Пример #1
        public void When_LowpassRLSmallSignal_Expect_Reference()
             * Lowpass RL filter in the frequency domain should have a single pole at s=-2pi*R/L
            // Create circuit
            double resistance = 1;
            var    inductance = 1e-3;
            var    ckt        = new Circuit(
                new VoltageSource("V1", "IN", "0", 0.0)
                .SetParameter("acmag", 1.0),
                new Inductor("L1", "IN", "OUT", inductance),
                new Resistor("R1", "OUT", "0", resistance));

            // Create simulation
            var ac = new AC("ac", new DecadeSweep(0.1, 1e6, 10));

            // Create exports
            var exports = new IExport <Complex> [1];

            exports[0] = new ComplexVoltageExport(ac, "OUT");

            // Create references
            Func <double, Complex>[] references = { f => 1.0 / new Complex(1.0, inductance / resistance * 2 * Math.PI * f) };

            // Run test
            AnalyzeAC(ac, ckt, exports, references);
Пример #2
        public void When_RCFilterAC_Expect_NoException()
            // <example_AC>
            // Build the circuit
            var ckt = new Circuit(
                new VoltageSource("V1", "in", "0", 0.0),
                new Resistor("R1", "in", "out", 10.0e3),
                new Capacitor("C1", "out", "0", 1e-6)

            ckt["V1"].SetParameter("acmag", 1.0);

            // Create the simulation
            var ac = new AC("AC 1", new DecadeSweep(1e-2, 1.0e3, 5));

            // Make the export
            var exportVoltage = new ComplexVoltageExport(ac, "out");

            // Simulate
            ac.ExportSimulationData += (sender, args) =>
                var output   = exportVoltage.Value;
                var decibels = 10.0 * Math.Log10(output.Real * output.Real + output.Imaginary * output.Imaginary);
            // </example_AC>
Пример #3
        public void When_ACRerun_Expect_Same()
            // Create the circuit
            var ckt = new Circuit(
                new VoltageSource("V1", "in", "0", 10.0).SetParameter("acmag", 1.0),
                new Resistor("R1", "in", "out", 10),
                new Capacitor("C1", "out", "0", 20)

            // Create the transient analysis
            var ac     = new AC("ac 1", new DecadeSweep(1, 1e9, 10));
            var export = new ComplexVoltageExport(ac, "out");

            // Run the simulation a first time for building the reference values
            var r = new List <Complex>();

            void BuildReference(object sender, ExportDataEventArgs args) => r.Add(export.Value);

            ac.ExportSimulationData += BuildReference;
            ac.ExportSimulationData -= BuildReference;

            // Rerun the simulation for building the reference values
            var index = 0;

            void CheckReference(object sender, ExportDataEventArgs args)
                Assert.AreEqual(r[index].Real, export.Value.Real, 1e-20);
                Assert.AreEqual(r[index++].Imaginary, export.Value.Imaginary, 1e-20);

            ac.ExportSimulationData += CheckReference;
            ac.ExportSimulationData -= CheckReference;
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="VoltageMagnitudeExport"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">Name of export.</param>
 /// <param name="simulation">Simulation</param>
 /// <param name="node">Positive node</param>
 /// <param name="reference">Negative reference node</param>
 public VoltageMagnitudeExport(string name, Simulation simulation, string node, string reference = null)
     : base(simulation)
     Name       = name ?? throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));
     Node       = node ?? throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(node));
     Reference  = reference;
     ExportImpl = new ComplexVoltageExport((FrequencySimulation)simulation, node, reference);
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="VoltageExport"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Name of export.</param>
        /// <param name="simulation">Simulation.</param>
        /// <param name="node">Positive node.</param>
        /// <param name="reference">Negative reference node.</param>
        public VoltageExport(string name, Simulation simulation, string node, string reference = null)
            : base(simulation)
            Name      = name ?? throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));
            Node      = node ?? throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(node));
            Reference = reference;

