Пример #1
        private void cmdNewFormSubmit_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            bool blnResult = true;
            int  intFlag;

            /*combining hour and minute together*/
            txtGivenTime.Text = txtGivenTimeHour.Text + ":" + txtGivenTimeMinute.Text;
            /*checking whether consumer details available or not */
            strCommandString = "select count(meter_num) from complaints_consumers_tb where meter_num='" + txtConsumerNum.Text + "'";
            intFlag          = int.Parse(ComplaintsDB.FetchScalar(strConnectionString, strCommandString));
            if (intFlag == 0)           /*new consumer - inserting data into consumers table*/
                strCommandString = "insert into complaints_consumers_tb values('" + txtConsumerNum.Text + "','" + txtConsumerName.Text + "','" + txtPhoneNum.Text + "','" + txtArea.Text + "','" + txtCity.Text + "','" + cboState.Items [cboState.SelectedIndex] + "')";
                    blnResult = ComplaintsDB.FetchBoolean(strConnectionString, strCommandString);
                catch (Exception exception)
                    lblNewComplaintMsg.Text = "Error while insertion " + exception.Message.ToString();
            if (blnResult)            //previous insertion is successful
                //checking whether consumer complaint already exists
                strCommandString = "select count(consumer_num) from complaints_new_tb,complaints_assignment_tb where consumer_num='" + txtConsumerNum.Text + "'";
                //and status not in ('CLOSED',null) and complaints_new_tb.ref_num=complaints_assignment_tb.ref_num"
                intFlag = int.Parse(ComplaintsDB.FetchScalar(strConnectionString, strCommandString));
                if (intFlag == 1)
                    lblNewComplaintMsg.Text = "Complaint is under processing";
                /* inserting complaint details into new complaints table*/
                strCommandString = "insert into complaints_new_tb values('" + txtRefNum.Text + "','" + txtGivenDate.Text + "','" + txtGivenTime.Text + "','" + cboNature.Items [cboNature.SelectedIndex] + "','" + cboFaultAt.Items [cboFaultAt.SelectedIndex] + "','" + txtConsumerNum.Text + "','" + Session["user_id"].ToString() + "')";
                blnResult        = ComplaintsDB.FetchBoolean(strConnectionString, strCommandString);
                if (blnResult)                /*insertion successfull*/
            else             /* insertion failed*/
                lblNewComplaintMsg.Text = "Insertion failed";
Пример #2
        private void cmdAssignmentAssign_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            /* checking whether given reference number is existing or not*/
            strCommandString = "select ref_num from complaints_new_tb where ref_num='" + txtAssignmentRefNum.Text + "'";
            bool blnResult = ComplaintsDB.CheckForExistance(strConnectionString, strCommandString);

            if (!blnResult)
                lblAssignmentRefNumMsg.Text = "Entered complaint reference number doesn't exist";
            /* checking whether assign date has choosen or not */
            if (cboAssignmentLinemanNum.Items.Count > 0)
                if (txtAssignmentAssignDate.Text.ToString().Trim().Equals(""))
                    lblAssignmentAssignDateMsg.Text = "Select assign date";
                /* comparing complaint given date and date to be assigned */
                /*fetching complaint given date for entered refernce number */
                lblAssignmentRefNumMsg.Text = "";
                strCommandString            = "select given_date from complaints_new_tb where ref_num='" + txtAssignmentRefNum.Text + "'";
                string strDate_first_string = ComplaintsDB.FetchScalar(strConnectionString, strCommandString);
                int    intFlag = ComplaintsDB.CompareDates(strConnectionString, strCommandString, txtAssignmentRefNum.Text, strDate_first_string, txtAssignmentAssignDate.Text, "complaints_validateDates_proc");
                if (intFlag < 0)              /* invalid assign date */
                    lblAssignmentAssignDateMsg.Text = "date to be assigned is before complaint given date";
            /* checking whether complaint with given reference number is considered for assignment */
            strCommandString = "select count(ref_num) from complaints_assignment_tb where ref_num='" + txtAssignmentRefNum.Text + "'";
            int intCount = ComplaintsDB.CheckForDuplicates(strConnectionString, strCommandString);

