public int CompareToByCompletionDate(ITask task) { bool isSameDate = true; if (CompletionDate.Year != task.CompletionDate.Year || CompletionDate.DayOfYear != task.CompletionDate.DayOfYear) { isSameDate = false; } if (!isSameDate) { if (CompletionDate == DateTime.MinValue) { // No completion date set for some reason. Since we already // tested to see if the dates were the same above, we know // that the passed-in task has a CompletionDate set, so the // passed-in task should be "higher" in the sort. return(1); } else if (task.CompletionDate == DateTime.MinValue) { // "this" task has a completion date and should evaluate // higher than the passed-in task which doesn't have a // completion date. return(-1); } return(CompletionDate.CompareTo(task.CompletionDate)); } // The completion dates are the same, so no sort based on other // things. return(CompareByPriorityAndName(task)); }
public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext) { DateTime completionDateTime = CompletionDate.AddHours(CompletionTime.Hour) .AddMinutes(CompletionTime.Minute); if (completionDateTime < DateTime.Now) { yield return(new ValidationResult("The completion date cannot be less than the current date!", new[] { nameof(CompletionDate), nameof(CompletionTime) })); } }
public override int GetHashCode() { unchecked { int result = (CompletionDate != null ? CompletionDate.GetHashCode() : 0); result = (result * 397) ^ (Institution != null ? Institution.GetHashCode() : 0); result = (result * 397) ^ (Degree != null ? Degree.GetHashCode() : 0); result = (result * 397) ^ (Major != null ? Major.GetHashCode() : 0); result = (result * 397) ^ (Description != null ? Description.GetHashCode() : 0); result = (result * 397) ^ (City != null ? City.GetHashCode() : 0); result = (result * 397) ^ (Country != null ? Country.GetHashCode() : 0); return(result); } }
public void MergeFrom(ApplicantEducationReply other) { if (other == null) { return; } if (other.Id.Length != 0) { Id = other.Id; } if (other.Applicant.Length != 0) { Applicant = other.Applicant; } if (other.Majot.Length != 0) { Majot = other.Majot; } if (other.CertificateDiploma.Length != 0) { CertificateDiploma = other.CertificateDiploma; } if (other.startDate_ != null) { if (startDate_ == null) { StartDate = new global::Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes.Timestamp(); } StartDate.MergeFrom(other.StartDate); } if (other.completionDate_ != null) { if (completionDate_ == null) { CompletionDate = new global::Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes.Timestamp(); } CompletionDate.MergeFrom(other.CompletionDate); } if (other.CompletionPercent != 0) { CompletionPercent = other.CompletionPercent; } if (other.TimeStamp.Length != 0) { TimeStamp = other.TimeStamp; } _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFrom(_unknownFields, other._unknownFields); }
public override int GetHashCode() { int hash = 1; if (Id.Length != 0) { hash ^= Id.GetHashCode(); } if (Applicant.Length != 0) { hash ^= Applicant.GetHashCode(); } if (Majot.Length != 0) { hash ^= Majot.GetHashCode(); } if (CertificateDiploma.Length != 0) { hash ^= CertificateDiploma.GetHashCode(); } if (startDate_ != null) { hash ^= StartDate.GetHashCode(); } if (completionDate_ != null) { hash ^= CompletionDate.GetHashCode(); } if (CompletionPercent != 0) { hash ^= CompletionPercent.GetHashCode(); } if (TimeStamp.Length != 0) { hash ^= TimeStamp.GetHashCode(); } if (_unknownFields != null) { hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode(); } return(hash); }