Пример #1
        public ComponentKeyPath ParsePossibleKeyPathExtensionElement(IEnumerable <ICompilerExtension> extensions, Intermediate intermediate, IntermediateSection section, XElement parentElement, XElement element, IDictionary <string, string> context)
            ComponentKeyPath keyPath = null;

            if (ParseHelper.TryFindExtension(extensions, element.Name.Namespace, out var extension))
                keyPath = extension.ParsePossibleKeyPathElement(intermediate, section, parentElement, element, context);
                var childSourceLineNumbers = Preprocessor.GetSourceLineNumbers(element);
                this.Messaging.Write(ErrorMessages.UnhandledExtensionElement(childSourceLineNumbers, parentElement.Name.LocalName, element.Name.LocalName, element.Name.NamespaceName));

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes a child element of a Component for the Compiler.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentElement">Parent element of element to process.</param>
        /// <param name="element">Element to process.</param>
        /// <param name="context">Extra information about the context in which this element is being parsed.</param>
        /// <returns>The component key path type if set.</returns>
        public override ComponentKeyPath ParsePossibleKeyPathElement(XElement parentElement, XElement element, IDictionary <string, string> context)
            SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = Preprocessor.GetSourceLineNumbers(parentElement);
            ComponentKeyPath keyPath           = null;

            switch (parentElement.Name.LocalName)
            case "Component":
                string componentId = context["ComponentId"];

                // 64-bit components may cause issues downlevel.
                bool win64 = false;
                Boolean.TryParse(context["Win64"], out win64);

                switch (element.Name.LocalName)
                case "Provides":
                    if (win64)
                        this.Core.OnMessage(DependencyWarnings.Win64Component(sourceLineNumbers, componentId));

                    keyPath = this.ParseProvidesElement(element, PackageType.None, componentId);

                    this.Core.UnexpectedElement(parentElement, element);

                this.Core.UnexpectedElement(parentElement, element);

Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the Provides element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">The XML node for the Provides element.</param>
        /// <param name="packageType">The type of the package being chained into a bundle, or "None" if building an MSI package.</param>
        /// <param name="keyPath">Explicit key path.</param>
        /// <param name="parentId">The identifier of the parent component or package.</param>
        /// <returns>The type of key path if set.</returns>
        private ComponentKeyPath ParseProvidesElement(XElement node, PackageType packageType, string parentId)
            SourceLineNumber sourceLineNumbers = Preprocessor.GetSourceLineNumbers(node);
            ComponentKeyPath keyPath           = null;
            Identifier       id          = null;
            string           key         = null;
            string           version     = null;
            string           displayName = null;
            int attributes  = 0;
            int illegalChar = -1;

            foreach (XAttribute attrib in node.Attributes())
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attrib.Name.NamespaceName) || this.Namespace == attrib.Name.Namespace)
                    switch (attrib.Name.LocalName)
                    case "Id":
                        id = this.Core.GetAttributeIdentifier(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);

                    case "Key":
                        key = this.Core.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);

                    case "Version":
                        version = this.Core.GetAttributeVersionValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);

                    case "DisplayName":
                        displayName = this.Core.GetAttributeValue(sourceLineNumbers, attrib);

                        this.Core.UnexpectedAttribute(node, attrib);
                    this.Core.ParseExtensionAttribute(node, attrib);

            // Make sure the key is valid. The key will default to the ProductCode for MSI packages
            // and the package code for MSP packages in the binder if not specified.
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
                // Make sure the key does not contain any illegal characters or values.
                if (0 <= (illegalChar = key.IndexOfAny(DependencyCommon.InvalidCharacters)))
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(DependencyCommon.InvalidCharacters.Length * 2);
                    Array.ForEach <char>(DependencyCommon.InvalidCharacters, c => sb.Append(c).Append(" "));

                    this.Core.OnMessage(DependencyErrors.IllegalCharactersInProvider(sourceLineNumbers, "Key", key[illegalChar], sb.ToString()));
                else if ("ALL" == key)
                    this.Core.OnMessage(DependencyErrors.ReservedValue(sourceLineNumbers, node.Name.LocalName, "Key", key));
            else if (PackageType.ExePackage == packageType || PackageType.MsuPackage == packageType)
                // Must specify the provider key when authored for a package.
                this.Core.OnMessage(WixErrors.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, node.Name.LocalName, "Key"));
            else if (PackageType.None == packageType)
                // Make sure the ProductCode is authored and set the key.
                this.Core.CreateSimpleReference(sourceLineNumbers, "Property", "ProductCode");
                key = "!(bind.property.ProductCode)";

