Пример #1
 public DbScore ToDb()
         Count50 = Count50,
         Count100 = Count100,
         Count300 = Count300,
         CountGeki = CountGeki,
         CountKatu = CountKatu,
         CountMiss = CountMiss,
         FileChecksum = FileChecksum,
         PerformancePoints = PerformancePoints,
         Accuracy = Accuracy,
         MaxCombo = MaxCombo,
         Passed = Passed,
         Relaxing = Relaxing,
         AutoPiloting = Autopiloting,
         Mods = Mods,
         PlayMode = PlayMode,
         UserId = User.Id,
         Date = Date,
         ReplayChecksum = ReplayChecksum,
         TotalScore = TotalScore,
         Flags = Flags,
         OsuVersion = OsuVersion,
         Completed = Completed
        public override void main()
            Console.WriteLine(this.PeerRank + ": HELLO ! I AM LEFT !");

            //Thread.Sleep (10000);
            string s = this.PeerRank + " --- Hello from LEFT to RIGHT ";

            Console.WriteLine(this.PeerRank + "- BEGIN left sent " + s + " to <1," + this.PeerRank + ">");

/*			// SEND ARRAY
 *                      this.Binding.Send<string> (new string[1]{s + " 0"}, new Tuple<int,int> (1, this.PeerRank), 0);
 *                      this.Binding.Send<string> (new string[1]{s + " 1"}, new Tuple<int,int> (1, this.PeerRank), 1);
 *                      // SEND SINGLETON
 *                      this.Binding.Send<string> (s + " 2", new Tuple<int,int> (1, this.PeerRank), 2);
 *                      this.Binding.Send<string> (s + " 3", new Tuple<int,int> (1, this.PeerRank), 3);
            Request r0 = this.Binding.ImmediateSend <string> (new string[1] {
                s + " 0 - immediate"
            }, new Tuple <int, int> (1, this.PeerRank), 44);
            Request r1 = this.Binding.ImmediateSend <string> (new string[1] {
                s + " 1 - immediate"
            }, new Tuple <int, int> (1, this.PeerRank), 55);

            Request r2 = this.Binding.ImmediateSend <string> (s + " 2 - immediate", new Tuple <int, int> (1, this.PeerRank), 66);
            Request r3 = this.Binding.ImmediateSend <string> (s + " 3 - immediate", new Tuple <int, int> (1, this.PeerRank), 77);

            CompletedStatus t0 = r0.Wait();
            CompletedStatus t1 = r1.Wait();
            CompletedStatus t2 = r2.Wait();
            CompletedStatus t3 = r3.Wait();

            Console.WriteLine(this.PeerRank + "- END   left sent " + s + " to <1,"
                              + t0.Source + "/" + t0.Tag + "/" + t0.Cancelled + "/" + t0.Count() + "-"
                              + t1.Source + "/" + t1.Tag + "/" + t0.Cancelled + "/" + t0.Count() + "-"
                              + t2.Source + "/" + t2.Tag + "/" + t0.Cancelled + "/" + t0.Count() + "-"
                              + t3.Source + "/" + t3.Tag + "/" + t0.Cancelled + "/" + t0.Count() + ">");
Пример #3
    static void TestRequests(Intracommunicator comm, RequestList requestList)
        int datum         = comm.Rank;
        int expectedDatum = (comm.Rank + comm.Size - 1) % comm.Size;

        int[]    intArraySendBuffer = new int[comm.Rank + 1];
        string[] strArraySendBuffer = new string[comm.Rank + 1];
        for (int i = 0; i <= comm.Rank; ++i)
            intArraySendBuffer[i] = i;
            strArraySendBuffer[i] = i.ToString();

