Пример #1
        public void GetInverseNotPositiveDefiniteTest()
            ComplexFloatMatrix         a   = new ComplexFloatMatrix(3, 3);
            ComplexFloatCholeskyDecomp dcd = new ComplexFloatCholeskyDecomp(a);

		public void Current()
			ComplexFloatMatrix test = new ComplexFloatMatrix(new ComplexFloat[2, 2] { { 1f, 2f }, { 3f, 4f } });
			IEnumerator enumerator = test.GetEnumerator();
			bool movenextresult;

			movenextresult = enumerator.MoveNext();
			Assert.AreEqual(enumerator.Current, test[0, 0]);

			movenextresult = enumerator.MoveNext();
			Assert.AreEqual(enumerator.Current, test[1, 0]);

			movenextresult = enumerator.MoveNext();
			Assert.AreEqual(enumerator.Current, test[0, 1]);

			movenextresult = enumerator.MoveNext();
			Assert.AreEqual(enumerator.Current, test[1, 1]);

			movenextresult = enumerator.MoveNext();
Пример #3
        public void NonSymmFactorTest()
            ComplexFloatMatrix b = new ComplexFloatMatrix(3);

            b[0, 0] = 2;
            b[0, 1] = 1;
            b[0, 2] = 1;
            b[1, 0] = 1;
            b[1, 1] = 2;
            b[1, 2] = 0;
            b[2, 0] = 0;
            b[2, 1] = 0;
            b[2, 2] = 3;
            ComplexFloatCholeskyDecomp dcd = new ComplexFloatCholeskyDecomp(b);

            Assert.AreEqual(dcd.Factor[0, 0].Real, 1.414, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(dcd.Factor[0, 1].Real, 0.000, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(dcd.Factor[0, 2].Real, 0.000, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(dcd.Factor[1, 0].Real, 0.707, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(dcd.Factor[1, 1].Real, 1.225, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(dcd.Factor[1, 2].Real, 0.000, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(dcd.Factor[2, 0].Real, 0.000, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(dcd.Factor[2, 1].Real, 0.000, TOLERENCE);
            Assert.AreEqual(dcd.Factor[2, 2].Real, 1.732, TOLERENCE);
Пример #4
        public void Current()
            ComplexFloatMatrix test = new ComplexFloatMatrix(new ComplexFloat[2, 2] {
                { 1f, 2f }, { 3f, 4f }
            IEnumerator enumerator = test.GetEnumerator();
            bool        movenextresult;

            movenextresult = enumerator.MoveNext();
            Assert.AreEqual(enumerator.Current, test[0, 0]);

            movenextresult = enumerator.MoveNext();
            Assert.AreEqual(enumerator.Current, test[1, 0]);

            movenextresult = enumerator.MoveNext();
            Assert.AreEqual(enumerator.Current, test[0, 1]);

            movenextresult = enumerator.MoveNext();
            Assert.AreEqual(enumerator.Current, test[1, 1]);

            movenextresult = enumerator.MoveNext();
Пример #5
        ///<summary>Calculates the inverse of the matrix.</summary>
        ///<returns>the inverse of the matrix.</returns>
        ///<exception cref="NotPositiveDefiniteException">A is not positive definite.</exception>
        public ComplexFloatMatrix GetInverse()
            if (!ispd)
                throw new NotPositiveDefiniteException();
                var ret = ComplexFloatMatrix.CreateIdentity(order);
                ret = Solve(ret);
                ComplexFloat[] inverse = new ComplexFloat[l.data.Length];
                Array.Copy(l.data, inverse, l.data.Length);
                Lapack.Potri.Compute(Lapack.UpLo.Lower, order, inverse, order);
                ComplexFloatMatrix ret = new ComplexFloatMatrix(order, order);
                ret.data = inverse;
                for (int i = 0; i < order; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < order; j++)
                        if (j > i)
                            ret.data[j * order + i] = ComplexMath.Conjugate(ret.data[i * order + j]);
        public void GetInverseSingularTest()
            ComplexFloatMatrix   a   = new ComplexFloatMatrix(3, 3);
            ComplexFloatLUDecomp dlu = new ComplexFloatLUDecomp(a);

    /// <summary>Performs the QR factorization.</summary>
    protected override void InternalCompute() 
      int m = matrix.Rows;
      int n = matrix.Columns;
      int minmn = m < n ? m : n;
      r_ = new ComplexFloatMatrix(matrix); // create a copy
      ComplexFloatVector[] u = new ComplexFloatVector[minmn];
      for (int i = 0; i < minmn; i++) 
        u[i] = Householder.GenerateColumn(r_, i, m - 1, i);
        Householder.UA(u[i], r_, i, m - 1, i + 1, n - 1);
      q_ = ComplexFloatMatrix.CreateIdentity(m);
      for (int i = minmn - 1; i >= 0; i--) 
        Householder.UA(u[i], q_, i, m - 1, i, m - 1);
      qr = ComplexFloatMatrix.ToLinearComplexArray(matrix);
      jpvt = new int[n];
      jpvt[0] = 1;
      Lapack.Geqp3.Compute(m, n, qr, m, jpvt, out tau);
      r_ = new ComplexFloatMatrix(m, n);
      // Populate R

      for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
          if (i <= j) {
            r_.data[j * m + i] = qr[(jpvt[j]-1) * m + i];
          else {
            r_.data[j * m + i] = ComplexFloat.Zero;

      q_ = new ComplexFloatMatrix(m, m);
      for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
          if (j < n)
            q_.data[j * m + i] = qr[j * m + i];
            q_.data[j * m + i] = ComplexFloat.Zero;
      if( m < n ){
        Lapack.Ungqr.Compute(m, m, m, q_.data, m, tau);
      } else{
        Lapack.Ungqr.Compute(m, m, n, q_.data, m, tau);
      for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) 
        if (q_[i, i] == 0)
          isFullRank = false;
Пример #8
 ///<summary>Constructor for SVD decomposition class.</summary>
 ///<param name="matrix">The matrix to decompose.</param>
 ///<exception cref="ArgumentNullException">matrix is null.</exception>
 public ComplexFloatSVDDecomp(IROComplexFloatMatrix matrix)
     if (matrix == null)
         throw new System.ArgumentNullException("matrix cannot be null.");
     this.matrix = new ComplexFloatMatrix(matrix);
Пример #9
 public void CurrentException()
     ComplexFloatMatrix test = new ComplexFloatMatrix(new ComplexFloat[2, 2] {
         { 1f, 2f }, { 3f, 4f }
     IEnumerator enumerator = test.GetEnumerator();
     object      value      = enumerator.Current;
        public void IsSingularTest()
            ComplexFloatMatrix   b   = new ComplexFloatMatrix(3);
            ComplexFloatLUDecomp dlu = new ComplexFloatLUDecomp(b);

Пример #11
 private static void zscalColumn(ComplexFloatMatrix A, int Col, int Start, ComplexFloat z)
     // A part of column Col of matrix A from row Start to end multiply by z
     for (int i = Start; i < A.RowLength; i++)
         A[i, Col] = A[i, Col] * z;
Пример #12
        ///<summary>Solves a system on linear equations, AX=B, where A is the factored matrixed.</summary>
        ///<param name="B">RHS side of the system.</param>
        ///<returns>the solution matrix, X.</returns>
        ///<exception cref="ArgumentNullException">B is null.</exception>
        ///<exception cref="SingularMatrixException">Ais singular.</exception>
        ///<exception cref="ArgumentException">The number of rows of A and B must be the same.</exception>
        public ComplexFloatMatrix Solve(IROComplexFloatMatrix B)
            if (B == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("B cannot be null.");
            if (singular)
                throw new SingularMatrixException();
                if (B.Rows != order)
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("Matrix row dimensions must agree.");
                // Copy right hand side with pivoting
                int nx = B.Columns;
                ComplexFloatMatrix X = Pivot(B);

                // Solve L*Y = B(piv,:)
                for (int k = 0; k < order; k++)
                    for (int i = k + 1; i < order; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < nx; j++)
                            X.data[i][j] -= X.data[k][j] * factor[i][k];
                // Solve U*X = Y;
                for (int k = order - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                    for (int j = 0; j < nx; j++)
                        X.data[k][j] /= factor[k][k];
                    for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < nx; j++)
                            X.data[i][j] -= X.data[k][j] * factor[i][k];
                ComplexFloat[] rhs = ComplexFloatMatrix.ToLinearComplexArray(B);
                Lapack.Getrs.Compute(Lapack.Transpose.NoTrans, order, B.Columns, factor, order, pivots, rhs, B.Rows);
                ComplexFloatMatrix ret = new ComplexFloatMatrix(order, B.Columns);
                ret.data = rhs;
Пример #13
        ///<summary>Solves a system on linear equations, AX=B, where A is the factored matrixed.</summary>
        ///<param name="B">RHS side of the system.</param>
        ///<returns>the solution matrix, X.</returns>
        ///<exception cref="ArgumentNullException">B is null.</exception>
        ///<exception cref="NotPositiveDefiniteException">A is not positive definite.</exception>
        ///<exception cref="ArgumentException">The number of rows of A and B must be the same.</exception>
        public ComplexFloatMatrix Solve(IROComplexFloatMatrix B)
            if (B == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("B cannot be null.");
            if (!ispd)
                throw new NotPositiveDefiniteException();
                if (B.Rows != order)
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("Matrix row dimensions must agree.");
                // Copy right hand side.
                int cols = B.Columns;
                var X    = new ComplexFloatMatrix(B);
                for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++)
                    // Solve L*Y = B;
                    for (int i = 0; i < order; i++)
                        ComplexFloat sum = B[i, c];
                        for (int k = i - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                            sum -= l.data[i][k] * X.data[k][c];
                        X.data[i][c] = sum / l.data[i][i];

                    // Solve L'*X = Y;
                    for (int i = order - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        ComplexFloat sum = X.data[i][c];
                        for (int k = i + 1; k < order; k++)
                            sum -= ComplexMath.Conjugate(l.data[k][i]) * X.data[k][c];
                        X.data[i][c] = sum / ComplexMath.Conjugate(l.data[i][i]);

