = "#/components/schemas/schema1", ItemsRange = new CountRange(100, 200, RangeOptions.Inclusive), LengthRange = new CountRange(200, 300, RangeOptions.Exclusive), NumberRange = new NumberRange(300, 400, RangeOptions.Exclusive), Options = SchemaOptions.Deprecated | SchemaOptions.Nullable | SchemaOptions.Required | SchemaOptions.UniqueItems, Pattern = "[a-z]", Properties = { ["prop1"] = "#/components/schemas/schema1" }, PropertiesRange = new CountRange(100, 200), Title = "Schema1", JsonType = SchemaType.Object } }, SecuritySchemes = { ["sec1"] = new HttpSecuritySchemeBuilder() { BearerFormat = "Bearer", Description = "Description", Scheme = "Schema" }, ["sec2"] = new ApiKeySecuritySchemeBuilder() { Description = "Description", Location = ParameterLocation.Cookie, Name = "Name" }, ["sec3"] = new OpenIdConnectSecuritySchemeBuilder() { Description = "Description", Url = new Uri("") }, ["sec4"] = new OAuth2SecuritySchemeBuilder() { AuthorizationCodeFlow = new OAuthFlowBuilder() { AuthorizationUrl = new Uri(""), RefreshUrl = new Uri(""), TokenUrl = new Uri(""), Scopes = { ["user:details"] = "Get the user details" } }, ClientCredentialsFlow = new OAuthFlowBuilder() { AuthorizationUrl = new Uri("") }, Description = "Description", ImplicitFlow = new OAuthFlowBuilder() { AuthorizationUrl = new Uri("") }, PasswordFlow = new OAuthFlowBuilder() { AuthorizationUrl = new Uri("") } } } }, ExternalDocumentation = new ExternalDocumentationBuilder() { Description = "Description", Url = new Uri("") }, Info = new InformationBuilder() { Contact = new ContactBuilder() { Email = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"), Name = "Jonathan", Url = new Uri("") }, Description = "Description", License = new LicenseBuilder() { Name = "MIT", Url = new Uri("") }, TermsOfService = new Uri(""), Title = "Title", Version = new SemanticVersion(1, 2, 3, "pre1", "build1") }, Version = new SemanticVersion(3, 0, 1), Paths = { ["path1"] = new PathBuilder() { Description = "Description" } }, Security = { "#/components/security/sec1" } }; var actualJson = sut.Serialize(actualGraphBuilder.Build()); #endregion #region JSON var expectedJson = new JsonObject() { ["components"] = new JsonObject() { ["callbacks"] = new JsonObject() { ["callback1"] = new JsonObject() { ["http://foo{$statusCode}"] = new JsonObject() { ["delete"] = new JsonObject() { ["callbacks"] = new JsonObject() { ["callback1"] = new JsonObject() { ["$ref"] = "#/components/callbacks/callback1" } }, ["deprecated"] = true, ["description"] = "Delete operation", ["externalDocs"] = new JsonObject() { ["description"] = "External docs 1", ["url"] = "" }, ["operationId"] = "Operation 1", ["parameters"] = new JsonArray() { "#/components/parameters/parameter1" }, ["requestBody"] = "#/components/requestBodies/requestBody1", ["responses"] = new JsonObject() { ["default"] = new JsonObject() { ["$ref"] = "#/components/responses/response1" } }, ["summary"] = "Delete operation summary" }, ["description"] = "path1", ["get"] = new JsonObject() { ["description"] = "Get" }, ["head"] = new JsonObject() { ["description"] = "Head" }, ["options"] = new JsonObject() { ["description"] = "Options" }, ["parameters"] = new JsonArray() { "#/components/parameters/parameter1" }, ["patch"] = new JsonObject() { ["description"] = "Patch" }, ["post"] = new JsonObject() { ["description"] = "Post" }, ["put"] = new JsonObject() { ["description"] = "Put" }, ["summary"] = "Summary", ["trace"] = new JsonObject() { ["description"] = "Trace" } } } }, ["examples"] = new JsonObject() { ["example1"] = new JsonObject() { ["description"] = "Description", ["externalValue"] = "", ["summary"] = "Summary" } }, ["headers"] = new JsonObject() { ["header1"] = new