        int[]     intArrayRecvBuffer = new int[expectedDatum + 1];
        string[]  strArrayRecvBuffer = new string[expectedDatum + 1];
        Request[] requests           = new Request[8];
        requests[0] = comm.ImmediateReceive <int>(Communicator.anySource, 0);
        requests[1] = comm.ImmediateReceive <string>(Communicator.anySource, 1);
        requests[2] = comm.ImmediateReceive(Communicator.anySource, 2, intArrayRecvBuffer);
        requests[3] = comm.ImmediateReceive(Communicator.anySource, 3, strArrayRecvBuffer);
        requests[4] = comm.ImmediateSend(datum, (comm.Rank + 1) % comm.Size, 0);
        requests[5] = comm.ImmediateSend(datum.ToString(), (comm.Rank + 1) % comm.Size, 1);
        requests[6] = comm.ImmediateSend(intArraySendBuffer, (comm.Rank + 1) % comm.Size, 2);
        requests[7] = comm.ImmediateSend(strArraySendBuffer, (comm.Rank + 1) % comm.Size, 3);

        if (requestList == null)
            // Complete all communications manually
            bool allDone = false;
            while (!allDone)
                allDone = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < requests.Length; ++i)
                    allDone = allDone && requests[i].Test() != null;
            // Use the request list to complete all communications
            for (int i = 0; i < requests.Length; ++i)

        ReceiveRequest  intRecv   = (ReceiveRequest)requests[0];
        CompletedStatus intStatus = intRecv.Wait();

        if ((int)intRecv.GetValue() != expectedDatum ||
            intStatus.Source != expectedDatum ||
            intStatus.Tag != 0)
            System.Console.Error.WriteLine("error in non-blocking receive of integer: got " + (int)intRecv.GetValue() + " from "
                                           + intStatus.Source + " on tag " + intStatus.Tag + ", expected " + expectedDatum);

        ReceiveRequest  strRecv   = (ReceiveRequest)requests[1];
        CompletedStatus strStatus = strRecv.Wait();

        if ((string)strRecv.GetValue() != expectedDatum.ToString() ||
            strStatus.Source != expectedDatum ||
            strStatus.Tag != 1)
            System.Console.Error.WriteLine("error in non-blocking receive of string: got " + strRecv.GetValue() + " from "
                                           + strStatus.Source + " on tag " + strStatus.Tag + ", expected " + expectedDatum);

        ReceiveRequest  intArrayRecv   = (ReceiveRequest)requests[2];
        CompletedStatus intArrayStatus = intArrayRecv.Wait();

        if (intArrayRecv.GetValue() != intArrayRecvBuffer ||
            intArrayStatus.Source != expectedDatum ||
            intArrayStatus.Tag != 2)
            System.Console.WriteLine("error: received into the wrong integer array");
        for (int i = 0; i <= expectedDatum; ++i)
            if (intArrayRecvBuffer[i] != i)
                System.Console.WriteLine("error: intArrayRecv[" + i + "] is " + intArrayRecvBuffer[i] + ", expected " + i);

        ReceiveRequest  strArrayRecv   = (ReceiveRequest)requests[3];
        CompletedStatus strArrayStatus = strArrayRecv.Wait();

        if (strArrayRecv.GetValue() != strArrayRecvBuffer ||
            strArrayStatus.Source != expectedDatum ||
            strArrayStatus.Tag != 3)
            System.Console.WriteLine("error: received into the wrong string array");
        for (int i = 0; i <= expectedDatum; ++i)
            if (strArrayRecvBuffer[i] != i.ToString())
                System.Console.WriteLine("error: strArrayRecv[" + i + "] is " + strArrayRecvBuffer[i] + ", expected " + i.ToString());
Пример #4
        // Receive Array

        void Aliencommunicator.Receive <T> (Tuple <int, int> source, int tag, ref T[] values, out CompletedStatus status)
            this.RootCommunicator.Send <AliencommunicatorOperation>(AliencommunicatorOperation.RECEIVE_ARRAY, 0, TAG_SEND_OPERATION + 0);
            alien_communicator.Receive <T> (source, tag, ref values, out status);
Пример #5
        public static void CommunicatorThread()
            while (true)
                int[] msgArray = new int[4 + journal.processesNumber];
                var   request  = comm.ImmediateReceive(Communicator.anySource, Communicator.anyTag, msgArray);

                CompletedStatus probeResult = null;
                while (probeResult == null)
                    probeResult = request.Test();


                //Obsłużenie otrzymania zgody
                if (probeResult.Tag == MSG_ACCEPT)
                    AcceptMessage msg = MessageArrays.AcceptArrayToMsg(msgArray);