                ComplexFloat[] rhs = ComplexFloatMatrix.ToLinearComplexArray(B);
                Lapack.Potrs.Compute(Lapack.UpLo.Lower, order, B.Columns, l.data, order, rhs, B.Rows);
                ComplexFloatMatrix ret = new ComplexFloatMatrix(order, B.Columns);
                ret.data = rhs;
Пример #14
        private static ComplexFloat zdotc(ComplexFloatMatrix A, int Col1, int Col2, int Start)
            ComplexFloat z = ComplexFloat.Zero;

            for (int i = Start; i < A.RowLength; i++)
                z += A[i, Col2] * ComplexMath.Conjugate(A[i, Col1]);
Пример #15
        public void ForEach()
            ComplexFloatMatrix test = new ComplexFloatMatrix(new ComplexFloat[2, 2] {
                { 1f, 2f }, { 3f, 4f }

            foreach (ComplexFloat f in test)
Пример #16
 public void CurrentException()
     Assert.Throws(typeof(InvalidOperationException), () =>
         var test = new ComplexFloatMatrix(new ComplexFloat[2, 2] {
             { 1f, 2f }, { 3f, 4f }
         IEnumerator enumerator = test.GetEnumerator();
         object value           = enumerator.Current;
 public void CtorDimensions()
   ComplexFloatMatrix test = new ComplexFloatMatrix(2,2);
   Assert.AreEqual(test.RowLength, 2);
   Assert.AreEqual(test.ColumnLength, 2);
   Assert.AreEqual(test[0,0], ComplexFloat.Zero);
   Assert.AreEqual(test[0,1], ComplexFloat.Zero);
   Assert.AreEqual(test[1,0], ComplexFloat.Zero);
   Assert.AreEqual(test[1,1], ComplexFloat.Zero);
 public void CtorInitialValues()
   ComplexFloatMatrix test = new ComplexFloatMatrix(2,2,new ComplexFloat(1,1));
   Assert.AreEqual(test.RowLength, 2);
   Assert.AreEqual(test.ColumnLength, 2);
   ComplexFloat value = new ComplexFloat(1,1);
   Assert.AreEqual(test[0,0], value);
   Assert.AreEqual(test[0,1], value);
   Assert.AreEqual(test[1,0], value);
   Assert.AreEqual(test[1,1], value);
Пример #19
        private static void zswap(ComplexFloatMatrix A, int Col1, int Col2)
            // swap columns Col1,Col2
            ComplexFloat z;

            for (int i = 0; i < A.RowLength; i++)
                z          = A[i, Col1];
                A[i, Col1] = A[i, Col2];
                A[i, Col2] = z;
Пример #20
        ///<summary>Computes the algorithm.</summary>
        protected override void InternalCompute()
            l = new ComplexFloatMatrix(matrix);
            for (int j = 0; j < order; j++)
                ComplexFloat[] rowj = l.data[j];
                float          d    = 0.0f;
                for (int k = 0; k < j; k++)
                    ComplexFloat[] rowk = l.data[k];
                    ComplexFloat   s    = ComplexFloat.Zero;
                    for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                        s += rowk[i] * rowj[i];
                    rowj[k] = s = (matrix.data[j][k] - s) / l.data[k][k];
                    d       = d + (s * ComplexMath.Conjugate(s)).Real;
                d = matrix.data[j][j].Real - d;
                if (d <= 0.0)
                    ispd = false;
                l.data[j][j] = new ComplexFloat((float)System.Math.Sqrt(d));
                for (int k = j + 1; k < order; k++)
                    l.data[j][k] = ComplexFloat.Zero;
            ComplexFloat[] factor = new ComplexFloat[matrix.data.Length];
            Array.Copy(matrix.data, factor, matrix.data.Length);
            int status = Lapack.Potrf.Compute(Lapack.UpLo.Lower, order, factor, order);
            if (status != 0)
                ispd = false;
            l      = new ComplexFloatMatrix(order);
            l.data = factor;
            for (int i = 0; i < order; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < order; j++)
                    if (j > i)
                        l.data[j * order + i] = 0;
Пример #21
        private static float dznrm2Column(ComplexFloatMatrix A, int Col, int Start)
            //  dznrm2Column returns the euclidean norm of a vector,
            // which is a part of column Col in matrix A, beginning from Start to end of column
            // so that dznrm2Column := sqrt( conjg( matrix' )*matrix )
            float s = 0;

            for (int i = Start; i < A.RowLength; i++)
                s += (A[i, Col] * ComplexMath.Conjugate(A[i, Col])).Real;
Пример #22
        ///<summary>Solves a system on linear equations, AX=B, where A is the factored matrixed.</summary>
        ///<param name="B">RHS side of the system.</param>
        ///<returns>the solution vector, X.</returns>
        ///<exception cref="ArgumentNullException">B is null.</exception>
        ///<exception cref="NotPositiveDefiniteException">A is not positive definite.</exception>
        ///<exception cref="ArgumentException">The number of rows of A and the length of B must be the same.</exception>
        public ComplexFloatVector Solve(IROComplexFloatVector B)
            if (B == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("B cannot be null.");
            if (!ispd)
                throw new NotPositiveDefiniteException();
                if (B.Length != order)
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("The length of B must be the same as the order of the matrix.");
                // Copy right hand side.
                var X = new ComplexFloatVector(B);
                // Solve L*Y = B;
                for (int i = 0; i < order; i++)
                    ComplexFloat sum = B[i];
                    for (int k = i - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                        sum -= l.data[i][k] * X.data[k];
                    X.data[i] = sum / l.data[i][i];
                // Solve L'*X = Y;
                for (int i = order - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    ComplexFloat sum = X.data[i];
                    for (int k = i + 1; k < order; k++)
                        sum -= ComplexMath.Conjugate(l.data[k][i]) * X.data[k];
                    X.data[i] = sum / ComplexMath.Conjugate(l.data[i][i]);

                ComplexFloat[] rhs = ComplexFloatMatrix.ToLinearComplexArray(B);
                Lapack.Potrs.Compute(Lapack.UpLo.Lower, order, 1, l.data, order, rhs, B.Length);
                ComplexFloatVector ret = new ComplexFloatVector(order, B.Length);
                ret.data = rhs;
        public void SquareDecomp()
            ComplexFloatMatrix a = new ComplexFloatMatrix(3);

            a[0, 0] = new ComplexFloat(1.1f, 1.1f);
            a[0, 1] = new ComplexFloat(2.2f, -2.2f);
            a[0, 2] = new ComplexFloat(3.3f, 3.3f);
            a[1, 0] = new ComplexFloat(4.4f, -4.4f);
            a[1, 1] = new ComplexFloat(5.5f, 5.5f);
            a[1, 2] = new ComplexFloat(6.6f, -6.6f);
            a[2, 0] = new ComplexFloat(7.7f, 7.7f);
            a[2, 1] = new ComplexFloat(8.8f, -8.8f);
            a[2, 2] = new ComplexFloat(9.9f, 9.9f);

            ComplexFloatQRDecomp qrd = new ComplexFloatQRDecomp(a);
            ComplexFloatMatrix   qq  = qrd.Q.GetConjugateTranspose() * qrd.Q;
            ComplexFloatMatrix   qr  = qrd.Q * qrd.R;
            ComplexFloatMatrix   I   = ComplexFloatMatrix.CreateIdentity(3);

            // determine the maximum relative error
            double MaxError = 0.0;

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    double E = ComplexMath.Absolute((qq[i, j] - I[i, j]));
                    if (E > MaxError)
                        MaxError = E;

            Assert.IsTrue(MaxError < 1.0E-6);

            MaxError = 0.0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    double E = ComplexMath.Absolute((qr[i, j] - a[i, j]) / a[i, j]);
                    if (E > MaxError)
                        MaxError = E;

            Assert.IsTrue(MaxError < 2.4E-6);
 static ComplexFloatCholeskyDecompTest() 
   ComplexFloatMatrix a = new ComplexFloatMatrix(3);
   a[0,0] = 2;
   a[0,1] = new ComplexFloat(1,-1);
   a[0,2] = 0;
   a[1,0] = new ComplexFloat(1,-1);
   a[1,1] = 2;
   a[1,2] = 0;
   a[2,0] = 0;
   a[2,1] = 0;
   a[2,2] = 3;
   cd = new ComplexFloatCholeskyDecomp(a);
    ///<summary>Computes the algorithm.</summary>
    protected override void InternalCompute()
      l = new ComplexFloatMatrix(matrix);
      for (int j = 0; j < order; j++) 
        ComplexFloat[] rowj = l.data[j];
        float d = 0.0f;
        for (int k = 0; k < j; k++) 
          ComplexFloat[] rowk = l.data[k];
          ComplexFloat s = ComplexFloat.Zero;
          for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) 
            s += rowk[i]*rowj[i];
          rowj[k] = s = (matrix.data[j][k] - s)/l.data[k][k];
          d = d + (s*ComplexMath.Conjugate(s)).Real;
        d = matrix.data[j][j].Real - d;
        if ( d <= 0.0 ) 
          ispd = false;
        l.data[j][j] = new ComplexFloat((float)System.Math.Sqrt(d));
        for (int k = j+1; k < order; k++) 
          l.data[j][k] = ComplexFloat.Zero;
            ComplexFloat[] factor = new ComplexFloat[matrix.data.Length];
            Array.Copy(matrix.data, factor, matrix.data.Length);
            int status = Lapack.Potrf.Compute(Lapack.UpLo.Lower, order, factor, order);
            if (status != 0 ) {
                ispd = false;
            l = new ComplexFloatMatrix(order);
            l.data = factor;
            for (int i = 0; i < order; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < order; j++) {
                    if ( j > i) {
                        l.data[j*order+i] = 0;

 static ComplexFloatLUDecompTest() 
   ComplexFloatMatrix a = new ComplexFloatMatrix(3);
   a[0,0] = new ComplexFloat(-1,1);
   a[0,1] = 5;
   a[0,2] = 6;
   a[1,0] = 3;
   a[1,1] = -6;
   a[1,2] = 1;
   a[2,0] = 6;
   a[2,1] = 8;
   a[2,2] = 9;
   lu = new ComplexFloatLUDecomp(a);
Пример #27
        private static void zdrot(ComplexFloatMatrix A, int Col1, int Col2, float c, float s)
            // applies a plane rotation, where the c=cos and s=sin
            // Col1, Col2 - rotated columns of A

            ComplexFloat z;

            for (int i = 0; i < A.RowLength; i++)
                z          = c * A[i, Col1] + s * A[i, Col2];
                A[i, Col2] = c * A[i, Col2] - s * A[i, Col1];
                A[i, Col1] = z;
Пример #28
		public static bool AreEqual(ComplexFloatMatrix f1, ComplexFloatMatrix f2, float delta)
			if (f1.RowLength != f2.RowLength) return false;
			if (f1.ColumnLength != f2.ColumnLength) return false;
			for (int i = 0; i < f1.RowLength; i++)
				for (int j = 0; j < f1.ColumnLength; j++)
					if (!AreEqual(f1[i, j], f2[i, j], delta))
						return false;
			return true;
    public void SquareDecomp()
      ComplexFloatMatrix a = new ComplexFloatMatrix(3);
      a[0,0] = new ComplexFloat(1.1f, 1.1f);
      a[0,1] = new ComplexFloat(2.2f, -2.2f);
      a[0,2] = new ComplexFloat(3.3f, 3.3f);
      a[1,0] = new ComplexFloat(4.4f, -4.4f);
      a[1,1] = new ComplexFloat(5.5f, 5.5f);
      a[1,2] = new ComplexFloat(6.6f, -6.6f);
      a[2,0] = new ComplexFloat(7.7f, 7.7f);
      a[2,1] = new ComplexFloat(8.8f, -8.8f);
      a[2,2] = new ComplexFloat(9.9f, 9.9f);
      ComplexFloatQRDecomp qrd = new ComplexFloatQRDecomp(a);
      ComplexFloatMatrix qq = qrd.Q.GetConjugateTranspose()*qrd.Q;
      ComplexFloatMatrix qr = qrd.Q*qrd.R;
      ComplexFloatMatrix I = ComplexFloatMatrix.CreateIdentity(3);
      // determine the maximum relative error
      double MaxError = 0.0;
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) 
        for (int j = 0; i < 3; i++) 
          double E = ComplexMath.Absolute((qq[i, j] - I[i, j]));
          if (E > MaxError) 
            MaxError = E;
      Assert.IsTrue(MaxError < 1.0E-6);
      MaxError = 0.0;
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) 
        for (int j = 0; i < 3; i++) 
          double E = ComplexMath.Absolute((qr[i, j] - a[i, j]) / a[i, j]);
          if (E > MaxError) 
            MaxError = E;

