Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the route to the given stop.
        /// </summary>
        public Route GetRoute(uint stop)
            var path  = this.GetPath(stop);
            var point = this.GetTargetPoint(stop);

            if (_backward)
                var reverse = new EdgePath <float>(path.Vertex);
                path = reverse.Append(path);
                return(CompleteRouteBuilder.Build(_multimodalDb.RouterDb, _profile, point, _routerPoint, path));
            return(CompleteRouteBuilder.Build(_multimodalDb.RouterDb, _profile, _routerPoint, point, path));
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to calculate an earliest arrival route from stop1 to stop2.
        /// </summary>
        public override Result <Route> TryEarliestArrival(DateTime departureTime,
                                                          RouterPoint sourcePoint, Profile sourceProfile, RouterPoint targetPoint, Profile targetProfile,
                                                          EarliestArrivalSettings settings)
            // get the get factor function.
            var sourceGetFactor = _router.GetDefaultGetFactor(sourceProfile);
            var targetGetFactor = _router.GetDefaultGetFactor(targetProfile);

            // create the profile search.
            var tripEnumerator = _db.TransitDb.GetTripsEnumerator();
            var transfersDb    = _db.TransitDb.GetTransfersDb(_transferProfile);
            var profileSearch  = new ProfileSearch(_db.TransitDb, departureTime, transfersDb, _db.TransitDb.GetIsTripPossibleFunc());

            // search for sources.
            var departureTimeSeconds = (uint)(departureTime - departureTime.Date).TotalSeconds;
            var sourceSearch         = new ClosestStopsSearch(_db, sourceProfile, sourceGetFactor, sourcePoint,
                                                              settings.MaxSecondsSource, false);

            sourceSearch.StopFound = (s, t) =>
                profileSearch.SetSourceStop(s, departureTimeSeconds + (uint)t);

            // search for targets.
            var targetSearch = new ClosestStopsSearch(_db, targetProfile, targetGetFactor, targetPoint,
                                                      settings.MaxSecondsTarget, true);

            targetSearch.StopFound = (s, t) =>
                profileSearch.SetTargetStop(s, (uint)t);

            // create bidirectional helper if possible.
            SearchHelper helper = null;
            BidirectionalSearchHelper bidirectionalHelper = null;

            if (sourceProfile.Name == targetProfile.Name)
            { // profiles are the same.
                bidirectionalHelper = new BidirectionalSearchHelper(
                    sourceSearch.Search, targetSearch.Search);
                targetSearch.WasEdgeFound = bidirectionalHelper.TargetWasFound;
            { // profiles are different but the source can still reach the destination.
                helper = new SearchHelper(_router.Db, sourceSearch.Search, sourceProfile, targetPoint);
                sourceSearch.WasEdgeFound = helper.SourceWasFound;

            // run source search.
            if (!sourceSearch.HasRun ||
                return(new Result <Route>("Searching for source stops failed."));

            // run target search.
            if (!targetSearch.HasRun ||
                return(new Result <Route>("Searching for target stops failed."));

            // run actual profile search.
            if (!profileSearch.HasRun ||
                return(new Result <Route>("No route found."));

            // build routes.
            var profileSearchRouteBuilder = new ProfileSearchRouteBuilder(profileSearch);

            if (!profileSearchRouteBuilder.HasRun ||
                return(new Result <Route>(string.Format("Route could not be built: {0}.", profileSearchRouteBuilder.ErrorMessage)));

            var sourceWeight  = sourceSearch.GetWeight(profileSearchRouteBuilder.Stops[0]);
            var targetWeight  = targetSearch.GetWeight(profileSearchRouteBuilder.Stops[profileSearchRouteBuilder.Stops.Count - 1]);
            var transitWeight = sourceWeight + profileSearchRouteBuilder.Duration + targetWeight;

            if (bidirectionalHelper != null &&
            { // there is a direct route to the target.
                if (transitWeight > bidirectionalHelper.BestWeight)
                    if (!this.PreferTransit || bidirectionalHelper.BestWeight < this.PreferTransitThreshold)
                    { // transit it not preferred or belof threshold.
                        var path = bidirectionalHelper.GetPath();
                        return(new Result <Route>(
                                   CompleteRouteBuilder.Build(_router.Db, sourceProfile, sourcePoint, targetPoint, path)));
            else if (helper != null &&
            { // there is a direct route to the target.
                if (transitWeight > helper.BestWeight)
                    if (!this.PreferTransit || bidirectionalHelper.BestWeight < this.PreferTransitThreshold)
                    { // transit it not preferred or belof threshold.
                        var path = helper.GetPath();
                        return(new Result <Route>(
                                   CompleteRouteBuilder.Build(_router.Db, sourceProfile, sourcePoint, targetPoint, path)));

            // build source/target routes.
            var sourceRoute = sourceSearch.GetRoute(profileSearchRouteBuilder.Stops[0]);
            var targetRoute = targetSearch.GetRoute(profileSearchRouteBuilder.Stops[profileSearchRouteBuilder.Stops.Count - 1]);

            // concatenate it all.
            var route = sourceRoute.Concatenate(profileSearchRouteBuilder.Route);

            route = route.Concatenate(targetRoute);

            return(new Result <Route>(route));