                    //Console.WriteLine($"Proces {journal.shipRank}: dostałem ACCEPT od procesu {msg.SenderRank}.");

                    if (journal.RememberedClock < msg.LogicalClock)                     //sprawdzenie zegara i zapamiętanie danych z wiadomości, jeśli nowszy
                        journal.RememberedClock           = msg.LogicalClock;
                        journal.RememberedOccupancy       = msg.CurrentOccupancy;
                        journal.RememberedLeavingCounters = msg.LeavingCounters;

                        //Console.WriteLine($"Proces {journal.shipRank}: Dostałem zgodę ze świeższym statusem, od procesu {msg.SenderRank}, według niego zajętość to {msg.CurrentOccupancy}.");

                    if (journal.Accepts.Count == journal.processesNumber - 1)                     //wszystkie zgody otrzymane
                        journal.CanalOfInterest.CurrentOccupancy = journal.RememberedOccupancy;

                        //oznaczamy miejsca zwolnione przez procesy, o których wiemy, że wyszły z kanału, a wysyłający nam najświeższą zgodę nie zdążył się o tym dowiedzieć przed wysłaniem
                        for (int i = 0; i < msg.LeavingCounters.Count; i++)
                            if (journal.CanalOfInterest.LeavingCounters[i] > journal.RememberedLeavingCounters[i])
                                //Console.WriteLine($"Proces {journal.shipRank}: MUSZĘ ZAKTUALIZOWAĆ CURRENT OCCUPANCY! Według mnie leaving counter dla procesu {i} wynosi {journal.CanalOfInterest.LeavingCounters[i]}, a według drugiego procesu {journal.RememberedLeavingCounters[i]}.");
                                journal.CanalOfInterest.CurrentOccupancy -= journal.CanalOfInterest.LeavingCounters[i] - journal.RememberedLeavingCounters[i];
                            if (journal.CanalOfInterest.LeavingCounters[i] < journal.RememberedLeavingCounters[i])
                                journal.CanalOfInterest.LeavingCounters[i] = journal.RememberedLeavingCounters[i];

                        journal.IsDemandingEntry = false;

                        if (journal.CanalOfInterest.CurrentOccupancy == journal.CanalOfInterest.maxOccupancy)                         //jeśli jesteśmy ostatnim mieszczącym się w kanale procesem
                            //Console.WriteLine($"Proces {journal.shipRank}: kanał {journal.CanalOfInterest.ID} jest teraz pełny.");
                            journal.IsBlockingCanalEntry = true;
                        else                         //jeśli uważamy, że jest jeszcze miejsce (nie jesteśmy ostatnim mieszczącym się procesem), wysyłamy zgody wszystkim, którzy czekają
                            int        currentOccupancy = journal.CanalOfInterest.CurrentOccupancy;
                            int        logicalClock     = journal.CanalOfInterest.LogicalClock;
                            List <int> leavingCounters  = journal.CanalOfInterest.LeavingCounters;
                            AcceptMessage accept      = new AcceptMessage(journal.shipRank, journal.Timestamp, currentOccupancy, logicalClock, leavingCounters);
                            int[]         acceptArray = MessageArrays.AcceptMsgToArray(accept);

                            foreach (DemandMessage demand in journal.DemandsForSameDirection)
                                comm.Send(acceptArray, demand.SenderRank, MSG_ACCEPT);
                                //Console.WriteLine($"Proces {journal.shipRank}: po moim wejściu kanał ma jeszcze miejsce, więc wysyłam ACCEPT do procesu {demand.SenderRank} do kanału {demand.Canal}.");

                        waitForAcceptsHandle.Set();                         //zwolnienie blokady

                //Obsłużenie otrzymania żądania
                if (probeResult.Tag == MSG_DEMAND)
                    DemandMessage msg = MessageArrays.DemandArrayToMsg(msgArray);