      Assert.IsTrue(MaxError < 2.4E-6);
Пример #30
        ///<summary>Constructor for LU decomposition class. The constructor performs the factorization and the upper and
        ///lower matrices are accessible by the <c>U</c> and <c>L</c> properties.</summary>
        ///<param name="matrix">The matrix to factor.</param>
        ///<exception cref="ArgumentNullException">matrix is null.</exception>
        ///<exception cref="NotSquareMatrixException">matrix is not square.</exception>
        public ComplexFloatLUDecomp(IROComplexFloatMatrix matrix)
            if (matrix == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("matrix cannot be null.");

            if (matrix.Rows != matrix.Columns)
                throw new NotSquareMatrixException("Matrix must be square.");

            order       = matrix.Columns;
            this.matrix = new ComplexFloatMatrix(matrix);
        static ComplexFloatLUDecompTest()
            ComplexFloatMatrix a = new ComplexFloatMatrix(3);

            a[0, 0] = new ComplexFloat(-1, 1);
            a[0, 1] = 5;
            a[0, 2] = 6;
            a[1, 0] = 3;
            a[1, 1] = -6;
            a[1, 2] = 1;
            a[2, 0] = 6;
            a[2, 1] = 8;
            a[2, 2] = 9;
            lu      = new ComplexFloatLUDecomp(a);
    ///<summary>Constructor for Cholesky decomposition class. The constructor performs the factorization of a Hermitian positive
    ///definite matrax and the Cholesky factored matrix is accessible by the <c>Factor</c> property. The factor is the lower 
    ///triangular factor.</summary>
    ///<param name="matrix">The matrix to factor.</param>
    ///<exception cref="ArgumentNullException">matrix is null.</exception>
    ///<exception cref="NotSquareMatrixException">matrix is not square.</exception>
    ///<remarks>This class only uses the lower triangle of the input matrix. It ignores the
    ///upper triangle.</remarks>
    public ComplexFloatCholeskyDecomp(IROComplexFloatMatrix matrix)
      if ( matrix == null ) 
        throw new System.ArgumentNullException("matrix cannot be null.");

      if ( matrix.Rows != matrix.Columns ) 
        throw new NotSquareMatrixException("Matrix must be square.");

      order = matrix.Columns;
      this.matrix = new ComplexFloatMatrix(matrix);
Пример #33
        static ComplexFloatCholeskyDecompTest()
            ComplexFloatMatrix a = new ComplexFloatMatrix(3);

            a[0, 0] = 2;
            a[0, 1] = new ComplexFloat(1, -1);
            a[0, 2] = 0;
            a[1, 0] = new ComplexFloat(1, -1);
            a[1, 1] = 2;
            a[1, 2] = 0;
            a[2, 0] = 0;
            a[2, 1] = 0;
            a[2, 2] = 3;
            cd      = new ComplexFloatCholeskyDecomp(a);
Пример #34
        private ComplexFloatMatrix Pivot(IROComplexFloatMatrix B)
            int m = B.Rows;
            int n = B.Columns;

            ComplexFloatMatrix ret = new ComplexFloatMatrix(m, n);

            for (int i = 0; i < pivots.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                    ret.data[i][j] = B[pivots[i], j];
Пример #35
        ///<summary>Solves a system on linear equations, AX=B, where A is the factored matrixed.</summary>
        ///<param name="B">RHS side of the system.</param>
        ///<returns>the solution vector, X.</returns>
        ///<exception cref="ArgumentNullException">B is null.</exception>
        ///<exception cref="SingularMatrixException">A is singular.</exception>
        ///<exception cref="ArgumentException">The number of rows of A and the length of B must be the same.</exception>
        public ComplexFloatVector Solve(IROComplexFloatVector B)
            if (B == null)
                throw new System.ArgumentNullException("B cannot be null.");
            if (singular)
                throw new SingularMatrixException();
                if (B.Length != order)
                    throw new System.ArgumentException("The length of B must be the same as the order of the matrix.");
                // Copy right hand side with pivoting
                ComplexFloatVector X = Pivot(B);

                // Solve L*Y = B(piv,:)
                for (int k = 0; k < order; k++)
                    for (int i = k + 1; i < order; i++)
                        X[i] -= X[k] * factor[i][k];
                // Solve U*X = Y;
                for (int k = order - 1; k >= 0; k--)
                    X[k] /= factor[k][k];
                    for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                        X[i] -= X[k] * factor[i][k];
                ComplexFloat[] rhs = ComplexFloatMatrix.ToLinearComplexArray(B);
                Lapack.Getrs.Compute(Lapack.Transpose.NoTrans, order, 1, factor, order, pivots, rhs, rhs.Length);
                return(new ComplexFloatVector(rhs));
 public void CtorCopy()
   ComplexFloatMatrix a = new ComplexFloatMatrix(2,2);
   a[0,0] = new ComplexFloat(1,1);     
   a[0,1] = new ComplexFloat(2,2);     
   a[1,0] = new ComplexFloat(3,3);     
   a[1,1] = new ComplexFloat(4,4); 
   ComplexFloatMatrix b = new ComplexFloatMatrix(a);
   Assert.AreEqual(a.RowLength, b.RowLength);
   Assert.AreEqual(a.ColumnLength, b.ColumnLength);
   Assert.AreEqual(a[0,0], b[0,0]);
   Assert.AreEqual(a[0,1], b[0,1]);
   Assert.AreEqual(a[1,0], b[1,0]);
   Assert.AreEqual(a[1,1], b[1,1]);
Пример #37
        ///<summary>Multiply a <c>ComplexFloatVector</c> with another <c>ComplexFloatVector</c> as x*y^T</summary>
        ///<param name="lhs"><c>ComplexFloatVector</c> as left hand operand.</param>
        ///<param name="rhs"><c>ComplexFloatVector</c> as right hand operand.</param>
        ///<returns><c>ComplexFloatVector</c> with results.</returns>
        public static ComplexFloatMatrix operator *(ComplexFloatVector lhs, ComplexFloatVector rhs)
            ComplexFloatMatrix ret = new ComplexFloatMatrix(lhs.data.Length, rhs.data.Length);

            for (int i = 0; i < lhs.data.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < rhs.data.Length; j++)
                    ret[i, j] = lhs.data[i] * rhs.data[j];
            Blas.Geru.Compute(Blas.Order.ColumnMajor, lhs.data.Length, rhs.data.Length, 1, lhs.data, 1, rhs.data, 1, ret.data, lhs.data.Length);
Пример #38
        public void IsPositiveDefiniteTest()
            ComplexFloatMatrix b = new ComplexFloatMatrix(3);

            b[0, 0] = -2;
            b[0, 1] = 1;
            b[0, 2] = 0;
            b[1, 0] = 1;
            b[1, 1] = 2;
            b[1, 2] = 0;
            b[2, 0] = 0;
            b[2, 1] = 0;
            b[2, 2] = 3;
            ComplexFloatCholeskyDecomp dcd = new ComplexFloatCholeskyDecomp(b);

        public void WTest()
            ComplexFloatMatrix test = wsvd.U * wsvd.W * wsvd.V.GetConjugateTranspose();
            float e;
            float me = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < test.RowLength; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < test.ColumnLength; j++)
                    e = ComplexMath.Absolute((wa[i, j] - test[i, j]) / wa[i, j]);
                    if (e > me)
                        me = e;
            Assert.IsTrue(me < TOLERENCE, "Maximum Error = " + me.ToString());
Пример #40
 public static bool AreEqual(ComplexFloatMatrix f1, ComplexFloatMatrix f2, float delta)
     if (f1.RowLength != f2.RowLength)
     if (f1.ColumnLength != f2.ColumnLength)
     for (int i = 0; i < f1.RowLength; i++)
         for (int j = 0; j < f1.ColumnLength; j++)
             if (!AreEqual(f1[i, j], f2[i, j], delta))
Пример #41
        private void SetLU()
            l = new ComplexFloatMatrix(order, order);
            u = new ComplexFloatMatrix(order, order);
            /* Finalize L and U */
            for (int i = 0; i < order; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < order; j++)
                    if (i > j)
                        l.data[i][j] = factor[i][j];
                        u.data[i][j] = factor[i][j];
                l.data[i][i] = ComplexFloat.One;
            for (int i = 0; i < order; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < order; j++)
                    if (i > j)
                        l.data[j * order + i] = factor[j * order + i];
                        u.data[j * order + i] = factor[j * order + i];
                l.data[i * order + i] = ComplexFloat.One;
 public void NonSymmFactorTest()
   ComplexFloatMatrix b = new ComplexFloatMatrix(3);
   b[0,0] = 2;
   b[0,1] = 1;
   b[0,2] = 1;
   b[1,0] = 1;
   b[1,1] = 2;
   b[1,2] = 0;
   b[2,0] = 0;
   b[2,1] = 0;
   b[2,2] = 3;
   ComplexFloatCholeskyDecomp dcd = new ComplexFloatCholeskyDecomp(b);
 public void SetupTestCases() 
   a = new ComplexFloatMatrix(3);
   a[0,0] = new ComplexFloat(1.1f, 1.1f);
   a[0,1] = new ComplexFloat(2.2f, -2.2f);
   a[0,2] = new ComplexFloat(3.3f, 3.3f);
   a[1,0] = new ComplexFloat(4.4f, -4.4f);
   a[1,1] = new ComplexFloat(5.5f, 5.5f);
   a[1,2] = new ComplexFloat(6.6f, -6.6f);
   a[2,0] = new ComplexFloat(7.7f, 7.7f);
   a[2,1] = new ComplexFloat(8.8f, -8.8f);
   a[2,2] = new ComplexFloat(9.9f, 9.9f);
   svd = new ComplexFloatSVDDecomp(a, true);
   wa = new ComplexFloatMatrix(2,4);
   wa[0,0] = new ComplexFloat(1.1f, 1.1f);
   wa[0,1] = new ComplexFloat(2.2f, -2.2f);
   wa[0,2] = new ComplexFloat(3.3f, 3.3f);
   wa[0,3] = new ComplexFloat(4.4f, -4.4f);
   wa[1,0] = new ComplexFloat(5.5f, 5.5f);
   wa[1,1] = new ComplexFloat(6.6f, -6.6f);
   wa[1,2] = new ComplexFloat(7.7f, 7.7f);
   wa[1,3] = new ComplexFloat(8.8f, -8.8f);
   wsvd = new ComplexFloatSVDDecomp(wa, true);
   la = new ComplexFloatMatrix(4,2);
   la[0,0] = new ComplexFloat(1.1f, 1.1f);
   la[0,1] = new ComplexFloat(2.2f, -2.2f);
   la[1,0] = new ComplexFloat(3.3f, 3.3f);
   la[1,1] = new ComplexFloat(4.4f, -4.4f);
   la[2,0] = new ComplexFloat(5.5f, 5.5f);
   la[2,1] = new ComplexFloat(6.6f, -6.6f);
   la[3,0] = new ComplexFloat(7.7f, 7.7f);
   la[3,1] = new ComplexFloat(8.8f, -8.8f);
   lsvd = new ComplexFloatSVDDecomp(la, true);
    /// <summary>
    /// Get a copy of the Toeplitz matrix.
    /// </summary>
    public ComplexFloatMatrix GetMatrix()
      int i, j;

      // allocate memory for the matrix
      ComplexFloatMatrix tm = new ComplexFloatMatrix(m_Order);

      // fill top row
      ComplexFloat[] top = tm.data[0];
      Array.Copy(m_LeftColumn.data, 0, top, 0, m_Order);

      if (m_Order > 1)
        // fill bottom row (reverse order)
        ComplexFloat[] bottom = tm.data[m_Order - 1];

        for (i = 0, j = m_Order - 1; i < m_Order; i++, j--)
          bottom[i] = m_LeftColumn[j];

        // fill rows in-between
        for (i = 1, j = m_Order - 1 ; j > 1; i++)
          Array.Copy(top, 0, tm.data[i], i, j--);
          Array.Copy(bottom, j, tm.data[i], 0, i);
      if (m_Order > 1)
        ComplexFloat[] top = new ComplexFloat[m_Order];
        Array.Copy(m_LeftColumn.data, 0, top, 0, m_Order);
        tm.SetRow(0, top);