            if (intCount == 1)                                /*reference number existing and now cheking for 'PENDING' status */
                if (cboAssignmentLinemanNum.Items.Count != 0) /* linemen available for assignment */
                        /* if no lineman number is selected */
                        if (cboAssignmentLinemanNum.SelectedIndex <= 0)
                            Label1.Text = "select lineman number";
                        /* checking whether complaint with given  reference number is already assigned or not*/
                        /* query for getting status for given reference number */
                        strCommandString = "select status from complaints_assignment_tb where ref_num='" + txtAssignmentRefNum.Text + "'";
                        /* getting status for given reference number */
                        string strStatus = ComplaintsDB.FetchScalar(strConnectionString, strCommandString);
                        if (strStatus.Equals("ALLOTTED") | strStatus.Equals("CLOSED"))
                            lblAssignmentMsg.Text = "Already assigned";
                        /* not yet assigned */
                        /* assigning work to selected lineman and updating required fileds in assignment table */
                        strCommandString = "update complaints_assignment_tb set lineman_num='" + cboAssignmentLinemanNum.Items [cboAssignmentLinemanNum.SelectedIndex] + "',status='ALLOTTED',assign_date='" + txtAssignmentAssignDate.Text + "',delay_reason='delayed-no lineman is available' where ref_num='" + txtAssignmentRefNum.Text + "'";
                        ComplaintsDB.ChangeStatus(strConnectionString, strCommandString);
                        /* updating the status of selected lineman to 'ALLOTTED' */
                        strCommandString = "update complaints_linemen_tb set status='ALLOTTED' where lineman_num='" + cboAssignmentLinemanNum.Items [cboAssignmentLinemanNum.SelectedIndex] + "'";
                        ComplaintsDB.ChangeStatus(strConnectionString, strCommandString);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        lblAssignmentMsg.Text = "insertion failed" + exception.Message.ToString();
                    lblAssignmentMsg.Text = "This complaint is already in pending status";
            else                                              /* not already assigned */
                if (cboAssignmentLinemanNum.Items.Count == 0) /* no lineman available to allot */
                    // checking whether delay reason is entered
                    if (txtAssignmentDelayReason.Text.Trim().Equals(""))
                        lblAssignmentMsg.Text = "enter delay reason";
                    /* query to perform insertion when no lineman is available */
                    strCommandString = "insert into complaints_assignment_tb values('" + txtAssignmentRefNum.Text + "',null,null,'" + txtAssignmentDelayReason.Text + "','PENDING')";
                else                  /* lineman is available to allot */
                        if (cboAssignmentLinemanNum.SelectedIndex < 1)                       /* if no lineman number is selected */
                            Label1.Text = "select lineman number";
                        /*updating selected lineman status to 'ALLOTTED' */
                        strCommandString = "update complaints_linemen_tb set status='ALLOTTED' where lineman_num='" + cboAssignmentLinemanNum.Items [cboAssignmentLinemanNum.SelectedIndex] + "'";
                        ComplaintsDB.ChangeStatus(strConnectionString, strCommandString);
                        /*query to perform insertion when lineman is available */
                        strCommandString = "insert into complaints_assignment_tb values('" + txtAssignmentRefNum.Text + "','" + txtAssignmentAssignDate.Text + "','" + cboAssignmentLinemanNum.Items [cboAssignmentLinemanNum.SelectedIndex] + "',null,'ALLOTTED')";
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        lblAssignmentMsg.Text = "error while insertion:" + exception.Message.ToString();
                /* performing insertion */
                blnResult = ComplaintsDB.FetchBoolean(strConnectionString, strCommandString);
                if (blnResult)
                    Label1.Text = "failed";