                    //Console.WriteLine($"Proces {journal.shipRank}: dostałem DEMAND od procesu {msg.SenderRank}.");

                    bool accept = false;
                    if (msg.Direction != journal.DirectionOfInterest)                                   //jeśli żądany jest przeciwny kierunek do naszego
                        if (journal.CanalOfInterest == null || msg.Canal != journal.CanalOfInterest.ID) //jeśli żądany jest kanał, który nas nie obchodzi
                            accept = true;
                        else if (journal.IsDemandingEntry && (msg.Timestamp < journal.MyDemandTimestamp || (msg.Timestamp == journal.MyDemandTimestamp && msg.SenderRank > journal.shipRank)))                         //jeśli nie jesteśmy jeszcze w kanale, a konkurujący ma starsze żądanie (niższy timestamp) lub tak samo stare żądanie, lecz wyższą rangę
                            accept = true;
                    else                                                                                //jeśli żądany jest ten sam kierunek
                        if (journal.CanalOfInterest == null || msg.Canal != journal.CanalOfInterest.ID) //jeśli żądany jest kanał, który nas nie obchodzi
                            accept = true;
                        else if (journal.IsDemandingEntry && (msg.Timestamp < journal.MyDemandTimestamp || (msg.Timestamp == journal.MyDemandTimestamp && msg.SenderRank > journal.shipRank)))                         //jeśli nie jesteśmy jeszcze w kanale, a konkurujący ma starsze żądanie (niższy timestamp) lub tak samo stare żądanie, lecz wyższą rangę
                            accept = true;
                        else if (!journal.IsDemandingEntry && !journal.IsBlockingCanalEntry)                         //jeśli jesteśmy w kanale (nie ubiegamy się o dostęp), ale nie blokujemy dostępu do kanału
                            accept = true;

                    if (accept)
                        Canal      desiredCanal     = journal.ExistingCanals[msg.Canal];
                        int        currentOccupancy = desiredCanal.CurrentOccupancy;
                        int        logicalClock     = desiredCanal.LogicalClock;
                        List <int> leavingCounters  = desiredCanal.LeavingCounters;
                        //Console.WriteLine($"Proces {journal.shipRank}: Wysyłam zgodę procesowi {msg.SenderRank} do kanału {msg.Canal}, według mnie leaving counter żądającego w żądanym kanale to {leavingCounters[msg.SenderRank]}.");
                        AcceptMessage acceptMessage = new AcceptMessage(journal.shipRank, journal.Timestamp, currentOccupancy, logicalClock, leavingCounters);
                        int[]         acceptArray   = MessageArrays.AcceptMsgToArray(acceptMessage);
                        string        logString     = $"Proces {journal.shipRank}: wysyłana zgoda ma następujące wartości pól - Ranga: {acceptMessage.SenderRank}, Zajętość: {acceptMessage.CurrentOccupancy}, Zegar: {acceptMessage.LogicalClock}, Leaving counters: ";
                        foreach (int process in acceptMessage.LeavingCounters)
                            logString += $"{process} ";
                        comm.Send(acceptArray, msg.SenderRank, MSG_ACCEPT);

                        if (msg.Direction == journal.DirectionOfInterest)

                //Obsłużenie otrzymania wiadomości o wyjściu z kanału
                if (probeResult.Tag == MSG_LEAVE)
                    LeaveMessage msg = MessageArrays.LeaveArrayToMsg(msgArray);

                    Canal canal = journal.ExistingCanals[msg.Canal];

                    //Jeżeli jeszcze nie wiemy o tym wyjściu
                    if (canal.LeavingCounters[msg.SenderRank] < msg.LeavingCounter)
                        //Console.WriteLine($"Proces {journal.shipRank}: dostałem LEAVE od procesu {msg.SenderRank} z kanału {msg.Canal}, jego leaving counter to {msg.LeavingCounter}, a mój {canal.LeavingCounters[msg.SenderRank]}.");

                        //Aktualizacja licznika wyjść procesu z kanału
                        canal.LeavingCounters[msg.SenderRank] = msg.LeavingCounter;

                        //Jeśli jesteśmy blokującym procesem w tym kanale, zwalniamy miejsce i wysyłamy zgodę wszystkim na naszej liście oczekujących w tym samym kierunku