        // fill bottom row (reverse order)
        ComplexFloat[] bottom = new ComplexFloat[m_Order];

        for (i = 0, j = m_Order - 1; i < m_Order; i++, j--)
          bottom[i] = m_LeftColumn[j];

        // fill rows in-between
        for (i = 1, j = m_Order - 1 ; j > 0; i++)
          ComplexFloat[] temp = new ComplexFloat[m_Order];
          Array.Copy(top, 0, temp, i, j--);
          Array.Copy(bottom, j, temp, 0, i);
          tm.SetRow(i, temp);
        Array.Copy(m_LeftColumn.data, 0, tm.data, 0, m_Order);

      return tm;
    /// <summary>
    /// Invert a symmetric square Toeplitz matrix.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="T">The left-most column of the symmetric Toeplitz matrix.</param>
    /// <returns>The inverse matrix.</returns>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
    /// <B>T</B> is a null reference.
    /// </exception>
    /// <exception cref="RankException">
    /// The length of <B>T</B> must be greater than zero.
    /// </exception>
    /// <exception cref="SingularMatrixException">
    /// The Toeplitz matrix or one of the the leading sub-matrices is singular.
    /// </exception>
    /// <remarks>
    /// This static member combines the <b>UDL</b> decomposition and Trench's algorithm into a
    /// single algorithm. When compared to the non-static member it requires minimal data storage
    /// and suffers from no speed penalty.
    /// <para>
    /// Trench's algorithm requires <b>N</b> squared FLOPS, compared to <b>N</b> cubed FLOPS
    /// if we simply solved a linear Toeplitz system with a right-side identity matrix (<b>N</b> is the matrix order).
    /// </para>
    /// </remarks>
    public static ComplexFloatMatrix Inverse(IROComplexFloatVector T)

      ComplexFloatMatrix X;

      // check parameters
      if (T == null)
        throw new System.ArgumentNullException("T");
      else if (T.Length < 1)
        throw new System.RankException("The length of T must be greater than zero.");
      else if (T.Length == 1)
        X = new ComplexFloatMatrix(1);
        X[0, 0] = ComplexFloat.One / T[0];

        int N = T.Length;
        ComplexFloat f, g;
        int i, j, l, k, m, n;
        X = new ComplexFloatMatrix(N);

        // calculate the predictor coefficients
        ComplexFloatVector Y = ComplexFloatSymmetricLevinson.YuleWalker(T);

        // calculate gamma
        f = T[0];
        for (i = 1, j = 0; i < N; i++, j++)
          f += T[i] * Y[j];
        g = ComplexFloat.One / f;

        // calculate first row of inverse
        X[0, 0] = g;
        for (i = 1, j = 0; i < N; i++, j++)
          X[0, i] = g * Y[j];

        // calculate successive rows of upper wedge
        for (i = 0, j = 1, k = N - 2; i < N / 2; i++, j++, k--)
          for (l = j, m = i, n = N-1-j; l < N - j; l++, m++, n--)
            X[j, l] = X[i, m] + g * (Y[i] * Y[m] - Y[k] * Y[n]);

        // this is symmetric matrix ...
        for (i = 0; i <= N / 2; i++)
          for (j = i + 1; j < N - i; j++)
            X[j, i] = X[i, j];

        // and a persymmetric matrix.
        for (i = 0, j = N - 1; i < N; i++, j--)
          for (k = 0, l = N - 1; k < j; k++, l--)
            X[l, j] = X[i, k];


      return X;
    /// <summary>
    /// Solve a symmetric square Toeplitz system with a right-side matrix.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="T">The left-most column of the Toeplitz matrix.</param>
    /// <param name="Y">The right-side matrix of the system.</param>
    /// <returns>The solution matrix.</returns>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
    /// <B>T</B> and/or <B>Y</B> are null references
    /// </exception>
    /// <exception cref="RankException">
    /// The length of <B>T</B> does not match the number of rows in <B>Y</B>.
    /// </exception>
    /// <exception cref="SingularMatrixException">
    /// The Toeplitz matrix or one of the the leading sub-matrices is singular.
    /// </exception>
    /// <remarks>
    /// This method solves the linear system <B>AX</B> = <B>Y</B>. Where
    /// <B>T</B> is a symmetric square Toeplitz matrix, <B>X</B> is an unknown
    /// matrix and <B>Y</B> is a known matrix.
    /// <para>
    /// This static member combines the <b>UDL</b> decomposition and the calculation of the solution into a
    /// single algorithm. When compared to the non-static member it requires minimal data storage
    /// and suffers from no speed penalty.
    /// </para>
    /// </remarks>
    public static ComplexFloatMatrix Solve(IROComplexFloatVector T, IROComplexFloatMatrix Y)

      ComplexFloatMatrix X;

      // check parameters
      if (T == null)
        throw new System.ArgumentNullException("T");
      else if (Y == null)
        throw new System.ArgumentNullException("Y");
      else if (T.Length != Y.Columns)
        throw new RankException("The length of T and Y are not equal.");

        // allocate memory
        int N = T.Length;
        int M = Y.Rows;
        X = new ComplexFloatMatrix(N, M);                 // solution matrix
        ComplexFloatVector Z = new ComplexFloatVector(N);       // temporary storage vector
        ComplexFloat e;                                   // prediction error
        int i, j, l, m;

        // setup zero order solution
        e = T[0];
        if (e == ComplexFloat.Zero)
          throw new SingularMatrixException("The Toeplitz matrix or one of the the leading sub-matrices is singular.");
        for (m = 0; m < M; m++)
          X[0, m] = Y[0,m] / T[0];

        if (N > 1)

          ComplexFloatVector a = new ComplexFloatVector(N - 1);   // prediction coefficients
          ComplexFloat p;                                   // reflection coefficient
          ComplexFloat inner;                               // inner product
          ComplexFloat k;

          // calculate solution for successive orders
          for (i = 1; i < N; i++)

            // calculate first inner product
            inner = T[i];
            for (j = 0, l = i - 1; j < i - 1; j++, l--)
              inner += a[j] * T[l];

            // update predictor coefficients
            p = -(inner / e);
            for (j = 0, l = i - 2; j < i - 1; j++, l--)
              Z[j] = a[j] + p * a[l];

            // copy vector
            for (j = 0; j < i - 1; j++)
              a[j] = Z[j];

            a[i - 1] = p;
            e *= (ComplexFloat.One - p * p);

            if (e == ComplexFloat.Zero)
              throw new SingularMatrixException("The Toeplitz matrix or one of the the leading sub-matrices is singular.");

            // update the solution matrix
            for (m = 0; m < M; m++)

              // retrieve a copy of solution column
              for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
                Z[j] = X[j, m];

              // calculate second inner product
              inner = Y[i, m];
              for (j = 0, l = i; j < i; j++, l--)
                inner -= Z[j] * T[l];

              // update solution vector
              k = inner / e;
              for (j = 0, l = i - 1; j < i; j++, l--)
                Z[j] = Z[j] + k * a[l];
              Z[j] = k;

              // store solution column in matrix
              for (j = 0; j <= i; j++)
                X[j, m] = Z[j];





      return X;
 public void Invert()
   ComplexFloatMatrix a = new ComplexFloatMatrix(2,2);
   a[0,0] = new ComplexFloat(2);
   a[0,1] = new ComplexFloat(4);
   a[1,0] = new ComplexFloat(3);
   a[1,1] = new ComplexFloat(7);
   Assert.AreEqual(a[0,0].Real, 3.500,TOLERENCE);
   Assert.AreEqual(a[0,1].Real, -2.000,TOLERENCE);
   Assert.AreEqual(a[1,0].Real, -1.500,TOLERENCE);
   Assert.AreEqual(a[1,1].Real, 1.000,TOLERENCE);
 public void GetTransposeLong()
   ComplexFloatMatrix a = new ComplexFloatMatrix(3,2);
   a[0,0] = new ComplexFloat(1);
   a[0,1] = new ComplexFloat(2);
   a[1,0] = new ComplexFloat(3);
   a[1,1] = new ComplexFloat(4);
   a[2,0] = new ComplexFloat(5);
   a[2,1] = new ComplexFloat(6);
   ComplexFloatMatrix b = a.GetTranspose();
   Assert.AreEqual(b[0,0], a[0,0]);
   Assert.AreEqual(b[0,1], a[1,0]);
   Assert.AreEqual(b[0,2], a[2,0]);
   Assert.AreEqual(b[1,0], a[0,1]);
   Assert.AreEqual(b[1,1], a[1,1]);
   Assert.AreEqual(b[1,2], a[2,1]);
   Assert.AreEqual(b.RowLength, a.ColumnLength);
   Assert.AreEqual(b.ColumnLength, a.RowLength);
    public void SetupTestCases()
      // unit testing values - order 1

      LC1 = new ComplexFloatVector(1);
      LC1[0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +1.0000000E+000f);

      TR1 = new ComplexFloatVector(1);
      TR1[0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +1.0000000E+000f);

      L1 = new ComplexFloatMatrix(1);
      L1[0, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);

      D1 = new ComplexFloatVector(1);
      D1[0] = new ComplexFloat(+5.0000000E-001f, -5.0000000E-001f);

      U1 = new ComplexFloatMatrix(1);
      U1[0, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);

      Det1 = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +1.0000000E+000f);

      I1 = new ComplexFloatMatrix(1);
      I1[0, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+5.0000000E-001f, -5.0000000E-001f);

      X1 = new ComplexFloatVector(1);
      X1[0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);

      Y1 = new ComplexFloatVector(1);
      Y1[0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +1.0000000E+000f);

      // unit testing values - order 2

      LC2 = new ComplexFloatVector(2);
      LC2[0] = new ComplexFloat(+3.0000000E+000f, +3.0000000E+000f);
      LC2[1] = new ComplexFloat(+2.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);

      TR2 = new ComplexFloatVector(2);
      TR2[0] = new ComplexFloat(+3.0000000E+000f, +3.0000000E+000f);
      TR2[1] = new ComplexFloat(+2.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);

      L2 = new ComplexFloatMatrix(2);
      L2[0, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      L2[1, 0] = new ComplexFloat(-3.3333333E-001f, +3.3333333E-001f);
      L2[1, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);

      D2 = new ComplexFloatVector(2);
      D2[0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.6666667E-001f, -1.6666667E-001f);
      D2[1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.2352941E-001f, -1.9411765E-001f);

      U2 = new ComplexFloatMatrix(2);
      U2[0, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      U2[0, 1] = new ComplexFloat(-3.3333333E-001f, +3.3333333E-001f);
      U2[1, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);

      Det2 = new ComplexFloat(-4.0000000E+000f, +1.8000000E+001f);

      I2 = new ComplexFloatMatrix(2);
      I2[0, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.2352941E-001f, -1.9411765E-001f);
      I2[0, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+2.3529412E-002f, +1.0588235E-001f);
      I2[1, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+2.3529412E-002f, +1.0588235E-001f);
      I2[1, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.2352941E-001f, -1.9411765E-001f);

      X2 = new ComplexFloatVector(2);
      X2[0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      X2[1] = new ComplexFloat(+2.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);

      Y2 = new ComplexFloatVector(2);
      Y2[0] = new ComplexFloat(+7.0000000E+000f, +3.0000000E+000f);
      Y2[1] = new ComplexFloat(+8.0000000E+000f, +6.0000000E+000f);

      // unit testing values - order 3

      LC3 = new ComplexFloatVector(3);
      LC3[0] = new ComplexFloat(+3.0000000E+000f, +3.0000000E+000f);
      LC3[1] = new ComplexFloat(+2.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      LC3[2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);

      TR3 = new ComplexFloatVector(3);
      TR3[0] = new ComplexFloat(+3.0000000E+000f, +3.0000000E+000f);
      TR3[1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      TR3[2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);