JsonObject() { ["content"] = new JsonObject() { ["application/json"] = new JsonObject() { ["encoding"] = new JsonObject() { ["header1"] = new JsonObject() { ["allowReserved"] = true, ["contentType"] = "application/json", ["explode"] = true, ["headers"] = new JsonObject() { ["header1"] = new JsonObject() { ["$ref"] = "#/components/headers/header1" } }, ["style"] = "deepObject" } }, ["examples"] = new JsonObject() { ["Main Example"] = new JsonObject() { ["$ref"] = "#/components/examples/example1" } }, ["schema"] = "#/components/schemas/schema1" } } } }, ["links"] = new JsonObject() { ["link1"] = new JsonObject() { ["description"] = "Description", ["operationId"] = "operation1", ["operationRef"] = "", ["server"] = new JsonObject() { ["description"] = "Description", ["url"] = "", ["variables"] = new JsonObject() { ["variable1"] = new JsonObject() { ["default"] = "Value", ["description"] = "Description", ["enum"] = new JsonArray() { "Value", "Value1" } } } } } }, ["parameters"] = new JsonObject() { ["parameter1"] = new JsonObject() { ["allowEmptyValue"] = true, ["allowReserved"] = true, ["content"] = new JsonObject() { ["application/json"] = new JsonObject() { ["schema"] = "#/components/schemas/schema1" } }, ["deprecated"] = true, ["description"] = "Description", ["examples"] = new JsonObject() { ["application/json"] = new JsonObject() { ["$ref"] = "#/components/examples/example1" } }, ["explode"] = true, ["in"] = "header", ["name"] = "parameter1", ["required"] = true, ["schema"] = "#/components/schemas/schema1", ["style"] = "matrix" } }, ["requestBodies"] = new JsonObject() { ["requestbody1"] = new JsonObject() { ["content"] = new JsonObject() { ["application/json"] = new JsonObject() { ["schema"] = "#/components/schemas/schema1" } }, ["description"] = "Description", ["requestBodies"] = true } }, ["responses"] = new JsonObject() { ["response1"] = new JsonObject() { ["content"] = new JsonObject() { ["application/json"] = new JsonObject() { ["schema"] = "#/components/schemas/schema1" } }, ["description"] = "Description", ["headers"] = new JsonObject() { ["header1"] = new JsonObject() { ["$ref"] = "#/components/headers/header1" } }, ["links"] = new JsonObject() { ["link1"] = new JsonObject() { ["$ref"] = "#/components/links/link1" } } } }, ["schemas"] = new JsonObject() { ["schema1"] = new JsonObject() { ["additionalProperties"] = new JsonObject() { ["prop1"] = new JsonObject() { ["$ref"] = "#/components/schemas/schema1" } }, ["deprecated"] = true, ["description"] = "Description", ["exclusiveMaximum"] = true, ["exclusiveMinimum"] = true, ["externalDocs"] = new JsonObject() { ["description"] = "Description", ["url"] = "" }, ["format"] = "Format", ["items"] = "#/components/schemas/schema1", ["maxLength"] = 300, ["maxProperties"] = 200, ["maximum"] = 400, ["minLength"] = 200, ["minProperties"] = 100, ["minimum"] = 300, ["nullable"] = true, ["pattern"] = "[a-z]", ["properties"] = new JsonObject() { ["prop1"] = new JsonObject() { ["$ref"] = "#/components/schemas/schema1" } }, ["required"] = true, ["title"] = "Schema1", ["type"] = "object", ["uniqueItems"] = true } }, ["securitySchemes"] = new JsonObject() { ["sec1"] = new JsonObject() { ["bearerFormat"] = "Bearer", ["description"] = "Description", ["scheme"] = "Schema", ["type"] = "http" }, ["sec2"] = new JsonObject() { ["description"] = 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///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public override string DumpCompoundExpression( CompoundExpression exp ) { // ****** string typeName = "ExpressionList"; // ****** DisplayExpression de = new DisplayExpression(); string value = de.Dump( exp ); // ****** return string.Format( " ({0}) {1}", typeName, value ); }