                        if (journal.CanalOfInterest != null && journal.CanalOfInterest.ID == msg.Canal && journal.IsBlockingCanalEntry)
                            int        currentOccupancy = canal.CurrentOccupancy;
                            int        logicalClock     = canal.LogicalClock;
                            List <int> leavingCounters  = canal.LeavingCounters;
                            AcceptMessage accept      = new AcceptMessage(journal.shipRank, journal.Timestamp, currentOccupancy, logicalClock, leavingCounters);
                            int[]         acceptArray = MessageArrays.AcceptMsgToArray(accept);

                            foreach (DemandMessage demand in journal.DemandsForSameDirection)
                                comm.Send(acceptArray, demand.SenderRank, MSG_ACCEPT);

                            journal.IsBlockingCanalEntry = false;

Пример #6
        public override void main()
            Console.WriteLine(this.PeerRank + ": HELLO ! I AM RIGHT !!!");

 *                      Tuple<int,int> source0 = new Tuple<int,int> (0, this.PeerRank);
 *                      string[] s0 = new string[1]; this.Binding.Receive<string> (source0, 0, ref s0);
 *                      Console.WriteLine (this.PeerRank + "- RECEIVED right "  + s0 + " from " + source0);
 *                      Tuple<int,int> source1 = new Tuple<int,int> (0, this.PeerRank);
 *                      string[] s1 = new string[1]; this.Binding.Receive<string> (source1, 1, ref s1);
 *                      Console.WriteLine (this.PeerRank + "- RECEIVED right "  + s1 + " from " + source1);
 *                      // RECEIVE SINGLETON
 *                      Tuple<int,int> source2 = new Tuple<int,int> (0, this.PeerRank);
 *                      string s2 = this.Binding.Receive<string> (source2, 2);
 *                      Console.WriteLine (this.PeerRank + "- RECEIVED right "  + s2 + " from " + source2);
 *                      Tuple<int,int> source3 = new Tuple<int,int> (0, this.PeerRank);
 *                      string s3 = this.Binding.Receive<string> (source3, 3);
 *                      Console.WriteLine (this.PeerRank + "- RECEIVED right "  + s3 + " from " + source3);
            // -------------------------------

            string[]         b0      = new string[1];
            Tuple <int, int> source4 = new Tuple <int, int> (0, this.PeerRank);
            ReceiveRequest   r0      = this.Binding.ImmediateReceive <string> (source4, 44, b0);

            string[]         b1      = new string[1];
            Tuple <int, int> source5 = new Tuple <int, int> (0, this.PeerRank);
            ReceiveRequest   r1      = this.Binding.ImmediateReceive <string> (source5, 55, b1);

            Tuple <int, int> source6 = new Tuple <int, int> (0, this.PeerRank);
            ReceiveRequest   r2      = this.Binding.ImmediateReceive <string> (source6, 66);

            Tuple <int, int> source7 = new Tuple <int, int> (0, this.PeerRank);
            ReceiveRequest   r3      = this.Binding.ImmediateReceive <string> (source7, 77);

            CompletedStatus t0 = r0.Wait();

            string[] s4 = r0.GetValue() as string[];
            Console.WriteLine(this.PeerRank + "- RECEIVED right " + b0[0] + " from " + t0.Source + " tag=" + t0.Tag + " cancelled=" + t0.Cancelled + " count=" + t0.Count());

            CompletedStatus t1 = r1.Wait();

            string[] s5 = r1.GetValue() as string[];
            Console.WriteLine(this.PeerRank + "- RECEIVED right " + b1[0] + " from " + t1.Source + " tag=" + t1.Tag + " cancelled=" + t1.Cancelled + " count=" + t1.Count());

            CompletedStatus t2 = r2.Wait();
            string          s6 = r2.GetValue() as string;

            Console.WriteLine(this.PeerRank + "- RECEIVED right " + s6 + " from " + t2.Source + " tag=" + t2.Tag + " cancelled=" + t2.Cancelled + " count=" + t2.Count());

            CompletedStatus t3 = r3.Wait();
            string          s7 = r3.GetValue() as string;

            Console.WriteLine(this.PeerRank + "- RECEIVED right " + s7 + " from " + t3.Source + " tag=" + t3.Tag + " cancelled=" + t3.Cancelled + " count=" + t3.Count());