            if (simulation is FrequencySimulation fs)
                ExportImpl = new ComplexVoltageExport(fs, node, reference);
                ExportRealImpl = new RealVoltageExport((IBiasingSimulation)simulation, node, reference);
Пример #6
        public void When_MutualInductanceSmallSignal_Expect_Reference()
            // Create circuit
            var r1  = 100.0;
            var r2  = 500.0;
            var l1  = 10e-3;
            var l2  = 2e-3;
            var k   = 0.693;
            var ckt = new Circuit(
                new VoltageSource("V1", "IN", "0", 0.0)
                .SetParameter("acmag", 1.0),
                new Resistor("R1", "IN", "1", r1),
                new Inductor("L1", "1", "0", l1),
                new Inductor("L2", "OUT", "0", l2),
                new Resistor("R2", "OUT", "0", r2),
                new MutualInductance("M1", "L1", "L2", k)

            // Create simulation
            var ac = new AC("ac", new DecadeSweep(1, 1e8, 10));

            // Create exports
            var exports = new IExport <Complex> [1];

            exports[0] = new ComplexVoltageExport(ac, "OUT");

            // Create references
            var mut = k * Math.Sqrt(l1 * l2);
            var a   = l1 * l2 - mut * mut;
            var b   = r1 * l2 + r2 * l1;
            var c   = r1 * r2;
            var num = mut * r2;

            Func <double, Complex>[] references =
                f =>
                    var s     = new Complex(0.0, 2.0 * Math.PI * f);
                    var denom = (a * s + b) * s + c;
                    return(num * s / denom);

            // Run simulation
            AnalyzeAC(ac, ckt, exports, references);
Пример #7
        public void When_MutualInductanceSmallSignal_Expect_Reference()
            // Create circuit
            double  r1  = 100.0;
            double  r2  = 500.0;
            double  l1  = 10e-3;
            double  l2  = 2e-3;
            double  k   = 0.693;
            Circuit ckt = new Circuit();

                new VoltageSource("V1", "IN", "0", 0.0),
                new Resistor("R1", "IN", "1", r1),
                new Inductor("L1", "1", "0", l1),
                new Inductor("L2", "OUT", "0", l2),
                new Resistor("R2", "OUT", "0", r2),
                new MutualInductance("M1", "L1", "L2", k)
            ckt.Objects["V1"].SetParameter("acmag", 1.0);

            // Create simulation
            AC ac = new AC("ac", new DecadeSweep(1, 1e8, 10));

            // Create exports
            Export <Complex>[] exports = new Export <Complex> [1];
            exports[0] = new ComplexVoltageExport(ac, "OUT");

            // Create references
            double mut = k * Math.Sqrt(l1 * l2);
            double a   = l1 * l2 - mut * mut;
            double b   = r1 * l2 + r2 * l1;
            double c   = r1 * r2;
            double num = mut * r2;

            Func <double, Complex>[] references =
                f =>
                    Complex s     = new Complex(0.0, 2.0 * Math.PI * f);
                    Complex denom = (a * s + b) * s + c;
                    return(num * s / denom);

            // Run simulation
            AnalyzeAC(ac, ckt, exports, references);
        public void When_ACRC_Expect_Reference()
            var ckt = new Circuit(
                new VoltageSource("V1", "in", "0", 0.0).SetParameter("acmag", 1.0),
                new LaplaceVoltageControlledVoltageSource("E1", "act", "0", "in", "0", new[] { 1.0 }, new[] { 1.0, 1e-3 }));

            var ac = new AC("ac", new DecadeSweep(1.0, 1e6, 3));
            var a  = new ComplexVoltageExport(ac, "act");

            ac.ExportSimulationData += (sender, args) =>
                var     s = args.Laplace;
                Complex r = 1.0 / (1.0 + 1e-3 * s);
                Assert.AreEqual(r.Real, a.Value.Real, 1e-20);
                Assert.AreEqual(r.Imaginary, a.Value.Imaginary, 1e-20);