private void OnGridAdd(EntityUid uid, MapGridComponent component, ComponentAdd args) { // GridID is not set yet so we don't include it. var msg = new GridAddEvent(uid); EntityManager.EventBus.RaiseLocalEvent(uid, msg); }
private void OnShuttleAdd(EntityUid uid, ShuttleComponent component, ComponentAdd args) { // Easier than doing it in the comp and they don't have constructors. for (var i = 0; i < component.LinearThrusters.Length; i++) { component.LinearThrusters[i] = new List <ThrusterComponent>(); } }
private void SetupKudzu(EntityUid uid, GrowingKudzuComponent component, ComponentAdd args) { if (!EntityManager.TryGetComponent <AppearanceComponent>(uid, out var appearance)) { return; } appearance.SetData(KudzuVisuals.Variant, _robustRandom.Next(1, 3)); appearance.SetData(KudzuVisuals.GrowthLevel, 1); }
private void OnLookupAdd(EntityUid uid, EntityLookupComponent component, ComponentAdd args) { int capacity; if (EntityManager.TryGetComponent(uid, out TransformComponent? xform)) { capacity = (int)Math.Min(256, Math.Ceiling(xform.ChildCount / (float)GrowthRate) * GrowthRate); } else { capacity = 256; } component.Tree = new DynamicTree <EntityUid>( GetTreeAABB, capacity: capacity, growthFunc: x => x == GrowthRate ? GrowthRate * 8 : x * 2 ); }
private void OnComponentAdd(EntityUid uid, CharacterInfoComponent component, ComponentAdd args) { component.Scene = component.Control = new CharacterInfoComponent.CharacterInfoControl(); }
public Inspector(Rect inspectorRect) { this.inspectorRect = inspectorRect; this.componentAdd = new ComponentAdd(this); }