      L3 = new ComplexFloatMatrix(3);
      L3[0, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      L3[1, 0] = new ComplexFloat(-3.3333333E-001f, +3.3333333E-001f);
      L3[1, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      L3[2, 0] = new ComplexFloat(-1.7073171E-001f, -3.6585366E-002f);
      L3[2, 1] = new ComplexFloat(-2.9878049E-001f, +3.1097561E-001f);
      L3[2, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);

      D3 = new ComplexFloatVector(3);
      D3[0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.6666667E-001f, -1.6666667E-001f);
      D3[1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.4634146E-001f, -1.8292683E-001f);
      D3[2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.4776571E-001f, -1.9120527E-001f);

      U3 = new ComplexFloatMatrix(3);
      U3[0, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      U3[0, 1] = new ComplexFloat(-1.6666667E-001f, +1.6666667E-001f);
      U3[1, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      U3[0, 2] = new ComplexFloat(-1.5243902E-001f, +1.2804878E-001f);
      U3[1, 2] = new ComplexFloat(-1.5853659E-001f, +7.3170732E-002f);
      U3[2, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);

      Det3 = new ComplexFloat(-6.4000000E+001f, +3.9000000E+001f);

      I3 = new ComplexFloatMatrix(3);
      I3[0, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.4776571E-001f, -1.9120527E-001f);
      I3[0, 1] = new ComplexFloat(-9.4356418E-003f, +4.1125156E-002f);
      I3[0, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.9583408E-003f, +4.8068364E-002f);
      I3[1, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.5310664E-002f, +1.0307994E-001f);
      I3[1, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.3637173E-001f, -1.9814848E-001f);
      I3[1, 2] = new ComplexFloat(-9.4356418E-003f, +4.1125156E-002f);
      I3[2, 0] = new ComplexFloat(-3.2223607E-002f, +2.7238740E-002f);
      I3[2, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.5310664E-002f, +1.0307994E-001f);
      I3[2, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.4776571E-001f, -1.9120527E-001f);

      X3 = new ComplexFloatVector(3);
      X3[0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      X3[1] = new ComplexFloat(+2.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      X3[2] = new ComplexFloat(+3.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);

      Y3 = new ComplexFloatVector(3);
      Y3[0] = new ComplexFloat(+8.0000000E+000f, +3.0000000E+000f);
      Y3[1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.1000000E+001f, +6.0000000E+000f);
      Y3[2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.4000000E+001f, +9.0000000E+000f);

      // unit testing values - order 4

      LC4 = new ComplexFloatVector(4);
      LC4[0] = new ComplexFloat(+4.0000000E+000f, +4.0000000E+000f);
      LC4[1] = new ComplexFloat(+3.0000000E+000f, +3.0000000E+000f);
      LC4[2] = new ComplexFloat(+2.0000000E+000f, +2.0000000E+000f);
      LC4[3] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +1.0000000E+000f);

      TR4 = new ComplexFloatVector(4);
      TR4[0] = new ComplexFloat(+4.0000000E+000f, +4.0000000E+000f);
      TR4[1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +1.0000000E+000f);
      TR4[2] = new ComplexFloat(+2.0000000E+000f, +2.0000000E+000f);
      TR4[3] = new ComplexFloat(+3.0000000E+000f, +3.0000000E+000f);

      L4 = new ComplexFloatMatrix(4);
      L4[0, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      L4[1, 0] = new ComplexFloat(-7.5000000E-001f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      L4[1, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      L4[2, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+7.6923077E-002f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      L4[2, 1] = new ComplexFloat(-7.6923077E-001f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      L4[2, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      L4[3, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+9.0909091E-002f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      L4[3, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+9.0909091E-002f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      L4[3, 2] = new ComplexFloat(-8.1818182E-001f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      L4[3, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);

      D4 = new ComplexFloatVector(4);
      D4[0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.2500000E-001f, -1.2500000E-001f);
      D4[1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.5384615E-001f, -1.5384615E-001f);
      D4[2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.4772727E-001f, -1.4772727E-001f);
      D4[3] = new ComplexFloat(+1.3750000E-001f, -1.3750000E-001f);

      U4 = new ComplexFloatMatrix(4);
      U4[0, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      U4[0, 1] = new ComplexFloat(-2.5000000E-001f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      U4[1, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      U4[0, 2] = new ComplexFloat(-5.3846154E-001f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      U4[1, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.5384615E-001f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      U4[2, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      U4[0, 3] = new ComplexFloat(-8.1818182E-001f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      U4[1, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+9.0909091E-002f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      U4[2, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+9.0909091E-002f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      U4[3, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);

      Det4 = new ComplexFloat(-6.4000000E+002f, +0.0000000E+000f);

      I4 = new ComplexFloatMatrix(4);
      I4[0, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.3750000E-001f, -1.3750000E-001f);
      I4[0, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.2500000E-002f, -1.2500000E-002f);
      I4[0, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.2500000E-002f, -1.2500000E-002f);
      I4[0, 3] = new ComplexFloat(-1.1250000E-001f, +1.1250000E-001f);
      I4[1, 0] = new ComplexFloat(-1.1250000E-001f, +1.1250000E-001f);
      I4[1, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.3750000E-001f, -1.3750000E-001f);
      I4[1, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.2500000E-002f, -1.2500000E-002f);
      I4[1, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+1.2500000E-002f, -1.2500000E-002f);
      I4[2, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.2500000E-002f, -1.2500000E-002f);
      I4[2, 1] = new ComplexFloat(-1.1250000E-001f, +1.1250000E-001f);
      I4[2, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.3750000E-001f, -1.3750000E-001f);
      I4[2, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+1.2500000E-002f, -1.2500000E-002f);
      I4[3, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.2500000E-002f, -1.2500000E-002f);
      I4[3, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.2500000E-002f, -1.2500000E-002f);
      I4[3, 2] = new ComplexFloat(-1.1250000E-001f, +1.1250000E-001f);
      I4[3, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+1.3750000E-001f, -1.3750000E-001f);

      X4 = new ComplexFloatVector(4);
      X4[0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      X4[1] = new ComplexFloat(+2.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      X4[2] = new ComplexFloat(+3.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      X4[3] = new ComplexFloat(+4.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);

      Y4 = new ComplexFloatVector(4);
      Y4[0] = new ComplexFloat(+2.4000000E+001f, +2.4000000E+001f);
      Y4[1] = new ComplexFloat(+2.2000000E+001f, +2.2000000E+001f);
      Y4[2] = new ComplexFloat(+2.4000000E+001f, +2.4000000E+001f);
      Y4[3] = new ComplexFloat(+3.0000000E+001f, +3.0000000E+001f);

      // unit testing values - order 5

      LC5 = new ComplexFloatVector(5);
      LC5[0] = new ComplexFloat(+5.0000000E+000f, +1.0000000E+000f);
      LC5[1] = new ComplexFloat(+4.0000000E+000f, +1.0000000E+000f);
      LC5[2] = new ComplexFloat(+3.0000000E+000f, +1.0000000E+000f);
      LC5[3] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +1.0000000E+000f);
      LC5[4] = new ComplexFloat(+0.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);

      TR5 = new ComplexFloatVector(5);
      TR5[0] = new ComplexFloat(+5.0000000E+000f, +1.0000000E+000f);
      TR5[1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +4.0000000E+000f);
      TR5[2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +3.0000000E+000f);
      TR5[3] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +1.0000000E+000f);
      TR5[4] = new ComplexFloat(+0.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);

      L5 = new ComplexFloatMatrix(5);
      L5[0, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      L5[1, 0] = new ComplexFloat(-8.0769231E-001f, -3.8461538E-002f);
      L5[1, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      L5[2, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+3.8400000E-002f, +1.1200000E-002f);
      L5[2, 1] = new ComplexFloat(-8.1280000E-001f, -7.0400000E-002f);
      L5[2, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      L5[3, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+2.2603093E-001f, +9.7680412E-002f);
      L5[3, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+8.8659794E-002f, -4.9484536E-002f);
      L5[3, 2] = new ComplexFloat(-8.9149485E-001f, -2.3788660E-001f);
      L5[3, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      L5[4, 0] = new ComplexFloat(-1.1100961E-001f, +5.9189712E-002f);
      L5[4, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+2.3807881E-001f, +1.3619525E-001f);
      L5[4, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0797070E-001f, +5.4774906E-003f);
      L5[4, 3] = new ComplexFloat(-8.0625940E-001f, -2.8594254E-001f);
      L5[4, 4] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);

      D5 = new ComplexFloatVector(5);
      D5[0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.9230769E-001f, -3.8461538E-002f);
      D5[1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.8080000E-001f, +9.4400000E-002f);
      D5[2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.8015464E-001f, +8.8402062E-002f);
      D5[3] = new ComplexFloat(+1.5698660E-001f, +6.5498707E-002f);
      D5[4] = new ComplexFloat(+1.6335863E-001f, +5.3379923E-002f);

      U5 = new ComplexFloatMatrix(5);
      U5[0, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      U5[0, 1] = new ComplexFloat(-3.4615385E-001f, -7.3076923E-001f);
      U5[1, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      U5[0, 2] = new ComplexFloat(-5.6320000E-001f, -4.9760000E-001f);
      U5[1, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+8.9600000E-002f, -3.0720000E-001f);
      U5[2, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      U5[0, 3] = new ComplexFloat(-7.7757732E-001f, +1.8298969E-002f);
      U5[1, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+7.0103093E-002f, -4.5773196E-001f);
      U5[2, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+5.9536082E-002f, -3.1520619E-001f);
      U5[3, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      U5[0, 4] = new ComplexFloat(-3.8732272E-001f, +5.0102819E-001f);
      U5[1, 4] = new ComplexFloat(-3.1309322E-001f, -3.3622620E-001f);
      U5[2, 4] = new ComplexFloat(+6.0556288E-002f, -3.9414442E-001f);
      U5[3, 4] = new ComplexFloat(-7.6951473E-002f, -2.3979216E-001f);
      U5[4, 4] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);

      Det5 = new ComplexFloat(+5.0900000E+002f, -4.2310000E+003f);

      I5 = new ComplexFloatMatrix(5);
      I5[0, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.6335863E-001f, +5.3379923E-002f);
      I5[0, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+2.2939970E-004f, -4.3279784E-002f);
      I5[0, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+3.0931791E-002f, -6.1154404E-002f);
      I5[0, 3] = new ComplexFloat(-3.3198751E-002f, -7.1638344E-002f);
      I5[0, 4] = new ComplexFloat(-9.0017358E-002f, +6.1172024E-002f);
      I5[1, 0] = new ComplexFloat(-1.1644584E-001f, -8.9749247E-002f);
      I5[1, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.4442611E-001f, +1.0032784E-001f);
      I5[1, 2] = new ComplexFloat(-1.2433728E-002f, -5.1220119E-003f);
      I5[1, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+4.7268453E-002f, -1.4096573E-005f);
      I5[1, 4] = new ComplexFloat(-3.3198751E-002f, -7.1638344E-002f);
      I5[2, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.7345558E-002f, +6.6582631E-003f);
      I5[2, 1] = new ComplexFloat(-1.2410964E-001f, -1.0040846E-001f);
      I5[2, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.4624793E-001f, +1.1547147E-001f);
      I5[2, 3] = new ComplexFloat(-1.2433728E-002f, -5.1220119E-003f);
      I5[2, 4] = new ComplexFloat(+3.0931791E-002f, -6.1154404E-002f);
      I5[3, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+3.1622138E-002f, +3.4957299E-002f);
      I5[3, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+2.3108689E-002f, -1.2234063E-002f);
      I5[3, 2] = new ComplexFloat(-1.2410964E-001f, -1.0040846E-001f);
      I5[3, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+1.4442611E-001f, +1.0032784E-001f);
      I5[3, 4] = new ComplexFloat(+2.2939970E-004f, -4.3279784E-002f);
      I5[4, 0] = new ComplexFloat(-2.1293920E-002f, +3.7434662E-003f);
      I5[4, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+3.1622138E-002f, +3.4957299E-002f);
      I5[4, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.7345558E-002f, +6.6582631E-003f);
      I5[4, 3] = new ComplexFloat(-1.1644584E-001f, -8.9749247E-002f);
      I5[4, 4] = new ComplexFloat(+1.6335863E-001f, +5.3379923E-002f);