            // The Version attribute should not be authored in or for an MSI package.
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(version))
                switch (packageType)
                case PackageType.None:

                case PackageType.MsiPackage:
                    this.Core.OnMessage(DependencyWarnings.DiscouragedVersionAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, parentId));
            else if (PackageType.MspPackage == packageType || PackageType.MsuPackage == packageType)
                // Must specify the Version when authored for packages that do not contain a version.
                this.Core.OnMessage(WixErrors.ExpectedAttribute(sourceLineNumbers, node.Name.LocalName, "Version"));

            // Need the element ID for child element processing, so generate now if not authored.
            if (null == id)
                id = this.Core.CreateIdentifier("dep", node.Name.LocalName, parentId, key);

            foreach (XElement child in node.Elements())
                if (this.Namespace == child.Name.Namespace)
                    switch (child.Name.LocalName)
                    case "Requires":
                        this.ParseRequiresElement(child, id.Id, PackageType.None == packageType);

                    case "RequiresRef":
                        this.ParseRequiresRefElement(child, id.Id, PackageType.None == packageType);

                        this.Core.UnexpectedElement(node, child);
                    this.Core.ParseExtensionElement(node, child);

            if (!this.Core.EncounteredError)
                // Create the row in the provider table.
                Row row = this.Core.CreateRow(sourceLineNumbers, "WixDependencyProvider", id);
                row[1] = parentId;
                row[2] = key;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(version))
                    row[3] = version;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(displayName))
                    row[4] = displayName;

                if (0 != attributes)
                    row[5] = attributes;

                if (PackageType.None == packageType)
                    // Reference the Check custom action to check for dependencies on the current provider.
                    if (Platform.ARM == this.Core.CurrentPlatform)
                        // Ensure the ARM version of the CA is referenced.
                        this.Core.CreateSimpleReference(sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "WixDependencyCheck_ARM");
                        // All other supported platforms use x86.
                        this.Core.CreateSimpleReference(sourceLineNumbers, "CustomAction", "WixDependencyCheck");

                    // Generate registry rows for the provider using binder properties.
                    string keyProvides = String.Concat(DependencyCommon.RegistryRoot, key);

                    row    = this.Core.CreateRow(sourceLineNumbers, "Registry", this.Core.CreateIdentifier("reg", id.Id, "(Default)"));
                    row[1] = -1;
                    row[2] = keyProvides;
                    row[3] = null;
                    row[4] = "[ProductCode]";
                    row[5] = parentId;

                    // Use the Version registry value and use that as a potential key path.
                    Identifier idVersion = this.Core.CreateIdentifier("reg", id.Id, "Version");
                    keyPath = new ComponentKeyPath()
                        Id = idVersion.Id, Explicit = false, Type = ComponentKeyPathType.Registry

                    row    = this.Core.CreateRow(sourceLineNumbers, "Registry", idVersion);
                    row[1] = -1;
                    row[2] = keyProvides;
                    row[3] = "Version";
                    row[4] = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(version) ? version : "[ProductVersion]";
                    row[5] = parentId;

                    row    = this.Core.CreateRow(sourceLineNumbers, "Registry", this.Core.CreateIdentifier("reg", id.Id, "DisplayName"));
                    row[1] = -1;
                    row[2] = keyProvides;
                    row[3] = "DisplayName";
                    row[4] = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(displayName) ? displayName : "[ProductName]";
                    row[5] = parentId;

                    if (0 != attributes)
                        row    = this.Core.CreateRow(sourceLineNumbers, "Registry", this.Core.CreateIdentifier("reg", id.Id, "Attributes"));
                        row[1] = -1;
                        row[2] = keyProvides;
                        row[3] = "Attributes";
                        row[4] = String.Concat("#", attributes.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat));
                        row[5] = parentId;