      X5 = new ComplexFloatVector(5);
      X5[0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      X5[1] = new ComplexFloat(+2.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      X5[2] = new ComplexFloat(+3.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      X5[3] = new ComplexFloat(+4.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      X5[4] = new ComplexFloat(+5.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);

      Y5 = new ComplexFloatVector(5);
      Y5[0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.4000000E+001f, +2.2000000E+001f);
      Y5[1] = new ComplexFloat(+2.6000000E+001f, +3.2000000E+001f);
      Y5[2] = new ComplexFloat(+3.5000000E+001f, +3.7000000E+001f);
      Y5[3] = new ComplexFloat(+4.4000000E+001f, +3.0000000E+001f);
      Y5[4] = new ComplexFloat(+5.2000000E+001f, +1.4000000E+001f);

      // unit testing values - order 10

      LC10 = new ComplexFloatVector(10);
      LC10[0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+001f, +1.0000000E+000f);
      LC10[1] = new ComplexFloat(+9.0000000E+000f, +1.0000000E+000f);
      LC10[2] = new ComplexFloat(+8.0000000E+000f, +1.0000000E+000f);
      LC10[3] = new ComplexFloat(+7.0000000E+000f, +1.0000000E+000f);
      LC10[4] = new ComplexFloat(+6.0000000E+000f, +1.0000000E+000f);
      LC10[5] = new ComplexFloat(+5.0000000E+000f, +1.0000000E+000f);
      LC10[6] = new ComplexFloat(+4.0000000E+000f, +1.0000000E+000f);
      LC10[7] = new ComplexFloat(+3.0000000E+000f, +1.0000000E+000f);
      LC10[8] = new ComplexFloat(+2.0000000E+000f, +1.0000000E+000f);
      LC10[9] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +1.0000000E+000f);

      TR10 = new ComplexFloatVector(10);
      TR10[0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+001f, +1.0000000E+000f);
      TR10[1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +9.0000000E+000f);
      TR10[2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +8.0000000E+000f);
      TR10[3] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +2.0000000E+000f);
      TR10[4] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +1.0000000E+000f);
      TR10[5] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +1.0000000E+000f);
      TR10[6] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +4.0000000E+000f);
      TR10[7] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +3.0000000E+000f);
      TR10[8] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +2.0000000E+000f);
      TR10[9] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +1.0000000E+000f);

      L10 = new ComplexFloatMatrix(10);
      L10[0, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      L10[1, 0] = new ComplexFloat(-9.0099010E-001f, -9.9009901E-003f);
      L10[1, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      L10[2, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+7.2554049E-003f, +4.5437889E-003f);
      L10[2, 1] = new ComplexFloat(-8.9835104E-001f, -1.7149139E-002f);
      L10[2, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      L10[3, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+8.1190931E-003f, +4.8283630E-003f);
      L10[3, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+8.5500220E-003f, +3.8783605E-003f);
      L10[3, 2] = new ComplexFloat(-8.9685128E-001f, -2.5375839E-002f);
      L10[3, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      L10[4, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+9.0797285E-003f, +5.0413564E-003f);
      L10[4, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+9.5223197E-003f, +3.9833209E-003f);
      L10[4, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.3594954E-002f, +1.3510004E-003f);
      L10[4, 3] = new ComplexFloat(-9.0106887E-001f, -3.2599942E-002f);
      L10[4, 4] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      L10[5, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0110174E-002f, +5.1587582E-003f);
      L10[5, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0553084E-002f, +3.9861933E-003f);
      L10[5, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.4900585E-002f, +9.5517949E-004f);
      L10[5, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+1.4574245E-002f, -1.1129242E-003f);
      L10[5, 4] = new ComplexFloat(-9.0776628E-001f, -3.8281015E-002f);
      L10[5, 5] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      L10[6, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.1163789E-002f, +5.1884795E-003f);
      L10[6, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.1597112E-002f, +3.8999115E-003f);
      L10[6, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.6188452E-002f, +4.4138654E-004f);
      L10[6, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+1.5752309E-002f, -1.7871732E-003f);
      L10[6, 4] = new ComplexFloat(+1.4568519E-002f, -5.3100094E-003f);
      L10[6, 5] = new ComplexFloat(-9.1612446E-001f, -3.9858108E-002f);
      L10[6, 6] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      L10[7, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.2250407E-002f, +5.1493111E-003f);
      L10[7, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.2666180E-002f, +3.7419578E-003f);
      L10[7, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.7480233E-002f, -1.7281679E-004f);
      L10[7, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+1.6920428E-002f, -2.5592884E-003f);
      L10[7, 4] = new ComplexFloat(+1.5502251E-002f, -6.3119298E-003f);
      L10[7, 5] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0175586E-002f, -6.2706520E-003f);
      L10[7, 6] = new ComplexFloat(-9.2129653E-001f, -4.0086723E-002f);
      L10[7, 7] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      L10[8, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.3361099E-002f, +5.0636594E-003f);
      L10[8, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.3753926E-002f, +3.5354454E-003f);
      L10[8, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.8776835E-002f, -8.5571402E-004f);
      L10[8, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+1.8083822E-002f, -3.3986502E-003f);
      L10[8, 4] = new ComplexFloat(+1.6416076E-002f, -7.3767089E-003f);
      L10[8, 5] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0693868E-002f, -7.1281839E-003f);
      L10[8, 6] = new ComplexFloat(+8.4803223E-003f, -7.7622936E-003f);
      L10[8, 7] = new ComplexFloat(-9.2544568E-001f, -3.8329752E-002f);
      L10[8, 8] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      L10[9, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.4514517E-002f, +4.9086455E-003f);
      L10[9, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.4876264E-002f, +3.2557272E-003f);
      L10[9, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+2.0088847E-002f, -1.6446645E-003f);
      L10[9, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+1.9247642E-002f, -4.3429207E-003f);
      L10[9, 4] = new ComplexFloat(+1.7306259E-002f, -8.5413384E-003f);
      L10[9, 5] = new ComplexFloat(+1.1183742E-002f, -8.0532599E-003f);
      L10[9, 6] = new ComplexFloat(+8.7870452E-003f, -8.6470170E-003f);
      L10[9, 7] = new ComplexFloat(+6.7700213E-003f, -5.2124680E-003f);
      L10[9, 8] = new ComplexFloat(-9.2836000E-001f, -3.8752385E-002f);
      L10[9, 9] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);

      D10 = new ComplexFloatVector(10);
      D10[0] = new ComplexFloat(+9.9009901E-002f, -9.9009901E-003f);
      D10[1] = new ComplexFloat(+6.8010260E-002f, +5.2693294E-002f);
      D10[2] = new ComplexFloat(+6.8503012E-002f, +5.2264825E-002f);
      D10[3] = new ComplexFloat(+6.8598237E-002f, +5.1618595E-002f);
      D10[4] = new ComplexFloat(+6.8466983E-002f, +5.0945485E-002f);
      D10[5] = new ComplexFloat(+6.8034270E-002f, +5.0441605E-002f);
      D10[6] = new ComplexFloat(+6.7730052E-002f, +5.0175369E-002f);
      D10[7] = new ComplexFloat(+6.7391349E-002f, +5.0080104E-002f);
      D10[8] = new ComplexFloat(+6.7234262E-002f, +4.9912171E-002f);
      D10[9] = new ComplexFloat(+6.7024327E-002f, +4.9751098E-002f);

      U10 = new ComplexFloatMatrix(10);
      U10[0, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      U10[0, 1] = new ComplexFloat(-1.8811881E-001f, -8.8118812E-001f);
      U10[1, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      U10[0, 2] = new ComplexFloat(-3.0868450E-001f, -8.2968120E-001f);
      U10[1, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+8.1788201E-002f, -1.3059729E-001f);
      U10[2, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      U10[0, 3] = new ComplexFloat(-6.9271338E-001f, -4.1101317E-001f);
      U10[1, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+3.0656677E-001f, -4.4856765E-001f);
      U10[2, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+7.8629842E-002f, -1.3672690E-001f);
      U10[3, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      U10[0, 4] = new ComplexFloat(-7.5308973E-001f, -1.7764936E-001f);
      U10[1, 4] = new ComplexFloat(-2.1811893E-002f, -2.3257783E-001f);
      U10[2, 4] = new ComplexFloat(+3.0081682E-001f, -4.5300731E-001f);
      U10[3, 4] = new ComplexFloat(+7.3373192E-002f, -1.4180544E-001f);
      U10[4, 4] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      U10[0, 5] = new ComplexFloat(-6.6968846E-001f, +1.6997563E-001f);
      U10[1, 5] = new ComplexFloat(-1.4411312E-001f, -3.0897730E-001f);
      U10[2, 5] = new ComplexFloat(-3.1145914E-002f, -2.3117177E-001f);
      U10[3, 5] = new ComplexFloat(+2.9376277E-001f, -4.5405633E-001f);
      U10[4, 5] = new ComplexFloat(+6.6435695E-002f, -1.4363825E-001f);
      U10[5, 5] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      U10[0, 6] = new ComplexFloat(-3.6546783E-001f, +1.3495818E-001f);
      U10[1, 6] = new ComplexFloat(-3.3276275E-001f, +6.1455619E-002f);
      U10[2, 6] = new ComplexFloat(-1.4928934E-001f, -3.0660365E-001f);
      U10[3, 6] = new ComplexFloat(-3.6720508E-002f, -2.2950990E-001f);
      U10[4, 6] = new ComplexFloat(+2.8936799E-001f, -4.5408893E-001f);
      U10[5, 6] = new ComplexFloat(+6.2044535E-002f, -1.4415916E-001f);
      U10[6, 6] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      U10[0, 7] = new ComplexFloat(-2.2796156E-001f, +2.1789305E-001f);
      U10[1, 7] = new ComplexFloat(-1.4794186E-001f, -5.5572852E-002f);
      U10[2, 7] = new ComplexFloat(-3.3492680E-001f, +6.5840476E-002f);
      U10[3, 7] = new ComplexFloat(-1.5249085E-001f, -3.0276392E-001f);
      U10[4, 7] = new ComplexFloat(-4.0507028E-002f, -2.2608317E-001f);
      U10[5, 7] = new ComplexFloat(+2.8587453E-001f, -4.5245103E-001f);
      U10[6, 7] = new ComplexFloat(+5.8369087E-002f, -1.4290942E-001f);
      U10[7, 7] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      U10[0, 8] = new ComplexFloat(-1.8901586E-001f, +3.4805079E-002f);
      U10[1, 8] = new ComplexFloat(-5.2426683E-002f, +1.9340427E-001f);
      U10[2, 8] = new ComplexFloat(-1.4964696E-001f, -5.4033437E-002f);
      U10[3, 8] = new ComplexFloat(-3.3763728E-001f, +6.7573088E-002f);
      U10[4, 8] = new ComplexFloat(-1.5560000E-001f, -3.0169126E-001f);
      U10[5, 8] = new ComplexFloat(-4.3805054E-002f, -2.2544210E-001f);
      U10[6, 8] = new ComplexFloat(+2.8335018E-001f, -4.5271747E-001f);
      U10[7, 8] = new ComplexFloat(+5.5874343E-002f, -1.4345634E-001f);
      U10[8, 8] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      U10[0, 9] = new ComplexFloat(-1.9701952E-001f, +6.3155749E-002f);
      U10[1, 9] = new ComplexFloat(-4.2642564E-003f, -1.6090427E-002f);
      U10[2, 9] = new ComplexFloat(-5.3607239E-002f, +1.9546918E-001f);
      U10[3, 9] = new ComplexFloat(-1.5130367E-001f, -5.1953666E-002f);
      U10[4, 9] = new ComplexFloat(-3.4040569E-001f, +7.0063213E-002f);
      U10[5, 9] = new ComplexFloat(-1.5894822E-001f, -2.9987956E-001f);
      U10[6, 9] = new ComplexFloat(-4.7450414E-002f, -2.2408765E-001f);
      U10[7, 9] = new ComplexFloat(+2.8041710E-001f, -4.5254539E-001f);
      U10[8, 9] = new ComplexFloat(+5.2922147E-002f, -1.4361015E-001f);
      U10[9, 9] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);

      Det10 = new ComplexFloat(+3.6568548E+010f, +2.4768517E+010f);

      I10 = new ComplexFloatMatrix(10);
      I10[0, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+6.7024327E-002f, +4.9751098E-002f);
      I10[0, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0691834E-002f, -6.9924390E-003f);
      I10[0, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+4.1309398E-002f, -1.6380491E-002f);
      I10[0, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+7.9682744E-003f, -1.7380034E-002f);
      I10[0, 4] = new ComplexFloat(+4.2659401E-003f, -2.8007075E-002f);
      I10[0, 5] = new ComplexFloat(-2.6301184E-002f, -1.2239617E-002f);
      I10[0, 6] = new ComplexFloat(-7.5562748E-003f, -1.1009683E-002f);
      I10[0, 7] = new ComplexFloat(-1.3317795E-002f, +1.0434171E-002f);
      I10[0, 8] = new ComplexFloat(+5.1470750E-004f, -1.2906015E-003f);
      I10[0, 9] = new ComplexFloat(-1.6347168E-002f, -5.5689657E-003f);
      I10[1, 0] = new ComplexFloat(-6.0294731E-002f, -4.8784282E-002f);
      I10[1, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+5.7037418E-002f, +5.5989338E-002f);
      I10[1, 2] = new ComplexFloat(-2.8067888E-002f, +6.7497836E-003f);
      I10[1, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+3.3576008E-002f, -4.6936404E-004f);
      I10[1, 4] = new ComplexFloat(+3.2614353E-003f, +8.4914935E-003f);
      I10[1, 5] = new ComplexFloat(+2.8539068E-002f, -1.5668319E-002f);
      I10[1, 6] = new ComplexFloat(-1.9485222E-002f, -1.7952100E-003f);
      I10[1, 7] = new ComplexFloat(+5.4035811E-003f, -2.0272674E-002f);
      I10[1, 8] = new ComplexFloat(-1.3705944E-002f, +1.1564861E-002f);
      I10[1, 9] = new ComplexFloat(+5.1470750E-004f, -1.2906015E-003f);
      I10[2, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+7.1308213E-004f, -1.2546164E-005f);
      I10[2, 1] = new ComplexFloat(-6.0272601E-002f, -4.8871146E-002f);
      I10[2, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+5.7219842E-002f, +5.5680641E-002f);
      I10[2, 3] = new ComplexFloat(-2.8112753E-002f, +6.6173592E-003f);
      I10[2, 4] = new ComplexFloat(+3.3454600E-002f, -6.5413224E-004f);
      I10[2, 5] = new ComplexFloat(+3.0216929E-003f, +8.5724569E-003f);
      I10[2, 6] = new ComplexFloat(+2.8435161E-002f, -1.5684889E-002f);
      I10[2, 7] = new ComplexFloat(-1.9514358E-002f, -1.6393606E-003f);
      I10[2, 8] = new ComplexFloat(+5.4035811E-003f, -2.0272674E-002f);
      I10[2, 9] = new ComplexFloat(-1.3317795E-002f, +1.0434171E-002f);
      I10[3, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0191444E-003f, -1.4239535E-004f);
      I10[3, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+9.9108704E-004f, -2.5251613E-004f);
      I10[3, 2] = new ComplexFloat(-5.9819166E-002f, -4.9484148E-002f);
      I10[3, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+5.7389952E-002f, +5.5227507E-002f);
      I10[3, 4] = new ComplexFloat(-2.8106424E-002f, +6.0757008E-003f);
      I10[3, 5] = new ComplexFloat(+3.3259014E-002f, -8.2858379E-004f);
      I10[3, 6] = new ComplexFloat(+2.9250084E-003f, +8.3171088E-003f);
      I10[3, 7] = new ComplexFloat(+2.8435161E-002f, -1.5684889E-002f);
      I10[3, 8] = new ComplexFloat(-1.9485222E-002f, -1.7952100E-003f);
      I10[3, 9] = new ComplexFloat(-7.5562748E-003f, -1.1009683E-002f);
      I10[4, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.1502413E-003f, +1.6639121E-005f);
      I10[4, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.1380402E-003f, -1.0980979E-004f);
      I10[4, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.3977289E-003f, -5.8000250E-004f);
      I10[4, 3] = new ComplexFloat(-5.9700112E-002f, -4.9533948E-002f);
      I10[4, 4] = new ComplexFloat(+5.7405368E-002f, +5.5059022E-002f);
      I10[4, 5] = new ComplexFloat(-2.8274330E-002f, +6.2766221E-003f);
      I10[4, 6] = new ComplexFloat(+3.3259014E-002f, -8.2858379E-004f);
      I10[4, 7] = new ComplexFloat(+3.0216929E-003f, +8.5724569E-003f);
      I10[4, 8] = new ComplexFloat(+2.8539068E-002f, -1.5668319E-002f);
      I10[4, 9] = new ComplexFloat(-2.6301184E-002f, -1.2239617E-002f);
      I10[5, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.5848813E-003f, +2.8852793E-004f);
      I10[5, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.5972212E-003f, +1.1105891E-004f);
      I10[5, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+2.0644546E-003f, -4.7842310E-004f);
      I10[5, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+1.9356717E-003f, -7.4622243E-004f);
      I10[5, 4] = new ComplexFloat(-5.9306111E-002f, -4.9933722E-002f);
      I10[5, 5] = new ComplexFloat(+5.7405368E-002f, +5.5059022E-002f);
      I10[5, 6] = new ComplexFloat(-2.8106424E-002f, +6.0757008E-003f);
      I10[5, 7] = new ComplexFloat(+3.3454600E-002f, -6.5413224E-004f);
      I10[5, 8] = new ComplexFloat(+3.2614353E-003f, +8.4914935E-003f);
      I10[5, 9] = new ComplexFloat(+4.2659401E-003f, -2.8007075E-002f);
      I10[6, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.5061253E-003f, +6.6650996E-004f);
      I10[6, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.5609115E-003f, +4.9307536E-004f);
      I10[6, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+2.1665459E-003f, +1.9121555E-005f);
      I10[6, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+2.1027094E-003f, -2.7790747E-004f);
      I10[6, 4] = new ComplexFloat(+1.9356717E-003f, -7.4622243E-004f);
      I10[6, 5] = new ComplexFloat(-5.9700112E-002f, -4.9533948E-002f);
      I10[6, 6] = new ComplexFloat(+5.7389952E-002f, +5.5227507E-002f);
      I10[6, 7] = new ComplexFloat(-2.8112753E-002f, +6.6173592E-003f);
      I10[6, 8] = new ComplexFloat(+3.3576008E-002f, -4.6936404E-004f);
      I10[6, 9] = new ComplexFloat(+7.9682744E-003f, -1.7380034E-002f);
      I10[7, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.4282653E-003f, +8.8920966E-004f);
      I10[7, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+1.5084436E-003f, +7.2160481E-004f);
      I10[7, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+2.1887064E-003f, +3.2867753E-004f);
      I10[7, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+2.1665459E-003f, +1.9121555E-005f);
      I10[7, 4] = new ComplexFloat(+2.0644546E-003f, -4.7842310E-004f);
      I10[7, 5] = new ComplexFloat(+1.3977289E-003f, -5.8000250E-004f);
      I10[7, 6] = new ComplexFloat(-5.9819166E-002f, -4.9484148E-002f);
      I10[7, 7] = new ComplexFloat(+5.7219842E-002f, +5.5680641E-002f);
      I10[7, 8] = new ComplexFloat(-2.8067888E-002f, +6.7497836E-003f);
      I10[7, 9] = new ComplexFloat(+4.1309398E-002f, -1.6380491E-002f);
      I10[8, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+8.3509562E-004f, +9.5832342E-004f);
      I10[8, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+9.3009336E-004f, +8.5497971E-004f);
      I10[8, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.5084436E-003f, +7.2160481E-004f);
      I10[8, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+1.5609115E-003f, +4.9307536E-004f);
      I10[8, 4] = new ComplexFloat(+1.5972212E-003f, +1.1105891E-004f);
      I10[8, 5] = new ComplexFloat(+1.1380402E-003f, -1.0980979E-004f);
      I10[8, 6] = new ComplexFloat(+9.9108704E-004f, -2.5251613E-004f);
      I10[8, 7] = new ComplexFloat(-6.0272601E-002f, -4.8871146E-002f);
      I10[8, 8] = new ComplexFloat(+5.7037418E-002f, +5.5989338E-002f);
      I10[8, 9] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0691834E-002f, -6.9924390E-003f);
      I10[9, 0] = new ComplexFloat(+7.2861524E-004f, +1.0511118E-003f);
      I10[9, 1] = new ComplexFloat(+8.3509562E-004f, +9.5832342E-004f);
      I10[9, 2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.4282653E-003f, +8.8920966E-004f);
      I10[9, 3] = new ComplexFloat(+1.5061253E-003f, +6.6650996E-004f);
      I10[9, 4] = new ComplexFloat(+1.5848813E-003f, +2.8852793E-004f);
      I10[9, 5] = new ComplexFloat(+1.1502413E-003f, +1.6639121E-005f);
      I10[9, 6] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0191444E-003f, -1.4239535E-004f);
      I10[9, 7] = new ComplexFloat(+7.1308213E-004f, -1.2546164E-005f);
      I10[9, 8] = new ComplexFloat(-6.0294731E-002f, -4.8784282E-002f);
      I10[9, 9] = new ComplexFloat(+6.7024327E-002f, +4.9751098E-002f);

      X10 = new ComplexFloatVector(10);
      X10[0] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      X10[1] = new ComplexFloat(+2.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      X10[2] = new ComplexFloat(+3.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      X10[3] = new ComplexFloat(+4.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      X10[4] = new ComplexFloat(+5.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      X10[5] = new ComplexFloat(+6.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      X10[6] = new ComplexFloat(+7.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      X10[7] = new ComplexFloat(+8.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      X10[8] = new ComplexFloat(+9.0000000E+000f, +0.0000000E+000f);
      X10[9] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0000000E+001f, +0.0000000E+000f);

      Y10 = new ComplexFloatVector(10);
      Y10[0] = new ComplexFloat(+6.4000000E+001f, +1.4200000E+002f);
      Y10[1] = new ComplexFloat(+8.1000000E+001f, +1.6400000E+002f);
      Y10[2] = new ComplexFloat(+1.0500000E+002f, +1.7500000E+002f);
      Y10[3] = new ComplexFloat(+1.3500000E+002f, +1.7400000E+002f);
      Y10[4] = new ComplexFloat(+1.7000000E+002f, +1.6000000E+002f);
      Y10[5] = new ComplexFloat(+2.0900000E+002f, +1.7600000E+002f);
      Y10[6] = new ComplexFloat(+2.5100000E+002f, +1.9200000E+002f);
      Y10[7] = new ComplexFloat(+2.9500000E+002f, +1.9700000E+002f);
      Y10[8] = new ComplexFloat(+3.4000000E+002f, +1.3500000E+002f);
      Y10[9] = new ComplexFloat(+3.8500000E+002f, +5.5000000E+001f);

      // Tolerances
      Tolerance1 = 1.000E-06f;
      Tolerance2 = 2.000E-06f;
      Tolerance3 = 1.000E-06f;
      Tolerance4 = 1.000E-05f;
      Tolerance5 = 1.000E-05f;
      Tolerance10 = 5.000E-05f;
 public void TransposeSquare()
   ComplexFloatMatrix a = new ComplexFloatMatrix(2,2);
   a[0,0] = new ComplexFloat(1);
   a[0,1] = new ComplexFloat(2);
   a[1,0] = new ComplexFloat(3);
   a[1,1] = new ComplexFloat(4);
   Assert.AreEqual(a[0,0], new ComplexFloat(1));
   Assert.AreEqual(a[0,1], new ComplexFloat(3));
   Assert.AreEqual(a[1,0], new ComplexFloat(2));
   Assert.AreEqual(a[1,1], new ComplexFloat(4));
 public void CtorCopyNull()
   ComplexFloatMatrix a = null;
   ComplexFloatMatrix b = new ComplexFloatMatrix(a);
    public void ToArray()
      ComplexFloatMatrix a = new ComplexFloatMatrix(2);
      a[0,0] = new ComplexFloat(1,1);
      a[0,1] = new ComplexFloat(2,2);
      a[1,0] = new ComplexFloat(3,3);
      a[1,1] = new ComplexFloat(4,4);

      ComplexFloat[,] b = a.ToArray();

      Assert.AreEqual(a[0,0], b[0,0]);
      Assert.AreEqual(a[0,1], b[0,1]);
      Assert.AreEqual(a[1,0], b[1,0]);
      Assert.AreEqual(a[1,1], b[1,1]);
    public void TestHashCode()
      ComplexFloatMatrix a = new ComplexFloatMatrix(2);
      a[0,0] = new ComplexFloat(1,1);
      a[0,1] = new ComplexFloat(2,2);
      a[1,0] = new ComplexFloat(3,3);
      a[1,1] = new ComplexFloat(4,4);

      int hash = a.GetHashCode();
      Assert.AreEqual(hash, 7);
    public void Equals()
      ComplexFloatMatrix a = new ComplexFloatMatrix(2,2,new ComplexFloat(4,4));
      ComplexFloatMatrix b = new ComplexFloatMatrix(2,2,new ComplexFloat(4,4));
      ComplexFloatMatrix c = new ComplexFloatMatrix(2,2);
      c[0,0] = new ComplexFloat(4,4);
      c[0,1] = new ComplexFloat(4,4);
      c[1,0] = new ComplexFloat(4,4);
      c[1,1] = new ComplexFloat(4,4);

      ComplexFloatMatrix d = new ComplexFloatMatrix(2,2,5);
      ComplexFloatMatrix e = null;
      FloatMatrix f = new FloatMatrix(2,2,4);
    /// <summary>
    /// Solve a symmetric square Toeplitz system with a right-side matrix.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Y">The right-hand side of the system.</param>
    /// <returns>The solution matrix.</returns>
    /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">
    /// Parameter <B>Y</B> is a null reference.
    /// </exception>
    /// <exception cref="RankException">
    /// The number of rows in <B>Y</B> is not equal to the number of rows in the Toeplitz matrix.
    /// </exception>
    /// <exception cref="SingularMatrixException">
    /// The Toeplitz matrix or one of the the leading sub-matrices is singular.
    /// </exception>
    /// <remarks>
    /// This member solves the linear system <B>TX</B> = <B>Y</B>, where <B>T</B> is
    /// a symmetric square Toeplitz matrix, <B>X</B> is the unknown solution matrix
    /// and <B>Y</B> is a known matrix.
    /// <para>
    /// The class implicitly decomposes the inverse Toeplitz matrix into a <b>UDL</b> factorisation
    /// using the Levinson algorithm, and then calculates the solution matrix.
    /// </para>
    /// </remarks>
    public ComplexFloatMatrix Solve(IROComplexFloatMatrix Y)
      ComplexFloatMatrix X;

      // check parameters
      if (Y == null)
        throw new System.ArgumentNullException("Y");
      else if (m_Order != Y.Columns)
        throw new RankException("The numer of rows in Y is not equal to the number of rows in the Toeplitz matrix.");


      if (m_IsSingular == true)
        throw new SingularMatrixException("The Toeplitz matrix or one of the the leading sub-matrices is singular.");

      int M = Y.Rows;
      int i, j, l, m;     // index/loop variables
      ComplexFloat[] Inner;     // inner product
      ComplexFloat[] G;       // scaling constant
      ComplexFloat[] A;       // reference to current order coefficients
      ComplexFloat scalar;

      // allocate memory for solution
      X = new ComplexFloatMatrix(m_Order, M);
      Inner = new ComplexFloat[M];
      G = new ComplexFloat[M];

      // setup zero order solution
      scalar = ComplexFloat.One / m_LeftColumn[0];
      for (m = 0; m < M; m++)
        X.data[0][m] = scalar * Y[0,m];

        X.data[m*m_Order] = scalar * Y[0,m];

      // solve systems of increasing order
      for (i = 1; i < m_Order; i++)
        // calculate inner product
        for (m = 0; m < M; m++)
          Inner[m] = Y[i,m];
          Inner[m] = Y[i,m];

        for (j = 0, l = i; j < i; j++, l--)
          scalar = m_LeftColumn[l];
          for (m = 0; m < M; m++)
            Inner[m] -= scalar * X.data[j][m];
            Inner[m] -= scalar * X.data[m*m_Order+j];

        // get the current predictor coefficients row
        A = m_LowerTriangle[i];

        // update the solution matrix
        for (m = 0; m < M; m++)
          G[m] = m_Diagonal[i] * Inner[m];
        for (j = 0; j <= i; j++)
          scalar = A[j];
          for (m = 0; m < M; m++)
            X.data[j][m] += scalar * G[m];
            X.data[m*m_Order+j] += scalar * G[m];

      return X;
    public void CtorMultDimFloatLong()
      float[,] values= new float[3,2];

      values[0,0] = 0;
      values[0,1] = 1;
      values[1,0] = 2;
      values[1,1] = 3;
      values[2,0] = 4;
      values[2,1] = 5;

      ComplexFloatMatrix test = new ComplexFloatMatrix(values);

      Assert.AreEqual(test.RowLength, 3);
      Assert.AreEqual(test.ColumnLength, 2);
      Assert.AreEqual(test[0,0].Real, values[0,0]);
      Assert.AreEqual(test[0,1].Real, values[0,1]);
      Assert.AreEqual(test[1,0].Real, values[1,0]);
      Assert.AreEqual(test[1,1].Real, values[1,1]);
      Assert.AreEqual(test[2,0].Real, values[2,0]);
      Assert.AreEqual(test[2,1].Real, values[2,1]);
    /// <summary>
    /// Get the inverse of the Toeplitz matrix.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>The inverse matrix.</returns>
    /// <exception cref="SingularMatrixException">
    /// The Toeplitz matrix or one of the the leading sub-matrices is singular.
    /// </exception>
    /// <remarks>
    /// The class implicitly decomposes the inverse Toeplitz matrix into a <b>UDL</b> factorisation
    /// using the Levinson algorithm, before using Trench's algorithm to complete
    /// the calculation of the inverse.
    /// <para>
    /// Trench's algorithm requires approximately <b>N</b> squared FLOPS, compared to <b>N</b> cubed FLOPS
    /// if we simply multiplied the <b>UDL</b> factors (<b>N</b> is the matrix order).
    /// </para>
    /// </remarks>
    public ComplexFloatMatrix GetInverse()

      if (m_IsSingular == true)
        throw new SingularMatrixException("The Toeplitz matrix or one of the the leading sub-matrices is singular.");

      ComplexFloatMatrix I = new ComplexFloatMatrix(m_Order);           // the solution matrix
      ComplexFloat[] A = m_LowerTriangle[m_Order-1];
      ComplexFloat A1, A2, scale;


      ComplexFloat[] current, previous;                   // references to rows in the solution
      int i, j, k, l;

      // setup the first row in wedge
      scale = m_Diagonal[m_Order-1];
      current = I.data[0];
      for (i = 0, j = m_Order - 1; i < m_Order; i++, j--)
        current[i] = scale* A[j];

      // calculate values in the rest of the wedge
      for (i = 1; i < (1 + m_Order) / 2; i++)
        previous = current;
        current = I.data[i];
        A1 = A[m_Order - i - 1];
        A2 = A[i - 1];
        for (j = i, k = i - 1, l = m_Order - i - 1; j < m_Order - i; j++, k++, l--)
          current[j] = previous[k] + scale * (A1 * A[l] - A2 * A[k]);


      int i, j, k, l;

      // setup the first row in wedge
      scale = m_Diagonal[m_Order-1];
      for (i = 0, j = m_Order - 1; i < m_Order; i++, j--)
        I[0, i] = scale* A[j];

      // calculate values in the rest of the wedge
      for (i = 1; i < (1 + m_Order) / 2; i++)
        A1 = A[m_Order - i - 1];
        A2 = A[i - 1];
        for (j = i, k = i - 1, l = m_Order - i - 1; j < m_Order - i; j++, k++, l--)
          I[i, j] = I[i - 1, k] + scale * (A1 * A[l] - A2 * A[k]);


      // this is symmetric matrix ...
      for (i = 0; i < (1 + m_Order) / 2; i++)
        for (j = i; j < m_Order - i; j++)
          I[j, i] = I[i, j];

      // and a persymmetric matrix.
      for (i = 0, j = m_Order - 1; i < m_Order; i++, j--)
        for (k = 0, l = m_Order - 1; k < j; k++, l--)
          I[l, j] = I[i, k];

      return I;
 public void GetTransposeSquare()
   ComplexFloatMatrix a = new ComplexFloatMatrix(2,2);
   a[0,0] = new ComplexFloat(1);
   a[0,1] = new ComplexFloat(2);
   a[1,0] = new ComplexFloat(3);
   a[1,1] = new ComplexFloat(4);
   ComplexFloatMatrix b = a.GetTranspose();
   Assert.AreEqual(b[0,0], a[0,0]);
   Assert.AreEqual(b[0,1], a[1,0]);
   Assert.AreEqual(b[1,0], a[0,1]);
   Assert.AreEqual(b[1,1], a[1,1]);
 public void TransposeLong()
   ComplexFloatMatrix a = new ComplexFloatMatrix(3,2);
   a[0,0] = new ComplexFloat(1);
   a[0,1] = new ComplexFloat(2);
   a[1,0] = new ComplexFloat(3);
   a[1,1] = new ComplexFloat(4);
   a[2,0] = new ComplexFloat(5);
   a[2,1] = new ComplexFloat(6);
   Assert.AreEqual(a[0,0], new ComplexFloat(1));
   Assert.AreEqual(a[0,1], new ComplexFloat(3));
   Assert.AreEqual(a[0,2], new ComplexFloat(5));
   Assert.AreEqual(a[1,0], new ComplexFloat(2));
   Assert.AreEqual(a[1,1], new ComplexFloat(4));
   Assert.AreEqual(a[1,2], new ComplexFloat(6));
   Assert.AreEqual(a.RowLength, 2);
   Assert.AreEqual(a.ColumnLength, 3);
 public void CtorMultDimFloatNull()
   float[,] values = null;
   ComplexFloatMatrix test = new ComplexFloatMatrix(values);